Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1929, p. 5

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stytf ihuumijay auciuui jj i0jo noxlihln iiniis1jai itli tli lilnry ilnri llu il r y it i p ill i toy i tilol thn i iti rl i re 1ml ui i ui inn 1 llu c itt i in iiikslwdav school qit euniiay akk1iikt w o ml m iry 1 hi n ulitn l find il ojiywhin andkiu w i iimn horrid trump 11 ml uulkid tn ihrmmh the open unit and nlolui it tho i camp i 1 1 rhupi tlio dog had taken it 1 and hidden it awuy oi clrc perliniu hrd hewed it up and nwallowed it in play and thru mamma ennu down the nlalrn looked through thr- do 1 t dour and there it hung upun lln peg an it had hung in fore aim tommy a chiekn ttinird roay red alfliililw d wiui hlr fikct hi- coudn t llnd hi cap bccniui iwuii in itn prop r plucrl lmma lndirott muresui tvvi nt ytaus ago the itsur of the 1r thursday aueusl 20 press of 1009 booming it the canada hlljuiiuino itu rfcuplk unldi n text i wan ulad whrn tliey aid unto mc irt ui no unto the house of j iiovah pa 123 1 lcnuiti lara 3 10 33 to 04 113 sunday preliminary ilcod the lour elm pie tn or kxro and 1 i 04 i the aim of the lecson la to cultivate love for aoda house i line uccond temple begun ii 6 j j uauual aid zccharlah spur on tlio work 11 cfjo uecond temple finished li c 510 place jerusalem monday haerllleh ii ttlablkhed lara 3 1 tlio ac- van tli month oc- lebi r contained tlio pcat of trumpets iiil orent ouy of atoncmcnl and uic 1 i iu i or raberiioclca v j jcfthua joshua the high priest was one of the returned exile trubuibcl the prince of judali wan tho leader of uie return the altar of burnt ulfcringir was in the court in front oi tho ruined sanctuary v 4 at tlie jcut of tabernacles uit harvest festival uiey reinstituted tin dolly sacrifices v 7 an in building oolomana temple eedar trees were obtained from tho ureal forests of ml lcboilon and carried by i to joppa whence they were trani- ilujilnrn ti a love works the farmers arc buy with their pea crop thlii week i i mr w i w irdi n li niaterially lin proving ids re lueiion i n church erect mr john it wauon h building a new ported by land to jorunaicm cement block hou e on his lot on main tuesday tb ffrundauon laid b ii nixon of the raacc drug esxt 3 l cufl etore has purchared the drug business uno of tho m ven or of mr aeomo itamiden georgetown i and acod m ch ul worlt mr ldward hazard of toronto la m icbulldlng uie filtered adlnw charge of the buiincj here v 10 aph woo one of the three the work or coating chuwh street levltcb wno n cymbals when the with crushed alana u about completed i u wafl ukkcn w from and main qtrect la now rccclvlnu atten tlon mr jjomo crwln laundrnnon has lion dupoced ofhli bualneaa to charlie wing poo of ouelpli a well remembered old time landmark tho old bpcluht caw mill ut the dam on the pond at the tannery has durum tile pant wclic bctn tntlrcly removed messra beard mo tl aco purchaitd from house of obeddom v 11 antlphonal ubitflnff like uon uqu common ahionu the hebrews v 13 oalomana lcmplc wan destroyed only fifty yqarn before no that many who had scendt were with the returned lxllca the yovinuer people caw tliat the loundatlon of tlio new temple was uugcr than that of tho old and rejoiced the old people contrasted the nplend ir af mr it sinclair ui owntr the nmnanta i planum a temple wlui their present pov oi thla historical structure and removed crty mid wept h to permit of uiipc permanent improve- wfdody au helitfted ine tax rate for the year was struck t at the mcctlntr of he ullcip cmscu v h jerua nn wnnrinv ti t v judfth were a mixed race descoucled on monday the report of the com- rnm thn rjrainjl qfit ni tlie cmirviliaj the hest lit gins from tlw tirjiins of j whom sareon their ctfiiqucror troutrhfc in to take the place of thaw he had carried into exile their religion wu a mixture of ldolworshlp and jehovah that mlnolclv on the wlinlpcff worahlp and u wlicnthey ojdted per ntverwhere the lkkc3 and plnj of on- mtwrton to old in bldldlno uie new temple tarfct bean to ctionae to tho rouuia i perhapo ui order unit they mkjut hinder western prolrlco jdlnokl lodn owned the uilldlnit that pcrnjlifllon waa relua- antlj operated by the canadian national ed then tho baraarlun cent letters railways in in tnc heart or a ivlldcrncts to cyrua and hu au6oeorfl aceusloa or lakes ond foreaui and anyone with zerubbabel and his oasoclates of seditloua the spirit or adventuro will find a chal- pota thus preventtno the completion of lenae in the rushing ctrcams and wild- uic work wood tralb that lead from tlie lodgo into tbureday the buluui- iluidwvd the unknown good mackjnongc and r trout flslung may be had qulu near uie 1 r k sssi lodge a really fine golf course and nbout flftecl ye two noble propheu unssrpaaaed tennb cour are there a nrocc iin and h mtld make mlnokl a resting spot on your ln arc ou they western trip t cither by tram or orealthe j to suirt up once more he lakes steamer your canadian nauonal j agent can teu you everything you would probably buufftted by samar- llkc to know i lumfl wrotc to icm darius ilystaspls bruiglng up the old charge but darius round tlie first decree of cyrus and con- u1ijn kings laid d the law htaully starting a forest flro in the days of pre de rick the qrcat meant a heavy fine or jail sentence perhapo death for come one excerpts from a proclamation of king frederick berlin peccmbcr 3 1775 show some of tnc- severities in his forest laws for east prussia anyone storting a fire in or within 100 paces or a forest or uslnu a pitch torch or any fire wlyn fishing or catch ing crawfish hi any lakes within and o i streams or creeks floulng through a forest even though no damage is done shall be punished with a four week jail or penitentiary sentence and if any damage results shall pay such damage if he cannot pay tho damage the peilod of imprisonment shall bo in proportion t uie amount of damage ascertained up to 100 thaler 75 one fourth year from 100 to 300 thaler jj to 10 one half year and 300 thaler and over one year imprisonment any person wilfully or maliciously clartlng a fire in a forest wlui intent of damage to such forest shall be punished with a ten year penitentiary ccnlcncc at hard labor and upon establishing uie moral responsibility uie sonumco may be increased even to a death penalty any one discovering and reporting such evil doer shall receive a reward of 60 uialcr napoleon also had rigid ideas on uie subject of meticulous conduct within the forest upon one occasion ordering the individuals convicted of having set forest fires to be shot immediately tlio penalty for wantonly destroying a tree in the tunc of edward iv was death by hang ing one needed to uatcua one step in those days him mhht coumtanp 1w young mm wimjii euro to aiuimc ut tlui ukii of twtntyuim tin rupon- itlbully of bnrvlng us raplaln or u full iiuud nl i u mid jaillng it from nw york to hong iclmg with no lulp fxept their own knowlf dgc of iiavluutioii that youth lii no bar ut uiroji liuuch a ventura lu alsted by tu thrilling story lold by 6upt gharlw i low in iiji itecollrctloiut of his flrut voyage in commanctolt the clipper ship hourjiift ihe liouiua wan oik of the fln1 of the famous cllpfwrii her sides wera pierced with gun ports and ijt one time rhe mounted several cannon ur low served an mate in her during her early voyages and on iter fifth trip went out from now york in command all went well until they liod passed the cape of good hope and were well up in tlie indian oeean captain low went to jila lrui one night after noting that tlie barometer stood a 3d 80 wliere it luul been for several days in about three tioura lie was wakened by a terrible dream in which his ship seemed to sink bow first fjtartled lie jumped from his berth in a cold sweat and ran to the barometer it stood at tlu came point jfe went on deck and found no appar ent cliaiige in uio weauier mill piuuded ho went below again and read uie barometer to ida armueineiit it had fallen two tenuis he could hardly credit ills eyes but returning to uie deck hi ordered uie mata to take in all tlio lighter calls tlie ship was uien carrying practically tvery ahred site luul i tlia wind began to increase faster uian uie calls could be taken in uie oky i quickly clouded over lightnings flashed and nt uirce in um morning tlie heavier salts were being reefed and tlie bar- oineter had gone down nine tenths of an inch dy five o clock uie ship was scudding at a terrific rate and rolling so that i uie topmast eturmall span were rolled under water and broken oh first orf one aide uien on uie other at six o clock every sail waa blown from uie gaskets the ship was heeled hard down and uie upper masu were going overboard all tlio gun porta on uia port side were carried away and uie aea waa sweeping between decks thagala waa so hart one could not stand against it but had to lie flat and hold on tlie barometer had dropped to 3750 a lull during tho forenoon gave uie crew u chance to male uilngs more snug but at two the hurricane came back with renewed force and uie ship waa hove to under bare poles at four o clock a furious burst of wind hove the ship down an its beamends nd tlio captain went overboard by good chance he came up to find a rope near him and hauled himself to the plnrait tim ship lay on it aide tho uiaftuuacti jyn 10011 id never ibercgmcdtljpoelc friday the tuuple dedicated i earn a 14 artaxcrxes come to uie throne long after the temple was finished but he is named here to complete uie list of icrsion kings friendly to uie jews v 15 adar was uie roonui of march tho twelfth month the foundations mad been laid twenty years before and the final effort which completed uie building lasted nearly four and a half years v 10 the pacovr was observed in ntsan april the first month of uie jewish year it marked tho complete restoration or the jews zerubbabel a temple waa uirce times as broad and twice as high an oolomon a but its splendor waa much less and the holy of holies waa empty saturday joy in god t house pa 04 1 the sons ot icoroil wore one of uie divisions of the levltea who had charge oi uie temple singing ami able means lovable tabernacles means dwellings not booth jehovah or hoots means lord or uie armies or heaven v 3 rile temple courts surrounded the central aanctuory which only uie priests might enter v 4 sclah la a musical direcuon probably meaning a change from soft to loud or on interlude on instruments v 0 passing through uie barren valley of weeping on their way to tho temple uic joy in uie pilgrims hearta makes it blossom with blessing v 10 the most menial position in ciuds house is better than to bo an honored guest in a heathen dwelling which itoould never iberigucd dpoecii- lesfl the captain made aign to uie mates to cut uie mainrigging while he and the carpenter cut uie mlxzn-rlg- glng doui masts broke slurp off a foot above uie deck and uie ship slowly right ed there was not left on board a single dish orjcoaklng utensil nor even uie coakhouwn tlie ship waa halffull of water uur cabins were wrecked and uiere were uurtyflve hundred mucs to bo to reach uielr destination the young captain however undaunted act his men at uie pumps as soon as uie gale per mitted freed his ship found uie hull tight set a jury rig and went on his course 110 set up a half hogshead of sand for a fire place and hung a tin kettle over it for uie cook to boll beif in in due course jie brought his vessel to hongkong sold his carco at an ad vantageoua price refitted made several profitable abort cruises in chinese waters and got a load or newcrop tea for home hod he made his trip as the owners planned uiey would have lost heavily but he landed in new york with a profit of sixty thousand dollars and an inter national reputation as an able command er i unfcxrecteii clooo tmck a ntltid batikrr who now uvoi 111 fan iruncliro lu fond of utlllng the ttory of thn wuy in which he viiu luld up by a dmihrndn in arizona at that time tho bunkur owned a tiniull oopimriiilue in arlxoiia nnd had gone down there t nhuw it to nn kuuurn man who wished ui buy he liked uie lulnt- and took it and to the astonishment of tbn former owner ho paid for it in united iltauif hills of large denomination i asked htm how he dared to traol i away from the lino of uie railroad with so murh money hut lie laughed cays thn tunker uud replied that ho dldn t know any one in the region who would crinh his check and that no one knew lie had the money anyliow then i parted company with him he rodo back to phenlx while x started wlui a rreith pony toward uie main line of uie rail way twenty miles away i dldn t feel very nervous for i was riding across uie desert which was en tirely flat except for uio scattered blue mesas that rtood like loaves of bread upon its surface was not unul i saw another horseman coming toward me that i scented tr6uiile you see uils happened not very long ago and uie old habit of carrying weapons hod already begun to foil off so i was com- j plctely unarmed hello stranger said tlie newcomer t ho looked extremely hard up iv lost my way which wiy are you going i n f t u bt of it and chatted pi any ttith him finally when lie iud looked me all over ho said fjlrarc cr i ve got a gun and you inveritt reckon so 1 11 ask you a hand rvcr your watch and money and uien iii uiy good- by he had taken out a revolver and it seemed advisable to follow his directions r gave him my watch and jooce chang but he did not ceem satisfied and mull me get off my horse and after he had prodded me he discovered uie fat wallet of bills in my shirt then lie looked at mc critically and smiled you re pretty well dressed stranger he said and you re about my six- i aln t dressed very well take off thoic clothes and do it quick i want to catch a train and get out of tills country but i like uio way your c loh en look end i want to wear them myself you oren t going to leave me here without clothes i asked angrily lie laughed uien and said oh no 1 11 give you my outfit and won t charge you a cent for it come nowl im in a hurry i took off my clnuieo then ac cording to his command turned my back while ho cauuously took off hu and pui rjjhn fl thpn hn jnp o s by stranger don t try to follow mo il aln t healthy there was nothing for mc tn co tut put on his old clothes and take another direction en my pony i was feeling pretty miserable abou the joss of m monej a iltuo over jn thousand dollars and my watch and i did not feci any better by the time i readied the railroad and jumped off my horse at uie station i told my story and they telegraphed a description of uie man tip and down the line while i aat in uie waiting room i had made up my mind that i should never see my money again but suddenly under my arm resting at my side i felt something that seemed stlffer ulan the cloth tn the coat i put my hand in and there was the wallet i he had put it in hb own clothes when he took it away from me and in his hurry had forgotten to change it back bgaln when he put 01 my suit jiotk iouani jlatfcnt whirls i i luail onn of my tu ighlkim my a until uk rejiiutkfd culeh iwrlio with my nil h that h wan k hi hnd jolr ijoruan jojl nun mon thing and thin if it wnnit brought burk uud if jotr hudn t mjiihi pxrun that vim more n common good for kirpln it then vas i goln to ui u iwarln or facts i mr hytin bent closer to htn rudlnlu and weeded tin m a trifle fuj4y ho kept hh face hidden joto a excuius even when uiry nln t reasonable muted caleb have a sliu t to em that makes em worth llu ten in to u a man aln t loo busy dldn t i see you tolln komrtbln down thn hul frim jotr ii place yerterday hyne mr hyne raised a reddened face and looked at caleb filiomcfaccdly mebbe you did lie admitted i was up there to joto a place yesterday and when i come homo i etched along thtt bflcd cower of mine that he got a pcll book i was calc latin to use it to- morrer if it don t rain mr hynes desire to change the rubject was evident but caleb gave it no heed what sort of aland off did jotc have far you tills time hyne ho demanded qr mebbe you told him jest what you thought of a critter uiatd borrer and uorrer and never bring back i en see jest how you d go about it caleb continued closing his eyes as if enjoying uie vision that lie conjured up you d say bee here jote dorgan i s pose you ve got some right to titan there and pester me caleb interrupted mr hyne and whether or no i know you 11 do it if i don t te you obout it and i ve got to weed these radishes mr ilyno roy from his cramped post tlon and hobbled over to join his friend i reelly wish you d been there caleb he said puat place i waa kind of bewildered when jote come over about three weeks ago to borrer that seed sower- joto dorgan said caleb solemnly aln t sowed a kernel of grain nor a grass seed for moron ton years i what on earth ho wanted of that two parti tloncd seed sower i haven t been able to make out wal mebbc if youll let mc talk submitted mr hyne wlui npmc acerbity yau 1 find out of cod roc i was put to it to make out what ho wanted of ii i took a tuol down on the back part of his place jest to natury myself that he hadn t been brealcln up any ground and secdln it down but there- won t a furrer turned on uie place bo uien j went on up to tile houm jotc woj setun on a half barrel out by the or the barn whlttlln lie looked lip when i rounded uie eorner of the bam but ha didnt orrer to bit up n iitiilirirhjiai do not be tempted by the price of cheap teas only cine teas will give continued enjoyment ttme tables tea rrom the garden sllf was not ffeling vktty well the last asthma attack may really bi uil last one if prompt meaura are taken dr j d kellogg s asthma remedy will safe guard you it will penetrate to uic smallest bronclal passim e and bring about u healthy condition it always relievo and its continued use often has a permanent effect why not get this long fumuus rtmcily to day and commence its use inhaled as smoke or vapor it is equally effective whittitlts tondnksh ior iets almost all of our great men havo moic uian one dog in uielr home when i spent a day with the quaker poet at danvcrs i found lie had three dogj once wrote kate uanbani itouer wlllamn a fine newfoundland stoodom uic piazza with uie qucstionlnir putronlflnt air of a dignified host a brightfaced colch terrier charlcn dickens peered at mi from the window aa it glad of a little excitement w bile curl a graceful greyhound was indolently curled up en a shawl and took little notice of ui whltller had also a pet cow favor tc and favored which put up her tuuid some head for un expected caress the kindly old jkwt so full of uiidcrncss foi all created thlngn told tne that years hcn nuts were eearce he would pu t echnuli and acoma here and 111 as he walked over hu farm to clu i uic squirrels by an uiicxpeetcd find qcorglan iluy with its 30 000 lslanda makes an idiul lnexprn tve week end eutlng ilic co t u mirprlslngly low- in fact it is doubtful if any other trip tcru im much ut so little expense and ui sulii ccotu piy of tlnip i really 1 ui py interlude tt eh tuiiiiii ndlcss work train kuvis 1 rmto rvcry cut unlay mondng ut iu 15 standard time for mldluntl comnrttnu with cam i odl nut 1 ti aiuer for 1 arry bound rc- tlimlng urrlvt 1 ton iilo every uunduy 1 jtu at 10 uu p in if yen can jy 1 nu r ttiun just a ck end 10 muoi tli b lt r nutucr t ua bote li uiul b lurdlnif h ubt j will all 1 ip 1 1 muki yi ur vllt a thorough y 1 yable 0110 jecuru a n iy of the 111 v llhutratpd booklet 30 000 iftlututi or ui ururgluu 1 ay fiom your 111 in l canadian nu ll innl agent a uomajjtic settino luch in history and tradluan u thr- country round about plctou lodge the canadian national railways nova bcoua summer hotel early in uic eighteen in century tins quaint district was settled by pioneers from uie highlands of scnt- lund so it is already steeped in the eharm of antiquity lovely teascapca on one side and the fragrant plnewe3cs on the other moke uie scenic ie mn un forgettable plenty of recreation too a ejtarung no if course nearby tennis surf bathing sailing and excellent fishing hot too lot away ask your nearcit canadian nauonal agent for booklet on plctou lodge anl fur any information you may dcsln dangelth of hghthi3nq 1 1 tund close imder a ire j ii a thunderstorm is dangerous tecauso lite tree may be struck and dainaje you too to stand tn the middle of an opu space a even more dangerous for you are then in the place of the tree tlie tafost outr t our place in a thunderstorm is soma iaids away rrom a tree or tall building far enough not to be killed if 11 is hit close enough to make it erfecuvoi- nlglit- so that tho stroke will seek it instead of v u if tho middle of tlie nctu u uu ciily available spot the safttt position is illng down flat on uie ground light u ng is especially like to strike haystack or barns with new hay jji uicm dac- trilul changes taking place in uie hay pioducc streams of heated clo lilflrd air 1 j ng from uie bams thli i jvldoa a 1 iiductlna paui along wluch electricity i irum tlie cloud is especially likely to ui i riirt i q porta tricky golf courses and fast tennis court at bright hotels silvery sand beadies on crystal lakes plshinir rapid trout streams lakes teeming with bass uoa una canoe lna la ug h inn rl vers and quiet lakelet that make every dip of the paddle a deflahl dancing jolly intercstlna people at aay resorts i thats why ontario offers such a satisfying vocation to everyene aceam- 11 odatlon too hi great variety collage boarding houses and luxurious resort 1 jlels i decme what sort of holiday you would like uien ace your nearest canadian national agent- he will gladly tell you about places that fit in wl h your plans and supply you with literature abu tbftn i when 1 tqld him what 1 began to fidget a little and finally he says i don t see how im gain to git that sower back to you t day ilyno i aln t rulte through usln it caleb when that critter sot there doln nouiln and denied me my own machine that i was roelly nccdln tt sot a match to my temperl wal s ithrough or not i ve come after it and im goln to carry it back home with me when i go i was gain on to toll him what i thought or a man thatd borrer a thing and keep it uu the owner came after it but he held up his hand and made motions for mc to hesh 6 sh says he soothln like you ii ecarc cm off the nestt with that he got up often that half barrel pnd led me into the bam caleb hat critter had two hens that wonted to set nnd ruthern make nests for cm be d tralpred clear down to my place and lugged that sower up homo and had sot the hens in that sower 1 there she arguln bout it as if twos the most reasonable thing in the world i guess you can see now why you cant have that sower t day them hens l nil but ready to bring off a hatch of chickens she nd if we go to tnovln em now it it spile the hatch caleb what on earth s the use to try o rcascn or to act mad with a critter lilic that and while i was atandln here tryln to study up what i d better to him he fetched his hand it was four o clock when uie stage bore away miss loomu guest and at quarter past four miss onuiuey came across the neighbor path from her house i to her old friend who sat limply in a rockingchalr on uio plana you 11 cxcuc mc for not getung up i know miss locmls said as she held out her band to her guest for to tell uie truth behind his ear and cautcd hh head up in i m just about worn out the air like a bird and stood there why i thought you d have auch a ilstenln restful tunc cald mitts oranucy as she i rjium olie i tadlcvc uiey re look another chair you know you said hutched mebbc you can have your this cousin had always been frail the owcr after all mote and you thought ihed just liko to wal caleb they hod there wns keep sull for the few days she was here wo n ns in it one in each parting i ve stayed away for fear even my call and i helped him get the hens out and might prove too exciting her millers worm powders are a pleasant medicine for wonnlnfested cidldren and they will take it wluiout objection when direcuon are followed it will not injure the most delicate child as there is nothing of an injurious nature in it composition they will speedily rid a child of worms and restore uie health of uic iltuo sufferers whose vitality has become impaired by uic attacks of these internal pests a short cikcuit two irishmen got a job to clean corro lofty windows having no ladder how ever that would reach uie windows they were puxxled how to get to them pat said tulke gut a plank and put it through the window oil sit on the plank outside and you alt inside ah went well unul mlktf crlad out oi vo let uic cleaning icauij foil all right replied pat stop there and iu get 11 away went pat downstairs on reach ing the street he exeialmed lie j libera alike youre ier 1 tint i which way did you come ilia ur with whl li e e in lj li moved by ii 1 i 1 niovi r iu iu btrunui t r il seldom falls 111 iiul wuru my n ct rn ho u iiiuuudauoii hoonrijip and the lowly worm in tho rianufacture of pulp it is iu ccssary to remove uio bark from all wood right at tho start of op rations ilils lias been done in the past by uic tne of a spud a power driven tumbler or a power driven knife barker imolvlnc lubstantlal outlay for labor pouit and lo 1 of a clatn portion of tli wood i if iinictlmc running as high- as 30 per cent this 1 whore uw gruu wo an tils into the story a certain large fibre eompaiiy discovered that felling and allowing uie log to he on uui ground tor 1 a thru attracted uie little bark borsr i who laislly set lu work and excavated all of tlie bond between bark and solid wd with the rtbult tliat uic nerc andlng i f the lug lu loading caused tie iiark t j full awuy llie lot was tiled cluan enough fur prwcucal used eyed ioc tub i1linu till reverend h a blair blind pastor of uio reformed prebyterlan church parnassus pennsylvania caya ills only i handicap has been removed since dot his q erman shepherd dog has becomo his eyes eighteen years ago white in china mr ulalr lost the sight of 0110 eye three 1 years ago he became totally blind mem- bers of his family read to him and lie conunjicd his ministerial work but not being able to walk or travel alone he was handicapped a few monuis ago lie visited uio fleeing eye kennels m nash ville tenncnscc and brought dot back home wlui htm tho dog wearing a special rigid liar ness which enables her master to detect tlio slightest hesitancy or swerving is trained to stop and alt down when sha approaches ascending or descending steps and when she comes to a curb then when tlio street la clear of traffic she advance 1 kvcry day she guides mr lllair through thn stret of parnassus and lias led him thiouflh pittsburgh and ouior huge towns wlicn asked if he trusts uie dog mr qlalr replied i must trust lur or the would be wor titles to me every obbaui she leads him to hi church up to tils pulpit then ilea quleuy beside him while he preaches j cither stranger nor members of uie ulalr family are permitted to touch or ipeak to dot her job la to lake care of her master and she must not be diverted marguerite utecl mccnary miss loo mis smiled grimly at rrlend tilie weighs one hundred and five pounds and looks as it a breath would blow hor away she sold slowly i wclflh ono hundred ond sixtyeight and i vo always thought j could stand a good deal she came on monday and this is prlday tuesday morning she ate one boiled egg and a slice of toast for break fast and uien she waa ready for grove- land we spent uio morning there visiting three distant cousins uiat lived a mile opart and aolng ovpr the town hall and two churches we went an to tonham by trolley for dinner and in uie afternoon we went on to haver ley and down to uie sea we plowed throuah sand and over rocks to uie red rock house where wc had upper i think she ate a few health crackers and drank a glass of milk there for dinner i remember sbo lead a iltuo soup and a saucer of berries we came home by moonlight i wednesday we went over the alas foe lory and uie shoe shop and all over j uic ole cemetery we took dinner at l inn that day to save time and went up uic river in uic steamboat that after noon to mary llxxlea over at uu bluffs lur tea and walked home by way of thr marsh road her meals were about the same except that mary likxles milk had j alvcn out uut cousin emma said water 1 a as bettor for her anyway yesterday we went huhung or rora 1 fems up in uio woods all day took our luncheon with us perhaps you vo nou cd uiat mosquitoes don t trouble uun people much when there are stout onei to feed on i have we came home with four baskets t dl of ferns and earui in lime for supper and spent the evening over great grand fauiers genealogical records this morning we act out all my ferns and packed alt of hers and copied several i ago from the town history and the genealogical records this afternoon sha told me about utinl sties been through with accidents and diseases she s been six time in uie liaspltal title told mc she realised how ood i d been to alvo up my busy active life in uic nclahborliood just to rest mid play with her almost a total strang cr uftei all for ulesc four days el lie aaid nbo h ped i eliouldn i furact her and told her i shuuldn t a umn as i ved y lie said uiat sumo time when ah felt really slroua and able to do things and bear her part in life she wanted me to conic to visit her and i thanked her but a for ever teeing her when she iiaa any more endurance than she luu now i hope i may be spared i into t coop i rlagcd up for cm if i d a left it to him he d turned em out doors lo shift for themselves tiomohow there tome thin dretful pacifyln bout n young chicken every one of em i handled i got better n a lured and more soople and when jote went on to say uiat h wouldn t had half so good luck if hod rt em in boxes one hen brouaht off twelve chickens and one thirteen i was so soouiod and grecable uiat i lowed mcbee it was so and took my sower and come off home but uia very next ume qhuckal sold caleb derisively t r years mouicr graves worm ex tmilnator has ranked as a reliable worm preparation and it always maintains lis reputation really potttanli ink wtiat became of your new poit able naraac opal i tied my dog to 11 but unfo lunatcly u cat came along aiinarwll- lcg fashions for the smart woman ja mltrte 13 w u m li 7 no gasounf atmmo flvr gauntis of gasoline uorry but we don t handle gasoline mblcrwr not motorrsa mile a tnn hltfi prut tip edit lleiixornllno onsen llui and orange luiaiulp and avutlon pctrul wlllcli do you pielcr no tihl kitt one pli real estate agent was endeavoring to in tores t a fair prospect tn a house of tier own why not he says purchase a homo i mel says shr 1 11 say not why i couldn t use utic i was born in a lie pluil educated in a collrac courted lu on automobile married in church wr tlllil in reatauranl ujknd the mom lugs on the golf link tho afunioom over a bridge table tm cvenlna in danc lna or at the inuvle and when i die i exmct to bo burled from uio under taker iu oil we ieed u a garage with maybe a bedroom above it hardware ago party i kqck thoic wlu love the youthful char iu of tlie licrtha collar welcome its trl- uiiiduut reentry mto the failttonabu luneliiht lor it lias returned to the accompaniment of haltering acclaim front some of tlie most famous trench iteiimicrs in tl u rock ihe bertha n t liven a modern air by it mterpre- uhou in a downward ilautipg v point 1 lna gives piipiaut contrast to tlie king slender lutes o the bodice de- nvnl from tlie princess lutouettc vo that the princes line arc not too severe tlie bodice ends 111 a bow a harming touch tins and the collar keep tho frotu ilehjutry iletiderinng drsppe the fulnesi of tlie two tlcreu skirt ajt ether this is an extremely ilurunii ti wk fir iiifgrnul winter damn i well 41 auituner afialri lauu ilccveii are ajk urovldul highest prices paid for butter fat g1vc us a tiual iione b3 fialton cream butter co milton and acton clias thompson manager acton branch j cadesky of toronto lylsight specialist will dl at a t drown o dhuq dtore acton monday sept 9 anyone suffering from eyestrain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity or consulting this eyesight bpoclulst appointments may be mode wlui mr a t drown druggist condultation pitee orflcc hours p m uil 4 p u i wi afriron mvutoimm cains kakl llundny only 7 13 p in dully except flundiiy 1 13 a in dnlt exci pt jiindny 1j 01 p m dally except flunilny 3 47 pin dully exrept itindny fl 17 pm dally excrpt llunday i hip m ooiiik wta ounday only 10 41 am dally rxcopt fiunday 7 40nm dully except jjunday 10 43 am dally except fiunday 2 30pm dally except uunday oodpm dally except dunday 017pm dtops only if poarengcrn on board from uvjronto canadian national ff ectiuc railwayh wdtbaubd dally n i7ajn dally 10 i7bju daily 13 17pm dally 31pffi dally 4 17 pm dally 0 17 pjn dally 0 17 pm daily 10 17pm dally 13 17ajn dally except saturdays bundaya and holidays a car lravro toronto at fl 00 p m arriving in acton at 7 17 p m uaturdayo and holidays only a car leaves toronto at 0 00 p m ond arriven in acton at 0 17 p m easilmmfad 7 fire an l weather ieibroll onlvanlxod rooflnn ahleldj pwiprfy from ughtnina ond flro woodan voofii ai jry prey in 1327montnoolono l of proporty waa dootroyed by flro caoswlbv apontanooua oombufltion and by crab fall ing on inflammable roofa iubieoll lm bo- lutaly flroproof nnd watortight itprotci your crops from dampness that la conduciv to bpontonooua ignition hondaomo pejrmarv ant cany to lay on any roof has savon rib to nail othoro fftva leas secority toko atona now to pro toct your uvwa tockvcyo and bid ldirupt writo for a froa eajnplorf roll prevent spontatteous combustion and luve a well vemtilated barn warm moist sir in an leaproprly vntilatd itaniwulaoa ooodltloa comludv to poilnoo ieniupn lrlno vau uilarafaruut roof diastbbla fcu wll windows nnd aimtclausdaaiv prouot ui batt riwi tira dsnaar bv k a oping tli air tn constant clrcuulioa tliftf built to imp ilia olanuata cut writ for full particular barn door tracks and hanger praun hoe gallon ud f urwhaal hansen nd btnlnroof dam poor track are u a uasthanlwaramaila far haavy luoe dflnra thn ilansarla adjuatabla up mail down and in and out tuj maki4 o ruction ao easy that tmadrada af buluara will os bj ouotln pur it on vldi preston ledhiid nails aluwn altova opdaily adaptad for uaa in putting- op mul rooflns tli ud on uia haail poaitivsly aabj tha nail hala maklaa it oaathar tight and watarproot no waaliara no mora llirmdlna tbpavlb fifa aampla an r quut preston steel truss barns uia strongast bairn on thn markal tliara ara mon praabin lunu tn tiia pvpvlooa than all othar miul bam combined finmroof roomr wu- yaptpamduuiiiaoina to ourknowlodaa nofruuin tllaal trua luroliaa svar luan daatroyad by uflhulhiil or aponlanaoua ctimbuatlon writ today ar our blmllarn hook frtthtltlhu eastatisteel pitxluttts gualph stmal jto prhston ontario uontbral hi daily xccpt bunday g 00 am dally 7 30ajn dolly 0 34 am dally 11 3ajn- dally 134 pm daily 3 34 pm dally 5 34 pm dally 7 34 pjn dally 0 34 pm dolly j- 11 34 pm tarane terminal kmi rlret and st culr avnu prolffht delivered by special cxprosa fretghl prelght picked up at any ad- dreas in toronto travntrrj js5rt2e westbound due at acton dally at 025 a m 105 pm 4 05pm 035 p m dally except saturdays sundays and holidays at 10 05 p m and saturdays bundaya and holidays at 13 05 p m dut bound due at acton dally at 11 35 a m 3 05 pm 7 0j p m 10 oj p m 7 05 a m dally eccpt sun i td io id yi and 0 3j a m in j i inyi ind hilidaji anlj card fco claabcrs and dyers guelph ontario life insurance building up your life insurance programme 1 an important part af your obligations to yourself and family it therefore demands care ful conxld era tlon wo deal in life insurance only and wc arc qualified and pleaded to advise you on your present or future programme consult 18 no obligation frederick l wright rireaen ta tl vo imperial life assurance co ef canada phone 102j residence ualn street acton notice to patrons of this establishment during august examlnatluns for qbucc on thursday friday und baturtlay only of each week lens orlndlng and quick repair department operating an usual write or phone idolw for ap polntment lu save waiting a d savage r 0 eyesight specialist rifht at the pact oh i savage building guclpn castoima motfft fletchcrfi catorui is a pleasant liannless subsh- tute for cantor oil parejionct teething drops nnd soothing sjrups prepared for infants in arms anti quldren all ages to avoid imititiom jilways look for the signature of hjxfaljua iroven dirrrti mi nil each ruckjr phyjtcuus everywllcic reoiuinmikl it freo press ads will sell your goods v let us convince you a an old tttlablubxd tlrm we are id a position to oive yon the most ufloumt bcrvlce savage co jewellera lowlu wvnoham stiiket a diamonds wluin yoa beqalrc one lumambcr we have only one quality thk debt watches tlmrkmpera llial you can depend on yet modrratrly priced wateuman ti and pauklus iknh and pkncilh repairing and kmmkiiinj done in our workrtmjhb

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