s5srrs7 l u r till- houe op j1ji arhm jffrifi jjrefifi mrmlirl iiij llan wrruij mcmlri oman olirliri divtit ion c w n a mill strrrt arte n ontario the iiliicrjptioii prue ii lju iirr year in ilvaiicc i l chronl niitt u offim in the unit i male the l iu to whuli uliicnirin are pilil it iillhilrj on tlir tlrei lalicl advertising italxs lor hhill unclaml dtil ailvrrliirnirt t anil in other colufuna the rale will he ion i at hra ol rolumn dla ptjjr ailvrrlinikl rjln on applies t inn g a dii 1s jjlllor ami proprietor ti li whjnks a ami lu lieilrmy thursday cvcn1ng october 24 1029 reform scciikhi the niilt-flkt- bubib that has apparently been an abused privilege has been done uwny with by wel lington county council now the fees for council lors will be 5 per dny and nctunl expenses for sessions and committee work formerly 10 cents per mile was allowed for sessions and 15 cents a mile for committee work if the member furnished ins own trnnspornttion six cents a mile for the dis tance actually travelled will be furnished the most sweeping change was the clause providing that no mileage wh is to be paid for travelling in the county car each member must hand in a signed expense sheet to the county treasurer and have it certified by the chairman of the committee and all these nrc to be audited by the county auditors the former mileage basis was apparently the means of much abuse by the members and the running up of fairly largely salaries by some councillors its un fairness and the cost to the county has been the subject of much comment by the fergus news- record the success that has accompanied their efforts in finally bringing about the change in the method of payment will mean more than just satis faction of winning an argument it will be a distinct saving to the people through a decrease in fees the fergus newsrecord is to he commended upon uie reform it lias been instrumental in having inaugur ated changed conditions politically if there s any heat to the present election it will undoubtedly be noticeable this week the final one before the provincial election whatever is the mind of the electorate it seems to be keeping its own counsel experienced campaigners claim that they have never sten such apparent lack of interest and yet is it lack of interest after ull time was when the sole information on vl matters was given out at the meetings prior to election time and isunlly there were more than one of them for each party the people had not the means of securing the information that they have today with the newspapers and radio broadcasts of the great rallies of the leaden and the facilities we enjoy in the present day for forming our conclusions on subjects of vital and best interests to the country the need for mixing politics into everyday life is lessening politicians arc weighed by the indelible record that they have created and that has been followed by an intelligent electorate during their tenure of office and not by a snap judgment in the heat of a- cam paign conditions have changed the change we believe in the aspect of the political campaign is but another outcome of the changed conditions and not a lack of interest and like all advancement we believe it will be for the better helping the local hum man letritywehmd cnll from a olicitor who uvir- cd il to rjn into mi advertising clicme he wn to ouch the local merchant and by in wondeiful appeal la them would induce tlnni to pay about double the itlvertimg rufcjor ihr campaign thiit we were in he hulnt of charging we were nvured of the usuii lit mid he collected uflicient tram the merchant to eovci hr commission and other costs the argument f tiled with us and we refused to go into partnership i i the scheme but just to show how greatly 1cart these travelling solicitors have the welfare of the local merchants just listen to proposition number two that was advanced to us by this snnic solicitor when the wonderful scheme for the local merchants failed he then inquired if wewould he interested in securing regularly a page of advertising from neighboring city merchants that he would secure and collect ins commission on we werent interested in cither scheme and we repeat the incident only to show whp is usually the victim from these out-of- town solicitors there arc dozens of them calling every week on the local merchants they will all stnnd analyzing usually their methods benefit only themselves they arc here today and away to-mor- roww their chief ambition is the collection of their commission privileges arc many we have not taken out an agency for radios ncithen is the machine that wc use on acquisition lately acquired in the household but the post week or so has certainly given us some wonderful thrills from this equipment that is becoming more and more part of every household the sporting qlossics are always interesting the broadcasts of the ramsay macdonald addresses and on monday evening the great broadcast of the jubilee of ltght celebration have been wonderful what this invention means to the present age can never be calculated in dollars and cents the inspiration gained from hearing these leaders and other splendid addresses by this means maloc opportunities for the young people that will mean much in the advancement of the generation the remarks of the great inventor thomas a edison must be a great incentive to accomplishing greater achievements his summing up that if he had inspired others to accomplish greater things he was satisfied was truly a great conception of the march of progress not the labor lightening mid many conveniences that have been through him given to man kind were his chief concern but the spurring on of others to greater achievements was the hope of this eighttwoycarold inventor not the resting on of laurels already gained but the hope of greater achievements from his foundations already laid yes the air has carried some wonderful mes sages the past week and wc thank our middleman the radio for the privileges we have enjoyed chialsudiauy nv noiut vaiiqmtatt linn iiii ly iikhluti today win ii tut mm hnout mint vlrlt uhy urn lui a sup- prlxc fur him and hud u iill ict ii iiiul after elir lolil hint wluit thr ny- nii iiu wan why pu wuntril to hfar mini fhrurful untitle nml etc ant icmmy ituyn bin cunt wfl why thrill an nouncers want trj what u thft name of then ktajthuii in ted of juit bfty lnif a few dim letter line they do tnont genrclly ways tlatcrday tills rvnlritr i bet pa that i cud cat 4 hot dawn and 3 dersliri or ie err cm and not get alck ia win and now ma u sore at lilm i utrj prouly becus ho id takrlng my hard rrnt money from mo ufco thfct- cimday 1 negleckted to talk my bath i tlie reunlor day and no ma made mr in thin u m i uot to singing and ir balled me out for being so noyay and i replyrd and ced i dlddeiit beleava in i it cell whn you tllc ft bail h nij lonlte wile i was a studying ly home ulrli at home why i ut pa lint was fingcra of qpeach and after i herd ma tnwklng out in frunt lia wank at me and ted meat wlmen 1 tcusday i oney made i mis take n the clous in langwtdgf today and that wavml recly my fall tlia teacher oat me uhat wna a qfiiggerd and i act elsy and she told me it wan a iryg fig liter and u ccemn like i was ronff uut my constilenlo is clear enny ways thlrulay they was a couple hero vlliltliih tonlte and uiey kep rjuarllna most of tlie time till nobiiildy cuddent tattk much after tliry liad went home tj to ma that that woman won llko pracr of cake and ma fied wliy to and pit amwrrred and wd bectutalie la verry rltch and never agrees wlcti iter hubend jwelte i uii i the miles with kjbsft wtrn really n i kent sctmj ml iightiuptoh foimjiere in no newn31tei increase in income tax collections a remarkable increase in the federal income tax collections for the first half of the current fiscal year was announced recently by hon william d euler minister of national revenue the total collections for the six months ended september 30 last were 03020630 73 as compared with 52972358 72 in the same period last year an increase of 10018 2 0l or about 20 per cent of the larger centres the london district showed the largest percentage in crease while the others indicated rises averaging 20 per cent londons percentage exceeded the 30 per cent mark montreals total tor the first half of the current fiscal ycarwas 20200818 30 an increase of 3259800 13 over the same period last year tor ontos total was 10938338 53- an increase of 2080- 35129 londons totalwas 5 130383 40 an increase of 123252880 hamiltons 5030580 18 an in crease of 864021 17 totals in other districts of the dominion with figures for the same period last year are as follows respectively vancouver 407775585 and 372025 85 winnipeg 3402017 31 and 2- 820887 61 calgary 1245107 74 and 831013 50 quebec city 1096012 55 artd 102306073 ot tawa 2154020 09 and 2122438 23 regina 601 474 92 and 53330903 halifax 550157 57 and 512423 08 saint john 539748 13 and 478653 85 edmonton 480407 00 and 340174 34 belleville 308400 71 and 31120800 kingston 359207 73 and 358050 07 fort william 374480 12 and 337 083 55 the yukon district was the only one in the dominion to show a decrease editorial notes supposing the liquor question had not jiccn the issue in this election just what would have been tin outstanding point of argument and six kfoatnjfs lutabjf akloe lommmj chuffled into uje employ ment office down in savannah ana mom- ins and aald hopefully don snose you dont know nobody as don want nobody to do nothin doea you boston transcript praises homo treatment for bladder weakness backache irritation no matter uliat your am may be how lona you liavc been troubled or how many medicines you have tried without success if you am a victim of bladder weakness and irritation caualnir days of troublojame annoyance and ni ot broken itet you are invited to try the amaxlne value of dr south wortli uratabs without rick of coct unlets pleased with results made from a special formula uxed by the doctor for over 40 yean tjrmtaba are dctilgnod to swiftly relieve um pain and mlalry of burplnff urethral irrita tions backaches frequent dally onnoy- c and troublesome nlclita any rood dnuoitst wui supply you on a iaarantee of money back on first box purchased if you ore not wonderfully aatlafled wltli imlft and positive relief obtained tii really n thnll thin screcngnd itiidirt the dial oletyouknou the net n on froimjiere in no hum or operating iioiw to tell you you turn the station selector knob an j iionf the ctntiomj sricifl up iieb munie touching llio vchct depths and crystal heights of tone heres a man talking just as if lie itoa1 bosidc you yet lie is hundreds of indent nnnyl tiio atwater kent screengrid hoi done away with distance it brings you many r tat ions each separately and clearly lucli performance is the outcome of 27 yean experience of uioiitnc ken ttnccu nicy yet you enjoy it for a moderate shpi here because co many people want it let us dcmonstrru uu3 woa- duful kzv bcl today 1 compute this model uem 0 a o tube 3 bcrccncjrid and 1 ilectlfylnff tube wc will be pleased to daman trate uila set in your own home where you can enjoy ouch a clear flow of pure tone quality youvwlii be surprised these atwater kent radios aro tn nnufactured in a factory covering 32 acres of floor space and they ore now being t urncd out at the rale of 12000 complete sets every day- theres a reason v specials an atwater kent desk model ai1- elcctnc set some battery sets and a charger at special prices free tube tests we are rlow in a position to test free any moke and type of tube now being used in either battery or electric sets having installed the very latest test set for this purpose we will as usual receive the election returns next wednesday drop in and hear them a t brown acton what will your decision he next wedncsdaj is provincial election day on that day every voter should register his honest judg ment on the government of this province of ontario and who shull have the holding of the reins of power for tjic next four years the who it not so important u l- what that party or individual stands for the pnnciplis that are included in the platform of your ndidute mid tht ability of that candidate to uphold iliom are the main considerations the temperance i sue is undoubtedly the ntjin consideration in the j i sent campaign it i- regrettable that it is in i oliticb but the fact icmams that it is there and has iilcii placed in this pobinon by the man who now wishes this mmi keptout of the election next week you as a voter will have the opportunity to take the tlinpeianct issue out of politico and place it as a jjjibfslitl there is ii principle at stake it is more than a meie contest for political pdwer all the leaders huc been quite clear in their stand on this jsue will your vote help to keep the liquor in ijiit cs will youi vote ke for greater safety on the highway will you have to excuse yourself to your cotiieience- after you vote next wednesday the liquor control aet has increased drinking and juiikeniilss do you believe it should be continued x r fjiir yems more are you prepared to be satis- fled with your oil if u drunken driver injures you i id your property these ure questions for you to decide the better government und the fulfilment of lite will of the people of the- province is the tnin of every government you us voters make your own dcimoiis at the polls decision day on this question is ncu wednesday may your ehoieo be an unregret- tible one children will not be allowed to carry beer from the warehouse any more is this another election promise the liquor control act has surely been a terrible institution when we arc deprived of anything for a long time wc usually appreciate it more when wc receive it guess that was the reason the copious showers of the week have been so generally agreablc to everyone mr terguson says the years liquor sale will be under 60000000 will the liquor used during th election not be termed as a sale is another poser that migl ol asked and answered at the same tune as the exact amount of the years sale is divulged that some organization will assist tlutband m their endeavor to have a sane halloween celebration in town next week is the wish of everyone but wishing alone will not make for a successful event on this or any other occasion the fine building being erected for actons new arena m the park seems to have the favorable endor- sation of everyone 1he general construction and the facilities provided in this building have evidently been the subject of much thought and endeavor b the committee in charge st marys has by bylaw changed to the early municipal election dates at tile first of december tins will boon be the general tune for the niuiiicipil elections throughout the province each year sees more and more municipalities loming to these early election dates mid uona reverting to the former date fetguson is he people are tired of false promises as a cloak for reckless spending they want reduced taxes rather than increased promises only liberals can retrench r i l 1 t rt rr they owe nothing to fergusons friends ferguson falls because debt increase 90 millions gas tax increase to 5 c liquor revenues go up spending reaches 58 millions interest bill is i 9 millions ruinous rural taxes school law tinkering no reforestation policy local autonomy restricted no retrenchment liberals will give full tax survey relief to municipalities honest redistribution the alternative vote business policy in north sound school laws law enforcement cheap rural power local auton omy spending reduction ferguson says no more plebiscites sinclair says trust the people which do o you choose ferguson begs for 5 years grace let him spend it in opposition vote for a liberal candidate issued by the liberal office 1 1 king st w toronto a business directory uknwlx dr j a mcniven ofrico ftnil naawdiott oonwrf how avrniin and klein lilxeu ixgat phono no 33 p o uox 31 harold nash parmer m a nrruur xululur nury kuku pkuuvhan itlock acton ow money lknt on moiltoaafco itouro 0 30 a m lo 5 00 p m onlurdaj 13 do oclock dr j h johnson ddsudjt office mill glreot in tho cooper niock tklkptlotfh i5 misceujinkous francis nunan account boola of 11 kind tajufa to order periodicals of every dmcriptbtf carefully bound nulla uy utd promptly dono wyndtiom otreat auelph onl over wullam to the surest way tt cajlmt ouuundlar tuhls u thtrj few or many uire or small 1 tn puee uuu with l-kellv-n-aiken- tb caluetutt spaeulbu owa buud onuifairlufc otutpl no collefuan n chaxft f cider and apple butter hendehsons mill i uuo west of rtockwood on no v ihaiiwy now opi for busiricsfl tuesdays and fridays ritau 9r h tl no 5 fiukhmd if you are looktrqr far any in vestment for your monoy tjhc m1dcontijjent dond ooll- poratjon ocfers oooond standabd bovalties qna of tli safftit oecurlu to bd nad qafe as a dank and pay ffood dividends every month information gladly elven for th aziclna wluuuit obligiion to you a w dawson p o box it luluoton dutrict itcpresantutlvfl ilav opeuuixa or a fw lual acton monument works not one of actons aldat eitab- llihcd concerns but ono that ha shown rood proffrcfis during tha years of its eatabluhment eotatlttninm in acton in 1034 rah- iuailar and g4 wtfcuaa- obip or utrillns eab year a lorfor n f w uj john nicol jack stewart cleaner dyer regular cull and deliver service to acton tuesday thursday and saturday mornings fob rbohft and efficient service phone 69 aton odorlcoa cleanino truecolor dyeing notice to creditors in the simhogatk court or the countv o h alton in the estate op jaueu maxlveii uell dlceabed ttic credltora of james uoxwill bell late of the village of acton dentist doceooed wlio died on or about the plnit day of october loao and all other person having claims agrln ills estate arc required on or before the 17th day ot november 1030 to sind by mall postage prepaid or othcrwu deliver uj uie uiidunlgned thq uollcltur for tlie sole exeoutrlic and truatc under the will of thd sold doceaaed their sul- dreuas and deacrlpuons full parttcuiws- of uielr claims and the iiatunj of the wwurlues if any heut by them and pn and after tha said 17th day of novem ber a d 1030 uio said kxocutrlx and truilia will procaad to dlsulbuu uio wu of tlia said ilncoatad ojnonir uie parllcj lawfully enuuad thereto under tlia wid will and thij notion being given in pureu- vjft u vnutm act it u o chap iw c fll alio wlu not u rocponalbio for any culuu of wldcji glut aliall not deker n bt uu tuno u d t ulu uul ada wtll uookjloj acton ontario lur subuuuiw tot aj1 mttluc trnkkii at the vm 1