Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1929, p. 1

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ht ttri stu i i f r i ftli vl m no ih thursday tvcning ocrobi it ii l2 acton ontario canada tiiursday i vrning octobm 11 1020 sixr home print pones five cent fhiiutl inutifi ttuueb mjurrli at gjmmlw acton mtnhtr iurv c i vaal ii d pamonage willow direct annivi iisahy si miav anniversary hern m il 1 1 0 i m ulio 7 00 p m by uv ii w avlm m a b d t hl 1 i irk avi u n united church torunl annivi i3ahv music morning antlu m by choir jem sluphrrd or th hi p co ilngn n i rrltctid mir j m kcnn dy an tlilm by cb lr b ippllcitlon jnmri n he am rvnnlnc anliicni by choir eavl ir i ikl a shepherd lead ui alina prir cilia rl hrr solo c m into him all yo tliat labor fnm hindi n u n aln mm rdgar ik 11 anthem by choir tin diy 1 lit and over j christopher mnrks 2 30 p m t inday rh il lesson hi peel f r rliihtfil authority mnnu ly no m y unit people n lnii thurdiy 7 30 p m praise and i ruycr service y everybody welcome llrcobjjtipriut knox ciiuucii acton minister llev a c stewart m a manno willow street 11 00 a m 8c vice ulthdrawn can grcgatton vorhlpplng in the united church at tht anniversary services 3 00 p m sunday school lesson respect for rightful auuiority too p m the mini tir bnbjedr the mfutcra sourcl of joy monday 0 00 p m yi ung people n guild tlmreday 130 p m prayer meeting qtrangcra leaving uddrcsa with uie udicrs will im called upon by the pallor artmt suuluit clnirrlf pastoe a fousyto wellington street 11 00 a m subject hindrances 2 the quitter 3 30 p m 11111 a school and teacher training glass y 7 00 p m service with drawn go that thin church may worhlp with uie con grcgatton of tht united church monday 4 30 p m junior b y p u 0 00 p m senior n y p u and prayer meeting everybody welcome unclassified small advertisements word llinimun cl rg ioc per rtlot i or salt quantity of cabbage good olid hcadi apply geonoe bo per i or hall 10 plub mx wrckj old apply to icurth line i- on hale cabinet phonograph in good condl uon 00 records sacrifice e wiieclcii corner fourth and town line ior rlnt six roomed plat with bath and oil conveniences for rent apply to l btarkman 405 cuclld ave toronto thonr trinity 0gb4 10 3 taum for rent 100 acres near acton splendid haul bama and stables this farm la in 1 high state of cultivation and will anl rent to a practical tarmcr apply to j a smith phono 105 acton i or sali pure bred oxf rd ram lambs also l pure bred yorkshire hoar six months old apply to miss halleti lot l- 3rd line erin lost two year old black mulcy heifer from lot jo in the sixth concession town ship of esqucslng county of ilalton reward apply to joslph martin 10 3 phone flow drampton card of thanks mrs wm mtchle und roberta desire to thank their relatives and friends for thtlr kind expressions of sympathy and many fl ral tributes extended to them iaiim lor sale 100 acres ia ts lo and 20 conccx- inn l lsqucsing rownnhlp about 00 acre undrr cultivation lmlnncl posture and bu h llunk bam ctmc nt tlxri steel alalia water bowla litter carrltr hog pans and driving house comfortable frame houe of tight ro ma thlfl farm is well remind and wau rtd by wall and spring good rtason for selling nj reasonable oiler refuted apply to j a omini i honf wi act i continued on page six wonderland i nil ay novi miur l the rridjt of sun luis ilty gury by thimtui wimlt lur ring lily danilta un i enusl tor re not comedy blit a a iloy fox news saturday novi mjieu z tiio ijiruit kid wi ilrrn utarriug hoot olua m story wo ii irgluns tht l iirtb c il 1ik ntwa monday novtmuhl 4 a uoofu uurrlng rex tht king if wild h rc ni 0 of tin i irate of panama q mg c mrdy l it it itht coming slti o4 to war il k gklcoiiy a son unusual good luck foi the woman who requires laige sics in coats dresses hats extra size coats in variety that is most gratifying women who require apparel specially sized and styled will be delighted with the extensive assortment featured here at these very modcrntc prices an unusually wide vnrioty of coats is shown nil of them exeep tionnl in value giving selection includes dressy tur trimmed coats of broadcloth and other fabrics and sniart sport models simpl toilorld splendid variety of fashionable colors regular sizls 38 to 48 half sizes 3 to 41j2 bir value in each of these special price group3 1495 2495 2975 3495 extra size dresses provide exceptional value 9j5 1495 1975 2495 newly and smartly fashioned of satin canton flat crepe and novelty combinations in the newest of fall shades and black drcssqs are cut on lines that are becoming to the larger figure sizes 38 to 48 and half sizes 39j2 to 401 its seldom the larger woman gets a putfcain in apparel here s the opportunity exceptional values in each price group a ildtb with large headsizes smart hats of felt and of velvet in black and wanted fall colors splendid variety of styles all in comfortably large hcadsizes the best values possible to offer d ja at only l4f d e macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario ouit motto quality and service ct this w specials heinz pork benns oq medium 2 tins for uic heinz catsup large for 2c pure vinegar ofl per bottle tiuc sweet pickles oq- large for tjoc onions lbs for apples pur peck 25c 40c 10lbs 25c apricots per tin strawberry or rasp qc- berry jam 40 oz for jtc orange marmnladc oa 40 oz for citfc servus cherries h per tin uilc servus peaches per tin 25c servus raspberries qa per tin uc 3 lbs icing sugar 22c easiuy rtour 21s tor bananas per dozen ghaits lbs for 95c 29c 21c 2 oranges dozen for 6le for lcmonb 29c 25c mclaren jelly pow otf ders 4 packets for titjc cham red white store j jones phone 28 acton ont announcement- miss mickey announces that the stock of 1 ootweur bought from h l harrison has ivcrtttrrtu up in sizes and a few new lines added in the futuic you will find this slock thoroughly up to diite come in and mc me miss hickey succenmr to h u ilurriuun 9 brjef session of the council pnwioh accoiiulh ialfl willi dtimpin croinuli dimtthhcn arena huifdinrr uiul atljouriih at the cmncll mcftbir on tuesday c i nln t council irn tlietford hanren and dr nliw n were prcrent and reeve mac n rr ided tin turnty rrcond report of the i inanrc committee recommended that the following accounts lie paid acton public utllltlm xammln nlon re mnln at school 3 00 ilrnnlmore a di teaming steel f r rink 0 70 j hell labor 13 00 tran accident co insurance i ii 13 00 un i r salary etc 143 41 3fl5 in the report was adopted no communication regarding the painting of the tank had mi received iitm the company cnmplilnt uaa made regarding thr iue or the writ end of llio park at ilia point an a dumping ground chlif mc i hereon was ordered to post signs pro hlbltlng dumping here and to pro ajr iit nil partlri guilty of violating this nil in b lurther arrangements were made to ward securing a suitable nil in to round rut the track as proposed by tile fall i air director and other interested cltlzi ns details concerning uie new arena were dralt wllh and discussed for a few minutes the buudlng in construction meeting with the entire approval or ir council council adjourned about 0 30 the eleelion in i general interest news ac ton and tialtoni n hftuchtertt ftf tlui lnplr jumuiik flu rrgular meeting of uie dukn of ihui town aiul county proclaim i ovoiuhirr chapur or the r o d e ulll lw held at tlie liome of mrn tlion j dray on tuulay november 5 i eight their icmrc for feniicrnnce qood old acton i thin old time tern jicranec town rtood for hrr old tlnif prlnriplrs and voted dry by a rood majority in the election of lofl mr hulinrr won n majority licrr of 3ff yesterday thlr was turned over to ulake lck the prohibition candidate of 37 and ilalton county ao a whole took the name forward step mr dlakclock won the county with a majority of 135 seventy yearn ago when the pun can act thr flnjt temperance measure mihmltttd to tilt ehctorn or canada ilalum gave a largo majority in favor ot binlshlng tlie cole or intoxicating liquors an u beverage plfty years ago in lfl07 ilalton gave a majority of over tho mand for the canada tcmnarancc variety of news knox church mens club the mens club of icnox church ore holding their opening meeting on wed nesday evening november 0 professor hart of the ontario agricultural college will be the speaker thli msttb very berry a toronto man with a new gun essayed to do some hunting in ilalton county on saturday lie forgot to get a license tlie deputy game warden came along and challenged him the nubceoucnt interview with the magb urate cau the toronto aportmnan 1730 united church a tin i penury next sunday next sunday will be anniversary bun day at the united church here it b the fifth anniversary occasion of uie united church here special service vliu commemorate tlie diy and former pastor rev it w a v icon u a o d ot high park avenue church toronto a hi be uie speaker on this occasion special music is being orranjed by the choir a vounx pcple service lost sunday night the ccrvjee in the liaptlt church was conducted by the young people as a song and tesu any service mr b orlppo was in uie chair several ox the b y p u testified to the preclousneu of their salvation a feature of the evening was the singing of the holy city by mus mary locker thla was illustrated with lantern mldcs mian d plank axng why i love jesus to the accompaniment of the guitar burglars steal j3m from safe skilled cracksmen using no force ipened uie aaic or hutchlruan brouurra garage proprietors of fergus some time early monday morning and escaped wiui over t30o in cali there is absolutely no clue to uie thief or thieves when members of uie firm reached the oniccj uiat morning the doors were locked as usual and nothing extraordinary was noticed the sofo was shut and locked securely and tho theft was not discover ed until uie strong box was opened and it was found that the money had dls appeared in the pi1wj court la- 1 itlday at a session of police court in milton earl snyder who was playing uie roll of bootlegger at oleo ft ill lams on september 14 came before magistrate moore was convicted and to jail for two months john mcdonald who stole a quanuty of c othlng belonging lo a fellow workman from a c p it work car at milton was sent lo uie ontario reformatory for sbt m nihil determinate and twelve months indeterminate mcdonald appeared in court u arlng a suit which he had ioilii mike waysle pleaded guuty the theft of the boots rubbers and leather rrom uie store of kenney bros- acu n in september he was sentenced to a term of alx months determinate and six months indeterminate at the on tarlo itcformatory nearly ah the goods itolcn were recovered and released lo mrrn kcncny bros- after uie trhu- bapllet f lallawc en social on monday evening the young people of the baptist church gathered u moke merry at uie homo of mr and mrs howard mosaics on mill street the gupla who wore masquerade oostumea acre received at uie entrance by ulai violet white and mr orcnvulo uaules and made comfortable during uie time of the arrival of uie different personages among the early arrival lllue mus muflet uie utuc mlnuter and un other creature with a face crossed b twini a buffalo and ulc knocker on front d r then arrived the under tukir accompanied by old nick who ai simply referred to as a biblical charucler wlilfh uc suppose was and perfectly true ole bill was there m th lrcnchea with dirty buttons 1 troiiseia qui f ot too long orond man an t grandpas and clowns galore were present a fortune teller and a uple of tulns a treihp of two and a g ntleman with a filla hat and a large nose and a very fine red cross ac lhe ctnlunirs were judged and prlu- awarded to ulc nurse ole bui id the fellow with uie extraordinary mpllcated face the mysterious mr wludlt was there and located by per jbunt cju jll nlng by aiuile porsyth wh t was given a prize for so doing a ii ualcal number in which many prom inrnt baptists were mentioned was sung by thr whole company which started thi cnu rtulument part of uie pro gramme si me parlor games and a visit to the chamber of horrors caused u uch fun und uie imsstng in the dark j lirt browns body piece by piece or yiht f rth many shrieks and yells ir m the ladles miss wllma white dtjurvn spclal minuon for tlie way hi hleh th had the feast prepared the lublm wire very prettily decorated wlui materials uttubli to uie reason of hal lnu n and uie rata of pumpkin pies cik t candles and fruit were thoroughly ujiyed ihe masales liome with iu nxijny rooms is jiut uio place for such iurtl and only just acrojj uio niod fit m lluiiii the welcome and lios pitallty rxteisjj d by tlie family was of tin hi t unit thr coiiil again spirit milt i t during tlie g lodbya was tun cere thomas a dlakclock liberal rroercaslva candidate wiio won the flectlan in thu county act and was the first county in uie dominion to nave ulu bencflcient mcacureput into effect when uie ontario temperance ael was introdudcd ilalton carried it by a large majorux thu old county la naturally paving the way for uie domln ion wide sweep for bonedry prohlbluon against the manufacture sale and lm nortauon of intoxicating liquors for which uie people of this country will be good and ready after four or ave years more experience of government sale of llmior the vcung in acton yesterday waa a follous 0 clock uohuti fl institute mrttti the monthly meeting or acton wamrn n inrtltute will lie hrld at the home or mrs a r agnew on thursday iftenioon november 7 at uircc o clock 1 vrrybody welcome ivajcrrui at tlie new ami tlie last steel tnisa at the new arena wan put in place yestrrdayattrrnoon uhd if favorable weauier is given lhln vjtek sliould see some of uie sheet metal bring put on and enclosing the building tile frame work of uie main surface 1 as been completed tlie front stoic lure for the dressing rooms ticket booths band stand etc lias uie frame work partially erected tlie sheeting for uie roof and framework of the curling rink and room for uie militia department is ready for the roof and sheeting tlie trench for uie water cupply to uio rink has been dug and li ready for laying tht plprn six gurltth residence ransacked by burgla working while uie occupants slept burglars broke into alx residences in the west end of ouelph during sunday nght and made ofl with money and jewellery with a total estimated value between t300 and 400 tlie ho user j entered were those or w j peal j o ocott c lang and mrs il hood al or robinson avenue thomas sicdon aid aiacgow street and william mc million hrlsto street inaaab tnuanaaj entrance wan gained by forcing a back 5 indow uie uileves ransacking uie ground floor in every case wjuiout dls turning uie inmates ferguson governt sweeps to victory larger majority than ever lven the coiihcrvutive party at ijectlon yesterday pest orricc division a division b blakelock 140 s3 hllhncr too majority for illllmer fl 332 330 town hall division a divl ion b s3 134 5 113 207 174 majority for blakelock 33 acton a majority for qlokclock 37 die following are the majorities at ui various places in the county of th tuo candidates blakelock hlllmer majority majority acton 27 l burlington 377 georgetown 74 milton 110 oakvllle 137 esque3inq bproata 12 lim chouse 24 stewart town s3 dublin 70 thomp on s comers 48 olenwllllams 173 nassaqaweya campbell vllle 60 brookvlllo 03 icnatchbuil nelson 00 frcemon 0 nelson village 41 icubrlde 33 loailll 17 bella 30 appleby o strauiconu 00 ntatalgail itoyne 143 drumqulin 01 poslvjlie 17 lluun a oo palermo co bronte 74 sheridan 35 zlminfuji i 1 141 1 010 majorlly for blakclock- 135 the 1020 vote in ilalton county hlllmer pcttlt maj acton bio 4b1 11 20 burlington aoa al3 illoi georgetown 935 455 11 70 milton 501 447 it a oakvtuc 1 030 35o 11737 l uuestng 113 030 1 137 nel np 033 000 p277 h agsweya 303 401 1203 trafalgar 70s 1 14 1 3ij 0 164 q70q hlllmrrb ms orlty 3g5 lhe complrt e vote figures fo th county trill be publlihed next wcrk the o a- c stock bale hundreds of cattle buyers from ull i urta if the province were in attendance a the unnuul tale of pure bred llv stock hrld at the ontario agricultural college 1 t thursday a fhie lot of berf dairy and fat cattle as well as shlne from the college herd wnt under thr hammer and prices were good total rtcclpta ucre 7 760 03 the top price in the catuc sale was 13 go paid by j nine hamilton of q ian ford ota uon fir margaret cornucopia couuilha a fl year old cow bred by the college six fat cattle were disposed of with prlcri averaging from 10sc to lflc the wlm sold included yorkshires tamaorth and ihrkihlrn thr amount paid for eighty eight hrad totalled 3 10j 50 tblevra make escape uxklm frun hu bedroom window last 1 riilay i ehl to dlscovt r tlir cause i f uil u which had awuknud him i j a id pn prtetur of itoekuiuml tut ju tau men apparrntly tryulg bl il t trie lullni fir thilr car ir ii tiir s rlce lank ur alf tukh g i i r r slipped out and ordered uu m ndrr ilia- pair liowrvrr j in 1 d i r ihrlr car and speeded awuy a thr i nlo guelili highway dm gutul man truphonid the jxiller b it th y huvi bo rur been uuabu to find tl nun ihe car was found to liuve been ii l i fr in d lluiintuuii of itruuij tui i ii m rid ay and la bt uevtd b im lit i u tiavu biin u cd in th mint utumpl uu uiu uuurgetown bauk- tlie iv c t u meeunr en monday two splendid temperance meetings were held on monday under uie auspices of uie w c t u here in uie after noon a meeting for uie ladles was held hi uie school room of tlie united church and addressed by miss dun in uie evening uie meeting was held in knox crurch and was a young peoples rally of the various churches it wan ad dressed by miss duff and mr frederick hotson canada s champion boy orator of two years ago bolh delivered splen did addresses rev a c stewart m was chairman ot uie evening meet jig the address of fred ilotson was i splendid inspirational message to tbi young people oddfellows visit toronto lodgv about forty members of acton lodge i o o p no 304 had an enjoyable fraternal visit to broadview lodge toronto on monday evening they travelled by chartered bus tlie acton lodge very creditably gave the degree work of the evening an interesting feature of the evening was uie p reseii inllon to brother llghue of reliance lodge of uie 35 year membership jewel the presentation was made by bro r m mcdonald ot acton lodge pol- lowing the work in ulc lodge room a banquet was tendered to uie visitors and a social ume provided the acton members report a most delightful fra temal vllt two chicken tblevta arretted at barungtan two arrests made by chief smith burlington acung with detecuve lumber loin of hamilton ore believed u have cleaned up an epidemic of chicken stealing in this district the men arrested are walter hawcs and harold hawes brothers both of 7 mill street hamilton their car was found an the mlddtr road with alx dead chick ens inside after uwy had reported uie theft of uie car to uie hamilton police walter hawes was arrested sunday and harold hawes on monday afternoon walter hawes appeared before uagls trute barr and was remanded until saturday the two arc also charged with damaging uie road maintenance tractor belonging to uie county of ilalton and stealing a number of tools mlltan principal beraft leah gwendolyn shorey daughter of p d fahorey principal of milton pubjlc school and mrs shorey died at muton n monday in her 37ui year oho was bam in newbury addlngton county attended nouaury and waterdown public schols trenton high school and albert college belle in june 1038 received her diploma as a trained nurse and afterwards took a six months course at sl michaels hospital tor onto she contracted influenza during christmas holidays which settled on her lungs and caused the fatal illness be sides her sorrowing parents she leaves two brothers john at home and olad stone of niagara palls n y the funeral took place from her parents icsldcnce this afternoon to evergreen cemetery muton attempted bank uobbery georgetown wliat looked like an attempted bonk bbcry occurred about a quartet to one lost thursday afternoon wltcn a strang cr using a red handkerchief aa a mask rang the bell at tlie roar door of uie bank of montreal mr stevens who was just coming downstairs went to the door and was surprised to sac through the glass a njan standing a little to one side h his coat collar turned up and wearing a mask tlie door wax not pencd and alter uio two men looked tit each other for a m anient or th uld be robber apparcnuy got cold feet und madr a dash for a waiting car drawn up alongside uie bank in which tlie re were uirce or four other men they lr away at a mad rate of speed and n ithlng more was heard of them the matter was reported to ulc police hcruld lulled young peopla uoolal evening laboratc ilallowc en social was chen on tuesday evening by uie young plea faoclcty of the united church l scliool mom was artistically decor ikd with puiiij kins and hallowo en tlie witch wlui her cauldron und uu ghosts who greeted uie visitors h lwr and uu- dim illumination went uiward uie mystcrlousncss or ulc occasion numbers who attended rr in halluwe en costume- a splendid i leal and literary programme was pro 1 hlch included selecuons by uie hritra u loa by mrs rev c l i ii ituth cilhson and mr w d dy rtrltatlons and readings by miss ny hfcml miss kitty savage matthews and ulu odbert in decided terms the clroloratr ontario yesterday endorsed tho conrer fflunday in tlie old home vutlvr government and return thrm to power with a larger majority than before srats were taken from both thr li be rain and progressives and only four progressives hove hern returned to the legislature in the results already o talnable tlie progrcsnlve leader woi defeated in bin riding in went middle nrx jnruie el pcu0htjlnc0iuul vuei vr ipar c conceded 07 seats in relation to 7b in last legislature 11 liberals and 20 tlie communitys social side of life viflitonj to und rrom town during uio post week an gleaned by the ipvoe prcflfl mr angus kennedy of gait spent mr stanley mackle was home froui ironlo over the weekend miss otlve cooper of laurel spfcht the weekend at her home here fr eugene mcpherson was lioma from toronto for the weekend tuy tom armstrong of vancouver visited mrs paer flayers last week in the last house 4 progressives and m wansbrough of toronto 14 at dissolution and the u p o have visited her parents t uie weekend 1 now compared with 3 previously the following is the summary of the nea to wan by uie various parties scats won by conservatives adding to n algama brant ford city brockvlllc carleton cochrane south cochrane north dundax durham elgin c it ulcin west kftsex north fori william prontcnaclennov grenvlllc county hnldhnond hamilton east llemiltcn centre hamilton west hast ir ga east hastings north hasting- wejt huron south kent east kent we t kingston lambton east lamb ton west lanark north lanark south leeds lincoln london north london south middlesex norui middlesex west muskoka niagara paluf nip lining nor folk northumberland ontario north ottawa east ottawa north ottawa south parry bound pee perth north perth south peterboro city port ar thur prescott won by uie independent coniexvatlveprlnca edward renfrew north st catharines oault ste marie slmeoe east slmcoo southwest star niont sturgeon palls sudbury tunis taming toronto all 15 ridings vic torla south waterloo souui wei land wellington south wentworth north went worth south windsor east wind oor west york east york south york west rainy hlver independent con servatlvc essex south seal won by liberals bruce souui glengarry huron north northumberland oxford oouui slmeoe centre wstcrloo north wellington orthnst manltoulln and ilalton seats won by progressives brant duffcrln grey north oxford north beats won by u f o grey south daobtfal kcnora pcterboro county renfrew south vic to la north durham rus j 11 i conservative gains from liberals dundas prontenoc lennox haldl mand northumberland ottawa east perth souui prescott uusseu fllmeoe cuuiwcat sturgeon palls york north ejisex south consenullve gains from progressiva huron south kent east lambton east from ufo lincoln middlesex north middlesex west ontario north victoria south liberal gains frou conservative bruce south glengarry slmcoc centre water oo north ilalton i crgusan government and the uqu r control act which was uie central hwue in the election have been ap proved of hj uu ontario electorate tj lnij ovc and strengthen it wluiout swbmltttni th temperance question to lectoratc will be the duty of th oovlniment and with a majorlly such lu command uio platform m p omlscs can tfljlly be enacted ic following statement was usuefl by p emler lerguson last night when hs elurn to power was assured it is a matter of great satlsfacuon that the policies and acuvluea of th government have been so enthusiastic ally endorsed by uio people of tho pro vtnee it demonstrates beyond question lhe people of ontario cannot be misled with hysteria or emotion or even by muireprcscntauon there is a keen and intelligent interest taken in uie business affairs of uie province by the general public no man can make any progress and appeal for support unless ho is absolutely straightforward and candid i un particularly pleased because of il- unmistakable evidence uiat the gen cral public here must have confidence in uie integrity and sincerity of purposo uiat has guided the government m all iu works we have given of our best in uie past and we will continue to carry on with the same high purpose as we have done it is a great satisfaction to me per sonally uiat as i near the end of my twenty fifth year in public life i should find uie people of ontario expressing their confidence and good wlu in such generous manner as they have done to day i am sure every member of uie oov eminent will regard this verdict as a mandate authorising the immediate undertaking of the great programme of expansion which we have mapped out to build a greater and mora prosperous ontario piano solo by mrs w d oowdy and in uch 11 mi uiloa by miss lottie mason oil i r features were lluffancy costume pnrudr tlie fortune telling by ult wlti lira and last but by no means least the delightful halloween lunch tlie prise for tin lady n costume was won by mlia o ibrrt fir the boy a ceutuiue by ii luurd m rtt il and f r unite e una by ljiuu tiwllux miss m e currle bronte visited her brother mr a c currle on sunday alderman gibbons of vancouver visit ed his mouier and sister over uie week- miss isabel cowle was home from uie university of toronto for a week end visit mr and mm mcpherson and mr and mrs oliver mcpherson visited friends in town mr and mrs g ii swltxer and family visited at omngevllle over uui weekend mr rlcliard harris of rockwood cilled on tux psxi passu cm saturday hlte in town the hilsons again trapped tbry persisted in trapping before the opa season cause in harry ullsan of milton heights and his four sons are among uie most sue ccssful trappers of fur bearing animals known hi these parts year after year they ore successful in securing largo numbers of valuable pelts of mink raccoon muakrat and ouicr furbearing animals so keen are uiey to get into tliu profitable vocation uiat they have for yearn found it impossible to waif for tlie term lnu uon of tho close season before uiclr traps are baited and set two years ago harry the fauier was dl covered in possession of a targe num br or prime pelts a week before uie opening of tho season last year charges wore laid uie evidence was inconclusive humor goes however that about the first of november 1030 after a supper of fine speckled trout at which a jewish fur dealer was regaled a sate or new mink skins running up into i ral hundreds of dollars were dls pi sed of about the isth of october the middle of the present month a game and puhcrlts officer discovered new mink iiiakrat and raccoon skins in uie humiii liome prod one of tho sons of the liome elected to take the onus of the offence he was taken to jail d the next day came up for trial lie llrsdiu guilty and was fined 110 and d liar per pelt und the costs pour days later harry ullsan and his una prcd and matthew were discovered n tht i nili kit in nassagaweya with two fn inly tkltird pelts from a muakrat uj d a raccoon in their car thu time matthew dcelit 1 to be tha goat 11 it uie officer were not satisfied uils time to lot our bear the onus of the three offenders charges were laid ni ilint uie uiree if them before pullet magistrate mot re and convictions regis u red it being the second offence for im th hurry and prod they were each i 0 ou and c lata matthew got with 10 00 and cmu the t ital a und luti uoj u7 lo mr and mr cecil brown or toronto were herwnir mmday vtxlung al uie pirental honv mrs l o iclng and dorothy left on prlday to spend a few monuis with rela tives in england miss jean wiggins of toronto spent stveral days uils week with her parens mr and mrs q wiggins misses grace skilllng and doris mason of toronto spent uie weekend at uu former s home here mr and mrs george young and uiu evelyn of toronto vhdted at mr and mrs a o curries brock avenue fjtauvu harold sutcluye and laird mcdonald of detroit spent uie week end with acton friends and relauvea mrs j l warren of toronto attend ed uie hallowe en party of lier grand children dora and warren wood yes terday mr and mrs elmer j p terry of brantford visited her mother mr robert bennett and sister miss minnie bennett over uie weekend mr and mrs joseph king of preston and mr and mrs l king of 0alt spent sunday at the liome of mrs itobt bennett mrs o il brown bower avenue returned home from st josephs hos pital ouelph on prlday after several weeks undergoing treatment uiere mr harold wansbrough and mr ciordon mckay of toronto visited uulr mother mrs r il wonsbrougb over the week end mr and mrs norman maxalea of toronto spent sunday at uie nuns ot mrs robert garvin and miss margaret peel street mr and mrs adam stewart of kit chener have been spending th past fteek or bo at uie liome of mr and mrs charles w mason mr and mrs w b muner and mr cameron campbell of port colbome pent tlie week end at uie home of mr and mrs l o johnston and other relatives mrs clarence wlnfuld who has been vlsiung at uie liome of her father mr t p watklns first line since septem ber will leave shortly for iter home in jerwy city h y tlie engagement la announced of jcv mae daughter of mr and mr andrew walker of erin to george t black sod of james and uie late mrs blicfitox maple ont tlie marriage will tax place in november tlie engagement is announced of marguerite jean only daughter of mrs clara barbour and uie late david barbcur hulsburg to mr kmest awfiy orton only son of mr and mrs leonard awrey htllsburg uie marriage to take place in november mr and mrs a ilughes jr of oak vllle announce tho engagement of their daughter laura irene to mr thomas herbert oolbralui son of mr and mr jos h galbralui or milton the mar riage will take place at st judea church oakvllle november 0 heeve and mrs a mrs george murray mr and mrs russel salmon mr and mrs b o arnold and ut ix m ritchie alunded the dinner dance of italtnn chapter royal arch masons at georgetown but friday evening the spot dance prise ut this function was won by miu isabel cameron of guetph about uiree hun dred attended uie affair old tim danes u an okftlmt dance has been arranged to be held in uie town hall here on prlday evening november s prank a and blacks she piece orcliestra will supply the music and tlios gibbons uie floor manager lunch will bej served and uie dancing is from 0 unui 2 30 tlie committee in chaxgo are- messrs j mcorcgor w frank r l davidson s case and j a black a hallowe en social far sl albans yoong faoole ut albans a y p a held a hal loween masquerade party on monday evening the society spent a very enjoyable ovc nlng and many vbutors were also present tlie costume turn out was very gratifying tlie attendance numbered close to uio hundred mark llio parish hall was very nicely decor ated for ttie occasion tlie children uv costume were in evidence nd little florence lott carried off uio prise for best costume tlie ladles also allowed their art in dress and make up the prise in this instance was carried off by mrs wyndhal then came uie nun wlui plenty of funny costumes but they had to give satan his due and uie prise was carried off by mr ernie rookcs lu his role of satan tlie fortune telling provided groat fun and it was quite nouceable how cannlly uie old witch hit the mark hi uie telling or fortunes mrs ed roadknlght made a fine old witch the ladles provided uie eats and uie boys dug down into uirlr pockets to provide uie necessary to cove- what expenses were bicurred and uiry responded nobly pretty cos tn mm good dancing doughnuts pump kin pic and rolfcc yen everybody ullre uld ulve u guuu ulllb v

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