gfye artmi trrr jlrrhh ihuiuuiav may if villi or iiibirtj iliriw i urihh it mnr frrllng utlirf hide l by km iuii 1 ill i iip hetl tying d fflljp iflrrr jfrphb gbnrt gtury if yu think ym are kiaum a itmnptly iut tin thought to i lmi nut atgut or imnt cruu it out if your neighbor ulkx niuuo allim lu karhe uvrr g m iii praaiiliy uul then clu u i ut if the faucou ik lu makes ya ig bek at onre ail i1ii ciu it u if base slander i ail f 1 wtl r vol i the air iut nugrr ii yi u cruu 11 mil if yiiu fiwil tliut v u that your rlli rln c- i do turf worry start cm it out r 11 1 have fuibd ml f r naught a trying exchange jamksi uiiajtl fciiutlduk cj uiini tit a ilaijnllkukk ol- ihtinct10n tlie biography aofgaby4- if irle fj oorge kiul ur uuium j 114 tul rick u ilia ktury of uie defeat of that unclrnl scourge f mankind yellow over a much a it 1 the story of llm life of grpst man but it u ot without iu lighter uiuclie oeneral onrga kpriit yvmlh of parly ciic a hit army phyalcleti remou post one of 111 favor up atoru of that pellod coin filnl ll llrgro fcumdrca kmitli tt nil wa the vlclhn uf a railway accident hint heceaxiuud uie amputation nf both iiut ug dr qtuga hiiiiijum1 dm operation and pro muled her with artificial lrga tietplng her by fuitlier continuing tier in hu mpluy in lier former cujnnlt y tlie jit at week aim acnl urn clot lie iiomo erur her jgulcul uie bljl was much larger uu b n lie fore or oorga- protested probably a much wounovd by henrlitus seeming liigratl tude ah by luiytltliuc else litis drew hsratilf up iiauilly ill muwrl outuiilyilt morl tlnt ever- i ijmwajililii doiia by a woihlcil lrgl irliw day bad thu ultl tit ithirxr- vally in koulliwraurii utatt y catinotl kulihmkl hbl team at urn fuil of a amall rirrk nipaiiiliirliij luousli tits farm lamu u tum loii vlilii ihrtrdio lunua think lim buy ha i iuuwji yrara old uiln and rrcckltxf ut with a wtii ahatxtd had and alrt iluc nym utamtly with thr maim rrtkin ilblllllrs that h luul imtii carrying for hrr yratvlapnd u tint liuilil kllll vrnt ujmtrrajii a i lint dlblalkcfl ftblivo tllo raimliaikbt wautui to mmiilh hu own m ace id it liiu 1 tljls clcucflat utlluulniua uak a lotion ull rabbit that had imi crnulliliiir in uur wlllowa cut almiut arioui thu llouui of uu lirlukliib luiraih one r thiriii a ixill tfaird and rljjhtoil cil iu tuatii iiiaui anil ixith animal whjrd and uultod down ill boy balked tit th wa but ultod to riiuuh it with a nnlo like u mlnlatiirn roll of thundnr th liiiiawxy rullrird outr tlm ttimy txd of tllo attrum one of uui rrar wlnwu of tint nrunt wagon collapsed wltll it lriuli lie otlirr followed ihnn ttifl front bl wntt and tln uut u1 half a ilui down uut atrealn uut liiltaea cajili iutp and waited julverlnk for tlm body whut i tmnuwi whut liatw anotiitit w ajtl uxiiuy iwiy to ii take the ill vuia imuiieiit after hu arrival jimmy mlrvnyid thfl wrfclt in albrnre lluii lie gulctly unlioaknd tlm trmjo from tliu mau uf apllnuta uiat bad one been a wagon ibiii be neck yoke and double tiil out of uui way on the bank awuntf hluiack to uie brout buxk of uw luur uid hot out at a brbjt ait for a lit tin larmbouui a allot t duunco a way j u iay that old aklnnlut bi tlien ijorlng tile leulul a cavlrulalintf 1 nik had vt inn inbi muiraya ryn otifw 111 mouth twluttml oddly liay jlmi j lui aam wlini umi boy ktopiied 111 do bcltcf it that by you unmw i ixu1tht t couple of wasoiu fnxn andrew a mootli btfiit one of f liaan i kiu uxd a half ditiii tlmna 11 dmt tieod it aikt lue it any hum- uv added luutl ly we el bo rmirluuvd in a driiwl i mltfht romiuler letun you have it- mayat wti could btrlke up a deal jimmy leaiiod against tha dtuty car and tluiiiubt gulikly uumy wan known aa a a1irnwiltanff ixjinieie wa chain b grt a wagim and a wagon tw had to luv i what kind of a dfalt again murray mouth twltrluxl inakn a fcucrlflro jimmy li talit d right by you i waii out your way ymllildy an i w you bail a bull koulrlu wan t itt early the next morning hrf imr lod mil into the yard jimmy xclalmed hi mothi r vvhni ibr- came ul auiuiiuul hlin ui litrafefiut wluit i u ihttb am you uatlug d iwii hat hlkrn r m4 f nig hki wm4 iwr uui a bilaf rjmiiibi w vo t a tmltrr oihj anyway lie miit on hammering we letutued til hu tiuk afur birakfant ml woikod until noon afur tbn mill lay mra ra aiiniui aw tlia utni paa out of tint lane drafhtf wliat ap tiearrd to b a tnlacllajituji pile of old 1 linwr jimmy waikuuj tlde die pile wti wliuuluk clieerfully wlwn hn waj in t uiglug tlie hotara iwi lithiia later uui team came trot ting back wlui jlmmv on tin brown t tare anouicr load of hi u iter went n uuj lane a thlid bud uil urn c ujtajnliig malty bmg polea uiat inul iwril drtlned uu n re wood followtkl ihe nat morning jimmy bolted hla btcakfast and dlaappcard out on u bell f urn rlmr between thu bank and i bar with a 1 pe from hla waut to tlie willow on tlm bank anil uui f the rhlrkm rop under him for ijt j if l lm w lhrl ur i w uked like a ttojan jle look barely half an luiur for hla dinner and tin worknl until datk when jie final relumed to um cottage hu ey wei chronicles of ginger farm wrtluo bpwdajly far tb r b owfcnihu ink r claumk the farmers bill ll tirlr call in hiouili llll ll lib about hay 1m and now imople 111 toad anr je trejili t the rtrlila mid uilnk km potting ii m peuimutli nit the old tab ifalfa ri p that the fan waaa1 illicit i wiiylng abul but hie jimmy nimblnd uiought wafott for the i waa lutereuieil in the article in tim companion about uui man wlu caught and killed a weajml barrhaiiiled wrlta fc kubacrlber tlie morn u imcuuhi x aw like incident luyfcelf wlieii i waa ii boy of twelve wo lived wi ft farm in indiana wlghtirowlbitf aacrlflca anlmmla were alwayu mldlng our cliickcii ilufl ub nxula and a aurtled tquawk frum un in prance jimmy and hla mother id low la waa alwayn the algnaj for ft runt tiny fail one loggy night tl lb huh rully 1 11 iwap yuu ui and a little iwiot jimmy roulibrml uui pielloii lie hated ut liiui tlut calf imii iut could raiae more culvc and be roubln t tnjuti wag m how much boot 1m taked uddenly itay twenty rive dollar aelu lta you too murli on a fade algbt utuwrii pllml jimmy dec lied ly give you ull i iwvitly i ii mwitff down find and latt illi h u ku kupiwr mth jtmmy rr moved bl baturvd hat il ctatched ku lwd vlgoroiuly uuirvy rank lower in hu aral like blun and hu face fui 1m rode wan aurlmu lb the liua of the wagon mnant hard timrji for i jlminy and hbt mollter hla fauter had id how alrrpt aup- i uu prmliice uf which to urn aceiio of trouble one loggy nlgbt uw r with v wld job tit jimmy we wets 11 alttliw mind uu llrs wtien u u uw uld the ajjuajuiitf of an old hen lunt hwtlur v and uumr on the run mouier reached l4 aquare wlui ui world vur uirce the ch tnkn iujidwi flrnt uid cfttchlng yi ar jbmiiy had bwrti lib rnouter up uuj now nuttarliitf and cnmplainbig lkrt u iw carried hi burden hanging ut uie iteii nlui walked to where imirtiowuramm ha hud otttaliiud a jou haui- tho llglit from tltn window enabled tier to aeo and tliire with itu teeth hurled in uu throat of tla victim wan a largi weaael with imr frr hand mother throw uie fold of her xliawl round uii ernature and jranpod it firmly round um uiroat itutiuitly ro leasing iu liold on the lien it brtfan to claw and aerate i hi iu effort to break uway but it waa no ue mother a liold could not be ahaaott off and rualilne into uw houae ab tiid uie marauder firmly while father killed ftwlth hhtow tut the had i tildfaahnio4 poker from tuis hun kllatil maizik lady vlctorinn a liarred plymouth hook lien owned by tlui university of baakstchawan which claimed uui ubt- unction of belnu tlio world a chacnplon egig- layer laat year u ovidotiuy not gohitf to allow any uf her vlnter to wreat ul ohampionahtp from iwr juat yec tjjt year aha ubl 35 rggi jn uui sas day beating- uie record of mania the hhuah oolujnhla whllfl leghorn which delivered 351 gga in 103d and cackled about her prowae at the world iviultry oongrtska tn otuwa in 137 on ajiri is hut lady vlotorine uid b 100th agtf hi 1030 and alnce uien has been kerplntf up her avoragu j fxmir avsrage hftui urn required to i aupply uie annual consumption of cs per capita n canada agalnat one of thn canbro of iaily vlctorlnn llocctfl autlauca aluiw that the yearly oonump- uon of nggd per ho ad of ponuuuon in canada u about 30 uf doaeti and the ratio b steadily meratiitf ing aaitd for tlui canatructlou of a bltf lum uiat waa bulldlntf t tho upper end or the valley ife waa to kurt work in a wnfv hut now uui wakon was guiii and hlucu he had no money to buy an amall r lumen of borrowluir another i looked aa if uie job had gonti with it after kuppcr ha and bla mother talked the matter over a new wagon cou a lot- of mnrtey ur oannon aald and alglied and right now we hvii t it well have to n ur andrews at ut cleorvft uui find out whether lie will all ua a wagon on time 111 go in with you millers worm rowdem can do injury to the moat delicate child any child or mfaiit in tlui aiauj of adous- cence who u infcatid with worma can take ulu preparation wltltout a qualm of the stomach and will find in it m sura relief and a full protection from these destrucuvn peau which are responsible for much sirkiictui and ureal suffering to fegtorut bflltuo ohes 1 11 go in you don t need to i can drop round after i ve taken tlie milk to tlui creamery all right ulster cannon hu mother untied whlinslftilly and regarded lier sou proudly voil attend to tlie business matters the remark wan typical of jlinmy cannon tnouier ohe always respected her tons manliood j the follouuuc toonihig jimmy came put of tho andrews mercantile ce of ut oeorge with a feeling uiat all was not well wlui uie world in reply to hu rnduest for a wagon on credit mr an i rows luul shaken his head decidedly cant do iu my hoy ha had tatd rime are too thrlit i ii have to have gray eyes met warily lorly nvo mluulrh later jimmy reachrd into his hip pocket and drew firth lut fattier old wallet ftnro it lie took uw rheck uiat he bad ricdved front uie cfiamtry mr the pmvums weeks milk thirteen dollars and slaty nine cents ife showed it to murray i ii bidonuj uiat to you ho said sadly lint itslilgh- way robttery and uouibig tilw 1 make it fourteen dollars auggcated murray jimmy produced ala cents laying uui mmihy on thu chuck lie prorfercd it to murray lost offer w oil groaned murray you come and get uie wagon if you ii come and get tlie calf us a trade lite wagon a in uie corner of my tower field i he two clasped hand in live bargain iii lie over to get urn wagon this afumiooii mr murray auld jimmy exultantly abandoning his reaerve now that the trading wax over all right uiough you shore got uie tieat of me that time z aliould of holt out for fourteen hollars again murray mouth twitched jimmy found himself wondering what waa tlui matter with it at dinner jimmy told hu mo tiler of the trade immediately afterward nouc- ing uiat the calf was gone and su poo una rightly that one nf murray men had called for it he luurueased the team and gottmg astride the mare set out for murray s lower neld rti held was a hundred acre alfalfa patch that lay along the hank nfthe ulo virgin close to uie caniiontavm on account of uie beds of quicksand uiat lay everywhere along uiat part of uui rlirar the xwu1 had uavar been used aa a pasture jimmy entered the lot from tlui west mid looked round for tlut wagon it wan not in alghl tlie fluid rose slightly in the centre and ha jogged aedauly to uuj rite from which he could survey every corner otlll seeing no algn nf the wagon he headed over to uur aouui- llie words did pot fool jimmy how- bver lut knew uie real reason ror the storekeepers action mr andrew did not cam to uual hltn becauiei he fell aiuum corner wlwre next the river tliere that he jimmy waa too young to get wm uttl swale girded wlui awamp credit even though for some ume lw willow he dismounted a look of had ben doing a mana work it waa doubt came over hla face ft lie detected discouraging wagon track leading through an openbuxl thinking over the storekeeper a words hi uie willows tethering uie animal to jimmy slowly untied tlia mam from uie a convenient tree trunk lie wont forward rail and aurted to rjlmb into the buggy on foot die wttlow belt was uilck and jusl then a amall automobile rattling tanll lo- i t lln tr loudly drew up to the rail beside hi n ground level with the river buggy hie motor backfired when uw n low w covered wlut a ljfsytklltltdn t a r kti- iptrd air hud fell ulnip at the table he waa up t daylight when mis cannon raine in rail him ui bieakfaht lie found him uuir lui was the team x she stood bi uu yard wondering lure lit r son was slui heard 111 voice liming falnuy fiom uie dlrrrtlon of the iver it sounded a if lie were ulioutlntf at the tunsea half an hour isur the rattle of a wagon brought tur to the door lrlde gleamed in her eyes a she looked lit her sou standing upright in uie bed of a shining new wagon a wagon uiat would last for many yeara it wa wet in splle nf the ray uf tlie moiiifug sun ilie lujtiuis wire lalltered and jlinmy sandy j hair wa plaltred sleekly u hi head one strap of hi overall was uuliooknd and hung down 111 back in t it a beauty mouler wlui inlhualasm and uien lui told tlie hole story uu i ran a aort of sluice acro uie gravel bar and brought a atroam of water to play on the uulckaaltd lied lie fluuh- d pioudly the yater uiok a little of the sand away last evening 7he wg n wa aucluired so i could uavo it all right and when it wu too dark to sen t raine lunqe ilurlug uu night the river iihui all of a sudden the way it docs and my sluice worked like wtuti i got ure uils morning tlut wagoi waa almost froo i uv unloaded it booked tlie team to a opr uiat waa fastitied to tlio nd of tlui tongue and anakrd it nut it was iiulle a pull but llere we rel mrs cannon clapped her liand now rome in and eat uie lxt brrakfast your mother ran cook i she cried jimmy shook his wot head not yet uiaiik ye ma am i want to drive over to murray tt1u wagon lack m seat a neck yoke and douliletre ur mur ray traded ma m complete wagon and got to make hi word good jimmy tlglilfiued hi rein hut lie waa aaved uui trip for the iwanut wagon with murray at the wlieel came puffing and ratulng into the yard even as uie boy clucked to the itorse murray grinning broadly stop ped the car and stepping out surveyed ui hoy in the wagon oay began jlinmy- iwjltgerontly i waa on my way to your place murray raised hand stopped him just a minute sou before you go spout in oft the big man bared his head and turned to ur cannon yon are to bo cougratuuud ma m you have a ahom luttf man ndl fch house there 1 a steady job fork nan wn can depend on at the dam i purposed jimmy nanui to um hoard but uiey clalmfxl lie was too young to handle the yesterday by means of a letter i wa mop tied from tlut w rid of thing til n ui the world of thing that wei bit n iw are tut mat bi to say i got a letur fiom my uouier uie nit hr liiueu mon tli- which i hailed with uie gieaut joy and lead with delight all uie bilbiuoe litue nouibig which h within uie family circle a family clri le which has berii btokui up by lu varloo tueuilieia leaving the ol i h tine and flndbig tlieir niche in uu oinat oituule my biothrr wa mayor for i ur home town last year and i suppose hlu time wu to taken wlui duties i f hu ijihd that be bad tin id for writing family leltei huw- ovur i wiole and informed him tha writing llkec flatty imgln at liiime and uil loiter nine pag of it l the very atutactory result w a time i f rgot the farm the toik work chlckruu gardm lu fact vny thing uiat una to make up every lay life am jut gloaud over my letur hern 1rggy waa busy studying fur iuit ina examination at srhooj young dj u ml agl five had iuvr loped an extraordinary propensity for uasbig which i know from sorrowful experience undoubtedly luberlt fiom hi fatlur town hji been boiuired by a visit int yrar rroui ocnrral uaws and mr dawm but for wlml r aon i couldnl uuite luake out but of course it wa a wonderful occasion 11 lu uttu home town of lulno h been famou in lis day for it wa there uiat die great artist ihotuat gainsborough lint hi the light of day 11 ilu to give me thrill even a a child to realise uiat wa my prlvlleg to 11 v hi uui liouse right iitxl door to oalnsborough birth- plaea and then unit the time wlieii uui splendid bronau ulu was nice led to lit memory lu thu market place and piluoe louis joulii of argyu wa invited tn do uui unveiling at uie all important moment the cord to film- d m act and a workman wa told off to acale uie statue and unhitch the trapping iresumahly to facilitate matter tlut workman placed hi hat on the top of tlie gtat lummy a head forgot h and iin had to go buck and vetdc my goodness here i am writing about alrurtmuguil and hi plrtbplace when i am suihioed to bo writing uie chton- dlua of olngcr iamtl may uui author imi forgiven if she sometimes suffer from a tit of digression well now win re aro wet oil yet thing have been happening all right luiiiugli you might not think ao from the foreymig preamble we have now two mora calve and thirty nine more chic km which make calve and one hundred and eight chickens thj heeding of course 1 now a thing of the past except for a little com which lartner intend to sow for green feed to supplement uui meagre pasture in the fall my garden 1 it for which i breathe a sigh uf relief now put in liiu ut killed iat pilug and which almost ptl in liu beil winter pi im of alfalfa 1 hot so li w that one i an look n uiu a a negligible loa it also blok aa if tiler will be very little rough paatine but auu iierhat we ate going to llvm a tmmper en p ui olf ut thm duadvanlagr in any raae we have to take wliat cornea an theie 1 no seuae bi trying ut a brldtie befne w rome hi it w shall comw to ll uulrk nwiugli if it u uiere but if it ufi t why there 1 no sense hi look big for it auto body and fender repairing aijjo iaimlnf blats diary lly lhwu3 aitquhaa fnim uu cllty u and whni seen uie roae buli- rrirrviu7 red and wlu and pink rosea h wikhlent tiardly be leave uiey n scire ral rose site sad uuy was so buctlful and sweet looking she tbot uuy wa aruiuhal rose- and alia dered how w able lu get uun way out her uu country what ignerenui oaurday wa a going tc rlls a utur ui liu suur up ruwui uiu p m but it wa a rain big to hard he found out uiat hi fouuteu pen wa dry o he hddeut want to get all wet a walking clear over to uie post offloe in the rain very very very bund y wall bad skain at are liouse ulu a- hi after a had ate are aerial brekfsat food we dlddrtit feel so good and boui nf u gotio kind frouung at uui mouth wa dukleiit go to chlrch and trven ma and ant tcmmy stayed at homo ut it waa klmu tuff on me uui because t had punned to practice wiui uw base ball team ihu p lu munday pound out uiu morn big uiat the serial brakfast fd that w got aiek ptl wa i kiv clilstf witch ma had got and fed u by ml lake wo had dilckul this evutng on acct of we luul co uil vnlng 1 got uui wlsli bone my wuli was uiat i liad sod uut uui minn wa blew up in eighteen ds bisud uf uu i hut mobby it wont cum true tciwuy llllki dorolny 1iauk aim id just a yuntf girl aed iter fake puyod a durty trick on her she luul been pray ing for a big doll and yesterday they bruug her to tbn liospltale to aee her mother and then allowed iter a little brother they had got for lier alie was uffly kore at them about it m and jwk got a good laff out of tllo slrcum- stanu i wusday tlwy are putuitg on operetta at kool and x liave got peaking part in it wlum uui wind ll itippascd to alimak why i do the ahrvak i can forget it for a few ilayu at any big for tlur wind hi uu 1st act doiit rate and endeavor to get done some no if 111 get it acrmt very utrlleil of hume thing which i have pcrforc- ihlrtdaya got a balling out for left undone working lu the garden i lotting a mistake g throw tha noote aomellme quite an ordeal tlie sun paper which he wlrk at today it was work when uie boy came to me about rr at uie wagon i jiut awapped to sort of try a wft just lately liaa been prtly hot ou on back and to work in the cool of tlie s vet ling i almost linposalbu m uie nuiauulton am almot unbearabu tliey miut surely lie more vicious- toward some people than oilier and i am cer tainly one of uielr fuit ivlctlnut in summertime i always rcgtetlthir trans parcucy of allk alockhiga thetw are i course certain oil on uie market which arc uppauid to keep tlieimj petl- inaecu at bay but to use them ulm has the effect of keeping one distance i supiuuui the tn surfer in silence but hi a add for a bwty shop and it ctvr- tlsed a sjieshul on ismnanont wive for beauty food health is always beautiful ft gives color to the checks and sprijjlitly vim to the movements of the body health comes from the right kind of food shredded wheat with milk is the health food supreme contains all tho vitalizinj elements of the whole wheat grain in a digestible form iron for the blood calcium for bones and teeth and proteins for building healthy tissue delicious with fruits shredded heat with all the br of the whole wheat thatcajmadianbhrkdrjdwheatcoiuranyilyd whistling jet of team ahot upward from ulb jlmmy couu ul kilouticu 1ioijuh casejr met kelly altlrciljjullul 11 ull day tlothe ave yo wurrkln today 7 queried caaey no aald kelly we delard a ahtrlke ylaatiday lor more payr no yt aliortar hours ol dont blame yri alway main- tajfted uiat sixty minutes wua rnuoll too much for an hour an ol luipe win cllovera itevfew nlghu of agwny come in the trabi of asthma tlie victim cannot lie down and leap u driven from hi brain what grateful rftucf bt uut 1 mined late effect of dr j d rcelloggit anna itemedy banlahes the frightful condition clears th- passagea and enable the iff lie ted one to again aleen a soundly and rest- fully a a child iiuut ou uie genuine at your nearby drugguw uie radiator dap 11 was the peanut wagon the famoua much pilsiued car nf ivtei murray the driver murray wa maatlva and dark he looked more like an ogro uuui like the lihrowd haokwood farmer that lie cer ululy wa for hi acrea of irrigated farm land were a numerous aa the leave on a trrm murray wa rich incidentally he waa a director in the big irrigation flat bottom of wet ooay mud paruier out uut mud stopped and gave place to the sand of uie river bed but uw aand wo wot ilejtond alltu gravel bar uie river glided by all that jimmy observed at a glance at hi feet where lut stood oil uui bank i wagon track led down to uie level bot tom half a dnxii yard farther out wu black muddy apac blades of grass him out and prove to uie other member of uie board that lie a slicker 1 ve beetl watching him uie last twoday and lut shorn fought that river i bo i ve dropped round to ull hlm to eouin to work monday we 11 see uiat lie ha a chance to study some wlien winter comes one of uui engineer will look after hlm thataway iteckou uiat a all win sen if you can twist thl engine of mine into life wlioal that got cr oood morula all and the peanut wagon wlieaaed and rattled down the une to the hi honychanoina in china sprang only in spola from uie sandy project on which jimmy had nhulued mull on the aide of uui nearest hank l iitf earth wa torn up and uuir- were numorou hoof mark tlui hoy gave uiem only a cursory glance however 1u jimmy waited until murray reappeared from the store the big farmer wu accompanied iy another man and the two were lauglilng aa 11 ey came through die screen doors b ay ivte drawled a lanky man wlio waa sunning himself on the store porch 1iear ull charley ilaluea unit yo7 yeli murray slopped to answer he quit ail rlgiit i heltied hlm off the i place with m foot he no account llial what i told ye when ye hired hlm j uaw cluuruy awhile ago uldu i uu to like uie way ye treated him laid b dldnt know nuthlu txut uiat pi unit i si ii i ftel tllg hjwst iubiicklnd i ucky i saved uie liorse observed uie big man iu got into uie car and pleasure and uiat dlvoru even the who are too deaf to hear ordinary aounda tako a silver tabloapoon and tie lt juat above urn bowl to uie tnlddu of a atrto about five feet lung wrap each end of tha airing throe or four times round foroniurer and then insert the forangera gonuy in uie ear the spoon win rwlng fr on tha siring attention wa riveted on a ahigu object ala inches of wagon tongue sticking diagonally up from tlm leve uf uui muddy expanse an luch rope doubled mid a uut as a bow string ran from the tongue to the base of a urge willow j well up on uie bank jimmy sat down weakly uo that wliy murray fired charley halnesl he uiought angrily lta level her and charley tried to take a short cut aero uie river and save going two mile to the ford didnt know what quicksand kverywlieroaioat of our trouble are money troublej write dorouiy dl in my trip hound the world but no where i tlie money question auch a vexation to uie plrlt as it u in oldna trca that we there very city uues ij own currency j only about twenty loft however i sup- which la not legal tender in any ouicr silence u not exactly easy when geu an unexpected jab in uie neck every once in a while ilui children wero up to uie bush to day and brought home a lovely lot of wild phlox home had root i think i will put them in uie garden and aee what they will do the pereiinul border ha rome along jim i flue but uie shrubs have been very dlaappo luting the to ray thl w already to come into bloom when tlat cold map camo along juit i after kasur and nipped it right up now it has neltlior bloom uur leaves lui tttaiii 5 till hj p fiigi tla no con m pu tc ly done for rite spire also looks pretty ragged and we bavn had tho same luck a so many other peoplo in losing ouc evert rum one cedar and nix fully grown spruce tree have died and nut uie five hundred little goveruimint t hut laat 1vh tbere are city ivklu tnoney u not good in uliang- hal llhanglial dolur will not pa in hongkong tlie canton merchgut refuse young hongkong pelf and you are for ever running to ute money changers who charge you a big discount for turning uio currency of one city into that of uier worae jiull there u big money ra which you muat and uttu money bolh have and this li a sort of a financial joke uut you never quite undersund pv you can take a dollar which j big money and get it ctuuial into lltue money and have a dollar and fifteen or a dollar and twenty cenu if you buy some amall artlou uiat you can pay ror with uie onset amount in utile money uie merchajst will take it but if you buy an article coating aay one dollar and twenlyflvo ceuu or one dollar and a hair he will not take back hi part payment the little money he has just giva you i nowhere u there ao much oounterfelt to carrolts- vp makes a homer to the plato hound the block 1 home in a jiffy- pops pinchhitting for ma during housed eanug and hell unload a harvest or good things of assured pore we have to forget ihliitf- like uiat and take comfort m the way tlie bprlug crops are mining along partner sar he ha never seen tlie barley griwuku it ha thl year no doubt we shall be jlnglbig the money in our pockeu this rall and woudur what wo can do with it ull you remember in tile early llprlug all looked like t gllftm and th i mtillty m iii fllllua end in m nlkia wagon just a murray m i- p ta counurfelung ao akillfully done wagon just a- murray aald safe in s lean for- 1 bt tn u fellow beside the cr i lltue and et the apoon atrike a j encouraged i jimmy hurriedly aald he lenaurfaoc m uie edge ol the table f led a wgori and could see nn way of ttm blow wilt produce a beautiful musical betting one you see lie finished load 1 ma jut gotta have a wagon can you ty tying three or four apnona at fn- 1 mr murray you knkv our tarvalg on uje aaxao atttng you oanj f- nnd jv aummera job and groduoa hu1 counurfelung ao skillfully done ijiad dollar uiat look exactly like uie comer of uie field and nouilng flan ra uilng are as punttful as black- tear it loosi that was what murray berries in summer and in addition there meant when lie told avi june at tlie tm t thati i i v d i from uie inside and uie thm tlut l wam ludky ttmy bot uh ouier surface carefully restored ao you it was uiat the heckled jimmy clambered thome outl to save them uwy had to have tn be careful l deal only with from lua iaiggy and aoooated him i the wagon go ljt of baulbig 1 11 rnpuubu moneychanger who stamp in do with that wgonl lie finished x- mmc j do vf i yoilttiet u tlwlr cliop and it u guaranty that uietr money u the real thing aldered uie situation at uie oud of uiat time be stood up in disgust calf gene milk check gone stung for a sucker i the crook i then lui kmllcd for jimmy cannon was game jimmy was quiet at sufper tlioht i i d leave the wagon down there for a while he said truthfully enough to j wedgod himself behind tlie wliee at uie ijuggy and aoooated him mr murray may i talk with you a minute the boys blue eyes were i piouvely alive i wivo minute passed while jimmy lulalng his black eyebrows the big in braved rclind in hla seat and looked tims j a rr ttti oil of ibwvr it i not claimed for lit riuimas kcleoulo oil that t will remedy every iii but iu ueaare an various that it may he bxiked upon a a general pain killer h lias achieved that greatnesi for luelf and iu excellence la known to all who wave tested iu virtues painting and house decoration draining a speciality frnnpt aiunluii haiufaeuon uaaranued kaumaue olvew telrilonlf lto iuciaki h i1lanci1b hox sag acton special thuil branj peas no 2 tin 2 zi withfowest prices toboot milk whou i miit npi xi 0ty f crm un j special manhm honey k pur n no 3 lill c 49 t carroll wrapped bread kp- lu 11 iim ttu hatur la m- ui special the health drink toddy m- 47 canjj teas own havb loclbl rt 39c 49c 55c 70c nv tow iptiom cm ui jcdffees vttjy cmtimj pin kt 45c 53c 63c special notice highest market prices paid for hrop iron metals rag and all klmu of scrap material we also sell imlleys- tie ting hangers uliafung ving fl wku1ng1xjn mktal wastk co is weulngten suwt daalpb honb jij sandwich filling lu ttbbon jar r lyv j-4- m-rg-r- kalv ssmlwlcli spr jar 44c dainty lunch sandwich sfm4 per ir mlruj chlcln tin juufer pasea cllotar pasre pari pat 30c jje nns 29c 3 tin 23c 2 tins 25c specialharry homes cusfard ilin talu vhigars bll iuimi inirw ohve oil bit special afclarcns invincible jelly 5 montwrrai lime jfulire tl wakliv grape jtutce u special victory cohoe salmon carroll sliced llacoji it teety summer sauaege lb special regal or siffo salt 2 o 5 cimimm- pig brlllo for alumun special tpilet soapu lux 3 prince soap ifaata pig palnsouve soap 14c 2k jhc 2 are 23c ultlr 22 25 lib in 29 j p- 15 14c 21c 2 pkgi 2ic i9 mill street 7 i carrolls acton ontario