Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1930, p. 5

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t unit arum jhrr lurrim jhulliluav may ju 1030 iju iy doit u rtutnl mo m 1i y mug ilrli hmi i wmdir with uli my might li vi r lluvh illulemtood wood wdlllil it wooduiutk a wtmdi buck would 1 tutlt wli tlld tin y tn nti by chucking i used tii wiuilur dimly i l wliy wk the wonl in iiu u la t naked i ui u uk folk grimly jul ihyil iily urln wlmn tlmy aiuwwird in a awiftiy as tlwy eould- 11 w imiili wixxi wtuld k womkhuck llllttk if n wmtltliiilk would chuck wood i the sunday school lessoit k11 hdniiay jiint 1 ittjo wumdcastino rrik imoo ooniilalli hbtwicicm hauiiku1 olllltntl ifcmt well d lie g md kji 1 faithful juirvuit uum him i if en faithful ovrf a fn w thing i win set tl lee over many uil tg t titer tli hi 1 nu th k j y r thy uird matt 3b 11 i j uum lknt mult js 11 40 uuidy 1 auo r uk 1u 11 it lillib april 3 a d 30 ploco i y il he i tliilnlitil i i try woodchuck dt niitiidtim i vt r v util tiiiytiii nut tuo right illy l lr dubt tiny buuitl iiiiitili w mi wniiiii u woodchuck iluirk i u woodehuek would chuck w d i i luwd to wiiii fkhjiiriitly id i think of tin wood u chink and tlm iievu ull r my thought w and i lulu would hit wilt ii ilh utynelf to sleep and id tho chucking fcutrd why fd utrlou thml 0 lllltlumtlmml olivet knpnllitjn x what uu hrvatiu did during itmlr ii ttl abncuce 141b 11m man g ting into another country u jwu ohrut lite other country i mvh at hi going 1i baatowed jlfu until hi duclpm feph u 11 u 1 lnler 4 10 iliru gift are hu u od or thing belonging to uliit hu own rvttilu bond servant are nil 111 tliu ijlrlnklund qlllllait yhau lm iiik juuo of tim iim fto ol lliuixlay juiu 1 1bu jlulttr b down lo 30 cent ikur him dripped about 0 ceitu in lliriu wviku whuut u down bo low the i illar murk mjalu muy hud luiollilr cold jwll lut wnok i mr oliiut iff miuum in building i uddllu it u hu rfldtiuc on urock mr jcr ulult urtxk avnii hell inui puroluuod mr tuld it uimlvbillli lir u how ltoiuli ho inlciidu eroolinu thorn ciiuiirlllor ah itoll havliitf wltl hu lirlik liouio on main i j trout u llknly to rruul u tmw raldmico tills uinnier mr j 1 wordfit hiu ropurchamd uio luiliirlu imjiliiciyi in tlio nlup lioit icintiiy liron uhou ulore which t ftold auuui tlinu uto to mr m mcactieni mi nam jumim olid duncaii llttu hve inovud tlm old imuim on their prunorty un miiln utroot lo tlo alur of thu forinor hulldliitf tlia mtmllmrn of tlio uoiu of eilflllld wltl nulotiit brutlirnii from iuelpli iiitrdiwnl in 11m iiupiut church it jhiuluy uvnnltiu wliuro luiv mr uurrull prutlhcd u himolul mrmun to uto ordur tltoruyu jiaanbiiu olub wiu roorgjiued tlili w k with tlio following offlor honorary lrmddcnt w j clinmn innltlint w a jtoioy vlolrcldoiit 1rul ii lltorny muiiinjor ilobort elcott uori turyrroainiror truik molittooh ooinmittmr w vpurwinpnell mcnabb anson j hum ion jon ltlnun 0ptln w lalnl iiiu olub and tlio town club will nluy u ttvtlm a league gwnta durlntf i ho uutumer majtluibu malton malireuon at oonlngaby on muy 30 ioio by uw mr uowdi ivironto ltoirt mason of oodarlclt tn joan tlnuuhur of john matheatti oonlnuahy oamlueti at victoria v1iu aaton on jiulurday may 3b 1010 aoo onipbh in hla auilycar nwan at konriu on may li 1010 ioiv mutltiow ywmi musd b year c1iiij k1 nuooi what uadses it chlllod brood la not a brood but u tlio roautt of brootl bolru pod to low umnnrtituraa and dyltik ttura- rroin onrlnif wlui itfl cluurjfaija wcatlior rhiilrcn that uruut earn ixs eirjued in tlm iiunliiulatluu of btxwi otlierwue a ovi ro rlmck may bo nlvon to their th volmmiont all manipulation of colonlott durbtu tlio aprlna and early nuinmcr hi fur tho purpttm of prod uo in he for tlio harvest but any maujpuhv uott tht rraulu tn chlllod brood defeat till objxct ilio ohlof causoa of chlllod brood arc 1 maklna an eicatnlnauon nf colonic whuu ouuwo uniperaturei aro toti low kxamlnatloiui durlntf th vtirly iwrt of tlio fmiuioii altould only bo niudti wlmn tlm outaldo temperature la iiluh mouuli for the bee to fly freely about 01 uf 10 drgrooi fuliroiilielt avoii then it lu advbiablo to make tlm examn- utluiim iu brief as paualble 3 opllt- tliitf dm bromi nwtf orott earn ohould ui tftkon tn korp all comba contalnlna hronrttogwthftrwipitirtniitttrt irplir- llliutlin bmtml neat durlim tlio early part of tlm noaaon u ofuin advoaaud aa a iimaim of hioroaaluif tho urowtti of tho oniony tint experiment at tlm central kminrlinantal vartn ottawa have atiown lliut mini i prnntlrn mora ofui end in wiukoiilnif tho colony thvouuh chllllua of tho brotml than other wue if room for chpftumlrtii 1 nottdod rivo it ate the hid h of tlm brood ihwt uid not wltlihi it 1 i nek of prouioluin outdoor wintered rnliiulcs iiniiully atart brood prwluctlon vury hurry in thu aprlnjj ruul by the umo tin mrly ncmrce of nocr aro ylnldlnif hi ro may bo mivtirttl comb containing lirinl if th winter prntoollnn u nl t o turly muoh of thu brood may b chilled btcuuiu tho bnen are hnablo to r v it without huoh protoblloti epic lull ittoiii mi aia aro tixpnrlpnoed durlnu muy or ttarly june lo avoid chlllfld brpod thin do not oium cnlonlwi durhtk colli w nlhor lot v aainluatlotii tie ai brlnf il lumjilblff kani tint brood neat omnpant mild provide nmplo irotecllon fur ihn rolniilo dlirliib tho ohanaeable wntthir of utrhiff and early ainnmor 1 j li cloodurham dominion apurlat ttllotiifaly ciut1cihm it if unwlao aa ft uonor mng to aak uu i pnophi xyliat thoy think of o r work i ho roaitlt may be unpleaaatt botli ftr thrm and for h i wo mtnutiira woro duoiiuliitf the pro- o o aormonwrltliib nov with inn aalti one of them thu only roally hard thing to manage are tin introdut tton and tho ooimlualun you imiinblt tlm uprrrlovi i preaolud at tha in ullutl in of lirolliur flo and uo not m ni will i tattered mywlf that dm okordlum anil tlm msroratlon of that m niton woro protly- wall done do you i iimiiibor what yo thougtit of tliemt jr fin id tif other tnlnhter i runoinbor thinking they wore vary root but too far apart f iluupln cumldired j 1iu purclioud projinrty and working fur lllm iho l rrprumit ute slfu or tho upklt ito 13 8 b 1 onf 13 4 0 ii 3d eph 4 fl 11 he did uot glvfl tho minim amount to j1 but vrud tlm uu arc irrtliib to urn anvnrnl ftblllly of nitch dcrvajtt to lutr ho airviint wm loft wltliout m gift i1m lriut aum limiltloii od 1 ono ulmit whlch vtjuitu tl 300 11m awut thmirly ilfud anrvant of ohrut ttaa anoutih alvail him ui do atinlollilntf lirlvlutf taarr gift involvi uraet reaponalbimy i like 13 4fl ii ujrnu worn glvni not for tlte pnraontvl iflt of tho r ipunt but to lue for the jund of 1 cor 14 13 3 cor i 4 u our gift for our own private advutua4 wit urn guilty of embaule if tnut fmuu ilm man vlio rooelved the rive tulrnu inrreajud them by uklug uum w can trad with our talent by ualng ttmm in labor for cluut 41 cuw 16 10 1 i1iu fl if ib 3 lfur 1 gi0 1 gor 14 13 11m mui with urn two tajdnu auo traded with thmn and nihm pntportlonale- iy a well a llm mji with rive rim one talent mail waa afrattl of loalng what ho tiad and tilt il inauwd or ualnif it it i not only one talent men who do lltla lilt tho imnputltmi to tin it i peaulhuly mtroiik with mm talent men they are tempted to think after ihl foabum if i liad five ulenu there would b konm usu in trying to do aomo- thhig but what 1 tlm uae of trying t do anything with only one talent t if i let it lottao in tlto world it will likely enough be loat to mo ad everybody else 1 ii tnako aure of what i have and put it whor- nolhliitf ran harm it iaul warn hinotiiy agalnit till very error neglect not the gift ttiat u in the which wo given uitwi by prophecy with tlio laying on of the hand of the prna bytry 1 tim 4 14 whatjllielr urtlolil oil lila -rfl- irn id 30 tlie coming back of tho servant lord neprvaanu urn rnltini of ouu latti when iio returns he will make a reckoning with u matt 10 31 1 cor 4 ft 3 cor s 10 every one of u will have to have a part in that reckoning ito 14 13 if wo aro true believer we khali not be judged aa to whether we are aaved or not lhat 1 already wit tied jno 5 34 but wo ahull be judged ca to our toward 1 cor 3 13 ib rho lord 1 repreannted aa coming back aftei u long time thu waa sold because many expected ohruta kingdom waa im mediately to appear luke 10 11 h hm now been a long time iho flvo talent man pre n led hlniaelf nrit t- tlie lnrd ha wu not afraid to come ther won a tone of naultatton in hi word wc too may flo uvo aa to liavc fear in tlm day of ifl coming knd lt judgment 1 jno 3 35 4 18 if iho ant aald 1 have gained other five taletiui in tlm parable of the pound the aervant ay 11iy pound liatli gained ten pound luktt 19 10 tho two atatementa et forth two different facta of h truth of i cor ik 10 jno ii ui oar 3 0 oal 3 30 the lord anawer was in itaelf abundant rnward well dono good and faithful oorvant it wai hla fidelity tiol llbl mucctia that lit maater pralaed hut evnii thu waa not all there waa added the wonderful word knter ttiou into ute joy of thy lord lelkliton aay here a jaw days of joy enter into iu there we enter into joy aa veaaela aet in a aea of glory ttia joy oil the lord 1 the joy the lord lllmself liaa jcil tn 3fl svoz talent man and i hit report u glad and confident he recalvad the alne prabo and tlm aajne joy for in hu meaauro lie had been w faithful aa the other- of 3 cor a 13 tlio one talent man held hark but ho- wo compelled to coma at loat lie too called hla master lord vfut lie had luu treated hu aa auoh luke he aald lie waa afraid and that i not the aplrit of true aervlce ho 8 10 tlm 1 1 lie tried to alilft the blatna of hu falturo mon libt lord ihna all fallhlna unrvanta act it did not loaaen the aervuil guilt tq aluider hu niaur he did hot really know ilia lord although ho said he did ale notion about clodjie at the bottom of tiarelea and frightened unucoeaaful ervlco ihn lord evpoaea tlirt folly of lit excuae and demo nitrate the real trouble in rive word thou wicked and iilothfut aurvant he waa condemned out of hi own mouth and aeiilanoed by hla own act in talont 1 taken away from him and ho t caat into tho outer darknei with iu unending agony arid impotent rago and all heoaium tie waa unprofit able duett im ho utterly oaal out one need not to be an awful sinner to lie noted amongit one a fallowa aa a tranagreaaor above tlie ordinary ho need only to be uielpg hu talent la given to ute one who liaa alreatiy ten talent and jeil explain that urn one wiou itat ho ha wilj get mitt bo given tlm one wlio lirglenta to tiao what lid ha will hum even that v 30 i salada wlmn tlm n j00 oi new dirigible arrlvem nhortly there will hi i jaiiadluu being lgnor iat hrllalii hugn in the itoinlnloii o nxi mm for any nt nf her vult the new will bo broadcast throughout canada by the iran canada liroodcut lug company from roaat to cttant over the radio pri gramme tmiimin union eyntrm rf tho canadian 1ucino hallway oomputiy u lirgruplu i he nrrajigemtnu will include a twi nty four itour crvlie on dm tlay of arrival and will tie pii out us roil uh hlatliuim in ciurlie monlrval itironto london wltinlpfg itealna naakatotni iciliiioiiton lijnl 0er calgary vancouv er ktomhig and yorkton ilatk m- augea fnuii tho alrahlp will ito broatlcot ua nhn aiiproarluft tho 70 mlln ratllu tuid will lurluiin a iwrrlptlon t f tho miu ring uiio of tlm most intorrvthig and nxrltlug moment in tho whole prourainino till i will in tiroodiaiit by i d arcy hull monuuliiu editor of tho ottawa oiliwji a rhuf annouiicrr 11m bmodrajt til the arrival will bo aiipplt meiileil ilurlng dm twit aiicloetllng tlaya by biillflln uir vln and lie rrlptli it of poelul nvtiiu ijty out ishown thu it 100 lu flight dm kiuluit of thr ulr liner and dm iii ilubt rl in lining luul variety of news huyhig woel in aetsti mr it h harbour of hlllburg wool irtiyer tho quolph woraletl and upln uliig cnnilmiiy will be in acton on june 11 and ib to purchase wool an ad- rtlement in another hoc don carrlm deulu kveurrd iegr at 10 year of age frlnnd in tho old homo town of hubert k holme will ho pleajmd to luarn uiat hu oii hubert nldney holme aged id year graduated uuil week from the unlvorally of manitoba witijhe degree nf llachelor of art and ucleuce he la aihiu to aturt hlu career ui th bmunau world with tho itoyal hank tlm odda alllutugti wo liuvo never bothered with tlm odd an exchange lia aummarhted it thua when a man rind fault with lila looal iianer tlto chance are two lo dial ho hajin t nil advertisement in it ilvo lo ono dial he never glvu it any job work tliroe to one that he 1 delin quent in hbi fiubacrlptloi even money that he never did anything to auist dm publlaher lo make m good paper fifty to ie that lie hi nlwayfl anxlou to get it i aoon it it u off the proa llualnroa candhlon lood lilt her cornel of crewaon comer lio i manager of tlm urlck work at liellevllle rejioru that dm unemploy ment problem tiaa cleared away in gaalern ontario all tho different lu- duatrle ore working full time hla firm after making die full capacity of the yard lat year ihi to dlirchaad ollc mtillun brick rrom another company and there la not a load in the yard left for dill aeaaoii alo an alqwirt aald to coat three million dollars la being reoted baiwean lr4ulon and uellovllle haaunln to vtau rareufa driving eaat near oakvllle on uunday in an effort to reach tthigilon to yblt hla xltlc fatner a or don moore ilagara palu n y collided wlui cgra driven by j a uandham king dtreet kat hamilton and gordon huuedge of the klnaiiclal itt iorohto moore waa at tempting to pan the uandham car wlmn die accident occurred no one waa in jured although tho car wore damaged and two other earn were forced to take to the ditch itobtc officer hogera aeliud moot car but allowed the owner to proceed to lngaton to be at the bedtldo of hla parent iikii school uonolt uoll ktamllug of the lupil in the varluu form of the acton high kchul lorm iii ii quthrle i unicn hlglilut lu oral compoallloii i item lure anrlmt ilktory ijitln componltton h guthrie illgheat lu written composition moil urn hbitory d maodonald hlglmfit in trigonometry l mcct nib higheitt iii algilwu w wllaon hlgluuit lu oeomelry ohrmutry ii h luun hulhel in iiiyslch it 1 lluton j ukilllng itlglieat in ijitln author j ukltllnj lllglieat in frourh autluiru ii ohtranilur i hrure rreuch comimudtlon m a anion m uyiiard lmrmhw agar a aijar o llookuii a olarrlduo lllghuit lu oral oompaulllm written compojiitii n lfcnrli grammar is i ay lor jullheot in i iu ralurc latin m agar hlgheat lu oooinotry o agar hlgluuit in arithmetic i uwltaer illgheat lu iliynlography m agar q agar t fay lor highest in zoology ii hawllngn jainft i i wiley h haaitard o moloaalo m near hlghtuit hi art ijitln uotany 1 wiley higimat in algebra i webater i ugliest lu i iterature c liauer hlgheat lu prench o moloxale highest in ofstgrapliym houoll ii hoaaard i lllghetit in history m neai an allkai t twpuu tk kuitd pur- hureliul ruwtrry i vryoiw invited ti tikpert h wl tttilvd on tliftra ijui yar li diojio wlio are fnu rented in the upkeep and beuutltlratlon uf churchill comclnry by having friend ami anorjttora liiterrxl there urn com mitten who liave been working to bring utla did hktorlcal burial ptuco to a ondltlou that would p rmlt tutinuiirnt upkeep in mowing graui and othi rwlxn kit plug a tidy ooii litliui invito all thwn who contributed funi to do tlili work to motor out and urn tin rmiilth of their lalwir aa the conimltloe lu charge have intent about iu hundred dollar nutro than waa col- ct tl in roinpliitliig thu work wc would ark you to add to your i lib rrlpllon to motive this overdraft which la being rarrled by them your committee feel that tha appear ance of thu fliuntcry 1a bo much 1m- pnivcd in nppoaranco u what it wia dull ytarn ago that you will fontlnuu to euppfl tliem in dili ujidcrtaltlng of paying tribute to dm pioneer of tltbi dlalrlrt would auo invito uny ouct in to rested in beautifying uf uu nigloctod rural runuti rim lo inupert churchill and note whut can bo done to make coildltutn right for pcirnmhr- lit upkeep joel i leslie chairman a lb brown label at all grocery stores 1 1 mr tables mojmnotirmmmys lu3aii 11 3ul il upm b is p tii lu 31 am ttf 34 a in o 00 a in j jo 0 m fllbpm so p in mihdalm iimk all tl i i ulviu in llik 11 htm i lard i loieu loti kaat lllitay only induy only illy k ipt jiimday illy n t milmluy ily mi pt riumluy ily i mipt jinilay iina w uiuy only ily e iil llumlity illy e mr 1 1 jiyfduy illy r xutjtulay ijliiotn mull lraltt naylioui mavihci iimk all tlm i iflvrnlii ihh linn luble 11 uayljiflil tlnving liijitj wetboanj mm ciuiuu nkwm a minting of tho ical aanoclatlon waji held on may 13 when conuulsiilouor mrs mcnivcn gave a very interehtlng rtport of both die dominion convention and tho ihovlnrjal convention of oirl uuldit aiutoclatloim licld at tho itoyal york hotel roronto owing to the in ere an in g number of rcrrului mrc o 11 harrison hoa hoe it ajljiolntetl by thu local association and upprovjtl of by the local commlulon a any tlinu youris liuury uujoy kcllog 0rn riakrh mill milk or rruui tor reukfuftl for iijih h for hiipu for 11 lnl hiiiu k i iiuyve tirvut ho l woe i inrult4 mui nt uny meal corn flakes bjxtm jnlulnut tell frultt r hnty tuufd mttji by ktjiogg it tendon out dally- kxrept lunduy 7 38 pm 1j illy ooflm dally 11 rts am hilly j lopm dally 438 pm dully osflpm dully diopm dilly uaatlmhtnd 13 10 pm dilly 1mnpt holiday nr3am dully d llm dally 11 13 am dully 1 33 pm dilly 3 q3 pn dally a ilpu dully 8 33 pm dully 11 33 pm tmato tamlnaj ku hlrt and ml cuu itnu freight dollvornd by apalal biprva freight irelght picked up at any ad drna hi toronto wdiuiij duo at acton dally oi flau a m 1 00 p m 4 00 p m fl as p m and dally except uaturtuy lu- dayt and holiday nt 1000 p in muturdny uimtlayu anil holiday only at 13 00 a m kcaulbounol daily at li an o m 3 00 p m r tlo p in 0 00p lit dally exrnpt lliuiitaym and holidays at 0 30 a m lundayn and holiday at 0 05 a i inandaiot 1imk i cnplaln of tho qulde captain eleanor uajlton countv backhaul ulaoufc vma wf how ovqu j ijbu of coonty uleet ohleera the annual meeung of die hal ton liberal association waa held tn the irln- ccu liieatm at milton on monday night with iaul walter of lluflliigton acting a chairman iho following officers were elected 1rmldent paul mhor uurllng- ton 1st vlcelmaldent archibald oal- bralth palermo 3nd vleelreldmtl mrs m x oowland milton oecretary ireaxliror v d dewar it was decided ttr-jotn- w to hold a luberalvrogreatlve conveiiuon in the 1rtncea theatre milton on ualurday afternoon may 31 ijpaeche were delivered by 1 a lllakelock m v i of oakvllle j o m qorman and hun nelson 1arllonmnt botli of roronto heatitlfyiiig home httrroumllnga luce war day there has developed among the people of canada a keener desire for beautifying the home surround- inga and elsewhere and thin la algnolly true respecting the homej of this com munity riier lias been a remarkable hciiedulk i ho following 1 tlio acliedule of the halton county league lev this seasoi may 11 acton at iiurllugton milton at oakvllle georgetown at uroitte may 34 iiurllngton at georgetown oakvllle at acton hronte at milton may 31 georgetown at oakvllle llronte at iiurllngton acton at milton june 7 oakvllle at jlurllngton milton at georgetown acton at hronte juno 14 iiurllngton at milton oak vllle at llronte georgetown ut acton june 31 milton at hiidliigton llronte at oakvllle anton at georgetown june 3b jlurllnglon at aoton oakvllle at milton hronta at georgetown jufy r oeorgutnwn at llurluigton milton at uninte acton at oakvllle jj 1 biirttngtontrt ookvtllor oeorgetitwii at milton hrtinte at ac toil july 10 oakvllle at oeorgutown jliif- llngtou at llronte milton at acton plrt and second toamu to play off for league championship llio gamea aro to atari at 3 00 p m daylight having time an aulleoiatlon kvntlan halm t and refreahlng qoothlng and protective iho perfect alii to beauty unrivalled in 1u hoftenlug and beautifying effout on the akin im part a fresh and fragrant chann to tho lovelleat oofipuxlon ilanlshea roug li nes caused by weather condition safe guard uie akht and keeps it smooth soft and flawless uo it rfor the hand and face always results in the highest exprcaalon of beauty dear 1hkk iaxaa ami ho my oldumo ocmiatnlanco ami iiioreaetntlio liiiportatlmi of bulbs nelgllltor oeorgn dllla lion jniie to atld perennial plants ahruba roots anil tree to tho lint of formor- friend in aoton in 1q1 tlte planti innpcction wenloo vjf who have gone klncott vlittntl ttmra in of her time to tho itangei vlcouhtesfl wllllngdon mm w d rosa and many oilier notables attended thn urinual aeruloe nf tlte olrl gultlea held in convocation hall loronlo her kx- oellcncy took the salute from firty com- paiilea at the cloao of uw aarvloe i lie hanger and guides are muoh pleased with the result of their conoert u suhitaiitlal sum having been raised toward their camp fund the dominion government department of agriculture examined 000 000 plants etc while ten yeaia later in 1030 tho nutnbei examined was over 40 000 000 tlie intermit taken in beautifying urn liomo garden etc u growing rapidly hero in a clou audtha interest has greatly in- creased lnce the bylaw waa passml raculrlug tho dog to be tied up durbtg dm summer month 1uhr tv thikhtnatk llr john macdonald tlto first prim minis ler or canada wo fond of relating thl story to illustrate tlto heed of an upper house of what use la tlie benale asked jorfnlson as he stood before tio tire with n cup of tea lit hi hand pouring tea iiito the hauoor you havo unswered your nwu ques- tlon ruliiul washbigtou what do you mean wliy did you pour unit tea into urn aaunorf to cool it icveu o raid waahlngloii dm uniate 1 the aniicor into which we pour lobulation u cool for treatiueut nf oaked bags in cows garget uae douglas kgvptlan lini ment- ttte uulok imri vemody haves dine and cxpenmi ilevouls hlemlabed itupk i and mr did mr and mrs lohu lliflwn mr and mrs james urowu church tilrret mr and mr jamru matthews c c hpelght a k nlcklln mih lottie hitelgtit mrs a 1 llrowu ilotit wallace j a hill u 11 wuiu- brough mr math i a ijtnjbert mr and mr h o hrown wni iud hd cook mr oeorge lealle and i think otliem and possibly sino ufeportner of uiosu i have mentioned mr dill i waa well acquainted with as i think we came to anion within a ytar of naoh other i in 1r03 and ha lu ibd3 hu home near the jttle creok wu not far froni oura our family pews in church were adjoining and our manual labor worn for dto samn builinem interests the lleaxdiuore he i always remember a having no use for cloao run on time for he was alway well on liand gootl and early i had rather ito ave minute noon a two loo late and uiat was always hi policy ihn flight of year u ahown by iho fact of tho present tllgnltlotl editor anil publisher uf in lask 1aioti bolng tin n u more timid little lad tuoan by his pare ii ut whllti oonveying to him my ulcere condotriioe in hla bumavement i aim congratulate htm on the inherit ance of character let him yur in frlendhhlp tl cob man htovtii lolpt wu may ib lp3u as a vermlfiiga an effective prepaia tlon u mother clravee woim tcxteriulu a tor uhd h tan he given to tlm most delicate child without fear of injury to thu ooiuttltulloti a x aunt- tauty ov onu a good many year ago there lived in ihonlugton connecticut the late nauian honcofk who in my boyish memory must luiva weighed nearly three hundred pounds ono day he made a business trip to kingston itltode island on what ui now uie now york now haven jhuuoduallirod and wtnulneduntll lie had inlmcd tho last accommodation train and faeed the prttnpmt of apendlng night there in lead of at initio an xpn s train would pax later in tho oveulng but tho ntatlon agent assured him uiat it would not stojt for nno pas aenger only mr hancock wlio did not hall from the wooden nutmeg state for nothing telegmnluhl l tlto proper official at providence roouosuiig that the express train atop at- kingston for a large party hound for 1 toning ton fjlnce he did a large wholesale coal hmliie over tho rout and may have been a stockholder all i know dig official granted his rmpicflt whun the express finally arrived and topped the roudnouir slipped off ami seeing only one mrhon on the platform salt where la lltn large party i was to htop hero for don t you think 1m u pretty largi party inquired mr hancock aa he hoarded the train i balmy balmo a iltllcni of humamity you may have tried other salve and ointment now thy halmo and you ll uly no fuuthldt tbtouioa relieve and heal at u touch corn out hum llcald kciema eto large hox 4flo nikcifal allvkutiuinu oirku lf u limited umo we will glvn you ltoa 1 hok ulstro gold and hi1v r i late ihtluhlng istwdor jso 1 ihirkel nuhrush paint hrush oteallnr ibn 1 lurket dnilt o lkth lowder prevents pyrrotma loo if you will send 10o extra to pay pontage packing eui mall b0o ittaliu note nr coin lo day i now i money hack if not hatlatled vhkitah supply co h74 coabuni avmiuo tohonto 13 ontaltio gyproc makes simuticr homes firesafe photfct yor family br inukjiifj your summer homo draughtproof 1um- nroof ami fire saft the new ivory coloured gynroc that does wt burn will render you this tcrvico at miwii cost use it for structurally wrong wulls ceilings and irtlfjons it need no de- coratjon when lanejied ihh yon can tine najxr or lilasai k if yon wlili it is ejiily mid quickly upjilicd i a pcrnnuent asset and is vastly superior to other building materials your dealers name is listed below asic him today for full information on gjp- roc walllmwwl ttrgcmhnr interesting fret book ilulld- ing and llemodclllug with gyproc t gypsum i imp and alaiushni canada iimiiid varii ontario gyproc bai fire proof wallboavd for hale ily j il mackoiulo tho fieorjfelown lumber co ltd j acton onl acton onl the liberalconservative association of i ml coun i y oi iialion will hold u coiivuntlitil in tlio town i lull milton nil friday may 30th 1930 it i m p nil standard lime to tcleet u liuuliduto for thu coniiiii fbdurnl iluction tlio convention will itu followed by a puhlit mooting to bo iid dressed by gmitmd lioin m p kitijtiitiin mi ft pitlllii petor nnroiigh ami otlinih all ait coullnlly invited to thu publle meeting lliu ladle i nro ehpcclally i oiie- itoil to attoud vm mookp pic9duiit g i lllioi i soeiotary card co cukijii ontaltio jack stewart cleaner dyer regular call mid deliver sci vice to aeton tuesday rhunulay and saturday in on in j8 vou 1uomit ani kcvicilkny hkuviok phone 103 acton or ijcavo coodrt ut w m cooiiia odorkwi clean in o truecolor dyeing mark every gravel ijurgo ftloek nl mmhuomii ta oiichmm tftracn nothing 1 more lasting or more appropriate to commemorate the memory of loved one wlio have gone before than boauuful granite well onrvtd with our prosent equipment acad faollltlea no plant hi better prepar ed to offer rwal value or a batter flloci lq cjiqaflolrqutthjui canbs aeenred at our plant you owe it hi yonraelf to see our atock and get our quotation on monument mar kern or corner utone before placing an order anywhere maimmeql lime ted anywhere oet our krlm actoh mondmbnt works jf nicol r kuonk iu savage co waicmlis diamonds china jlassvare ungagbment and wedding kings xi wyndlum kt gumjli ontauht kulwerliuoiul for all mnsazlnea taken lloro

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