Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1930, p. 1

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ht jvjdjocw i ijn flfili wur no ii eljurrlj srriitrpfl mtitlrb illitrrl nf ajmmuu acton mlnlur jle c fool kl d willnw rtreec 111 lj mxm daylight iluvlug limn muni iy ilriionl irs mil jrau in the lih ul w lit til crowi 0 in daylight having time j ih mini ter ihibjirl llonght wlli rtwiiy7t3iri in t 1 vlte lvutyllody wuoousi knox cihjucit acton ul v ii i wnnii m a mlnuut mnllit wlllow lllrcrt iiunday juhl illh 1030 11 oil n m tlio flabbatl hrhnol i t n jt hi in din mhadow of ths 101 a in and 00 p in fubllo i wnr lilji iho minister at both mrvufut nuti l im morning wirvlcn i on uy hulil having llniti ilui tmnlng sorvlc 1 on llalndaid rime llttl lend wim dim h a hand kmwwrt lit uwi park tlun it in in duylluhl luvlng ibne adwayll welcome acton sup hut qlltirrlj itrv w j hamilton rulm- uljttoay junk nth daylight having llma 1100 u in pho win la lit r 13 hi hunday bchool 00 i tn i1in mlnuter monday 4 30 li m junior ii v 1 monday tt 00 p in iknlor ii v i u i ihumday fl 00 p in itandard ilmn-r- ruycr and irabw hervlce aii aiuc wkijoomk unclassified small advertisements vinl minimum iliru- ir im hoaimtus wanth girl linardirs wanted hoard reason ilhh all conveniences i uox 4 fluis liuc3i aim wantfd qlrl wanted at nnrn apply uunoeattiand vjujt acton lltlhhng mants vob salk oenrgo miiuuilla or c woodhall or call ut tli gronuhouw or no 3 oamsronf ulrciit lf cako o thanks mr k heswick nd mr and mr aeo coin deriro to acknowledge their grato- nl appreciation of the many kindnesses i hown und the sympathy exaressod during tho long illness and at tho time o tlui diath of tho beloved wlfo and mother mm k jjeswlck i hose many acu of helpfulness thri floral tributes uiul tint sympathy expressed aim hide cherished i auction haik of ruofkrty lhu propiirty of llio lato mnrb ornwkon at orewsons comers willi bo n if rod for sale by public auction i uibjcct to a reservo bid imnpxilalnly foilowtiib tho judicial ulo of iho at- jcliiiinn proportv in acton on oaturday juno h at two o clock tiplmidld hoiw- mill lot with otabltf and hnn ho mm on i tho proimrty mltuated two mluw rrom acitriii wr uio hlfbway 4d j u j kbrtl auctloncor feldmans sek ouk nkw fox scaitfs l fet dmans man ii facto kino viivwxb 113 wyndhum sl gudph maple grove dairy mouninfi an uven1nu milk otuvkkv guahantkbd nkw laid mbljivkbeu on ottbwt m w mastbks rropricunr capitol theatre 3 h1iowh 1av stt 1 to 0m guklph ontario ik mcimiuxkn muwiw tlmrtwlay and ividay junk k and 0 l konokthkgolte utarrlnu ulchurd llocthelmtiui llarlhuliiukh urciilil perform- siitiirtlny ami monday junk 7 and d vajaljoni ixveu nthrrlnu kudy vouoo uid tlally ijlmio vtie lliko crooner in a now role tuuiduy and wcflncmley junk 10 and 11 taming of tub shrew ntarrlnu mary ilokford and dmiulan fulrbankn qreauat ljuia of thn unrin in llinlr iirnt potiru toollpr n i tlmtrilnv and friday junk ib and ib high hocikty hujes tlturrlng juimt oaynor ami pliurid 1arrrll i bwmvru if tba rrrtwn return in a greater vtthlou tliai fjituiiyildo up wtii tiil hpnce for wwkly attractions iiiukshay ivi ning junii i 1010 acion ontahio canada miuksdav ivi nino jun1 1010 six lume print lnjci i ccnta macdonalds department managers sale atllo trip ii northern ontario j an cxpihllumi with fiwhinif as lt ohjidtive intvw iishtful iih kiuhurcinf tour thul i offers splendid e md ifoiik niods foiivhii oininiics in appaivl hai tlicsc values uitdhoyi mkns suit to cwalt in tbrm hmmilal ireupa 10 1 20 a tnhml cleanuirff of hrokni klam fnmi our rrsular ztixy jint tuirvkmhla twmhi and plain and taney lilun worntfula in vluloiu nnw tnodtili ilium in tlm groupa up to 43 oioatly imlucrd u aunt a imwidy cliranr uiwt unusual value mcnh ittuo work shirt ktra spcrlal at hc lluinly blun work ahlru in reau 20 kiiuclion on all topcoais in rtork llrruro a new iopcimt fat u dor id rd ravhitf your cholm of iwutuli riivrrln and rnnml wdr r otlui in nuwiw iiiodirlh all ftlkrfl up ui 44 in tho iwuvtloii a ulruluht rftdur- llon of 30 im r cent on i ui h ooat imllwly no ltntjirvo nnlimiiufk comhlnatioiui itrjfular 100 for 7rc mi n h combinations of tlroou nalnrhnrk inuthi in iiohutuui ntyln all bluii very low prlcud mi cdluir itiindu bnveral duya iif trip it li u natural following t hau hruiilid io much of hla 11 hrlnu forth a nlory of tlm ixpidltlon it wa u purty of local iiuuililm and why wl wirn included wo imvti not juu fiilhiiinid uouuclllnr o i llarruon wul mr i o arnold ualn iiunuunr of tho uioroy qlovu oo lnrr 4nj tllnulor ll illnwm nf upqtxrtnwn 1 1 1 1 tlm alr lljo of ihls journal wcro u niily thut rl forth lutl 1iliuy on a tilu i lilic i tho until lc sale of neckwear 9 200 swi silk tici willi ii jooil rimie at puttenn to clione rrom an iktraordinary opportunity to tcctiro rcul kood nock wo ur ut a ttnuitic tiiviiij 109t heouction on all hoys suits iwrcdd and plain blun mills with j blooriom 1 bloom or and 1 lonif or a loaitf irouiwira our struulur mnrrhandlui at urul id-jo- ductlou no luvmrvo v hoys spoltt iujouse fitwrulty lurihjmdl sl at 100 in itxtra nnn iuallty broadcloth khukl color kcuular collar and npoit collar ulyliii ilium v to ynum will wnar llko iron and aru hciuarkahln vakui womens coatk and dresses greatly redneeo childrens spring coats redueed to clear wonderful values in wallpapers draperies and rugs d e macdonald bros ltd gukjpii ontahio oiilintfottrt0tla7ntywdbknvicr jki uio odltor had u ii in uumlrlilun hiroil but did of tint purty vouabi d lor thu i llnhbnr and llio hi loinnimtutlonn a thny hud prnvloiuily mudu the trip uml wn riiluluod ujlh unnhaknu rnllluico in i llnlr judummit ho routu wftfl thro uul i lloltou to uinlm i whiifn wn rallml on charlie lll ami uwik on a mpply of uas and to linultoid uild on to liarrlu for broak- fuiil at altout niiiti o clock am uih a j country an that to a nut tlirmiuh mi uu t arly mnmnrr day it uavo a sruin of lirliln in rino 1ioviiro to sun thiuit crlllii ih hln uu i iplundld prombw of nopa and mr glravn tho roiin jihilatlva ot cainvdau hanlc imliihtry on ihu trip wan pardonud wlinu hla cluat welled with uridn mi vlowlmt thla cvldnncn of projiimrlty aiuonu hlii fellow farmuru ud tlun on to orlllla and oraveu- nt uud llracotirltbin with a call tluro mr ihoiuiwon o thn quod n a hotnl ui ruimw cuxjualuluiiontf and glvn haiica to uut uulliiilmirtid from a oou- i uloiuorutiou of boou and ilshliitf tackln nufflllciit to luro uvury trout from thu mirth lund hluliway from llraouhrhluo to j himuivllle wiut not aiirfacod but nuver- i uood anil thlii town wan tallied jnnt ut noon wo worn uohiff to oat ml mi a iiourm of hiforomtlon cultml on i dlior uli boramu nowniiuper- i uuppokcd to bo thn iiourcn of oil luforinutlou llio dnnlrnd infnrniutlou irurod from tho ucnlal mil tor and ion return to thu car it won found that wuiuuullko tho purty had thtoldrd tn load up with u and maka ilimilrldtfu for a into dlnuor on uorlli throuih tcmsdaln ijiirkh kul li nud uimifflduti finally at uhnrtly i nftflr two o clock uml thu jourtioy wan jmidid at tlui ncut ihu noruard llotol in that villain could vm ut dlnuor cortalnlyl our luwt wiu occonunodu- tlon puruoulfliid nud a vlnlt to our room a vnalnd thn tact that hnro was a hotel a to mill community of a ik hundred or population with adiuilntmcmu and convunlimi or whlcli any oautrn of larger prokrtloun iiiltfbt well bo proud it lit conducted by mr and mm dunbar and fdiully and wo noon wore i tuadn tn foci ilkn ineinhora of tho family j in tlm homo llko surround in uu huloullaliun i and a cluuiuo to very duroputablo llnhlng i tous and thu linnroimr lltfoallon of u do he lou a meal and thu party wan on the wl n hi 4i0iuu 1 fn liiuty ii iilu specials for this week quaker corn 1 lakes 3 pnckcta for 25c 2shreddcd whent oh pockets far 9c pastry flour zlstor 89c dutch cocoa for 2sccdlc33 rninm nh pnckcts for ltdc lnrje pineapples for heinz catsup 23c sluprcd olives cn- lorge tor ouc millionaire sardines oo 2 1 ms fur ooc 3loniliir con oc iackcci for ijjc c st h malt viiickui on c b brnnston c sauce or ujc c n catsup j for ijc hawes astl 49c oil large clarks pork and oo neaiib2 tim for liuc llcinx pork mid beiiim 2 tins for 2 tic nix spaghetti on ilui for l uafp 29c gcliiky t 10c 15c romaioes por tb 25c 15 25c chain j w jones red whitp si ilxilhlifi f oros acton ont redaction in prices on alklmodelscars undtnieks lolujm iltclmh tiyml pian toalmliilt vow tllmwlora tlirtm utiut rodnotloim ratigluif iof iiiado pomlbm by tlm lariti voluuxt uf biuilniw in 10 ju lrd icada in ndm ixtouw it loadi in vhl imlooo isoo 00 ulq9v l 160000 ipmi in aotou 10 to 0tt no por oar mo 030 i norton motors ford sale and service acton puonu b0 1 ity miloa mil uml over audi roadnl 1 huy wcro all rock iwttom and top twlut and turn and throuyh tho vlrifln timber an our tiiilwniait- olorey u pointed out it wo a real rldo on thn net nlr railway klop your hats and hanu on to your neat and dopoilted without mlhhuitfi at harry a at four o clock ono of tluua typical trout lirooku with iu ovorhauiflnu folluuo was whuro wo cant tho wormn and damilcd the hook for tho ilsh ami thn two hours of fbihluu imlliid tho party seventeen very lino upoclmcns in order to navn uruumuut wo will innko no comparurm a to alao and quantity on any of tho c ate litis wo wolu back in ulindrldku in tlmu for a latn uuppor at seven thirty wid liutruc- piniii to roofc hip juu lorlircaltual a pleasant imur was pojit with mr and mrs oeorsa dunbar that oveiilnu rrlendn of tho family and uio other section of the party ronowed acqualnt- ancnii in tho town and nnaauod and lost to noniu runl oucliru playurs in iho northern community and utioh a cool nlulit oa it was for may 301 llio northern lluhtn wore bril liant mid dnrlhff tho nlflht thorn waa n roal hfuvy front ono of tho party nverrod ho nay trail on the wire in front of thn hotnl ami may bo ho did it wau nlim o clock bforo the mom in k trip landed us bauk ut marry creek and itarry and ieddy tho littlo boy of the homo knocked off work long emnmli to say good iiionilnif and receive instruc tions on how tn operate one of tho anton mfnchlne company a uiegftue rloni iho plan was to not go in for dlunor and nrajiues and chooolato barn wortt to bo tho sustonanco in lieu of a meal it didnt work and about two oclock whnu tho catch only registered an for thq party and mmo of thorn over a foot long it was tlnoldod to try for a lunch new road to fiundrlduo was also tried t past doer and kohio xkj and throuah a further strtcti of thu country wltuoounaillor cleave boooin- liik morn and mora convinced to bo touted on hu own splondld farm oulirgotown it was thriulill lock when wo disturbed the hotel nuitbio and hail a lunch tllllt was almost tho oqual of a full courao dlnuor liluok orook only ihroo mllos out wiui rocommuided iho trout were bluui r but thn afternoon a endeavors only brought tho catch up to thlrtyslx uud this was all there was to go homo with oh yea there wero somo ohubt that uuvii a thrill of aiitlaluatlon fur a moment and gounolllor harrison and tho odltor landed two beautiful sucknrn which dwarfed all tio trout or alae but for viirliiua reasons thy were not included in tho oatcli brought o town wn wore nmont lute for suppor nirnln it won bnlurduy jilttht in town and uumlrlilun is just like mil lop or apy of these huatlhiif ooiiipilliltlen with iu ouldiduy nliht crowd of aliopimrs etc imndrldua hari u private dun on hall uml hero thn uelulo town latlioru reproseu- tatlvn of tte ac lou attd qeorgetowu com muu uleh would ho mid trip tho llulit fantastic but that is hardly u stptublo term fdn men wlio up the acald nt ovir tho 1 no mark llio hall the orchestra the crowd wort ull typical of a real good country outliik alter several square daincs u ok trot waa announced and tho orches tra which had been very fair in the aqitara dances was decidedly not at homd on iho vagabond lover half a tlouu couples alrukilled through tho ar- luiigomont bus it was iinvur attempted uuulu that ovoulug umiud dances are nut thn think in this northern country wo wero informed lh rnprtihontntlvo ui tlio glove induu- try utid tho so r i bo went tired and the councillors lutvliitf declllod to stay until llghu out tlm foitnnr pair net up guitrd in tint cur mitt doaed and waited at iiilclsoly ll do james drove the cou- tlngentibuok to llernard hotel at tlm hotel we mot mr a church who married an acton girl and vlslu ajjlon iuin haiho of his brotherinlaw mr 0 riank jlln is one of the leadbig buslm nun of tho cmumimlty and lostmaster of citmdrldgu a llltlo social chat with baseball krrfirmhoi at 1 nlu haf ion ttvl aluiii county lhiio 1 gaiiiv fioig acion waji dkhcaii 11 on i aiiuduy aiuiii tiuvillid to mlllon for the ihlrd uuine of thn llalui ijiuuih uml wrru in at j 0 u wui an 1111111111 gai start to niilili and wuu a iiulllit li il iilthiis var thu flint fi a ll i uikrd mi if ghulmrrs for at til 1 1 wail not uoluif to bit ifeillvi uml ni ii llhbuiu uut all imparid in go n itnt t noon wirctisimtrit rntitid hi miiue milton jiut uiuldnt conui t snd he had u utrlke oil in to mmuhn u li runs unit wi m swir d uuulnt him wire moitly on uctount of thr ilnldi tu inuliiiity to ut die bull llio milton u am liu4 liutti r i uiuuirt hind their pitcher aim if an auou muu got a lilt 11 ulwayu iimrd in gi rlulil lulo th t loialu iiu uh und lluy inude no mlstukiu ulioul uuing ihilr lunn out at ime tlmu acton hud llirnj on limn i with nunc iiu 11 ore 1 0 ulld thry ju 1 miiildn t 1 1 ore jfur llv inuliigh tin iiunin wliii rorehwi then wllwin mil ton u unit larktr hiorrd mi u hit ly ltlif uud anolhrr i un wan trortd in the rluhth whlii munll scon il on u hit by loli ku ulihninn for acton chow ed gnut linproviimul in till uumi uttlnu llio only two base hit of tho and 1u0 a dimlc and in the fh id luld a uri it lly bull after riinulnu uttout jj yanii fur ll watorhoimu ubo mud u spictaculur onehand catch having to jump into tile air for it mhuiuii left llrldir alio undo a ikuullful cutrh on a lona dclvo to lert fh id by icaluy i he following li uu bos icuru and nummary acion ah 11 11 to a b icaley ui ilslimun if llnlloway lmareu jli obeu 3b wulrrhou i lyltr rf qlbbonn c chuliiuru i lutul lb 4 0 0 j 4 0 1 1 0 0 j 0 0 it 0 0 4 0 1 0 j 0 4 0 0 0 ii 4 0 0 10 0 j 0 1 tl 0 j 0 1 14 0 0 j 0 0 tl 4 1 3j 0 ijll 1 milpon all 11 ii lo a k 0 i 4 a 0 1 1 ii cleminui if olnmi ills jli macurthy of tl murrh p lotenku lb aiulnnoii if imltioti lb 1 otter li iouls uu total jvj i it b j nummary 3 boo hit lclihinan j dane hit wilson struck out by chulmcrii j by muruh w walkn off chuliiirrn j off marsh 1 lilt by pltcht r by ohuluioru u oleiiriils and mariih kft on bancs acton it milton 10 umpire molly uarguainllum 4 n fi i o 0 4 0 j i 0 0 4 0 0 3 3 1 iho i milton ii ii 1 i 11 4 1 halton candidates nominated iliim wuldlirook bt ilia i lurral-rruerru- utvo and dr il k andcruou tlm conurvatlva cuudldat in tlili county at tho couiirvatlvo coiivuillon held in tho lonn hull milton 1rlday nluht dr uobirt king andonon of mlllon tin prcjieut moinbor for haltnu county waa iiiinulmouuly chnton as utumlnrd bearer in the approaching inderal clocliou dr anderuou i nomination wan moved by w ii dvloa uf oakvlllo and acaniutod by walter lcllot of noiuatfawoya lw- shli mo other niimo camo beforo tho uonveuliou j u maokonklo of milton chairman mm tallin of lctor- ikirouuh and john 1 white m 1 of iondon as well an dr anderson spoko at the nomination meeting jamcii waldbrook of trafalgar lown- shlp was selected as auuidurd bearer for the llhornlivotfrcnulvo party to contoii llaltou county in the approaching gen eral oloellon at tho convention in mlllou on saturday jifurnoou laul 1lsher ljurllugton ircslilont of the llaltou liberal association was chairman lint following wero nominated as candidates w n itobliuon oakvlllo jpunoan camp bell of mofiat ihns ijslle and w j l hampshire of ewjueslnu rownshlp jos waldbrook trafalgar township icnd d 11 itoberbuiu of milton messrii camp bell hampshire and iloberuon de6ilned the nomination tho other thrcn ulluwlng iholr names to go bofom the convention hon e c drury and o j mcgregor of imronto also addressed thb guthnrlng 111 v w 1 kami ion vlio bus tatcn i harun of the ihiptlsl chuiih in ailop iw thirty yiars mr and mm hnmlltnu who are i with cunudliui burn uvi d und mln- miml in thu maritime irovluri 11 wuj while on a nintor trip to loroulo thut in and mm hamilton brrutne emuiiiired wlh the lnuuty o ontario and ho lomluded hli work in th kauem irovlttcc and runic to ihh irovlni n lo live inr iwo yi ars in n bled in lluuuivlllr uoth mr und mm hamilton are very pli am d with acton und its in utiifui tldlnolji and the rommuully unf rally llie communitys social side of life viwitom in uiul rrom town diurinj uio vnni week an gleaned by ttto ivee premii tfl i ijiu miwlon toronto wau home the wukind mr mclci rrnl of olnnwllllatnh vlsllcd ith mr und mm h h wilson ovi r flunduy r r qrahum of wlnnlncff vlnlted nek with mr and mrs win john- al lukcvlt w luriii mrs holla ilndiny and mijji jtiin imnuy ottntiiiilo vhiimi thlir wwr llh mr i a i indsny ll l johnrtnnn of irfindpji visited hi i piirriitii mr and mrs win jnhn- toni ovir the wek end mr ni ii mcdonald of ionden vl tiled nt the homo or bin brother mr alex mcdnrifild ovir iho ttn kt 11 john iciuniy in now able to tuki wnlki about town fnllnwlim hi i rcreul lllne i a i d in sliuillly lmprovlnu lima morton wnn tukin ulrlounly 111 thin wci k uml n moved to the horpltil in ouilph yi ntcrduy fur truitmi nt mr jack llarb r li able to bn around again ollnwlng hli rocoiu operalloii nt oilelph clenrnil honpltnl for appendants mr wm johtuitone coullnuru to uliudl- ly improve and t able to net nut in lur yard nt his holuo at lake view farm now mr and mrs w d wallace and pauline of iondon vlalted ut the homo of her parents mr and mrs ii is wilson mesnrn albert mills and howard lash- lirook spent tho week end at the home f mr ami mrs urn ore johnutou at hamilton and mm john mccaw maslnr jackie and mr jamrn harvey ot niagara iulls n v vlilted mr mcoaw u ulster mrs ocorgo clraliam mrs annttrong ami mlus aiejulennlug vbn had beon spending a week or no with frlimlu in detroit und other polutu returned hnpin on fjuiulay ho and harry 1arr tho newspaperman of tlundridue and to tied ureakfast was over tho ancoulremontii seemingly necessary to fishing wero load ed up and in thu remaining room the party of four were deposited und thn start for homo tuadn at 1 30 ono more call on our friends mr and mrs g punbar to say furowoll and oh what a surprise awaited mr dunbar had donn soma fbihlng since tho 1rlday evening wn had neon htm und a fnw hours had tojiuhiirt in a- catch oflgit hoatillea which for also oh well wo worn ijuilo proud of ours until wo uaw those hli patch was generously ah a red und foui of the biggest wero sent to the folks nt honhi a friend in nood is a friend indeed they made the natch improve a fair porcenlugo and brought thn total up to forty for thn homo coming lhu trip baoawwus uneventful and the ante route woj followed until orlllla wau reached it way decided horn by council lor harrison that wo would bo shown the other idinro if jjiko uliuooe even if it twoulytlvo mtlea further not having seen ll were glut of tlm trip to see fresh scepos down throuuh atlmrly tint ton ictutwlck and newmarket was tho route and what a change from the rich fiirmu hi this old uootlnn uf ontario tu those forests and rough lands of the north vet all within tho boundaries of ontario and all in a days travel along the highway north uf toronto councillor harrison called on friends ii was a beautiful farm of two hlindivd acros level and workable with n truclor a pleusant half hour was spent visiting hero and rrom thence over to hollnn where supper was uocured from lloltou to georgetown whom tho party dis banded was a brief run then buck tn what three of tho party avorrcd u thiuugh tho journey was tlio txrft town in ontario acton and the ppocdoniolor registered a utile over nv hundred miles op tho trip it was a fishing rkolirslotl mid a fnli sample was secured llut it was mor it wan aii exouralou through u secllm of ontario iheu the hrovlnoo would upmur at a best it was a ttlp liingeiilal fjirnpanlous and it lulghl be rolled into thriotermsedueatloli euler- talnment and llnhlna n real h lufllday with a cleailuu away und a n freshing that when tho lothuruy of the holiday is worked on will leave a olearer bruin ami a iteltur uudorutandln ot aimlhur entrri jiuln iliut jolln mil ak1v i jilt iiiji ih turn ni ut uu lit jiihu mi i jity who slli d at huihoin in i iju u iliwn hit on ihuimlay in l u k jilun imiiii lih luto rildiiici im i i njjt j j hmjiiimiig jiwuililp uu liiijluy ulli r iiiion und km liitui iy utti ndi it inti r mi lib took plui id ho ton chunli iiiiility 1 jiiiilnu iiwudilp th in- vim blng imdik trd by ui v h kuyi lliii jutr mr milily who uu in 111 j j nd y livid in ijjjii luu lown hip for tiiuny yiun hi wui a nwmli r iyuilnn imrtli ijvo luart at hoi ihi wr i aiwicic ud iutr of mrn 11 n her ira of auilph on and mrs john i c during her pro cut and nollclludu of colin uud lur devolul marked indued miu1 mhnijvfelt 1 a lulnlly inaraitit paimil uuuy oil unulay i vt nliiu win n mr j 1 b in m x itiswlrk dlrd ufnr un hint us wlilrn 1 1 i iidil ovir many iiiontlm ut the family nuldiiilit on john mtnt alton willi cliillliui fictlluib the lion lur long pi rlod of niilfi ring and wruktuui mm llilulck iml jillulilid the ripe uue if tj jmn mile wan born in 1- rln iiiuii- nlilp tin dauulitir of mr uml mrs m vanuutti r flho and lur sorrowing hui bind wi ir jiiluid in iiu bonds of holy liiulrlmony hi january liiull uurvlvhig an lur duughli r mri giiru colrj a kn und lur ioi1 clayton on mm boon ti ml in 1 lowing bnitheru ubk ulo turvh 1haroi of attn pal iky victoria longed libit ui hi lur duughler mr bimbnud lkwlck was an atllve member of tb mcthodlit churili for many yuru tlhu invid lur church mid the rdlowidilp it ulmrdid and wuii never ab i nt from iu urvlii4 whin iho wu- able to attend 1 he rum ral m rvlr wau held in the until a church on wtdinrduy afternoon and wus cyiiductrd by lur potior hcv c i iooli it d ujilstid by llnv mr altkliui of iiullluarud lhu pullluunn wire bin mi mlit m of mm llirrlou of the unhid church mcnrn a 1 liroau jamiji 11 holil j 11 denny john h iciumdy n 1- moore and duncan mc lavish i bo itordl niforliigii wore lumi nous ami beautiful hie following friends from i dbdapen alteuikd the fiihorul mr and mrs w w hilts and nln mr und mrs herb hilts urn 1 wlllurd and nou vul all of lor- mr and mrs georuo hiwlek or ornnuevllli mrs a ll vamialtrr and ri mr und mre a speight of turtoan mr ira vanuatu r uud mrr w m niar or clmlph mr karl van- rr of milton mr and mrs w cob uli n mills mr 11 vannatur ot iirtihumr itnv n waddiii hamilton ontario ihe many beautiful floral irl a inanlfr li d hit tsteum in which the dtclaiied was held mitil walncit j icltninht our fellowlowuuiiau mr walter miner has ludi ed been su ly l n tnotlasrref wuku juut tint wu shuckho t kiiftnwi mrs win hall who han been hi mm ouicral hospllal at ouelph for roveral uuuivii waa kutrlclenlly improved to bo untirho rclurn home on tlaturday mr and mrs t 11 taylor mastora hobert ami oordom of wllllamsvllle n y visited xit the home of mr and mrs w a murray lllue llprlnui iurk last tlaturday mr and mrs a 0 ourrle oumpb ll and maiguulto juhlm iloneph orahint vlnltod mr apd mm uoc- wluglhld and mr and mrs donald ourrio uonpolor on uunduy minn delalun gibbous it n and mlui oumiulngii h n of ul mlrhuels hos pital slalf loronto visited last week at ihe formvrs home with mr and jurs lhos gibbous main lltreot r mr and mm huron moore mr and mm 1 rodorlck moure of tyrone visited mr and mrs w wllllmmi over the week- mr monro is a brother of mrs williams ami thin wtu lilu tlmt vlnlt to aolan t nv hiidmni it kfl ljirell a d of fergus rurmorly of aclou puiuiul thiougli town en route tor loronlo rumdav hliirnlng in a nno now durant ipeolul in dun tho gift of iieatty imis mmnbern of their coiiuregamoit at feruus mi uud mm julius k tlwliidlehunit anton wish to nmumnro the enh mmut of their only daughter florence to mr ilionuui allloltiinly aon of mr and mm john midoatll krlu ikith or toln lnwnuhlp mnrrlago to laue plum eurly in june i he numnrnuh frli ndn here nrek- mayor hilt of toronto weio dellghlid on wed nniduy to ium that ho wan so much fi covered fioiu his reoiitt toiilou lllnesn us u tin able lo attend tin- funeral ol his ud long rli ud mm i hbenem r lluiwkk mm hills uneompanleil her hiihliund tt brief llliiiss mrii ktntney had bein for u wuk or to but her condlllon s not knovii to he uljious until thu welk ami in r pil ing waa a dulbill lie utlre community mrs n in foro in r marrlaue mini hlnuhum a daughtir of mr and mn w it hlnuluun of urbi vii luge itilt wiui born in fcrln luwnjulii and i liivtii ytara ugo was jolnod in holy willock lo wfiltnr j iceutuer ihi young couple m ttled in arton and dur- big their residence hero have bin n lining our in at ciluens mm kouluor wai in imr ihlrtynccmid year flho wau a bright little woman with her intiroiil utnd in her home und making the lui mi biirroundlugr attractive for tho beloved huuband uho was a quiet uud willing worker in chinch acllvltlrn and always willingly uhoiildori d hir purl liuildm the iiirniwlng husbuml and parehtn twnrlstem mlui margaret at home and mrs fayiie at fulrvlew alta remulil to mourn her loss la ull rf miuie tin deiiuut sympathy nf the com munity goes out mrs icuilnor was a member nf knox inwibytnriau church ami the funrral llila altoruonu was con- duulcd by hni pastor itev ii u llennle m a a brief private corvlco was hold nt the homo followed by a service at kim ohuroli hnro which won largely attended in tor men i was mado in 1 air- view cemetery hnro iho following ftorol tributes bore mule lotdlinoiiy to the ntenm in which mrn knntlicr wan hold lmlow husband wrtath mr and mrs hingham and nlrlers gates ajar mrs alva lcentner mr and mm ltnbt mckiiery and arnold mr and mrs henry hilts mr und mrs w 1c kentner llolssevabl manitoba orona mrfl uc lira m umlmrs henry detroit sprays mr and mm archie keiitner and marguerite mr and mrn w ii kentner and mrs vance kenluer mr and mm joseph ileuhom loronto mr and mm kerr ouelph mr and mrs alger orlpps mr and mrn v w mooulcheon and llns mr unit mm y h johnson mr and m li oifrirgo ilttchlo norton motors lad i itt aid knox olmrch mrs hulfmar and mrs oorvuls mm hannah ulughaiii it mr 1 k hingham the noma- roll for month of may pulitir stiumii pnplbi who won honor mnndliiii in uxtim- innlimm ijlsi montli iruui i tjoiioi joill hli llli harold likllllug u jiui liurbura luylor joj ijorotliy coso jul juiilix- limftli klnin llr ni jil itiiiirlrk hydrr 3d ilium in miultli jij humid moomy 01 1hyllu milrkli ju dorothy half k uu li till 4u0 uxuouiltlriluluaj kfiilur llilrd jiiilu di mil jj1 kbit anilermiil iblll jnuiy ik illy ujj llretnr ijiniburt 10 dna hliilon mil tonuuii iawr ik e j4 lutul iro d foulcr leachir jonur ihlrd vir a cum i fjo moiia mogeacliie tj0 norm ill llrluda lima itrlada r03 wilbi t mi mullln 4s hoy hansen 4b1 lotul lo m on luuuier ktiiiw kitcund mi rua itowion 4bj iirlu iawrnrt 1 la dorolhy dunn 4 hi hill nb olak iiu doiothy lhlllliis 4s3 lucy mac- arlhur 44il total 00 i andimou ieachur yjnitilat hwiiitj clui ajoruncea ullli filj uerleii lliuniiuiiiif 4115 hiliu malnprlae 300 i to hwaru ju doris wlbon 31 i ruiicm mcdowrlt 3j1 clau 11 dorothy iuunby juo italph i in im u jim llvu mcixiwtll 34 frank vauwyik j30 uoyd allan jjj murray iliuer jjo liltal 6m w macmluan teacher hrl cum hiatrlre laylor j04 itlno llraldo 3h1 jnruje cuiuey 3t0 allan i elshman 31 1 1 rank hulmrs db hlta lavalue jm total 450 m harlmiur teacher und clasa dorln ulllon jgo olga iorty 2qi loriu ma abs j til kdltim mai to 345 dna itnh on j3l hurry uavage 333 otal 310 r irltncr cuaa ivan vli kem j3u aimln maloxale 330 jartpulhio itvullue j14 douglas islcv jim marin frank j01 maria chapman 1u0 total 350 m a odltert leaclmr juuluf lrliimry um muu ltoiu y cordon mcoulchooii jhvrrliy arnold marie itninnllc irene ryi r margaret hcrlven m it mooru teacher ilusuntatlon ol pluzlis lly tbo wci ii fur suaaya ltr tic by hltfb ami labile hehuol imuus or a number of ymrn the ladles of acton women a chrlntlaii lenuieranrft llnlouhwvirlhrturttvcly lrfmi- raging tho rtudy of tho evils ot ln- inslcullnv uquum uud mio use of tobacco hig i ipnh of the frovbilo general interest news iltk kvknino mkal iiu1khtlu molbir johnny if yep t yuu ii imitl- lohnuy well piim the obtn uu way the new hydro fownr i bin in work of ohajiglng thn hydro power hun tlprnuuh anton in proceeding rnpfdly the lino is now down main direct und into tlio acton cubiiutlon and a in back ugalu onthn power frnm llio flutipvi diittrlbntlng synlem llio hue in lown haif been dlsoomnolid uml several of the poles are in for mm hun along tho north aide of cor poration pond and over tho railway trucka through mr walluoe ijinbyu farm from tlurtkce itnrhlrtv contlluieti throuuh prlvalo proplrty td roiiueit ut the third lino and nln along tho highway to georgetown llio nwiloheu conlrollhlg the i lower coming into anton and that going oh to georgetown am now located hi the groundu ut iho hydro station here insteiul of on main ij trout un formerly a floek uf arroplahw flevniiteen luiroplanns from tho hel fildue anrodroiun mount clemens mich punned over acton in a hquadron ihiuiui tor klugunn to tnko part in tho kan torn ontario air moot bore i hey arrived ut kingston before three oclock then were originally eighteen planes in the group but oilo crashed between jit 1iiuiriibiirv and kitchener thu pilot landed safoly by parachute hl com panions utter asceruilnlng that he was safe kept on their way lly jumping tn i in til in his parachute tlm pilot of the plane whli h nrusbed near icitcheui r uutomutlnally tlecdmns mm ittut uutinlier of the oulerplllar club over enrolled in ciiuada tbo cauirplllur club orgau- igid in tbomrnltetl mlutm threo your ago has no ofileem and us momberuhlp iti testrinutd to those yl lump from pljinim in pnraoliuleii in taneji of nner- gency ihorn am a few llrttlsh meinbem but aa yet no canadians flchoobi i heir laudable uffortu have nt u fruitful and tho competition jor iriin han mauiresud careful study ami u form ut ion of strong opinions among rhnlars rtrpuotlng tlifsu ovltn on frlduy evinlng thu annual pre- ntatlon of prims took place at a largely unified iiuetlug in the iloluiol hoom uf the united church i ho prlte essays ii ro rt ad icrap luioku and posters wnr xhlbllod and there were intempersod with a programme of ekjlunt musical liutiibers mrs a 1 llrown tlenrotary of mio uonlely prlsldtd uitd wisely guided e evenings proceedings ihe meeting waa oitemd with a hymn and prayer by mr alos macdonald a public bchool class under thn direction if mrs ui it moore nang a charming rilwmly luttxt ktwood joluiaton mciteil lillowlng father honiara hay lor a manly man am vera itawllngs fathor ami ion in tbo oratorical contest llio prise was awarded to uarbara laylor willi thn other two declared a tie on poluu by tho judges mm william oowily or llmnliouse played a piano solo with huo effect frlaewlnulng essays wore rend as followftt ijarbara outhrlo the trial of modem alcohol drinking by judge and jury in court luabtl jwltwr hotter fjport lo ilofuw the ooctal aiass tlun to accepljt heth harrison a dialogue on tobac co id wood johnston wm gon the prise fov a temperance essay in jr iv class read an ouay allowing why i have a lolal abstaliior innteud or v mndorala drinker in charge of my oar i link ficiupbooks were exhibited and mm contents explained by wilmor david- uiiu voru coxa and moy wnuirhouse mr dan layltir chulrmaster sang a r do and two littlo girls a duett miss minnie hemuitt explained and highly commended the work of instruc tion on thn evils of alcohol olid tobacco in thn fjunday ichoobi and the vuluo of iho omnpotlllon there iho winners wore norman ailison laiira hall ieddy hanson harvey hassan and lucy man- arthur pollco mugulrato ii v moore preaent- od tho prlaes ui iho following wlnnors middlti und upper uchool ttanay uarbara quthrln ijiwor uchool loisoy issiiol uwllxer lit iv liiuuiy ileth harrison harold oklllliiff iv litaay lclwood johnston wllmoutowait pou lern high hchool uarbara outhrlo amelia kvaus fh iv uarbara luylor wallace uwackhahior jr iv ireno kl- hott venrvickcni tlr iti may water- houiie ltlinl wootli jr iii llort crow- iion dora denny tlorap ilookii ur iii wlhnifr davlil- ton fdpa lllntou jr ni v ra ooko i uuby allan l im- i n tn r co ting proociuirnga ol thn mvoiiuiu weie ooucllldeil with a brief address of cfioifnitulatlons by uev mr henulo who cloned with prayor 1n30y tiikm alito mi u ti millar nudir ol tirtc farnf paiooi have boon intel on led hi tho articles appearing lu um two last lsnl rtwiolved i ii in the old mann oohifnn refer ring- lo mr j w leslie and later thu loiter from your correspondent in wls- t oiudn ffillowlug up mm old mans article we have bet n kidding in letlroment lu our lown for ionic yeais mr david lllllj hero udls me that iilit blrlhplaeo wu nest fahil tn llio molcoown family funu homo that ha and mr ioslki were boys tohothor ho being omi year thii younger i piun hand him t mc le puvuk wllleh tin enjoyii alid espeolally mm two arllnlnnri fm red to yourij i j a o hiuulolo uauluiba i

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