Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1930, p. 2

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itye artuu irrrf irphb niuiutriav iwnj- f loao j f i like when ajid nil the rfilc m illy tl iiw l w tluy spaikl in in aiid t irn tl if hull i think 11 w old ih it i ul j llllll ut just taj hi dili lit hi jenkins chronicles of ginger farm wrliua hpacully t- tl vrmm lie- by w1ni01 infc i ciautta i loiiii lull r reading in u 1 mhj put a li rt while uu urn rdllorl we buffering ft miilli it ial leuuigy mill wlhid lit y c ulil i their w ul out like thu i hapiknud u thlulvuf uwt tliu tng and coul i ijulu apircclato uilx feeling bit it ftokiuui u itiu uut virk johc now unur like 11 d llul u tu huy the w rk turinu to lie up t iucii mi rxldit uut om j li u right 01 lop or another ui id lliin b n i dividing hue no lnl u and it i proect if kir the ut wr k tltu uiather lu iweii coo and 1 jtiirr liu put in every hour of tlia time fining fences llie frost heaven tho putu pr tly nearly nut of u ground at tllllrs al hlg coiiiei a cow or a luiru mid ujms the fence pot as moans of rrmowlng a mum of irritation uiireaclutiiui by lull or u ngue utd away komi tho post leaving a nice bagging piece of feilcai occmuitule to tuty animal in lit uu a reconnoitring tour of uielt own have yint nvir nitked un a uuitday imw many herdi of r alibi are in forblddm luid i always fel tii sorry when w drlua along uu rood mid uc rowd hi different fleltu eating up touirliody a crop it i easy to imuglnr- how tho owner will feel when limy come luune alter luvlng swnt a nlc all tioou vulthik friend or vxtilorlnu tho mljkccitt buty pou in thi ir dulrtrt it doni glvo you m urikid mid ul rlons io4ilhu to liavo cluuu your own or kimironn tiki cowh out of yiur crop mid ho you tw h fow day apniit with tlut fmct iu luutu w uxno dermlta tloen ulvo very bllifctory reaulu it iiiaknu u dirtdionce to your outliitf if you caji uo away without won dartmf wttorn 11 in cowu will ha when you bat buck ouch a funny thins happened tho oilier dy vfo have n htn who pcraixu in lay luff her dally mil in tlw buggy lat wdmday ttolnff wul i volunteered u ukn uia children to tcliool when i casta hack tliore wu our biddy walkiuff around hi tint shed ihn cmne to moot urn mid ovoij bufore i could unhitch ltui barie jdujuioucdlu tttuinhumvuuid aottled hcraolf to ihn hunlnom hfar hfi wtion t inhl lrlncr hn nail i 1- l iir 3pree flrrun ftljurt stnry bukninc out the stingers jak4ioi 1u1aui njiudal rjy yum atu wbj in uu inmay wltcii i went to hitch up and 1 luul to chajfft tier out x uuujrht for wliocr peralaonca uiat was v pretty goad ovmiiplo conslderliiff i m tuns nearly two lioun in fact i uioukht until rhuraday nlaht it was thu vary beat tnuuiiple of peralalenu i luul coma crrau btit then wo had aiufth lnauranoe anant coma in mid lia stayed for two ajid a ludf hours ao uiq pathmca of tho biddy was dcllruuid at thti end of tliat time wa dlacovtirihl lio luul a girl waltirut for hint in ttui car ouulds uiliik it there were a prlaa to ba pmonted it would uo to hnr vtwtmtuy i took the urn off to atuiul a moun i really shouldn t jtmvo aoim as i waa in the mlddlti of clomihut tlie ohudrenh bedrooms no small job mid i was kwfully urod havhitf luul a some what atranuoua wfk but illl i went as one ol tin member was giving tiapr on child welfare which i particularly wanted to hear ttio paper was kgost tntrunff and even surpassed my ex pectations tho 1loum was tlut most de lightful old furmhousd wltli thu most glorious tmos which t wmiud to plok up bodily and carry uunc mid if fouhd mi axcoedlnitly comfortable chair so 1 just reuuted mid enjoyed the win id afternoon and caino bank leas urod uimi wlien i went llut to day oh today there are wads of work to ilo mid visitors coming to morrow however most oftt la behhid me now and partner u busy mowna uie lawn so that la one job less to do thorn has been no increase in the barnyard family this woek except for tho addition of seven lltue chlclu from aelf set hell iho last calf of the season lias been taught to take its nourishment from a pall mid was very uttta troubli we have quite a nlfre looklmi buiioh of ayrshlm calves now mid tholrnamui are friday norma utralght jmie mid nancy homo of thtun look so much alike wo are not qititu sum which fs which but that of course u a bier detail and if wn arn in any doubt molly can generally pht u right i novr knew audi a child she actually seena to know one hen from another while to wl lhay all look alltu somcumes alio wilt earns in and aay mother you know that hen wlui the light head or perhaps you know that hen with uio black tips to her wings and x am about al far from knowing what alio means as i would be jv ain 1kx boldly across uie white m9 fme of a uty foit cllit whrfe all iravnlleis by uui valley mad inlsht lead as tiwy drov waa ui sign delicts tlii the intuira plain mid blaik veto night fflfl hlli mid it was n r than liliuly fct from the bsgln uliu of ihcrlibt wrd l uu nd of the lant llrii u rdou had usjiiuhi um sln f r tin a uisjmulod tmltc id with a hirlpcr jl ii wi uip of tlia cllrf t immiagn tile t wlvii hirdhi was rtiady u slilft the im r i iw fetauliig oil which he winked llin jllstrlbuuir tut tliat secu u w tut that hi big sign had tlpd l li licajjt his lire sales mid a year af u r it vim painted lie had aaked ooidun m go bark and retouch some of tho lelteis whloh a streak of yellow tnud waslied ihiwn fiom the top of ute cllrf duiing ihn heavy suuupcr rains had almost obliterated the ja two bitur of the word luta uiad berit partly oovrrado tliat the name might easily be taken mrs lbst of a compeutor oordon dldn t thlqk it was riecnaeary to lake a llelper with him fir jul unie rivyulrcd luefely to aciape off tile coatkig of drlnd clay and tu daub oil a little mint jut arur notui he left lit bat tnrnl car by uie side of uie toad mid cntuilnff uie lltue stream ult skhd thi- blur made a circuitous climb to the top of tlie cllrf he cajtruvl with him a jjug utriw quarter a inch rope a lse that woultl easily sustain hu wolgbt mid a tnall woollen pulley with liook a can of pialnl a brush and a trtrwel he had already noted umj position of a t tun led tree growing near uie edge of the cllit mid to it he securetl uie pulhy and ran uie rope thorough uu groove he had contrived a sling from a sliort piece of tope mid into it lie j led one mid of the long rope the vain i was in a hquare gallon oil can which he slung over his stioulder by muu of a strap run through slots uiat lie luul cut in the rim wlui the trowel mid brush hi the tocknt of bis jumper ha slipped bito uie r oe sling mid let hlpuolf over the brink g rasp but uie rope firmly wiui both hands lie let it run slowly through uie pulley as lie d nipped down the face of tile cllrf umooui though it appeared from uie road uiere were numerous pro jections and seams on the surface so that a climber could ue his feet mid knees to good advantage eluier going down or coming up gordon had lowered hlm- ilf only a few feet wlien ha noticed uiat um rope where lie graspod it was i pleasantly sticky iu at once re mtmberod picking up mi overturned oil in uie garag a few days lief ore inii cuijod r pe luul lain on uie tltfit by yvt more than a yard the rope o ttnr atlcky surplus was cllnghig to u in crust cl drops at one or two ouiej places also um rope liad come into contact willi the spilled oil w gordon gave tlia matter no thought after uie oily put hail slipped through his luuids and lie grasped uie clean dry rope farther down he knew that a little oil could not injure a rope prob ably it would preserve it against decay tim rope waa a little more than sixty feet long and when be luul let himself down as far as uie aljpi which win about midway between uie top mid thp bottom of uie cllrf there were only low yurdj of the end loose mid dangbig below his hands lie looped uie end into the rope shng arid tied it securely then with both hands free lie set to work scraping uie dried clay from uie giant letter he had cleaned matt of um surface over uie t and with his feet against uut rough rock was pushing himself to the rlglil so thai lie could work on uie lower half of tho next letter when on looking up he saw something clinging to the under aide of a tiny thelf almost above his- head atveti without the presence of of uie brownish yellow injects crawling over it he would liave known uie dirty gray object for a wasps neat a few of uie wasps were flying around lu rite nest was right where tie should have to work as soon u lie scraped uia lower part of uie lettr mid he must rid of it in some way before he could finish the job ha decided to burn the wasps out in his jumper pocket was mi ollaoaked rag uiat he had usefl to wipe his hand while painting mado it into a kong cylindrical roll and tied lt with a xtrbig uiat he torn from the nloui next he swung back to his first poaltlon mid drew himself up until hn waq almost level wlui the wasps next and fully a yard to tlia left of it one or two of the tlylng insects buxsed about his ears but they did not sunxj him he ucd the tope xecumy in order ib hold himself at thai level then he reached into his pocket for a match riie oily rag flamed the instant the lighted match touched ik ial with the point of his trowel stuck under uia xtrbig tlut bound uia rag he held his improvised torch at arm lengui and thrust it under the jiesl he dldn t care o remain at such ctoae quartan with tho troublesome insects mid when itcgan ui draw lilniwlf up tltn baud of lame iinlnd him by swell or rlyht fort he dldn t know bow long it w uld lake a r ipe three quarters of ait i llllck to bum in two but hn hoped t before that tiappaiukt he mighl rr i the un if the hff r at biant reach harrow sltnlf jnat brlow the stunted trre uiat bald the pullity he was twenty nve uh from uu bottom i t uui oil ft now ami it was uull fartlur to the tire if the r pe stmuld b irn lu twu befro lie readied the tip he wi uld liave far tiler ti jr p but whether it was twenty five of fifty feet h- reeult wmld h uu ileff re ourdon had raised himself ten fret an unexpected thing happened an oil soakid amotion of uie rope coming down paucd uu biasing part on its wjy up mid instantly uie name passed from one to the other linking greedily up ward three or f or lent ci or don gnaped he should never lie able to pull himself thiough uiat yard or mom of damel feven if ha could stand the pain wlien hi hand touched uie burning strands uie blase would set fire to his clothe for a moment tie hung uiere uncertainly suspended more than thirty feet almive uie jumble of busli- dotted lock uiat akied downward from tile foot of tlia cllrf to tlia little stream lu the valley a bunting rope uiat could last at moat only a mhnjp or two was all tliat lie id him from deaul he felt utterly liclpless iii upt moment of silence he heard uie twitter of a bird pore lied upon the stunted tree far above him he heard uie chug of an automobile approaching along uie valley road uieii he lieard uie sliouta of uie occupants as uiey discover ed his plight i hoy would coma to his pcrliapx before tliey could get out of uui car the rope would have burned in two and uiey would find only ills tmuigled body upon uie rocks at uia hot lorn of the cllrf it was maddening to hang uie re help- lesui waiting for the end tliat appeared inevitable wluiout any donnlte plan he began to lot himself down ife jiad given up as impossible his first uiought of trying to beat out uia flamea perhaps it was lnxunot uiat made him retreat to uia ground though uiere would still be a drop of twenty nve feet when lie reached uie end of tlia rope but before ha had descended uie un feet uiat brought him again near the end of the rope he had tloclded on a course of action firat lie slipped from hi sluiulder the strap that lie id uie paint cwi and looped it quickly into uie rope loose i nd of the rope of which almost un feet dangled below his hand i t hla le legs togeuier to iwld it tight ill en lie let hbt body allp from uie rope sling by ducking his lie ad under uie knot wliere uie rope was ued to it ixiwn he aliotl lite sling wlui only uui paint bucket raced toward uie pully at uie brink of tlia cliff though tho groove in uie block must have offered considerable rcnlstance clardon felt uiat was dropping with uie greatest pos sible spend tlia rocky slope appeared lone rushing up to meet him he hoped that the knot in uie long rope wliere was ued to uia sling would reach uie walloy and catch wlilla lie was still un feet or more from the ground tf hn oould rculu hut hold on uie ropo when the jerk cm blistered hands or a dlx- tocaud shoulder perliaiis would be uia worst for ha would slip with greatly diminished speed down the re main in a icngui of rope to wluiui a few feet of uie ground with legs mid arms clutching frantlj ally and with the rope drawn eloao against his chest lie waited for the uievkablo jerk that ihj knew would almost uie breaui from his body ha was determined that it stmuld not break his grip ilia drop of per lisps twenty fatit occupied little more uuui a second though in thai short tune gordon won dered wheuier he had estimated the dls- correotly wliether ha should not after all strike on the rocky slope before all the rope paid out and uia knot aught rhtrre camn first uui jerk uut took hut breath and atrklgbuned out ills legi as if hn had been uur cracker at uia end of a whip more from the burning of hu luuids uun fromjsny sense motion he was conscious of slipping down the rope ilien again eamo the smua tiou of falling this tune without uo aaueh as ii w motion of a rftpe running- through a pulley to retard him it oouldn t have been far lira more than seven or eight feet that he fell he felt a t horny shrub strike lilm be tween the sliouldcn and he rolled down the elope a few yards before lie stopped only uie auddoii jerk of hbt body had been needed to break the rope wbar li was burned a few seconds more uut the realsunoa woiild not have been suf ficient to check his downward plunge and save him from certain destruction afur a lew motiumu lie aat up daaed and looked round him the broken end without auoh mi illuminating descrlp i had pushed a part of uia rag into a i or a charred rope lay a few feet from i crack under the nest he busied himself j him and a few yards away he beheld mr rcahikem njtmabkabuc hiked man i feanlr 1 1 ten ted ally biulitii iprcul u i iiinli imiphr tl w liyitfl frit lii duty i ml lu lal tlil1 ivai it ud t ask a 1m it ii h kin a mile in i m t lip than kellup he reutarkrd what s ii f i- it if ita a fair ullii7 in igh caleb aiuwnrnd pri nipt slu pin too 1 ve jmt made up i iv g i a lilied man that nildrelile letter n jnt fair to t mebhe i m leltln it show was aware of ll alii i so t soon vuiilurcd jet what i umught when 1 hired li ut calb agreed c noe to that ii mighty unar not havlnt anythig t lo with blip rt fi jest on ct tint of sltiried my mind i n iw that feller a g in i to work fi r me aa nit that ijlgger hi ii n like that 11 be havln i s m per t r lajf r liul lili 1 in i ut i llm way thing ai u have a chain long a he wmits u ntay f rnvrr a mi a place j hlfl ow whilst hes willmln stay with will in lie should you better blluvel want to know i maid the draeoii rhary f comment he don t sliow up iiiurti longslde ol matt waning caleb admitted cheer fully lake one of ttiniu rows ol p utoee i ve got in my 1 twar field wall ii riii u 1 1 one of them rows un foot ahead of fiimiitwu or he would if he dldn stop to talk ao much white he u workln hie way it works out tltough lllmiiions keeps hut inoulh shut and wt commonly gits to uie end of a matt does or a little mite sooner most of uie time mother thing that come tu my notice was his bring in his tools along wlui hlni when hw come up out of tile held night midttxiraii half of the time he d iw fetchlu watt along too not that hod say anything lied carry cm along lo the timilltouse mid hang em up where uisy b longed mid uie outcome of its been that win n i wmit a rake or a hoe or a spado all i have to do u to o uiere and look mid i ii mid it and it sin t always hu uiat way on my place a good part of uur time you uttjjj lay l lo my carelossjieu too ihou lui was at work at seven not glttln really to work but bard at it and moron half the time matt would he uuln me a story and of roiirso he oouldn t milt right lu the middle of it ulmmousd have the start of both if iima units as much as ten inlnillei and when it d come near noon matt d be takln his watch out every littlo while and look in at it mid tlieu casllu an eye at the auu and all them dolus taka time aiuln at it rough i sort of lingered tliat wlum it oomo down to hours and minutes oh unions was glvlu me full time and a little better n that mid malt was shorunln ma up by a couple of hours week anyway ilo when it come time when i had to glt rid of one of em i told matt how it was tluit i dldn t imvo ming tint nnnimrlfil l im twlnd jiokrlght thru for more n one mu and id made up my mind to keep yimmoiis he looked a little apprised but ha dldn t rtfca i told him my reasons it he had uo he went off look in at me kind of pltyln slf urn best thing my folks could do would lie to have somebody polnud lo look afur me hints all well nough objected the deacon as oalob stopped but what x asked you was why you soem ao kind of lit up over it this mornln 7 von let matt waning go better n a month ago dldn t your lure nougli caleb agreed that was what you wanted to know wan t 11 well this la why i want you to iwloii ttils mornln t missed fjlmmoiut right after broairaxt and be in it was rainy tfwo wa t a gre t sight for hlni to do ao r nggered he might have gone down to uie store for a spell with the boys iki door but be liadtit i was golo past the bam after a lltue and when i got abreast of tun door i could hear ometliln goln on hi there so x went mid peeked in and uiere wag tymmons wlui moren two hundud weight of hay down on the floor i wondered what in tunknt ha could be doln with all uut hay so i watched and b llova me or not he was practloln pltohln mid after i d looked v spell i went in lie kind of grinned a llttlit but pretty soon he got to talk in and then it all coma out tin light he says mid 1 ve been kind of worried that i hadii t more heft id be able to handle a big forkful silts diary 11 v uosdparquliait v wu are dais tuk up ad liulry t lay tu us kt la have git 1 t n jane mid the klbi in the mass he w us i was uwklng lo jm this p m and t sed well bdvansed hutry is a study uiat inakrs uie think and she le plyed mid sod well it must lie a wan det iui fitudy then if it makes you think u csnt gel what she means s i hi times wlmeil la to q leer ilaurday i was a t ulitg jane uiat 1 ug uu veils made me hied todiiy j fed that bs aclts like he thinks i am not his foue jane sod doul ipu piljid him a hit you are his attal4ut4nulltuig but-a- c ii it well uuiy ways i grss i no how i slmid wlh hcr eituy ways after tlut iuiulsy we tuk a u ug ride in uie c untry tiwlay on ut range roads one time wc got ulii s deetoor and nuely pa hud until full iw out lu the country if wrf was i u the rile road to ohelby mid the follow answered and rsplted uut we was nn dm rite load all rlu but wo wood arrive more looner if we wood turn around anil go the opplslle way abi it twenty 1 miles m ill tda y i found out wlum janes birthday u glng to ocuir and i aat tier what she wood like to have and she bed she wood like to have a nice ring am g ilng to see whilt they cost mid by her me or inebby j if they dont cost to mulrli i think she sed aha wood uki to have a uatlre any how slio dideiil auy illiueiid intisduy limy was fire down at mr ollnts house umlui mid it burnt to the in urn and when pa seen mr dibit ha tiikt well old mmi you had a prltty tuff brake in yure lurk ton lie and mr clint nod vis it wan prllty tuff i sin t got u home to stay away frian at nlte cnny wmsility jaku mid mo was a digging fish wlrms linlui and wo cud find but 1 little old wlriu no we cut him ui 3 peaces hnnux he looked xo tonesum llilmduy guxxoii olarrenoe was lusro toulte mid ho km he goas he was a going ui get marynd to florence witch uvra over tlin crick la sed to him why i thot she was 1 of these girls who duhiiuut belouvn iii marryage clsrrence hmi yes tliau whut x thot when i prepared to htir i gesx uut what a fella guts for trying to joak mid being 3 exiliirtduiv iay av was pay day and every one bad got envelope hef ire tho dinner liour liomv of the men had gone ut quietly s ion an the little packet liaj been limidcd lo them only to return again to tliolr desks at noon uiere was a slight iji in the work as half uie force b hauaiitv rrrr and inholekt j i li warliigum painter during tltn u nearly f m tlmi nllily rarriage slatekuif rullnry i lalimull he had ui oaltl oome luyln uut i got to tlilnkln over ho says mid 1 figured out a way 1 1 v uttc mid ho to lift o advmitage ao now i guejis i can handle as big a forkful as miybody- mttlt wmilng or anybody elsa lemma show you he says and with uiat he did show me i he rolled up a wad on tho floor tlut i rouldn t have stirred and give a heave mid a twut and laid it up on the mow as eany as id iiave iov my hat up there i that was what i was seomln so tickled over concluded caleb 1m k gre t huid to have ny judgment backed up 1 j fils and x flggeredj that it wan itone when i ketched a man prao ticln to do morn work in hayln i hd say as much i the deason as sell led explosively known- nicjn8tinotr well it is very nice mid rmtful tapping away at a typewrlur for a change it u not so hard on ones knees as waxing noon but still i must go to town mid ao 1 atn just going to make uiat bidespcns- abla cup of tea mid uuui get away or dear knows uierp won t be muoli in uia house to eat io- morrow x aliall ahut my eyes an x go by thn garden it is in but no sign of anyuilng coming up need to worry about uu hoeing for a little while at any rata but sull x hope all my good seed and careful planting will aoon ahow result mary mother can testify to the virtue of mother a raves worrri kxurmtnator because uiey know from experlenoe how useful it u a mcrtuetrap aaajl to 0ur but ta j imt to wot oul qfomuaur with getthig down to a safer place hi ore or uu wasp ttuui he had expected had escaped the flame and were darting viciously about hi head ife loosened the knot which he had tied hi a bow and let hknself down almost as rar as ha could he was eight or un feet below the torch whloh uh biased furiously left rree to awing straight down uia rope waa not far from the place whtfre uie waaps nest had been oordon bad tlucked ms head to escape the surviving wasps as well amy singed one that might fall on him but now ha looked up what ha saw made nun exclaim in horror the oily spot on the rope had iung too near uie blaainq rag a tonguo of flame that seemed basely toi touch l ignited uie oil on um rope wluh utad into a blasts uiat aboi upward unul funfc a yard of uia oil soaked rope waa bum- big the ou for the athlete xn rubbing down uie auileicwil find tr tliomas bclectrlc ou an excellent aruole it renders uwj muscles and alncws pliable take the soreness out of them mid strengthen them for strain that may be put upon them it stands preeminent for this phtpose and athlete who for i 1l i i ve been using it can uaufy w i without wviung rnownt aoraonn yniim the batured remahu of the paint above a spatter of black palpi trickled from the whlto rock gordon finished hi job but not until ho had brought out a new rope una that had not been oiled mcrfkct success icxpert whats your karoo 7 cl reek client a us fappapopupopulos fjnecess fc xpert dot a job selling motorcycles to understand war says tho author if a lcoplo at uchool is an instinct lo illustrate thu apliorlam he tells a story of an kngluli gentral whose understand ing or sounds was phenomenal one night he say aur dluner they v all sitting ulkuir at haadquarura i hoy were expecting an auwok and sentries and plckeu were posted far out beyond uie stock ad a uuddonly we heard one shot of course every one jumped up the bugles sound ed the men fell in the officers ran to thctr u oeneral bymnns alone had not moved afur listening intently for moments or two hv had sat down again myiwlf was between two minds whethev to go out wlui one of uu parties hastily assembling outside or to stay with uu general ro x aloud irresolutely by the door you cmi sit down said llyniotu it is nothing a sentry lis lot off id rifle by accident that 1 all bo it proved while h we leaning upovftils ride it had gone off ana so bad his fingers i like pay day said a thin beciuiiiu then i always spend un ccnu mon for lunch mid it nuke me feel better all the rial of the day you ought to eat mors anyway said the stout old clerk eying uu smaller mall with dtafavur i spend all my extra money on food not being hurried i liavo to have some extravagmicea i don t rail being married an ex travagance remarked a third it cost about ouco and a half as muclrto keep two as it does lo keep one a a matur of fart i have saved money or rather my wife haby it uavod money i exclaimed one who was struggling out of a tailored office coat into his neatly pressed street jacket- i don t sec how any one can save money not lu this world at any rale it cosu so much to keep up appearances i i h lifts you ra right eld the faded cheerful man wlio had worked there uie longest i found tliat out when x was your age and i decided that uiere are lots of things lie tier than appemances i vo u t em in my room any tlm you d see anyhody going to cutur s to eatt no one ared to just then and lha faded man went out alarm what did he me an i inquired uie married man what has he got bi his room nothing much said uu stout clerk hu wife died you kuow about been living by hlmnnlf ooltecu books and picture flpeiidlng hu money that way id ruther oat uod x or buy clothes said the styluh one i would n t said the married man omiilmtlcnlly i know how ha feels hltt wife riled ymi seyf i never knew that hoior he put hu hat on x think 111 go to cutlers today a popular landscape elgu i f oftigo b it his nam has y nil in a ticw nrld uuougli liltlleatlhi ill the allan urt chlra u it in bis diary toy i f uie dutlnuguliod inn an i lei nb mirtlnies jirr tly lu turn tlielr reix ru of nw ul inurptliig blu uf their an 1 i nilurt iloth lb grsal u i iii and ilurke hgure hi t h rlralu a friend win ki high wll told perlugtuu that rmr- called at uut artist s suidlj hcl a half unglh pttalt is sltiuk with the haughty sx of the r uilulunce mid ssld li wlto espreaaed satis factliei at uie remark inco it yi d thai hr had hit uw rhaacur uabis borough aaltl 11 was a pj trait of mr tltt who lie added bad n m uie day before to sit ir his pic line on rmli till uiri 1 muting toom uut suuuni sat dmm in trurstttimrtharanrt ujcoig out a br ixsiait to rrail oalns bol i igh struck wllu the hauteur and dls agroeable manner f mr lilt uaud him in this way lie look up hi palette and seeiuliig in tie ulrtulg among iiu colors began carelessly jo hum loll loll de roll on liearhlg llfm mr 11 tl reool leiud himself aliut his imwjc and sat bi a t rom r manner of liurke iortl inchlquui reported uiat he was luw lent imjiauent of contradlc tliu will hear no argument proud mid carried away by passion on every occa alou he is admired by everybody but lias no frlailds he eannot be beloved un account of hla impracticable temper he wax bigoted to his son to an an ton lahnig degree tile soil would contradict him without reply on a biruiday of uu boy lord y qutn said to ilurke may your son have healui and be hair wlut his rauier ui ilurke new into a passion and said b bt how more uuui hi fauier cmi be i in his house laid lord lucltlquli ilurke 1 quiet if not contradicted in anything but walk about h heedless of tivtjy ooncerii knowing nouilng of aervmiu expenses and so furul ii is very careless of hb paper would drop on the floor a paper though it contained treason a he would do a newspaper cover mrs ilurke watches over every thing collect his scraps arranges and dockou every paper my dear jmte ilurke will aay want such a paper it u produced conversation proceed lu call for ouier uhe produces uiem ife ask kometlmi for one that aha cannot remember yes yes my dear jane no contra diction it must be found i fine ex ammo th picture ki no doubt true bo far ax it goes but taken alone it would be ixleadlng for in his linme umke we lovable and beloved mid dear jane well knew if a casual vsltor did hot what allowmiocs to make for tlm transient irhutlou of a man of highly nervous umiuratiieiiu 111 brouur too adored 11 mill aa ll trtilag sii u whom he was ao bigoted mid wtuwte early death led directly to his own tor ilurke even dry and prosaic blograpjiers record died or a broken lieart douglas kgypthui xjpuntut relieves toothache and neuralgia- tnvaluabu to car i or croup sore uiroat and quinsy keep a bo tile handy confedemten a fa wl laving- i for ml nail xvi no illly ai o ki nll ll- 1 k anj vancouver equipment uadlneiiilrj cimnisnnwnt olw ervarloo uhrary ml car with v-iefhmvtmirhanjvjsuepingcf- tuvuf bleeping cars dlnbig carf aiul curhae pleasant tfavel to the west tfneicliaiii ational vjaja ihh i to ava rwmsk ihcanaoa the hand of time you cant push it buck but you can prolong your days by eating foods that keep the arteries soft and pliant the muscles strong and vibrant and the mind clear uiihjuclivc shredded wheat with milk supplies the elements that keep the body shronjj and supple contains all the needed vitamins and mineral salts for insuring health and strength its readycooked ready-to- berve delicious for any meal with milk or fruits shredded eat npss with all the braw ob-thsavholwheat- thb cahadiam bhhedoeo wheat co ml any lira free press ads will sell your goods let us convince yon painting and house decoration liralnlnifjt bpeclainy kroaipf alunliau hathfaatloh luaneeel ksltowu oiu trlktnonk lit i 1uc1ia1ed ii blanche box 3hq ac lin rrolls jti nguurly at your curolt mora and we your uvhga pse up five ccnla on iku three mk on out two ctil on mdo- thing eue youre mating money while yoa opl orrrouvj qoeuly b bnjurpmji supoort cuuauin ertbrprke butter omjl creamery fy 2 67 special beaver brand tablejf7gs frey soavsrna jlaycn spdi2 25 t br notice lo creditors the end i tor of oeorue dills uu or anton qoulleiiuui who died on uie twntli day or may lp30 anil all ouier lurtlei having claims agauist hbt ksuu are rouulrud to and to the undersigned solicitor their full names addresses and desnriptlons full particulars of their claims and thn nature of the securities ir miy held by uum and uil notion being given pursuant to section hi of uie trustee act 11 u o 1037 clupur 160 notice is liereby given that an and after the twenty- third day of june a d 1030 uie execu tor will proceed to dutrtbuu the aaaeu of uu aald oeorga dills among the parties li gaily entitled thereto mia uiey will not bo responsible for any claims of which uuy luve hot than received notice daud this 33nd day of may 1036 cmoiulk arlop diu and myuttip may diiowhino kseoutors by if iparmor aotou oiilarlo uulr souoltor 418 parasawi we food coll looft in tcsurer f oo special mclaren luvhljbu olives tr 17 special choice sweet shelled walnuts 39 spedalxibbya prepared mustard 2 zl- keen kpgluli muatartl lr lict 14c 24c 48c kkovah health suit tfew lartfe sjm tin 2 tins 35c trenchr salami cream mustard 2 jara he beef ham tongue and chicken pale per tin 23e minced chlclrn tin lc unity meatwlcli spreail er tin 12c acreit mayonnalae jar 33c special eagle brand coronation scdceye salmon p tin tac 44c lalm fancy shrimp tin 21c choice pea no j sieve no 2 lira 2 lina 27c carrolla own teaa lrr ll 39c 49c sic 70c salada tea h plc 30c oggo baking powtlrr per tin 13c 25c j2c per tin blueberries spocmsl aylrncr rdyv1 anxflt cherries z carrol preahlyground coffees 45 ss no 2 tin 2 hawca floor wax i lb tin hawca lemon oil 12ox horde 23c palmolive soap 3 cakea 23c prlnceaa soap flakee itlg 20c s o s scouring padt 14c 23c mill street acton ontario jjrflpykjrwsntttw mawklati jjtj4jlii j at

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