Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1930, p. 1

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f n c mai t- jrt jfoe jvifrm 4fte ftos fifty ilxth ycur no i rlluhshay lvi nino july i 1130 actobl ontario canada thuksday i vfninc ju1 y i 10 10 six homo print pages five cents ciurrl jcruirpfi xnttrft sturl at cdanaxiu action parsonage willow ouht 1 1 00 b m ilnxitilliui ixl ii bora sacramunt of uw loid uu iwr u0o njit daylight iinvlig i in uubdey bcliool ijti ii ab uhjuu pioneer r klui tw p m duyligl i huvlng tf ii ilm minuter mviuivjioliv welooma llrrsbijtrnan ilmox lilumil at ion uxv ii l lltnnik m a minister jtdhjlw willi w uuw i uunpay juiy oth 10j0 10 oo a m 11m ijubbutrr school i ltlaooll aillujlluu 1 hum 7 uf pimui 11 00 u in rl iw tliu riuni nt of uie laru a tjupp r 7 00 p in kvuili ig worship rhu aivuut liorvicc notellu 1 rcuurulory service thuiadkvy kv uuig ul b 00 p m d ti 1 sunday baukj i tenia on wudiuuuiay i july u ui kugewood turk always welcome artun fluiulal olljurrlj rev w j llumutod pastor 1100 am ilia minister i3 15 sunday bclio1 10o p m evangullxtki survteo monday ida u m u y j u thursoey 7s0 p m standard lime prayer end 1 ralsd uurvice enter into hi gate with uiuukxglvlng i and into hi court willi jireiso be uuuik lul unto llhn and bless hi iianw psalm 100 fi all akk wkloouk unclassified i small advertisements rga joc per tnssrfloo foe kknt bungalow an knox avenue apply o uoijukjlixn lost a diamond ring on tuesday evening an juiu street near the chinese laundry ltlumypil im imlns whh o a reward tf brought to vfuee press office auction baue n austin half- f ilhir 1ihtnrlllllt i effects of the buu of uui late oeorge i pllli 1u be held at the residence bowel axrou on etunfy july 12 a4 two o cloclt vtflaupli r j kerr auotlonmr caki ov thanks tbs dubuo old boya aaaoouuon i 4ehn to tbok thoae who contributed in i any w to the pkmdld suooou which 1 rlbito4 the nrhwa mod ovcrif indlvldiuij or orkanlsauon who helped in uiy vy their alooora thjnw 1 uo- f i wkjcurr btwrotary notick isbing in vsiry liw b problblud without permit tmm boaromorii xather lhnhed permit wu luued to acton eltlmna only end ere tree upon niduomloa t the h yss5 i otfloe of the oompeny fiertlee vlalauns tfcta provuoon wul x praeocuted oaju of v11ankb far the wondaitul time end the eplen did waowhleh u toetueon of the dahun old bay aaeocutlon pro vided for u on dominion dy w wwit to extend the tnoet hotvrty tnmnk youl dat we know how to eiprm we wul i nover forget this splendid reunlon which 1 chli oomtnttteee etforu provided end the royel enterteinment which wee slven u thenk you alii r- jjiupgj pupils or dpbuh uses c ww tjjrafajji t r and saye food flavor and honey 1 1 zoe ooeto potuilaa white food vttljage waste dollars it u false eoonomy to take money from one put of the family budget to buy tood freih foods unlaw ptotiaion tuu already been made for nleuy of jo and a sood loe box to aap those food in the me fresh palatable conditions all the way to the table r ragardtoas of the aeason la neoeesarr to keep food fresh para and wholesome st la tlio only re- riaerant which preserves the flavor as well as the food to the sununerthne loe not only keeps food oool and fresh bo reventa waste on the table by lrng it more appeuauig and edible tq keep foods freeh sweet and wholesome and to protect their llflffrf flavors requires more than iceenbik them oolo there must be pure b elrculaung with proper ainiospherlo balance and that u loe provides air that i eloan wd cold enough to keep foods oesh orv enough to prevent mold moist enough to retard the drying out of pamlv arteese batter eggs fruits end vegetables it thus preserves the savory healthful juloes and delicate ftevam of foods the most precious thing about food la its jctator lbaesatvelv dry eold draws flavor outand once lost it le gone f w evans k f important savings for home owners landlords one cent sale of wallpaper 12000 rolls to clear two rolls for the price of one t plus one cent a cltitruiro salo lliat includes fresh new merchandise at extraordinary low 1rices bright now color and designs adding to tha attractiveness of the pajicrs in each salo group i kccllcnt rango of patterns for each type of room o kojj 10c iupors koils for 2 keg 15c 1apcrs holly fur 2 hog 20c papers rolls for 2 keg 25c papers holla fof 2 keg 40c- papers holla fur 2 keg 50c papers kolu for 2 keg 75c papers 71 kolls for 4 dc keg 100 papers f a- 2holl3 or elul 2 regular si 50 papers kolls for 151 an opportunity that invlttx you to count up your wall papering need for monuu ahead and keap half price savings sale mens shirts mens negligee shirts in fine quality cr tnearxttrcot tar and collar attached styles so mo seconds and slightly imper fects size 13j to 18 another of the shirt values for which mac donalds aro famous on sale saturday only- main btoro only ekcial- 95c demacdonald brosltd guelth ontamo ouh motto- quality anh skbvicet specials for this week claries pork and 4c beans largo 2 for jc 2 sardines oo tins for j7c peaches per tin 25c 1 a comfort soap n 1u bars tor tifc 3 tux oc puckbls for jtijc 3 lifebuoy soap oo bars for ulx 40oz jqrange marmalade 29c 2 cookies oc lbs for iiejc raapberryxir straw- 00 borry jam 40 oz tor sliirriffs orange nmrmalado for 39c granulated sugar cc 10 lbs for ddc 3 icing sugak oq lbs for toc 2 ginger snaps oc- lbs for udc watermelons 85c lettuce for hothouse tomatoes per lb green peas per basket new cabbage hd 10c 15c 15c bunches for juc carrots i bunches for o beets chain red white stor vjones phone 28 acton ont ct 1 nowiketifne to decide on youh zbactor f0k hummer work the nev unprovod pordaon tractor xite ideal farm power plant arid we are arranging to have tractor plowing wcmonstratloas at atiw point in this district to let you nee at nrst hand bow praouoal tn wordson tractor is looatloitof these tests will be made later voxdson tmotor delivered oompleu with governor spade lugs fender and pulley for mwm norton mbtors phonlan dubliiib rcunion was knc success i many urmer iupil and teachers dauured to ltenew school iay acqualntancoihipri imr omuitti ejtirci hrnva btxifi lit l jgrn itr t rwunkin of um old iloy t cllru ut ulillit ilctiot 1 ui uomliikjij i ijy tlio iinnuuur u tliu liwl ju in mini ul wm lilgltly grauf yliig wlmii v uatbering of botwaru too ui 1 liou umfclod vl uie shiluxi 11 tuxly wltat j noon ilia thuiidri auonn m m muy uikiii i qiovtimi use avlamaiilin ii mil otxilod llui u nipnt aluro mid uu lvy wit cui quniitly dllghtftil tor a funcuini t uil ihmruter ilio id cl ntl lot kod utiuauajly tot i tractive in a now oust uf pulnt of autuo i tbttly otuiueatinc ol r wltll a caroiuliy i hunt mciukii plmygrouiul and the addl llimi uf ur iiida wniaio meadow ad- j tltitntr kv ideal ecoummudhlliin i i puxrorm gwiio and sporu and paikjn llwiro wu ui eiccellent procfanunc wm and carernny cstrlod ul by attcii live oummluoc but uw lortunoot feature of tile day proceeding uid brneuiig of hupu and teachers wlu hud been oojuioclod wllit dublin bcttoo um utih uie yours rruin its rounding in 186e eeveiily two years ago ulie hlatorlo event was must enjoyable in uil reapect many hupy tneetfi a of mil tool ma use who tiad- luh smii eai h other for year occurred uany litcldoiiu uf fonnor days rocmjlod uaiiy emjulrles nora made concerning presont iwmes and acilvlueat ihe eight of ten lormnr teaolw wliu ware preeant wore g rooted most oordljly by hundreds of iu pupils who cema under tlkelr purview durliuf ule years of their urofeasloual career in the school aleean ales c ucphall of urarnpuu and john irving ex mayor of uil ton who suooeedrrd him were tlie oldost teachers present ur uopall taught hi bm and ur irving in 1bs0 8 3 to 40 years ago they were both giveit a right royal reception ait interesting oo- incidence in oonneo tlon tike long lienor roll of dublin teach or which was revealed during tlte tua oeedlngs was tlie fact that uiree succeed ing teachers each married husbands by tlie name uf borne rvllle a most honurrd name in uil oomtnuiilty sllss llossle uckeown married ur wullam bonier vm -of- hsjle gsannlenilejey manrled ur awsotorvllle ton and utss oil armstrong married ur oeorge gotnervlue ox acum tim re union attracted old pupils and their families from a wide area thoy present from alt parts of ontario from the oltle and from the rural dis tricts from mew ontario and new york from o lo vera y die and johnstown from toronto nd ilamuton from detroit and rochester from buffalo and ualllnafad from otielpb pnd oeonjntown and rrgm bquoslrur and massagaweya milton and lriuiu0jl ml naiirplly tlngent from acton the programms was dlvontlfled and interesting johnston jlrotbera a trio of scottish pipers from toronto enlivened the proceed injpi jlurlna the af tensoon wlui ute alralns of highland sirs there were h games on three separate diamonds horaeehoe pitching waltatna on the dancing platform but above all the meeting of old friends and the re- ltaarslng ol incidents ol personal ac qualntanoeahlps and community uf after a bounteous supper in which the menu was wholesome attractive and gen erous the esowd wae sssumblfid at thi putfonri there auctioneer kerr auc uoned off the famous autograph quilt prepared by the dublin womens insti tute ur duncan uodougall being the highest bidder vtallowlng this an interesting historical sketch uf dublin school its origin its buildings lis trustees and their annual meetings its teacher for over seventy years and salaries they received and tn cldents relating to all these was given ur alexander uaodonald and uaglstrate if p moore were the lllstortoal oom mkuee and the latter presented the result of their researches it was ascer talned that the school board was organ laed on january j lbss and thai john kenpwltf sjiftnii imf anjii free press instals modern newspaper press as inutneted last week arrangements were under way for ui li iitallmtloh of a modern iuiwtpr prues at uio uttloo i f in trass 1sbhs yesterday tlte limtallatlun tills uaboock ol uui is 1 fc was oumpletml and tlie unit pages of liia fss lshss were printed un tlii mimlnrn iiuuhhw yesterday with die final f rms uxlay hie press wss purchased ui rough die lirltlsh rrlntlng machinery oomptuiy of toronto alid has ixhii tnntalled bvur ujcnlp l- to those and a luyal slan u helper llis im lasaii owes muoli jor tlie pn mpt and careful installation and tlio c uupletiun of tlio work enabling us to luue is ln 1b promptly on sclieduln lmssllily a few tact ooiicornlng this newly installed equip mnnt will prove in in rest tug tile uaal weight 1 ovr eleven urn ejid a solid ootitroui foundation was hacesauirlly oon structed to set ule inadiliie on it is capable of printing four peg is of tlio slse of any of tlio roronto dallies at one time at a speod of 1 boo papers per hour hie press is lb feet 1a inclies king by 13 foot 3 inches wide and 0 f o t high 1u invtalletkm will also equip ris bass lasss to tuuullo a larger varluty of job work tlian ties boon undortakuit in tlin past and put tills office in tlie forefront with equipment t ir onicee in towns of aclon slao wo will be pleased to show tills machine in operation to callers linxt week wtien sections of the paper are being printed or other work being put through ford sdand service acton kennedy were the first trustees the first school was a log building but la 187s steps were taken under the follow tng resolution for the erection of a hew and mora pommodlous sehoolbouse moved by samuel j mckcrude seconded by matthew uooann that the trustees of this school be instructed to raise 8o0 00 from the municipal oouncu of the township of eaquoelng lor the tvoo tlon of a new scnoolhouse an interest ing ootncldence is the fact that 39 years later the school building was rebullf clad with brick and otherwise improved by j b mackjinsle the present mayor of oeorgetown and sorrof the mover of the resolution for- the erection of the school the following weuremenibered resid ents of the section were trustees i john kennedy matthew mooann angus kennedy alexander mcdonald john boberuon jamas bell william ttrst- brook james olbbons john btewart benjamin anderson o j mcdonald hugh ktnnaird john mcdonald peter albbons slenry yemen alexander waldle patrick lamb ttiomas kulott eamuel j mckensjc john stalker and william saullm the only one living of this list is the last named and be was present at the reunlon a very creditable feature of the after noons programme was the marching and drill by the present pupils of dublin school under the direction of their teacher mis at k young the pupils wore attractive costumes of red white and blue their numbers were greatly enjoyed tuie scholars sang this improvised song with fine effect ooms back to dui1un tune oome back to erin oome tiack to dubuu old timers i old timers 1 oome back again to the land of thy youth old timers oome back with maples and springtime and our real welcome shall blend with thy mirth sure when we sent you the warm in vitation little we thought of the many thered be little we thought of the ones who weo ooming o t uustsattd use then oome back to dublin old timers old tim oome back again to the land of thy dome msfcrtdt dumbv old timers old tljnars and ouroreal weloome shall blend with thy mirth thfe i following u thellst of oompetl- tlohauut were held dmrlng the after noon public scheon race boys 6 to 1 teart public school race d to kathleen weadge publlfl school jlaoe boys 8 to jo years umaftynda pubuo school raos girls b to 10 years dorothy cjurrldge hooi itoako special session te icngage teaebere to vui the vaoaaeide on the htalf ot the high behool at the special session of the scltool board on saturday noon to consider the engagement of jeacljen lyir mf lfwiaai mis a p luvut j m mc- donald k w uasters wecw pmseutand oluiinnan b be wick presided a number of application for the poet tlon of both itiuolpel and male asautsjit in uio high sctiool were road by the secretary moved by j m mcdonald seconded by mrs b- m wluon tliat ilui socretary be and is liereby instructed to accept tlio application of mr b j mooaus land at a salary of si i oo carried moved by x w masters aeoonded by mrs a p havlll uit the secretary be and is hereby instructed to accept tlie ainilloatiorrtuttibanrierilaught a salary of t3 100 duties to commence uepumber 3 1b30 carried at a later mooting on monday evening word had been received from ulal tfsmght that hnwouidw u liable to accept the pruiclpalshlp uf acton bohool arrangnments were made to secure an utlier of ttu appucants for the position hajlton judging cohlktl- tion the oeenty contest in eqaeheld belenee won twenty obn jadgtng in the event the llalton county household oclcuoo judging competltlutt was lield at the department of agriculture office milton on wednesday june 2i and proved to be a great success with twenty girls judging miss sadie toronto mrs shorey dundee andmlsa macinuiah braniptoii acted as judge miss wise instructor of predion has been conducting prepara tory coaching classes throughout the county previous to the competition tlie following is a list of the winners in the three nlasses good xhvsalng isabella to veil kal- crmojramolsnj tuarnw lrts maovannej burlington marie luohard son milton slnnnra auelns palermo i ijuia moarthur oampbellvule house purnuhlnga kua harris oamp- bellvllle wuda hartley milton laura prudham oampbellvule lillian epence oampbellvule norlna smith palermo ruth cartwright milton nutrition eya ohisltoun muton e1u pcaoock ulltun eleanor ooulsou mil- loo eleanor maovaiuiol burlington oltoup no two oirls who have won a special prise hve beeti on a county judging team who are over 36 years of age or wlio are holding teachers oertifloatea marjorie harbottlo oampbellvule mary itlvaa palermo myrtle maud mll- toxl the team to represent lialton county at the o n e are ella harris camp beuvule marjorbj harbottld oamp- publlo scliool naoe boys it to 14 years james mooeeeble public bohool race girls it to it yean muriel oonneu novelty race open to ejlthos mc laughlin ad margaret wnidte fop kaon open to au margaret waldle and thomas mclaughlin married women s llaoo mr o k davenport married men raoe aeorge bomer vule 100 yards men under 0 years m 100 yard mcnover 40 yeara nillle ritchie 100 yards men oft and over mr n mclaughlin v throwing rolling ptd married women mrs oeorge bomervlue individual who game oreatest du tstnoe to the heunloturm m m hag- gerty komnay m in a softbau game between a home team and a team of tha visitors present tw home team was victorious a tugofwar between team of visiters and home men iwae soso won by the home aggregation to the wrening the grounds and tuat- form were 1itiuanu lnqnunatod with electric ughttbe first time in the his tory of the school an excellent pro- bys j p toronto johnstone bros and miss johnstone danojog oocupled the plal- foren until a bite hour pranks and blacks ctfcbestnt providing the music upon their return from their engage erst at the milton celebration the ibambers ol acton clthwns band at tended and oontelbuted their quota to the programme the oonveners of comrrdtteei through whofte cttorts the reunloa was brought to so suopeasnil w cojoahis weret re- fresiunenh peter moxsaae muslo john black sports j b matebnale plat form j aprowl booth dundan mo- dougau ostes duncan waldle and j b black they were aasuteony a host or willing and competent workers the event was hlstorlo arid was uaor oughly earoyed by the hundreds who a vehy haiiy reunion held on monday at no t tjhee4 in nasaagaweya rhe reunlon of uie p mil of mo sclioo mossagawnys which was hold o monday afternoon ant uveiilngj f h s ii a ii thrntuhpftiuin fuiti uxw wlio conceived uio happy idea fur inuiiui the matter has been talked about irtvtta- tltiiu sent broadcast to former scliolars teacliers and trluiids rhe reallsatlun of the iiven t was highly gmufylng llil last day of juno was a perfect ouinmor day early in uio afternoon the people began to arrive and they ooutliiued to come until uie spacious und attraltivn grountl uf tills venerable old school property artistically decorated with flags and bunting was taxed in it aooommodations tlui people came fum uie east the wmthnorth arid uloiftollui lullil a vast oonouurse of old pupils and tliolr fr lendscove ring uie seventy five years of uie scliool a honnrmhlo history hud assembled and no woiulor tlio spirit ufwelooius was manliest evutrywhorp xlin weloomo banners attested it the reception committee at tlie two ontraiirns emphasised it ui provjalon made for the oomfurt and lilessure of all wlio at tended was everywhere manifest riie spirit of informality added to the pleasure of the occasion fib informal it was uiat ovon a register of uio guest attending was omitted it did not kmm ui bo uooded nor any formal introduc tions everybody breled ewrylkkly clac a friends end all were friendly lndeod ttio bulofatlgable uocretary town ship treasurer jas morfat and hts corps of work or were most active in making things go and they suocnedod admir ably tlie large company present was made up of the scltool pupils covering uio threequarter century of uie schools liistory numbers of the teachers who had worked mo earnestly toadvanco uiolr respecuve classes and u main tain uie fine reputauon wluclt no 8 always en joyed were present many of the pupils brought uiolr families some of thorn up to the lbirulaiid louxth generation there wore pro echo m thoro and doctors and lawyers county officials township coun cil lore uiey were there from remote points or canada and from various parts m the united states they compared twites as to families they enquired for oldtme criends uiey visited tlio old scliool room and ant at ths desks which were uielrs in the happy softool day thoro was gladness at suocetse and prosperity a jeatureest uie day waerifao arrival of a round hundred of old no 3 boy and girls from qtiolph who brought with them ouelphs picturesque and versatile baud those excellent musicians wiui uiolr lively musical airs and uiolr grotesque antics lent a lively bent to uio afternoon hundred jirenyil were delighted tg meet their former fellow resident hiram wallace of ouelph who till ytar is celebrating his hundredth year the venerable old gentleman appeared to be in exoollont hcalui and vigor and recog nlsed with pleasure the many wlio grectes htm the programme of amusemonts inctud od baseball metelics by lady teams and young men players horse shoe games in which even the preachers engaged there was a dancing platform the evening thunderstorm however rthor interferred with the anticipated pleasures tliereon prankw orohestra and the ouelph jaas band were both there to aid the terphlsooean activities the picnic lunch feature was an incident which was also enjoyable when the company was gathered at the platform in the early evening mr james moffat who presided read a letter from dr d r alllles of new york who regretted his inability to attend but was represented by his wife who was formerly jenny canute the doctor in his in- terestlng letter announced that he and his ito had arranged to rjrtnats a goljl medal each year to the pupil of school no a making the highest at his or her examination each year for tlie future brief addressee ware made by dr wo- oullough of rookwood thomas moore seoratejytrasaurejr or helton union plre insurance company boui of whom were teachers in the early days of the school w p xnrnan who was principal df the muton pubno bchbol and a former teacher or no s school was also present among the county official present were rylu treasurer and reevo campbell both of whom were pupils of the school exwarden agnew poltoe magistrate h p moore ex warden duncan campbell and township ooun- ciuors flnnay lamb and ullycrop ex- reaves david r hutahoon m j carton thome moore james moffat all ot whom werq connected with the school were present jfunes weidbrook liberal candidate for halton was an interested visitor the re union was an unqualified uo- oess and many hope that not many years wul be allowed to elapse before a similar gathering i tcanged for -is- the members fit maple leaf l- b lodge wul holdholr annual tag day on july 11 and 13i lnla of the true blue and orange home at richmond hul llic community s social side ol liic vioiton to and lrom town during the laul weeu sun gleaned by jne tree lreas wum olive oooper is liome fiu n luuxj r tint luilldays mr o x mi 01 apmaii vliduid frl lis if rd kuuiu y if hamilton was ml nellie hull of 1 ruitn uiaclilng ilull lu liom fur tlio holiday mr lulrd mtlh nald of detroit midi u fihuujjufluulluyslu uw vuimu mr jua wudh of gkivursvlltu n y hi oue iiiliig tlie wo k wiui acuu ids tlvcal muui miugurot oriu 1 11 is h una fiuni c pn i nukii in outuru for the hull day r 1 pi rbu t f huuluvlun vklted ut tiiu home of mr n fori- ovur tlio liullday uu iulllh jucksoii of roruiite kpniit i wuik ond ut uiu lion o of mr n purbu llov and mrs poole and oeorgu vihiu u ur looia k fuuier at ntpwlck un uusday mr and mr elliott of joniuto spent tlun luy with mr und mis j uouirrid mr and mm jf itey wansbmugli tunti spent the wouk und wltli tiwir parents liu re dr w u o kinucy of toronto spent tliu wimit vjid at uie parental hum on uliurcu utreol uiu myrti i uopof is spending a couple uf wixlfji yucutlon wluifricluls in llooh uitur n y ml wlnnifrd 1u id of o ran gov me kin nt uunday at uie lioma of her uiotlwr it 1l held hev prod meyi nt itodlloy spent u ruw uy hut week ut uie jiuuie of mr j no l uauor mrs harnuu coun uf ouelpli visited bur iruuds mrs ii and mrs mary oumbli mi minday mr and nlool and family loft on luesday to spend a few weekn ut btanley park erin mr h s uluxllllo uldtfteolt and mr w tiutctlrfo utratford spent tliu woou uid with frluuda hero mr and mrs m c overholt spoilt sevurul days uils week wlui friends in wftlkorvllie and detroit mlssos vivian wiggins and mary poi of tomnlo spent uie liolldoy at uie homo of mr s wiggins atr and etro will royoo l m clafuuce royoe rookwood visited at mr o h lanlss on sunday reginald johnstone and mis doris and master billy of london visited acton relatives this week mr and mrs charles irwin of roches r n y sitended dublin re union and visited acton friends prank havlll of toronto spent uuitduy with his parents mr and mrs pmirgn huvlll agnes stroet eftit it e nelson of toronto was a gurat at tho haunt of tier wen dr e nelson during uie week mbu adah clarke of toronto spent uin week end lu town uie guest of lier friend mliis laura m qray mrs hoy llumley and qhlldren of iron to spent the week end at tlio homo of mr and m s ttios humloy mr and mrs malcolm molean and mr and mrs j o maiuiews spent sunday wltli friends at asltburn mm w e tluanpoon of london sient a fow days this week at uio homo ut her mother mrs j o nelson mr and mrs o a a matthews of toronto wlui uiolr two sous wore visit s hi town on saturday and sunday miss pranoos hurst left yesterday for toronto whero slie will bo an examiner of paper in the recent examinations mr and mrs oho hynds and mao and donald of toronto visited acton friend and attended dublin reunlon mrs oeorge cook and miss thoro of windsor are vtsltlog ut tho home of iter parent mr and mrs h uoldtuun mrs allan smith and wannetta aro ipendlng a few day with her sister mrs prank day in hockwood this week mr and w hill of munroe mich have rctuhiod homo alter spending a couple of weeks with ontario friends mr and mr r bell of orlula and mr and mrs h nlool and miss margaret uf conn visited acton friends test week miss muriel mooomr nursein train lug at bl josaphs hospital ouelph it spending holidays with trtends at peter- boro mr and urn ooo rltclue and mary pout uiu tareokend ut tne ubme of her parent mr and mrs chak norrlah muton mr and mrs wl moeaohem and llttls daughter i waterloo are holidaying at uie home of hor parents mr and mrs wirumuuln- rev and mrs a c stewart and daughters of toronto spent tuesday in acton en route to their summer cottage at bruoo beach mrs amos hipllng ml dodd and miss june buchanan of wlngham spent the holiday at the horse of mr and mrs b p kennedy mr and mrs norman masalos of tor onto spent uie holiday at the home of mrs robert oorvln and miss margaret oarvhi peel street mr and mrs david qran and mr and mrs stanley anderson of powassaii spent a few days this week visiting rela- uvea in this vicinity utss mary b macnersun tteperin- tendent of nurses in oeheva n aenoral hospital is holidaying for month at her home here mr end mrs w k hamlin mr lome tic public scliool lisl of promotions tho pupil who have been suo- cchuful in their examinations and won high standing pronwted to uctdor peart itaiu lio ruiilui eileen nreen irene elliott vera itawllngs phyuie maoue itodrlrk ityder d rothy nabouck vera vlckors n trial harold mooney on trial wolicbolbbonstui trlal promoted to jtjsvlor powtbi j lm dnnls tkule anderson tdoro- tl y ifllly lillian w tcdhall edna kinu n ltrtdilu llirnur frfmoiard cose katllwu ii lard lllo jriarao 0nop lunts jouli iunbfirt ueurn lauob por uwrnucji lltirvry kaeuutclioon heo ijutiix rt may waterlu use eucn f urn prank jonn noll mcnabb euaa imii dariiy ttielma crlppa henry levers trial euiel wood on trul bob mtualuul n trial pnuioes kelly on trial itollie andersni m trial violet white on trial hill whiten op- trlali wtllifl mrmnm un ulal preoaoted u uratlar tbira tvera cose hoy hansen elma urlada w nu moueaclue annie sagaskte nor bruwla an nia evans joe lasby i llllall pllu bella juisaell ruby auao ii irt crnwson marlon nlool wubart uumillllil uurj irio mann bcaale vtckerb margaret kelly alice taylor lla4 mc- iulr ir is nrni helen moloaale iswraiim leathanl jack mooul jack uraliam uurt ia trick hot wlthera oo trlul pntncls lterbsugli on uij cecil on i ns n trial herbert wood on trial promoted to juolor third idorls luwronce tlucy moarthur dorouiy 1 hllllps tmary mnnaln 1r1u nl uk morley alien dorothy dunn hnlr i lavulloe olnu oarden tens nlr i mcma rawaou adah klllott jeade jo lluyd llrown ukrgaret harrison ev lyii withers marun haasard jlmmie j nes eleanor rubmaii euiel pargeter doru jui w kranoes haw lings bbella iln nu iinald ley dor margaret bmltll joan butinln uerlen thompson praneea dills dqrlm- wilson oeorge laaenby on trlul william hall on trial there campbell on ulal helen mooney on trial promoted to heater ffrnmrt ralph uanseii iwvasbdoweu oor- dun savage durouiy laaenby prank vanwyck lioyd allan murray bauer ltboitpuoutl era jturkoas oeorge lluyllss jack diuiii henry taylor jack winters percy elliott jean evans jack ii low oorrarde lavauee james pord wlllaealean weaver on trial gordon nilteil u n trial ieo blose on trlal proaioted te j enter second tllertle allan i allan irishman tbea- uico i ay lor tprank holmes t elmer lusty tftla lavauee t norman price iklnu urada iwllllam uuchanan pran on ohuliulm kathleen olbbons junior hellly delia vanwyck stanley evans jackie oooney oubert itompht jamie lambtjno marso nino braldo jbrunie doble prankun near isabell orewaan elmer mainprise bruce pargeter harvey ulmbert douglas smith jack noble oaliiybuhauu0rdojamaj4tau iii lie enclcsliall heta orippa ruby smrn albert pord ruby wood oo ulal prosneted te plrat clase oliarlle allen doru buton eileen olotmi marie chapman orvule darby marie prank jacqueline i a vales blulo 11 limns iorrie masales edlma marao helen mann anuu m olgsv potty douglas 1ticb edna robsan jack rob- ijarry ravage welter bigroond joe olgmund may turkosa xvan vlekwra mae honey ueveriey arnold irene pryer marie uruneue margaret scrlven oordoa mccutelieou owen masales marjorie allan imlly porty uerald pargeter ldward lurker leonard lambert mar garet ifodgtn kuwoodv allan rnunoted te senior prlsaer gordon olbbons arthur pbrd uurlal darby joe taylor bernard l dorothy pootltt harold simpson kenneu ulow doria momuuen lien chew jean chapman kathleen weadge margaret lasby telford mcdoweu xorna dunn mary marso bldney pields kevan breen alberta chew doris weaver pupils marked t made 7f on their lcimd wullc tuulwcre apt j to write uie examinations pupils marked were unable to write the examinations owing to sick- but were promoted on their terms work reception baptismal and certmimlen sarvlee llie effort of the members of uie sea- ion of the united church in their eam- nulgn nf visitation evangelism during the 1 ot montli wul culminate next sunday m mmg with a reoepuon bapusm and communion service about a score of now mfrmbtrs will be received several baptisms will take place and the quarterly communion service will be largest in the history of uie church an effort being mode to have every possible present mr and mrs j ilui chap and family of toronto spent the weekend and holiday at uie homo or mr and mrs uiorge chapman knox avenue mr krio hill attended the annual lllblo conference for he lie vers held on uio grounds of ur oeorge mcallister wuu rloo avenue ouolpli over uie ndll- ilay itr and mrs 31 mitchell of rlpliy and mis ollle mitchell of orace hos pital toronto mpent the weekend at the home of mr and mrs it l johnx on mrs koberl watson errlvod from niagara palls during uie week and will make a proiongal visit with her son mr perry watson and family church htreet 4 mrs a j matheson left on saturday with hr daughter mr dr weuwood of tordnte on a vtxlt to other members of her family in manitoba and b- jtatcliewun and mrs thomas kenney of okivoravule n y ylslted friends here during uw week mr kenney is a native of acton and left nls native town thirty- four years ago mr and mrs thomas kenney and mr snd mrs angus johnston from johns town n v are spending a week at the home or mr and mrs john kenney bower avenue mrs oeorge boyer sr mr and mrs aeorge boyer jr and master harry mrs taylor and ml ruth taylor of toronto visited at the homo of mr wm landaborough lake avenue on bunduy mc w lrgw hurst me dorothy aod master beverly mrs t peacock and miss oortrude peacock of toiorito visited ut the home of mrs 8 hurst over uie weekfind ml doniuiy and master bertrly remained for a few days mr and mrs alex hotrnea of hew llskeard are visiting friends in the community thoy go htre 4fter eon- ilderable dintoutty with nooded roads on hamlin end miss luuan milady of rurr uie ferguson highway but were bound unto spent sunday at the home of mr i to bo irere in umb for the dullln school find urn n i johnston i re uiuon at all tiasards

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