ftfs thursday july 3 100 n tiif acion i hi i prrss pago five qllehtionh at hklltimk what makes urn wind blw7 why d ut uui xturn fall wtftt make mi wink so what mokes om imi m uii all 1 wlmt make lite iltrk lult iv jnouil twlntv yeaeh aio ww tk leau 0 the ire it- el thtmday july 7j 1010 a god rain la mueh diuilind the dry wcattusr xhnrloiicd utu straw berry crop considerably mow potatoes rul grout peas are li w on the tau b of l haying lias been done ui uut i uii anton fire ilrlgxdu and a4l011 cluxuiu band attended um flmuii it u uli i uittlrk tluu at uuorgcuiwn on dominion day ur ivior monobb u limiting eoniildor abl uuprovwmnt to his residence on mill uucet the lumu has been re boated with metal uf rock iactd design and neat verandah of numinnt palwti liax roplaced uui old iajfl rim mercury dexcaiidud uilrty drgroee in lwo liourx on sunday evuitlilg after a sweltorbig fortnight ur and mrs john fixittbrook cwnn to acton with umlr family lul week and ari now xcttuxl lii uuilr lunmsr residence at uio visli 1onds rhey rooenuy arrived liomo from a tour of uio baptist ohuroh rnlxsiuti fields and travel led about 40 000 mile matuuku ueadowb baumit at uu lionid of uui j trriaes parents brocjt uuvtil acuul on iburaday juno 30 1uj0 by itov j cooper ajiuia d l arumr a i umuiowi toronto to ghrixuua daugt lpr of aoam llauuf llolaiboolljjeb at tlio tiunie of uui bnaea usreuts london ontario uii wwinaauay june jo by itov i l sniolox dr hoy don jc llolmjt acton u anna dauglller uf air and uu mil rcahijkic on iix juikiku til bust luleb 1 toxleo who wan ludplug deuu ilyi uiruuau u hurrlud wojt of txiuud tmyn ualihf xtood uii uui burn llix t text um ute atrrnth i a oik luiudli 1 alii i any uhuit lur cti ut lit uicui luiin jiyuo in milmilll d biu tuui t bllovt uwt imnll u lit uj uid lb liuul ion uh lojtii ui tun i if it wiu ihitil r tidy u irwk ik wit uui ituxi lu ih ikknt alt l ii u 1 u hi r it ciu uti lit lioam uv uu i ik a cuaal iiwi t il my iii r- r irkui kluimllii ll 1u1 uui wum lltkllml d x x ltd ulul hi hi ui lik ly liiiii l lu 1 lui in iliuiiiih1 t 1 lit 1 ii 1 wu i u11u u u- it u hit lu it 11 il i uil u u utu liutt ur out i a thing 1 uu um jlu u 1411 d ilut loh l11 ui nid limn cwllnk mskin t u li hi u 1 1 k a 1 hi 1 1 ui litlul rtutui i t i i 11 iu wi 1 it i 1 alt it iliut il ilk ulo uuui wlui i lua alt mitt llgtftinml iiuik d ihil yttm ww tdl rltfhl ui uui mlfull ll41r ui auna daui a il ouuoe i d1ku raub1iaw at ut mlduuiu lloipltu lxvanu uu monday july 4 iulu tluword eldoat aun of alex jtainoliaw formerly ol aston tn hla jlat j oar eutlikhlianl lu loruuui on rimn day juno 30 lulo jtey ajol illulioxi ifcnrlnnt or mrclffn mlsaioru of ills ueuiodul obuicli iu 77lh 3r wjuciwadh julidaiily at alynief wednemtay june ju 1u10 uulnda hutu wile uf itev lliomaa l wll klnaun forjitrli of aouui aitd daugb ter of too lata zonu adiuiuc one of too foundent of acton iu iua 13td tkadm xa tns vlllaca poit oilfoa it jituo group ol people were waiting for their tnall over in one oomer come uf the older men wan djaciuudng the proa nd oon of the yroyoaed world insaee and vulolug l oplnl ipoa lt one well known fumirf voice tom lush abovo the roal ha wju vary decided aiid einphauo lu his vlew arid he didu t care who hoard j lutlfatua rjtjltaagroei uut wax waa a mjerablo rallure end that it really aetued nothing- pormancnuy for ail lu ghaiuy waste oi ufe and energy kvery one wanted a iiauinr peace and world ioaee would deubueaa prove au natlmahle boon and blessing to man kind tit it r- t jf ili ti iiimj a plf if y hu g it itn and uj uf xti li ii iigbl uf li u and when kild liltw tu llmi j waf iumi iluu lui u ail ricbt 1 myi if yuu don t uuo lilui and diui l w tk him a wuak luuiujut if ilui luuatiui ukj 1 aya uuiu n uuutn wtiut 11 d lltu uu u 1 in tollln y u khout wtui in luikm item uui city ill i in nun lu ut uut into uui country and aiuop hid lit ulutjt und aluxlt li lui liu up tv aru tuid utulu uf drawurx uiat uuy lituud an lui uui ajid luni ituvlii a uiarp iuimi lor a dtillia took k liabll uf yum tt und i n hut uwu j took and buy in up wlial lu od git cluuip ktui then wiun u ui uty folki uniil lui d liavo a pltuiiy all tciuly fir mi- aiid ut a good 41v w 1h lu prloel well una day ouit uijt d luo if id g wiuihkui uui iiuki day alur a lo ui klulf lui d dkjuril fur uu ovur wmt to hln plact iuiki n uit ii in and got tluifu jvnt iut lut wu hoiikln up uio iukluu wluit lui picked up uio pulu to lujok uw luu yuku to uui cullar i nolloud a bit crack hi uui yuke you aln t plantilii to uao a c r lu- yoke like uiat be ye 1 ay with a pair of young hoomjt hen lookihl at nut tl i wan kind of notional why nut lu iaya ilmt lit tie crajt dout hurt nouiln i on git uullu a little wvar out of uiat yoke ylt liu itaya well i uiluku lo inyaolf u aln 1 any of my buuluus ao x got up onto uui uuat with him and wo alarted or lordd uie norui aldgu of uui uiwn well we tartod plcklu up uiu load bumau here and a apludle back duur there and bufure long wo had a load uiat stood for oualdablo money even at uio prlceu uiui liad paid for it and uuju uut laat plarv t urowur place jsl before you oomo to uiat long hill oumlu tub way out lu tia ahhade merehm of drwwere uutl d weigh in uio uelghborttood of four hundud pounds and utood five ur u foul lilgli dre uui awkward tiling ui stow on uie wagon loo well wo gut it loaded at htl and lien picked up the webblna and ularlud tlte liutfm lie walklii aloiupudu and mo bulilnd to llbteu the load and wli fjkeakinc new trails in the rockier the flavour of salada is the nost delightful of all salada tea 4 from the gardetui abiuuiau x i lonbku of vattlf golduii tout lly falui abraliam whim lut wou cuilvd oboyod to go uut unto a place wtuuh lie wan to rveelve fof uii inheritance and ho wmt out not know ing wbltliur lui wonl lleb 11 b jjuuuin iikl clen u 1 3 13 1 u hub 11 8 lui utudy aw otn 11 1 13j 13 t10 we got lo- uio top ol the lull lui laggt back on ute rehui to make uie lioaiuji uut load down well uum hooseii come hack hi the collars quick and elugrp and x heard someuung creak and splinter rium x could see uio pole yoke awlngui in two halves an uie end oi uie polo almost on uie ground and uio heitt minute the load surged down onto uie liossos heels and they started to run the fust jump they made they fotohod loose from hen and down uuu lull they went lf they was craxy jest before you oomo to the foot of the hm there was atiurap w tho roari that uie surveyor had made to turn out the water into uie dlch and it was all of five indies high when the linaaea gut uiere uie end of the pole ketched and you couldnt iiavo stopped uie whole uilng any quicker if uieyd hit a hrlok buudln i the end of the pole nosed into ute ground like a plow and that ohlst uf drawers kep right on gain forward throgh utho nphidlehacks and tables and all the reetof uio load and the next jump the hosma tore themselves clear of uie wagon and dldn t quit runnln till they got to the baral nr a mbiulo ben jest stood and looked at uie wreck and then he spoke i in goin to- own up xeaslse he saya that a day a work saved out of crackou luvrnow abt t always a savin this tune u ahi t by over nfty dollara mehbe moreen tint and he took to clearln the auut out of the road and then wo went home t thai fixed the idea in my mind uuu dldn t want to work whji weak tools where d you say id nnd a sou1 fork handler v kvt ry y uui order of uio trail iu it is of utu canadian llorklns gnuwrs uaj utr iu dnv tenl wlui hot oul lllto ttte uitkiiiwn or tlui allium i unknown vit tn untubi luutlfls irom uui sufuiig pobit at tlui luinlf bprlngs lutuil otiuuiau ijikn ij uijut rir uunui um gatitu umn ui a trail ride of a few dayu covering lutwuvur utuo travellod laliwj wlilln fir um expert uiere is a rldu of uirve weks pciu t ruling hi um 1 art uf tlui luklc arid b ui rnd lu a tlraitd isiw wow ur cainpflre meeting wtuire siutga am sung and uui lolliig uf m nml j ihly is p4rpituaud lluuut trail ride are lu id lu augiuj wlwiu uui w tauujr is at its bt and lovurs of uio utdoom gain ui bxpnrleiui wluch even if thny nevtr rtpual il will rurnlxli ui it rus and btorlcs for a life lime kvery y ar lu w trails are broken uut tile nut your hi lug ovir oil lnm laui uiuuud ur the fiuudrr of uui ordi t llu 1dm utuwt trav ilrrk mm eery part of uui oonuiuint and from icurope aiul 1 to0 of ui in are now unrolled lu uui ordr ijiy t u slipwu rl ut luuuilitg utn ugli llbhoti aui tuklug a rest at window ijik wlui mount lull ui uiu luukgriiiiid uud fording uu arm of tltn iuko of ihuiglng qlacurs thb sunday school lesson vou hundav july 9 1d time uuuicl- j no u o 1 laces 1 tar an imposition i abriuti cullud from ouuutry itliidrod and jlnuiti 1 3 otioa again god wilicu a ulnglc man u lo uui lioiut of a new race we tlud abraiu in huriui wliuu uut cull find cmiio to hbn lu wan in musopouunla acta i j auram oeyud uie call promptly but not fully lui got out uf tj uiu hu no hwb aai country uud allowed him ha stopped at huron abram has many fullowers to day lliey get out of mesopotamia but ruit away ullo canaan luey stop at uaran xl utok tlio duaut of abramx fallur u gat him oub of ifarun acu t uio call was to leave 1 uiy oounuy jl uiy kindred 3 uiy fauiem iioujui a pretty aoarohing teat uiat but it comes to many luke 1 matt 11 31 kvury ctitld of qod has a call to separauuu 3 cor 0 lx one rasou why clod called ahnuu out of undent ajid country wulbociuk uiey wore ldolators jolt u 2 ouu 31 j0 furthennore qod had great purpose about training a great covenant people and tho land of canaan was just uio land a land adapuid us was no otlvr pot on earth for tbo aooonipllshment of uutt purpou it wan a treineiulous trial uf auraius foiut to go out ood liold up as a rvcompuiuui ills own won drous promise lie did nut even tell abrwuvlwftlulo laud wm ojiiil a but led him towards it one xuip at a i time abram had only gods word of oommand and promise hut tnat wax nough for hhn vet it was an exceed lug good land which ood allowed hhn and it la a good land which ood will shuw um if wo just go out at uut bidding lliure were aovon promises connected wlui t call to get out of hu own land ulueh abram received from jeliovah i ho aral promise made a tremendous tax on falut i will make thee a great nation abram was aaventy live years old ana childless cf 17 18 ib it lias been fulfilled to tho letter and had a atlll larger spiritual fuinirnnit llnmsiib i ii j n clod uui coitoiutlui and uui lcrlx klui dwuliml ut u in uui land it u iiiludii on uf uut painful strlf to day among dllfuuut hodlui of chrbtlhum rigtll in uui piibiioe ut uielr unumum and of uie biumlcs uf uiu lord uuy profiwi to kvrve doublbws uui canaan ilcs and uut lirlxltcs were greauy phas wl by utu strife j iim j 34 ouh ii lo jo jos 3 10 hut abram by hbi mognanliulty wltlch aprung from lolui it god proved equal to uut i alon liu puf into practice uui golden itulo mutl i u cuturuj heforo it wax enuuclauhl and proved hlmxnlf rjtiltd of ood by bvbig a poacemaki matt t 1 he net an excellent uxainplu far uio glirhtiaiui of loday hliltrguuiuit agaliutl sulfe among godx luoplu is c mciiuilvu aluuiugh it cotudulx oi but uircu word wo are bruuiruu abram was uui ultu r man and ut i loath r and llm uioice naturally belong vd to libit hut he lut lol liavu uui tliolci and lout nothing by libi g iiotxu ity he liud um xum protubrit of god to b did um u and to muju1ii him lu his g norotilty cli 13 f lot did not dhplay guile rosily like abram ho did not seek divine guidon l mado a bod eholcu and cliowi a place doonuid to lestrucllon abram dwelt in uui land of promise iot in uuj ciuu of uio plali lot had hi face uodom wordii he kept moving uiomit and closer to it until at but wu road lu moved hu unt ox far ax bodom v 13 it v hie siparalloii was doubtleox painful to abram but it liad a blcaxbig lu it abram wax blnovu to look ax far as he could xoo in every direction and it was all lo he lib and his dexceiidunu for ltrertvst4id iff looking rewards a oily 11 b 10 abram allowed his grautude for uieso great and gracious promises by hollaing vii altar to juliavah vjjuj appeared unto hbn and lie bullded not to an un known owl but to a god lie know jeliovahs promue to uils man of fatui unto uiy sood will i give uilx land has already been fulllued hut is waiting stilly larger fulfuiiuml tx 30 ji 38 menu hints kteelpea for new and mvrel llniimilmlil irtmes and uaxgcaueos liy hotly llareuy attuactivk mfcxioan xtlhhkit lhu kino rax and lit norltas to uu extrumo wmth of uu autre it is token f n- granted that uvury married and ma r r luge jib ut woman ban been trained to txi a a uui cook have learnt d how u prepare mhiuj of uui moxt uppouxlug dlulietilmaginalilo oruj onno ronktng ittcrotu uut ucoounta for uin xubllu flavor of many of uuilr mualu and viutoblex u uui uho of fitigur u it rnoilgh to urtually jiwi iiun but hulficlont u bring out und bl ml uiu full flavor of uio nuinr ingredients mud in tlui dull here aro two dollclous dot ion uiat should bo ukd liy wutiru4n uie nortli olilokkm iionoiia out a frying xlxo clilckt n in miarunx ai nj hi h e hm rltopiuhl onion and raw white pouiuuut cut in dice cook until uio meat of the rlilckuii u whlui add half teaspoon sugar half luosiioon cli ipped porub y one tab los poo 1 1 chopped grmn lutpper and quarter cup hot water ueaxou with fbdt and lopp r to taxle and cook very gently unul uie ol tick fin and polatoos are thonuighly done oiditaoayotaf 1 lender xumiiinr xqiiaxh 1 tuhwpoon bulur 3 rousting ears of corn 1 teannaorl migar etalt and pel per lvol uio xquaxh uml cut inut oubex hry until ondof fn tlta buuer stirring frequi ntly add ta xoaxotiliigit and uio xwoet corn cut from uui cob have about a quaru r an mil oh corn ax squash continue cooking until uu com is soft oa1ulotu and oiucktle mluca t waive luodlutrtalaed carrots uuam unul tender 1ut into a baking its iiera nt lutil an entirely nrw frrtn wowtiijt intilizrr tliut cmit clu in tlio drill i dint iiuvru you time und lnikmrl tlmt gives yon rrnlcr nnd more even covcruet ci l mixed 1 crlllueru mude in cunnda let us tell you uhout them kept in stock by acton iloljlt mhi4 acton ontauio ii ii dnithav lutnutvrau time tables at acton anadun natlpmthailways btanpaiul tims all tlmn glvrm in this tlraa table ur lltundard limn oeexg kaa dally tixrwipt ilunday 7 03jn imily except uuitday lljuajn lally exempt ilunday ii lltun dally excl l luiiday 7pjn ilunday t nly upjx uelng west imiy oxopt hundoy 734 am dully xcepl tlmttlay bj am lially rxcrpt tlunday ajflpja dully oxarit iiuudxy e 11 pan ihtlly nnrpl uundoy 739 pjn llntday iinly lojjaja canadian natiomal ujujtsuo kalfwalg da vi loin ilavlnuotlme all times glvnu in uus tim table are duylltfhl- iuvti g limes dully dally daily dally dally d 1 xc4tptj in lay 7 j7 pjn 017 am ili7 ja 3 17p 4jlpjn dally dally daily pt uuiiday- dally dally iuly pally dally dally dally i 217x1 i 4 j1 pn a7pji in pa sol om xi i4val 14 pjn sjmlmn elapjs j4tma ujmp-to- out of town cajji quickkm and ciikalkw tlfan vkr less than mmmtm btraet mm bt otaar avi freight delivered by freight rrelght picked up at any adv ilmee to tonxato m wnit xua at acton dally at ijut a m l 0b u m up m eja p- m and dally except boturdaja bun- daya and holidays at 10a5 p to bxturdayx oundaya and xlolldayx only at 13 05 a m dolly at u jo a m iu p bl 6 s6 p m bopm dally except uuudays and holidays at oii a tn rutulxyn and holidays at bafi a ta otandaltd t1ux card co rrkinni aw una gtiklph ontario i jack stewart cleaner dyer liokiilar call anil deliver service w annm toesdiy thursday and saturday mornings vou wtomft and imchwi x think than anything eita was the fact that the man who so loudly advocat ed it peaceful contentment ammgul the nations of the world was uie very man who could no live even for a month on good tortus with hu t neighbor xf he was not quamiulrur about stray dogs or cattle it was likely to be ditches or line- fences and what alter all is war but the itti thng on s larger ar fi scaler a man wtu would compel his good lifetime neighbor n dire threats of th law to mova eighty rods or morn of his dividing fence because it en croached perhaps a foot upon his th1 could yet not understand why countries quarrel about their larnuiig boundary lines and why widely separated as they are by tremendously vital differences in language creeds and customs it is not as aay natter to settle all national dispute wttb adequate dispatch thaw troubles really v with in dividuals if is not easy for us to ro- p tt peace like ehaxityr beginsat home to llvo peaoeahly with all man la a christian obligation and one that too lev couowers of ths meek and lowly jesus area attempt to lulfll the ebunjhe are for peace of course but have they anything at all uko it within tbemselvosr our religion rests upon a foundation of brotherly love and fosglve- neas and a patient fajbearanoawlfh the foibles of mankind surely than the church is ths one place la a war- torn world where one might trustingly look for perfect peace and hops to and it t a warring and divided church preaching peace to others la somftthlng in the nature of a joke yet li if a pitiful joke and a sad and pathetic state of affairs it is not enough to expect good will from the other fellow xt is equally nec essary to bo found in tho came frame of mind ourselves my loudvoiced friend of uneenoe fame who aired his peace ful irrrfifiljlns was merely filin proteotjon for himself be did not in tend tto return it in kind and thal la just ths sort of thing in a larger ense to the talkies phone 103 acton or leave goods at w m coopkes odorless cleaning tnsecolor mrs mills was thrifty slit would dearly like to talk to her mother huk home us her friend toltl her ibu wjf ddiiif every week but think of tlll eviriisc she wua utionkhed when she learned tltat u cdl f du dist nuiniiitflurln tho tt 38abralnavedroiirins wui a pllgrhu ufe hub 11 13 uut ids faith kept jiim uio v big lu tlui right ulrocuon he looked for a ally which hath founua tloiix whuxe builder ami maker lx ood many stnoe abnunx day liavo looked towards uiat city but none more aleud- faxtly uiau uuv great ploiuiur of folui hi uut dawn time of oods covenanted people abram s life wax a life of bepar- allon obedience trial dlvtuo oompankin- xlilp worxlup fhlx he sought and found at uie beluiiit of joliovali and the oxur- else uf a magnificent fallh twtll tnnkft qjy nam tub labt ov this wooden nutaukltj whatever truth there is in the tradi tion from which ounnecucut gained the name of um nutmeg state it la oertalul writes a oonurlbutur uiat xoniowuodeu nutmegs were made in hew uaven lu 1873 by a food- turner named ames ills enlpsvyertiad as a guest an english thai spoils the besthitenuoned piusouaibun a certain lord n just ytlt t of wiser r oots aalshness is at ths bottom of most muursls greed and an unworthy dosliw to bast the other follow oould wo but awe ths need for equal rights for justice audi ths dally practice of tho golden rule what a vastly different place this earth would speedily beoomel tex if every horns were peaceful and every person o table and serene how long oould disse linger in uus world gloria an 00 far j soldier ths fisherman th lumberman thft outdoor laborer and all who e d to injury and tho elements will tmd in dr thomas moleotrto ofl a irusj and faithful friend to ease pain relieve oolds dress wounds subdue lum- feat and wrsroomo rhw it is exoanatiw- thorafors it should have a plans in all horns iwhiuiiiww and firri thgso taken on a journey before departing t i was anxious to got some wooden nutmegs as a souvenir but the host said they were hard tocget but he would try ue asked lus best wood worker ames to ake a few the job took hlra nearly two days he turned a doxen of the nuts some large and some small carved the out side to resemble real nutuegs and soaked them lu strong oil of nutmeg while they wore still wet ho rubbed whiting into tbenl mr west took them to lord qcxham who remarked they look like nutmegs they smell uko nutmogsl they are nutmegs you any playing a joks on mel vhit one open suggested mr west quietly lord hexham did so and they proved to be gonulno wood he was dmihusyj iu have lota of furt showing them at homsl lu said great uus too has been marvellously fulfilled abraham name is great among clirlatians jews and unhanunedanx it pays to behave and obey ood these promises were aooompanlod by a signp- acont oommaiid ue thou a blessing fit v a solemn obligation rests upon uie one ood blossex to bo a blessing to others jehovah undertook to bless ibetn uiat bleu abram and lo curse uie one that cursed lum of matl 3fi 41 4oxx ssi 331 ood la dealing the same way today with those who bless or curse abram s descendant now comes uui most astounding promlso of all made to uus ancient and at that time unknown nomad hi thee shall all the families of the earth bo blessed uut how marvellously has this promise been fulfilled i blessed in christ the saviour of uie world descended from abram of ur of oah 3 a acta 8 81 ix prosperity division generosity 1 713 abxajnhax now beoome very rich wealth which came from ood btlu tho accumulation of rloltcs did not prove an unmixed blehig finally it led to strife and dlvulou between abram and his noplurw lot tlmt is very sad aen- tenoe tliere was a strife between tho heraxrncn of abram s cattle and the herdsmen of lota cattle tho abifo was all the- more lamentable h view of uio fact uiat tho enemies of their ootn- tersisn balm is irrexisublu lragrant ax summer nowers cool as a mountain u wonderfully invigorating soft- aiid wldtenx tho luuids makes akin softtextured and youtliful used by aeti as a powder baxe and as a peer less aid to lovely compjkxkiiix used by men as an effective hair fixative or xliavhig lotion and for olilldnui nothing aoothos and pro too u titer tender skin uko tho elelleately cool ivrxlan xlalm dlxh oprlnklo liberally with clieese and a 11 ulo salt and pepper heat uirmt eggs and xtlr into pint of milk uiat lum been put on uio stove ui hoat ijit uui mixture ullfikun uimi pour over tlui narruta and clieexe add more ciumso lor a top dressing 1ut tlio baking duh in a pan of water and place in uui oven to brown roairi naiu rake thick slices of stale broad about throe inches square out olf uie convent uld scoop out ooiitro use waxto bnatl to roll and dry for othur uungs iaxt loo and brown in uio oviu before taking out of ovon butter gviturouxly drop a wlmlu egg in and cook for a fow mlnutex 1- 1929 a- ll 6vrufi00nlui of fdiii t h um lo out long jfidmr faullihi ottt so jw trml e w fttlfl r mau comtfrlttttl tithudjom tot j ft uuy would cost only 0 cents and after 7 i in only hulf a dolltir she actually nuel her cull uftcr h jo and it cost licr only 5 cenis tlio night ratel now the weekly 3 nilnuto talk wlili her mother ii a rcnlnr thinrv and what a joy it is ho tn mm milk and her mother tloth declare it is almost hs good as a vitlf 1 muny ticople arc like mrs mult think long distance uxiusl i they mark every gravel lurg buok at mwitmsu to nouiing is tnera hudingler mors apuruprlate to eoauxkstorato the huunory of laved ones who have gone before than beauuful granite well curved with cur present equipment and facilities no plant hi better prepafs ed to offer real values or a better stock to choose from than can be secured at our plant you owe it to yourself to see our stock and get our quotations on monumentai markers or oorua stone before placing an order anywhere monuments kreeua aw get oar mom acton monument works j niool raonb ia just run over the rates tjuotcd in xi opcnini pugci of your telephone immiic esptcljlly those for anyone m itloti to- statioti ulls during tho evening und niglic periods 1 it wilt convhico you what thk llttlfc uelh mjuuku a proflteor bought a luxurious country homo wild sot about making it even more luxurious money uf course was uu object one of tu9 plana was to have a nshpoud cuntalnuig echj but you can t keep eebj hi a pond suggested ids nelgtibur to wlium he had confided lus idea they liave to go down to uie sea every year you know well x wont have em then i ex claimed the proflteor i always takes uie missus and uio kids every year but x aint going to take no oohtl loo4 bye asthma liraotis suffering from tluxt oxtremuly tryliurtroubla known ak axthma know wtiat it u to loim wlui their hearts for escape as from a tyrant never do they know when an ultock may come and tliuy know uuu to struggle unaided is volil with dr j x kellogg a asthma hcmdtly ut tiand how ever uioy con say goodbye to their enemy and otijjiy life agajn it lielps at onoo millers worm powders are complete in themselves tliey not only drlve woims from tho system but repair uie djunage uiat worms cause and so in vigorate wo doiuutuuan uiat it speedily recovers from uie disorders of uie diges tion that are the result of the work of those parasitic intruders they do uielr worle thoroughly and strength and sound ness follow uielr use what a witty acft the wit of sir john maodonlfr u well klliiwji throughout um domini day aoys xxr w s hohufol the story of a varied i ue an op ponent on the floor of uio home of commons vt ottawa accused sir john of tiavbig stolen part of uie political programme of uie opposition john he declared hxs stolon ute brains of uio opposluonl quick as a juuui sir john was c feet appealing to uu chair on a point of order mr speaker lui said lm prexstvely uio honorable member has accused ms of petty laroeoy i as a vermicide an exoollen pretuvra- tlon ut mother oravqs worm kxtcrmln- ater it has saved the uvea of counties children the name is sufficient butter nut bread klch as ltutter sweol iw a nut t sold at following acton ghociujs hed whltj y- jonw superior store iillls netoqnykt co mrs 0kloy w nesbltt sayage co watches diamonds china glassware gngaqumbnt and wedding kings it wyndbui iu gukuil onrtahio pactohy at doinirtion bakoriea limited gutdph submrlpuoiib for au mmftulnaea taken o the free preaa offlee i