flftysiiflh year no 2 thursday evening july 10 1030 acton ontario canada thursday evening july 10 1030 six homeprint pages- fivo cent glljurri jcrnurfi snuru quutrrtj of hanoi action eunistetr rev u s- peels b jd pareaaagewulow bumi daylight saving time- uho e the minister 1200 noon daylight bavbig time sunday bobool lesson jacob a bnl- aan irejisturrrioaj tjj0 i- jtv- ths minister ivntvuouy wiaooui jl r all ilrr tan knox uuusmju cltn v u l uknnim m a minister luuw tjulh bundav july lsui 1b30 1000 a m the oelbiilh bcliool leaaon jtoob a imnsh uuu trans- jjirrnedj 1100 tv tn ikd 700 p id imbuo wonhlp i tno ululauit will preach notethe time lor tvll services dayugh bvuw-xun- always welcomst artuii itapttax uunirrb rev w j hamilton rulm 1100 mau tb minister 1310 oundsy school 700 p- m jjovengellsua borvlce monday 800 p m it y 1 u thursday 730 p in standard tim- i prayer ma praise burvice i knur lam his galea with uiankiglvlng all are welcome i unolassipiko i i small advertisements wanted youna giri desires position in hams dkctac tor children or assisting si house work apply box 37 prbb nubse notice the beauty parlor will be closed dur- lugi vacation far tlis balance of the 1 rubbe1 booh and board roomi u rent with board rate j rttatnt burtdurland villa acton ontario j auction balk an auction sale of the household shoeta of the estate of the ite oeorge dills wlu be nslo at the residence bower avenue on saturday july u at two oclock harp i r j kerr auctioneer potato spraying oalolum araaoate beetle mori a pro duct of national ptoruliasrs to control mitigate hingus fttniasf and rwth apply brown t peats mri date plant phone 40tlfl bunnydale farm r m5 if o stouttb lot m oortoesslon i tequea pnooe wo lisa tenders wantxd tar ndeoormung and painting at acton pnhuo school for particular m caretaker at the bohool also tender for upplylng and laying of tread on the mam school atahm tbom to ba no 1 ik inch clear edge grata flr buunoaed job can iswto at an t to bo m secretary handa by 4 p la july 18 tfr lowest or any tender not naoaawruy accepted n aotom bcukxx t30aiud capitol theatre b bdows dattir w 7a guelph ontario d afehlitjcn manager i j li twwuy and friday jnn1t it ana n great gabbot v a voodartui featun production saturday and monday july ib and u seven keys to btawpate etarrtuff fuohard dlx tueeday and wednesday xplv ib and ib ouv everything in taoluflooior aaturtoff winnie ugntrjar jo brown oeotgea oar- peotler oauy onefu and pthara tbandiiy an friday july 17 and is rogltftsongtir atarrtnc xawrenoe tjbbet one or the oreataat plotuna to dat wauh thbi space i bjrveewy atufacuom r another outstanding kvent of tnfi july sale sale of swiss curtains f 1uci cu lot1 values to j275 4q for per pair pjeiaf swiss m6nurtmrrmfr- embroidered in beautiful pat terns your choice of5 differ ent deaigns shades of ecru and belgo pull size a sensationally low ptlccfor curtains of thia quality 295 lot2 valuea to 600 for per pair pino swi not c beaulifuiiy embrdlder ed in very attracave designs some have very heavy env browory lovely ahades of ecru and beige extra good size excellent choice and marvellous values in this group one special cot of plain and striped damask 159 valiiei to 295 yard on sale per yard drapery damasks in beautiful plain shades or fancy combination stripes 12 different patterns to chooso from spec ially reduced for a quick clearance and unusual value at this price 25 reduction on all largesized floor rugs a special reduction on rugs in 3x3j and 3x4 yard sizes axminster and various qualities of wiltons all new spring patterns and colors- including guelphmade rugs barrymore peter borough and imported qualities a lucky op portunity to save one quarter the cost of your new rug d e macdonald bros ltd gllklph ontario our motto quaijtv and service specials forthis week quaker corn flakes olj 3 packets for wc 2 shredded wheat packets for 25c 2 bran plakes oc pcket lor tioc rice kr1spies 0 t packets lor ltd 2 pep or packets for jjc all bran 9ft per packet cc mibs54t strawberry jam for raspberry jam ift for l ooc orange marmalade oo cqrn beef la ca- torzz j cdc shaker salt vfor 9c 2 ijsc teasss 39c lb 3waj beans i flcj lbs for akjc green peas e per basket tjc 6bebts oc bunches for bc new potatoes per basket 43c cabbage hdl0c 15c 2 carrots c bunches for w c chain red white stor jwjones phone s acton i ont now is the time- to decide on youb tractor for summer worr ttu nvn itnprond fonuon traetor w uw bklrara povar plant and wa ar ainaistot to hara jotar plowlnv oanunatiauoiu at mnral point tn uiu dutrtot to ut jou at flat band bow pnotloal u nmuon nkotor la loeaoion ottlum tarts will b mad ter vbrdaon itraator datltcnd ooanpldta wlili governor aped ton fandtrs andl pullar to hum norton motors ford salea and serriee ac7tqn phone 69 every acton pupil successful at entrance t twentyfive secure honor stand ing complete llat of all who tried exams at acton mima u z bannett piinalpal and i acton scttoula have reglatered aiiolher 4uooeaa in the entrance examliiallona at aotiiu botiouu zlilrtythree ptipua ot j acton iubllo school wrote on till ex- ihom waa auooeaaful in paatlng while twentyfive aeeiued honor lauwjdng ilterewnre tv total of eflyentythree canaldau writing ai aolcrt thla year and naynve have paaaed the exanuna- tluo to puplla and teaehera oorurratulav- tlona wul be extended on heir uoce the touowlug are the auccawul puplu itoukrt a alilan manojuucrjuutoijo inoaonr uloyo xutxrev luvd mjnvuiy ann1k lllaok way baucb ulonura annik dohobbo iixuhn u oaupaklia llonodi uaroaiutta oilaiomns maaolfi uay v ojujbuou4 uooon ixjroniy uuiuuook dolumiv b ooxx llonura loib i outs ilonon uartouxkite j oitiuuk acauy r diants llonnt oltache u wjntow 1hjcnk b vljowelts touwaiuj foorrrr iiiwww ixra vouxtrraax iionora rov piwnrii ah nib l uq1bkns honora xkotjolas outlfjub buzaiudt11 ha1uuson llenora kuua p hbrbauoh honora jjoria o uolloway luumra uvila 1noue mito1 jknnin06 vkiu4al jo bvaunk jlaiaucht ajlv1n m 1uawiuk4cbi ibuiora isoulsa lietatuau 1babjjx u ltowileb i01ujailv uaoahtuur aaxeh juoajlpxnx honoca uarjobm uccaiq ilonon undo moan j sarah uewtosm uarouj l- uolmtyre juan uann uonoxa john niool honon howard a norton honon ull1an rascaay i1ahow w aicu j two iionon john smjttsi bttta w bwaokuausir iionora wallacb fiwaokuaukh ono a swrrzna uonora uaiu1ama tay1x1h iionora ooauon trrua honors oeo r tyiuer honors john watiufou6b honora acarion watbon vvlubla watbon eiona wkb8txr sylvia k wujja113 honora ioukainio u wilson variety of news latwn beolel the ladlea of 0uiiwkhum women iiutltute ae holflliis a lawn aoolal at tlie home of mr w tawur fourth line on july 10 arfmd ptocantrne provided ittirrnahment booth gn the lawn oatea open at eight oclock admualon adolu uoc children 10c addluenaj rratnetlea beeolu the folbwlna additional pronuiuona u thim ihitilutied ltait week have been made at acton ablfo bcliool theeu suulu were protnoted to snnlor second uu piwcm uduwell walter lamb helen melapriae uery iavoni vernon agimw holun brown leo bwerte the hutlmunlmm of onulie prealdtatll p uoore acton and secretary tretuujrflr howard oover ooldr urajiuurd on monday bonferrlnir with uaalitrate jones and u uuj ita to bo cr pu ttte hlsheet ove in order of lending at uila centre were howard a norton harold w sktulnff avliafaeui harrfaon margaret j arnold and barbara taylor all pupils of ulas minnie 25 bennatt principal o acton public bohool the marks of unniaoeaatul candidates are being sent out at once but certificates won may not be mailed till the first of august knox sunday school picnic bpknsud outing at kdgeweod yesterday afteraammt by heholara and knox sunday school picnic yesterday afternoon at bdgewood park kden mills drew greai concourse of the aobolara and parents and a moat enjoyablu outlnc was held there were raooe and events for all from the wee tots to those runner advanced in years rev mr bonnie and superintendent ooopex ware the life of fhe event and kept things moving- along with good time for all there were ball games with tall and abortwinded players two tug-of- war contest were staged and 8 blow right alone on the rope and the ladles showed their pulling powers when they defeated uw men in the second oontest but 11 want aooerauy known that j n leuhmanaandftev mr bennle wereuie two anchor men on the ladles team the ouowlnc aa the wtanert in the other events soya js years and under jcennetl hassardv bobby fearen ouls b years and under margaret somervuje dorla ooow olrla 6 and 7 yea jdejla vanwyck may rooney boys e and 1 years lme waaalos jimmy ooble olrla b p and 10 year dorothy olarrldge betty olarrldge boys b b and 10 ycaia rank van- wyck oouejd ryder olrla ll 13 and isaueen olarrldge dorothy ooxe boya 11 la and is yearsjack smith bob marshall fllrw 14 and j5 yeara margaret o beasle rawllnga boys h and 15 yeara wlulam near murray smith qlrla is tn so year margaret mo- donald isabel lrul boys 1 to 30 years oordon titus jack ekullng teaohsrs baoe mrs jaa doble mrs osorgb agnow bible cue race mrs yd wright shoe race for oenta mr rooney jack suit case rao gents oordon titus ladles mary ohalmera beat oostume or oouple lp suitcase race mr mooney and mra oameroa ladles nau driving oontwmrs fred mooutoheon mrs kitchen mrs wed denny married couples plate race mr and mra rooney mr and mrs bert davld- l bwutimmgjtaoey for 1 margaret bwunmlog racexor boya bui withers swunmlnf race tor junior boya leonard ooxe special race or mrs moores olaaa marcaret ohalmera dorothy mcarthur special raoo for boya 10 yean and under given by mr norman moleod blule matopnao ia arnak shower just at tea ufflt brought everyone scarrtpexlnc to the booth where the picnic supper was served and haying arrived full justice waa done the bounteous nrjast provided but the rain did not dampen the ardor and finished long before the appetite ware satisfied it was a tired tout jubilant picnic crowd who returned home in the early evenlne a public meeting tn the internets of dr r k andacson m p will be iheld in aoton town hall on triutaaay july 17 at spo p m payught flavtnc thne hon j dqhaplln will address tht meetto m wall a the oandklate magistrates held in tlial city on september 1 1 end 13 ht albans bttbeey beluwl manic the avuiuel bimdsy boliool picnic of wt albaas bunday bohool daturuay eltefiioon btenuy iark ttrin the objective and tlve scholars en juyod uie motor drive as thoroughly at um picnic the pretty park with its numerous attractions ahorded much joyment to all the sports oompetl oi occupied oimsldorable attention and uroated good natured fun and contest llie sitemooris woellmr wu pleaeant but the ikappy yotutgsiers arrived home uie evenlim in the midst of the saturday nltflit down pour but tlvat iiiclttotit did not in any way dampen the pleaauro of the event kv mr bennws pint ceswaardnti barvtee the nrst communion service lieid by rev mr ueilllle the new pastor of tcno jhurch was looked forward to with very sincere interest by live members of the congregation 1l was held but sunday morning and was an oooaaton of spiritual uplift after a timely and bnpreasive rv mr unnle reeeivtod ten nev members four by letter and the remain der on profession if felth tlie uumher of utoae to wluun ute communion was administered was unusually large the congregation filled uie church to capac ity rev mr bennle has already- won h warm place in ute esteem of the mom bora of his congregation cliurch street is to be repaired ilylaw to be paayied irohlbltinr ihlvlnjc in the park durirujc wet weather at the regular soukm of uie council on tuesday evening councillors ttietford hansen and dr nelson were uresant in tlie absenoat of reeve mason oouncll- lor tlvetford occupied uie clialr and pro- aided at the meetlns 11m fourteenth report of the plnanoe oornmiltae rebommended tou the rdl- lowing aocomits be paid thiblbr uultuee commission light i at up hnk 414 1ubilo utilities commission water at uie rink uah iublic utultles commission town hall light 2m lubllo utultles commission street lighting 14175 public utulties commlaslou do war at nro pump boll telephone co sorvloe w tj talbot eupolles 13s 1834 ab6 aecldcutal death ts vanllct la oakvlue ratsony accidental death was the verdict re turned last thursday night by a jury empaiielled by coroner dr j h stead to ujiquire into the death of john oowlo ulierldan farmer wiw died as the result of injuries received when struck by 0i n r westbound train at uie eighth lliui crossing at oekvllie on uie morning of june 34 members of the train crew and o n r ottioiais were abaulved from all blame in connection with uie fatality oowle an elderly tdan had been pro ceeding towards osjtvule by horse and buggy at the lime of the accident bup- puslllun waa uiat ha had fallen asleep when the horse continued on to uie tracks and hi thepeui of uie oncoming train members of uie jury included w j rleuty a hulmcr rev j ii mobaln whutaker b savage capt maurice pilagurald and j h kuiot- rmr people vnjared tn coulsloa near brampton pour people wore out by flying glass last wednesday afunicoft when m motor car driven south on the centre road near derry west south of brampton by a h paruell grocer oeorgetown met in a beeori collision with a truck driven north byacilnton martin brampton parnoll waa cut oxt toe chin end com plained or injuries to his chest the wheel ot the oar waa torn on the steer ing post fay uie impact of the blow mrs parnoll who with their utoe boy was riding with him received lacerations on uie face and head the child escaped unhurt clinton marun had cuts about the left wrist but his brother j mar tin rlduig with rum was badly cut about the face by flying glass traffic officer uie time no errests were made tlie injured people were placed in a passing truck and rushed to peel mem orial hospital may fculmlnste level creaatng erection of subway or some such protective measure at uie abrui or seventh line railroad crossings at oakvule to better care for pedestrian and vehicular treacle seems highly probable agitation following the recent sevata crash at the alxui lino crossing in h which two school girls lost their uvea culminated in a tour made by county council members when 11 was acknowledged utajilmoualy trnv imperative need of some such mea sure was warranted try the increase in train traffic more than ono hundred trains daily it was pointed out pass over the crossings tn question members questioned uie feasibility of erecting a subway at uie seventh line to care for traffic of both lines xnura northbound trafllo would then be diverted as to pass over one croeslng only eliminating dan gers at the sixth line it waa believed construction of e nw road would permit return to uie sbrthune a short dleanoe north or uie railroad at m special meeting ot the county council m the municipal chambers in oakvllls with reeve w jl morden in the chair in structions were issued the clerk to write uie railway board with view to obtain ing further information as to oost of uie proposed structure meantime tt jl hop ed to have an engineer view uie ituimtlmi an example from canada tlie oasette and express of acton england says the councils system ot road building and i maintaining the streets by constant repairs is says tire aoton pan pass of ontario canada giving acton splendid streets in ail quartera7be same may almost be sald of our own road the borough engineers scheme for putting our roads into complete order durin uie next few years is beuv quietly carried out on the repair of district roads alone we an spending 3a70 this tear as oompared with 13081 last year that figure does not df dourae include the joost of the new roads uiat are bolng constructed in north aoton run- uie spealailniprovw- merits in hand inoonjunobon wltto the mtnlstry k transport and uw county council roads however an claiming an luoreastng share of uie 160083 thet- wul be spent this year by uie highway department the resurfacing of south- field road aurmersbury laneand noel road or modern lines an three btg undertakings m hand or shortly to be put in band it u u that noel road now used for through traftto from north aoton to north stung should be elaatl- fisd and aoensus of the- trafllo along it u to toe made with a view to an triplication for ojasinoatlon aad oontri- butlcin being mad to uie mtnlstry of transport sams of the trantlo dn this road is very heavy and the ordinary side road surface wears out in a is waaka i1bsju tlie rnport was adopted the clerlr reported that dcrmlssloa had been received from uie department of highways to gravel church street as a oorinectlng link and uie county grant applied on this work the cjlerk was instructed to secure a drum or cold patch for repairing mill btioet pavement and uie municipal oirlcor was inalmated to repair uie de pression at uie oorner of prederlck and m1u btreeta a tetter was rocelved from mr oakley regarding the removal of an ouuiouao on their property he was willing to close the one in question provided the new building erected was allowed to be usod permission was given to use uie building uoxt the street if kept clean and sanitary and remove uie old building i instructed by uie chief of police the nuisance of cars driving on uie raoo track waa discussed the trarfla of cars on a wet day was spoulnguie track for use of liorses and other veliloles tlie clerk was instructed to prepare a bylaw with provisions ror penallatng all persons who drive on uie track in the iark wtien the ground is soft general interest news wemetts institute pienle 1 the insutute picnio is to be ha fa at mr prod dennys on thursday july 17 kverybwly welcome bring your baskeu buver oulloctlon in aid of deuietery oatea i beta keal estate cbangws k if vincent has purchased urn residence ou west bower avenue from tlie estate of uie late george dills and wul remove there next week mr w psursci has sold his residence on church street to mr john white of message way a mr white will rernove to ac tort shortly both thess satsw w negntlatnd by kertw real estate agency special meeting f sebet beard a special session of the school board was held on priday evening to deal with uie securing of a principal for uie con tinuatton school the chairman was ask crt t parunent of education to grant a per mit to mr j if oolbeok as they were in favor of his application and quallnoa- llona awd no other suitable applicant lied applied qqcijj wul 1 ctiy united sunday school picnic klvavaue park at owelpfc cbaeeti cer the annual oaung of seltoiara 1 ad paswots scholars psrwnis friends of the united sunday solioul assembled in goodly num bers yesterday afternoon for uie annual picnic held at riverside park hi oiieich motor cars and trucks wen loaded to capacity in transporting people prises and eatables to this picnio grounds and arriving at uie grounds uie loads soon broke loose in the ball games and other- sports provided for their enter tainment and a right royal rumpus was soon in full swing tiure were events for all ages and slat and all participated freely in making them a suooess even those tots who didnt participate ware given prises that were just aa much qovetted as u uiey bad hncn won hi uu heat of a race the winners of uie various events were aa follows olrls under a yearsvranoes lamb dora wood marjorle nelson boys under fl years at veldhouse bluie vincent jimmy pioe olrls 5 and s years alice gibbons boys 7 and s years jamie i leonard lambert obrdon oibbona oirls 7 and 8 yesowhelen prances dills jean evans boys 8 and 1q years lloyd worthlng- ton oordon bluon douglas stewart olrls d and 10 years helen lamb alalna olbson- margaret harrison boys 11 and la years hector lam bert elwood johnston howard norton olrla 11 and 13 yearsbetty lltuey dorothy pice irene darby boys is to 15 years maneeil neuls howard bwttxer olrls ib to 15 years isabel bwuser etta swackhamer girls over 16 yearsisabel oowle ygupsijbhinjo fteiieaidyabcaj3pw and tom mclaughlin 100 yard dash opentom molsugh- tttachers and ottioers race rev o l poole plate race married oouplea mr and mrs j j stewart tlma race uie school jso ward nor ton a little shower of tain just at tea time only served to what the already keen appetites of the hungry picnickers and uie display of good things were soon vanished but a happy end satisfied crowd wended their wsjy back borne in uie evening superintendent a t brown and rev mr pools and a bevy of willing workers kept things in motion and saw that ah wen enjoying the out- w public utiuties commis sion hold begtuar mbettng and paw aeeownts beardmcww oantraeu t new cwear the one twwr at a meeting of ute public utultles commission on thursday at noon reeve mason and oliairmsn kerr wen present the following accounts wen passed for payment uydre aeeennta aoton hydroeleclria rower cammlsslon power 3mw bsnsanwlloox eleotrlo co supplies b7b0 rose j phearn ltd supplies so0 j c matthews postage 1000 b swaolcbamnr rent 3000 mooutoheon might g7a sab6sso waterworks aeeeants mason knitting co waste 133 canadianbrass co supplies 0800 m b skinner co supplies 078 hyaro department power at spring g5o hydro department june opera- v i 99a9 josab latter from messrs beaxdmor te co noufied uie combossion that both institutions in aoton wen now operating under the cob orrn of beardmore leathers limited it was therefore necessary that all hydro contracts be cancelled an d a new contract be made for uie new arm the transformors now itutaued were offend for sale to uie company at at a prlos of sow tt the ontario im mission had accept ed the prloe offend by the local com- btiaaion of s7 per pole for uw une on main and ohuroqmreetsv the matter of tree trimming- 1 was discussed but no action taken at i meeting the member of maple leaf i t b lodge winyiald uuir annual tag days on july 11 and la in aid of uie true blue and orange hgrne at rldhmond take ow lleapuali on august 1 the management of pu guelph ucrisral hospllaj winch lias far many years been oonducted by a private board of dlrectora wul pass lo a com- by the city council appointment ot uie commission follows uie doclslon of ratepayers at the last lei pel election tlie ooinnusslon will be ooniposed of mayor robson dr h howlll ueorge l hush dr w j r puwler john armstrong joarph ouraun arid william andrews leegtea band to keorganle a meeting of bandsmen was licld hi oeorgetown last week with an attend ance of ib j moloughlon who called uie meeting presiding it was found that 38 bandsmen are available and plans were formulated for soourlng leader the general expression of feeling that uie band should become the ngtmentsu band of uie helton rules and col o o brown will be approached on uie subject the following off leers were elected honorary presid ent w v orent president b king secretary j mcloughlen treasurer ed mowhlrter eight ooelph yesdfcs admit barglary charges admissions of criminal acuvlty declar ed by court officials to be unprecedented in uie history of guelph were made by eight ouelpli youths in police court monday their confessions clearing up at least a dosen burglaries committed during the past year the mom bom of the gang each pleaded guilty to from one to six chargn of breaking and entering and theft but in view of their youui magistrate watt did not impose prison periods ranging from six months to two terms placing them on probation two years the communitys social side of life visitors to and from town during the past week as gleaned by the free pines mrss t thetforj spent sunday with friends in toronto mrs j a smith and misses annie and margaret are vtslllng in toronto mr w d forbes of toronto spent bunday at his fauutra liome here aeion lest ira twelve innings came the local baseb nine wens to oak- vtue on saturday for their league fixture and after a listless batue prolonged for twelve innings were forced to admit de feat to a score of 13 to 13 those wh attended uie game say it waa played with an ah of glad wlten ute event was over georgetown won their game from bur lington by a score of 163 the boys from bronte are scheduled to play in the park hen on saturday afternoon and the final local game is on uie saturday fol lowing when uie league leaders from mil ton come to acton it looks aa if uie playoxfs wilt be between the milton and oeorgetown teams barungton childs death la called tnas4aame the motor accident tn which nlne- yesrold margaret bowes was kllwd on june 38 was termed unavoidable by the inquest jury which mvasugated the case on monday night they found death waa a result of being struck by a car driven by wlnntfnd dryden indian road toronto on june 08 tlie little girl had run across the beach road evidence showed to get a piece of ice from a passing toe- wagon she had c hcttostmgwat almost across uie road again to uie west side wlien she ws struck by the car miss dryden testified she lied uoi seen uie child run out from behind uie ice wagon and did not lieve time to stop wlien she did see her another landmark being reeaeveel mr j o lindsay la having the old photograph gallery removed from the hill block uiis week nd uie stock room altered to facilitate the handling of goods for his store this change will alter uie store front and make quite a change in the rront and side view of uie building needless to ssy photographla plates and old photos and other relic of this gal lery were found in the demolition a photograph of the old stony tannery on main street found then has been on view in the pass psxas window the old ihalrs belonging to the studio in which many a resident spent a strained and quiet moment in an endsavor to secure a ftattterlng likeness were also among thq articles of equipment which had to give place to uie improvements pine service at the united church thn culmhtatlon of the work through to rjtonth of june by uie session of uie united ohurok tn their everymember call on uie line of visitation evangelism was uie groat communion service last sunday moming then was an un usually large congregation and uie num ber of communicants exceeded that of any previous oommunloii in tint history of uie church in connection with uie atnenlal service uie minister rev l poole b d lield a rapujmial service at which two infants and throe adults wen baptised this was follow ed by a reception service at which twentythree new members wen given the right hand of fellowship by uie minister juid uie members of uie be slou the sacrament of ibe lords supper was then impressively edmmlsr tend the service throughout was of keen interest and spiritual fervor the tenais xsjrnaeaent last weak winners of ssventi in the tournament between acton and milton lawn tennis clubs held last week at uie grounds bt acton athletic association wen mens single milton roy pricnd 6 vs aoton mr prld 6 muton bam adams l ts acton r salmon bl ladies singles muton rolen mill 8 vs aoton miss campbell 4 mutoo os wltmer 0 vs aoton miss mcpherson 4 mens doubles milton pred mills and hoy mend s vs aoton j crelghton and fflaltoj milton w bowman and s adams ft vs aoton o pools and mr beardmore 8 ladies doubles muton lola wltmer and helen mills 8 vs aotpn hjss campbell ana mus tyler 4 mlftwd dpuhjes mutort helen london and roy prisnd s vs aoton mis cowls arid mr ontg 7 muton mary rjbwar and pred mills 8 vs actor clan garden and ivan klrk- i 6 muton mus winner and mr bowman vs aoton bert hlnton and phyllis tjlsr molaf wovjjjtonvwud dt mrs james moures on saturday miss marguwt hem of toronto is vlaiung with her friend miss nellie hall mr end mr hay den and children of toronto are visiting frtenggln actou mr v and mrs henry nar and mr john near spent sunday with friends at argils j mrs l p snyder and miss daisy ot alontrnuj wnr guenu at mooreorott on priday mia jean llarbuf mauhoullii aland is tiotne hru rev and mrs howard of delhi visited friend lu acton last week oo uulr way lo england of man i to wat ting liolldayng at her wji liur fattier church street a visiting conway mf and mrs w k pice of toronto are vuluiuf at uw home of mr and mi oeorge cowls lirs p j drowning l torooto has been spending uie week in acton with her slater and brother mr william coleman of- hespoler spent the holiday at uw home of mr and mra george elliott mrs arch carrie brook blreetv was taken seriously 111 last evening and la in re i her a critical condition mrs jennie bccord of ouerph and mr edhh martin of dauphin man visited acton friends on tuesday mr and mrs c ii ujustoii of detroit mich ara holidaying evt ute home at uir puruuts mr and mrs if s wilson mr and mrs prod punk of bingham- am u y spent a few days during the wtjlc visiting mrs jumna moore and miss clara mrs n p moure la at uie home of liar daughter- mrs edward lane hills- burg owing to uie serious tlhiosa of their son robert masttor jack chapman of toronto nls tiolldaylng at uie home of his grand parents mr and mrs oe4rge ohaprnan oioif avenue mr and mrs david bouohor of iroqimls palls rnotored to aoton and an visiting at uie home of mr and mm ueorge kutott councillor harrbum and customs od too r it m modonald were in toledo last week and uiu week wen in ottawa mm a motor trip mlu hlchanlson and mr wm little of oshawa viiiuh mrs d c russell ast week while on route on a motor rlp to california mr and mrs jos mcdonald of hraoebrlttge visited at the homes of mr uid mrs george elliott and mrs wm mcpaddon uus week mr and mrs e macphermon of los angeles california who are- spending suinmor in ontario visited on tues day with mrs alice mapherson rrtrowuaowol taryhrcasurer of the magistrates asso- fiuiin uf ontario spent uie weeknd with uie president at mooncroft mr end mrs thomas moffat and sons messrs oliver and christopher motored so richmond hilton bunday and spent tlie day wlui mr and mrav john moffat mraudmra prank palmer and mr and mrs h- mcmeckun and master malcolm of oshaws werevtstan at ute tuunu of mr and mrs earl tl vincent on bunday and mr maooilllvmy and chil dren of weybum bask and miss jean wilson of toronto visited acton friends last week miss wilson sailed later for a trip in england mr and mrs jatnus mllloy huuburg announce tlie eugsgemeiit of utah elder daughlar mary auceto james alert ily sort of mr and mrs 11 l royoe evurtou uie marrlsgdto take place the latter part uf july- mr and mrs g 11 bwltser announce uie ruarrlajte of tlielr eldest uauglucr marjocle buiej to julm gordon rams- dau eldest son of mr and mrs john kemsdoii aoton uie ceremony being performed by i lev crossley hunter of toronto i r and mr itoburt masson 50 st amaud street uuelph announce uie engaguniniit of their daughter marjorle to harvey jossop of toronto second son ot mrs jessop and the late wesley juattop of oru pujrhiarriage to take place uie latter part of july mr and mrs win landsborough mr charles landsborough and miss vera laudsborougti of guelph and mr r j uarruuiaw spent tiunoay at uie home of mr and mrsluciiara leavem wet land- mr dlias landsborough is re- mubilug for afev day tm vv dont forget the garden party hi aid ever ton cemetery wednesday even ing july 10 at thompsons grove era- s road the kvsjnlnq mxai u1ue8ter tim backwoods mountaineer one day found a mirror which a tourist had lost well if it suit my old dad he said he looked in pie mirror x never knowed ho had his pitcher took lie took the mirror luime and stole into uie atllo to hide h but hu actions didnt escape ids suspicious wife that night while he slept she slipped up to uie attic arid found the mirror humurn ahq aajd looking into it so thats the old hag fees bean ohastnv m ativ ssaisr v vi- v j w tiiimiiaijit