Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1930, p. 5

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tlrursdarv july 0 1w0 thh apthm ppbrpbfm a robin la robbln qur cherry true a rootnis rophm usmnerrlly o roouvstop rotoln atop roubln our tree i ob jtt wsy robin or some on wul aee i a robin u robbln our tree with a twmtl as he peek at cherry bo tolls ua u woel o robin stop robbln i you know that its wnuitfl what itrtmjiiir robin j pay wiui a songl mary carolyn davis twenty years aglo seems to be easy to rein since tlie dry spell was broken a week ago- the wild raapberrlca are now plcntl- fiuvtheueuluveted berries wul w lii in a few day acton l o l accompanied by acton fit lean it band took part in the orange oaoianauaklon at oekvule on tuesday at tha meeting of tlie board r of direc tors of w h storey a bonlamtd laat friday mr obn oola onol usury oota jbualnff was lootd been- tarytreasurer of the company mr cole u an experienced accountant and vlll no doubt oil thd position wlut credit mr john ft kennedy has opened lor asjw fa and uw park recently surveyed into lota there are twelve lots wltli knox avenue rtmntakjhixwiah to uw pft- mmart hugh wallace oounoluor a xtell peter sayara and james ft anderson have purohsaad lota hero during too week knox avenue will maka a fine new trance to tha park a meeting of acton aquettoclub was bald an atondey evening whan the fol- lostacy ollioars wars elected honorary prcskleut a o bsaidmora president a o t beardmota ylcepr j clarke secretary s o quo ton treasur er h h garden managing committee bev xl p ktoucman b a chairman a o t bfudmon s o 0 union n u oardad j wood w h flood ft m moemnalrt auditors j caarkw j lac key to enlarge ths club mefnberahlp it was decided to admit member at 300 par year with an entrance lee ol 25o icnox church garden party held last thwdsy evening on ths grounds of ear m jama brown aaoond una was a grand ilinn taa was served from 6 io sm oclock the programme was given by uw canada mala quartette of toronto humbexaof aojoa duetts quartettes ate laat will and testa- pient of james albert murray published aa directed by 1 1 to this- la t1ue labt who amd tkaunmllnt l m jaulctj alue uurhay of ui vu1 at afium ill te i l aoton eitlaens band played dux- tha etonlng frooaeda 100 aatjlvvoaavthombflon at first awtue baptist ghuroh oalgary al omjuaaalv1810 by rav j o say- moor mr rred w aastwood formerly of aoton to miss buoy toompeon at toraxttoi bxsub7watbonat the family reald- anca fourth llnay avfuaalng nas aoton on july la 1010 by bay j cooper amulnvd oaotga h blamy ol bl marya high eobool stall to agnes myrtle daughter of robert watson bavaoav-at- ooeipb on july 0 l10 ray ww- eavage aged 03 years macvsbrsoti at the home of bar father dear antfrrij on july j 11 chrta- uaa dsmtifrw of arch uaopboraon aged u yea ib days wul ii it l ths family residence an raid una baquesing near acton on july 0 1010 janet bard widow of ths lata john h warden aged 10 yoara bytts0bat tha- realdance of her daugh ter mratn o oarapbausault bte laarsa on july 1 1010 ktjeu allan widow of the lata obarles bymon aotoo a c9 years kasp ytfttr- stock free from blemis with douglaa bgyptlan liniment re move inflammation quickly rehevos brutses apraina strains awaulnga oon- traauon of cords atufmws of joints and oood food at low rwb ib a hw yor nawspapar puhushad la ootobar tact waflnd an a men of popular eating boosa bow would yoa ilka to be able io boy your finxrtiftp y jtlnners at such prt t dasjft ww too that cbowwbre rsjhtm prtoaa- and probably higher uasnjbla rastaurant bad ohargod a few years bamrs rz ibaz aiaaav pork aiaak real cutlets 1smsvienr1 ninatn obops wetw all seren oaaaaj so were sa fried dams xrlaaaft and nshhalla porterhouse or tandarlotn steak was fifteen cents and bmmchtckan was twentyfire broiled iim was thirteen oeots and poached agga twelw osnta wheat cakes si cents medpocatoes three cents and a cup of its or ooflee thraa cents wat dtanar any cut of mcatrbeef lereior pasfc- was aowmbnaab or clam pies poultry such m turkey frtihh or duck was fifteen oansa for each order chicken pie was ilgauiiei r t and oysters were thlrtaen osnts whether for a doaan or a half rtpgan thtjtitrrh nnt w nor one of a aoora of plea and puddings oould be had for seven oenta out ml paetlsh pale ratuesa and slokly chil dren owe their oondttlan to worms hshisitltlt worm ahcterminator will reusva them and restore health ttuc tinrtbaktkaincb when rwtather wasa girl of four- lean writes a contributor or mo wast married again- her aaoond dr nathan tupper an to of btr hades topper pr tapper rut young man and the years basuwottaattowed akl noted inppw totftreelfjsndmotber though of more ajrdable disposition than he 1 wagrfsp of numaghig hhn ont pjommg as dr tupper was seated ai hrealrf set with hu wife ba dlsaovared tnssu tdaaup end sauoer ware nootof mwmisd ohma and promptly threw them imthttpto the nrepuoe with scaroaly an ipxtebtti iwattatton ajeah titaw aer eop and aauoer after themi then tumtof c6 eandmouwr she mfuw fniwwttottr enpand- tk v why mother ajandmotlahr ad tj1 p do such a rldloukms thing i ttaut do u you ere tom sud n rnisn your rather i that you r andtntotna flraplaoe went bram- rnoshani odp and amtoar tool hy 1 i hereby retofce all former wills or other tsatameiitaxy dwosiuons by me ul any time heretofore made and declare uut only la be and cyouin my last will kitd iauuuneiit a i direct my fcnecubor snd trusceeii lmrlnjuir named to eell and oonvntl mui ceshaa aoon as uwty can convenient ly do u afiur my dealn all my property taiili reul mid permonal oxoept what u kpecijically boquoatbed or devised here- iiinlurf- end exnept auch of nry invoat- msnu aa they may uiliik nt to retain py 11 my jiiat debt unotaj and teata- mentary nxpeusue oemetery ailowanoes and tablnta ua nomltuuter pruvlded and u payout of tlie balanon the caab lega- cioh mid tmuoau aa nareinaftar provuted in the event ol there being more uian cinuuali caaii to pay and satuly the aald uaaciva ajul bequeata the surplus shall be equally oivlded among the btmaflbtartes tuuned in clauaes ii to lift both lnelu- nlvn tn aragrapn4 hereof any soo- ceaalon duties which may have to be paid shall be borne by the respective intiionclarlba and deducted from their attarea any interest wtuoh may accrue uio time of distribution shall be added to the surplus pr residue above men tioned and be dealt with accordingly trustees to retain any of my aa long aa they may see it without liability- lor loss so long as the aald retention does not interfere with the attribution of my estate as herein pro vided i direct however that the aald distribution of my estate shall be enacted within three years from the data of my death uxcepl in tha ease of olause a 4 hereof elh uacepl i jwagraph 4 l glw vlve me tha aura of one hundred dollars siouoxj a month from the date of my death for bar maintenance until my net total is distributed by my kxecutora and trubleca hereinafter named the said payments shall be made to her in ad vance overy month but shall oeaee in the event of her dying at any lima within the said period after the expiration of the aald period sbeleto raonve to ueu uf the said 110000 per month n or 81 000 do a year from bequeat a 0 or slooco a year from bequest b 6 or toast o 6 or juest p a or 10000 a year from bequest b 5 or 10009 a year from bequest v as set out in paragraph 4 making total of siftoo00 in each and every year during the remainder of her ufa she la to be paid every sut months in advance by the holders or the said bequests the aald laat mentioned bequests except in the case of- that lettered a shall be paid to the benenotertes raipeeuvfly en titled on the said benaflelscies guerwn- unutg and undertaking to pay io eaeji cum the said allowance to my raid wtfe as hereinbefore provided io the event however of my aald wife predaoeaskag ma or dying within the said period the said bequests from b to p inclusive shall be paid free of said co and llowenoee in favor of my aald wife to guarantsea or u to be ivoix by the beneficiaries as herein- efare in this paragraph mentioned shall be in writing- and in favor of my aald wife and enforceable by her all res ponsibility for the carrying out of mum however so far as my executors- and trustees are oortoerned ahall oeaee upon the payment over of the said bequests itahall not be necessary for my kxeen- tore attfl tru ae teiaaboade from the menu of 10000 wife are to be made in advance my estate shall not be prejudiced should 4t be impossible or inconvenient through delayttn obtaining probate or for any other cause for the said payment tobe made in advance and no interest or other compensation shall be aamanded by my said wife for delay in payment ls aforesaid this provision shell also ippiy to payments in favor ofy my said wife charged upon bequests a b o a k and p as set out in thu paragraph the annuities provided m favor- of my said wife mabjxtta murray and charged upon bequest or legacies a b j d and p in thla paragraph are to tie paid as provided herein irrespec tive of whether the said last m bequeat or- legaoles ara- paid in full she la to receive each year from the said bequeeta j1mo00 per annum no more and no lesay tb amount of theannulty artilcmaf legatee must pay being irrespective of whether or not the bequest or lgicy is paid tn full and tha fact that a percentage is mrnhrir is not in any way to either add to or take awes from the amount which my- said wife shell receive when my kxecutora and trustees ready to distribute my estate they shall pay and dtstdbub out of myrjcstate the fott be or legacieei to- tha m of aetoch theaum of thoussnotdouarb kmpoo00 subject to the conditions set out in pemgxaptt s tmreof the said last mentioned sum however shall be beujbtvast by my executors and tru sea and the moome thereof amoutrtm to 1000 a year j tto pajvtfrapn hereof shall r my aald vrtfe until the council of the said j village shall undertake and agree to build or provide a borne for poor or sick chudxen and aged or helpleas people who are in hoed of cbsjdty or a young mens christian association build ing or a buuding to be used jointly by jjw young mans snd young womens ohrlstian asaoclations srhen mybxeou- tors and trustees ahali pay over the aald sum to the oounoil of the satdviuage on 1u undertaking to pay tha- said yearly income to my- wife he pro vided and on also undertaking i so expend ttfe aald sum in es auch home or association building on the death of my said wife the nature of the some or assocla- tlonbulldlng shall be decided upon by the council of the village of aoton my bxeoutor and trustee qeorge wesley murray u h be then uvirtjr and the ministers of knox prcsbyteruvn ohurch and the united ohurch of canada at aoton- ontario who ahall form a joint committee for such purpose in the event of my aald wife dytnsv before the said sum of money is paid over to the said council the annual tn- coma of 0100000 shall until the said council undertakes to establish the said borne or building be paid to tha council of the aald vluage to be expanded by tt in tsaktg tha poor- sick and needy in the vulage of acton and the surround ing neighborhood under the drectlotk of the said oonunlttee in the event of the said 300000o yielding a greater lnoome than looao a year during the tlmb after the hand ins of tt over to the oounou of aoton snd before the death of my aald wtfe the surplus shall be retained by the said oounou and added to and- expe along with the corpus when the said home or association building u estab lished while the aau gum la so b by im kxwartors and trustees tt shau be kept mvesjed in authorised secuntles end in the event of thbmg any -tirpta- aiter the aald sonual looame tbaa bean paldin shall ioa addedto te corpus and paid over with it to the corporation of aoton- when the proper time as berentbffore provldad arrivoa y- b to knox fresbyterlsncqmroh hi the vulage of actani ontario the sum of twothousand oolurs ukxkm said sum ahall be paid to the board of man agers of the aald ohurohi upon their i undertaking to fulfu the conditions ui which this bequest or legacy is made provided lujgrapb three bavaof o to the- baptist onuroh to vulage of aoton ontario the sumi twotbousand dollars 300000 tobe paid to the home mlsatopy board of itha baptist oonvenuon of ontario and tn truatint the said last man- ohurch upon the said board undertaking to fulfil the oondwonai as uponrthatrttmdettajrtnar to fulfil the aald oumiltions l to at albans anglican church ui the vulage ol acton untario uie eum ot iwo inuuaand ootisjs taiouuuo ut imi pui etuwr to the inoorpoiaied uynod m uw jjaiouw oi niaaaus ui truac lor the aaia laai mnnuoned onurcn or at the- uumueuou oi my kikuuki anaviruateea to ui inuion wmtoiuia oi the salu last maauikfmbu tiunu uikua no aiuu tlyiuxi ur uut aalu waraerui a the case may oj uiidetuutlng to luiol the aaio oondt- a to at josephs roman catholic uiuirciiui me vlhage of acumi untarlo nu auni oi two lnouuna ltoiiui isjovooo to be paid to uirluicun uath- uita ejuacapei qtwporstuin of the liutotmm til fjjminm in i rust for the aald last inejluojieu uuurca upon the earn jopie- uoijuu urfxporatton uuaertaxlng to tullll k tn uutuntuml owitctl of canada in uut villaae oi acumi ontario tha sum u awu iiiuuaioia ljuiian jwoto uio uoeru uf ttumees of the na jhurcn upon the lanauf ui 1uiiu ute saia ooiialtuius u 1 give and devise to my brother wuiiam nui muiray ot toe vulaxa ui muum tu my uiuuvuied uiterest ui uio mrni winch ne end 1 biherited raat our lauier tna same being uie qouth wat lull of lak nunuer jtwentyelgnt ui uio ouvenut xjoncn m oi tne town- iiiip of naaaagawara in the county of luuwvi lit loo eveuc however oi the aid isrra or my latere in it being aula or uupuwa oi beuire my oth then una oivu- ahall isoee and my sal0 drother ahall not reueive or be entitled to any oompenaauon therefor 11 to my daughter vlxtbno may hu a aive tuui rtaquaua tne sum uu u t 1 feci tnat by juir conduct toward jps he hae iwriaueu ail right to share in my e to my couatn ossoibok wstoucy muctkav of thaownstup of xaquee- iug vixnr the sum of jotvo thousand toumi irmooobo on oanmian that he wul wet a ootf- of my atxeoutont and trustees in of charge oommlaaion or oompeosatlon other than this bequeat id my ooesau auul lulu iub- b1m8 wlte of walter hoablaa of numr aao uouydale iirtve los angeloa umiiloruia xvo thousand douara tsjooooo k 1a my cousin mtv dollv uiiajih wu of wuiiam u miller o jhm military uireet mrt luuxaa mich igan one thousand posters tijko to my oousln- maboabstt jamk hwaokhsiolt ap of umehouae oiiuum oaughter oloavovjtwackhainer uw siun oi one thousa dollar ui 0oo00 m to my coualn hannah z1m- msntmatfot rnrtaaw lav trains mam tuna daughter uf the late tjtaffurd unmermaiu one thousand collars iuuno n to my cousm uklvxtr ziuumov- man of 1urtxge la frairte m one thouaandijouars loooj to my cousin jcssus ft mur ray of tne towaahsp of le n hirlnaif daughter of tne lata andrew ni moarar one thousand ouuars vtlooujuo to no paid to her brother qeorge wesley murray who ahali hold it in irueb arm invoat or spend it for her ne may think fu to my eoualn- vmwnht- miok lamj- oaacion ontario son of the late mwerahiefcun one thousa vollaxa 100000 q to my cousin mbs jbtsbsk mkueokk of kdmonton alberta daugb- ler of the- late ettvexd nlcklin one xhouaanckliollara 1kujw r to my eoualn wh clara jjav- en of ouoiph ontario daughter of the late brook awsokhamer the sum of one inouaand xjouars sloooao s to my second cousin and friend hilwarto- uvmsbt of aoton ontario sonol the late james ryder one thou- aand ixulars uljooojm t to my friend mrs maudej uihiaut of thraa uuls alberta wife of msrft wttt triniitnnrt fhytlrffw tslooojxj u to my friend annub jaunnatt- ta moppat of luchtnond hul on tario daughter of the late peter mann one tiwuaeodduuam l 00000 v to my friend- ilim rxnslgla murbayi wlfeof oaorga wesley mur ray my basctttor and trustee harein- bexooe ma t pive hundred dollar tfttfoioo w to vatlma amklia attjrrat daughter of the said oeorge wes weaiey murray ptva hundred douars aoofkoft x to oathsrinie murray of aoton ontario widow of the late peter albert murray- pive jlundrod dollars moo0 y tokjuauujtrayyof acton on tario adopted daughter of the said peter albert murray fttvw hundred dollars muon0 z to clara moors of acton daughter of the late james moose ptve hundred ooller sboooo aa to my eoualn bkbsxb kdvofl- buhy of roekwood ontario da of the late jddward kingsbury formerly of orswaons corners pive hundred dol lars ooj bb to my friend ahohb1 ourrjk acton ontario labourer ptve hun- red dollars- tftooao x3 to my friend mahoakxt akaw ourjub daughter of asoble oturj aforesaid pive hundred dollars asoooo to bsvpaldi in ibe event of her being an infantwha nsquaat falls dun in her father- who shall invest and bold it in trust for her until she u- twentyone years old when it ahall be paid by him do to my friend jxmmist mc- donaxd of cton ontauio daughter of oeorge modonaldmy 00 to nrfar any othetreaaan ctrraafffpjc uun i direct that any of such bequests ao lainng snail become part of bequest a as sot out in mia irsragraph and od governed by au the provision aa uut i nn mentlnrwd in tne event of the corporation of acum refuatng to accept bequest a aa wi out in thu laragra4n then i duvet uiat iie aawi jty uuisr bvui u it a bereuumjore provioeel ahali be paid to the cnudrma tiheiter at uuelpft unutiw upon the aald ohuorena ahel- uji gujuauuiainat but unoertajung to pay uu miiuunity of 00000 end the an- nuttie ciuuioa on auoh other bequea my said wue mo lung aa ane ahall live aa nereinoefore provided i direct that should sny of the above enseea w tmnuttlclarlea under oils my wui aa set out in cxsuies ii to iu1 botn 1 die befure actuauy receiving trnex share or reiuse toeooept umy bu atiau be adoeo u uc aurplue or luulud 01 tny otale and be oeaji with aa provided in fangraph 1 hereof 1 la my wlah and daale that puoiic auuvuwledgmail be made umtced on reoord f omrueata lettered a 4 u d k and w a i give and bequeath to velma 0jaula saulotay omignter uf oeorge wnaiey murray harem eiaeerhere men- neo a ceruun diamond ring a family paxe iioecripuun ol ring la aa aiwa one targe diamond and eight email dlsgtonds termed a c s i give and beqveath to my brother wuam vymiccayv mukkav my lauieia aiid mdtlier lafge framed pie- lure andj my tethers uold watch tno 1 1 and silver chain my no su colt mtvoiver two ennmal lemity relics a old seal and a m snuff box aandsd down for over three hundred 76irniytxrgejnamircuu tranr twom bag maid ofuunk i give and bequeath to bur cousin ouuru wfcuuey uuhitay afore- eald ibe large framed picture of my brother and myself my large websters ulcuooary my praotleal horns phyaiciena hooka my library my trunk no 1 and black leather cluo beg c ejl my buslneea books ledgera paper lottera and dooumeni of unportanee other than m tne bsna tor safe keeping nsoe- ary lor winging up my estate 1 give end bequeath to my cousin uiti lutaj koillunb hexembefore lloned two quilts one a basket placed fed and black one and the other a email patched one of ancient make made by my mother and held precious by me i give snd bequeath to waltkit uouuiihu humoand of the said lulu itobblns my sval ahaped heavy eolld gold ring the one which 1 always wore and my colorado gold tie pin i give and bequeath to murray horvuam sun of the aald lulu ttob btnx wit no 1 gold walch and chain end my gold ring set with red stone give and bequeath to j am kb sedwaltd thjolbd atcdowelj here inbefore m my violin my plain ttat solid gold ring and my flat guld tie pin to be given to his mother and kept by her until he cornea of age- la i give and bequeath to alpfus couuen labourer uf acton ontario my new no 1 double barrelled breach loading shot gun gtve and bequeath to john wua30n or acton ontario brother of mrs thome titus my old ho 3 double oarreued breach loading shot gun 14 i give and bequeath to mblvin wilson son of ths said john wilson my b b a no 23 target rifle i direct that all fay wearing ap parel both old and new be distributed free among the poor at the dstcreuon of my krrrfinjw and trustee oeorge wesley murray and his assistant j- kerr of same to bo sold i direct that where any benefic iaries to whom bequest are liareln mad owe money to my estate the amounts so owing shell be deducted from their re psouve bequest 17 in the event of sny of the chat tels bequeathed hi paragraph 5 to it both inclusive for any reason not being forthcomtogthebeaucata of such chat- a piaoas naas apoiei to the vlttsge of acton m witnbss whxrgop i have here unto sat my hand the day and year first above written fllonatp publish- u3 aodpeoiaretj jam a murray meat in the pres ence of- us- who at hla request in his preseiice and in the dred dollar tw to a su tbtoaiab- atdus of e hundred ontaxla labourer pive soooao pp to my friend thomas botj- dkn junior of milton ontario son of thorps houden senior five hundred douara 460000 oo to my cousin m3v amelia brooxcof beuonntato ontario danchr ter of thomas hiniard muroiyr wl hundred douac tfeoooo jul to my oousln john kxnobn bury of rbckwood ontario son of the late kdward nunnbury of orewsons oorners1 pive hundred luara tm0-q0- xx to my cousin oaaptsm jsgr of lexington michigan daughter of mrs wlluamo miller of port jrt huron laan pv hundred dollars isooo jj to my fhend jkam hamilton of bund route number- two brandon manitoba daughter of albert pive hundred dollar 50000 which if ana be an lofant whed this bequest rails dtia shauvbe paid 4o bar father who ahall bold uvln trust and invest tt in authorised securities until ah shall reach the age of twentyone years when be ahall pay it over to her b3tb my friend prank mo- 4ckown of no 30 dualoe-road- purest llill ontario aooountant p4re hundred rouara 000000 h uu to my friend barah a bin- olaixr of aoton ontario sister of ths late ronald bhwlslr ptve hundred dol- lare abooxo mm to mbs xmma kllxn ooul- en of aoton ontario wife of alfred ooulen phr hundred dollere 600jw mil to kdwin orinra oy young street acton- ontarto oarpenter pive 00wobx8ntmujb of bs townup of muka rjtb pp to mtjrriayhofpnaan oflau hollydale drive los angeles oewanis eon of mrs lulu robuns ptve hundred dollars 60000 oo to jam atavvmjap txuord mctovwbllot arton ontanv hsnj mcboweulvehundred douars oo3o to be paid in the evantnf his being an infant hen thkv bequeat falls due to hlimdtner andlaveated oy herto author- i a kmhrf mul imtil uted seouritl andtheldtnl trustt until age ol twent over to nhn he reaches the age ol twentyone years and than paid over to nhn jmvtto e aald ubs m modowsll wtfanf mgar msoowell piveundreddollara f80d0 zrn mwa lumiulh a mv friend alio uoneer one hundred dollars 100 00 oondttlon- thatbe abauiaatsa easist- to my kxecutora tout truateaato quebec uoned est out- m farsnspn tbtiehenaft the event however of it tatagfor anp rasaotl tmrwatlble or tnoonrexuent to pay the wud fgtjtfobjsfc ten of the sstsmt nmuoned cfiuton e a5rssw tuo on uundndbollm li on oonilttliaitau b dwuutft m ut to mr knculor na t uiwiiimr moltiro anil il oulon r arctrnt vmml won u to b paldwnm tl easetiisfgs sorea haal qalealyhaw you a per- slaunt sore uuit refuses to neair than try dr thorn bdeptiio oil in the dreaalng- h will atop sloughing osrry away the proud flesh draw out the pus and prepare a clean way for the new skin it la a recognised healer among ills- and numberaof people can certify thai it healed wtiere properly applied in respect to same 18 it ls my desire that all the in dividual benenclartes of this my wul who can conveniently do so shall meet once a year tn union at palrvlew cemetery acton and place a sprig or flower on my grave t having in my lifetime loved and respected every bene mentioned in thla my wul my executor oborok wkslky murray shall notify by letter all eeid beneficiaries the day and date when auch meeting u to be held for the first time this paragraph however hail not be construed a a condition upenwnach the- respective bequests are made to the aald beneficiaries j 1 direct that any b men tioned in this my wul who attempt to break or altar the same by legal action or otherwise ahall be absolutely excluded from all benefit thereunder and that the hare of such beneficiary shall become part of tha residue or surplus and bs dealt with as provided in paragraph i i t direct and it is my wul that x ontario tn an oak casket and steel vault or ahali of the bast make same to be chosen by my kxecutor oeorge wesley mutsav x js direct and it le my wul that- ute aura of two hundred douars ksoeaol pe- deposited to a chartered bank to acton and the interest thereon bo expended yearly to keeping two plots m ssld cemetery to repair and good order namely block d lot number twelve 13 first survey 340 square feet and block two 3 lot number is third survey 310 squrre feet the clerk of the municipal oounoil of the village of aoton each and every year by order of the oounou ahau draw the interest on the said sum of 30000 and pay in full the party choasn to attend to the said plots when the work done proves to be aetlsfsetory to the overseer or caretaker of said cemetery but should my kxe cutor and trustees consider it wise and see fit to gtve the sum named in bulk to the then presiding council of acton on reoehrlng srwiitten and sealed guarantee fiom- tha ssdd oounou that jsald plot wul always be kept tn order and repaired so- ions as palrvlew oemo exists let it bedone i hereby emplower my aald kxeeutore d trustee if they see fit to do so to pay over the 300n0 mentioned- in this paragraph to the public trustee or trus tees on oondujna that he or they ahall undertake to attend to and keep in order my said plots la palrvlew cemetery as provided by any jlct which has been paasedor which may be passed by the cegtxbuure of the province of ontarto 1 1 direct and it ls my wul that thesumof two hundred and beventy- flve dollars t1ojm be expended for a red rose granite tablet suitably tn- acrlbwd for a rnarkar to be placed at my head and the sum of twentyfive dollars siojoo for a small- tablet to be placed at my feet these tablets to be good in order that they may blend and oorret- pood with the targe monument now tnv said pliot the colour to be aa near as r the said huge monument as poa- eible said tablets shsil be placed at my bead and feet within one yerarter my decease the provisions made in favour oi my aald wuimarxbtta murray tn this will shall be taken by her in lieu of dower and also tn ueu of the con tinuation after my death of any pay ments tor ailowanoes made by me to her favor during my lifetime under any order for mamtenance or otherwise l 33 x nominate constitute and appoint my eoualn owosuk wbfllwy mur ray of the townshtp of stsquesmg parmer and tub roal trubt com pany to be the bxeeulore and trustees of thla my will with fuu power and authority to seu and dispose of all my real property in order to carry out the arrangement as heretabefore provided 34 x direct that h h parukr solicitor of acton ontario provided he jg uien praotlsmf law at von ahsil be employed to do thelegal wpnt4n proving this wul and disposing of my real pro perty if be agree to do so for the re muneration set but in the statement prepared by htm and a hereto otherwise my said kxecutor and tr teee shau employ niool jkpprby sent have hereunto aub- acribed our names ss wluieasea laura r- reldt j c mathewa thu ib a ooufcctl to ths laat wul and testament or me james albert murray of the village of acton in lb oounty of llalton commercial travel ler l i- hereby revoks- the gift of ptve hundred dollere 00000 to robert neuea and give and bequeat the said laat mentioned aim to my friend mmnl dren wife of robert oron of uw vulag of acton in lieu of the said robert nellea 3 wsrner nleklm havvtg died atooe the executloo of my said- wul i haeeby revoke the gift of one thousand douars 100000 to him and give and bequeat the ssld lass mentioned sum to my daughter 1 wy irxmy in hu of the said warner nlcklin 3 jeeale murray having died the aascutlen of my aafcvwtll revokesthe gift of one thousand dollars 10000- to her and give and baq i he aald last tncntlonnrt juid to jpuf- daughter ploreno may murray in ueu of the said jeaela murray 4 i hereby revoke the gilt or five hundred dollars 00000 to mllue mur ray daughter of imillard murray- men- tamed in my said last wilt and-tsaffa- meni and aive and hs the aald last mentioned sum to james telford modoweu infant eon of my friends m- ward mcdowell and margaret mcdowell in heu of the said millie murray 0 1 hereby revoke the gift tn my said last will snd testament of ptve hundred douars 000 00 to b klmfabory and give and bequeath tha said last manttoned sum to my d may uurrey in ueu of kbigabury er i revoke the gift in my said will or my double barrelled shot gun to alfred ooulen and gun to the modoweu cousin in u other respeeu i hereby ratify and confirm ray said will in wrtngsss wluxnjdo tha here unto set my hand this ttutd day of juno a d 1030 bionbd ptjblabhto and dbct1arb3j by the ebovv mentioned te- totor james albert murray ss and lor a codicil to his last wul end testament to ths p plvo rz-7-f- no other orange pekoe can equal tulg in flavour time tables at acton radian nalgnaprailways standard txmk all tlniea given in this time table are tluuidard times preah from the gerdene presence hi req of us who at request in his presence of each other all three present at the e time have hre- t aubanrtbed our l hunt ii n parmer j a murray plakntna fob oontrol op uwb tusuc in thsokchard an adequate supply of mouaure in the orehsrd ta oi great importance in ths trowing of a good crop of rruk if the la low in moisture in the early part uf the season tha fruit u not likely to set well if there is a s of moisture during the summer and autumn the fruit will not else up wou and if the aou la dry when the winter sets in the- danger from rootkilling is made much greater hence the importance of ooneerv- ln biolsuire when there u sny lutelfhood of tlmro being a shortage tt has been shown by experiments at the experimental parrtu and etoewbere that an enormous amount of moisture 1 off into the- sir by tra through the leaves of crops weeds and ktvass ths exhaustion of moisture from the sou by weeds can bs prevented by early cultivation and even u cultivation b discontinued later on and weeds grow again the conservation of moisture to the early part of- the season la very desirable what is know aa the sodtnulch system orchard management is an excellent oonserverof moisture crass u spread over the soli under the trees preventing the growth of weeds snd grass and saving uie molrture- w t maooun dominion hotticusurist the use of muler worm powder insures healthy children so far aa the ailments att to worms are con- oeroedi a high mortality among chu- dren fc traceable tb worms these- sap- tto strength of infants so that they are unable to maintain the battle for life and succumb to weakness this prepare- tlongtves tironuse of health and keeps u calxstuenios and housmwobjc physical culture 1 awfully interest ing i cried- the eager girl who had just coma back from hoarding school for a look papa to- develop the x grasp th rod in this way and then move tt slowly from right to left do you seer nvoridetfiut replied her father in admiration what extraordinary things teachers- have discovered i if you had a bundle of straw at the end of that rod youd be sweeping osa is alluringly fragrant adda a ohanntng refinement to the most rtatshedaprjearaneey create and pre serves complaxlon of sufpasamg loveli ness and texture softens and whitens the hand o00u and dispel all irrita tion caused by weather oondruona swift ly absorbed by the tissues leaving never a vestige of stickiness a peerless toilet requisite invaluable to all womei care for eleganoe and distinction- l who clslvefof this rragipb t for anv reasosy altlnxough tba pecuve bsnaftmbresa isfualng to mopb se and tha oondlttona attached there- aix rubiix nirx the jamk it is an army tradition that the shall grumhbt at the oonuntsrlt but this particular complainant aeehurto have had a fair case any complaint corporal aald the j a it a w 4olonevmsjrjxis one momlng a personal x direct that this wul shall so z inspection yes air taste that sir said tb ooiporal- promptly the oolonel put the liquid to his ups1 why he said thats the beet soupi i ever taatod yes sir said the oorpowu but tb 000k calu h ooffee soon a oonvenimumf may be done after m deaths- be published in full in one aojom pan pssaajand aalo r the aald publication or otherwise deuvei that a eopr of aald newspaper conblmmg ahsltoewant by pad jurered to each of the denefknanes m fa this my said wul xn the event of tjr aorow pmka passa twvtng oeassd to exist then the mid pu shau bamadem an other local newspaper pibuabod u or a fertilizeirs times have changed no more wait ing for fertilizer deliveryl for your fajf wheat wb wi1 corry c i l mixed fertilizers in mtoak come in get the focts about these improved free- flowing fertihxera that cant clog in the drill t actoj hjouk mlljij acton ont d il kjfndfuy pbopiuetom dully nxonpt bunday dally except uunuay 1 deuy except hun day dally except bunday tiiuulay only qetog wee ually except sunday 7 dally except h under dally except bunday 703 am 1133 am olspjn tm pjn 713 pm 1ju am 000 am ajiapjn dally oxoept bunday jti pjn canadian national jtlxotsttc stallwavh daylxoht savino tuor all unuj given in tiilxjlm table are daylight having tlmi lilsjune until oxcei l iim day 737 pm i dsll 4 3l em dall 1157 am doll 317pjn dully 437 pjna daily 0ji7 pm 1 v dally dlllun ilifamt i dally dally except h inday hun dully voi am dally 1114am 1 dally 134 pm 1 j dally 304 pjn tr dully a 14 pm dally 834 pm lutpm dally j a fins ft throaigh train to- the west lesvlng toaaeincwhyes 030 po foe- mlaakj wmsdpcstraxpureginahaiksikaa vjspr anavsdcoum paseeeicefl cnn ubntvdhr cm tridi vhm smv1c i sk c caa imejea oas eveikv toronto ho vamcjvef to nvghywhhhh in canaoa em6 value for your tire dollars 6bsyear built pfhfinqi wete mtgh proak to rnrry u lire it goad yeejt eonti llnirjorr in tiro luyprioe fieaev and thats wayls sa pdrhfirw flerwwlu sajarreat aatlsfno- tldn on yotsrvjern weve got tkexn in all pprj inr alzaw hl or- balloon idrlvaover anil jot u show youjbow lsttlhoau to hav coohywar qialltyiii the tires yotteev jh acoxe hymouthj- desow chryrler sale ih0nb6 acton ont the name is sufficient atfernttt bread hichwuuttr sweet m a nut 1 soljd at following acton gb0cehs h4i whltj w jane- superior storefhiu nehw co mm oaldey w nmwu factory at- li dominion bakeries limited guelph xereele tenalaaj keel street aaa bl oair avwaa pnught delivered by- speelal a sprees freight freight picked up at any ad- drees in toronto due at acton daily at 82a a m i os p m 405 p m flbb p m and dally except saturdays sun days and holidays at 1006 p m saturdays sundays and holidays only at 1 30s a m aastbeend dally at 1130 a m 3b6 p m 655 p m 950 p m dally except sundays and holidays at ojba m sundays and holidays at d0b a m standard t1mb card co clsswirs sad dyers oueuph ontario jack stewart qeaner dyer regular call and peliver service to acton tuesday thursday and saturday mornings pomphompt and eotlcljtnt bkjtvick phone 103 acton or leave goods at w m coopers odorless cleaning truecolor dydno mark every gravel large stock of mmiimtft ta nothing is more lasting or mors appropriate to commemorate the memory of loved ones who have gone before than beautiful granite well carved with our present equipnent and- faoultle rio plant tm better prepar ed to offer real value or a better stock lo choose from than can be scoured at our plant you owe j it to yourself to see our stock and get our quotations on monuments marker or corner stones before placing sn order anywhere acton monument works jt niooe phonk ibs savage co watches diamonds china glassware engadement and wedrilng rings ii wyndham bl gimijph ontario m subaerlptlonil for au mnirijnzi taken at the free pica office of

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