Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1930, p. 4

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sriijfl t page poor thbactom free prbs3 tbnrxuy jtdy 24 imp ths home o sup arton 3frt jlrrafl mm 0urlo0mtaa duuiew c w m ju tlimtmhr u1u s acta tb ttscrtptiaav uiiti ontario u ad mb i pah la mktud o tb adr aovkbtisina katular mull waeuaal t4 tjtwtlk tawl 11 mw coiiji tba mtm win b fcnwi fc4 e ooihmm du- ur mltw7tila wm a vpajltwuo a a dills edlf 4 praswimv txleteones- ediwritl w4 iuimh oska h y econaar botnsr betorded laffoiaer item almost canto toa head last session of the county council wo are informed that has boen simmering for some little time a movement a desire to benefit the community during tbe past two woofs a subject which has occupied much local atteptioa has been the will of the late j a murray aside from the many beneficiaries who have been named in tbla will mr murray has given by hjswlll benesni to tbe coqynunlty at lro we liave purposely refrained from any comment uqtll tbe full text had bad rim to be fairly well threshed oof by the public true there are stipula tion and it remains to yet be- seen just how this will can be carried out but tbe desire of mr murray to give 10000 to4he churches of the community and the further bequest of 2000 for a building to be erected in acton are intentions for which actonlans may be wry thankful these benefits set out in the will to the community wilt afford the opportunity of doing much good and the result and good that will follow tfisfuse in the ways sot forth or jlesjred toy those fa charge will be lasting remembrance of the good left behind by tee vni of this lifelong citizen mrmnrray vtio desired his earthly goods to benefit large sectonof the community at the june meeting of the county counqil and agaiij at the july moetiog the grants to the fall fairs ccsme in for some oonaiderabic discussion milton jsrkjhla year received a grant of 500 while 1wrolilevairbof the county get assisted by 3 ftirnstonoftfr to fail fairs areau rit m longjw all are treated alike why jm0tonfajv should be treated to this support from ocnntyand thff dtfwr fairs receive the proportion pclot tiwmjshafd toeipuin milton just pays gpwshjtre into the county rate the same as every other municipality and yetit receives five times as touc in a grant a any omer uk institution in the irwfisfck ty0f9jjmlt- toiio that in ireport dfcbiroty council proceedings that a r jggmtai opinion niw that jhext year all mrs will gw 011 grant or that grants to these yitejodiai jja done eray with aitogedier for years grmiiton has recelvedjodo ajcafast 78 tobe other sfelnpiv the extra 200 ytriirs4o baudlnghiaulong 0 the agrl- o -hi- fetgusen- has broughmnto politics two things that should never have been there the liquor question and now hydro neither one of them are improved by their entry into the political ring- it has beeria very clean campaign in halton to date james valdbrook and dr anderson are the representatives of the liberalprogressives and gon- kfervatlyes you choose the policy you prefer by registering your vote for- either of these two candi dates jioulti at l and paid for it tod f mlltoo can- iihrjiomo tflo inttnin asnaitno esiefor calling p on the iaubwpltio of the wboloconnty to poll gthihl6tof the hole we hear mn of aie oqaauaod ametlt of the cejinty let u have equal dhrtrl- ffljeertp cut off distribution altogether and lot eachl j jnjiiallty contribute to their own aoofotjr and ao ftobnhty cboicit doereaso the rate to allow thto betac hiiibwituoiieir i thta year tbe qqw safety rea- lurrsswpii of the iebool tbu4aw ap- truokortrailefa motor- ljiiijl and lafnteiidodto encottraie aate r jtsi7lind4o paoalihcnekleaa-ajiil- fijwtmfoparatoralleneeandhlarnotor pwnwkmv ernift ini be tupender nnto the holder iftomnrsof of hla bnanclal reappraninitf if any taltas offence ham boetr joonimhted in svilrp any other province of the dominion inadavor o nhyttbe states of tho united iforlf he hai notpald any hnaj judghtent awhtafordamagea canaedto any peraontothe fcs000 ono peraon and jloioqo if two sniphahate beon injured of to the property hjwrmooeaaof 100 and up to l000rllng pjipto uch judg- trgnuaratm in ontario or in any afcani4aieyitnisea mientlonipd nnyperaojifb peenn rithjacaojm 3 a hijhyeooodlng the lite wttww jmrt- g iitfithfiwlim tsisnjal v has been oh foot to combine tbe offices of 3rkanil troasurer in tho county and by the way most ratepayers may he interested to know chst the county- clerk receives a salary of tl100 per year and the treasurer last year was paid l76jo a total of 3 for these two office thatjiro filled in most of rtio municipalities at a fifth or this cost with all due respect for age and years yt faithful service to this county- ih considering this matter it must be pointed out that both the occupants of these positions are well over the jourscore years of age and ten years over- the age considered when a county jndge is qualified to successfully fulfil tho duties of his office- the matter has been under consideration for many months an earnest endeavor has been made to handle the question delicately the- special com mittee appointed to deal with the matter 1 upffutjal that neither gentleman would resgo nor desired an assistant the committee also mentioned an honor arium for the dork andtreasurer in recognition of their long- and faithful services the resolution brought forward at the last meeting combining the offices was 4elf too harsh and was laid over for a further meeting the county council has a delicate situation to handle wfctdt la not being helped any apparently by those who could make the matter easier as long as suebnandicapa as these come up to retard the economical running of the business it is small wonder that county rates continuo to mount we have known many of the conditions in connection with j the combining of these two offices for some time we realize the kindly efforts that have been made to meet this situation and have refrained from making an expression on the matter publicly we now feel that a word of commendation is due the county council for their endeavors and efforts to secure economy and maintain efficiency and admira tion for their fairness end perseverance in endeavor ing to remery a sttnatidtv that baa proved difficult to handle neighborhood newtv not j u emjm of otmarvlu 01j jflas uftrtha amlth pncttqt a few dt witto friflodb in bmibwuib of acaoo to vuulna with un atersant auphsna iff imdlhsm jmdm bfdtar and aoo otj new bttdfonl uiki wn mtus tofrts ot ur sod tan john otmni arm un erto ur sad xra aotwrt ansa ur ours attan and so oortwtt th dundjuk vera endivr vtstfaxa w4 mr barrsr auhl mr wid mn-w- sullcr mifun n w kud ad aon amxim apmt fauwkr wiu ms ud torn h t vraakton a xmrtjfftew who hs bmn tattwaat- d to lawn bowltns tor m numban ot tuna art dr omrt uwn la u ma toss ramntlr clara oaltl cuxmo and mix xaaao tata hava sob on a urip to tha wast tb war la ajotea uraof bar alstar wheaa aba baa nbtbnr ojumum julian krla of dvtxott te baudartaa to town with iua whir vn krk m editobia7 notes it can hardly be said that canada is in a turmoil with the general ejection and it is only a week from monday until the battle of the ballots there will be no treesitting for ontario children tbe authorities have put- their foot down on the first attempt and it will be well for the children if every succeeding attempt is likewise slopped first on the hydro pod then on the fivecent item premier ferguson has been put on the run by premier king it would have been better for mr ferguson if ho had not opcneilnpanthesavsubiocov church oakvtoat awfthanajwt polptu sunday morntnt a hast of tba doaiall qwatawoan co arxtiwd to port si oakviua jattacdajr momlnf itut ww to b dona la at opt a aoni aetata jut aat of own wm maw vast of uw bank ot tor- ito twt and bar author uxm w u mi obn lnwterbndd wm and kn x r arinham tort town tnj on motor trtp to oananoqua as qoebod and ottawa reoattl utuo ahttbaheila swd avrwn waa lajooitod down wfaub btira atons on 8mtday wban wtntntna from sabbath bobool tba jlttla slrt taetvd asnuebc and- brulaw and badaboak dr and ura bud and uu satty ontxij n at then anmn oottaaw at doraat whecw they win apand tbammui of july akan and u o bor tdp to ktaaston and wul rktt ftianda at otbar notota 1a tba oatninrtanca of j mayor werap and premier king are in a eon- troversy after the fizzle torontos myor has made of things in municipal affairs his opposition to mr king should prove really helpful in tory toronto w j afpntaoniatr of brlcbton baal boon onaaavd m tonlor tourttt book tosdhcr tn tba central 8obool at j nittlal aatuy 6t twelve hwnarwa aatzbisauius uan tbatr headi towwr wall abtm tfta taywr off polaoooui aa ao that reach tba top tenibto nlaoa tho praaonoo of tba sat la eaay to axplatn to tba me has tba aounatn ds of th eoal dapoatta which 91 mrs a scegc of toronto wms to wn on wbdnoaoar um mobto apant tba waa pd at too mr rush uooratb of midland apant i last waafc with frfanda to town i iha bdd otaai and lcr fawej mi 10 andalm leapaddao 6t oriula canad on friaoda to ooowtown on lion- at a h olbbard of apendtoa a ftrw daya a dozen fatalrtlea oyejthe weekend on highways and water stresseathe fact that more care and catitian must be observed by the holiday seelkersjn these weekend excursions the chances taken are being paid- for dearly playen and aaua of is younar bandal nwa wmbic to apara tbatr anatp7- and thne to pap up- thai town uator l orant to in t aaprw- 1 aentawrtba bbaonlo orand xadaw otana state of kansas tr s a ca porothy oardner la vaduoc bar eoasm afba wmtm tome tor tba ttondaya oirbon details of another community effprt aro given in the invitation on page one of thla issue for the residents of acton and tije district around l to improve u aiapiendidfacihty we have locally cpmmunrty ottfwf bosrd purchased a fievt effort has accomplished much in the past here- anptbef opportunity to show that the shoulders are atw tt the w1c6eir t 7 premier fergusons criticism of the federal ad- r ministration would have carried more weight if he bution aatwell and if it cannot be done it would bejbad ben able to announce reduction or abolition of -i- a jimia mirbttaatmmaittmtmjumnwtt vm nif saantlna tatfw as has the amusements taxes and gssohno taxes as has the libera 5overnment with the sales tax postage in come and many other items which affect the public yery closely actions usually speak louder than words with the thinking voter haty years of publication was celebrated last weekly jthe colllngwood bulletin with editor david williams at the helm tho bulletin enters its sixty- first year going stronger than ver and enjoying p merind suppbrt- from the conrtnunitylt baa served so well and faithfully it ja aojy cinada foremosl weehles and its genial editor is among the leaders in weeuy canadian newspaper drolls occasionally one sciss a ybnng woman pulling out a cigarette in restauranta ajidjn the dining- rooma of j city hotels these young wonjenshqald remember tiiat statistics show that 00 of all babies bonf of cgrettenoking mothers will die before they are two years old bfrthetype of glrlawho smoke are asn rule thinkiogrhoreof their- ewnsejflsh indulg ence fhan in belig the happy- roq therbvor wellborn bablchesiey ehfcrp rlsel awmaw omaavwa an plasatd to aay ida a asnow stounrslt baa baen ttsulas bar nidtbwr lbs a bowman tba new hlbwaj falanno to uttton la otwnplatai to oaonja xtanoonw arm onehau mua aaat of afttton robert bmnflaldmntonwma ona of tba aoeeuaafnl oandfafataa who paaaad rnitmrlfaia hau tay isartvat jooqimn of canada v vetora kto tor bolton to oabfatsta tba aiarioda twatttb on saturday laat lawa u o u ifc ass0 baaded far aeton band ma to vrotorta pasfc wbara aftot a brlaf osranony boqanata of oranse uuol wwn plaeod ajround tba aldw monument oordon iaymrmaoo of mr and mrs bdwaxdthtnaft of ttafalaar town- nwt wtth apatnnfl aojndautot a waa eqsthw haw wtth a i when ba av toncve to aptadup ona ol jftppm awjjmlta tnwostha maohtna 1- tb toapr of which ut hla tsft lav i uw ppj jtoo pbnslbrstindor thrf act in ontsp gjys llssrim3 fish h promised to call s session of far- wifimmtt possibit ir hehte7bttti j at itwoii take molflhdjt a townaamta last waak wuto raise i en kato and n-ww-f- old age pensions being psld in otsrihow total pnmmeonm toerstairpwsnce act total 25p000er annum accotding to hdh i dr david jamleson toronto chaiiriianpctfaeontarib prbyinclal oevernment coimips on mothers allowance and old age pesloosr altiufeh old old ag pensions schema ban oaltay of oataatt baa bean bouv darinff hi town wtth mr and urm baa ton mnrphjr uaaten poiariaa wukwa and proaaar bobtoirwi who have baaa bohdaytoc at tba wuieoi aaiia rat van anhdaaoon b iwctbr of st thomaa ohntytl ti njbumotom mr and ura j s auan ara vbtunf crtands at husam imkfoatailo ufa lillian i ktn la bondarma who harrbnd mba bla olatk at ruawd oampbd baa aona to aatap wtth tba owan bound baabnant at v uafcaard cntaiia mm ix vvtn of vbrt wuuam vlcltina bar mothar mra w bansar mr and mm j b ban ara ttettdartof j at tba montatui bn laaa npafciawi mia ooun ofttm and daoabtor baby laft on tbaaday on a trtp to bnokvllb wbara ttoay wnl anjow a bottday v w- bro bav ow iwbba aaamsal ofndctepastn ta attawlhw tho oaaad l v a wl at toronto today b oil aaoa on friday boa uontiwal iwi tba sv andanla kagland on a tbraa moaaba tdt wub ralatltaa bvuha old land buna bavtna plana prapaiwrfj tw tba arootlon of bja naw tbaaaraon water ttiwat and work wut ba etaft- inanaad wltbto th naat law daya urm j bvjobnaton of onaaaera and morton ratton of conpar ounvato apand- tnff a faw daya wtm bar aon ohnaton and mrs johnston woratna antranoa to tba ol w b antttein aate aiaavani atnaabad opan tht offloa atnakavax dttrlna- tba nkabft sad tola 70 dlaoovary of tba erfans was la wban tba station aaant appa for duty fonoa atate tbat n rorntab a ctoa which may arms an ai iwat- oaaatte and canon d buwjbi smubtof sk jodavj z u m but tt yon ara ojtoboktown mooaahwf i at lbs x alabama la apendtoa nlaw daya at tba bonta of ur john modonald mrs paanora and danghta atom fit bockwnodr- apant friday at tba noma of and tbatr famfflas anjoyad plenlo b oaorgwtown raak day aftarooon last they dbb daalais wat and otw ontario towns mralbmny bn cook of mohan bar w h moota ot bhaoa n r brothar and atatonj of mm an mr and mrs boaasuatay of oormlay out mr and mm u baotaar of ottawa and mrs j lunan ot bloh- mond rm havabaan soo at tba noma otma and mm r l brown tba past k blttht nrat tbna in s3 yaani atm mrm oook vtattad bar old noma tn tub arrstkxiova modntaxm or kajtm tba homaof tba bad demon who bob lha book of human daatlnlaa baa warn dtteorarmi bit addraaa la tba mountain i ho fobm iaosnr two faimantnwt on tb mad and pullad an v fit tn pot a mala wtth awtonunr pa gtva that ooa of yoan ban ha had ttf sea flea races swastlka beac1i civic houdavaugu9t ath bjiaincas directory aifkaeofatire at law cost iliwrtmrtnil tn tba dnwot una from jonr- hbi khan tba frwat mnpaohaa amnaror of th twelfth obntury yoa itn do wan not to try to visit tba demon for half way up you will probably auhocato and dla that at least u bftadrioa thai nattrea gho and ao far aa at soaa it to ajaod adrloaor the slopes of tba dreadi mountain atw dotted wttti kba nonaa of j hjs book beaata man and oods fwrdlnand fta thnt a tba in tba wes o i ones sat another mountain wbara wolves iiflii and wild goats narjsh swhera would ueewlse psruh tt they did not go on horasbaofc through tba the earth breaths out oarbonloaekl gas tbroogh hales kttung all animal ufa ttm aa evhgl to the earth tn a layer abouthalf metfa thtofc mso on horseback pi above nv and the harass elwaje boldj their head high andjmuffabd wbnmy hi fear uno they bare c tbe saa- gatpua on top of tba mount orahytha same nhanotnaoon la to be round the d of jeoghbi khan goodyear built psrtb- 1 flmlajr tbrvs are ir frieasda for us all over urvna and no wonder theyre bntft jast as all coodyear tfares arci bnill ofgennlne snprtwtat cards for long ions life theyve got a tread titaaarmtjberoaaih4etery sthfinder carries a gnar onr h acoxt ptratmrtk dtboio cbnrskr sala phone 68 acton ont ocooooooooboo6ooioooooooo sore jheyre coolingl kelloggs corn flakes are extra easy to digest they furnish- energy without heating the body help ybu keep cool and tit eat them every day in summer dr j h johnson ddsjjx a j buchanan d olomdaixdm p w peahen d d s i d si ia nrr j ic francis nunan maple grove dairy guaaunteed new laid sg v paxitaaaa mt om k w usstksb prafamsr fi painting ud house decoration cnumrtspaeialhr alllliiill auchakdbblancbs i- tire hospital battefy- service a falconbkidcb uy pa vmt wqaj

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