-f-r- i- the acton free press thuiu3day ootomr 1 1m0 t1ik home or ueoitw canadian w1f ne r apm- aaoclatlo umbar onurlo qubi divuloa c w h a the acton pek lurs4 1 pullill thuraiuyavenlntf at tt fr weal iltmlntf uill ktraat artn ontario the anlcrltlo pries la fctoo tec yeas in imlvne ioatau ciar atldilwual to oft a 1 l unit f i stale thv ut to whlrh mlfiptiotia ara paid la indicated o tlio aittlrvna lalwl aiwkkttslnc uatkshor aaall t fied at vertlitrmciii and in ittir rulumna lite rataa infill lm founil at bead fl column ii play advcrtiilotf ralca un adpluatuwi o a d1ixs alitor and propriety telephones- kduorul and i uaat4lcoc steadily improving there seems g be no lack of evidence from many sources that a general resumption of trade activity may be expected this fall the wheat situation which has been so fluctuating and uncertain would appear to have grounds 61 ultimato solution in the fact that crops in other sections ot the world will not allow of importations from many of them ontario factories will increase their output and the effect of the tariff will undoubtedly be to have american companies es tablish canadian plants for the manufacture of their products in canada as was also bound to have been the case with the countervailing duties planned the 20000000 appropriated to relievo unemployment will be un immediate assistance in the start on public works and improvement r in view of worldwide condition canada has little to complain of and much to b6 thankful for the outlook for the future in this young dominion can cause no feat of anxiety but be the cause of a rcnl spirit of optimism v time for consideration a timely note of warning is sounded in a recent 1 issue of the bulletin of the canadian national parks association press reports give the information that thu luke minnewimku urea p to ho taken fiom bun if park for power development the article very reasonably contends that the alberta gas and coal fields remain practically undeveloped while canadas parks which belong to all canadians are to he sacrificed to allow of power development by figures and comparison the article points out the feasibility of establishing a power plant in the alberta holds and utiliing the immense amount of power going to waste there in natural gas and conl before it will be necessary to disturb the great national park of the xsotnimoik it is well to stop and consider at this time if our great rush for the development of nil water power is not working to the detriment of our other resources and if means are available of main taining and conserving all these it is clearly the duty of all canadians to oppose the destruction of our rrcat national parks in an effort to secure power which can be supplied by other means and the park areas left undisturbed the fimtstep the initial move made by the council at the last meeting to have tho bylaw prepared by the clerk to form a cemetery board with to view to inaugurat ing a perpetual care scheme will meet with approval by many who have hoped for this move for some time it will be necessary to secure the assent of the people to this byluw before the cemetery board can he formed and it is planned to take this vote at the municipal elections at the hist of december as the council went into the details in connection with a programme of improvement for fairview cemetery tlfey early discovered that nothing of a really con secutive plan could he mulct taken by the council with its possible changing personnel each year the work can only he undertaken by a board with not over one of its members changing each year the work of the council is also too varied to devote the necessary time to getting lliplnn into a woikahlo state the rnrmiug of the board will be the first move toward permanent care of the cemetery for many years we have advocated the adoption of this plan unci now that the council has imid the firs step like manyothers who have desired its fulfilment we are vcjy gratified and hope for the caieful study of nil the fen turfs hrcnnnection with jt its fulfil ment will be the culmination of a desire of many of the older residents who haver hoped for the adoption of this plan editorial notes the ways and means of distributing the 20000- 000 for unemployment aie proving much more difficult of administration than the act ofgetting the tippi opriatton through and now the toronto daily star has been denied access to the sources of information at osgoode hull just how fat these mussolini tactics will he tolerated by the geneial public will be interesting to know the 156yenrofd turk who has been in the united states since july was struck last week by nn auto mobile and seriously injured these are days when men of fewer years have to tread cautiously to keep out of the way of traffic a sharp contract the news columns of tun fnrx purss last week carvicd two articles which more than the editor must have pondered upon a young lad made a couple fraudulent cheques and cashed them locally the amount involved was about forty dollars and the father made restitution and the boy was sent to tho industrial school to learn a trade it would seem a very amicable and a fair settlement and a chance for the young lad to see the error of his ways and yet make himself useful in the world and at the same time an adequate punishment the other item which makes for such n sharp contrast is the matter of handling the resignation of the superintendent of tho old peoples home according to the report over 2000 was admittedly wtopgly taken and returned jb official who held such n responsible position his dealings were not wtupblislncss men- bttt- old people whoso money wus held in trust and made possible apparently by the laxity of the bookkeeping methods to which he was responsible and up to the present the onjy move made is to accept his resignaj tion wrrtiegiv6itoundorttaadtbjiuthuommiltiie of four who investigated the irregularities were equally divided on accepting the resignation and re instating the superintendent with another opportun ity this equal division ot thp committee we under stand necessitated a special session of the county councils with nn expenditure that would be in the neighborhood of 300 and possibly another such session will be necessary to hire a new suitenntend- untut a like cost to the counties it is one bright spottceiicnthaxjjlguu of handling th public business was not unanimous with the councils and that there were those councillors who favored the same treatment as was uccordud the young lad men tioned in the opening of this item thoughts will come to every editor und every ratepayer with such sharp contrasts between methods of oklimiry business dealings and the transaction of the public business it is hard to stifle such thoughts without giving vent to expression such methods may in a measure be responsible for the cvcrincrcasing county fate we could cuboratobut wc leave the matter there the puwre- may have thelr own thoughts we have tiurs with but tho expression given to sufficient oft thcin to relieve our feelings mr malcolm mncbcth editor ot the mil vert on sun was chosen by the nnuunl convention at halifax as head of the weekly newspapers association a capable man in evely respect for this important posi tion mr mucbcth will do honor to the weekly news papers of canada during his tenure ofj office commercial fruit production last year in canada had a value of 10591210 of which ontario ac counted for 8050007 british columbia 0710550 nova scotia 2830083 quebec 1145840 and new brunswick 102050 tins total will probably be somewhat reduced for 1130 judging from the reports of most of the rural fall fairs these institutions are far from being a thing of the past where real energy is being put into their staging few of them indeed seem to be in the same category as the c n e with decreased nt tendance except where unfavorable weather prevail ed the estimates of the county council included 10000 as the amount required tor old age pensions this year hon hugh guthrie has promised how ever that the dominion government will assume this amount o that undoubtedly this vilfeo the last yeai that the county will be called upon to provttle this ilohhint the manufacturers or jobbers or whoever is re rspons i b u f ort h e i ncrnnsc i n pr i cc mn dermfti b 1 cr under the new tariff regulations deserve to lose thei privileges if business undertakings given the gov eminent cannot he kept it surely does not behoove the government to provide piotection to the detr meut of the public at iarfe l immigration to canada for- uitf ftist four mouths of the present fiscal year to tn i ted 58273 this coin pores with an immigration of 0424 for the same period a year ago and shows u fiiluug off of 35041 or 3h per cent most people think it just us well for the present period of depression that the bringing in of emigrants bo lirnitgd to the lowest possible number v the opening in acton of reliable clothiers in the store next to carrolls grocery complete line of mens clothing and furnishings also made-to- measure clothes r y we quote no prices this week bill cordially invite you ip couje to our st6rc and gel acquainted our motlo is salis- iaclion guaranteed with every punliase or money cheerfully refunded introductory offer willi every purchase of 200 or over we give asvay an ivory brush free reliable clothiers mill street acton ontario chronicles of ginger farm written specially to th r pra by gwcndounk 1 c1laukk it to iuy partner uis biuy for u ijood tiituiy houri luini fcnceii atttr that little i pijidc ye it wui quite ttonl tune mornlnu but yt t for every uiliimily uu re icems i to be omit tiling jjoodjo b iluncc it tlji timrttf un niln sin h a unudcrful llfe- i lvlnfc rain i nm miro lin ti ndtr urieu ulnit hoof will rcil lntlnrtivfly it ii u d 11 umld and poke thi lr lmuls allow leilumd to llnd out tor ure it 1 julle u treat to lie muddy track ncro the hhor for a cliiiniie bt ciupiu tlnii i know it really lnu mined we thought ue urn- cofhfce to jiuve a one day thi week partner walked into tlu hmre and jaid what on earth tire yon douj tldylnir up i imiwered j lck boy on our hnndi thli week iui put at ulilcn he looked till more nrrpltxi d i unit to bed one nliht ujh a temperu- purhiliu there viri rniioii for lili be- i ure of one hundred and two in the wtldermint ir there uerc papeni nil over mornlna he win quite normal annul but my wrlthm table the floor and ovcry ad- ue kipt him it home for tuo dnyii in jaoent chair well iald my ftood mm euie unythinu hoiild develop my in- all i cm uny it if thatn tldylnit up law aluay linujh at me about my youie milking u horrible mevi of it thermometer because i plnre iiieh treat ii wiui undoubtedly riht nevtrthe- leu there wmt method in my niadne in liun riithuvily ioitlnir out an accumu lation of letter piper cultlni and dear knouavuhat in the end i restorid order out of rhao and had a jwat pile of clippings ctr to piuti into book uhlch uill keep ma occupied for bond i m my evening to como it wiui quite n job all riiht and i uui hail enough of it by the time i tot through but jitul it wftj ery necetary hji i vmi in dunnor oj l ttlnif uuampetl with papen ijtq the trouble li i tin diillke deitroyimi aitaaiilnff in the nature of midline material iii one can ro bark to a iood in iutlnc for lnntance after ninny month and itul llnd munululng of in- lereit anyuuy it wiui a chnli from plekunic and n r linn ice of work in tui kid ul arei partner i nm lad to nay in on the htuli road to rerovery lie can uvin rot aunik withou n iitlck but i cant any li- envurn the round vary riiplillytnowuvcrt he fimlii viiy pleaded with hlmfteu im ho manuicrd to put in a fuw ucru of uhcat filth in it ni indeed i do at the flrt worn of complaint from the children i take their tempuruturo und if it he raueu away joci that child to bed uith nlxo- lutely uothlnif to eat hut iu miirh water ai lie uke to drink anil u ifootl dot or inillcor miiuneiin thi i treatment li nmtlnuid ulth the addltlqii of diluted nfllk to drink until the teinperuttne li if stored to normn if there he vomlttihfi then i ive hllrhtly btmti n white of emr un or three tlnif a day thin k heullilb uourlihinir und allay vomlttlnu many minor ailment ure the result of over worked inui nul machhiei y and u rwt cine is the nirest wuy to brhik about quick renulu of couriie a return to normal intuit made rudnnlly or one tiaa tht iumfj troublu nil over aitnln our klddlii klvc in very little cnuio for worryhur durlnu tlie nimmer but wc nlwftyn dread- uiewiirierut ihttyaru both mibjert to lironchlal trouble tomorrow 1 our local tiilr duy pnrt- nordotianouuiuiklilljqqtuilluecqual to walk in it around in ncrowtl r iiuppmia i ahull have tiiu quetlonalle pleiuiure or uiklnit tlie children nlime j cadesky kty tokonto eyesight specialist wiu m at a t imowns ditua aroitk aoton monday november 3 anyoin nufferlnif from eytutrnln dtiftetlvti vlilon or henducho vhould not mlim tho opportunity of toiimiltinr tlibi cyeslklit hpclilut appolntmenu may he inda with mr a t mown duimut conoultation krik oflire llauni ii n m uu 4 v m by rldhik on top of the tlriii ttlncc then 1 turtuci wowlnit with a rldln l o to a i i them when i et there nn nothing else plow nud although he feeln very tlreil by ilhtf ill hh fwt though itroniier nothing will do bub they muiit take purt in the nrctrhhtb j aiijiiua nnin g rictl of lcnowlllt i iu m fair tut they do fcopi tho inhibition the nierryjtoroiindii und iitiilli with their ridiculous array ol uiuidy mount losltle i make a colorful bnckif round and provide the klddleii with all tht neresary thrill given theui an oeraiiional ice cream tamc thing veiiterday the cown alo arcompllihed omcthiliit intletd yei very nitlih 10 evidently they believe in tho theory that dltant ileldi arc- alwayji urecn and decided to test it the time they chose i wn when it pourlnn ulth rain and m d thl mpnn on hip or their puitne was away taklnu molly to ncliool llyt anil for them the ncme pinryrt nithfr pemicketty petrto ivr her lur lull title mnniutcd with remark- i able ability to climb over u wlro fnce neur the hou ar when i cnuuht nlht jnrhnr fiiidntwiwilf itty luic4tift- trylnu to ivikt her relum fiom wheiv she came hut ihui while i wtlu uttln my ptinuiuiilvo powei i on hr other eou ulso hrokti throuieli then lttump nturutl to inn k und the cowit in tholr anxiety to et buck to aufoty broke t wire fence down completely oruck ninuiih went on pott after another nud furthec up thn held imothnr cow uot ur helid and feet tuuitltxl up in thu wiri in xlui middle of thlnu partner runic homn much to my relief und to cut a inntf htory abort thout wretched cowa mtrretded in knock intf down tliroo fenooa und two anion boforo w could brlntf them to ordnrr wo hud ulso to deal with n travelling kuicji- mui why do uifo mon always appear on audi inntlkplvloua occnnlona nitkl- uipiymenthiij jippirently jnii reached a pw f r of llu own dr thomus llrlectrlr oil linn n ru povtffr of 1 oun i ati who have inud it know this and ketip it by them yii the most valu able- ihihvnt iivullable ibi usen uru in- numcruble and for many yearn it has been pried iii the ieudiui liniment for man and beaut kxpkrtk work a qcouuomnn once applied to o hollcltor or advice after aim had do tut led nil tho clrciiituituncch trf the cukc jiiiyrt thn tntlcr the luwyer nkel her if ho hul ntuted tlin facta exactly nn they hud occurred on ny kir elm replied i thought it best to toll you tho plain truth you fanihlf thn ififlm tlllt yoiirel taking a hill on high irtakcdlotsorpowcr und a good-start- toclimb a hill wi s flears get a jood start fdrthohills of tlie days work by eatinjj a breakfast of shredded wheat and milk there is ttquick get-awayin-this-dclicious- whole wheat food no need for shift ing gears in tlie middle of the hill just go right on up with increased energy and power and shredded wheat is in such a delicious easily digestible fqrm shredded heat yuh alt the bran of the whole wheat tub canadian ahmkddkd hut comtaw vm i fji i 2