thursday november 31 1030 the acton free press paoh thbjoi hljp 3xse jlrraa hnrt 8tnru midshipman bumpus efficiency by wiurau0 stevens r vk won it mother i the round face of william bumpus jr was fairly daa- linjr as ha ahoutcd the good news from the sate or tho poraoriatfe of course mother ran out and hugged htm and his father following close patted him agabi and again aaylng oood boy billy proud of you aonl and all three laugti- ed and capered about on the front porch till billy remembered that the neighbors might be looking on and hurried indoors ho was short and rolypoly like ills nuns a mean girl sold once and what his looks lacked in dignity billy folt lie must maka up by hbt conduct bo tho congratulations went on hi doom h- oliruiipuui lin t to tlw wa aoademy which hod just boon awarded to billy after a competitive examination hooray hooray i ahouted billy hop ping around 0m parlor now tiat no one could boo 1 nuvar was no happy l what did commander murdoclc aay when he told you unit you luul won asked tnotlier billys spirits calmtxl down wliy he was kind of funny mother ho said x tiad won on tho merits of my paper but lio was afraid x wouldnt like it or make a buccojul of it what on earth l iwgan mother high ly indignant ho said i oajnn from a long lino of teacher and proaclicrs and what thoy wanted at annapolis was not bookworms but efficient practical men x guess hu thought 1 wasnt practical billy looked grlovod tliera u something in what mr mur- dock bays observed the older bumpua mildly vouvo lived u jrood deal among booku and you aro rather ahnant-mlnd- ed but if your iwart is in it and you are dotemilnod to moko a success of it you can do it william of courno lio can do itl crlid mother with another hug that man murdoclc u juit angry becausu iui appointment in a ministers family means nothing to him politically and billy agreed heartily with lib mother surely then was no oinitlon about billys heart being in ik when ho went to annapolln and giuuid on tho huge granite bunarngjcthowhlut shliw and tho augtiut oflcm tlio lottcr ho wrote homo fairly bubhlod over but it wan a very different boy that walked dolefully acrot tho grounds be hind bancroft itiui one sunday after noon late in october it wiui mldahlp- tnan humpuii in nil tho glory of his dress uniform with itn eighteen braili buttons hi front but ho wiui looking for ft quiet plnoo whero ho could wallow in misery urt interrupted ho finally picked out a place on tho jea wall ind nut down to think- things over foot in everything half gonn wrong olnco x entered iialcl billy half aloud before the end of tho unit two woolai ho had been christened blundorbuiti bumpiui und whm lie recalled tlio blunder he had made to cam that tltlo iw tumrd hot and eold somehow ho hud iteon no ruilly fooled by thr trlcki of upperclilwmen ho hnd no often been absentminded at tho wrong time and it jjcomid mt if tho harder lio tried tho woruo hu did lwciuiie ho got no smlly rattled he hud with the bout intentlmui made ovory lubberly mistake possible nt least thats what tho endft ofnceni told him and yenterday enmo tho climax he wok nectlonientlnr coming from an kngluh recltution marching henldo hli section with u wbitera dictionary under hli arm jimt at tho corner of the walk suhmltu8uimrlntandtnb atitatelyrear odmlral hi apoulou uud cocked hat with a group of vbdtlng officer from the frrrnch nqundrori am hilly panhurtrhn felt that for tho dignity of tho school ho must try o look oi mllltuiy ind ui hltle boyuhwn irvimlbler so ho ntlrfehed back ward and looked frowning ulioad just artio lioel onught in one of the raised bricks at tho edge of thn walk hla dictionary was jolted out from hln arm and in clutching for it ho bumped one or his miction the next instant he was sprawling at tho foot of the superintendent thotie mlnuten that followed were too horrible to think of again billy won dered tliut u fellow can go through an experience like that anil not die on tho spot then came tho interview with tho commandant an hour after when uuly stood in trembling silence before the old seadog whose keen uyen and bristling moustache radiated no tenderness upon the lucklet boy after telling him in quarterdeck terms how ho had publicly disgraced tho sohool the inartlnent concluded efficiency is tho naval offlccrn ideal and nothing can be further from it than your lubberly conduct x am glad to see that you stand well h your btuduut and ltavo few demerits bub tliose virtues dont make the tival man now mr bumpps if you cant do bettor than you have been doing yhuu never get a sablst factory grade hi efficiency and you will do the service and the country a favor bygvttmg out aye ayo sir murmured billy and was wavod from tho room it was only yesterday that all this happened bub to the boy sitting on the sea wall it seemed as if he had lived tort years since then and now ho was debating with himself whether lie should resign kyldantly commander murdoclc was right and why should lie stay if he the sunday school ijissois fob sunday november 23 was a failure and yet how oould he go homo and confess his flallure ho should hate to leave his roommate husky mcdougal ho reflected gloomily husky was a big football player from tcrmrkmmi who befriended billy und jil kept sat hi his studies by billys nightly coaching i guess husky would miss- me he sold bitterly bub in splto of everything the love of tlio sea was still strong in tho lad and the romance of it oame back in all its force as ho looked down tho shimmering bay to the french squadron anchored in tho distance no luwt though hu tliought gloomily knnokivagotioatay a lubber all my life at this ho felt so miserable that ho almmt forgot the dlgnlty of his ulxtceu years and had to bib ilc fast suddenly tlio air was torn with horrible shriek whoo ee whoo eee whoop whoop i billy jumped sof quickly uiat he nearly fell off tlio sea wall and ran as fast as his plump legs would go xt was tile nlron whlstlo which calls every mid shipman to fire quarter xrom evory rntir of tho yard down tlio long steps of bancroft hull in ovory possible uni form the men of tlio firsts battalion wore racing to tho ungbie liouso while tlio nocond battalion fell in hi front of lkuicroft hall billy belonged to tho first and was noon ub his station over tho dhi rang tho sharp orders of tho officers tlio tatiglo of midshipmen straightened out and in a fow moments the procession was rattling up the avciuio to tliu main gate in those days the ancient town of annapolis jiad a tiro department of its own which did tlio best lb oquld but iilnre the engine horuo hlul bo bo brought in from pasture or unharnessed from tho garbage curt the force did not arrive to udduily tut tu ttarllo anybody uo when a flrp threatened to be aorlouit tlio mld- alilpmen coino to the rescue and a great lark they usually made of it in tho excitement billy trotted along pulling a rope forgetful of his woes but he was jroon reminded when an wppirnlnsiunttirinannbi trip him so tliut hu full heavily thero wan a roar of laughter and a voice illundy bumps again i tlpo down there bellowed a cadet olflcor in another mlnuto they had whoclod down u narrow itreot of franio houiwu just outildo tho yard already ono of tlio tenement was gone pout help and tho work of tho ilro brlgado wai to navo the houiuii on ouch side the boys wcro rapidly separated into equodn and billy found hliivielf with lluky and two third- clussmen in charge of a hotio on tho root of a buck porch kvery now and then iii the wind veered it blew over them a choking cloud of linoko lllled with blu of plojitor and burning tar paper but thoy poured a litcady utream of water into window of ono of tlio threatened hoiiuii oppoftlto them which hud juat taken fire lluriayl ho yelled excitedly an tho stroum tore olf a biasing shutter and sent it cluttering below suddenly a mulatto woman ran out from the roar of the hotiie ocrojjt tho buck yardi thoyji a baby in that room hho shrlekud to tho boys on tlio roof uuly wir nrnrrtt her and the only one who heard a baby it waa already blliterlug hot whero thoy stood and tho itmin j lit wiui polnlliig to wiui pourinit oubblack smoku still it was only twwity feet nwny and within ciuiy reuch from tho porch roor umk out fouowfllim- gobigaftor tho babyl billys ooiupiuilons hoartl that just as another eloud ol ttmoko nwlrled ovttr luin an it lihlfted they naw him dtaappoar in thowliulow afowimmiondslatwrhusky had wet his handkerchief and holding it over hln mouth and iiohc was climbing urter htm thero won so much smoke that nono of this was neen from below and a 1 lou tenant bawled up steady thero with tlwit houol to his astonishment ills order was answered by tho crews shut ting olf the nozzle and vanishing from their stations a shifting gunt blow awav tho unoko and rovoaledi all four at tho window whore husky with billy limp in his arm was being helped by tho other two to get back on the roof billys right hand was clutching a tiny counter pane when they took stock of tlio two friends at kick quarters they found them not serlouidy tho worse for tho adventure as billy came to with thn smoko out of his lungs ho asked if any body found that baby i couldnt lio said weakly you blamed fool snorted busby mo- dougal who was having his hanu dress ed there- wasnt any tho following morning brought an- othor summons for jtffdshlpmuu bumpus to report to tho commandant again ho faced the keen oyos and the bristling moustache 1 mr bumpus did you got orders to enter that burning house i no sir the colored woman said that there was a baby in there v bo i understand did it occur to you that there had been plenty of time for tlio occupants to get pub and that the officers in charge must have seen to lb that the house was properly cleared the rich vouno uutuell refus- ino a lipe of saohificxax service ooldnti lext and ho said unto all if any man would iximo after mo let him deny himself and toko up lus cross dally and follow me luko 0 33 lesson text mark 10 1737 study ahut lukrt 18 1830 i lace time march a d 30 poraca exposition i tlio eternal quest 17- 20 mattliows veriilun of uiu incident is uio berlptunt chosen for lrnaon xx april 37 and is dealt with under the subjectheading giving up all for tho kingdom it is not neceinury to deal fully with this lchion a nocond time but tho following thoughts may bo added nils story is dealt with no less uwui three tlmrs hi the mew testament matthew mark and luke ware all in spired by tliu holy bplrit to place it on rcnofdrormrotiimauoiriuid doubtlenn tlioru is a wlsu purpose in thin throefold repetition of tlio same simple fucbi drfiubtuui too lb is in tended tluib tho icjutoiis the passageji con vey desurvo and aliould receive particu lar notlco from tliotio naming tlie name of our common lord in all ages of the christian church in uio opening words of his narrative matuiow says ono camo unto him josua oh id 10 hut mutk uiyn uwro came ono huk- nimo and knhlklkd to him aiul wikod him oood mortar what nhall i do that x may inherit eternal ilfo v 17 came runnlnu and kneeled to him while tho scribes and i deiiplsed mid hated hlmt vet all the time this hum who apimiorcd to bo in such haste to learn the great micro t wan profoundly ignorant or hu own heart uo hoars jeiun recite uio commandments which make up a mans duty to hl fellows and instantly declares all tluuio have x observed from my youth v 10 but of thn searching nature of the moral law of thn inner mooning of thn com mandments as thoy relate to thoughts and motives lie known nothing tho spiritual blindness exhibited by this young man by no means began or ended i with iiim thero are myriads living today many of tlicm profeiwilug ohrlu- tuins who luive uttlo or no notion of i their own stiifulnciji in tho night of cod thoy iwivo never murdered or stolen i or committed adultery or borne false wltnc und no argun uuit thoy arts surely not in much danger of miming heaven tho miult in that they ore wrapped in a cloak of itclfrlghleouunons and like the church of loodlcca thoy aro rich and increased in goodi and have need or nothing hcv 3 17 ut us iuuc for the holy oplrlt to con vince us of bin to iihow uu our own hearts ii the compassion bf jeut 31 there is it fientenco in murku version of thli incident not to bo found in either matthews or lukns joiius be holding him loved him v 111 but tho lord did nob love him for his self- rllitcoiimieji nor for hln ignorance perhaps it wiiii pity uio mauler felt for him ho saw hln carnejilnenu hla under- itiuulng iunk in durkneiisand blinded to the first principled or tho things of tho spirit no doubt but uiat jesiui look- cd with compiuuilon imd deep concern on tlili miuis soul and he jtlll regardii und would gather to htii bowim tho lkiunuut the iclfrihuoui thn fulthhij und impenitent if they weie only willing to be gathered mutt lift 37 if men are loit certuinly it is not becuuiio jeul uooj not love them and is not ready to jinvc hli own tolemn worili unravel the myitery men loveil durknesu rathor than light ye will not como unto mo that ye in in lit have life john 3 10 ft 40 rrr slats diary by robs fajiquhar fylday ant emmyn sinter was t ton 1 to and she is the 1 witch has ben marryod throo times ko mllfrenb men pa says he thinks tiiey ought to bo a rule that when a woman has ben marryod throe times alio shud ought to keep her husband like they do troflcs and ool in races and net batordoy pa and ma went to a rocpshun this pm and ma was a glvn- lng pa uio oickonts for being no quiet all tlio tlmo and pa sod to her that tho onley way tu get crodlt for knowing whut you are tawklng abollt is to keep yura mouui shot so lie lono it sunday elly hlx is liomo on a visit to her muuior and the rest ot lier parents her husbend lit in julo mid so she hnjuont no mutch to do a round tho houio now nlin nays her ma ied siioxllddent miitiv on rlnnw fiq well gutting marryod klly ied well she w jtmit town hurtod bectik this waa onloy tho iht time after nhn has moro ex yerlnntu alio will do better muuduy we haddaput toby on of the ft ball team today ho isiuuib no gowl lu muohematlcks and aro nlgnalit rutin a way tip in to the hunordn touilay well wo went with pa to ida hosmji house tonlto to a ivnlteal of muilc and singing i deolalr that liouno is tho biggest hiding x ever seen whon we went lu i folt like x wan a going to rattle it was m big it wood moko a swell lire wonnduy tho teechor wiui a trying to toll un today uiat tho light of uio mill travvols about 13 mulyum miles a necont jako didolit beleave it but i cunt iioo nu thing m mutch hi that boon a it lu all down hill thlrsday nut wan wondering where i got my new nlfo this p m and x told her that uio new kid witch cum to skoal today hud give it to me but i diddent itll her that ho iwul to glvo it to mc ma has always tryod to teach mo to bu noil to to stnuige boys it u kindft iad to think whut a falluro ma luui ben thutuwuy bont eiubmlt astltma if you iiulfer without hhpo of breaking the rhutnn which bind you do not put off another day tho purchase of dr j d kollogga remedy a trial will drlvo away all doubt iui to its olflcloney tho iure relief uiat comoi will convince you more than anything that can bo writ ten when help li no sure why suffer this matchless remedy in iold by dealers everywhere leslie jhfahn practical furrier furs repaired remodolled cleaned all chargii rcannnablc oooda made to order wyiulham street xlioue gs hlcull ontaltlo over maiioii a itbwih mora hi turning away finin ilfit ad yet with all hln profejwd denlre afuir ouuiial llfor-tlua-iuan-loved-jnonoy-hcttcr- than his soul ho went away grieved v 311 but ho went to return no moro let ui uuurd ugahlst uio lovo of money- it li a inaro to tho f straitened nioamv aiilt is tothoio who arcricll and welltodo it in not however hav ing money an trusting in it land letting it havk ua which ruins tho soul the hlgheit wldom in these things la to bo of ono mind wlui paul when he udd i have learned in wliatnoevor state x mn therewith to bo content phil 4 11 t have tlio children nound uni healtliy is uio first ooro of a mnthor they cannot bo healthy if troubled wlui wornii uj mothor craves worm ex terminator hakes hens lav guaranteed or your money buck with for umrulptxilfry pockf thnr a iair uiutr yon aak lilni nr wrlu dlrat te u iric ud nearuut duulajr nam on rgunjit pratt pood co ot canada iul 32b carlw av toronto out hold in aetou by w i taluot since they had managed to navo most of tho furniture an well that darky woman only knew that there had been a baby there well x guess xvo blundered ogam iiaid billy mlsorably x i think id better resign sir noiimmntr laughed tho martinet and he uld a hand on the boys slioulderj my boy tho kind of blundering that braves danger without stopping to cal culate s a splendid foundation for you to build on now i think that when you i get more accustomed to this now life you wllfbo loss norvous and rattled never mind what thoy call you bumpus you have the making of an officer and remember i said so again billy hod to blink fast to bavo his dignity j lliats all said the commandant with a twinkle except that 1 sliall expect you and mcdougat to report at my quarters next bunday for dinner j mckenna and lafontaine central ontario sporting goodi athletic club sporting ooodfl olub imocs jeiiijrua btooicinaa and au sporuntf bqulpmeni hookev buintles tennih oomplotoly oiltnlud mahcon1 radios bkutfl bharpenlnir wid juveuntf w1iolksau eetalt rhono mar mud ims glieuh ontario enjoy your fdrrrtkfokcetir cilson automatic oil burner will hate your home warm atoal tor the morning just set your stat kick off ybur shoes and forget all about heating worries it costs so little to put the new gilson magic oil burner in your home why not do it no more dust ashes or shovelling for yours l of our customers gentlemen tlic moic oil burner in hatiafnctory nnd no trouble to run it hi hcutcd my houtie all winter qs cheaply an coal mm c dundas southampton ont cilson oil burner suits any heating plant installed without altera tions so that coal fire can be built as formerly should electric current or oil sup ply fail htiat controlled automatically by thermo stat very silent abso lutely safe extremely economical fully guar anteed ask for booklet gilson automatic oil burner and sec demon stration w f mooney mill ktuixt acton ontauio ready to help you the fin ul shipment o tnji fnru prcss stock of personal cliriatmasgcciitiil c nrrivoj on saturday and they are now ready for your inspec tion ntw artistic and popularly priced this is tho finest assortment wolnivotver orfered our- ptronsiivpcnionalgreetinhcard3 1 a new lino just shown this year is nil assort ment with every card in tho lot different they come attractively boxed in 25 und 15 to tho box and tho prices quoted include- your name- and address printed on thorn plain designs of beautiful workmanship others more elaborate and highly colored most of thorn with beautifully lined envelopes a whole stuck to choose- from in the moderately priced ones mid a very- fine showing in tfop higher priced lines they urcnt half displayed in our window tho best way to select is to come in- early vwhilo tho ussortment is full wo cannot duplicate our present stock when it is exhausted and every year wo aro sold out at tho- prices wo quote personal christmas greeting cards are not a luxury thoy range from 150 for ono dozen and 225 for two- dozen up to 375 per single dozen and 400 for ordors of two dozen tho assorted boxes are priced at 300 and 350 and of course those prices include tho printing of your name and address thoy aro all ready to sent when we deliver them to you just address them und thoy carry your greeting l propriatoiynnd with dignity may we impress again ouber now for best choice p arthtt 3flro tyxtm phono 171 artbtlc printing mill st acton time tabjjes at acton nadian n ootnf but no 36 dally oxcopt sunday 703 ajn no 30 dally oxcopt sunday 1143 jun no so dally except bunday 018 pjm no 38 dauy except bunday 8 47 pja no 24 bunday only 713 pjn going wm no 31 dally except sunday 734 km no 30 dully except sunday b10 urn no 33 dajly exeopt sunday 3m pjm no left dally except bunduy elbpjn no 37 dally oxcopt sunday 724tjn no 30 dally except sunday 1031 pjn no 38 sunday only lojsaan mo 20 will tttap only on slgnal no 3d will ntop only to dlscharire p- npiiaara from toronto and cant canadian national electric uaiiavayh wtmotound dally except sunday 818 am dally 1018 ajn lially 111 pjn dally 310 pjn dally obapjn pftulluuum ntpw dally 131b jn uutihauna dally oxcpt sunilay 733 jn- dally o30 m dally 1333 pjn- dally 333 pjn jly tssspjn dally b 33 pjn dally llsspaa toronto terminal ktwla street and hu clair arenb prolltht delivered by apoclal oxpreg fnilirht ltoltrht plrlced up wt any md- ilrcjui in toronto btis wkktnohjnd 5 loanm 5i o im dally uxcopt uiintlayu mid hollduyit nobpm llimdnyn und holkliiyi y 1000 pm kahtllounh dully 035 nm g 3 001u1 j a oo pm notick owlnir to tho uiuuro condition of a part of tho townllno botwern tho town- whlpi of nujuiiigiiwoya and puslnch op- poiiltu lot ifl and part ot lot 14 hi niuuiiicawoya and tho rcrout oxpnnso or rcpalrlnur tho iiiuno notice in hereby biv- an that tho council of tho township of niuisrkhwoyu will proceed lotfally to cloiw thu oald portion of townllno and dovlato thb finmn throtiuh landi in tho township of puflllnch with tho coniumt and oo- opo ration of thn municipal council of tho townnhlp of piijillnch any punoit havlntf a juit reason for oppoalnk the fiald clmniio of road can bo hoard nt tho mootliiga of tho najutaffa- wcyu council in lw jioia november 17 und dccombor 15 joiin maxuhiall township clorkr november 0 1030 iq4 h b ii jpaintingand house decoration g raining a speciality irompt attention hutlhfactton coanlnteed knilmate given tkikihonk na ricuaitd ii blanche box 3rd aotoa 1 savage co watches diamonds china glassware engagement and wedding rings 1 guelpii ontario bl wjnduua u