waom two the acton free press thunaday wjpeyber 10so kfittk the houe op hr artan jtrtflr0b umui ootrloqubi dm a ion c w m a the acton kttee ikkl ubllali ry liulmtnir uill straot acton ontario tli ailatrition pried la oo per year in wince poataga a charged additional li offuaa n tiia unltcl slate tha ilata 1 vlwch aultacrlptlona are pulil la indicated on tho adrireaa label advertising hatks ior amh aed advarllaanteilla and in tlinr culu rataa will l found at head of colun play ftdvcrtlalnif ratca on application iclaaal- g a dills editor and tvoprlatur tkleihonek- ktlttorul and ihialnai ueimenca make life easier for somebody this is a hard world for many people philoso phers statesmen sociologists religious leaders and others are making suggestions as to how it can bo improved these suggestions arc worth our most careful consideration but without waiting for them to bo worked out there is n practical question we should till ask ourselves arc we hi our own little corners making life easier and pleasantcr for those we meet or more difficult and painful there nrc students who make life a weariness to their teachers sons and daughters who make life a burden to their parents workers who arc n thorn in the flesh of their superiors theories of revolutionary changes that will improve the world arc extremely interesting it may be that some of them will work it is certain however that here and now each one of us can make life easier and happier for somebody chrwtnuih shopping its christmas shopping time right now the ad monition to do it early is now one that can hardly he applied in three sort weeks the festive season will bo with us in the stores and all about will be fodnd the evidence that the christmas season is now at hand taken leisurely the christmas shopping can best be done and most profitably a study of the advertisements will often solve a gift problem and the economical side is best served by the same applica tion window shopping is another nid in the same direction but possibly not quite as comfortably curried on in these colder days these are days also when the where of all shopping is considered by the true canadian who is intent on building up his com- iminity dominion and empire bo all your shopping possible at home from canadian or empire mndo products it is a progrinime of helping yourself by applying your immediate assistance to your nearest neighbor the pla is worthy of a fair trial 1 ts surprising how quickly your dollar returns when you dont send it in too wide a circle a season of hvlpfuliicau the appronchiug christmas season is a time of yenvwhen the opportunity arises to spread choor in mhriy circles is afforded there are opportunities on every hand for helping those in less fortunate ciicuni- stances with commendible spirit the acton true blue lodge has undertaken to carry on the com- inunity christmas tree it is a lot of labor tmd some expense but surely the delight of the children on christmas eve when santa clans arrives mote than compensotei for the labor and expense involvqd the community spirit clusteied around the ev is certainly worth perpetuating at all events olftside the joy for the kiddies there are other avenues too for the gift spirit if you have been among the for tunate ones who have had blessings innumerable throughout the year your good fortune can be shared with some one upon whom the year has not been o profusc the home vhcre sickness hiikbeerrtnlikmrh inroads or unsteady employment has cut down the revenue the death of the breadwinner of the family in many places the chriutmustido gives one the op portunity to share with those in less fortunate cir cumstances its a spirit too that bus a joy of its own when it isnt confined too closely to the family circle canada exportation of wheat and flour from august 1 to october 30 1030 shipments of wheat from canada totalled 75240000 bushclai to 2p countries and shipments of flour in the same period totalled 2175273 barrels to 13 countries the british is w the largest buyer of wheat and flour having taken 4l 807 s5 bushels orfd vvibt lknrrclvrcspec tivclv germany was the second best custo for flour with 388215 barrels on to a uigger task premier ferguson will leave ontario to be tho canndian high commissioner in london while office in ontario he carried the conservative party to tho height of power and while we have often questioned his actions one his muthods of achieve ment ho is admittedly a strong- force and has found favor with the electors of ontario he goes to loudon in a high task he is vigorous and euthusius tic in whatever he undertakes and he will carry these powers into his now position and a determination to represent canada in the heart of the empire it is u bigger and worthwhile task and all truo canadians will wish him success in his new position editorial notes the blasting process to the worlds markets h making a lot of noise at least but real accomplish ment seems lacking customs returns continued to show a decline at thcr iort of toronto but early spring may lead to better business and customs figures is the prediction of the official in charge the biography of premier ferguson is to be writ ten within seven days the book will be 35000 words in length these are days of speed a lifetime is gathered together and published within a week two drunken men in a stolen automobile collided with a roadster and seriously injured the driver both cars were wrecked even the befuddled brains of two drunken drivers are not capable of managing a motor car old mother earth always a buxom figure now weighs six sextillion a six and twentyone zeros tons sir james jeans the noted british astronomer gave that estimate of the earths weight in an address recently the plea to cease the cry of depression and hard times now emanates from the political quarters where it was a few months ago the pet it would appear that the pet has grown stronger than the keepers would care to have it trafalgnr township council has rescinded the lesolution by which it agreed to pay the lire brigades of bronte milton and oakville when they attended fires in the township they apparently arent pro tectionists in the southern township last week the walker ville brewery and the hofer biewery of lasalle had their licenses suspended this makes a total of five breweries who have been suspended for violating the liquor control act the selection for customers in the brewers warehouses is narrowing down a noted violinist packed a concert hall in boston the other evening to hear him play the next day jlressed os an old manheplayed the same selections on the streets and in the lunch rooms and collected 127 lie played the same selections nnd tho same violin in both environments according jo a report in the milton champion the county council reached no definite decision as to the published statement that the 500 salary of the assis- tanfclerk and treasurer would be met by reducing the salaries of the present officers the matter has hefii under discussion for over a year its almost time some sort of decision could he arrived at an accident which came within a fraction of being a fatality occurred at one of the most dangerous level ciosungs in this distnct lost week the approach to the electric and steam crossings at the dolly could be gieatly improved with little expense is it neces sary to have a ditulity at both these crossings hefore they are rectified much of the highway work being done would be better diverted to improving places like this a calgary man gives the following definition of i gentleman it isnt just the same as one would magine fioin a perusal of a voters list sometimes amairthats clianinside andout who neither looks up to the rich nor down on the poor who can lose without squealing and can win without bragging considerate to women children and old people who is too brave to lie too generous to cheat and too sensible to loaf and who takes his share of tho worlds goods and lots other people jmve theirs is my ideal of a true gentleman chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the rr praaai by v qwknpollnk p c it really lookn an if wn hud kt winter u l liml and while it 1 hardly rcnionublo ti complain about t nlnrnwo liav lind such a protructtid pall yl i mipixuio thnr rually aro tvw uoanlo who iknnntly wnlromo tho udvont of uld wuuir 1urlmrwi ithoulcl nay uxropl tho children our klddloii at any rale am hllariouii ovor urn fact that thoro in a ullffht covrr- lntf of miow no tlmy can imvo a ktod tluio with their hilifhu and nnow litflru just funcy in n fnw mora duyu w nhall bo liito docmnhoh i am really httlnif animimrutc on of theim um i am mini i hulu lako all tho colcndom off tho wall mid liklo thorn until nftr ohrliitmiui ttvory way i turn it iiucraii naruhlnif ilicurrii ymfrot mo with a ru in liulnr that only a fnw morn wuclc remain to do tho mimhcrlim uttlo john and hltf john which alwayn huvo to bo douu at thli tlino oh for a ityiitimatio nronrtunini iul the opportunity to ittlclc to it i do no udmlrti methodical pioplo yiii tutmlni nnd rnvy thorn iqo but uliui it ihtmii boyoiul ma to copy thtmi tjjco thtll wok for inn ian en iurt- mr and i hud all aarln of ool tntontlona but very few of thorn materialized ono day two frlcndii from icnrland droppud in unexpectedly md that wu the end of work for that day then w hud iv nmh order for a number of chlckenit we were very glad of thii ordor of counic but illll it wail not quite tho work wo itud tpluxmud for that day tiiejiduy nluht our nix younu hetfeni decided not to come home in lino weather they iituy out if they want to but thin nluht it fitnrtud to ntorm io pai tner and i went heifer hunting in tho imow and wind we wtolicd that nluht they hud been anything but ayriihireu becuufie being white mudo them no much harder to find then wo hud to mukn a round tho hulldlnui in neurcli of pojulble ittny chlckemi we found about half a do win imd tho irjuawk they did lit behi citiihl wan enough to waken the imvon illecpcru wndneduy nluht we were junt yolnu to bed when there wiui a mont blood urdllng yell from lipitnlm wo both went running up and found daughter molly in in awful iitute uhlvorlng and rying but quite uimblo to tell mi jiut then what it wiui all about except that her head wiui uching wo brought ho- down iitalri and after awhile got her culmed down but i wiui hoirlfled to find that ihe hid a temperature of 103 and could not think why wlnm there wuu nothing wrong with her when flho went to bed eventually wo found that film hid got heittelf pioperly worked up over wine moving pictures that had wen put on at tht school with a view to making children more careful and thua avoiding a lot of unnece ary accidents the pic tures muit certainly have been very reuthtlc und if they were mippcvied lo make u hidtlng lmprc ilon they certainly did that nil right with molly at all events it ll a pity for her peace of mind thnt ulie lr 10 impniiilonuble one week he had a piece of memory work to do at home und becuuio it wa nad jiu could not get on with it at all molly won nick all the next day after having given iri mich a fright the night before thvt put an oner to all preconceived plaint for that day now thlngn have nunc or lew returned to normal but ulu the week h gone and wo aro that much nearer chrlttmiu while wo ore on the mibject of unpleaiant toplci x might mention the fact that ono day we found the tax bill ntuck in tho door and found it hud hold bn to its perennial cintom of going up ten dollars every year- al- moit before wo had regained coniclou mr threiiher cuno in to calltict lili bjll and wn collapsed uguln thus it goes on and ugalu i nay why mu it tjixeti roino due at ohruitmas cant oipeblmlydo homcthlngvmust ohrlntmti4 time and taxtime come to be nynonym- oils termji x ti omblc to think of the ultimate remit if grain keepi going down jind tnxen keep going iipthu world will uqunbci ullol bcrooim ft dtlnm whati j ye iterday i went to a meeting of e daughteui of the kmpiro und heard a very interesting paper op canadian women of note l m montgomery wui brought into it an author whom work much admire i iuppoe i mirt luivo been thinking about her ufterwardu any way i wont to bd and dieiuned a nioitl idlcu oir dream with i m montgomery as the ccntiul llgure it appealed she had bien aiiked to upeuk at a meeting ami iiho nnd her hiriabnd and ctilldr n all came in n buggy und put the hor o up in om nt tble instead of the two iion i hleh iihe urluiilly luii oinlem i am mlilnfoinmd thero wore live giiln two pahs or twins and an odd one and th v ill parked into the bugicy i3u i hell mothei was the greattiit nhoek foi n my diomu ihe wm nmall and derldedly frlvoitlmi i wlttf hair that was obviously very much hemmed ind miirrelled und i rrmenihei how badly i felt to think my lleal of the author of anne of areeu giihliii hid been ui uidely jihattmed fiut hv rhldren were perfect they woie all an pretty ns u ploture unit tlinlr do- poitmnt was beyond leprod homo day i irope to meet l m mont gomery in the lie ill ancf i am alio if i do i iliull ijmcmhnr thl4re of her and ftmlh rlminlsecntly ut the cnntfaiit ejiiw mint lly i huarpjrtnor com ing ho hi going tit drive mo into town und i upi kupponcd to bo ready i 10 not cut untt christmas uy uahdara b idrookfl yuletido cjce- fojitlvo with holly mellowed by tlmo and dollnlouft by nature i how wn llko them i in uiu earlhat ritirdii of foot hiiitory wo find indofld a kein approelatlon of theno fruit- ld wrrli mven mforo tile hivaaloit of christianity into tho scandinavian ormtrleii aketi madci with honoy w pmtm n t trn at in hriw t tin gratj god tlior who tiinpurmuntally controlled tile fate of thn landu later on tho giktd queun ellziitxth thoroughly bitireited in the atmwiphorn of learning which pervaded england in her day orderod her plumcakes to bo ombolmd in uugury ngurua deplctlntf tho fall of troy maaterpiecmi of culin ary art have ninco pruitted through many changej pr u it oaken may now bo pur- rhiuud from tho baker or caterer or oven in thin rom tho nhelves at our grocery ntoru the niodtrn rakra aro excel lent but many lunlscwivea ntlll enjoy making their own fruit cukeit uulng a recipe which jian lood tho ut of tlmo an tho duyii between now and tho twenty- rifth of december are growing fewer tho cuko iihould be made carefully wrap ped and utored away in tho extru bruad- box und marked not to bo cut until chrlitmaii a recipe lit given hero for a fruit cako which calif for a aweetenlng known long before there wan mieli u thing oil a writ ten recipe honey in thin iiweetcnlrft and it bail tho added advantage of help ing to keep the enkr molnt iion10v allllltan phuit cak1c vi cup honied oraugo iitrlps cup honied grapefruit utrlps 1 cui cuulled ehorrlcii ucup aprlcotii flaked u cup prtmeii iioaked vj lb chopped flgn y lb rairdnu mi lb chopiwd daten vj lb currants l cups lioney 1 cup nhortenlng j cup blown mi pa i 3 egufi beaten well 1 cup bum 2 cups flour m teiuipoon tada 1 teuiipom cream of tartar u uusiiooii cloven u teaspoon albipice uiuiikion nalt k tcaiipoou clnnumon teanpoon nutmeg 1 chp chopped walnut mcatfi 1 cup chopped pecan nut meats i cup chopped almondu mi cup eolfee por treatment of ciikod bugm in cowii or garget nun dougliui ilgyptlaiy lini ment the nil ink nutn rommly uuvoh tlmo and expuiihn itoventi bemlnhnd ntoek mix all fruit and pour honey over it lot ntniid ovr night if poafllblo orcam shortening and brown nugnr add eggs and bran 81ft together kll dry lngrodl- cnu having one cup to mix with nut moivth add flirted dry lngredlenu to eroamed mixture aluinmtely with tho honied fruit to which tile coffeo liaa jmhii uddkl mm nuttt drtnl8d with t- inalnlng dry lngredlenu liako nlowly 22t logrhti fahrenheit for three hoti b1 p u llrmd with wiioaulpiucxrlvgj move from oven und pour warm hiuy over topa of cake3 wlieu cool wrap in heavy waxed paper utoro in covered crockn or bread box yield- j cake ouch 2 lbn ii an of to hixiiour day lliittle orcrk mlchlgull nov 22 tlio icollugg compiuiy worldn urgent manu facturers of readytoeat cercala through h j ilrown iteuldeiit tumouncod to day that in jui effort to relievo tho pri- eut uuemployim nt nlliintlon all plant employieii of the kolloyg comikuw will change from rui eighthour working day to a ubchour day elfectlvo dokcnibcr 1 the plant will continue operating 24 liouru u day but tho move will enable the compiuiy to immediately employ approximately 25 more people addition tho biuu rate or pay will bo lncremted iuivai o unit tlio new mini mum wage rate per mule employee wil bo 4 00 u day with an averago dally wage of approximately 40 the plan huii bien under herloiui coiuilderutlon for miuiy week by w k kellogg and our other executives iitated mr brown the chaiitfo liavlng been decided upon only after long nd careful ltudy we are rtoeivlng tlio wfaolc- heurted cooperation of our employeeu in our denlro to give more work to more pi ople while nctually reducing tlio number of working houni wo will in addition have lncrciued the bale rate per hour of our employee i 12 i meaning that oven with the khorter working period and the greater opportunity for recrea tion and enjoyment tho actual purchas ing jkiwer of our employees dollar com pared with liuit year will bo greater i he kellogg oorppany woji onu of the llnt in iho united ota ten to adopt the eighthour uhlft three tililfta a day thji new chance in made ut n tlmo when the company bunlneius for tho yitar li ahead of that of tho banner year of d und is rhowlng a very definite up ward trend on easy fjtuekt when young pooplo aro looking for kany gtreet it is a iad algn if a boy doc not llko to play hard but prefers mimo game that will tax neither muscles nor brain his parcnu uhould consult a physlcluu ah a rule children not us who are older an admirable example tar whatever they do thoy do with all thclr mlglit it yuu axcjll0chlkldqhot plckont the course you think cosiest if you ore out of kehoo do not confine your read ing to tho fteiifiatlonal talea in which tho story carrion you along as the cur rent of a jitream carries a piece of drift wood your future depends very largely on your ability u make your brain work and do hard work too rosy btreot seems to eomo young pgple a very dejilrable place of residence nd so it la after you set to be sixty orlo uut earlier in life it is unfortunate to get too far from tho thoroughfare named tltruggle junt keep in mind the word koonovolt jiald uiab there has never yet heru a man hi our hlntory who led a life of ooo whone name u worth remera- berlntf why makk llaitl wottk of good manneilh the girt wlio beglnii piano practice in extremely conncioim of her fingers her thunn in ulwuytt getting ln the wuy the ringfinger is no weak that it li of little nervlre nevertheless if he keep4 up lirr practice long enough idle forgets all about her lingers they do their part automatically tloine young people are constantly try ing to be polite nnd their munnerit show the great train of course thu li nccesmiry win n wo are acquiring tlio hublt of tourtety but sufficient practlco iimuld make it automatic tlio trained pianlfit in not obliged to keen her eyes on her flngerx in fact nhe does not give them any attention at all courtesy if properly practiced noon becomes such aiecond nature that it will art natural ly without any thought on our part however thin never happens with thane who rotrrvo then good manners for upeclal occiuiloim one famous pianist declared that if ho omitted his regular practice for a day ive noticed the dif ference if it was interrupted for two duyu his friends notlctd umc tiling wrong for three tho public knew it oood minnern aro ulwuyit an elfort when they nro occasional it in only when coruitantly practiced that they become econd nature choice golden 11antam corn no 2 tin vflei 20 20 20 2t choice sea king chaleau loaf cheese hordenh coiulenmd m1xk2 new smyrniinatjiral maconochie5 choice sweet tender engliih peels lemons per pound orange per pound cutmixed per pound natures best citron peel pound 7 lencia raisins net auilrolun 2 pound bleached sultanas a yc california pouhdjf seedlesajraiiins oq auiralln 2 poundi reclearied currantsno autralian 2 pounds glaced cherries aq french red pound glaced pineapple ofj- baasetti i pound shelled al valencia pound aimiicots issia f 21 dates nw 2- 2fte ciirrollu noalum 111 tin 24 i mm at si r tlfji4m currollo own r iify lb jt 4 it4sl wv1 21- louf f i bk m atajhtair crrll sllrml f rlaipni viiiii vvia u m5 nill lires vlmonds ofy- the flneat firstowlnk cuts shreln j srcalh eagle h rand jululkorritds crwrohvom snglinh style 1 1 ll4 eem 4 2 lbh 2 7 mamd a llowtilvmtu old fpff targe glass measuring cup an accurately graduated green cu gre tjlsu meaiurlngcup with pitcher louring lip free with any elloggs products thlf week 5pcll l lyi bath tablets md by ilmollv lor hard wtr 2 for i c s- r for billlbnllklng j t xjo aluminum 3 pad pkd 1 4c cleanser carrolli nonabralive pkg 8c stqve polish staon bottle 1 5c lemon oil powjh hawevbtl 23c silver cream ideal r 25c texas grapefruit 4 for 23c mill street acton ontario xtrfansi m