Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1930, p. 3

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thursday december t lgso the acton free pre89 paob tfnm aitye jffrpp rpaa ljart gtnru at chipperton curve- uy if i otrvkltand 4a-r- is tho quiet follow that nro i always thlnlcln aald ivr- leg sponccrbox to hid audi ence that bon orally alldo through tho tight places without a wreck thcyrn always gottln ready for trmiblo and when it cornea olf the h witch and hltm uio main jim theyre ready for it oajllopo johiiion of the oriental bxprcu run had suffered a buclc wrock at siding 31 ills advocated in the roundhoujio were insisting that ho had betiii given too fast a runningcard for ills train but icglcgn comment wan this calliope aint ever lookln for trouble consequently he aint ever ready for it calliopes so fond of talk in ho gotslpsi with himself when he cant uot anybody else to listen so ho aint over ready for tho red lights whrti they pop out of tho fog even humpy itonch wiper in the roundhouse where the unglue crows wore awaiting their night runs was forced to atop his work and listen to thin unuiual how of eloquence from iniglojh llpi injtflojf was tho only engineer on tho division with a wooden leg but he was so capable and clever an engineer that the company liad ignored his injury and ho hold ono of tho prized fast mall runs humpy was a cripple himself tim big hunch on his back gave him his nick name ho wan a sensitive lad of eighteen with hlg brown eyes a curly mass of brown lwlr over ills forehead and llpi about which there always hovered the waif of a iijnllo as if nature hud in tended to compensate him for tho scar ho bore ho wrm endowed with extra ordinary physical strength and a mind as quick in action an the play of lightning over dry plains ills ambition wan to become an en gineer not iui engineer who merely opened and shut his throttle and con trolled tho air but ono who know every part of the mechanism under him who could detect with tho ear tho sllghtent trouble who could repnlr and build and to this end he had studied and was studying holding his ponce biding his time haunted with tho fear which a brutal foreman had once put in hu heart that humpll keep you in tho round house all your days humpy know the p ecu hurl ticfi of every ono of tho twentyfour locomotives that came under his notice at sheffield roundhouse and ho loved them all tho more for tho fact that they were 10 much ilka human belngn iio was fond of poir- irg too who in tho two years tho boy had been a wiper had never referred to his deformity peglog talked little but drew largo pay and hit unwonted speech this night forced humpy to- turn from lit of tho eastern limited to llsteiv ail ho want on with his work tho fore man of tho roundliouo came in and called to him let her go tonight shes gain to tho shops in tho morningl there bnt anything wrong with her said humpy with somo surprise in his volco no but shes goln to have a detacher put on and bo shlftod to tho occident rim she can get up and get fllo dan tho occident run won tho fastest tho company had tho passengor train cover ing four hundred mid miles at an average flpecd of fifty miles an liour but having many places in throe divisions whnro it was ncceiuiary to drlvo the engines at hovcntyfwe and eighty mjlcn an hour luordwto maintain tho ftvemrearwd and moke tho stops on ho j rat divi sion out of sheffield one hundred and twentyseven miles in length there wore throe stretchfti one of them taking in tne broad curve at ohlppoiton whnro eighty miles an hour was regularly reaoh- ed-for- aditano of t twrnty mllri humpy looked at oib with now respect ilo had alwayu admired her linos and do felt that a just honor had been be stowed upon her ono hundred and twenty tons of broah and steel hut what was a detacher during his work that night lie asked several engineers and finally ono explained a detacher lit a levor placed on an engine which is attoclicd to tho coupling of tlie first otfacli now suppose you were goln into a bad mui when you were kitten along at a mile -a- minute tilln- vfm eapt wlnp your anachlnc quick glneers were fined for losing time except uirough on net of providence the com pany lost money lr theno trains wero late and every effort was mado to keep their engineer up to utandard iegieg came in ono morning for ho had been transferred to tho occident run mid told how his speedier had shown eightyeight miles iui hour at ohlpperton nnd how against hall ami nlcet ho mado up sixteen mliuius and kept to ills ruiw nlng card couldnt see tho will couldnt see the targets he sputtered to humpy but i gave the old lady every pound of steam we had and let her go i when wo reach ed the top of devon hill wo junt jumped right off down the other ulde and went raring through meadow at wventytwo miles an hour three days later at woven in tho evening an hour before tho occident wits to fly eastward the roimdhoiiio wiui empty except for qui and humpy the boy was working ummually early that night bocuuno the company was iihort of labor half a doen engineers were laid up with sprains and bruits tho- force of firemen was only half what it should bo and tho entire division owing to tho florceiiiwi of tho winter wan in a sadly crippled condition luddenly a door how open and tho foreman walked in ho was growling to himself and to tho empty engine stallu 1 humpy mannged to nmko out that peglog was sick threatened with pn6umonla and that glu which was to tako tho occident out was at unit late hour 1 without an engineer and fireman i ive kent for calliope johnson roared tho foreman but wlierou a fireman ive got to have a fireman i he waved his anm in a rage andhls eyes fell on humpy buy mild ho youre goln to flro for calliope tonight oet gill ready cal hope will shoot in within a quarter of an hour you may havo to double back oct u hiibtlal llre 1101 humpy could hardly bollovo his sense ail he grubbed ills rough coat and scarf and swung into tho cab of tho mogul he knew jwt how team should be got up when tho safety of oil would pop if she had an overload how to handle tho gratci and nhnkor all tho btudy and experience of pant montlis flashed upon him and his nnrcles tightened for his twlc calliope ciuno growling and fuming ho said ugly things of tho company and his superiors almoit nolnolevily olfl rolled out into tho yards and down to tho station where nher was coupled to the occident tho prixo train of tho road filled with men and women some on pleamuo bent uome hastening hast on business tho night wiu uuimitoly cold but tho uiow which hud fallen during tho day luul ccad and a pale moon threw silver over all tho oortv tho signal was given and tho short chugs from the ntock of oil told that she wuil 011 her way hard as was tho work humpyu hoart was filled with delight at tho opportun ity to do it as ho spread his coal watched his gauges or leaned out from jhu cabdock to catch tho glittering safoty- nlgnabi the nolso of tho engine cumo ni sweet music to his ears calliope wiui still in boil temper think ing moro of tho overtime ho was putting in than of ills perilous duty still 010 wan making splendid time and tho pros pects were fair for her ending tho first division according to schedule humpy was perspiring freely and covered with grouse but ha wan doing his work npeni dldly- calliope had 110 fault to flndwltlj tho uteam tho ring or thb boyu watch fulness of tho signals por one wlio had novor llrcd ho neomed to know tho divi sion uko a veteran putf ina- and piultlng on tho westbound track tho truck parnlled to the one tho occident was on two locomotivcii were the sunday school lesson foil suniay dkckmueit 7 op ohitlhtfanitv oolden text they ehoewt stephen a man full of faith and of the holy spirit acts ft 5 lesson text acts fl 710 7 84flo study also chapter 7 commit vn 50 00 time a d 3537 place jerusa lem r stephen tho pull mail icxiositlnn 010 the life of the early clirlitluii church was marred by suspicion and joulouiy no noonor did tho difficulty come to light than the apostles sought to sot it right a new board of officers wero appointed to look after tho matter tho duty of choosing thwe deuromi lay with the body of the church that of tho apostles with their installation the church in jerusalem displayed a gener ous fipirlt in tho hol o of its first deacons though it lntlit have been largely u jewish church every ono of tho seven ciiomii bears a greek name indicating their imlng of the orecliui jews it was these latur who luul made thu complaint that their widows we kind of treatment from a god- hating world matt 20 6j0l john in 24 ii stephen witnesses with ills ihoud 0407 unable to silence him by argument his wvmiaa strove to silence him by vloumoe haled before the banhedrln luj madu ou add that was uviig and unanswerable 1 1 is oppononts do- rlarel him to havo spoken blasphem ously uguliitit mtxicil and against ood tho reply he mado was stropg olid un answerable it laid open the heart of israel in all ageu and tho hearts of his hearers hut conviction is not conver sion and when men are convicted of sin they do one of two tilings- repent or got angry at tho preacher tho san- h drln did the latter and sentenced stephen to lie stoned they marred hh 11100 with brulies and blood ood made it to shine like an angels in u1i1 otherwise terrible hour of trial a won derful vision was vouclitifed him to suiitnln him as ho stretched his eager eyen thither wan heaven opened to them while he wiui still in tho flesh and ho saw the glory of ood and jesus stand ing ut the right hind of ood v b5 thin sight was granted stephen ti treugthen him for suffering and wit it using doulh no longer had any terrors until the lust stephen woi a faithful and ftarlewi wltntss no howling mob could stop his testimony and what a glorloiii testimony it lsl thorn in now a man in glory usually jesus in twenty years ago from the iwnie of fth hvo pro of tliuraday ieember 8 1010 ihui winter pair at ouelph is at tracting many of our citizens tliu order roqulrlng dogs to bo muzzled has been withdrawn thooplda ox mbbles has been stampid qpt the ivironto mine co has purchased the property of ii t arnold a hon at oliu lmwn including tho old mill property the water prlvllogo of thirty ulrei tlie house tunl barn a water supply for tho kilns will now be asstn and barn accommodation for men and teams neglected in tho dally ministration v 1 1 represented ai sitting at tho right hand h v tho result of the apostloji giving of ood kph 1 20 hob 1 13 but enough to prevent tho mlxup but you can save your train and tho people be hind you how why by brooking the coupling with the first coach that also break tho alrhoso and sots all tho brakes on tho coaches quicker tnan light ning tlie train ntopi and ttjo engine scoots on into tho smash if you arent killed the company writes you a tetter of thanks on pink paper and thats all there is to it when 01ft returned to tho roundhouse newly equipped humpy mado a minute examination bf tho detacher and taught himself just how it workod tho small lower which controlled it was placed oloso t6 thn alrbrako leior just whnru tli engineers hand could aulokly grasp it when danger appeared tho winter of 1037 was unusually novoro on the sheffield division snows wore frequent and heavy tho cold intense and broken rails many tho engineers of the past mall and the occident runs went through innumerable trying experi ences hi the effort to make their time aohedules on both these runs tlie en- themselves continuously to prayer and i hero ho li described as standing the ministry of tho word and of the eholce of such men an deacons was that tlie word of ood increumd and tho number of tho dlsclplci multiplied h jerusalem exceedingly and a groat com hi stephen icnteru heaven 57 10 ai tlio pitlleia stonoi fell upon him btephin continued praying phiying to joiini as jesus himwlf in drying had puny of tho prientit wrrti obedient to the mmmundvd his iplrlt to tho hands of faith v 7 tho two deucons first i lnn ther im stopheu now says to named stephen and philip soon develop- jw uoceivo my spirit wo cannot ed into mighty preachers as far as tho mi0 ullt thilt tno prayor was hoard record gws theno two deaconn oubitrlp- 1 iuh tlllli wllli stephens body dle pod most of tho aijoitloi even in roal liml ultimately crumbled into dust achievement for ood in stephon wo stephens spirit way taken by jesuit to havo ono of tho most romarkablo men bo wlth himself in conscious blessedness mentioned hi the whole of tho 111 bio his cluiructer presents a rare combina tion of strength and beauty rohuitncis and grace he was a remarkably fuu man pull of fulth v 0 full of gruce v o h v full of power v full or tho word of ood eh 7 204 full of tho holy ohot fl- 0 7 ofi full of love 7 00 full of courage 7 51 full of truit 7 50 ho was 11l0 notable man of prayer among tho men of tho hlble ho scorns to ocrupy the next place to chrht in beauty symmetry and completeneji of character he wns very like hli muster ho wiui full of faith 1 e ho had unlimited confidence in ood and hli word he believed im plicitly in certain of its statement re gardlnir the pat and ili promise con cerning the future iiu wiu abiolutely fearless of men or of consequence when gods word or ooils spirit bade him dp anything ho expected large thing of aod and obtained them he was full of gruco it v 1 o he was emptied of iielf of hli own will of hli own plani nnd the gruco of god hud come- in and of his own hoodncis of hi i own strength taken povicislon of his hcarb and affec tions and will and character and life this accounts for hh wonderful like- nrit to christ jeiiui waji living ills own lifo ovor nguui in stephon ho was full of power now grace and power nro not identical though all real power h a gift of grace many a man has tho traces of the spirit in rich measure who has not much of the power of tho spirit and vice versa stephen had both moit gracious wiui he in all his ways and woids most mighty was he in deeds and utterances ho wrought treat signs and wonders among tho people yet thli man liko his muster was hated maligned and ultimately murdered tho lie that was sworn to ilgalust him had an element of truth in it tho worst lies generally have they w11rb not anuc to withstand tiik wisdom and tub spirit ny which 1111 spake thin wok becaii lie wan full of tho holy ahost and woji according topromluiluk 3115 iiv quju likely saul of tarsus was among them of olliciu v 0 chap 31 ho who dis puted with him hut gifted in contro versy iui ho was ho wan no match for tho splrltflllod stephen who was so like hlt muster that ho roeelvod tho aamo just entering ohlpperton curve as tho long freight train buck of them colled ltsolf into tho curve with many a creak and groan a brakeboam on a- box car in tho middle of tho train dropped a car climbed it and ht tho rail four box cars followed this buckled and hurled thornselves on tho eastbound truck with an awful crash w por a moment alf won confusion then tho conductor remembered tho express tlie ocolclcntl lie cried plug thn occident shes due flag horl ajnkfiianrriiorwftrd to borrowa lantern from ono of the prcmen his own had been lott but ho hud not gone far before ho saw that he was too late ho could ohly lonp to one sldo and wait for tho inevitable just before reaching ohlpperton curve hlimpy had spread fresh fuel taken a glimpse of the flying landscape from tho left side of tho cab and for some reason ho could not explain walked ovor to tho engineers side and stood baclof cal liope where ho could seo tho inner bend of tho curve his eyes rested for an inatant on the shining bar of iho detach er and ho wondered how it would work then come a cry from tho lips of tlw engineer tho electric headlight had spotted the heap of box cars live hun dred feet ahead it was too lato to reverse to do anything but dash into tho wreckage no ono saw tho danger but calliope and tho boy at his aide who suddenly reached down grabbed a lover tnrow all his youthful strength kalntt it and separated trnui and locomotive tho brakes on tho train sot instantly passengers wnro tossed in every direc tion and window glass smashed into a thousand pieces by the shock but not oven a child was injured butjuqmro- leasod from her load leaped forward humpy hod junt time to catch ti tall calliope rolled from his seat to the deck having set his air although lb was prac tically useless in tho hundred foot that now separated 010 from the box car with a deafening crash 010 wont into those cars her speed was terrific en veloped in steam and smoke antallod by horrlblohqmiiliiuirowairoiiiuidiitpjltic humpy felt a sudden dhudness come over him ho blindly put out his hands and then was lost to all consciousness when ho again opened his eyes ho wan lying in ono of tho sleeping cars and a woman was holding hh aching head in her lap he noticed that somo of the people wore laughing and others wero crying cool cloths wero laid on his bruised face ho felt very weak but through his swol len lips ho managed to whisper is calliope all right tho engineer bruhed but alive stood before him and gently laid a hand on his shoulder im alive comrade he said it used to bo humpy and so is everybody on tho xralii and youre goln to live thoy owo it nil tb you humpy clotted his eyes and tried to think junt 1 what happened but ho could not ho heard some one say a purse should ha rained for him he feebly raised his hand in protest i dont want money ho said i want an engine ask them to give mo nn engine cf phil 1 3 stophen prayed an other prayer too one that ho had learn ed from jesus on the croon lay not this iiln to their charge cf lalka 33 34 ho had lived as his miuitor lived ho died iui his muster died mil inst two utterances were pi ayeri prayers patterned after tho dying prayers of jems lliko 30 40 33 34 ho had seen jesus at tlie right hand of ood and did not hesitate to uddrcas lilfi prayers to ono no clearly proven to be dlvin lovo uhono out wonderfully right to tho list moment lln can no longer stand he falls to hln knees benoutli tho pltl- lels clash of tlio stones ho summons all hh remaining strength and utten iv loud cry what h it lord lay not tuh sin to their charge ho wan in deed full of that spirit whoso flrat fruit li lovo oal 5 32 ma praye heard in heaven mid suul of tarsus a delighted spectator of tho murderou ceno became paul an apostlo of jciu christ having oirered this prayer stephen while tho stones crushod his body fell nuutly asleep ho did not dlo majoicity oil minohity there are few plcluiontbr experiences in life than being a member of a ma jority to feel that tho tide of public opinion or public feeling in with you rather than ngalnit you to iieo tho light of npproval in friendly eyes and hear your sugireitlon greeted with hearty good from a doxen throats is to tosto the sweet intoxicating ploasuro of popularity to which all of us are moid or levt susceptible and why shouldnt a man tiiko prldu in being n member of a majority in freo governments it is majorities that place men in off ire put policies into effect and tlo most of the worlds work they are proper and necessary for they represent power lawfully and efficiently applied a working majority la no idlo plinuto but beroruyouoongratulutu yourself on being of tho majority tuik yourself whether you are helping to muko the opinion of tho majority which alono gives it power or whothor tho majority is making your opinion whether in short you are swimming with tho ido morolyjmrai i i 1 l lacaalcrumd ploa- iiaii tor or are going that way because it is tho direction in which you roally wljh to head there are times in a mans llfo when ho cannot afford to bo of tho majority times when duty whispers low thou must and tho must moans opposition instead of arquioicenco those times com6 oven in school days when the occasion de mands that conscience rather tliau con venience luiswor tho coward utters his perfunctory yes or keeps atl biit courage tllsdalmi to wlthold its no oven thoughjt bo tho only ono to brenk tho sllenco and though jeers or laughter drown it it is in tho moral heat of such moments that chnrnotor is forged and tempered y if history touches us anything h bt that the minority of yesterday if it wun right is tho majority of today and as wundoll phillips said in ono of tho nohlcid sentences tliat man ovor utter ed ono on clods side is a majority help for asthma neglect gives as thma a great udvantago tho trouble onre it has securod a foothold fastens its grip on ten aciously dr j d kolloggs asthma uomody is dally benefiting cases of usthina of long standing yours of suf fering however might havo been pre vented hud tho lemedy been used when the trouble was in it first stages do not nrgloct asthma but use this prepara tion ut onre wayh op hhow1no hymiatiiy many of you are moro sympathetli than you care to admit you boys h particular may feel intensely sorry for some one in trouble and yet find it oxliemely difficult to put your feelings into words si luckily that is not hccoviury in deed tho people who hiiltt on sympa thizing with their frlcndi often harm more than they help a great many griefs are of such a sort that tho suffer er oiinnnt bear to have them talked about even in the kindest way if you show your sympathy by gentleness con sideration luid helpful acts it is more likely to be welcome in every ciuio than if you put it into words it luiu many quuiuinri the man who possossoi a- bottle of dr thomas icclec- trlc oh is armed against many 11 h it will relievo a cough break a cold prevent sole throat it will reduce the swelling from a sprain relievo tho mott persistent sores and will speedily heal cuts and contusions it is a medicine chest in ltsolf as a vermtfityjo offectlvo prepara tion is mother o raves worm extermin ator and it can lie given to tho most dellcato child without fear of injury to tho constitution national tho national 1- in service nnlu between toronto nnd winnipeg leaving toronto t30 pm dully arriving win nipeg h4 am second morning iter sudbury alccper u carried in this train information ttntl rcservo- hon from any canadian national agent n fitioiial the name is sufficient butternut bread rich hh ilutttr sweet aa n nut sold at following acton grocers kcd white j w jones superior store 0111v ncihoii co mm oakley w nwbitt factory at dominion bakeries limited gnelph ready to help you ag ffltns ffllfrigtituui tho flnnl shipment of tim frpii press stock of personal christmas greeting cards lias boen received and they are now ready for your inspec tion niw artistic nnd popularly prked this is thjlflnjjitiissmsmcitwejiaardbverorfex2duilr patrons in pcrsonnl greeting card9 a new line just shown this year is an assort ment with every card in the lot dilteront thoy come attractively boxed in 25 and 15 to tho box and tho prices quoted include your name nnd address printed on them plain dosiens of beautiful workmanship others moro elaborato and highly colored most of thorn with beautifully lined onvolopes a whole stack to cliooso from in tho modorntely prlcod onos and avery htro showlnghn thohigherpricodlinea thoy arent half displayed in our window tho best way to select is to come in early whilo the assortment is full wo cannot duplicate our present stock when it is oxhaustod and every year wo aro sold out at tho prices wo quote personal christmas greeting cards are not a luxury tioy rango from 150 for ono dozen and 225 fbr two dozen up to 375 por singlo dozen and 400 for orders of two dozon tho assorted boxes aro prlcod af300 and 350 and- of course those prices include the printing of your name and address they are all ready to sond when wo deliver them to yoii just address them and thoy carry your greeting ap propriately and with dignity may we impress again order now for best choice phone 171 artistic printing mill st acton time tables at acton goinff kaat no 36 dailycxcent4euddajfl70i ara- no 30 dally except sunday- 114sjn no 36 dolly except sunday 618 pm no 36 dally except sunday 847 pan nom sundayonly rr tixtuttr going vfemt no 31 dally except sunday 734 ftjn no 20 jonlly except sunday 010 ajxl no 33 dally oxoopt sunday 329 pjn wo 180 dally qycept sunday 018 pjn no 37 dlly oxcopt sunday 734 pjn no 30 dally oxcopt sunday 1031 pjn no 30 sunday only 1033 jn- no 30 will btqp only on algnol no 30 will btop only to discharge p- raiiffnnt from toronto and east canadian national elkctkio itailwavh wibound dally oxcopt sunday bisojxl dally lolflajn dally 11 8 tun ealy 310 pjn dally 8b8 pja dally d16pjn dally 1318 ajn ikaa bound dally except sunday 733 un dally dally dally dully dally dally 039i 1333 pjn 3 33 pjn 533 pjn 833 pjn 1133 pjn toronto terminal kraia slrtwt and sl culf avnufl 1roljtht doll vo red by apodal exprvaa frouiht irrelffht picked up at any 4- dreflji in toronto wkhtkounij oiy 108 pm daily 408 pjn dally oxcopt sunday and ilolldnyit b0b pjn sundayo and holidays oly 10 08 pm hahthoun1 dally d a dully 900 pm dally 0 00 pm sorrow leslie hahn practical furrier vurn nupalrod ncmodcllod oiiuum all oliamii roajtanablc ooodn mado to ontor 10b wjnidluua btrmt fhiuu mtw ouetiit ontajuo on muon t klmb blor painting and house decoration grnlninj a speciality krompt atintln bittthtaatloci guaranteed ukumaum given telkfllonk 119 richard h blanche 23ok 350 aoton savagelfeco watches diamonds china glassware engagement and wedding rings goelphtontarior m wtndhaln st subscrlptlom for all majrulnea taken at the free press ofoca

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