thursday djokwfelr 4 1830 the acton free press the comrattnitys social side of life vfetton to and vmm town darin the past week a gleaned by the free pjree mill hazel mcdonalh of tondon visited friend in the old noma here this week mr r d warren of toronto wu fan town on monday and visited friends in the old home councillor o ii harrison left yester day on a business trip to the western provinces and the coast mrs maud mcbaln left on tuesday to spend tlie winter months with her father at kamloops b g mrs august anderson visited for several days last week in toronto with her daughter mrs loyns mrs t h oommell of ouelph spent a fow days at the hums of mr and mrs alfred fryer llowcr avenue mr and mrs m o overholt of tor onto were guests at mr and mrs xi i johnstons over the week end mrs ooorgu h agnew attended tlio banquet of the women s institutes of central ontario at the iloyal york hotel in toronto last wednesday mrs herbert hull who had bocn in the western hospital toronto for the past month or so returned homo much improved in health on sunday mr hull who suffered the loss of an arm through an accident last month at the tannery of the sola leather division of lieardmoro leathers limited is now making vory fair progress at st joseph s hospital ouelph fc paoi rvb variety of news the ilalten peel uoojm of stern- j j jamlcson secretary treasurer of the halton peel house of itofllge gave tho financial statement at a meeting of pecj county council allowing receipt of 115 413 oft and disbursements at 14 640 14 it is estimated tho lioute can be run to the mid of tho year without further call for fund moneys from old age pensions diverted to pay tho board of inmates amounted to fl ms os for pool and halton wallterton piulork public ownership 1 he principle of public ownership of power utllltlei was endowed almost unanimously by tho electors of walkor- ton tho county town of bruce whin tliny passed on monday tho by law authorising tho i own council to make a contract with the hydro electric pownr commission a nicand by law author being the raisin tf by debentures of g3 000 to purchowt tlio looul distribution plant in unit t lwn wan alro pin cd with few opposition votcn new game prmcrvfl in halton ihu department of gamo and plihorles on monday po ted noticed at uronto declaring the formation of a game pro- sorvo on tho banks of the twelve mllo crock comprlilng an area of 400 acn nie new pronorvo is between the second and third concessions south of tho dundus highway and ixtunds one half mile on ciltlu r side of the river jtho district here which la ideally wooded abounds with pheasants and oilier wild life and will be known as tuo woodlands preserve canadians win in cattle oilvslonm at clifoago fred deacon of tjnlonvlllo ontario wan awarded tho i homos k wilson special prime of 1 000 for the bert two head of breeding shorthorns bull and female at tho international live stock exposition in chicago yesterday r a ttussell of downsvlew ontario won fourth place in tlui class for point ot shorthorn bull calves and in tlio milking shorthorn competition jonas uliigemon and bon of waterloo ontario won second place in the cow in milk class with ucta melods deacon a victory was accom- pluked with his bull olenburn field and the female olenburn urodhooks tlie xllngemoh family of wa scored another place victory when they won second honontlh tlie class for breeding cattle before august 1 1d3s taking chancer statistics show that hi every group of twenty live thousand people twenty one will meet death by accident during jhe year rhe fatalities due to automobiles are in the lead of course yet almpst as many are killed by falls many of these accidents ore unavoidable and others are due to carelessness on country roads warning of the nearness of railroad umci is jways given frequently wltli tho added admonition stop i lookl listen yet every year large number of people drive past these warnings upon the tracks and are killed tlie use of kero sene to quicken a sluggish fire accounts every year for a number of agonizing deaths ordinary oautlon would reduce the number of fatal accident very large ly j normal young people love life but iheyare dangerousiyready to take risks when out in the cor they try to beat the train to the crossing or to get over the cross street before the street car passes they handle firearms recklessly they change places when out canoeing and in innumerable other ways swell the number of tragedies that make up so large a part of tlie day a news if you love life guard h at least as care fully as you do your pocketbook do not risk it to save a few seconds of time or to oarry dut some whim of no especial importance acton flour and feed mills prices for this week bulk salt and it is no 1 salt we are aeljlng at per cwt miu cwc wkbtkrm baru7 per cwt bread flour per cwt 48c njs me ysiq d h lindsay prop 8000000000 esk the annual vain of poultry money in canada get toor aharcj by increaatuitf egg production and by givinc your bona a daily doa 0 poultry pkfiinaiytp 0 hma uy mara watt food co of canada ltd us cauw a toronto onl specials for this week at patterson s beef cuts hound steak roasts per lb sirloin roasis per lb porterhousl roasts per lb wing roasts per lb choice rib roasts not rolled per lb pork cuts tresh hams per lb side bacon by the piece per lb 23c and 24c 25c 24c and 26c 24c and 25c 20c 20c to 21c 10c laud and shortening lfic 30c 15c 29c bulk laud per lb bulk lard 2 lbs for 1 lb brick shortening for 2 1 lb bricks shortening for tiger catsup lur bottles lor icc pattersons meat shop we demvlr promptly phone 178 market reports daiby products quotations to shlppem these are toronto quotations batter creamery no 1 pasteurized 33 to 34 do second 30 to 33 above prices for goods delivered tor onto quotation to retail trade buur creamery no 1 pasteurized 34 to ss do second 31 to 33 churning cream fob country points special 33 to 00 no 1 33 to 00 no 3 30 to 00 pouitry and egos kt a car of substantial worth rroni nil over cumidu come letters from ford owners telling of the reliuiblity and economy of the car over and over again you read this significant comment im glad 1 bought a ford lonj eontluuous scivicc emphasized tho value of its sim plicity of design and the substantia worth that has been built into it i he passing months and years will confirm your first impression of quality and increase your satisfaction in its capable performance in everything that goes to make an automobile it is a value far above the price you pay because of this value the new tord leads all other cars n canada uy a large and increasing margin in many sections between 5q and 70 of all cars sqld are model a fords norton motors sales and service phone g9 acton ontario for this week 2 seedless raisins o lbs for loc 2reclenned currants oq lbs for ooc valencia raisins per lb 15 2stonoless dates oo lbs for zoc 48c 65c 25c jewel shortening 3s for pastry hour 24s for 5 hard cabbage for wo are taking orders for chrhtnus cake a lnw now leave your orher early new peel lemon and q orange per lb ioc citron peel por lb 29c shelled almonds ai per lb 1uc shelled walnuts per tb 40c glaccd cherries por lb navel oranges per dozen t sweet i y tfo for 40c 25c potatoes c ch red white store j w jones phone 26 acton ont quotations to country shippers deliver ed in toronto proah extras 4s to so do firsts 41 to 45 do second 38 to 30 quotations to rejall trade carton frvsh extras bb to co prcsh extras looso b4 to b8 do firsts 45 to 50 do seoond 32 to 33 quotation to hhlpprrm loultrjf- alive dressed up ring cblcknm 3 3 lbu 10 to 15 3 3li lb is to 30 leavy chickens- 4 5 lba 11 to 33 over 5 lbs 10 to 35 lotted hens over 5 lbs 17 to 33 do 4 to 5 lbs 14 to 30 do 3 ibn 11 to ib old roonurn over 5 lbs 11 to 16 young turkeys over 13 lbs 37 to 30 do 10 13 lbs j5 to 38 do 8 10 lbs 34 to 3 dulics over 5 lbs id to 10 do 4 5 lbh 13 to 16 quotations ubovo indicate tho general marltut range in value in eggs and poultry on delivery basis whoijsaic vfgitatuelh vegetables at wholesale houses are quot d bommtln 1otatov i per b ig 1 00 to 1 15 mahsfl miath wholuwuo dtulers lm dressed meats quote the following prices to the trudo ik of foreauartora cwt 0 00 to 13 00 do hlndguartem 13 00 to ib 00 garcassco choice 14 00 to 15 00 do medium 13 00 to 14 00 calves choice veal 17 00 to 30 00 heavy hogn cwt 12 00 to ib 00 light hogh rwt k 00 to ib 00 abattoir hogt 10 00 to 16 b0 mutton cwt 5 00 to u 00 elprlng lambs 16 00 to 1 00 llllklb and woof loronto wholesale dealers in hidci and wool are quoting prlrui to country ship iiern ai mllows city hdes green 5a per lb bullft and griuulit jc per lb country hld gn on 4c por lb cured 44 be per lb calfskins groin 10c veal kips la per lb calf tkln i cured 0 10c inr lb llortw hldiui no 1 and j 3 00 no 3 1 00 hor hair joo prr lb wool flat rate free of rojrctt lla per lb chain quotation or iln dealers on the toronto hoard of tnulo are m iking tho followlntt quota tlonn for rnr lot no 1 nortlu m 00 a no j nrthern g4jc no 3 n irtlh rn nominal no 4 northi rn nominal no 5 nor thorn nominal hay and stitaw i xtra no 3 timothy in cur loidft 15 00 to ib 50 no j limothy in car loadj 13 50 to 14 00 no i timothy 13 00 to 13 00 wheat i truw 10 00 to 00 00 out uraw 0 60 to 10 00 itotatol- ontario patitoes in bulk 70 7bc in hngn 10 n c new brunswick potatoes in bulk r5c bags 05c prince 1 dward inland potatoe i in bugh 05c anil maukrt quotationh cliplce laiivy i uers i 75 to 3fl jjutclicr ntth rti choice 0 b0 7 25 da fair to wood 5 60 0 25 do common a 4 b0 5 to butcher helfimi choice 0 to 65 do fair to jood b 60 0 50 do common 4 50 5 50 do cannert and cutters 150 3 to butcher bulln light cholco 4 00 5 00 do heavy 4 00 do bologna j 00 3 50 gown good 4 60 5 00 baby beef 0 00 10 00 pifdcrn choice 5 00 0 25 do fair to good 4 60 6 00 blocker cholco 5 50 0 00 oilvct good to cholco 1160 13 60 do medium 7 50 10 50 do graziers 4 00 0 00 springers 00 00 110 00 milkers 70 00 00 00 lambs owes por cwt 8 50 b 6 buck iambi fl bo 6 76 uhoep yearlings m 5 50 0 00 do choice 4 00 5 00 do culls 1 50 3 50 hogs bacons fob b 50 b 16 obhervatiow- scliool inspector to pretty teacher jdo you teach observation yes then i will toko tho class mow children shut your eyes and alt stul following tills uie inspector mode a slow whistling sort of noise and followed with now children what did i dor vor some tune there was no answer but ultimately one lltue boy piped out you kissed teacher m eyesexamined ventilation oh culab8 a great many potaues and roots will bo stored this autumn in the maritime provinces tho question of ventilation i for bins and storage cellars is a most i important one the potato tuber is a living unit and requires pure air for respiration this was demonstrated at i tho gharlottetown experimental sta i by putting potatoes in a glass preserve i jar and sealing it for a few weeks when the potatoes hud used up the air in the jar they died and tho vllo odor that neaped wlun tho jar was opened would convince anyone that potatoes i must have air to live tlio essential requirements for good ventilation in tho cellar are to provide sufficient intakes for pure dry air to maintain temperatures ranging from 38 degrees fahrenheit to 40 degrees fahrcn helt if pom ible and to provide outluts largo enough to curry oif surplus heat and impure air potatoes also require j storage in tho dork provision should i bo mode for cooling potatoes and roots rapidly when first blond by moans of other than tlio rtgular ventilators for tills purpose die doors and hutches may i ui left open at night during tho early autumn ulutted ventllau r shafu sliould xu nd along the n or of the oullur and up through the roots to an outlet vnr potatoes double ulatu d partitions be twot n ten foot bins provide satisfactory ventilation if outluts uro largo enough ilio v utllutors sliould bo fitted with j hinged doors so that tho orw nlngs can i be reduced or elott d when tho wuatlter bocomen severe experimental iarm note gifts for everyone at macdonalds no matter how long or how short your gift list may be bring it to macdonnld twith tho full assurance that you 11 and satisfactory gifts for everyone op that list hero are gifts for men women and children useful gifts novelty gifts luxury gifts home gifts and all well within your price limits mucdonald s have the answer to your gift problems monly fror you sewing at home women paid cash to make nocktlos for us at homo in spare time no wiling jjciul stamped envelope for reply american necktie company dpt 1 forest bill ivjrotlto rou men lies scurfs hose shirt sweaters silk robes houo coats rou women silk hoso lingcno scnrfs negligees hnudbags batlirobcs jewellery sweaters gloves toiletries handkerchiefs notcpnpers imported novelties 1 oft children sweaters toques scarfs gloves fioso novelty gifts toys for the home linen i fnncy laces 1 ancy towels runners cushions lumps pictures mirrora blankets comforters rugs novelties vacuum cleaners lmielllten thf 1iomf with cut flowers chhysanniemxjms and pot plants all acton ohown cyrlepuin eaeh ooe bi gunlu wax eacli 40c 25e ohrl tmaj peppers each 3ta biby larn inch 25e iti x bogonln each 40 o all kind of artificial denlgnn matlo up wren tha bprny x 11 lows crchltes etc a ii bishop sons i hone s4 ialrvlew avenue toyland opens saturday on saturday mornmj santa ci nils will arrive from tho north in his private automobile and will take charge of his loyland at jvucdoniild s and lies foing to have the most wonderful lot of toyb all your old favorite with a lot of interesting new ones added santa invites alt tho children to come and oee him hcie in ins new home and to choose the toys they want for cluistmas and he just loves to get tho childrens letteis 11 is address is san i a claus p macdonnld s store guclph ontario d e macdonald bros ltd gublpii ontario ouk motto quality and service glasses pitted at moderate cost all work guaranteed wo havo a complnt linn of op tical aoodn for the ohrtotmas ttmdfi plcltl ousjum makiilnr4 wcatlier lluramolen etc e p head r o kyehight rreoiaust 8 ht oeorivs sqium guelph if you expect to sell you must advertise