jt 5s 4 fiftysixth year no 3t acton ontario thursday january 20 hum eight homoprint pages frro cents reeve a mason of acton warden ofhalton county council for 1931 ws the unanimous choice of the member reeve harris of burling ton graciously withdrew in his favor took oath of office before judge moore of acton another session on friday at the inaugural moslem of the halton amity council in milton on tuesday raeve mason of acton was honored by being chosen as warden fur 1031 the osriy two nominated ror the position ware sleeve mason of acton and reeve george harris of burlington mr harris anachialy withdrew from tho content lit favor of mr mourn and tlio election wm mode unanimous in withdrawing mr harris expressed his deslro fur on other year of experience in county council and wished warden miwm every miacenu in the position to which ho hud been elected it was roevo harris wiah that the election be made unanlmaui jtccvn mason upon assuming the chair thanked tho councillors fur the confid ence placed in him and hoped that the work during tho year would be carried on efficiently and in the be it interests of the county when llcovo muon had boon chow n as warden for tho year 1031 u- received the vociferous luucltauous of ills fallow- councillors and on being escorted to the wardens dais he requested that mb declaration of office be taken before hie lire -long- friend judso moore mr mnore was holding court in the judges room adjoining tlio council chamber and upon being apprised of the request adjourned court for five minutes to permit his officiating as requested after the declaration had been signed judo moore took thoopportniilty to offer hit congratulations and to wish warden mason and tho council over which he would have tlio honor and pleasure of presiding a year of great success am h former county councillor himself ho could enter very lamely into tho duties and responsibilities entailed und appre ciate them very fully warden mason hns been actons repre sentative at cminty council for nix years during thai time he has provi n his capabilities in connection ulth the work and for the pant two yeam linn been head of the hnuiice committee his fair judgment unci impartial oplulouu have won for him the respect of all hi usaocluuh und reeve mufnu ulujln honor to this highest iuuiluanjii the gift of the county during hli term of office mr muson is the nu mbcr of county council with the longest term of service who hud not previously been honored with tho wurdeiifiltlp tho uppalntment of mr milsoii to the office marked a deviation from the tradi tion of giving tlie office to the represen tative from the munlclpullllcii by turn this year it wan the turn of hurllngton to be represented and mr ifurrln name wan proposed ills gracious withdrawal hi favor of rcove mason who has hud much mora experience in the work will make his claim to th knox church annual- meeting splendid report from au nepartnunts of church actlvlilea service of rev and mrs flennle appreciated the congregation of knox presbyterian church held its regular annual meeting on the third wednesday or january luit wediiewlay the 21st at 0 p rn when a splendid number of the mi tubers and adherents gut hurt d to hear the news of aclon and the district v monthly meeting tlic duke of devonshire chapter of the r o d k will hold their regular meeting in tlie cojincll ohamber on tuakday february 3 at 3 30 oalock using other milkmens bottle magistrate pull of bnunpumflnod cltftord patchett milkman lrt credit 40 00 and coats last week ror using bottlan and cans whlili are uio property of other dairyman he wan ulwi required to furnish a bond for 500 for future good condurt a ho koalul a lox social under tho uiisple cs or tilt womens infalltute will be held in port of the church officials and tho the irlh hall on wednesday tnbruury various orgunliuitloim that an grouped at eight o lock a good programme k around the congregation fl work tho being provided idulls bring your box meeting was opened by tho devotional gents admission 3bc auction r hoy exercises oonduotod by urn minister i hlndlny will sell tho uoxc and take part itev h l reiinle- who was then auk d the programi to preside at the meeting tho prlnclpul iiport that from tho beiuilon imd the hoard of managers were t xcoedingly helprul and gratifying tlio sslon had to report on addition to the membership of bs with all tho departments of tho churchs work tn splendid order but that death had taken a heavy loll last year and had ri moved some of the honorable and active mem- ixirs of tho congregitlon whoso place it would bo hard to fill the hoard of managers reported that in kptto of tho year being an adverto year in financial circles and tliut tho congregation had lieon without a minister for almost flvo lonthn they had finished tho year in prosperous fashion with a credit balance of ovor 500 in the missionary aide of the clmrchs work it wan again established that tho congregation had kept up its reputation one of the best congregations in this respect in tho presbytery of guolph the womens missionary bocloty in par ticular with all ils branohii hud ex ec ded its allocation by ahuont 35 per i ami tn this the young womi nt auxiliary had contributed over 150 and i tlirro voung ivrttclirr from haluiu cvuniy at the mooting of hal ton iniibytory of the united church at oakvillo on mahon ol acton til iduy was made ward n hultoii county for llj various interesting items of news wonuinm institute the monthly meeting ol aho womens institute will bo hold at tint homo of mrs cameron lelihman on 1 hursday pebninry a at 3 30 oclock new parhth hall at ieorxntown be oeorgeii ohiirrh aeorcitowu in planning to rreet a nne new parish halj at n cott of n000 it will bo onncctod with thr prcsont church building and will ulvc additional 3b0 pen nun t atlng tu purity tttf acton and burlington close for first place in local hockey group a win tomorrow nikm at brampton is needed to give acton the leadership eorretown iefeated by a score 6f 42 last games of group to be played tomorrow night acton at brampton and georgetown at oakvillc the- fraternity night willi the lad uml ihulu in the unltwl church wow i splendid- vm in i lie imw 1rlce of kt it is doubtful if nrntcljrii tuun now laid on the farm lutld as low in mid winter in aliou as thoydhl but ualurday cltljiun purchase the bitut h nt j5c per doj ii the open winter with its frtjin nt period of mild weather 1 kept the lain laying and nil a rrult there in now a iiurphiii of oiiun in tor onto on saturday kuurunttod itorage hrutn ild at 13c tuthduy norman e ciuiwell oakvillo john klvln oiunble acton and john andrew mcdormld ceorgctown all ittudentfi ut kmmanuil college wont received iui candlduti i in in b try fit josephs llaycnt lraienl comedy her they ure hgalnl hemumbor tho uriuty night lunong the ludit play lat year ihe hhannlgnnn of the and bidii in tho uniu1 churlh last cuoy family well ilt josephs ilay- llmniiiay evening provided a most elljoyleni on ielruary 10 and 17 in the town able funrtlon llctwoen hovontyflve nd hall two nights beroro lint are pro- toronto i n h j hoys were pnment nentlng an irish threeact romedy at- the function the banquet was ar- uotty ann all local talent including ranged and rerv d by the tuxls hoyji a large ciuiui hetty ann is an ox- in conjunction with the mens club a delightful und upiwitlzlng menu was iipread leforo the gathering a nieni i chautauqua tleliat kale rho nalo of rcierved seat and neiun j orchnitru under the loidershlp of mr c w mtuion furnliihed a splendid nun leal prokratiune tood llrit pruibytirui thu department in tho j the it wiu also bhouii that violation of tin tickoui for the chautinkjua ivitlval got olf to a good start on friday liuit tlio junior daughters of tho ttmplre liave doaldod u krwrntr tho project and have uudertak n tho ticket sale au iturphi funds remaining are to bo given to this society for their work of charity und community efforts which i hoy always so uilliugly tuuibit with the chautau qua dates are lvibruary 0 10 11 and 13 and lovern of good entertainment are arringlng for keeping tin ie ilutes open the iiut casu heard lust four of the caiei charglni tho gueut speaker wufi mr d h ioole aerrotary of hellglous education in tho united dhhruh ho ifuvo a mout practical and helpful inesnagu on co operation und propor relatlonshlpa ui tho home life ntrcsiilng pitrtlrularly tho dad and the hid ihlu of thuarrunge- illent play teeming with coincdy und luttghter a mardl qras wicial will follow the play on tuesday night wluu driving a mnlot car drive it uetordu of the month ntnto that a woman was nr routed for driving againnt tlio treet nlgnii ihe excilmnl licnclf hecuuiie she was lighting a cigarette a mm took his hatiiti off the auto drivers wheel to light hln pipe his car landed in tho ditch mid thuro wm a dead wonuin in the buck neat another mim took hls ment nnd tho duties of each to the hand olf the steering win el to brush tho other cigarette iuhcn olf hli cout his car a vote of tlmnkx to the speaker orclirn- lundoil in the ditch ulth the wheels in tru and all who hid olilited wan pro- the ilr poid by mr charl s mckoown nml liquor control act ut ludiet aid lnul a- total receipts of uiirliktn on now ycarucvy were hffttl uddi ahnoit tfioo which they hnd dl ipi tut d by useful uork at tho church and at th tanu and by contribution to the mun- aglnur hoard in the sunday school nnd young peoples oulld the report was mo it cn- eouraghiit hoth departments had cur ried on the work for the year with increased interest and membership nnd attendance the grand total for the congregation for all purposes wan ulmiut 0000 when the mutter of appointment i came up the following were elected to tho hoard or trustees mr w kt nnry i honor at a future date much stronger mr harris ls a to tho ilourd or manngeni mcuin h young man of ability iuui he raji better n nrown c haiuon h allium george afford to wait and nwumc the olflec i kmlth v 11 humley w itobertion after u little longer experience at the j mr w k orahum in congregational county hoard ho bus strengthened hli serretary und mr h awrey in envelope claim by his action i secretary und mr a j murray in mls- tlui striking committee wim compoed nlnuary treiuturer a murk of upprclu- of all the kreves and deputy heeve jluck hon on iwhulf or the congregation foi of trafalgar in the abence of hoove iti mlulsticwan then read by tho si ere morden tnry mr oraham and prerented tn tlio new inirmaucnt county hoods i mr hcniiie the following wiui the hylaw was approved by tho council address and the following ore the members op- i pointed on this committee hoove george cleave esqueslng chairman heeve morden tr he du campbell nossaguweya heeve head- head nelson and hcovo lioblnron oak- vllle coupty engineer smiths report wa1 received on tho county hoads and mr smith was compjlmented on tho excel lence and detail with which all work explained the correspondence was road and the necessary bylaws parsed at thls in augural meeting such oh tho appoint ment of trustees in tho high school districts etc tho bylaw appointing auditors for tlio 1d30 accounts named h h young st co toronto as tlie auditors warden mason explained that lie liod planned a holiday trip some months ago and in lib lino of manufacture it wan advisable to take tho holiday in the whiter months he might therefore be absent for one mooting it was arranged to hold an extra cession oh friday to morrow when tho remaining bushicss of tho council will be completed and it la possible that a session in february will not bo necexary the acton juvenile hockey teuih have arranged for a pnio with a team from georgetown on saturday afternoon from 1 to 3 oclock the eveninc heal digesteb so you are a painter eh muttered ui stout man at the exhibit of a strug gling landscape artist well im a banker and would you believe it x havent been to an art exhibit for ten thata nothing returned the artist i i havent been near a bank for twenty dear mr hennlr we the memlwrs or your enn- gregatlnn we this moment i wlillinrrlngii u no rich an oppor tunity for bringing to maturity tlioughts which ulinojt from tho moment of your arrival have been forming in our hourts wo wish you to know that deep in oifr hearts thero ox in tii that cmiuclnuineus of uwulng cxptrieiiced ly thase who know whom they have bcllovetl that feeling of happy thankful security so vital to tlie imcccui of a congre gation wo wish to toll ynu that we grcftuy enjoy your aorvlees ach sabbath especially tho addresses no t inspiring scholarly lieautlful and sincere in tho hop- that this know ledge of our appreciation will help to compensate you for the effort ex pended lu tholr preparation and hi our dally life together wo have found you ever helprul thoughtful kind full of wirmhearted impulses and poiuosmtng a uealth of glowing ideas in the carrying out of which you very generously and cnthhnlnv tlcally pirtuke wo whli to tell mm heunlc abo that by her bright friendllneiis umelfiih willingness to help when- over ore union arites and her capable fulfilment of her dutlex ax mutrctui of the manse ihe too hiui won ohr udmlratlon and affeetlon during the months h- which you have been with liii we hive had ample opportunity to test our con victions and w are now ready to nnibark happily upon a future of many years with you as our friends and guides may tho father abund antly blow you and prosper u as a people and may you long be with us to rnjolee 6r weep with us and tontlrtorairoulinrtirabifr uro the members of knox church before police mugl trato moore at muton on tuejduy two of the young mm chargi d with having liquor in a place other thun u residence mere each lined 100 and castn and tho stock of cham pagne laid in for tho occumon imd casting them 145 00 wan confiscated a third wiu flrjd 30 and eoiits for cm- suining liquor illegally and the charge ugulnst u fourth of violation of the same section wan dlnmuned a jolly sunday sehoel klflehrlde on wednesday half a ncoro nf ulnd- hearted farmorn of the congrrgitlon took thu rcholars of knox church sunday school fur a pleasant slelghrlde thoiio or tho junior clawc went lu tho after noon aft r ichool and the senior scholars in the evening quite a number of teachers and pi rents accompanied tho young iters to avoid the slippery pave ment the driven chae tho concession line i and back roads a jolly time was spent the bracing winter atmosphere tho tleecy inow the merry slolghbellu icomled by mr ohos wlhon and the men showed their appr clntlon of tho u dullveied j the ton t to the dadi was pnpasnl by mr auhur mikeoun and n bpoilded to by mr j hud am hev win mc donald mmeilv cif tondon was cillcd ion tor an impromptu address and gave i u itlrilng 1111 mage to the young men tn lilet t tlu ir r jipanntbllltltj 1 the ipeukci or the evening was intro duced by itev o l ioole h d of acton and q a dills pn sldcnt of the mens club presided over the meeting mr alex mcdonald dismissed tht gathering with u prayei w a mccluru aoruetown william albert mcginn one of-hnl- toni most piomhieut farmers in and the happy scholars nil contributed guelpuarperul hospital tuuiuloy morn ing in hln 43rd year since the death of hi 1 father john mcclure la yeais ago he hail munagod the family home stead he was an enthusiastic brooder to the joy of tho outing returning to the church ulkstunttul refreshment were nerved by the teacliorit and officers thirty hallots to fleet warden well in k ton county councillors not u recojrd lutiday aftonioon when they failed to elect a warden until tho thlrtloth ballot in a hectlo contest ut their inaugural meeting for 1031 heevo rut j of h 1 wnehlp ftnwl ly wafl electad in n three- cornered battlu with o o harper of arthur township and james mckiunoii of erin town- hhlp after thu council had been dead locked for close to two lioum it wjh not until some time after the councillors had taken a tenminute hvtermisslon ulth a view to breaking tho d mullock that reeve jackon finally was uccordud tho noceshury support tlie cohncll voted ui reduce the hiko of tho county roods committee from live ito three members with reove hoyd of went luther reeve armitroiig of nlohol j and reeve justice of erin getting tho j appointments of jersey cattle and curried olf a number of first prison ut the canadian national exhibition lust year ho was odiuiated lu georgetown and a member of tho united church ho leaver a widow five children ercleh john agntw mnry and way two brothers george of red door albertu and cyrus or georgetown and a ulster mrs harris of cheltenham nominations ut muton in accordance with the 1 filing of u proclamation by a a hemitr 1 1 muton town clerk and returning officer ordering 11 new election w the n iult of hri iruluritu at tlie last municipal elec tion lu muton on junuiry f unmluations were held in tho town hull there mon day when the following were nominated loi mayor j markeiivle uccl for hoove john irving t g ramijiuw c r turner lor councillors- r clements di g a king r m fiuken thomut cox wank peureii h h cox w t ilaniard e oyer and i king six to he elected hydro coinmlyiloner t o ilrowu accl ititooimt muketi no change in ierl a difference of one vote wan registered as tho rcjult of a r count of votei rant in tho election of the reevo of peel townnhlp und when tho last paper won txnnlned in drayton monday ira jack son was formally declared reevo by majority or 10 votes over bin opponent john mcnahb there were actually three chuntfos itv polling subdivision no there was 11 dllfort nee of one vote lu favor or mcnahb at no 4 one vote hi favor of jiickjioii and lu no c 0110 in favor of mcnahb the vote on finally registered wiui iui followii mcnahb iol jackson 620 1 icorwhi of ouolph up- poreil on behalf of jackson and mr may or inhneraton for mcnahb auutund hum collide a oriy couch lines bus a department of highway tmnwplow and a hamilton irigyuinn acton ontario tturlph ltohyrul w m h the ioventcenth uijniial meeting of tho ouolph preibytcrlal women a missionary society was held in knox church ouclph on tucuday there wits an unuhiiidly large attendance and tho pro- j urn in me was replete with interest mui- slonary intolllgonco and hikplrutioual report 1 und uddrossoti i he re ports of prehbyterlal officers tho y w auxllarfeii kir is oruanlxutlomi and mission hands were encouruglng utld hirul mltui marrae of gult the president conduct ed tho proceeding with tact and inter est the indies hud luncheon together at noon in the church and all enjoyed this social feature tlie mooting of the presbyterlal in may will bo held in r acton thofodowhig dl gales frbia acton- were present mrs rev ii u uennle mrs w m coper muses kmnui robinson emm cole isabel lajhta and laura i call mrs w h tuck oakvillo the county of hal ton lost by death on sunday an elect lady who has been motit active in good works for many years in the perum of mm w ii tuck of- oakvillo her death wan very un expected her maiden name was mar- guret coote she was born and lived all her life in oakvillo tho daughter of mm goo ti and tho lute charles w coote for many years a merchant in that town in tho year 1000 showas married to w h tuck whoio dcatlr occurred two yearn ugo heforo her marriage deceased was on the titafy or tho lubllc school all lier life time n im inbor pf st johns united church formerly tho mothodlft ohureh hiui was one of its most active und devoted uorkepi and was for nuiuy years a member of the choir uiul u toucher in the buiiduy sohmu she was particularly active in tho womens mlsslonnry society bnlng iveisurer of the local soolnty and superintendent of literature and pub lications in tho halton presbyterlal she was a stuuuch supporter of the tem perance cnuno und at thu time of her death was president of tlio county w o t- tr and attended thu annual con- vonttnii at anton last summer burvlv- dick resident mr j m penyes int lug are hor mother who ls in her 84 th vicepresident mr e v earl trcasuri year one daughter helen who was recently married to mr r wiggins toronto a son charles p- oakvillo two sinters miriam coote oakvillo and mrs h l bmltli wife of rev h l smith tit oattisrlnefl t nmhn cur weninivmvpan an aooldont mohuif mile eait of aiders sliot tueuhiy uvunliig in which one woman was injured tho plow had stopped on tho highway it ls reported when an auto driven by rev dr tarn- nlnk of t st ann street hamilton hwerved across th road to avoid it nnd oollldod with an oncoming bun driven by r hromloy tho bus to avoid ia impact wilh steered to one nldo and snapped off a olephono ikiio tlie clergymans housekeeper miss lollcla wyimuigrodykti iufforod fractures of u number or ribs and injuries to hnr face und neck children aid keeuity tlie iiovoiiteentli annual meeting of tho halton county childrens aid bocloty wan hold at the gordon home muton last week tho inspectors rojiort showed unit a very energetic und efficient work was being accomplished in tho county thu report of tho house committee show ed that under tho capable management of tho matron miss etta tolfnr tho home wuh kocond to nono in the province of ontario tho tro usurers report show ed cash in the bunk 1010 04 tho following officers were elected for tho onuilng year honorary president judge elliot honorary solicitor mr w i the blfitfet crowd of tho yar at a hot koy game in ac urn arena was on hand lau frida ni when tlio old rivals georgetown nnd acton clashed for their intermediate o h a fixture they were treated to u rood thrilling game of hoc key the georgetown outfit have 1m- vd slnco they mot acton lu hip first game and condemn ntly the core ngalnnt tluim was imt iui lurgu llioy uuw uio iui vantage that the caat h has given think in th ir team play on thn nights play however ac ton piovid the better team and won being u itrong combliia- thm in all ihuitloim i ho mtiikatlon of tint game in our estimation was the youngster in goul erulo alcott wo wore told that ho had never played in a game previously and was yot in his teens the team was not weakened uny by his playing every goal morcd againnt him wus an earned etfort and many of tho saves hrf made wen u eredit to his ability play started with both teams on tholr toes and out for a win tlio first score was mndo by acton when greer macio tho counter assisted by arblr and o kentner hint lead put heart in tho boytj und salmon notched the second score on a pass from joe kentner the game ut thin stage looked pretty much in favor of acton but the advuntu was not held for long ward with hu shot 011 holloway made it moro favorable ror the visitors and then with two acton men lu tho penally box georgetown open ed up a barrage on tho acton end which made tho score oven when king noored lor them tho period ended two all and it was quite apparent tho gamo wan to lo no wolkaway wilson or george town was penalized twice and c kent ner harlow and walters or acton ull w vacation periods with tho compli ments of refer o mollenhauer tho second period got off to u slow start hoth t urns so mid to bet trying out their opponents it ended however llh acton launching a immhanlment 011 georgetown und holding the advant age of ploy hut not one goal was i cored by either teim an it 11 vent d up liennl- more plentiful and will on i cut hlackhum nnd ward or oiorgo- town wore nil given rent for minor if ncen harlow for acton got two trlpi to the prnalty ikix in this perlodi and oven tho third period was just u little slow on the nturt but made up for it jus the period progressed the locul fnns breathed oanler when olbuons went through with j kentner and areer and made tho score 3u tlie big boy who is nearly always responsible for saxnu scoring in all gahies shouldered his responsiblttlos ugnln and wiggled down through and hls ihot from tho blue line mndo the final count of 43 in acton favor tho piny wiui well maintained throughout and tho visitors never gave up until the final gong was founded in this period will tors collided with hewitt und wait laid out for u time ho resumed hi 1 place in tho game after a brief rest period hlackhum and wilson drew penalties for georgetown and o kentner and walters for acton were ponulbtod in spite of the fart that thoro wore seven police on duty there was no semblanre or disorder acton fans leave their hockey games to bo handled by tho players and rofereo and so tar tlioy have proved cnpablo this win practically assured anton a chance in tho playoffs but to clinch the group it will be neccs- iury to win at urampton on friday night nnd ovoid a possibility of extra games tho linoup was as follows georgetown ernie alcott goal illack- hmm taut wilson dcienro- tw tw oz mr a wilson secretary mrs t j drown mmiberiibppohlttonotd management of the gordon home mm t a gorhairi and mrs t j brown auditors mr w d clements and mr j mock ridge hewitt left wing ktng right wing hoarc alcott ward subs ac tan hollo way goal greer and gib bons defence salmon centre j kent ner loft wing walters right wing arblc furlow and o kenlnor subs referee a mollenhauer toronto juniors iose to oakville davlos scored the inn goal of the junior o ii a game at oakvillo on tilohduy night to glvo oakvillo a 1 to 0 win over actoii tho slnglo counter was netted in the first period of play soft ice made offensive hockey difficult and hindered both tenms duvick on the defence besides netting tho winning tally was tho best mm on the ice whll r anderson wan tho bet for acton hoth andorsoh and manto of aoton received nasty cuts over tho eyes in this game hi accidental mixups tho teams v oakvillo aoal adaimon defence duvlos and hno centre mticrao wings hanks and mocdonulci subs maomli ian iost and haxter acton goal lawson defence buch anan mid manao centre waterhousd wings anderson and woods subs kowal- skl gibbons and marshall reforoo tracy shaw toronto v a workout with ouelph tho exlilbltion garpe between the team fmmouolphlair night arid the aoton intermediates proved rather a burlecfue as fr as a gome was concerned but it gave the fans a chance to aee bom concluded on page five the veterans reunioftl 0 ilajton ikminiy i the hrat inn at fturpnfton laat week vm a kplendld kacceaa 1 he first re union banquet for all exservloo men hi hal ton coimty was held on thursday last tho hrant inn rtirllngtnu iwlng the place chosen for the meeting invitations had been sent out through the county and the renpanse wus u source of gratification to tha committee in cliurgo over 400 were present and tho menu provided helped to make the gathering an historic one after tho covern were removed col o o hrowu sluriff of halton county acted as toohtmostor tend culled for tho following toasts tho glorious dead which was ob served with 3 minutes kumium the king responded to by singing the national anthem dominion of canada rspemdod to by dr h k anderson m i for halton in his hpetch dr anderson spoke of tho ph ndld response that the men of the dominion and portlularly of halton county had made when the empire and all that it stands for were in peril ancl declared that whatever government were hi power that tho reasonable requests of hor soldier rttlxens would be granted the doctor was accorded a resounding ovation on resuming his scat the toust to the province of ontario was responded to by mr tims rlakolock m 1 p in his remarks mr rlakcloclc stressed the need for unity and co operation of all fornior members of his majestys forces and saw in tho canadian icginn a splendid opportunity for the display of that spirit of cooperation which was mantfiu during tho war our army in the abwmce of gen drupe r chief of police toronto lieut col s r wallace of hurllngton re sponded to this toast and in his well known manner spoke of tho aphndld record or the- canadian corps major cousins of g orgetown also supportod the first speak or 1 he town of hurllngton toast was replied to by mayor dingle und reevo george hsrrl who stated that thoy considered that an honor had been con ferred on the town in having the nmt reunlon and the hope wus exprotuuxl that it would become an annual event thn canadian legion no bettor choice could hnvo been mode tluui that of lieut col heliter mckay to responded to tho toast of the legion for as tho toustmuiter stated tlio provincial pre sident had worked hard and long to bring tho benefits of tho legion to tlie notice of all cjtncrvioe men throughout tho province col mckay referred briefly to tho different phases of the returned oldlcr movement nnd then showed liow tho man in need of help could have bis problems solved through the aorvlce which thu legion was prepared to give ho was accorded musical honors on resuming his heat col f j pickering first vice-presld- cnt and oapt w 0 o emus zono representative also gave excellent ad dresses along tho same line tho tonstmostcr then called on tile presidents of tho various post to speak a varied programme of songs skotche jakes and dances proved very entertaining to ilie men tlio hurllngton hand gave their ser vices and added considerably ia the pleasure of tlie evening it la the in tention or tlio committee to ammjto miut nex y m ft place yet to be chcmen th evening concluded wlth tlw national anthem acton wins htolh gueuh a coupta of rinle f curiam hw neighboring city vui a4n laa thundbvy lust thursday night a couple of rink or curlers from the ouolph o a o play ed a game with members of the aoton glub a moht enjoyable evening vros spent but both the visiting rinks weft defeated tho following are the links and scores guelph o a o j r- english o norland n o phillips r a mchuoeh k- 4 e rlgby k thompson c francis o swonn ik 0 10 acton j nlcol l d shorey w smith w j gould sk 0 11 l hennle w k arahean dr pearen e j hassavdlak 11 30 canada 1931 canada 1031 is the title of recent little book issued by the minister of trade and commerce of the domtnkm the book is a most complete volume c twnty c demltna- with the dominion tn ajj pluses and fcrpm many singles it is well illustrated and contain many mape and illustration to portray the vmrtaua acuvufc to which the dommlsjns inhabitants are efee