Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1931, p. 2

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paob two the acton free press t11k 1iohk of qiiflt artun jkrr jlrrfib umur ool-rl- quebec divlaloa c w m a tiie acton fhee 1ukss la pubhl ry ttiurnlay avcnlng at ttia fria ir hidldlnk wu1 straat ac ion ontario the aubacilption prira la add br yur in advanra ivalasa la char additional la office in tha unlti states tha data to which uhacfiptloua a paid la liwlifalcd on th addiaaa ukfll advertising kates for amall unrlaaal fiad advarltaemrflta anil in other colnaanl th rata will l found at tiaad nf coin ma ilia- play advcrtlaloc rat on application c a dimh editor ami lvutr telelhoneh- editurui an hualna ttealdtnc hoover strong for prohibition when president hoover delivered his imiukural address at washington in march three years ufto he was uncompromising in his promise to give his sup port to the successful operation and enforcement of tho laws of the united states prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in that country he still stands in this strong position after seeing at close range the real value of these measures to the country ho governs in transmitting the report of his com mission on law observance and enforcement to congress last week president hoover virtunlly declared himself a prohibitionist he is he mutes in favor of the report of the commission which by a large majority does not favor the repeal of the eighteenth amendment and is in unity with the spirit of the report in seeking constructive steps to advance the national ideal of eradication of the social and economic and political evils of the liquor traffic an inopportune proposal the proposal to provide a public health unit for the schools of the county at a cost of 18000 per annunij wotdd seem to have made its appearance ut a very inopportune time whatever assistance mrty be promised by the provincial authorities will to a large extent ho discredited in view or the cut which all boards aru facing in the school grunts formerly enjoyed just what the reduction in grunts will mean to acton this year is not available yet but undoubtedly the ratepayers will be called upon this year to provide a considerable incrensc for school purposes owing to this reduction of provincial grants undoubtedly there is much to he said in favor of the health unit as proposed but there ts also a limit to the pocketbook of the ratepayers and there is apparently no guarantee tlmt the government will continue the assistance indefinitely on any of the schemes which the municipalities are once committed to in view of the present efficiency of matters pertaining to health in the community and tin ndtlril hllrdins uliirli in rr n nj called upon to meet in educational matters this year this new scheme will find small favor who payo the shortage or 100000000 which will in all probability he shown in the canadian budget this year coupled with the added expenditure that the government will be expected to fulfill will give the new dominion pnrliament plenty upon which to exercise its financial abilities federal grants have been called for in larger measure than ever before and these have been promised lavishly restrictions on trade hy the new hands and leduction or excise tax by the former regime have largely accounted for a railing off or receipts now when taxes were being lightened conies the announcement or a turnover tax o two per cent to meet the circumstance of course the imposition or a tux of any kind means siinply that the impost is ultimately paid hy the con sumer in these times of general reduction on all commodities to a level in keeping with wages avail able a riscin the cost to the consumer is uot k to gall much tuvor without a doubt the money has to come from some place it is also seated there will bo relatively row tariff changes the surpluses which had come to he a regular rcaturo of the robb leo arepporcntlytobcitems of hiatoryrnnda deficit or 80000000 is anticipated just where tho average citizen is going to bo any hotter off with the new changes is hard to conceive the worm turns the constant piling up of the county rate in all counties has had the effect of forcing the attention of the ratepayers to tbeso bodies wo believe it was in eramosn township where a request was made to the department of highways to cease tho grant and allow of the appointment of a man who will bo responsible to thejouncil hs noad superintendent more and moro will come the realization that county and provincial and domiuitrlt grants of assistance in various works arc nothing more or less than giving back by an expensive route of funds supplied by the rotcpaycrs themselves the county councils have long been tho goats for making the direct levy against the municipalities and being in direct lino will undoubtedly ho tho first to hear criticism the sysremis a wasteful otic and it would seem the electors are determined to reach further than tho local councils to level their criticism and strike nt the county council in tho new faces at tho wellington county council this ycur can be seen a result of the campaign waged by the fergus- newsrecord for tho last few years against this body moro and more will this same movement be noticeable in other counties- unless the county and bodies high up desist from their practise of shoving the burden back on tho ratepayers drink and ihivlng where theres drink theres danger the careful examination of scientists has conclusively proven that one average drink of intoxicating liquor will cause a mental lapse of a tiny fraction of a second which may deprive an automobile driver of tho margin of safety necessary to prevent a crush with another car or a wayside obstacle the brain signal takes onefifth or a second to produce effect one drink of liquor slows this operation to twofifths of a second mid in that time n car going at thirty- live miles per hour will truvel twenty feet which is considerably more than tho margin of safety nearly 15000 people huve been killed mid 400000 to 500000 persons many or them children have been maimed and otherwise injured by drunken drivers locomotive drivers with heavy steel mils to guide them are carefully examined and forbidden to drink by all ruilwnys and the public would be shocked if they were not the highpowered and heavy motor cars and trucks are potentially as dan gerous as locomotives whose drivers are profes sionals yet motor curs lire driven on all our high ways with impugnity by amateur and irresponsible drivers who are allowed to drink as they please under the nefarious plea of personal liberty verily there is a sad story or death and injury to thousands chargeable to tins plea koi eg awvnwvr avamimix chronicles of ginger farm written bpmlmlly ff tha jhnm i by gwendoline p olarke ed1toiual notes brmnpton councillors will receive 5 per meetinj for their services the yearly salary plan oilers less opportunity of buinfi abused andi less room for criticism the toronto telegram sees u joke in the election of a blacksmith as keeve of fenelon falls believing that the village hopes to force ahead toronto elected nn undertaker as the new mayor you can make up your own jokes about that fergus news- record the enjoyment of sleighing parties seenls to increase now that they are more rare the average youngster gets tittle thrill oirt of an automobile ride but judging from the merry parties seen in the oldfashioned bobsleighs huhinipn smnrt team tho jingle bells song will continue for sonic time to be a favorite the problems of the farmers these days are very vital to the welfare of any community in her own lighthearted fashion mrs clarke discusses these in ttutclironicles ol ginger farm this week her suggestion for an egg week is just as logical as the numerous other weeks we have possibly it only lacks the cooperative effort of the fanners to it over too well neighbor wliat ore wo coins to do about tho gg alt nation 7 tho first thing x do when wo get tho mall u look ut thu priro quotations imrtnor got hold of tho paper nrnt lula morning laid very tioon informix mn that eevn worn down co twentytwo crnta ynfl 1 rulil now toll mo iiomo nitwit itoally you know if it worn not no mtiouk it would aim on t bo runny tho gi- old proverb you cant miiko omolottnt with- iiillrmxkliif bh htm- oomplwudy lout itn nlffntnciuiru wi jhall huvo to thin it out a linw one how would thin do you cant go farming without lolng nioiicy x havo been cudgelling my bralnn today to think of wuy wild mrunn of uilng mom eggii mid iqmnd lenri on othnr thing wo already havo egg for break fa t every muntuitf und of couriui x uui plonty for cooking i ajikiid jurtner if hn wai prepared to go on a diet of eggs and u informed hit would not mind poached uggit for dinner ubolit once u wwk but that wan about im much an 1m could iltiuidl of courts thero bi lemon buttor i muit maku it good nupply of it that will do away with about a down or no and incidentally iuvd on thu marmalade i liitvn already modi pumpkin pin for two wtekt runninir no tlmt u definitely off tho bill of faro for a wholn what c in onit do with rggn anyway without getting nick to death of tho night of them7 well now x have got a good idea 1 1 why not hitvu an egg week w have onion week and insurance vjork why hot on egg wi4k all they really nwid lit a booitt no lota boobt cm i of courui if w havo iui suit week wa must havo a jilogan to go with them iiomethljig llko an apple a ftiy koepi tho doctor away or an gallon a day kcjw tho world at bay now what nhall it he alicm not qulto so muiy in it walt a tnlnuto yea 1 havo it how lii thin kat cggn galont and tho prico will luiar it would you know jiut like a trin balloon without a iitrlng oh but x forgot that innt qulto bo good from tho coiuiument point of vlhw what a pity now wt uliall huwi to think of nomothlnit ilic becau it would novor do to let them know wo want tho prlco to go up no no wi- mutnt be krcfdy irt iui rather paw an what we actually ure i philanthropic cluiu of people cxlnt- iny for tin ixprcit bencllt of the rct of the community ivrhnpit that mi iiund a litth i-xa- genited but you know it all comrr down to tht uanii old itory farm en jet a uw prlco on what they itll and the ron- mimiir loci not bonillt toanyjrrent extent on what hi buyi on a good mlmy farmi the ma and butter money or cream and milk chequo it more often i thic day i- the main vmrci of income and if that income li just alxiut cut in two through price reduction then it naturally follous thero l much lcii money to vpuul on merchandise in town if ue et a dollar lei- ou a crate of eita from what we reasonably ixpect then we have to lake ik reef in our belt and do without something we would otherwise have bought to itnrt another mibject whlrh how- ver huu a direct hoarlwr on what i have already aid i have noticed quite a lot of intension in the unpen lately from 11 mcanlihe person- hkidnt the mnriil iiite or money etc at thee blir bni- tmets which are held from time to time one pen on thought it a thame that o much money should be weted when many of the unemployed uud have been only too dad for a share of the good things well you know that is gettliu nn entirely uroni iant on the situ itlnn tin present erll li not on a paralel with that eltlni during the war turn it yu a crime to live on the flesh pots or egypt when it urn quilt a problem to get a sufficiency ot the necessities of life now then a redundancy of these i thing and what ue nilly need hi for thoe who have money to spend it dear itnttwi yoci have mod tiling to eat baconcouskacub 3 peas nsu 19 bread cmii 7 vm lanot bottlib uv 17 vu subma sauca 1 uu 3 su tauj1 fios 3ra l n sliortenin 3b 4h spli kiiortiininc tlmluwt w nimi 1 il lit hvul hju1 ijud cj1 hl sx1 lt j 41 irrcii iiafniis ai it d u jpudding 4s iib 33 spu- guiln bans cmmum ttaj i n 2 tui 17 vl wiani iolij wians intliimmt fancy mimcaij tbl raisins txe wb 23 spmi1 mac mission iics 2 iu 2fcr vi- bblim amiicots tuh aft- it 2u spwi1 vaijincia raisins auju i u- 2lc dl mimim brand lancy spinach 2 15 n 2 n- 2v4 i stmil vinacii aylm bj sfial saui kuaut uhbyt sfvmut cocoa tuw ou hgtij v it t imimii dliglu soap o k 20 carrolvsmimmmmmm mill street acton ontario get set for banff carnival put giidpli is discussing the advantages of nieierini water to the consumers there is a serious shmtae in the supply lor the city acton has hud meters since its installation and they have proven nn effective means of cwhinj the waste of water and n fair uiethod of having the individual who use the most water pay their just proportion there is nothing quite so effective m curtailinji waste as hittiiij dnectly at tliepnckethnok speakinc on the subject of publicity for 11 chain of retail stores serving uifhiy snutller cities and towns the store director of a company describes tho local newspaper as our best clerk lie explains that it sees more people jety of their individual time works longer hours rind tells its story with more accuracy than any other clerk they can employ these papers are uoinj into the homes ot the people and are assured of their friendly attention this is proved hy the tremendous growth in importance of tho press tirthttnsrrcw yenm nccordinj to this authority who declares that today the newspaper is tho backbone of nny constructive f sales effort collingwood bulletin without pnylnit tor tin m and tin pre- puitlon of n banquet iilso mean work then eieh of the invited ipiet in- ereiisis employment in their nun circle probably ninety per rent of the women would find a new dress an aholutt neces sity for midi an occasion und nve or tix hundred people coinlnit from imodnes knims uheie would use up quite a lot of ms in transportation then after the huiquet those who had ted not wiely hut too well will miller from dl ordered dine hon md dluderid dle itlons miun woik for th doetoi thu we find thut those arriuulnit binqurt ure really eonferrliik a benellt upon m iiiklud unemployed ineludeil be- eaiie to pr ivlde woik is in many ciucn li -ttei- th m dispensing charily ami hen se h w th faimen benellt think nf tin cmiu consumption of bread ftour fiult mlllc butter meat erenm chlcktni md meci now if only they would only have no ojm hanqiiit uut jm-r- hip i had better quit before- i it turted on thut mibjert mialu it may bo continued in our next mnr ifi was k iikitku kra meeker went to tho doctor for omit mudieal advice thi docuir mild to him you ouht uatukn on heidi oet a car and net out moro iiaiul mftfccrtndtnion5rc in id ton i h outidx tlmcm hi oim block and tmik on a llttlo njli in four diworcnt places tho last tlmo i tot out through thn wlndslilclit that u tho tlmo i took oh tho ttiral nfah tho fctiuulmit week la thu west tlilfi e a unminlii the pretty wlnti r will he rthrunry 714 when thu luh town nf ilanff lit friun end to luntr wintir sports cirnlvil will im eid in a bnd of colored lltthbi with liidd liridle or kltlitir ikljron inow- h re und theui tho tcpcci of the slonuy jhuers i u hbkey skutlni tobo- indliuri and thn colorful note of hriuhl- kiuilnj slfliihhm muldnu and every hard blanket befmuhered hmiuilrewium vurlant f w liter sport there is added to biuled immw and nhlnyeyed pajmmiicn all thmi hit- ineempirable bcanty of u a if nil till i rro not cnouh to crowd rttlnf in th- heart or tho hocklew cloth- into tme short week thero li tho ifroat ediii tllrlr winter ilrrmi of ermine bn- if iniwe ut up ut night with n dispuy the anuiil trup hoot of tho ilaiitf aim club the packing contcit wltji us hiijh llitht of the filmoui diamond hlicli und op4m air twlmmhig in tho hat uphur sprlnj unique in tho luihau of winter tpprui mumhicriidn bulls keep lh fun of the ctmilva going and it eudn up with the election of tho queen for tlm ensuing yetir tayoilt nhows iklrni in action undor thu shadow of tho mnuntilnti with mtteu of iat ilnrwauir proildont of thc 1031 carnival w e unnid iiecrutary- treasurer o tho aporu und mlm doru wlnplfrod prk or viinonuvor queen of tho carnjval j i you ex to sell you must advertise

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