fm thursday january 30 lbsf the acton free press paob aavxn what god nath promised r ood hath not promised flowerstrewn pathways skies always blue all our lives through ood hath not prom land sun without rain joy without sorrow peace without pain but ood jiath promised strength for the day rest for the labor n light for the way orace for the trials help for above unfailing sympathy undying lovo annie johnson flint the sunday school lesson fob sunday february 1 fast walking twenty years qo frdtn tha issue of the free preae ef tbnndsy february z 1011 the week opened with very cold bits- aardy weathor after the long mild spell the ice men have been busy with their harvest lately tho crop is very good this amuum principal stewart in expected liome from parry bound on saturday ho will resume his duties hero next monday mr howard u lac it has proven a very satisfactory substitute at a special meeting of tho municipal council on monday evening john harvay was roengaged as municipal officer for another year ills aalory was increased to 1050 knox church anniversary last tiunday was in all respects gratifying and suc cessful the preacher was llnv w o wilson m a of bt andrews ohurch ouelph ilia morning service wait at tended by the m inborn of tho uptlut church and the evening by the members of tho methodist church tho musical pari of the services by the choir under tho leadership of mr a t mann ably sustained thetr reputation died millar at laura bonk on january 33 1b11 thomas millar formerly of acton in his 67th year hokhps and poixt1ch in grandpas day thane two hiibjoou took up much of every manu time and discussion grandma could nover serve meals on time because grandpa would rather trade horses or talk politico than eat and when engaged hi either pursuit ho forgot all time and need for food it must bo remembered that in tho dayil of david harum and after horne- trading enjoyed an entirely separate code of morals men who enjoyed a reputation for honesty in every other relation of life admittedly went out to do onu another in a homo- trade all wuyii fulr in lovo war and hornetruding it keemn onu day grandpa met joe cjmlth who wan up for uherilf joe deurly loved a honotradc in other thlnitn ho wai of nterlliig honeaty ho would buy anything providing it ind i tall and four honft anmdpu wanted u team of honcn for the farm joe told mo tlili part of the ntory hlnuclf yeum later i hod a llkolylooklivjr tcum coptin one of em hud the colic bout every other day miwhen hiram iuya how much 1 suy 0 an not io unxloua to well m neither thoy were both nound ui u dollttrilrn no hit took cm you could uoldom fool your qrundpu on u horse they roilly wan mich uoodlnnkent hu thought they were too good for tin farm and icnt them down to hli fnn that wiui in the coitl buftinev in tho elty ueen there about a weok and one of them fot thpcnc had miu died illram cumu right over to jce me find iiayti joe one of them hornei died of colic too hiul iuyn thought maylxi lie would thafa why i ulvo em to you cheap grandpa told him what he thought nf him nud went home a month lutur the election were held joe jot only two votei in oi udeli the town where my irranrttirthfr lived unci exerted conslder- nblu intlueilce while the return were comluu in jocj campaign inuniigcr culled him over uiul usked what uir the muter with orudiil which liad hltlieito been very utrnng fr them joe tome wliit sheepishly told ubout the team or hnnes hed wild ii irani ii thoie another town came in where they netted it meagre ten voted bold anybody a team there inked jesus the great physician golden text surely ho hath borne our grlcfn and carried our sorrows isa 63 4 jsnuum text luke 4 3844 5 1210 study uliui matt 4 2320 murk 1 31- 34 time april a d 28 iipce caper naum exposition i jeju power over ulekncsfi 3844 itw first scene in our lesson is u homo scene the family invited jesus to dinner and well were they repaid it always does pay to invite jesus to our jmmen matt 3b 37 40 34 there was slcknemi in this luiin and in markti account we road tliat they do the wlnest thing that can be done in sickness they toll him of her ch 1 30 jiwutt liked that he wbhtfl tut to bring all our sorrows straight to him matt 11 31 if wo will do thin we shall bo free from all anxiety phil 4t 0777117 v t jcsitfl would luive hit today net toward him juqt an the disciples acted toward him when he was here on earth lleb 13 b jenlis wolld have been hurt if 1 niter had run off after a doctor inn to ad of coming flrnt right to him there was no delay iii telling jeiajn htrulghtwuy they tell him of her note just what jesus did wmt ho came jeiaiu could hoil at a distance john 4 5053 but ho loved to come right to uir air lie ted one thcro u today too much trying to minister to thu nick and suffering and sinning at a dint once hccoud he took her by tho hand this too 4s a insson for us it is a handgrasp of a strong well hand that the sick need it is tho handgrasp of a holy strong hand that tho sinful and weak need if you would help people tako them by tho hand tills taklnghythehand religion is much needed iii many of our churches today jesus jllmimlf is ready to take tlui slek and sinning by tlu hand today eh 13 third he raised her up people need to he lifted it in not enough to iuy arise tuko them by tho hand and ruliut them up tlum it wan the fever loft hor olck- ne as well an dtmionu gave way liefore jeiuin she at 6ncc lmgan to line hor newfound health and itrength in mlu- uiurlng to her heuler bo many who uro holped forget to do thlfi a wonder ful iieeno folluwi tile people wait until the bjbbath elonei ut jiunrnt then from every corner of capernaum they bring to the feet of jeiiii nil tho demon-po- iejied iuid ilck they hud had rpoof of hjn power to deliver und heul oh that wo who have hud io much more proof would bring all our deviltorment ed and tlck oneu to illmt theie people however were not at eager for rplrituul bleiilngd aa for healing and people lire not today but jeiun healed every one of tluiii v 40 jeiuihad and hni u mlulitry to the body as well us the noiil iliit hlt chief mlnlitry wiui not then und li not now to the body luke 10 10 john 10 10 thene greut blejj- inir and wonderful munlfeitatlonn of the divine power of jenuii hi healing did not reiult in the iplrtuul regoner ittm of the plure mutt 11 33 24 the healing of thu dick ulwuyj wukenn great lntcrct in any rommunlty it iieldom lendu to imv very deep and permanent iplrltuul rem li ii tho leper lleuled thli wiui indeed a mighty mtruele or nil 111- which run nirect the body of man leprosy appenn to be the moit ievere und in certain iiiiperts hopele ii bring i decay to the iikin corruption into the blaod rottenneii into the bonei it la u living death yet linre we read of n leper lielng made well in a moment of time one touch trout the hand of the flou of god end the oure h elfeeted and immediately the lepnvy departed from him v 13 we see in the storv chrlts wllllngnet to help those who arujnnuud tho potltlun of tho utfllcuid ieucxual 11 very touching one lord if- ihou wilt thou euiit make me clean nntl tile answer he received was both ineiclful and gnirlnut i will lie thou clean v 13 thiwe two utile woids i will ihierve our especial huuch tmi- li w lip iny i inli i it 1 true of any oxorcise that tho manner of performance is vitally im- portant thl4 in particularly apphcoblo to walking borne people walk miles and miles each day and show no physical benefits whereas others covering a com paratlvely short distance but walking correctly and for spocflci results gain uoiiiii highly desirable rewards in tho 1 way or health development und vitality speed walking lit tho most interesting form of podestrianliim most men who have trained for the mile walk hi a truck team men who have hid u varied athlotla experience nay that no event on tho programme makes greater demands on tho body uecause or tho particular h train that results from the effort to hold oneself to a walk an tocluilcally defined it in fur harder to walk a mile in eight minutes than to run it in five if you ourt to learn tho ilioful and faiejnutlng art of rapid pedeiitrlaubim and at tho some time bo indulging in a hlgluy heueflcol general exercise my advice is that you not busy and see what you can do with the mile walk against time on the day that you find yourlf couu to that dlii lance in tdght nilnuui you will have accomplished something of which to be really proud i liellevo choprokoill record hi ni mlnutrn twenty- live and fourlkthn iutoiiciji by tile great canadian pedeiitrlon golding generally the rules governing the mllu content uro enforced with particular strictneiiii lly ell meiuin if you ever ex pect to enter a nice avoid from the very hrat the fault termini breaking con sisting of the little crow hop which shiftii a walk into a run unually the walker in dluiuallfled an the third ofteiise of thli kind or on the ilrt break periiups u this occurs in the last 330 yards of the mile tho beit plan in never to let the habit develop v the unit aim should be to reach a fmt gait to do thin walk with flitt drawn tightly ulbown held horizontally and hands above tho level of hlpn swing the arms in tho natural way demanded by tho walking acblon of feet try to get above 3ti0 stuim to the minute junt tui noon as you can it tit practically im- j potudblo to exceed 300 steiwt without breaking into a run obviously the vic torious walker in ho who can take the groitent number and tho longeiit utepi per minute without breaking though i have mentioned npoed iui the big aim you should at unit utep idowly enough to be nuro that you are lock in tf tho kueen properly a leg that in not fully itralghtened before the foot nuuln louven tho ground rauficji tho crow hop and breuk your whole problem of technique reiolvci itself into milflcleiit pruotlce to enilile you to ntep nipully und yet never rail to jnt tllo knee well buck that in to lock it you will length en your stilde almost uncoiiielomly und unually it la bent not to nfilcc a special elfoit on thin point in walking let the length or ntep develop nuturully to milt your build do mire to iet tho foot properly however wltli toe polnllni directly forwaixl turning the feet either nut ward or inward loc ground for the walker it hun been estimated that a twoinch outward angle in the tet of a pedestiian feet meairi a losj of half an inch for every two jups thli i- not jo liuilgnklcant iui it m ly at flnt uppcur for inches often count at the end of a lure you can wear any ioftoed shoe preferably the sandal if thl i type seem agieeable wearing running splkei for a wlille may lulp jou to correct a toolng- out habit do not devote all your practice time to the cultivation of jpeed a good plan is to practice foim on one mile then after unhort rest try for ipi ed on another mile take two mllei in that way every other day but on the days between take longer mid iiower walk for the general consti tutional eirect take an erect carriage and git all the oxygen yau can lijto jour hmips you may have to ilve vour knees piiitliuilar attention for they tire rapidly from the leg locking demanded by the rule for correct walking include ioine hill rllmblng in vour long w ilks walklnc down hill give a peculiar itrength to the knee jolnpi ft comet from the jtrnln tlitoun on them when the jiody weight falls as it weie nwmias to be checked by the muscles aioiuid the kiieis on- inir up because of the deliberation of the niueiilar einiliactlon- is belter for thu anpilienieiit or actual liullc but the rough g of falling dow irlvci the leirt a rilath ijiaflv liv tlohh paitquhab- prlduy well ma felt ofllo bad today when she lrrnt that i hud broko tbo finger nalo kilo alio had gave mo for ohrlsinas wllo i was a trying to n- loouen a scrow in my seated but i dont fool so bad about it bocur i never used it for my finger nalru no way saturday mrs guleiu b all xclt- ed beciiz her cuz- ken from down south bi romntng hero for a visit to her house who is a fomlous annlmel painter ant emmy huyit animal paint ing mite bo all rite ejitli you try to paint 1 witch i but after all these nacheral rolorn bi itiil enun ufter all ro why paint them sunday jake and llllntem and iuk iui a inukelng fun of a now kid witch lion moved to town he in very big and ugly i dont aprovii of makelng fun j f ugly people a npouhully if they are big lieciim nubby if they ketch you they uro libel to nock you nllly or sum thing munduy wll on aro way to itkool to day i uckiildeutly slung a nnowball und hit todi father and ted got about vj intlll i told him it wmul be all rite to take a uhot at my paw if tho snow j until long enulf iusduy well i gens i fell down in i lion in tho tett today tho teecher ant what was oxygen cmnpoiicd of anil x ied of b iildcu juke niil it wiu cum- jwdhsi of 3 klndji of giutoleeii well euny- how 1 wooden t of knew the names uilliy way u wennday but even at that my unser to iuiu of tho kwontlonn yesterday wau- iient enny wernt than klny when she td a vegetarian wiyt a hwilrlan for honieu nd mules and ert and mini timet dogit and cuts and ect ihlntday well iium tlmea i got the idea thut akmil teechern aru kindu lum a npiihuuy the wlmmon ones x mid juko was it telling arc tooolier that thisy hud u rested hoot legger in town thin u m ami ihe wiuitod to no whut fer and witch hoot and witch leg rich in body and delicate as blossoms in its flavour salam tea a from the gardens nmuui llulm in unrlvilkd for promot ing feminine lovelineui tonen and re- juvetiatei the nkln mukei it exipilsltely lofttektured maken hand fluwleuly white lpeclally recommended to soothe and relieve loughnciii or dialing caused by weather condition indis pensable to every dainty woman cool ind refreshing delicately frugrant magical in reiultii never leave a vest ige of uleklnevi persian halm ii the in- toilet requisite for the woman who care i for charm and elegance- khoriing instinct a young matron in whom the chop ping instinct wa itrong usked a oer- nan butllnr the price o hambuiger leak twentylive cents a pound he re plied hilt ild jhe the price ut the corner store is only twelve cent veil asked otto vy you dont puy it down there they havent any ihe replied vu ya aid the butcher vm i dont have it i sell it for ten centt only not that at alid thin liapixned before tho horsolcnil age an old geiitlemm hud lujulred n compcti nee by industry and attention to detail and he retired from buslitens his actlvo mind however could not remulii idle and lie huiled hlnuwlf wtli helping to enforce nomc of the city bylaws when going across thojitreet one day ho railed to thodrlver of an exprenn wagon 1 un lluit youi tviitie u bllucaunl i t whoal what dye nay x said your name bi obliterated i aw yer uwuy olf my name is ollrlenl ylddap t slow coilections jtnrt the new yrsr with a clean sheet send your slow and bad collections to u and up your worrying over tliem keii y i ken colldntlon klhelulbilu tor 40 ymnt okancikvimh vvlivu owkn kouni no colloetlit no clnuge nadian nationalrailways going kast daily except sunday 701 ajn daily uxcept bundivy 1005 am dally nxcopt hunday i xjbpm dally except hunday olbpm dally rxrept hunday 847 pm tiunday ipily u 800 pm going wmi dally except hunday 730 a jn dully except hunday 008 ajn dully except hunday 32b pm dally excrpt jluuday 61 b pm dally except himduy 717 pm dully 1021pm sunday only 10 ib am denotes a flag train canadian national klectkic itahavayh w4bound dally except bunday b18 jil dally 1010 jxl dally 118 pjn dully 310 pm dully obbpjn daily 018jjn daily laieam llaatboond daily except tiunday 733 jn- dally 039 ftja dally 133s pjn dally 333 pm daily b33 pjn dally 833 pit- daily 1133 p j toronto terminal koolo ytrrt and hl clab- avena lreliht delivered by ipeelal expretf freight freight picked up at any ad- ilrejjt in ivironto how do i keep young oh i learned that se cret when i discovered shreddbd wheat its the whole wheat you know und has iron for making red blood und till the elements or building healthy tissue and bone and by tho way its readycooked and ever so easy to serve for breakfast or lunch i just pour milk or cream oyer the biscuits on cold mornings 1 heat the milk it makes a most deli cious hot cereal ariil with fruit its a treat at any time m the canadian shredded wheat compakyltd imtoskium ilrsl stniiictr ut tile piuty very lull lnt it ki concl yen viry ifl iiii lumif i fimt im -tin- llot wonderful for indigestion shredded wheat with all the bran of the whole wheat jv gadesky of toronto on account of holiday floannn will not ho here on january b hut will ho hero on iwlmj n l7 0 anyone mityerlngrrom lcycatrnln dofectlvcj vlnlnn or honducho ihnuld not inuui tlui opportunity of connultlng thbi eyenlght ntwcultnt apiioliitmenbi iimyj be made with mr a t ilrown dugfllnt consultation wtttw office lloum 0 a m uu 4 0 tu time tables at acton r travel wehtnound dally 105 pm dally 405 pa dally except fctundayn and hollduyn b0b pm uuuduyn and hollduyn only lo05pm kahthodno dally 035 am dully 3 00 pra dally 7 00 p m la salle cleaners uuliih ontario vali3tor pressing service ami siitisfiiction all orln left t vvuou llnxbvr shop will lteoiw fruntpl aluititloii painting and house decoration iniiniiif a speciality lrumlit atttiiitlflu sittihritdtltiii gimruntmid intlitmin qlvrn i rliiiinn no ltlciiari h nlanche ilnx 3b0 aoton savage rctc watches diamonds china glassware engagement and weddng rings guelph ontauio 11 wyndhun bi hli m an a i ur joe udmltled he had where i1ie you been felllng honf joe could think only of fulrview and shortly ralrvlewii icturun jlunved u jtcunty doen vote auer u lene interval it wiui duiilly reckoned that joe had rellly been elected nherltr one of the blifuett tilllreii in the county then 4yn very eliwe inuigln hi campaign miin- nnor grabbed him cilnirly hy thi uhouliler lmik here joe youie u pretty ood cmdldute hut if were ever itoin to tie up in politic iiuln jou not to piotphe to itop tradlnir hore uy cricky if youd sold one more team or lnmei in thlt county wed a hein licked to u frusudu oruiidpu l diad hut it i the whim of fate that joe nhould own u lurge trucking hiivluiiu without employing 1 kinglet home just huitiueclc hetold mi hu hud i old hlh liet teulii of liormvi lie- cause h couldnt even keep one team of homes bcciiio he couldnt even keep one team in hli bu dniii any more tho man who bouuht them knew no little about hornen that joe oitlll culled nherllf throuuhout the county to thin day wiui almoat ohhamed to take hln money which wok paid over without bickering or bar gaining aint even any fun to mill a team of horses any more joe complained la- meutlngly f horse trading ttuyx are over the lunall untfytownb7arl been too old to run for office but hln forty big road trucks pound the highways day and night comfort and eikioiiratteiuent to all labor ing and heavyladen inuli they ihow u the mind or chrlt towards iiiirerlng huinunlty they exhibit uk nunle villlngni to do iood to tho sons of men and thi readlnco to nlmw com- p ivtlnn we hould ihiav remeiuh r phut lr mtii do nut eonie under tile henellcent inltiicnrc of ji mis 1l not hecnre the master 1- not wllliiut to have thitu come the blame of u hniei i ruin j must he borne hy hlmielf fj rider i t 1 tim 1 kek ill ij matt jlta t7 j j din f 40 we me ton in this mirra- tlve the respect the lord jesus putd to the ceremonial law of mo he bids the leper io and how himself to he priest v m of coune jimis knew that threremoiles ot the mosaic i u ueie only idiadowi and luufes of good thinit t eoiiu lie knew well that the last days or the ievlllcal institution i were close i itiand sinewy touilhne s not to ented in liny other exercise dupli- heilinvi xom you ilnlment all callouse und i nhiricements stock with doimlas kiryptlan a wonderful lemedy oiirht to know niivous woman to persistent hpkuur if i irlve you a piece of chrlstlliis pild- dlnit vou will never reluni will you llititar- will lady vou know youi pudden better tliun i do win n your itoiuaeh feel i bad when stomach adds itas soiuness iiiuiei or afteieatlnit pain make you mlsiiihe just a little llfsuratcd maisnesl i tubli 1 1 or powder will in luit afi and instant idler it mutrulle the urlils that have up it your stomach uid permit nortnnl pulules dliietlnu or iti cot 1 nothlug driiitclsl eirywheie sell it with thl ituurantee its daily use mean real l nuacli eoinfort wavs hi round knowing a ittong llitlit on hi oopel or chilst the final lesson t i he leaiuid from this itory of till healing r the leper is our lord jesus christs diligence iitmut private prayer all h iuth itrent multitudes came to il and that they would liether to hear and to iwt healed by him n um he laid iiildo forever hut so joint ni they were not uhrogited he- would have them respected they were or dained by ood himself they were plfi- rurejt and omblrmn of the oopcl they were not therefore to be lightly eiiteem- ed hut til darkness in punt und un title llirht now nhineth 1 john 3 1 yo have nothing now to do with ulturn sacrifices or prlenh and thom who wlnh to revive or perpetuate them uro ai men who light candle at hluh noon uut trim an thin in we muni never forget thirtnoc instruction infirmities he iitlli made time for secret devotion holy and undellled though he wan jesus would not allow tin- demantlii of public duty to prevent iliuhir private lutercoune with hli lather wo are told tint ho withdrew hlmielf into the wudornrnfi und prnyed v id there i an example net for mi here muchoverlooked thene dayii titih wo would do well to follow- why in it thut there in no much apparent nplrltual work and yet no ilttln ponltlve rihult why o much running hither and thither moiilariuvln fllinruirornnclyot fowlnoiiiiliplo olirlnl tlir it contains that aamn oonpol reply in hhort and nlmple there bt not in the bud which we now ttee in full enough private prayer tet im each tbt- flower and rightly understood will at- amine ourselves and mend our ways reward a mihtimtlal reward will he given fqr information le dlng to the urrent and conviction of the thicvrfi who hi oke into colonel llullaihlnun uum- mer cottame on tin acton aide road on the mountain a llt of the aitlclnu ntolen la in possesilon of chief mlinihull ot qeortfvtown or detective oooknuui of milton and jncludea among other thliii twd folding miittreidii brown tapestry onu three foot niuttrcun ulu nkc lis green brawn und gray a leather brief eano bheettt und bedding oiib rod tobacco can thb information will be treated as tonndcnunirnndmay either the officers named above or to tho itovlnclal lollce parliament hulldlngs toronto the name is sufficient butternut bread rich iih mutter sweet nu n nut sold at following acton grocers lied white j w jonra superior store 1i1iiv neluon co mrs onkley w ncsbltt -pactory-at- dominion bakeries limited guelph subscriptions for all magazines taken at the free press office