paob noirr the acton ffcee press tiiunsdav pkbruary 36 1bj1 birth ifaariakca and duhli ara bow dutretl ut at th follow ralaai birth a act hrruaa acj dealba go manorial crda 30c too pr una extra lo poaota born uitgixelt at the wulett igonptul parts on monday february is 1d31 to mr and mrs wm o mitchell the gift of a daughter died karl at milton on wednesday febru ary 26 1831 edwin franklin earl formerly mayor and warden of the county in his 77th year this la the last week oi february the sun ta making inroads on tho piles of snow those days judge mooro hold a nltthu of tho juvenile court at uraihpton on monday moumiwu drlvo slowly through town yqu may be n pedestrian aomo day your self ye you urn fjullo at liberty to think of something vao build hockey 110w tim rrmnit section of tho pro vincial highway li almost mtlrely free from uiotf tlio growing ktrunuth of tho nuns rays in now rrdut ing tho volume of know v noticeably total of 0c20 in ihu cov ro amounts cluelph hiui arroarn in tukcit ojylnif alnco hklfi tlut b lines are running an closely to schedule theao dnyu ail the atnam and electric roods running through town if you desire to recover your liockey expenditures road the udtf us well tho horkny nown and youll nave enough to take in tho rest of tlio gumeii never before wore ther bo many motor earn in town hi winter time an worxlcfinmmidjthnljlg actdi- utratfonl liockoy match wow the object tlvo public utilities commis- sion 7 fassea aoeonts at bruj session and transacts items of ueneral business tho fortnightly session of the public utilities commission on tuesday evening had commissioners khig and chairman r j kerr present the secretary was instructed to pay tho following accounts tiis acton fur phehs supplies f 5 76 hy di electric power commis sion of ontario power etc f mccutcheon express commdnlty electrical supply co supplies itone st ohtani ltd supplied jfj msitriovifrtrosatbii 2000 34 11 80 0 34 various items of local interest uonou wiiebe it 18 iuje rncaptared copvlet sent to portsmoutli admitting hbi guilt hi cliargea of breaking prlon and tirooklng and enter ing und theft at the plant of tho do minion tjnen mills uuulph john jolliffo 23 of windsor who watt captured in ior- onto monday urter escaping from the ontario heforiuutory was st nluired on euch charge to four yearn in portsmouth penitentiary the terms am to run 10m urruntly with the balance of hlii re formatory miiikiiciii which total lmtwihu mi nt and it in not tlio world la always ready to pay homage to success xts heroes and hero ines- are those who through some un- ukutu gift or brain or muscle or charm have set them apart from and above tho tolling commonplace mosses of huv inanity true one must bo willing to use his gifts and to improve his talent in short to work the idler never goes far bui aomo people are marked from thn brghinlng for excnllnit in one or another meld und their natural ad van togi it aru 110 groat uiat they have always tlie linlde truck in thn race for tho ad miration of their follows hut there bi ujiothor sort 0 achlnvit- vory rare either ooooooocxmocxocx3boooooooog girl guide news live and six yeari jollllfo acknowledge d which la still more woruiy of lionor the t ft of two sweaters and a pa of it u tho itnikgle of the burdened and overalls from the iln n coinpiuiyljlurt7iriuilijaphrhijuidrwomnrrrdoy-m- gtrl j035 10 the 11 jit of urroaru weru cheeked up and instruction issued iu to the disposi tion of the varlou1 cases councillor c ii harrison who receiv ed eye injuries by a flying puck at the elora game is now better and was in attendance ut tlie gomo on monday night the telephone men are making ex tensive improvcincnu to tlio service in town these dayn installing new lines and connecting up with the new cables wtwcukx a iuw mo lujo one of tho buses coming from klora last week hod a narrow escape it nllp- pod on thi ley roadway and broke a telephone guy wlro and narrowly mlnuid hitting a pole on the tilde of the ntreet inotlelph a card from reeve miuon uut week jtuyb have received thk 1mih pmu and enjoyed it very much we aro sitting in tho park listening to a good band concert by mosief hand are j both iijoying our holiday pleaded over liockey teiunji tiucccui nuiv dear clara wrote tho young man pardon me but i urn getting i forgetful x propose to you lost night but really forget whether you mild yci or no dear will nho replied 10 glad you wrote i know i tald yeu to tonio one last night but x had forgotten juit who it woh uotklimoras ion titdnkh there u a recrrtr code hidden in-the- hotel labels with which travellers trunks on the continent nro m pmfutoly decor ated globe trotters arc aware that in switzerland and hi other tourist coun tries porters or wiiltoni stick bills or labels with the names of liotcu on the baggage when one leaves the trunks look very ugly at the end of a trip and require a good washing tlie fact luva been learned tlut the placing of theto labels their position upright upside down or crosswise- forms an unwritten and unsuspected character they servo tjrnttrrstiotrnn nextnfiotot whether or not the traveller hi generous hi slvort wlmt lutiount tlie prey li worth thk town ani a nmall town without a brans uand is like a saw mill without u whlstli cannot tll work days from play dayn foast days from fast days remember dont you in the halcyon days of yore you thought youmelf the cynosure of all eyes tho envy of the other kids when permitted to curry the cymbal players music or to btand rnpt- alteiiltoii linldlnguloft loorcli lest the baui drummer nonnd a fulso note after all wo uro only kids grown up we applaud in conventional ktyle the compositions of the ureal nioiite fokkkfatfrn haflovvioiifk iy uarbar1 ll itrooks 1 he iclfiuuned ntnngc r sex liuva n partli ular dial ike for tluuitt fi mlnluo lalntl 1 c ulli d opt 11fuiod miudwlclnii whli h am the buil rlti u of afternoon tea und uft moon gonnlp neither tlie miui- iilluo apptlte nor the nuulullne patlinro will tolerate nlbbllnir 01 tho o hulfbltts uvon though tach onu li a divine n atlon in miniature inok ry when a man iuiki for iand wishes he means iui tho kurl of tlnndwlrli meant tui unik ugo mi at und br iui und plenty of it lho hurl of whom wo fipeidc wuii thu oriulnutor of niuidwlehi u the story is that the youuu man wili w luteiioly inteniud in the gaming table thut he did not wlh to leave it for food und w he called for hbi limit tuul brud in un eiully uccetjblo form he wiui wrved a sandwich and evt r since men have pn ferted imndivlclti i aft r a stiff game at rordji ivikerfuctd siuidwlchcil they ure the kind whlrh do not reveal by their fucis what they hold let a man make hln own jsandwlrhci und ee how the bread u out mm how the ineut lit sltcod uid iiorseradlsir jiu of dill uee how foimjio mustarof und cheeio disappear a pickles wont lobt long either thnst men of the world are really juit little loyn at heart their oyea ntlll hhlnn at the night of homemade bread like mother uiwd to make the following bread cut in thick spongy hllccs rondy for the filling would please any man who win planning n tng party i1k3t bran i1ukad 1 yoaiit enke j teulmmiis ltult 13 cup brown mignr or moliujifi 2 ciipi lllkewnrni watt r cupi bread flour 3 cupi allilrun iljiihhupnnnttjdiar tuning frli udn win n oilc brcajne ieparutetl from thtin he did not ut flnt make any par ticular ffort to locate tin m iu it wiui alwayr undfrilood that in rann such an urclditiit occurred each wiu to make hbi way bark to town without onxb ty an tiiiuniimn lfvini biiirrly olnn lie tripled und full injuring libi enklo iitivt rely as hln foot puluttl him ter ribly the my decided he mint hunt np the nturttit farmhouse iuitl hire ipmn one to take him to hli lodglnir place by the time he reached u humble hou j not fur away a iitorm hud como and although tlie farmer promisetl to get him back to town cu roon ai immtillblo they hud to wait for clearing nklen to add to the difficulty a birth day reubrutlon was going on in tho houx and the young mim felt decidedly out of place particularly iu tho house wu 1 very small now lont worry yoiinclf a bit iild the mhtres of the houie mtnnwhile biuulaglntj the injured ankle in n wuy luitjllevcauianaliiucaidorfullywoj vrottagt ani iiian4portation crumble yetut into a bowl add tho salt nutfiir and water mix until nmooth add 3 cup of flour beat will add the uhortuiinir whlrh iui been iof tenet bent well add allbran und the re maining 1 cup1 of hour mix thorough ly keeping sides of ikw1 clean sprinkle kncadlnir board hftlitly with flour turn dough on board and knead until dough in irnooth and elastic put into grtiued bowl und turn it over ncvirurtlmti until outside li coveied with thin coating of ithortenlnu allow to riie until tlough 1 1 doubled in bulk or until blliterti or gin aci begin t nppeur on top of tho dough punch dough down in oouti und fold over from four sldci to centre untl punch turn tho dough over let rlie 45 mlnutis punch ngaln anil turn dough over let rife 15 mlnutei shipo into loave 1 and let rljui until light aliout one hour undbftkejntiuioderato ovoii 400 to 43f degrees 1 for li mlnutcil then reduce hint to 3j10 degrees f for reiuulnder of baking period ltd to 10 mlnutcil lesji yeast an little us i cake may b ured if a longer time is given the bread to rlv yield 1 twopound loaf now for the lllllngul iot un suggest a few ciikksk and onion sandwich 1 cup cream choeno l i cup chopped onion jltitluco loavtui cup mayomiulte rtlxtrattilftretttrtlii onion use with tnayonnulie and u critp lettuco leaf between sllcei of buttorod broud ciiickkn ham and ocusuy sandwicibca 1 cup cooketl chicken meat j cup celery 1 tablespoon green pepper l cup mayonnaise t cup cooked ham mince the chicken hum cekry and green peppers mix with the mnyonnal ie ant flpnjiid on butteretl bread weizf bandwichll jj3iipi cnul roayt beef 1 ttuipoon alt j tiblcspnon tomato rutchup j teasimum worciiitcrihhe iuice 1 tablciimiou melted butter jo minced cold roiut lieef add the were enthuhiaitlc over the work of the suit tomato catchup worci iterslllre 1 mice renowned virtuoso but we open thoiletpi iuidmelted butter spread on butteied est receswi of our hearts to the miliilc briiid cover with u ieeond slice je it good or bud o the town hum i how we delight to ndmlre the rythmir undulatlonk of the leaders baton now soft uhd gentle an the summers brueeo now vehement as the descending avu- bul did not divulge wlum he got tlie 57 in cosh whllh wiii found in his pon- lon whtu tuken iuttt t uslotly tbo kampui wu finn mom ikrdrrd one of the hoc la y fiuu who is ului intt riiiti d in singing culled ti iuax ihttn he morning following the utrut- fordaiton game tuul gave a good iug- gi it ton whit h might he well followt tl up uie ringing of hluk up your trotihli 1 u d by the bund hud appealed him iui 1 big ut win a place of mufulni 11 and activity in thn world ililx is immo thing more thiui u faithful industrious cultivation of a codgiven talent it is a hlgh- splrllel tourugeous fight against we ak in ji and dlioursgi milit mid llmltittlon in j111 h ciuuh one nci the humiui soul ut iti bi t and bruvent if honors aro evei dimrvtd they are diiird liore bo we wei 0 glut to reotl the other day of tlie award of a gold initial the annual boy wei k auurd hi pliua- 11 us many othi r it wuit tlelphlu to u ymmg fellow of twenty it jiiigwii 1i1 d that the bund who hi the judgment of the rommlttto ure famlllur numlx 1 1 thut ev ryone is hui at lilt v d the miwt in the fuco of acquaint d with und had in tommunlty hi uvy til uhllltli i the tioy is idwurd inglng on othf r oei u ions und at the in muln lvi r sliue lie wili thno year hand totuerli during the summer oi 1 1 old he h ii bun rrlpplt d from lnfitutllo longs we know wan his luut ad- pantlyi 1 it would not lie titrunge if lllon we piu1 the miggi itlon on ho hatl simply imlmiltti tl to his crowi and f 1 el sure ivtiyono would t njoy thli untl r giu d hlniulf to u life of hope- iiimuuity ilnging iui tin y did on mon- 1 111 1 tuul tb iw ndi nre hut he has day night i uk unlliimin csukst not done to his uinblllun 1 to bo a luwyi r und he h taking 11 eounu in law wh re lie ituutl high in his cluiui thpiigh he inmt tlo all hln work in thu a young nuui who luul fulli n into coin- j hm jiltnl with the help of volunteer piuiy not of tlio bi t was out walking iituili utti ut hen ulx thouiiand loyj par- the wootbi oiii tluy with usvi ral udi d in hi 1 lionor when the wellearned i ure always glad to help anybody out of trouble whui we ran of course i inlaid to pay you for tlal wail awardi tl to him uviryonc will hope that hli tight will be crowned with f urthi r iucce tii and that ho will llnd it itonslhle iu 1 plte of hli handicap to spend a life of uwful work in hli rho wn proft ssum ili hed thing ubnut it j hi tha ktlwurd lvemaln 1 not iui i xi eplion7hut the reprttunlutlve of 11 great army of unfortunate one who have refused to lie down under their bunluii and liuve with unflagging jplrlt pri pared them- selvt for mrvlc und uiefulni a vo know of many such nw 1 there t tuirdly one of our renders who could not add others to the ilt borne ure blind some crippled rome tornn11 ted by continual illhealth but their wills aru unconquerable willie tllcy llvo they tight und win ouch people dully de mon itrute the ttonehnim and the nobili ty of the human iplrlt iisiasi s or vifiiamis the coatly rhrlnkuge und dtterlorotlon jour trouble said the young fellow a bit in egitubki dijrpig tin ptrlod of jitor- itiltly what worrle nit b thut i m age luid trail portatlon in canada 1 u fntrildlnu whin jou have gueits l mutter of great concern to thoie who a lonk of pnln und urprlo crocd are rlo ely in ocluud with food handl ing while it k impovltile to etlniute the i0s1 occurring annually in the humlllnir of vi gtttiblei nt vi rthele n porli indicate that the prriblun merit 1 ui loun cnniikll ration u fact v hicli b fully apprcclittd hy wholi ulem trim portatlon compuili and the general public ob c riutloni niul 1 xperlmcnt condiicti d by tlio ledeiul division of bolmy have shown that plant dlieaei j are re pon ible tor u huge sbiirn of the e n even the cynical young loni iurthenniire by applying tin ooooooooooooctooooooocoooo becnifie there was no quldv news in tho pupir last wnk tloes not mean that tin re was iiihio to write about tluro was a bit of uewn but jilil next to nonr untl o we de lded we would kuei tliat for till weik and w did just like the little rod in 11 in the jirlnmr she isnt in the primer but her nory is l1twedne1d11y mm flnluy who lias tlun judl about all a ouldn iui do od- dn ih d the gulden at cuptahln luunn kir talk wiu min health not only of body but of mind in furl the mind iitiould t omif unit becail 0 without u healthy mind one annot bo truly of good heidth thii utek there will be u hulf ilnj 11 or more n rmlu join us we hope to make good oulditi tf tin 111 liny will form u ifw patrol we am 1 xpi 1 ting word of a new mei t- ing plute it in a jiiit right place not too fur away fmiu any guide untl juit uhiiut in the tintn of our town winn we know deflultily of it we will tell you all alvout it tin re wili 11 court of honor muting ut cuptilji11 home on 1 111 1 day 1 v nlng thlt in a mi t ting for the patrol ij adi rs anil tli 1 ondn it wiui a r run in d that tlu se mietlnii he hi id n gulurly onee u witk we ure to jitait our butlgo mi otlngis that is a it ing to work for our proflcuuey badgi i the 01111 net t mary for our first otiiui ure niitllreruft child nune a111- bulancr and tin y say qultln 1 only play oh when biitlden other thing we 1 to put on three pate he i und make a baby tlreji and darn a stocking that is ull for one little budge jlx more guides have pumjmi their beront cltu tut making ten becond cluiji ouldes in all wu will give their names when there li lcim news and more space any exa hides who read this onlde nfiuri ioiul tlins who ar not q might tell the former that all guide plus name tugi shoulder knots and color belong to the company and nliould iturned it in a strict rule that only ouldi a may wear outdo insignia v011 know one of the most important dutltn of a guide is to be able to track we have to learn and we aro going to start pretty 10011 if some fine tluy a hunch of crenturei acting like excited loglc on a truck tearing around town with lioie und rym down you will know we are not demented it will be a t rncklng contest also if you see a burglar who lonki very much like a oulde captain leaving trulls do not think that burglar in very uncoutloin of course lljl-oi-orplian- annlo said- fiome waakc ago all crook are iup or they wouldnt be crookn ilnwevt r tlont laugh at the poor burglar till time be- cau e it will be part of the tracking didnt ue have some newi tlili week well we expect marly a much for nevt wi dlc the womans face wc are not rich nho utid quietly but we have never taken a penny for helping pi ople who wt re in trouble by thli time u family party in 11 big fllltluoblle had to take refuge in the house and indttvrtt were rutin r conge lid the farmer and hi 1 wife put all at eiue howt v r und made the food hold out in tome mysterlou 1 way so that all had un abundant und dellcloipi supper by the time it wi chap with the injured unkle nii t uterlng j fucts tlerivtd from scientific investigation into the innocent fun and contributing encouniglng progrtui has la en made to- hl nhure to the lively convcmatlon wardi clbuhiatlng tho dhetei renpon- when j ho sky cleared finully und the ilble for thh wuste sound vtgetahlci moon came out everybody mitle n atly to from well cared for ileitis if properly tlepait no uso windhut- or help to handljtf- during fitoiagr and transporta- tuke our cripplo to town salt the owner lion muy be placet on the market wlth- of tho big machine genially well out very gieat low upon tho grower quel w the children into tho front seat thi refore fulls the re ponslblllty of np- aml let him have more than half the j plying mea ures to prevent the develop- back one no trouble at all i glad to do merit of the fungi and bacteria attack u nelghlyorly turn you see its tho only wiy t can pay our kind frlendii who sheltered nnd fed us ixkiklng back ut that incident the young man who had injured hln unkle has always declared that his uccldent was a part of clods plm to save him frorrr ptmilmlnm and a fnolleil life is tl hour that 1mm simple farm people taught him that goodness frleudllnemi and helpfulnein nro uot rare virtues but common ones he wili u changed being tluit name evening ho wrote to hii ing his crops and ouuilug such diseases us black rot of cibbiuje celery blight rhlorttnla rot of tubers late blight rot of potntoei and many othurs of impor tance such preventive measures are bused upon our knowledge of tho life history of the purusltr involved innddulnn to thtffeetvfpabwahlclyriui dlsimsis caused by fungi and bacteria there is u very important iumrce of lovi tlue to certain dbuusei of nonpurtudtic origin they nre of greater importance thiui muy be seen by ruiiual observation it j kutkh saiis i uuhdny march 3- m button os- lanchu but withal guiding the reed tho prlnge clearing sale of farm block brass the rat a tat tut and boom boom 1 implements nnd household tilfects to unison or hearly unlson tuesday man 10 l dulfleld kru- uoys of the band dont unite your main clearing bale of farm block and cggrfrtrfllv roupd vonr lender tnki the i imulemeiili pleasure and profit in the work glvo the uiiturduy mart h 20 all pleasure to others they want and some- effects of a w nellson mill bti times deserve and in season and out of acton at i 30 p m season maintain that greatest and most saturday march 38 at 3 30 p iu beloved of all institutions tho town effects of the late albert murray band v j street acton mother back in tho little vlllige and and the adoption of any olforts aimed plulged hit word that he would lead u to reduce loes from this source ojuiurei different life grenter economy to thore intertnted 1 it broke me all up he said again the e diseases include black leaf speck and again theie i wan un unbidden ofcubliugo redheart of lettuce nnd cub- gucit among people to whom social 1 huge bluckheurt und surf ire pitting of pleasures must hive been few but thrvpotuto tubers ouch tllnorders cojplnon- lreatethne as if they were glad to liuve j ly occur in storage and trail ipor itlon me and then that rlrh man bringing 1 tin oiighout the dominion and they ure me to town 111 if he wan glad to do it primarily the result of an insufficient ojmnetl my eyca tlh fuither i can sao supply or pure ulr rnmbltlld with tem- ihat 1 wu fust drifting into 11 state of puuluri which prevent the utlllxutlon mind bordering on miirthy as to moral of the oxygen iu the available air for and spiritual valuer but i thnnk clod that ll is ugieetl by authorities that furllltli 1 in one ufttrntmui he showed me my ml- 1 which hindei tlie lnterchine of iilr are take to jo uvoldi d iliese two aetori inn 1 j would it not be well if young people be kept in mind whin attempting to yfld not wait for sprained ankli 1 sick- 1 prevent tlie occurrence of dlsi a en of lies and sorrow to examine themselve 1 thi 1 nunc air channels are being pro- oct aslonally to nee if tin ir faith ih their a i uioilern stoiage hiiui and rail- fellow being ii growing stronger or lertf way en by the inutulliiuim of false ieup boniewhere sonidtlmes we will all door und ventilating ehiitei under have to depend upon other for thingn uieli tondltlonii nnd when the teniperu- we eimiiot piy in money ut in nlljiure 1 regulatt d tn unmln betwin 3d have a sluing growing fului in humun ign e t und 40 ligreci vuhrt nhelt nature hilda rlrhniond thi nick in thp avl wulu r smith went to the unodplu to do hl part in kitplng up tlier supply of wood for the kitchen tove it w vi n clear fro ty morning the snow wa 1 gll ut nlng tin lie tin the pond win month and inviting and walters skntt i tuul bt en recently shurpi net he picket up the uxc and swung it quickly and impatiently down on 11 stout beecli block out from the edge of the steel hew a small fi igmcut walter looked at the nick in dismay he hud neglected to warm the uxe onj thin take out the frat zero weather make sttel brittle walter knew that hii father would uot tolerate a nicked xe round the placn so being un honest boy he took it to him at once iliat is too bad waller said m bmlth palii ntly ytm turn the grind stone und ill hold the uxe hour after hour walter turned nwny ut the stone all the morning ho und hlt father worked and again after dinner boys passed with their ikaten on their way to thu pond but wulter had to mokr kxfknkivk kino household j boartler i nay loses from tlueise are ivdueul to u mlnl- ttiuiu uxpei inn ntal farm note and af night the nick ntlll showed anil the next morning though hii nrnui and shoulder ached bo had to turn the grlwlitnue again- finally tabout noon the uxo wiu in gootl shape there thats done nlild tho father impatience tloeint pay doen it waltt r what ue have to do we jihould do right and in good spirit if we tie it in any other way nomething and sometimes some one gelit luirl tint hasty blow liai ileluyed you n your wood cutting and has made a lot of 1 xtru haul work lit itdi without tnnsldcrlng that it hat spoiled a tluv nnd a half for me no wonder the apt tie tell 111 to ndd self- control nd patienre to faith antl courage j 1 and kuw ledge but my boy you nre lucky j ui could irlnd out the result of your infpatli nt 111 1 a ra ih wortl or dei d might i nock 1 nick out of your teacht rs re perl for you or out of a valued friend- hip 01 ut of some othi r noble relutlou- ihlp iu life that ceuld not be so easily lueiulu it wn a it jon that wulter never for- gt in ifter yeaia when hli impatient splilt seimid lki ly to gain control over him be lemrmhem unit weary day and a half pnt grinding out the nlrk in the axe hope you hot bath it wu dont only charge me for lukewarm i landjidy oh no hot hulh six- i pence cold bath threepence a lukewurm will be liinepencet finaity ot touching iltch mother your face k clean but howd you get yoiii huudi so cllrty bmnl oon wiushtn my face hume currlewill hold a clearing aurtlou hale of hirm block and imple- ludiiti ut ijit 13 lmirth line iqueslng 011 tuesday murth 10 bate ut one ot lock no reserve frnnk ivtch auc- j tlimeer v 353 specials at mclean co aijj wool motor rugs thcso kujjt for the iinr ulsn for couch covers itcgulsir price 5 k sptcnl tins week for each flannkitttl luankkts save money 011 these blankets large double bed size white and gray kegulai price 2 25 special foi tins wuek pel pair iioijukoof silk ano ijsk hosk sies 0 wi and 10 lodayt pi ice for these sfocldnjs i j5c special tlm week pei pair chintz dainty patterns 30 inches wide suitable for side curtains conifoiteis etc special per yard mkns pants special price this wtck on mens odd pants strouj wuhiiiij punts at 5150 s200 25 hoys wool drawkrs luinbuir make in sies 22 and 21 kejiular puce 1 00 special for pei pan 400 izc white 175 45c 25c 25 specials in grocery dept 5infaiit delight of- i choice pink sulmon t soup for cidk per am id 25c 20c 4 t for 1 ijer i oiiutto catsup oa pur bottle uc castile soap long bar tor 13c ouli regular 50c lb tea mixed or black for per can ajc jplly powders p g or pearl soap 5 bars for 42c mclean co mill street acton ontario this weeks specials at pa 1 ian t s mens fleecelined shirts and drawers mj regular 75c a garment special per garment tlc mens fleeceljned combinations tl 1ft kiirliiriri5nruit for fmlu mens all wool penmans shirts and 1 q drawers reg 1 50 garment tor 11 mens pencil stripe pants good value at qff 3 00 for per pair jid mens guaranteed lighthouse overalls the best j aq wearing overalls on the market reg 250 pair foi tpj0 mens fjincy socks worth 25c a pair for per pair sic ladies bloomers extra good quality regulai mq 75c pair for per pair tc girls fleecelined bloomers sizes up to 32 oft extra special per pair 7c boys allwool stockings sizes up to 10 on extra special a pair omc coiticelli boil proof embroidery thread special 1 skeins 10c if you want good shoes at iow prices uuy them at paijlants pall ants next to bunk of montroiil mill sscot acton specials anrpom e r s o n special lard bulk or brick ihs for lard ih pails for 25c 39c pork cuts fresh hams whole or hair per ih shoulder roasts of pork per lb shoulder boil per ih beef cuts round steak roasts per lb prime rib roasts per lb ihick rib roasts per lh thick rib boil per lb 19c and 20c 17c and 18c lfir and 17c llc and 20c 19c and 20c kic and 17c 12c f pattersons meat shop wk dkiivkk promptly phone 178 i