new tyo the acton free press thursday ma1ujh 5 1081 the home oi tp artnn rvt lrrflh wrruly ncwper qlw ulvmoi c w n a lh mill uk action iukk ikks 1 mil lilt rd very sul llafffflt nrtrth i imli ativljlumnc liultt tr1 unu- rule will i luy uiiviiui iixeiiionls- n ilrriiuin ur label editor urn proprietor government buildings sought delegations from georgetown nnd burlington have been interviewing the local member for the county requesting that new toat office buildings bo erected in these municipalities and undoubtedly both cases arc deserving of consideration ns the present buildings arc certainly very inadequate with the problem of finding funds to meet expendi tures alrcndy made however confronting the admin istration at ottawa the nppropi iations for now works wdl undoubtedly be hard to negotiate acton and milton have at present the only two government post office buildings in the county and having enjoyed the privileges of having one of these fine buildings in the community for many years it can only be our wish that other municipalities in the county may he favored with a similar advantage chronicles of ginger farm yvritbti spoolally for the free irww by 1wkndolink 1 oiaitke the main fiictur at a recent luncheon address c u gundy city advertising numnger of the kobert simpson com pany stressed advertising as one of tile main fnctois in relieving the piesent business depression the company mr gundy repiesents have certainly justi- hcdhirrstntcmcntrcceittlyin theirndvcrttttigpi0 gramme continuing mr gundy said markets have been declared factories emptied and the minds of mauufactuiers and hivcntois sharpened by falling commodity pi ices advertising men and promotion experts will have to start light in now and change their motto from better selling to better service they must have that as their perpetual keynote to nil advertising campaigns nothing to nothing tho burlington gazette takes a column in its last issue to call tin vuvii phiiss article and tho editor some fancy names tim friie pkuss editor and sports writer are embodied in the one carcass we have nothing further to say on the matter our opinion of the gazette or the gazettes opinion of tuu fkee phess is not particularly interesting news to our readers and whatever our other failings may be wo dont intend to curry on a battle of culling names we might make some comparisons that wouldnt be detrimental to tin pkiu pmss but wo arc content to leave the matter as it stands spreading over uwj province n the past seven years 0010 miles of uiral trans- emission lines have been built and electric suryice given to 43251 customers the programme for this year calls for the construction of 1802 miles of new lines to serve nearly 10000 customers the cost will he 4000000 of which the province pays half bonuses amounting to over 7500000 have been paid by the government to help rural users of power tlu rural transmission lines have cost over 15000000 nnd this expenditure will be considerably increased before tho end of 1031 it is declared the location of the new mileage to bo constructed this year gives southwestern ontario 1051 miles northern ontario 202 miles and eastern ontario 50 miles while the activities for the first few years were largely in southwestern ontario a conaidcrable portion of the construction work this year will be in the eastern district from whitby to the ottawa river threequartern of a century of service after being for sovciityoight years in the control of father and son the newmarket era bus changed hands mr lyman g jackson who has been in ill health for some tunc has disposed of that valuable plant and franchise to mr arthur huwkcs of tor onto a journalist of wide reputation for three- quarters of a century the newmarket era has enjoyed a prestige as an influential weekly journal which bus been high indeed the era was established by the late erustus juckson and upon his retirement forty- eight years ugo his son lyman became the pro prietor the policy of the era has been most com- mcndiblc and has embraced a constant effort for the advancement and betterment of its constituency the support of all moral issues calculated for the real good of the community a consistent and independent support of the liberal party and the issue each week of a worthy local newspaper clean in tone and neat in typographical execution to the era nnd the juckson family the town of newmarket and of north york genorally owe much for the character of the newspaper they have so faithfully provided through out the years mr hawkes will prove a worthy suc cessor in tle control of this widelyknown und much appreciated weekly journal and he has the best wishes of this paper for continued success how much lq your ambition worth some people have just enough ambition to make them unhappy it starts in school they envy the student at the head of the class but not enough to spend the evenings in hard study they look with longing eyes at the hockey star and do nothing hut wish that they could acquire the same efficiency but they ore not willing to spend the hours necessary in practice and training and the attention and discipline that is necessary in the game they aspire to the company of the wellbred intelligent young people of the town but their aspiration is not strong enough to keep them from playing boorish tricks on social occa sions ambition may be nothing more ninn a source of misery 1 1 ititiy make the pties of success look alluring and stop there the right sort of ambition does more than keep you unhappy it keeps you striving struggling until the goal is attained how much your ambition is worth to you depends on whether or not you have more than enough to make you unhappy canadian at ijiut widespread protest from muny quarters in recent years has brought about a welcome change in jregbrch to censustaking when the census man comes around this year the nativeborn canadian can proud- j ly reply to his question about nationality 1 am u canadian he may ask your racial origin and expect an answer whether your forbears originated in eng land scotland russia or germany but first of all he must write you down as u canadian the rest is merely supplementary information the dominion statis- tician gives the definition of a canadian as follows a person who was horn in canada of canadian parents was born within the british empire and acquired canadian domicile through fwe years of residence in canada or has tnkun out naturalization papers after having been five years in the dominion this does not mean however that canadian nationals will be recognicd as canadians outside of canada internationally we arc british subjects of canadian nationality it is- british citizenship that it foreigner acquircswhon hcorshc hecomes naturalized in canada tho censustakers will start their rounds in april and at the ensuing session of parliament n rcdistrlblitiorrtjtll will1efovuiulatcirtor re tho scats in parliament based on n unit of representa tion this unit is arrived at by dividing tho popula tion of quebec into 65 so that there fsione member of parliament on the same ratio as quebecs permanent quota of sixtyfive simcoc reformer editorial notes pembroke has a tax arrearoge of 87000 and arnprior has 30000 outstanding in tax and water arrears it seems this year is known as a poor one for collections wo hiul it lottor from knglanci today iduv it ontalnod tho nnwn tluit iinow- ilropit unci trtxi worn bloomliltf und tho wiiithir wiui wit und windy it would l unuid to tuis tint unit iipriitf flowers poopluu through tho rrwih urmn uruwi but who would t hiitik thciu ulorlouu duyit of nunnhhw for winumr tluit lit wot und windy uuhl dont 1 know only loo wall what wot und windy iiiuuit look buck it tlooi mumi u myjitiry how wn in knjtlnnd tvr krpl wtirm 11 of rount tjiire wni u iknpliirit iivury room but a lho in onon lxilroom wmi u luttmy only to ho uinli mplitud in ciuio of ickiuii vou hour of fitimluy 1jnifllih diet bill i uuinn if wo ould not lift warmth from without it win nu uury to ut wurmth from within unci how hotter could it h- tloiifl than by rutliitf if in i rem nly of lieut piocliidnn foodii ivr- tnnnnlly room than rut mint pudding i remember n parody on tho tlnyn of lho month which munt hnvo lwui mm- potiud by noino wit until eil to the molit- nc ii of the kndlh dim ut it run hum dirty clayn hath uoptfinbcr apt 11 june und dull november all the rent havtt thirty emu without u bleared klcum of dim and if any of cm had two and thirty thoyd ho juiit an wet and j tint mi tllrtyl do x upptmr to hu ubol in if thi mother country that ii not my intention- lov knuland but you know it it potitblo to lovu thu iihmcr th while wo loatho the idn partner luui been ntmiulnft hlmwf at my uxpcino nil winter liucauiu time wiui when i indulged in mich spurt an imithodti hu umd to call mo a frejrti utr llond out in tho wcut wo hod our bodroom window irlght up all nlht through thn cold weather no mattor wlmt it won like but an a meann of protection jiuuiufit tho olementii it wua my ciwtom to trotch u ploco of unbleuelied cotton ucrojta tho open window thur lillmlniitlntf thu ilruuirht but fitlll uottlnif plenty of froith nlr und that wiui the way it utuycd all wlntnr onu iildo of tho bed wan up i nhfthuit thu wall und it wiui fpllto thu i uiiual thing for tho bodclothen to frouife to the wall in very cold weather out uleculifk qiiurteni down heroworo ulmoiit ui bud hilt how my honiiii are kcttlnif older and occasionally i imc- cumb to ticutlcn ij thin win tor wo unetl a bedroom on the ground floor and it la alwayti warm and comfortable i did not dukkciit thii phimrc dear mo no x could not climb down- an far ai that but i did wanitle thlnfpi tio that partnor made the iiuukcutlon and i very orncloiri- ly fell in with hh ideal thii week linn teen the connummatlon a really wonderful pteco of work wonilci ful that is for m and i could almott ilt up nlffhti to admire it no moro or un than a run made of old iitockjnirn i have often neen and admlrecl theie niuti in other firm liomci and trfled trt make one myself once be fore but iiuitead of lyinu hat an a rc- upectable mat ii meant to do tho centre or it took the form of a heehivn unci i put it away in dlruit but thli new mat li much more eully worked by a novice in the art and ii quick and ef fective the iitocklnipi were out into narrow atrlpi and ud like wool a rlnjt ii fqrmed for tlie centre and then ono workii round and round with ordin ary double crochet until tho nrnt in larije enough or onoa quppy o liukck- inu and patience in exhaunted part ner wiii watchlnir my utruuctle with a bone crochet hook the unit evenlmc nnd ho very lnreiilously manufactured mo a counter hook out of a piece of kindling wood with which i not alonir famounly with thli way of mat nuking tliero in noiiewlumiuidnoiioooutltyioruuiaoii backing i keep lookinit at my mat and feel wo elated to think of the doyemi and doenn of fitoqklngii that havo rone to- warcfi itii completion and how tliankful i am to ho rid of them without tooling imdalywniitifiil in tup long iujn bomntlmcft tho nuppm that tantcs no good at midnlifht mnwia a rk iinadachn t day every pletuiuro miuit be cntl- niuted by iu after nultu an well oh by itn oltnct at tho moment with thhi ntiuidurd of iiimuiurimnt it u clour thut muny thlnui young pooplo noek ongerly uro not worth linvlng hocauno in tho long run they glvo more puhi thup pleiuiiire the bright inth on which ago looki biuk uro not tho hourn fexitemriit youth hold i dear nor the iuhlevemcnu which ittnmp tnlddlo life ai mjcu jjitu tho joyic wn riiumhir urn the joyj wo inivo given to otheni lho iw hlevc menbi which mean moiit when iif loitk buck on life lnnteiul of forwurd u the of our kind ie r vice having till- uauy at hul if av novu ficotlu u man li the proud owner of a grout dane for which he hai bei n offered largo jiivmn of money tim dogn intolllgineo luui ulwuyii beiil rated high but onu time ugo he udded to liln reputation by tin ct which mciui d to iihow a mwor of eaiionlng emuil to that poino utied by pmy human belngn llli majder llvi n on the nlde of a hill itreet nloplng rathe r ubruptly down to the walern edge one day a little girl left in chin go of her baby winter idooplng in ltn t oiwh turui d away talk with a choohnuto und for a moment forgot the baby in thut moment a iudden gunt of wind tkk tho little carriage and bore lapldly along down the hill toward the i water the two children ran brick ing after it but the wind wan too nwlft for them thu big dog lying at the foot of 111 miiitorn walk ui mwui1 rah a litu hi ad when he heard tho crleif and nuw the carriage nklm by him unllku tho chil dren he made no attempt to ovortako it by a direct cluuio but diuihlng ucroi three or four lawnn ho oamo out at a curvo of tho roud ahead or the little vehicle und planting hlmielf firmly in ltn track utoppod it and held it tuifely until- noma of the nelghtorii ran to tho i pot then the great dane walked up the hill again apparently unmoved by tho prulio and tho hitting which wer surely bin due ho renumed hbi nap with tho iilr of u dog that had dono hi duty an bent ho knew how nnd wan contented jf february of 1031 began on sunday and ended on saturday and thus had four perfect weeks this will not occur again until 1042 but possibly by that time the new calendar will be in use the hastings star fins been sold by mr w d doughty to mr w w knight mr doughty nnd family will remove to ottawa the removal of mr doughty from the weekly newspaper field will be regretted by his friends the collingwond bulletin soys the qld man of the big clock tower of tin acton fihi phiiss is wearying in his work for twelve yeais he has week after week contributed a column full of interest not only for the home readers hut for the public generu1- ly lie will now write occasionally the pule in the acton village k who is he and how did he find his subjects neither has yet been revealed llnewipapeisburned on u oft grounds amid loud laughter was a twocolumn heading in a morning paper tlie other day in acton one night rmtdnigbticw5pnpcrsandhckiticnttesnttdwhnr not went up in a big bonfire at the main business coiner amid loud laughter and great cheering these city duilics can make milch ado about nothing tho university has tho goat of the toronto globe with out a doubt order seed catalogue mail order cal- alogue cawing of crown honking of geeie nrnt appearance of the olobe robin baby ohlok prjon lint one lyoedy hen diyn of lethargy intcmpcrned with npiuwii of energy when one wantii to do everything at once lnntend of one thing at a time all thtne thlngn combined make ui feel that apring ii very de finitely peeping juit around the corner aro wiv ready for it ah that in anothcy quoitlon a grand total of flavor pep and health tast1c thkm i only kcllogga pep bran flaked have that matchless flavor that koodtothclasthpoonful crispnchu brimful of vim and aettt full of crunchy wheat all tho nourishment of the whole grain plus extra bran for extra health just enough added fiber to be mildly laxative flavor pep and health all combined thats why kellogga pep jiran flakes arc better bran jakes great for breakfast fine for lunch a special treat for children at every meal serve with fruits or honey with milk or cream look for the rcdandgrecii package at your gro- certi wade by kellogg in london ontario iuortantjcrofa jp tltmti fth r nttljiy lmxmilvs al1u ukan twothir kllogg product h mil bran mhj guranld to tmluv both tntpotty and imcurring cormtipallou 109 bran pep flakes getting relief dear me that ban become quite an amblguoun term lot mo hanton to explain i paatnern relief bun been in tho extrnctlon of four worrlnome tooth unci anyono who known anything about toothucho will underiitund thit thin re lief wmi of tho hlghent order mid pon- nlbly fur moro nefeuniry than dome of tho relief thut in handed out lit other direct limn pat hiut iilno been on the alck lint and in at homo with a bron chial cough but dnughuir and i have no far been proof agalmit the inflrmltien of the jleih wo havo just boon going ovnr tho p nlgnn of nprlng and they follow in yhuh i carrolls limited i special perrlni olympic 35c value newest creation prepared apccially for carrcks biscuits 21 arrolla owm crmty ibutter pod 34 r ml 114 2 coll cw n bread 24oh ituf luk1 6 spt ul suitmaid snl ctmrm aylmr choice quality crroll ou cheese llll- sflal cmiio4i hramtl grn 28 fancy nw gomn i lalowl w ulyvklj du1 2 lb 2sc bl 33 aylnwrxmkllrwk bnj 2 no 2 tin huddle lb 14c aik fillctt lb 18c for all digestive troubled i iiimttiiji tlie stomach and tivcr tonic frit 7i miita txjtsnenctto 1tdigibtltm ilatulance bjilouaiim hsarthui n acidity stomach plu cramp in the stomach heat and travel sickneu a t kuown kliirl herrlngb m24c codfisn 1pound pl0 ioc twumwkb sdrdirci x 4 tlrti 23c smclal ckttoll swmuhmj dcalccal cocoaivijt 2 20 secial carroll pure wluaj germ mkuliflo crroll i i muui lloi 1 1 1 oats z 3 raisins fine autilin scdli s ibi 83c valencia raisins auuln fi lb iic table raisins fhe mihci1 lb pl 83c -m- plumistssc clicrrlc sno sun s9c pcichci lb 18c 0jdru4 apicolflbs3c lya valuy kxmmh pcristsse dj hk slid pineapple no t tin 29c floor wax hw 1pound tin 43c cleanser crroll own 2 mm 15c sos for aluminum plg 14c and s3c social iljlr iliaitd hj crom brand red colto sllllil 1- lb tii tin 27 carroll maple syrup j2- txxdr 65c uuoiis i oh slorm umlled stcl1 roman meal lg mlmm pli 26c marmalade oranges per dozen mill street 35c o iliirro seedless grapefruit i7 acton ontario