thursday may 7 1m1 the acton free press uotheb then must bo trllllum now within the wood and star flowers too the small white vloleu by tho pond deep rim are pearled with dew and ferns unroll tholr feathery fronds again prom sphagnum bed and toay twin flowers in firwood nook their splendors shed i oan go back and find each sweet sur prise i of springtime grace just where last year and every year be hind x knew each wild wood place but those soft hands i filled with early flowers walt mo no morn dark are her windows and gransgrown her paths gran by tho longclotud door o hands beloved fragrant with kindly deeds through all lifes way i shall x not meet your pitying touch again some day of days it 1a a faith which life were poor with out grace for dork moth that 1 nholl find them horkonlng mo amid kunml llowurs liorta marin cleveland twkntv vicars ago fcvom thi- luuio of th freo krra of thursday may 11 1011 mm o a umltli li making extensive lmprovuiiumu ut hut mm residence ialrvlw 1liico tliu interior it being much lmprovod since the fine warm vrathur arrived there has been considerable boutlng done on fairy luke acton oitlzuiui llund olered oltlcers ut a busliuh meeting on monday nvnilng leader j o jilll liflcrularytreasurer o it llrown cjommltun j g hill g it brown n k moont anson thuruton a bund of ubout ik plocen hou in n organised and a very micceiuiful season 1 expected tho annua election of orficern for the womouk iiuitltuto took plaet lawt 1ilduy m follows ihenldont mm n f moore vlcofrciddeiit mlttit muruavot kussell secretary rrwaaurer mr win halrd directors mrs h v monro mrti dooru ilavlll mm dr holme mm krunk mcintosh herculta u the tradu name of u very superior now ripproof glove that in now being manufactured by mvswni w ii utorey at boi ltd at the canada glove works this ulove la produced in iui outseam make in all the popular and staple lines of leathers foritreet driving and automobile use it li product- d on a newlypatented machine controlled for canada by this enterprltlng firm mauri fik unownlgennedy at winnipeg on thursday may 4 by lfcv ii o arm- btrong m a i d j kerr ilrown of winnipeg to elmo daughter of mr and mm wlllhun kennedy win nipeg special dnyit of one kind and anothi ore getting to bo iio common that we are not particularly lnterunted in iom of them hotdog day manihmollow day comb your ilulr day lirush your teeth day take on yourwlntir underwear day all or any of threw may put in an appoirmico within tho next year and we can hardly be blamed if we full to greet them with a umlle hut mother 3 day well thatll differ ent the only fault wo can find with this day li thnt no one thought of it cen turies uuo mother day li not old in muny cnci far younyer than mother heruelf hut mothern day titnndt for iomethlntr that plays miuly even around henrtstrlnui that aoldoiu givo off musical jitrulmt hemember mother on mothern day alve her any gift you choreic fruit con fectionery money or at least a written or verbal token of your love and utlmiri- hon of her bin may not be with you next year but opportunity today utundji knocking a your door the sunday school lesson for sunday maylov tub paitable op the pounds btewakdsiiip lesson golden text it is require hi auwardu that a man be found faithful l cor 4 3 lconon text liiko 19 1130 study abui matt 35 1430 time march a t 30 ila jarlcho exposition i our absent urd 11- 14 menu hints beelpee far new and novel plahee wmnehwhi idea an motiiklts 1av awfully orry i cant jitop to wo you old man fin id harold maasey hii wan locking the office door on a saturday afternoon tom grlrkii for whom it was also early clonliik had come rouud to have a little chat and perhaps n lei surely lunch at tho club im going to take mother to the matinee said harold oji they walked along together so ive promised to put hi an appearance at lunch o telephone her and way youre not coining said tom shed got her ticket hnsnt ahe t what motlur ncy- ita hrre in my pocket if i havent lost it well youre i duffer why didnt you see he had tho ticket and let her meet- you my ulsters going with mo this afternoon but nho meets me in uie lobby and glad enough ofhhe chance work it better next time bee you there maybe they parted tom tor hlsi comfortable luncheon at the club and a halfhourn chat with a man he know and harold to go hnme hu mother met him in the hall she was a little old lady with white hair and wait a a lup ippyfaee she was opening a big box of violofa a ueiitlemanh card sutd she her lips pursing like a iilrls who can il be she rood tho name mr h mascy then she lauahodand then rold laughed it waa an old druina between them uko cm mother asked harold tills parabln has many points winbtuncu to tho parable at tlui ulriitii hi matt 30 1430 but it huji 1ju lm- portajil points of dlfforcnco h vury cartilijli fitudinit of tho word who hoos hi thn two only two different reports of tho sumo parublit as jeiitni drew lumr jeruaalem many exiwctoti an 1m- tnudlato man if rotation of th kingdom and the purixtti of thbi tarallo wim to show them that there won to lj an interval imiforu its fstithlliduixint durlnu whleh thoy iuuit pruparo for it ttierti urn lhoau today who ar w tnkm ui with muidng about the kingdom thut they forget the nouewitty of preparation for it they were rluht in thinking th kingdom of god wiut to appear wrong in thinking it was luiinedlutely u ap piar tho certain nobleman in jciiiu hlnijhilf hiji departuro into a far country lt his luirriislon into heaven wher li in ti recolvo hui kingdom and whntut h 1 ut return oj king acui 1 011 ho hiui already received ul lulthorlty mutt ill 1h ii vkph 1 10j3i l lcter 3 rj and may mturn at iuiy moment llo will return an inon an tho fullneiiii or the aentlle in come and tho bride hath made jioriielf ready luiiniunn 11 2i acfi 3 3lv itv 10 v in tho diving the pound lit jtet fortl the distribution of tdfu for jut vice which in connected in scripture with chrbitii aitcoiujloii kih 4 7 h 11 12 1 ieter 4 10 li liomuwi 13 jj 1 cor 711 tlie nerval tn represent the pro- feieitkl norvuntii of christ but not all liecewlarily regenerated men matt u3 53 koch servant in thbi parable distinguished from tho jturahle of the tilled lt 1j reprewnted as receiving the luno amount u bring out the truth that owurda are proiwrttonod to ridellty and norvloe tho amount nlveii to each was equivalent in value to lemi than about ightocn dollara uo unall an amount in taken to show that we are responsible for our uao of tho smallcut gifu tho scrvantk were to trade 1 e hue the gifts and thuit multiply them the period of trading till i come our business during our lords absence is to use the ififli lie has bestowed upon us for hln gain until ho comrs ngaln hls citizens arc primarily the jewish people john 1 11 acts 3731 they hated him they are not tho only ones who have hated him acts 4 37 2h tho world hates him today john 1g in it listen him because it baton god john 15 23 34 ilomann ii 7 and because he testi fies against lus iln john 7 7 hli cltlyjns showed their hatnd by saying wo will not have thin man reign over that is what very many are suylnu today let them read the sequel ii our returning lord 1531 upon hli return our lord will sum mon his servants before him imd reckon with them matt 26 10 itomtms 1t 1013 3 cor 10 the nt had a itood nccount to idve and tho account was well ulven he did not say i have made ten pounds more but thy pauud hath mudo ten pounds more 1 cor 15 10 a true dluiple will never talk or wlut he has ilniu- but only of what god has done through him i le got two thlnuu u ills kings commendn- tlou well done thou good servant that would bo choukii but it is not all 3 authority over ten cities rule just proportionate to lib fitness to rule later he also got an extra pmmd v 34 it was because he was faithful that the one pound giineil ten the second ffnve a rood account but not as uonri he did not get the espviul commendation hut was put over five cities in the next worlh we will have just so much dominion as our fuuhfulncr of service in this world makes us capable of exercising the third report was bud he had not used but laid uwayjils tift ills exciue for his mglect and laziness was fear a wrong conception of christ regardlm christ as a hard ami unjust muster lloi at tho root of all failure in hervlce the slothful iervnnt sought to cast the ulime tor his failure upon the king himself timers excuses always condemn and this mans excuse did not decroaso but augmented his ullt and the sinners xcuses always increase his guilt it woji a- dastardly charge that ho luyat jesus door hulmen dans repeat it today he wiui judged out of his qwn mouth the sinners excuses always condemn hlmnelf tho king called him thou wicked ser vant he hud rcukrttdh himself t simply unfortimati uu last tho prfiid ho would iot use if wo use our ylftj wo will get greater if we do noa usu them we will lose cyiii whit we have v 31 tho judgment or tlv open neinles wan terrific and tint judgment upon ohrlsts open enemies ut ills din ing will bo terrific 3 then 170 god bears long with ills enemies and those of hli hon jesuit but ho wij not injur torever men are saying wo will not have thin man reign over in but thoy must hive him reign over them or perish men will discover in tho end that there is such n thing an the wrath of the limb the oxcuse with which many content theniholves and their conscience now will prove unavailing ut tho bar of and tho most ignorant wlir see quite plainly that even thoy had fiuiflclent knowledge to warrant con demnation tint possessors of burled by betty bareuy liueakpast spoon dishes around tho world whenever one calls for murmaludo at breakfast the ehnncen uru many to oiio that oriuigu marmalade will bo served in the i smartest hotels and in tho plainest homes wherever knowing peoplu take break font orange marmalade is a standard dish ttney jelly alu li a favorlto spreiui for toast or bread lutth can bo made gulrkly and simply at home with bottled pec lin at any time ouangk maumaladk 3 cuits l lbs ekkd fruit julro of 1 lemon tpcups 3 bu sugar cup bottled pectin lltmove rind in quartoni slice pealed fruit very thin crosswise removing tumdj then cut slices fine discarding hard centres lay raid flat and with uhsrp knife jmru off about vj of white part of rind ulirfaulthfiio whites shred yellow rind very thin add lvj cups waur and i teiuiiumii sodii anil cook covered for jirit 10 mlnuuii fllrrlng onuiloiiiilly tlien aild cutup fruit and lemon juice hliumer eovniitd 30 minutes longer mruiurit 3 solidly packed mips of this cookd fruit into largo kettle adding wator if uitmary to 111 third cup add suuar bring to a boll and wtl gnitly 5 minutes iteinove from flro and nllr in ixittled pectin stir occasionally u pre vent floating rruit pour quick cover hot murmaludt wltli 111m of hot paraffin when marmalade is cold cover with u inch of hot purnffln itoll glawi to spread paraffin on sides sometimes nets very slowly hequlres 4 medium oranges makes ubout l eightounce glaives 1ionky jklly cup water 3j cups hi lbs honey u cup bottled pectin measure water and honey into sauce pan stir and bring to a boll at once add bottled pectin stirring constantly hrlng again to a full rolling boll and remove from fire ukim pour quickly cover hot jelly with film of hot paraffin when jelly is cold rover with it inch ol hot paraffin llo 11 glass to spread paraf fin on sfdcii makes 4 to 5 eightounce glasses fresh oitanaia dksokut 1 package orange junket diced fresh oranges 1 pint milk tut a heaping tablespoon of diced fresh orange without tho extra juice tn the bottom of five dessert dlshoti sprin kle with sugar if desired prepare the junket according to directions on the package pour at once over the orange i let stand undisturbed in warm room until firm about 10 minutes then chill popular picklk dishk3 treat tho humble little pickle with n great deal of respect it may be uuhpln dozens of unusual ways to add jcest to dishes of various kinds try the follow ing as samples kconomical salad chop one cupful raw cabbage two green peppers and six or eight sour pickles mixed pickle are excellent add pepper sut and either vlnugar or lemon juice to taste and stir thoroughly serve in balls or mounds on crisp leaves of lettuce this is enough for three or four helpings i1acon and pickle sandwich t slices crisply broiled imcon chopped 3 medium size dill pickles chopped cup mayonnaise combine bacon pickles and mayon naise spread on buttered bread mulcts ix jumlwlches 4x4 lnchiis lumon whipped cream sauce 4 tablespoons lemon juice 4 tablespoons sugar grated rind l lemon i cup cream combine lemon juice sugar and crated rind let stand until thoroughly chilled then add whipped cream x guess dol she responded her eyes talents and miiused privileges will need sparkling i shall wear em none to ludlcito them they them- ihixt cubux asthma kven a lutlu peck too small to see will lead to agonies which no words can dcscrllie tho walls of tin- breathing tubes contract and it fiiems as ir tho very lire must pass from this condition dr j d icelloggs asthma remedy brings tho user to per fect rest it relieves the passsgos and normal breathing is firmly established gain hundreds of testimonials received annually nr its effectiveness slats diary by rosa farquhab friday if pa wood onley koop his iiouth shot sum times things wood bo nioro happily horo at are house just tonlto ant kmmy was a tawklug about books and ho bed 1 wander why it is that noroly all flxl storyu ends just when the cuppli gntm marryed to another and pa ri plyod and ftod well i gesa that is bectl thoy dont wiuit to bo no more brutli then they half to and ma was there ana the ballance of tho ovnlng wan cumivosed of very chilly atmusfenr satordayjimi ulunt and his bettor vj ha a uothor nto last nlte and they run down tares and she throwtid a flat iron at him and neerly kilt a bergular witch had just chnii hi the porch window innosent by standers is never safe lt seams like sunday this p m when ma and pa includeing mo was setting in the ion swing inn sed to paw when yoij see a real prltty girl do you ferget you are marryed like sum men does and pa sed to her gosh ho and just the way he sed it spoilt all arc plans for going out in the 3nd handed ford to hunt niunh rooiiti mundiiy wlrklng on a noose paper makes a man winy a lot pa is now wandering what the farmers is a going to wlrry about this yr wefhrr it will a crop tlhortnge or wether it wll be a over pro- duxlon ot crops and ect teiinday went out to unkle hens farm and he hits got a lot of ducks this yr they may lie all rite but i wood be wirry- ed if i wan him becuz u his ducks walkt like they had just clum out of a itumbel neat of a nttomoboel woiisday i am afradit pa is a going to quit tho golf club becuz 1 of the mem bers eiifiulted him today after he had mint the lull a cupple times more or lest why thli uther guy ned ui pa well have you ink to studying arkeology and it made pa vory sensatlv thinidayi dont think we will go to rndenldo in agen very noon beenz i of waiters ennulted ma tonlte she called tn him and id very scornishly waller thoy are a hair in thin soup of mine and he ned to her you nhudertt ought to onupe and if they is enny thing makes run vj sore it is to imitate that she is aljnupc t save the baby chicks mkn them btrong iturdy productive egglaying pullu with prstta ilnliy chick food 1 1 coats trifle more but la cheapest in the rnd judgwl by rcaulu tha extra chickayou aave and raise more than pay for all the pratti baby chick food you uae aak yonr dealer there a near you buck oni do you know your wife ii tellini around that you cant keep her in clothes i thats nothing i bought her a home and i cant keep her in that either lyrclmi halm invents every woman with subtle charm delicately fragrant cooling and heillng dispels all rough ness or chafing makes skins dcightfully fiofttextiired every woman should use this peerless toilet requisite daintiness bonuty refinement persian dalni achieves these in every instance softeni and whitens the hands promotes clear and youthful loveliness all women who care for additional charm unhesitatingly chnnno persian hulm food better flavor thicrks liomcthing in thene crinp im- brown flaked that tempta you thrillu you tcaactt you to taste their goodneuu ita pep the 1 or ion it flavor that only kcllogga pep bran flalcct liavc until you tautc it you liavc no idea how delicious bran llakcu can bl better health and kcllotxs pep bran flakci arc rich in hcalthfulncwi heres what you get in every nerving whole wheat for energy and nourinhmont bran just enough to be mildly laxative delight the children with a heaping howl of kcllogga pep bran flakes enjoy them for lunch for late evening huppers made by kellogg in london ontario in the redandgrecn package 10ff9 pep bran flakes vtftwrnfm 1iinis coi oi ikkktiny the image of the fainolln chinese ood of dastiny heforo which the younft uro taught to pray is rither a terrifying thject with lut great gluring oyes and open mouth full of shinpeiuid oeth 1 regarded as a friend however tho young are taught to kneel ami pray for light for tholr future ftilduncc tho abode of this idol in tllu funoim tiol temple in pole in socalled because of that number of imagen hoiiiied therein and where tho chines repair for worship hplvtji will know without heliik told how nindemnatory in the ovldenco those m- eeted ulfts and jipportimlties furnish thono uro solemn thlngm who shall stand in tho urmit daywheu tho master requires an account of ills pounds v iot 1h take heed to the words of st peter in this allimportant regard booing thatyo look for such thlngu nays tho miohtlo ho diligent that y bo fohnd of him in poaco without npot and blumn- letts 3 potor 3 14 mother and anne had alwayi xen very dote to one another when anno married md moved to noihercily each miiscd the other greatly v hut one thing more than any other hai helped to keep them close the telephone livery friday eveqiit aiine calls her mother by 1oitk dutfinco after 030 pm when the low night ratei are in effect during he week they both keep memos of topic they wish to dlicusa then there la no time loit atul nothing forgotten what if they are 120 mile apart the telephone connection it made in about a minute nearly always while anne hold the line txheir voice are juit as clear as on local and the cost after bm pm is only 40 cents httltfl tdtit oh atyou0 italian- toslaiiott tail bgli ii 7 ptti night ralit bigl sj 830 pm time tables waim natignauflallways dolly ckcopt gundy 881 jh dolly except sunday 1006ub dally aaapjn dally except bunday fllspjn buiiuay only 8x0 pjm aolny wt dally cxceit bunday 730 mam dally nxerpt himduy o08am daily oxoept sunday 338 pjn daily uxcopt sunday fl18pin dally uxeept buntlay 711pm dally 1033pm hunday only 10lbarn demotes a fluff train tliu times tlvtii in this uhjo uv fo litiuidard time canadian national kucotkio ba1lways wtmtboand- dally except thin day 718 am dally i 018 am dally i 1158 sua dally 3i8 pjn dally 43fl vm dally bsflpm dally d 18 pm dally except flaturduys uun- days and holldaya 1318 urrk flutuulayii uundays and holi days only nifl pm haturdays sundays and holi days only liflarn kut bound dally except bunday 0 33 am dally bbottjn dally 1113am dully 133 pm dally 3r3pm dally 813 pm dilly a33pm diily uxrept ihilurdiiys thm- days and holidays ii 33pm saturdays bundsyit mid hol- flays only 1033 pm ilaturdays bundayn mid holi days only 1333 am tho times if wen hi tills tahlo are for- dayllirht bavlnu time tcmxmln terminal ktxiln mtrwt and hi cuor avmiim welttht dullvonxl by npenlol oxprcaa frelifht lreluht plckod up at any ad dress in toronto westllountt dftl 005 am 108 jua loblun dally except eundkys and holidays 80b pjn bundays and holldaya ly 1005 pm kca8tbojnl d 035 am y aoopm dllli i 530 pjn dftil looqpm tait optical co 110 wyndham street gueijpii are collections slow you can hiewl thrm jp by hemlliu your ykt to kelly aiken till collection hlkclaiigth uanivilii alul giikuii atul umtmbf no colletionno ohjuca liitllinlil 1000 savage co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement kings gueijh ontario wndhbi 81