poa two the acton fheb pres8 thursday uay 1 i ml tiie iiouk of lj alton jffrr ijrwm member ontario quells division c w n a tilk acton tttee 1ues3 u publlahrd vy thurnly vcnlntf mt the fv ircaa balulln utll street aton ontario th ubciiptloo price la ii pr year in tulvaitcc poata la liarued iititinal tu office in tb united stale ti dale to whkb aubacrlolutna paid la indicated on hie addrcaa label cll advertising uates w ted dvertiaeaeatb ami in other column the rutc will im leund at bead if column dl play advcrtlamg ratca on application g a h th editor and proprietor tmeillonls- kdllorial and lluliie office a confchsion did you ever go uway for several days holidays and como back and ftcl so lazy that you couldnt jjet back into the harness arain well if you have had that fcelinj youll understand if this weeks editorials arent along the usual line you cant concentrate on a fishing trip for three days and get right back to n pen again overnight call it spring fever or what ever yoii will it certainly lxerts a powerful negative influence to the usual trend of thought and endeavor maybe it would tiavc been just as well if we had obeyed that impulse that kept suggesting all the time oh cut out the editorial for this week wc have not obcyxdthcimpulsciisyouwjllcebatliopc to struggle through this week nnd possibly give a clearei interpretation in future weeks on further writing as n result of the relaxation wc arc recovering from there weve made our confession and can go on filling the balance of these columns cattle for britain an experimental shipment of finished beef cattle by farmers in the mclfort district f saskatchewan who took adyanlagc of the provincial governments stockcr feeder policy of last autumn is en route to the british market if results justify expectations other shipments will follow jour carloads of steers comprising between forty mid fifty head constitute the shipment the cattle which were inspected sort ed and weighed at winnipeg were embarked with a consignment of alberta cattle arranged by the west ern council of beef producers ncwhpapcr fatalities newspaper mortality is high during he past ten years two hundred nnd ninety twin canadian weekly newspapers have suspended publication some of tint nuipbcrwcrc of eouise amalgamated during the pust fcm weeks even weekly newspapers closed out business in the daily held during the past decade the mortality has also been high o much so that there is scarcely a city with two papers outidc of the metropolitan centie losses in newspaper publishing can come quickly an evidence of this is found in the failure of the new york world which has been amalgamated with i he lelegram renfrew mercury future of it e lail store at a meeting at which a move to establish a co operative store in durham was under udviscinnit miss agnes mcphail m p took occasion to say that the day of the retail store was over the clinic as that of the homemade socks and mitt with tins the hanover post takes exception saying that while it may be the case with some stores it will not be with those that are run on up to date method- i hose who give way do not put enough kick into their jm mess i hey do not cat i y no atti active stock many of them do not advertise at all and even if they do they do not put enough time 01 thought into then copy weekly papers are received at this oil j that fairly teem with bright well wntten copy 1 hey come from wideawake towns where the mei chants are hustlers other paper- are received which carry very little home town advertising the public nowa days are not willing to accept something just as good they demand service i he chain stores without a doubt are making the going hard for the little fellows the town of barrie for instance has five chain groceries the small town merchant con cludes the post will survive if he puts brains and push into his business collmgwood bulletin slato diary by hobs farqohab friday well pa tryed to get ilarl ekes to wlrk in tlio yd this a m u clean tt up and ecu but hurls wtfo bed ho cuddent cum over for a cupplo days booux ho had point ed tlio uoraao and was busy now let ting tho point vrt dry witch roprn- teonco tlmi fluuwy of many out of wk batrrduy woll ua bt hlit short story back from a nullut mnuaazimi today for tho 1th tlmr ho boys ho ami unowiitand why thyy koup iwmdtiuf it back to him i think i no what 1 thn ri tuum but i hit to to u l him what i think it in itit i urn iiattinfyrd thry tlonu none of hi in want out iitory no inlruiitliut and to liunday mm oropt in m hrw luu u nt to iikool for a cupplo yni w lui utl i tuity to bo a iiwterolnuliit i u mi that hi llilnu alxitit krnhiu wlun it is u holnit to ruin or mmw or uci hot and think ant kjumy wwi rltn whin 1 that wiui all footlithnimi ixciu you ran find out about that ovry tvnlnu by n adlnu tlu uoojui paper aijk by j ll it watt hiu unit fuo muiulny ma wimud to k to tin i how toultn hut pa rlfiuud itat jin mil tucks paying thtu vjtu a conu lntf and ho hail to bt if in ui think jibout itlt juiveinu turn y and ma u d wt 1 runt you think iilwuil it in thn j liow ai well ai hrrt at lldiiii liujulay well mm vrwa 1 culled up and nd ulu wood drop in onto iui for the t v nlutf und ma wun wiuidt rlnif what uood tawk about but dlddi nt nerd wlnry uono ibout that n cuj mn s u 1 1 had had a ojw ru ihun mitntly won i luy woll pa madi mi mt biuy and uprld ftrtlllur on th yd tonlto im tho grajji uuui urow ix tti r and ho wood not hit mo w ur no ulovui well x am iiurt of 1 tlilnu nny how i ilont tlilnk thoy will vcr half to iicold mn for bito- intf my llim nallii no more ihunulay will olu mr aunt dyi d to day and tho doctors novcr nnw what uan thu matter of him for 3 yni ant kmmy iiavti i iio bi of tin a pinion tliat ho wan vlcktlm of a fatal slckncui probly editorial notes muwiulu kuurumotuni suuluj wlicn ono is u nulfcrcr from muscular rhouiuatuiin ho cannot ilo bctur than to have tho region rubbed with dr ihomno electric oil lot thu rubbing he br jc imd contlnuo imtil eae bi iiecurt i i here li moro virtue in a bottle of it than can be fully witlmntcd iuesday was church gathering day in acton the haltou presbytery met in the united church here nnd the prcsbytennl meeting of guclph piesbyterv was held in knox church believing in your best self a certain amount of selfconfidence is necessarj in orderto go on jwith jhe business ofjiving a child would never learn to wnlk it he did not believe he could if you stop to think of it such confidence is rather extraordinary when you grow older that splendid selfassurance weakens sometimes you seem to find it hard to believe in your best self that strong dominating aspiring self which with gpds help may be more than a mutch for all the temptation in the world you whimper id like to but im not able you helieve in your weaknesses but not in your strength in your failures hut not in your triumphs your best self is worthy of your conhd ence believe in it believe you were born to be master of your environment born to be stronger than temptation born to rise to undreamed heights only through your belief will you realize your pos sibiltties over ilnlfmillion in cnnumw jkizulta proceeds from seizures made during the last fiscal year by the customs preventive service amounted to 531500 according to a report issued by the depart ment of national revenue this sum accrued from court hues automobile and vessel penalties the value of clothing alone confiscated inst year was 10700 i otnl seizures for the twelvemonth period were 452 1 nn increase of 444 over the preceeding fiscal year in the customs branch 3005 nnd in the excise branch 1420 seizures were made a total of 20010 gallons of liquor were seized of which 17420 were taken in nova scotia and 1050 m newthruns- wick nova scotia mpped the list in this respect ontario however led the rest of canada in beor seizures its quantity of this beverage being 13 3 out of u tota of 10210 quebec followed ontario with 55210 gallons cigarettes taken totalled 710- 020 quebec seizures led in this phase with 414807 cigarettes nova scotia was second with 123205 and ontario third with 74037 in tobacco seizures quebec also took first place with 270ft pounds out of a total for the dominion of 3104 pounds only two provinces reported seizures of narcotic drugs british columbia and ontario in the former pro vince 233 ounces were taken und m the latter 00 punccs othcir seizures for the 12 mouth period wero 23330 gallons of alcohol 1040 cigars 347 complete stills 4l8 automobiles 48 vessels the summary- gives first place for seizures to ontario with 1345 the week end traffic on the highways is getting henvier as the weather becomes more congenial dont plan such n lengthy trip but what you can nc compllsh ltwlth the excrdisc ofcvcrycltfctbiorgir out the journey here is a fact which canadians me not at all proud to contemplate in new york city under a prohibitory law there aie less than 15 per 10 000 of the population while arrests foi drunkenness in lor onto under the liquor control law are over 100 pei 10000 i lie nnnunl meeting ot the hockey club last wee showed that not only was success achieved m playing last year but that the finances of the years activities were in a splcndul condition a sin plus of ovlt a hundred dollars aftci all expense were paid uas another veiy happy outcome of the season jit is expected that the budget in the dominion house will be ready for presentation by may 10 or at least before mny 28 1 he news expected when it is presented cmi await just as long as possible so fnr ns most of us nre concerned 1nxei are likely to be up and not down ns has been the case in late years the nnnoimccment this week of the dominion of cnuadn 1031 conveision loan offers the careful in vestor an opportunity for the investing of his surplus funds in a security which will relieve nny anxiety they carry interest nt the rate of vz p cent nnd some idea of the popularity of the issue may be judg ed from the fact that m the first day of selling one hundred nnd thirtythree millions were purchased the issue jr for 250000000 and there is a piobntulfty that it will he over subscribed jn the death last week of bhmcy mcginn founder of the orangeville baunei one of the best- known of weekly newspaper editors is removed from eaithly suirotindiugs at nil newspapei gatherings he was a man who was always the centie of an mur estmg group of his confreres in newspape circles always with a smile and a hciitty greeting mr mcguiro will be a figure that will be much missed from these gatherings weekly newspaper men all ove the pravmcc regret to learn of his passing and mourn with bis relatives the removal of this useful life from its earthly associations srrolb r jr mwrf bacon lb 25c rolls lb 22c bologna lb 19c free mixing bowl whi xl lib l- crisco babo cuw i 2 tins 27c gillcx jj pkg 10c sos hiauw pkg 14c one little raindrop doesnt mean a storm nordplmlu tdvntlmd pinta mean mmac on ytnif niir orfjrl not mil do roll 6ilt you liaorddurjr sjil pru bim world wklla uving la r iliad on axh ariula ru my ivry liam moclad guarantrrd ufmwtdtllonatl qiuty po ly inlying your fimwu i c roll i spfcml siut mk sau glr mcouim sw- prunes 3- 21- jwnbg r i1i1 s1ih 3 lb jl swial california dncl apricots 19 ij tahrra i uow 2 ii iu spcoal uttv- uoii slvl peaches n 19 i uy tlr sauerkraut 2 v 21c i my c spinach no 2 tin 17c tlr cihmk asparagus no 2 tin 19c jvmr om- qutuiy tomatoes irgt n 10c 0uty it r peas 2 no2ti 15c riii hj c beans 2 no 2 tin 27c s m1 4iu old u syl mincemeat 3 29c strawberries j 25c alwr u otliiy raspberries v 28c avsiitr u4a i iud cherries 2 zj 35c vilnxr ild pineapple no 2 tin 21c s id irll low kaul fruit salad koim 25c sjwtul mkij 1 uuu nrw prart1 butter 34oz jar sitciul nttl conilrntrii milk 3 14oz tins so vfl l bond blueberries 2 22c mlarn awotaj jelly powders 4 23c beans 2 no 2 tin 23c ui c uj a salmon iibuiitin 25c large navel okanges per doz klc medium navel oranges doyen 42c small navel oranges dozen 2k head lettuce each spinach 2 lbs for new cabbage per lb mill street acton ontario eat two wh eat biscuits each day every loyal canadian can help save canadas largest industry shredded wheat is made of whole wheat nothing added nothing taken away it is a nourishing bodybuilding food ounce for ounce it is the most economical food you can buy delicious and wholesome for anybody any time the canadian shredded wheat company ltd niagara falls canada the excllmmiuely t cereal mam the largest umer of canadian wheat among ufacturera of the world made in canada by canadians of canadian wheat only sp i