wtaw two the acton free press tijujisday july 30 1931 i issil the houe op 1 arton 3xtt irfflfi urmbir cn1ln weakly nwpp aaaoclatlon member ontario qucuc dlvuion c w n a thk acton pkee 1hehs u rulllw ry iliiirwuy vlnb at ii free lrm building mill strl anon olrlo tin ulxclptu rued aimltioiml ti offi a tho uoltwl stale ilia date lu wlkk ubatwpllooa ar- paju la indicated m tho addaaa label advert isinf hates fof amall unclaaal- fled alvrticiinla and ti other oolumtia i f rataa will im found at licd of column dia- llay advertlalng rate on ipllcatlon c a dills editor and 1ruprutor telefhones- kdltnru mid huainraa office 174 every one should learn thcvaluc of every youngster or grown up learn ing to swim cannot be overemphasucd in viewing the weekly toll that is being tnken cacti week in the waters of the province tlit highway traffic accid ents arc each week lessening as the public come to n realization of the toll that was buing qvaoted for the liberties of thoughtless or negligent driving the education ul plan undertaken by the department of highway r also in n great measure hrmging the public to mi undvarbtanding of the hazards that could be avoided but tins grim reaper that stalks at the bathing hoache and ronort arises jilso to be con tended with as the toll steadily mounts the day was when only a few attended the beaches that the youngster was taught by assisting him beyond his depth a few feet and then he was let go to make his own way to afety with the oversight of hi teachers there are nowadays too many at the benches to try these measures and some tuition is needed along with the proper oversight of those who are learning livery one should understand the method of being able to keep afloat for a brief period when adventuring be yond their depth the toll of mishaps to competent swimmers is high enough without adding the lives of those who have not acquired the art a seemingly profitable invetftmeiit if acton has no surplus of dwelling houses umler present circumstances wlmt will be its position when conditions make n return to normalcy it would bccm that the present was a very good time to con sider the erection of homes in acton as an invest ment lumber and other materials in the like course with other commodities must be lower in price now than for some years labor can be secured at lower wages than has been paid for some time the in terest rate on safe investments is not as high as has been enjoyed for some time it would seem that the construction of a few modern houses of moderate size suitable for the average in an in acton would provide a means of profitable investment accident for a month in industry during the month of june there were reported to the workmens compensation board 4800 accid ents us against 0307 during june n year ago and 7070 during june of 1020 there were 32 fatal- accidents in june this year the total benefits award ed amounted to 51 171205 of whjch 41402473 wits for compensation and 9708822 for medical aid this brings the total benefits awarded during the half year ending june 30 to 313171558 as compared with 371300877 during the corresponding period of 1030 and 300104078 during the same period of 1021 during the first six months of 1031 the ac cidents reported number 250033 a decrease of 10305 from the number for the same period of 1030 and 15528 less than the number for the corresponding period of 1020 the fatal accidents for the srx months period were as follows 103 107 1030 233 1020 225 the iivernge daily benefits awarded for the half year were 20880 with an average of 785 cheques daily kxwwure and repayment 1 it would appear that the nineday wffiuler of the beauharnois scandal of political bribery etc had about run its course and the benefitted parties and others have withdrawn into covering to let time the great healer obliterate as much as possible from the public mind the investigation was costly and went just us for apparently as its guiding powers desired the demands for a royal judicial investigation will probably us in most other cases be allowed to boat itself out and cease when it gets tired litrtfcmng to its echo the groat danger arises in the fact when men in trusted and respected position stoop to tup lower grufting levels uml maintain an attitude of contempt and evasion for the means used to secure the truth and is a bad example to set before con- ndians who would endeavor to he lirw abiding why should fair business activities be taxed in order that senators and others should itccumulate millions at the expense of the general public is a question that is thrust in every mind canada ennnot afford to have the investigation cease as it is at present and leave so many points in doubt and in the interest of law and order after all the sordid facts are disclosed means must he inaugurated whereby the funds wrong ly diverted are returned to their proper sources the mere exposure of the methods used by big business interests are not stiff icreht to satisfy the public premier bennetts plan to carry the beauharnois to completion inider public ownership is a step in the right direction more steps along the same line should follow tjo complete exposure of the whole the automohilelteviiuje in canada canadian motorists and visiting united states motor tourists tin veiled over nine billion miles of highways in canada last year used approximately half a billion gallons of gasoline and paid a direct i even tie to the provincial governments in the form of gas tax mi to and drivers licenses aggregating nearly 43000000 those figures says a htatement issued by the dominion department of trade and commerce indicate the important rank the auto mobile and petroleum industries hold in the economic life of canada in addition to gasoline used by motor vehicles the statement continues more than 131 000000 gallons were used for other purposes can adiau refineries produced 71 per cent of the total quantity of gasoline used in the dominion these refineries captalied at 1737132 used over n billion gallons of imported crude oil and over 37 000000 gallons of canadian crude oil automobile registry in canada last year number 1230883 vehicles of which 1047404 were passenger cars these figures indicate there was one vehicle to every eight persons in the dominion as compared with one car to every 40 persons in the united states in 1020 the automobile industry last year was captalized at over 00000000 and produced 153370 vehicles the number of cars scrapped or withdrawn from use during the cyar is estimated at 05241 chronicles of ginger farm vj written speoaajly for th frr tre by gwendounk p clahkk editoiual notes the toll of the last weekend was fourteen lives none of them were lost while attending church kirvin no work is worth doing badly and he who puts his best into every task will surely outstrip the man who waits for n great opportunity before he con descends to exert himself joseph chamberlain if the canal investigation had been perpetrated on the welland instead of the beauharnois the mat ter would have been much more readily discussed by the general public who hove difficulty with pronun ciation mr bennett asks wide powers in his blank cheque method of dealing with the present situation the men who have the task of supplying of a bank account in business dont usually give such power to even the president of the corporation motorists who travel across the border have dif ficulty in understanding why gasoline can be pur chased for less than ten cents per gallon and thj profiling price is between twentyfive and thirty cents in canada with a similar difference in the price of oil s as a means of stimulating the native wine in dustry new regulations are mooted to put more ropcs per gallon into the mixture there are otlier commodities that would be similarly improved if more of the ingredients than the name were put into the product at the end of 1030 there were 300 private pilots 402 commercial pilots 370 air engineers and 405 air craft registered in canada the total number of aeroplane clubs in the dominion is 21 with a mem bership of 3143 these clubs hold 178 private and 50 commercial liceuses albert morion goalkeeper of the almonte junior hockey team last year has been transferred to guelph to the reformatory there is some chance for the royul city developing an amateur entry into hockey circles if sufficient players decide to reside at the government institutions there of the 11841 tonsrof talc and soapstoue produced incanada last year 8512 tons were exported prac tically all the talc found in cnmidii comes from ontario and the soapstono from quebec crystalline talc is now used extensively in the ceramic judustrv foj the manufacture of various kinds of tile and to mix with cement to give greater plasticity in order to produce a smooth surfaced concrete our fortnim 1j miulirl tim wihvll iji hi thn jxirii mali unit ilry it hud not bimin iliitlrtiml ut ull w it wiui no ttmihlw to cut uiut ixitweiii cut linn lint limillnk tniu wmi no ruin nltliouuli w wero on tnltliooki uutu uli jwil illtrllf wiui in tho tmtii rtintclully nil urn iky wiui iiirk unci tlnvutrnliiir and u rumbli of tlnmilr in tlm itlr iuui urn robliui ninyinii lustily horn uu trow flu 1iuvii wrt limvy jiill ui lnlvy tut i wanted to lift whim it cuuui to pliulnif them lu uu mow in fiut i hud to hnvn a noeelul ni it lo jiundln tli-in- with ljnt at ull i stinted on with ii n okiiiiury iud folk iiuu it confidently into a uua hefty looklntf hhvtts picked it up and th urttclied tiling jiut twlued round in my luuld miulc iivcuil iikho utuinu with tin mijih iimlt then i tried i foik with un abbicvluttd handle duif it tbli time viciouslyinto it uipheuvy dhiiif und after that i ifol alonw faiiioun- ly xcipt una by tint time un hud jlnlmied i uithii felt un if i had beun twlted loiuid on tlm ind of u fork liyulf thl huh lieiii u bu jy menlt itltoicthur the forn part of the week uo hud men in dolni nspulr wmlt to tlm barn and iiiniirythi ham floor having heaved up in ionie plui i und mink down hi other the iecimd djy jurtner wuii melt and unable to do n thin if no it hiciunr my job to iupm intend opera tions needlcwi to wiy i wasnt veiy huppy pbout partner nlw e the oii tlllnif lie neided wll relt heal ul und iiurvei that have ikiiii thmiiuh the war ino apt to ko on jtrlki at tbnii however the next day he wui out on the- binder and ha been ifolntf over since we have actually lind u man to help thin wrck und piohubly iiluml hitvi until tho end of harvciit uaivent will of couriu he curly thli yunr but it in bo in if to he im uwful riiih to et eviirythhur tlone at ui time it iihouhl tw lonc beaiiii4 it juiit lookii llk a neck to neck race junonif tlie nprlnff crop to ej vhlcli will tw rouly for the ktilfo flntt not only tluit there is need alfulfu ifot wntf riper every day und necontl growth alfalfa ulmont ready for hay almoit not quite ily tlm time the train 1 reudy the alfulfa will need cuttlnjf und i cuppofie while partner in buny ut thut he will bo keepinu n weather eye on the ijfulfa need bo much depend on tho element a week or ten dayii of dry weather would be more help than two hired men of courne i have- a grievance thu week or rather two cowj and flleii the cow have been poitturlnir in the bliih nu nuinmcr vesiterday partner turned them into im old hay field wljero there was rood ucond urowth of alfalfa were they nutlnflcd well thono cowi lire very much like uome iieoplu i have known trrut them well and they want more with nil ktndn of iaail feed those cxiuiperatlnir cienturen could do notlilnrr hetter than poke their hciubi throtmh the rail fence and jet a feed off the oiitii at night time we thouiiht it wlier to pajiture them in the buili nruln but like milky children not uble to have wbut they want thoio perplcketty oown ntny- ed around the lam uute all night and were ntlll then when we wont out to tho bam into mnrnintr after belnc milked they wvood at the yard jruto and bawled and bawled until they wore lot out to the field now they are intiilled pro titnl my other irrlevunce ii flici quite n while ago we hail new icrceiinn put in doom mid windows where it wiui needed and liuit week i went through the roomn about twice a day with ily poiion which acted very well iui un aiuieithetlc but the mortiility wiui hardly uottceable at lait in deipcratton i went down town and bought two bottlci of fly poliion two doen fitlcky fly coiiji and a parket of fly pndirjsuid jitlll wo have flieiu partner thlnkn they got into thn honoi when tree limb wuii nawn off i nm not thlnklnu anything about it what i know keep me no buny there lu no time loft for thinklnir once in awhile partner cornea into colllnlon with a lone utlclcy fly coll and at uch tlmon he hrui ui much to nay bout the fly paper aa i have about the filed tlcjilden chiudiir cown and mien mid mowinir wheat in tho barn i have been to town twice made mnlly a dieii weed ed the unrden picked wild borrlcav re vised and typed a lontr maftaxlne article rend old pybiiu written two lettorii and hum partner cornea along and nityii well now wo have got a man i uippoae you are huvliur quite an wuiy time what do you find to do nil day yen that is what he mild tint i dont bear any malice becauoft i have loiiff nlnce thought hiiktmut men ure to be pilled rather than blamed maybe thoy think it li recreation for a woman to utiind in u fiwelterluif kitchen half the time cooking and preparing mealii in fact one might nlmotit lie tempted to think that thoie overgrown children of imagine their wlveti to be poijicuued of lionui kind of miiglc ami thut mealii appear on the nblo without thought or puratlou true there aie mealii that have that- uppeiuiniciv but i veulure to think they are in the minority i really hollove there in uomethlng lacking fomu- wheie that men cunin into thl world mlniih a- wmne of vitluea und that it hut been tfat way filncn tho beginning of time an kipling riiyn mary pity women for tho mother that bore you ew it ullboforo you lut yot you kimw in iipllo of hot kucbeiih unuppreluteit effoiu and thn r kaix vkntlla7hat for 8tiiaw- the pniper fertluisatlon of a ttraw- borry plantation may require full upplt- eatlonn of u roiiiiimrrial furtlllzer jn ucpliiiilmt tin- utruwbiiiry pbuitt uro inning tlulr fruit biuli ur next ynurn rp tuitt during this period they riilrii gmkl nutritional condition- u muku their ffort on liind wluch iji well sup plied with fertility pmrtunihuly nitrogen it li quite jmujvi that furtlwr ujltllra- tlmui of fertillwr uto not iimetuuiry but very fuqueiitly u light application of u good f itllljr i luui auuibt will n unit big yeltl nii aji iipplicalioii of joo pouiuli o nitride of uni le 111 lule augunt will iujbt moid planuitionii lu f i lilt bud fortiialon tjie nitrate nhimild be in otidvujt m the plimth during a twrfeetly diy day and immediately aftr the plant jihmild in bniilieil y drug- king a plne of iiijiviui or u liioom over them to dlilodge any u unite which may have alherel to the leavi i in till way little if any burning will nmilt tionuiitidutlon i bied on cx- nbi rondiirted in the uoitlrul- dlvlilou centl al xjmi imeiluil oeniritl wxp-rl- tlllii iuuil- 1w it duvlu dtul 1unii ottuw kavi rni wiui i iini an a meaiii of pn living the lajildly lbulnlhlng iilatubi of white pin it thloukhoilt ciuiada fionl the ruvuget of the blister iilt dr h t aiiwtw do minion jtotuill 1 urgi the complete ex it imlnution of all v lid curiuit or beulii und the uiltivitcd garden varl tle of black curiunt within u dluuce ol 1100 feet of the pine giove or jtand which it i denlreil to piotect white pine nilder itiut uu- not jpieiid fiom tiee to tree but is dependmt upon tin se lntermedlaiy hot plant with theie n moved and lomplltely wi tioyed the ead of the lllt iis checked effectively at what age anchorage el to ride fiafo llmltedumdentuudliig of our incufolk it 1t alllt uwul nice to be u womtui and un for the men bleiii their hcirtii they may bu iui awful nuliuuice but what would life bo without them lunch a m o s t im portant meal for salesmen when youre- on the go ull diiy ion he food you uitt for lunch mtimt bo chosen with cure dont cut hcuvy footu thut muku you vviirm mid alow you down in mid ufteriioon iut iioiinhiiift foods of course hut dont over toil d i ii mu ii i ly order shredded whcut with ucrrich or other frch fruits for lunch there uru enough eoiuhiiiiitiois with shredded wheat to jfivt you variety try it i for luneli today shredded wheat with all the bran of the whole wheat heres your bargain sheet sgdl chhv mutlmujiav chocoulcolcd puff biscuits new 1lb carton regular 29c ispedal ajrlaxr cbola quhi salmon z it ii- 25i tomatoes 3 iii o beans urg tlrt 19c t ebntm or libby comj beef 2 2 25c cornflakes cwtouii own 3 ila- 26c kftllostfm i ci 2d kuotfii fvp 25c lot ijrmnd x peclml aylmcr cholc qualy as3 rhuc nlla slli s4v fulry flour 24lb u 54c lynn valuy deh pears 3 u c a u fruit cup drinks 28c orangeade lju u u 22c punch hyo tuj rw nahgns i cornstarch 2f no 2 una jars pint j se r crown quatt jt 107 igmuoiu 4tlj7 f jar ruumht i j- ike cleanser 2- 13c 323c r suj rl 10c sorolb lrch i r- lie i lltyj t calay soap 3 19c n hm ku i fairsex l 30e fairy a -1- 2se chjpso lac fmclmki a so s w 234 ual 14c brasso u jxel large oranges per dozuh medium oranges per dozen small oranges per dozen lemons per dozen 50c 35c 25c 3 grapefruit 1c for zioc ston closed satmday evening at 1030 oclock 3 bananas fresh fruit lbs for 3 duchess apples lbs for celery per bunch 38c 19c 25c le mill street acton ontario