paok two the acton free press tiruiulday octoilert 1031 tub home of lp artun jffrrp irxtffi u oiturlu qtitlicc 1ivmii c -w- n a tllfc aclom iuvv lhkvl u iullllrl tvrry thnruy vnltf 1 if l- vie- ilillmim mill sllrcl a ton ontario tina iiliacrivtlim brlii in li lnr year 111 ulvblim 1oaukt- lt lrul ulltinf olfl i hi uill1 sluu hie iutb l wlit h uliarrlullon- tr dii if lililliutrl tl aimreaa utml alviutiiing maltklif mult unclal- rcl klvrrtuinrnll aixl in olhtr uhlml itm tutc will li 1 mi ut 141 i lukii di- lity mlvertuliiu riiltm on aillctllut c a jlius kill tor miki vrojirmor tefkrilonei- killiorm uj llul oltlc- uamcoc ed wo must kxplnln again every week wc receive letters and articles for publication without the name of the writer uppended wo htvc explained on numerous occasions that these will not bo published but yet they keep coming sometimes the articles are of such a color that we can readily understand thiit the writer would not desire tu father the article when he or she saw it in print let us be perfectly clear in this matter tim fiuc pncs docs not publish articles unless they have the signa ture of the writer appended it need not be publish ed but we believe any letter that is of vital concern will usually curry the name of the writer and would carry more weight if it were published as editor of tub fkijb pkiss we willingly t u the blame and criticism that is coming to us but forour own pro tcctibn we must have responsibilityattached to views which are not our own emit and went a letter from a western friend the other day kuve an intimnto insight into conditions in a section of the prairie provinces and exhibited that truly optimistic note that while the wctt may he down it is fur from being out such n spirit will undoubtedly carry any people through the time of adversity when our western friend took a recent editorial of tim fufi phi v to trrsk tor stating the cost of living hud been somewhat reduced he opened up an avenue that would give much ground for statistical controversy he however conceded that ginpes were down in price lo u5e per husket us compared with i15 last year the merchant who handled this product in the the west made u profit of 2 cents it wus stated a trip down street in acton revealed the price of luscious grapes ns 2sc per basket it seems a matter dffllcult of explanation that he cost should be in creased by about three times between the producer and a western consumer with our grape growers with a bumper prop of this fruit and receiving only a fair return or the product the government im plored and conceding the favor of fortifying with fruit spirits the grape wine to gve greater kick that tho crop may not he wasted it would seem that an investigation was due a to who received t lie dif ference in the cost between grower and western consumer possibly one of the departments the governmentowned railway would shed some light on this subject and tlio same inquiry might make it pqssible for the easterner to buy the westerners coal at a reasonable figure not even the rubber stump neccstmry judging from newspaper reports the third high way across the southerly end of the county is now an assured matter with construction scheduled to be started on november 1 the announcement comes from theontario department and is given as a relief measure for unemployment of municipalities between toronto and hamilton the municipalities are to bear a share of the cost and employment will be given to between 3000 and 4000 men it would appear that the county council was not considered in this pro posal as we can find no reference to a discussion of the matter by that body and just what is meant by the municipalities who will pay a share of the cost and be relieved of unemployment is not quite clear th will be another argument in tho contention of the collin gwood bulletin and the fergus newsrecord for the abolition of the county councils on the ground that they arc little more than a rubber stamp in this instance however it would appear that the rubber stamp and ink pad were not even called into use and the stamping act was considered unneces sary a now way of coring for tho sick government commandeered and salaried physi cians were inevitable unless physicians themselves could devise some method of caring for all people at fees within their ability to pay c s blake from the lord lister hospital and clinic omaha told dele gates to the sixth annual conference or clinic man agers which was held last week in toronto stronpjy advocating contract medical services which be snid had been tried out successfully by industrial concertii in the united states he declared neither public nor profession was content with the present system which gave adequate care only to the indigent or very wealthy the average doctor in both canada and- the united states had a net income of only 3200 n year even though some specialists made from 20000 to 50000 yet middle classes were uuabte to pay the huge costs of hospitalization he described the con tract medical services rendered by the consolidated coal company to its 10000 employees and their families in all 50000 individuals at a cost of 150 per month to each einployee the medical staff in cluded- ob fulltime doctors 20 nurses six dentists and clerical and laboratory help and maintained a 50bcd hospital besides regular examination treat ment in sicknes3the staff dispensed prescriptions looked after sanitation and gave care in the home as well as hospital the department hud an income of 180000 paid good salaries to its staff and the health of the community it served was on a high standard no clairvoyant4 in prment muddle the past week or so has seen happenings which make the average man set back and woivder what will occur next britain bus dropped the gold standard and other european countries have follow ed suit the pound sterling fluctuates around at a variety of figures canada announces that the gold standard will be maintained and the canadian dollar drops to new low levels in all countries whether the gold standard is maintained or not the unemploy ment ill gains in momentum and the chief and im mediate attention of governments seems to be to alleviate this distress and arrange for added taxes to meet the mounting expenditures it all seems an unsolvable muddle of crazy finance but yet no in dividuals or country seem panicky in any way gold standard or not everyone has confidence in british integrity and fairness to believe that she will meet her obligations honestly a department store in the united states announces that canadian money will be accepted at par value even if not there is little need to purchase any articles from other countries and probably a closer application and study to buying in our own country would be the best and quickest method of making our neighbors realize that our dollar is of equal value momcntou occurrences have transpired in other times and to the average man there is nothing to be gained by getting into a foment in the present time but rather an assuran that the solution will come about in the natural sequence of the ages and all that can be done is a steady plodding as the duties of the day confront one editoiual notes in the fall the old mans fancy heavily turns v thoughts of coal and snow shovelling little do you know your own blessedness for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive and the true success is to labor stevenson the unemployment situation does not impro and it would appear that government aid will not be decided upon to be of much assistance to santa claus chronicles of ginger farm written bpeafauirfor th free proaa b uwendolink i ctauke oirhuihuillluk fciibjort la mi novolh uvl iiiiitiiuvii hut roger babson gives the factors that have brought about britains present crisis and the assurance that in the end england and the entire world will be better off for the decisions of the british government so it seems unanimous the revelation of the past week tluit hydro paid almost three times the value for properties purchased of their actual worth will provide another illuminat ing subject for discussion at the proposed series of meeting in municipalities to explain hydro matters creamory butter production in saskatchewan from january i to august 31 l3l totalled 131120- 131 pounds as compared with 1027712h pounds for the corresponding period of last year the increase of 3113308 pounds represents a provincial produc tion 354 pervcent higher than that of last year manufacture of asbestos products in canada last yeaiv reached a new high level with a value of 2301024 the centre of the asbestos mining in dustry in canada is at thetford quebec where the greater part of the worlds available supply of as bestos is found much of the mineral is exported in an unmanufactured state if iuiymi wiuidiritl lhrntjuli urn tmil ijthliul nur buu they might think lby luul itnick an iiullni ctunti hut clwtr huptlim would irval tin- indian camp bn until it iu mimi or leu lluui lijjtfu tthktir corn hum lximui thijy urn ui limitwn rt llh uiul hi cirinun- iici fliltr hltf 1iifeliuh for it n-iit- tliu 1 wlwuiii imrtinr iidod imlp ut down nur corn thin your unil up- pioprliltcly nhmiiih it wiu iui indian ho hoi to help him with the jul ihii nun wiui iilti im hitercilliitf jtudy uonif inltilllhru guide und xlrmily horoiikh it wii fiuetiiutliur to wutrli ilm ut woik with mvitul corn nlnlki in our hand hi would kivc one iwlft ahuih i tho lux- und uuii luy lin iiuuka gulrkly hut iuifully in u lonir iilruluht inuullliik tlwiu ii uititly and cuiii- fully ui a motliir would luy hur hwiiy wn to ilrtp but the pood itimlntf that partner laid help i mniiht it unlikely i hould bo called upon to five any iitiljtiinci for which iuj lxlinirly thankful iui after uvti1 layii uninterrupted eannlnif tho houii wed every evidence of my having left undone thoe uiluit which ought to hnvu been done with joy in my hiurt that the uioma of plrkles and uplccii no longer luuillld my ntwtrlli i not to work in kiiut iflcis to put my hoiij in order hut ind it neeeviry to itart hitckwunli ai it were that li to iiuy the kitchen boliitf in the wont plight i tlmuuht it wliu to tiuklo it flnt i cleaned tho cwk utovij and tho oil itove got i wonderful nhlne on my toa kottlid and had jut iitartod to clinjio eiuh iplder from its iniuvlduil lulr when alonif came partner aro you doing anythlnir particular thin afternoon becauiio i hiieiui ill need nomc help to utook thin corn jaok wont bo throilkh cutthik for qulu a while yet well now i imk you overy woman rader of thin lago what would you imv nald what i fuitd wue oh i mppou i can come what i thought u tetter kiipt to mynelf and what i did wiui to o out and hilp utook corn leaving my kitchen in n woriw fillnht tlum whon r tarti but i cot nomu fun out of it too did any of you help bulul a com utook llrnt of all your jitooker uotii two ihcavoi and titnndji uiem up like an inverted v you hang on to them llko grim death whllo ho fotcheii more th uhcaveii ihuko and milver in the wind and you uliako and nhlvor in fear of them collapn- ing aheaf after fdieaf in placed into position the work probably being tutor- hponied with a fow pointed remarkii imch oil i got ycitorday what the dlcken wrong now cant you hold those nhcaves up fitraltfht no dont pimh uo hard thuy are coming too much thbi way look out for that wind by cloorflc tlu whole lot are coming down i alway an obliging peruon i did what i could by bracing my feet pretilng my head into the com iitalkn and puahlng yea its true i did noom to puih the wrong way at tlmeu but what with the com high above my head and the leaves rimtllng in my earn it wiui hardly to bo wondered at if the utook did take an unexpected lint to loo ward of courno from partners uncomplimentary remnrku i thought i wiu no good at tho job but iitrango to nay when the two men got working together thlngn did not go any bettor in fact i had tho greatest nattn- f action in fleeing one ntook collapne com pletely and partner atandlng amidst thi rulnn our wheat la coming up and lookn jtna nne it lit a iitrange thing however utile we otopoct to get for it u nice held of fall wheat 1ji alwayti a delight to the eye it lt alno a pouttlvo proof that iwrnnonn are changing there are ahio other in fallible ulgiik oows he around the barn yard at night hena trail our overy move ment like no many njeuth hoimdii back take on nn additional ache through over much potato picking and men if they anything like my man fall anleep over their paper whon they try to read ut night partner in peacefully alumborlng at thli very minute with the local papor op tlu floor at bin feet not thli paper dear me no thin in guaranteed to keep anyone awake presently he will awake with a titan and declare he hatnt been to tileep at nm u like a man ir only the mice would go to nleep iui well it would not ho tci bad just lately thev ieein to have taken potiieilon of the hcitie i have iet trap galoie but theno mice miittt have charmed llveti for they walk over every one of my trupti ati if thny were not there apparently it to only an accident if one- giui caught several timet lately i have routed part ner out of bed in thi- dead of night to confront ml khulti or hm glum but well itn iur piltilng how much noliio one wee moiitio can make when it gott- innldo piece of paper i tituutt phifiijliin li juhjert u many wlrd very nul the twoyar expdltloii of a jil miiv ut ivmmui who niuilwd mwi- treal rutntly ulumtrd hie canadian na- 1 liner lady iiotneni btlnglng with him im traiuid ok hid planu in eiuh poiid on uii ojkn dock of 1 1 in wi- t intlltit hut r file pluiiln are the iult f hi lalkiu and perllou tiljui into the loplral foiohi ti colombia white rehldi are to found if you know how to und them dll hoid hli nirlildii over to a toronto florltl 111 m wliuih will grow canfully in hothoiuii and jell them u poli who can ulford to indulge in d hue uowiui the canadian orehld hunur will pioltahly hie away ugaln to further tiiarch for the rire plimli al ly he luu ieeured mmiii 301 of the njuiitii and hln huntji have taken lilm lntu any tight pluceti althougli ijiwrinre workn alone except for native llimee he did not return alone uluiard the ijuly fionwrti with him wan ihy little meko a baby money of the black longhaired colom bian foivjt variety meko 1- almost hiimaii und appeared gieatly emburra vd when interview d by niwpipenncn who met the ijidy flomer- at monlieul lie ined to bhih and he hid hh eyeu with v hat might 1m called hln forearm thui lliiplaylng the pahie of il lnuulu and the jwilofi of lib ipi both padded with black leather fuggetlve ut tiiuirt nfiifi ihol whats in a nami it really in a terloiiji nltuntlon what li why the way the hog oyei are going imok ou them all i road about nowa days 1 llllnd plgi the legionnaires who visited windsor will help out theliquor revenues of ontario this year it is said 48800 cases and 2200 kegs of heor were bought by americans during the convention the ex penditure involved was about 150400 they call the system in vogue in ontario tho liquor control act and it was brought oii as a temperance measure its like tho present financial situation too much for tho average man to attempt to understand vonr autlimu too the otflcacy of or xi kelloggti aiitlmui runimly li ilt iioniethlng that in merely to be hoprcj i it in to bo expected it iieldoni falli to bring relief and in your own individual ciuio it will do tbe inline hi unlvernal luut bom tho nuccewi of thi faifauifml remedy uiat vory7pne lilfllet- ed with uilii dlkeano nwwi it to htmnolf to try it mikt1nil 1i1u jia1f wav monhunt tnak huru youve iwen ow ing tut thb bill for a yttar ill meet yell half way im ready to forget half whuj you owe me debtoi- wnol ill muot you ill foy- ret the other half tltolicali i ii imtion viniih kauk oiunms biiadlum lliwrr iluntr kpriulu two yrant in south auwrlrun vormlm and loturmi io luly koiiurti villi ir0 iluiitu atul mutikny one of tl rhld1 till military mini the enemy are lu thick at peat what i hall we do uhell tliem you idiot hell them canadian shrejjrd wheat is 100jif canadian grain eat two shrrdded wheat biscuits a day and help canada prosperity i eat it when traveling traveling has its discom forts and duntforu bui most of tho trouble oome from eating wron foods no- mutter where i am x call for shredded wheat und milk for breakfast it in tho safe and satisfying food easily digested which hulps to prevent fa- tijiuo on u lonrf journey shredded wliout is sorvodl in dining ours and in nuurly every hotel or res- tuurunt in tliiw country y and many in europe yit is deliciously strength ening vvitti milk or fruits- canadian smtdded wheat oommnylm shredded wheat with all the bran of the whole wheat lowest prices carrolls for tour canning frail j- 113 store limited knt sam 97 hi qwii i iiorrlb wax j- ic glass tops- ioe itudbiibs 4 lit vmscatt u- oc nckung such ik 22c mustabd k joe ls m 4 catsop flavoo cssto wu 29e look at thta tea pot v1- xoo pine tea s5c 9ic carroll wm iuiu inliu- aylw yuk cmuii 2 ut clru1 o wuri pi ch11 m c cmiia wf j 1- bu wngiilwr i cm u atxair jfll hu u xu 2u 21c 21 bit iiom wan t sloj i u- i- shortening rsiwrsw iwtry flour 45 sfu chmt ink vhu cheese xi- spii ctk- pca m beans- 35 spj- cu fh mituj rotkd oats x7 sfcuiw suariwt pmurf criscoi69 sfwoal nv pwtr scrwa toilet soap310 smc1m1 favorite laundry soap coaldio 38- siul tlalttmll slimr hffectfvo cle zo s ltd aajbaaaaaaasbsbsaaaaaaaaai carroll c bananas lbs for wealthy apples lbs for small oranges per dozen r medium oranges per dozen 25c 23c 22c 30c large oranges pur dozen grapefruit o for 6 sweet potatoes lbsi1or 3sp lbs spanish onions 10 cooking onions lbs for for 55c 21c 23c 21c 17c a mill street acton ontario tvstivbvvmie tit