thursday ootoukk 22 1031 the home of urtnbcr canadian waakly nwpai aocttl9 ucmur onltflo qtibcu uivlalun c w n a actnn v w u 11cu1 advkhukinc telemtones- kdllnrlal and sui wliult ultcrli addroaa label ry uulmlntf aiihairiptloii loatatf tli united liitlona u appll kdltor unit lroprlctor it all depend sonic people would have us believe that most of the present depression is mental but before acceptin it as a fact we prefer to securot4ie evidence of the man who is without a job and has a wife and children on the cdtfu of starvation aylmer express helping over tho roukii ground the formation of a general committee to bundle the relief situation seemed to- meet with general ap proval judging from the expression at the meeting the other evening that tim ifriiu press should have been of any assistance in the matter of community betterment is a pleasure to those in charge of this journal it has always been our desire to be of ser vice to acton the committee has been duly appoint ed and it was noticeable that the trend of the meeting wnsi that it be known as n relief committee and in no way confused with charity it is a committee ofc we understand it to meet n situation in which men who are willing to work but call find nothing to do are to be assisted over the period v h was quite plainly pointed out that individuals seeking aid with out being willing to labor in return would be given little consideration in like manner it wns pointed out that anything given out was not looked upon as clmrity but as we said previously rather termed assistance from those in more forrtmate circum stances nt the moment it was a case of one brother helping another brother over a rough spot that the committee receive the whblehcartcd support of the community in its efforts is essential to its proper functioning a useful life closed the death of thomas a edison bus clqsqd on earthly career of a man whose works will live for generations after him in- the matter of inventions and methods of bringing to the world great improve ments no mans career has been greater- that ho should have been spared to the world for such a long period of useful life is a blessing which all of us must appreciate whenever we turn in every wnlk of life and are confronted mith the conveniences that have been made possible by this genius the world lun been the better of his great work and he loaves be hind him monuments that will curry his name us u remembrance down through the generations the life of thomus a edison is closed but his works will live long after him tlu munlcipalitlch are curluiul the milliner in which bejief estimates of the mun icipalities me cut when application ts miide to the parliaments for it programme of expenditure does not seem to he hiding niuch fuvor judging by the press comments from these places disappointment seems to be the lot of each inuiiicirntlity when the amount is llnullyi sanctioned whether the munici pahties ask for moie than they require or not cu hardly be detei mined but in most cases the rub seems to be that tjicy secure siinctfjpn on about half of the estimate of their piogiannue undoubtedly the governments must use some ctirtailniennt of expenditure or the funds at their disposal would soon be exhausted up to date acton has made no lequest for a programme of relief work but there are several small piojects which might be undertaken without being considered luxurious and would be in keeping with looking after the number of unemployed men we have in our community home knowledge there was quite it significance in the resolution of the teachers institute the other week in its request for information on the geography etc7i7 of i la ton county and it struck the right chord when this lack was called to the attention of the county coun cil too often the smaller communities are not pro gressive enough in the matter of giving publicity to their own mu niciapii tics the scholars are given easy access to information concerning the larger centres and often can find out little about the county immediately aroundf them it is small wonder then that the young necjple have ambitions that tend city ward not onlylbe geography of llalton county but the industries its agricultural status and all other items concerning the county and jts makeup should be made available to the teachers and scholars the home county and home town should be subjects with which every child should bo thoroughly con- versaht chronicles oi ginger farrri written speouuy for the free ir by gwendoline p olaraut bditouial notes the completion of no 7 highway from madoc to perth it is estimated will give employment to an other 1500 men the suggestion of an autumn week as well as blossom week if adopted would reveal other beau ties of nature that some times go overlooked theyve put cnpone through the courts in chicago and now thbgangster is preparing for bis winter holiday in the south rather a perverted idea of justice prevails in some places the gold standard to the average man that signifies very little wo consider ourselves just average we have heard it explained and understand the principle clearly the more wo think about it it gets as clear as mud in sorting out some relics about the house the other day wo came across an american 250 gold piece that had been a christmas gift about twenty years ago why we bad never spent it is a conundrum but that has nothing to do with the question what actually occurred to our mind was the fact that for twenty years that piece of gold had been put away and done no one any good t the thought wns driven home when the visiting ministerin one of the local churches preached on the subject from tlie parable of the talents and drove home the plight of the fellow who had made no use of the one talent not even securing interest it all led up to the subject of the heading for twenty years gold had laid of no use in our possession and for as long as we can remember we have been struggling to get other forms of currency to keep things moving t is said there are immense stores of gold in the banking institutions and vaults as secur ity with governments lying there day in and day out of no use only to be accounted for in the ledgers of the institution the united states has huge stores ot the metal the prospectors are unearthing every day now find in the wild and unexplored lands of the north what is the purpose to wrench the metal from the store house of nature and put in the manmade structure some would try to believe that the depression is a thing of mental creation that can bo swallowed by everyone except the individual who actually feels the pinch real hard it would be much easier to believe that the gold standard is mythical gold silver or paper unless piu to use and doing some good arc they not like tho talent that was buried when are some of the unemployed from the smaller communities going to be called upon for participation in the government road schemes is a question citizens of many- municipalities are asking its queer that the mail and empire and the telegram can always tell what the liberal party is in need of and the globe and star can readily prescribe for the ills of conservatives its queer but its a fact with the amount of ballyhoo that has turned thi radio from a musical instrument into a vending machine one wonders if the nationalization of the radio could make the broadcasts much worse tha at present the remarkable yield of 73 bushels per acre hns been harvested by james ilalett an exsoldier farm er near red deer alberta from a 13 acre wheat field this field won for lliizlott the alberta pro vincial government silver trophy this year in district field crop competitions omiurimotui tiro mtld to bo odious wndollnwrt tluy uu vm worm uum ttmt- oriiutlmiiilly uiny in irimlc ludrlcoim ulllinf iwuurttlrly or cnlw lively lvir hlhtanco uiiji wet k juhl us w wnro innly uklnif la lliu hut ot our bountiful uuplo hnt mid noluto harvewt ulontf riiiiui tv luttir rrm icritfuuid tim writer lidpud w hud tukrii olt uimwkl harviitl tltut w luul phmty of viryttiliif w riudwl to iilorcjfsi ttm wlntur tin n aho wutt on to wty whut u icnllly wet imr- vnit llio kiniluli funncr luul hud and how tilfchtfully hind 1l wiut u yt any kind fujpii nt nil ioluumh too wrm vfiy iwuirn uud tlwy did not uii uny nioiu ut it time thmi they could poijilbly help miuiy oiling in wine iilholutly bulo wltlt ouuni luul junl it little ft hit on uoilln of tin- tmii jlltit lmiikllli l- tlnir a letter ltkn hint after neilnk muii a ulut of fin in s on our own rami in tin- nloni and on the inaiket ilnw much hotter it k to have utulf ev u at a low price than wit to have it at ah and tin n i had anotlui letter hut jultit a lllfirint iitlaln it v tin fiom a it lend ilio hud jirl been jpeiuliiiic a vac ation in noiwuy while itiiylnk lhere ihe wit mliptlmd to hear lhat kutfliiml wd ijolnit to the doit i oh yea uhuihitely ami enllrely no hope for it at all then iihi- iprctuln hcimir over a couplu of piikcji llltut at tho iuietii i l- element lit tin ikllli uovernmcnt which itltis tujrl u doinu 1li hct to dettioy tin countiy ijlu- ends up with till teue query what canada re illy tlilnk of kiiitlitndi have ulthlkhl quite a lot about that stldii apparently my friend linatjliui lhut canada iiluiukl ullnk of kimland iu havluk halfi in her luury xethapi biiu liiii liiili fiomitlmeii iintl their wiy into lliu litfit of holt iltt but havent we nouuh fultli in thi old country to ex pect that ijiu will ifo in tor a prutty thoimikh lioujiecleimlnij and chiar all tin mphci out pieent day polltlci arc aluiltitely be yond my comprehension but intuition blind inntlnct or call it what you will imikci mu feel tha with knirland ilea the olutlcm of tin major portion of our own country problcmi when isniihmd luui ona- moro ritorcd ordlrout of cliaoi then in wmi way or other will indirectly bliiclll but by that tlmo mioplo will have col ivied to thlnklnw dnpnfifloti tullclnii depi cjliiou and uclins dupi cilmi that their vlulon will be all out of fociui and probably ihall not recounliii proi- pcrlly when wc meet it all thi talk about how hard hit the farmon tiro remliidn nic very milch of thoi dear unili wlio will comer any nympathetlc llitenur iiul reiato their ilckneiei and operation down to the cry hint ruiiotne detail in jut tlie lime way unemployed sulterer and farmor mnlaltj entry on a conver sation and the irlfit of it amounts to til if talk about hard tlniei iuy unemploy ed sulterer you liivvo no idea how nick i have been and i dont think there h nny cure for my trouble it li time nomu- body did iiomithlnif for me too bad too had iliclut liirmer mnlulstj but your troulilu in nothlnu to mine unlti a cure lii found for me very iifton i ulull nuvnr iccovur i fear and no they o on each tirhnu who can outicroun tlio other tei it were of coin m tlieru li no question ubout farmcni being hard hit but it wont be for ovor tho law of uvorairea will oven thlnun up ijime time or other no couldn t uc in the nifimtlmo keup our aymptomtt to ounwlven and conccntratu our thouuhta nnd uncruy on kueplnu our houdu abovo water of couriu njilrk penion tolli their trouble to a doctor tio it i only proper that wa iihould tell our troubles to dr governments and tull it gooil and fitrmikl a patient if tilliatlnfloil chimtfcn hln pliyitclan havunt wo tho niunc prlvlleuo wiuldi aovenunent wij liave tiled ills mediclno and found itu bitter- new iitrotik rnatikh to be inifilcla1iu it may be that the nruucrlptlon jot mutidlod yen let uu by all mi aim ooniult dr government but in tlie name of common deconcy keep our affliction o oumolvun afiumed cheerfulneijj 1ft better than no cluvrfulneiui at all i remember n pout- card that wiui rather popular dtnlnir the win- jiiit a plain card and printed neatly acroiii it were the wordn bmllo you tmllel l exactly the rlht thiuu to any in polite imrty of courie but the advice wiui fiound nevetuieleiii md ii yet for that matter buppojilnk we try ill if you fimllu and i imille- uomebody elkt in mire to millie and before we know where we ant there will be mlleii and lillleft of unlleii slats diatty by uofjh fauquiiar friday ant emmy nay hc hun ixn in lot of inunujeryii luid aiiumel tilmwa and ici hiut huw tmmt uvry kind of ujiamul xcept a iapal dull saturday tlmv liaji bon a buruular mlntery iu rot til rrlek at mr lli-n- imiui eoiuirly liotnn and th pnllrrjiktih lnut ben biuiy iiolvo- lilk the irolflim xul w fer all lhey have fimntl out bi whut itut htolr sunday i dont think mutdi of the itiune the liylliih people pluytt wlcll the call crlrktl i ait ant uiiimy whut kliui r irame tl ihe ied all h mw alumlt it it wan played on a harlh jo mill uilnlihuie ooir llliteiiei unkle tlynl the m m wiii t mu a com- d mluen in i 11 llllfteniih imt jd in luul till eplntf mikniil mid inimiiny both lofeithir ut the idi ntlcli thlie ti-iidny- kd luu and hi wlfj viln 1 mu iilt hit mppeiuted hi n iaii d to each aiioth 1 yti id itv ihe nafnn ifoinic to quit ihij iu- afutd iet in in a hill if tin y 1 iy loiut i n day a ni w lil it- chi at knol mid h jake i the otu u- in i im mi i on lie mite b a ulue a liy ant kmniy v u leiullnif in i ptpii ii bout mini kliiir who umt lil dlplomatick n ihe ed uelashun wiu a kind but it wii robik prltty utiimir uheil you sever them wan that i it mir i be muiiday uthii day plu tatlnu rii iui1 in cm i mi liby ihln the noi thletteiied liibuiii s they liav i for llfty ijny are a r they mite o inihi r in mu to be i- hit ifiil a y advantage clil 1 lhut ii i- to kl canadian shredded wheat is l00 canadian grain eat two shredded wheat biicuiti a day and help canadas prosperity n iiruaelou hoiimlioul lemedy douielav kitypllan liniment ihlnuii tm- midlalt relief to lame buxk and itiiifujultir i liiuiiiitem al o riillcvi- intlanuttion biirnii iiorei conn and wurlu eve ry on prefers shredded wheat now and then i usk io nioiiibom of my funiily it they wouldnt liko to try u differ cut bruirkfufjt coruul hut whon i put it to ii vot tsvery one from duddy to o r a t li y erica tf i v v us shredded whciitv no mutter how many other ueronla you try you will cmnu buck tiuin to shrcilded wheiit por over tliirtyfivo ycurw it hiin hold und in- crenhed u loyal public fol lowing tbntm becuiiho it in no nourishing und nttcnrfth- cning und can bo nerved in so miuiy dolicioum wuyu tim canadian shrcddcd wllcat company ltd shredded wheat with all the bran of the whole wheat mother knows the responsibility that is hers well mwtre lhat he i family foot buyr tliai ah li iruited liiiplicttly to provide meali pure wlialoonie inviting vry lime and mothr alto makea ic iter tuuy xo ipend wht tlie weekly allowance buyi moit for economi lake during our ho years of comiiiiioui value living literally thousand of mother have learned with joy the tmiih of our pollc quality firi economy alwaya for 10 yearil ye were proud of our record cimurt bus tho distinction of having been the pioneer in north america in fuh culture tin u gov ernment enterprise the lrt fry hutched from urti- ficinlly fortilietl egga in ciuindu were produced in 1858 and fish culture was established us a dominion government service in 1807 the idea of remembrance day being a public holiday docs not seem to bo making tho day more impressive an executive of one of the largo city stores said to mo tliero is nothing so impressive in tho whole year as tho sudden silence when ii oclock strlkefnon armistice morning and everything iu tho store stops dead 1 cannot see that the usual junket- ting of it public holiday nro going to keep tin memory of the men who died more vividly alive trnu those two silent minutes do clivuihitt k tt oilu coniuilorlnir tn- quail urn or dr thoniui kcliclrlc oil it in tho otioiiifl at till iminratloun oirnrtsd to tint public it ih to bo fuuml in uvery it till u torn in oiunula fnun ciuuit u count and all rmintry morrhanui keep it fo nalfi go bulnir fully pirauriililf anil ux tioinoly mmliirato in prlcn no onii thoulil im without a botthi ut it cranberries 17c kugu or ilvr flriul blueberries 2 z5c aylmr cttoica qoalliy raspberries 2 r 29c aylnw tub of pineapple 2 si 23c speciallynn valley pumpkin 3 19 special aylmer brand choice quality tomatoes n owe el smu1 mecocmlclta nwf crm chocolates lb 25 rpml1 alwk u ou4 gum drops s iu 27c avui h at cww jelly beans toun 19c nw uft fewu nuts lb 23c kisses 1q pound i7v klw ptu rock lb 17c 29c 35c 23c 23c 29c 19c 25c package of ivotfy flakes free wltl arvcvy i cii o calay m at regular yule 1 in a vlll 2ic w vh gtv 1 1 p- ot hvixy sot hk nn a 3 tint cohnu11 1111111 1luy 3 ihi mavonna1sii krf kluk- having powdim cuoll lui lit 1 homan mual uutjuid oats cir7 uiiui 6 lb mcu iliuw jnuam it huik siattmhttl 1- cfoir ow 3 tu x o t macauon1 rjwoji own 3 iu count ktadoi tbwmt ilia uic1ii1 pllacfllls liuy ju no 1 u vitonh tu iimiii huium ttu lln ti1a llpln rt-lt- fvg souls cttvi all cakxlun slltlluld a mono 49c 13c lie 21c 51c 27c 27c scll- criscov 65 tlr svrjl crown o twltlv com syrup tis 29 smi1 wa pur orang marmalade 40oz jar 25c sll a it 11 or cwl wuunf soda2 iv svlmuic soap 525 kmtlmu lloor wax tl sop tltat fltmu ivory 2rl5 33 mclaren qtimti olives 21c covuf 1aiwy mnk iatrlco lruuuig sardines ti acadia lloneusa codfish it snowcap brand pilchards 15c 16c i5c srrous ho t1h ha1 aoiuirul umlt liry my man why dont you 1m caroful army olmk whut in wronk ulr aonorul why luhtalid of tuldrliutln thin lttir la tho intfllllitimoy oitloor yau havo ultlrimitl it u tho liitollluitiit qwioor yoil jihould know thoro ik tio porson in tho army ibtrntford xluooon- llurntd i purkins royal york oo shortbread per tb oov 4 bananas kr lbu for ioy 9 sweet potatoes of lbs fnr cidk n cauliflower t lemons pei dozen small oranges per dozen medium oranges per dozen large oranges per dozen 40c 28c 40c 55c mill street acton ontario if you expect to sell you must adve