r- tfn t fiftyseventh year no 22 acton ontario thursday novkmblk 20 10 i eight homeprint pagea fivocpnt x news of acton and the district tim wardens dinner warden a mason uu announced that the annum wardens dinner will thin year bo held on thursday december 17 the mfuon inn will bo lhn scene if this hiatorlo event local doca wn prixe winner at the queeraviuo beagle olub show last week three local hounds wore prize winners they carried off lwo first two econd and one uilrklpruwj the owners of these days re njcurully very pleased with the showing uiey made in this com- petition krecung new garage mr fed ward tyler or tylers trans port service u having a hew garagi erected on the liitthway j ant at uio eastern outskirts of arton the new building will bo 4fixtio fort and will bo of frame structure covered wiui artistic brick nnulird material work on tin foundations is now being done christmas mall for overseas parcels and ouier niall for delivery in european countries before chrlsttniui should be mailed wluiln the m xt fw dtya and at the very latest to connect with uie 6 a m outdare from st john oil december 5 and halifax on docembt r a tlie mall train froni the went is now due at 10 07 u m instead of 7m n til mall for ink train will clow ut d45 n in first hockey lame acton tntermediato team have made franfemvu for tlujr nrnt exhibition same of tile present season it will bfl played in oah on monday evening gmlnst the gait liitermedlte thin will give uie boys uii opportunity of betting rounded into shape before uu loe li ready on tlie local arena appreciate ou man a note from u subscriber in orison in renewing reads tliero are very few of my old friends und ucqualntanrcf- led in acton as i loft tliero fortyuiree ycus ago but i do enjoy tile old mans articles please wbih lilm a merry chruttiiuui for me he him known inn all my life i was very sorry to read of the death of ii p moore ius place cannot bo tilled in acton mrs h v o kloytt parliament the elevi nth annual ontario older boys lvrllament will be in scmlon from december 21 to 31 at mcmastor uni versity hamilton and will bring tagethor approximately one hundred and twenlv reprebentuttve lwiyu from all parts or ontario the boy members are nomin ated and elected by tho fifteen thousand or more teen age hoys who comprlic tho trail hanger jpampsi tuxls groupii and boys sunday school classes in ontario tli local polling booth will bo in thu basement of the united church voting houm are from 3 until 8 p m on satur day november ail and mr n y moore is uie returning officer utenuy night at united church a debate resolved tluit hadlo tendii to do mure good than evil was the subject of tlie united church young l mooting uibt wvk mrs j o hamsden and mlvs volma blair ably up held tho tttfinnutlve tldi and mliwj oladyit scarrow luid olndya atrar tho iirtfutlvv munlcul nuinborh on uie pro gramme combtej of a vocnl io by mn ilay atfiieu a vrvrli horn wilo by mlu liottte mason a uonu ty tlui mlncii muion and mrrf itay aguew tuid piano duotu by m1hu matou the kcrlptlirn lesmm was rad by gordon cook and mkh lliikm 0traiiler rrud a iwwm imnunenco by wtliui mncdonalil i1w judge mlh ilennett mlia biulll and xlr k if vincent declciiml in fivor of tlie affirmative and mki smith win wioke for thu judges gave utv vnr helpful crltlotjiu miw uulctt qcitramtor was the chairman of the meeting itublin wemeus institute th dublin bmnch of the women institute held tin ir riifillir montfiy nteitttng ut tho immii of mm john mr- oregnr on wtlnesduy iftcrnoon till being o rand inotht n day the meetliui ums ep4cially inter ting and the nt- 1 teililanee wan umtiutlly luige wlul the lvesldeut ii the chair the meeting via cwihh1 with ullver threads among thi- gold ufir whlrh all repeuteil the ivordi priu er the minute of the lit meeting were rt ad and upproveil ati the- biulur i hi in uiro dlpoid of th following pnhtnuunie wui ulveii plnno lo mn ofotgu ilolertmii imipcr pioneer diyn mlwi m bomervllli community minting a number of old- jmr wmyh plnno nolo m jesle mc- oregitr koll cil uiu then rejonckd to lthmy grundmotliers malik n name tlie singing of thu ode brought the programme to u clje iwfter which n number of the mumlhri jolmxl in an oldfaahlmied drts parade llm prtee going to mrs uiownuvv smie very in teresting relief of grandmothers day were put ou exhibit ttus lunch eoni mlttee then served refreshments which consisted of oldtime dainties and a social half hour waa spent newhpapcrinen of distrifl organize met in oahville ijwt kriday und formed wentwortji hultoo peel aasocialion 1 iaua tmclury tlu pubmshem of we kly whimpers of wentworth peel and llaltxm counties gauiered- ej oakvlll where problems kin erred to this line nf were discussed and to- thatrtot un wcbtttai formed wliich wlm odhvenn every year to deal with rnaiterrs pertain ing to the publishing bumnww und dlscuns of rendering better service to their respective communities thoe present at thu inetjtlng were e a lliuris and oeo h jlarrli gazette llurllngton o 11 oronw und g e greene ilevlew waterdvwn j c tcpi- pun und hugh ivimplln mownilecord porgus c v oharterriuiulh m cliorlern conservatr urajiipum e j toy bayles mercury itenfrew miuiour if comulliui weekly nttwapapers aatrfkclatlou a w marsh elo amheratburg ireeldunt of onuirloqitebeo dlvbjilof c w n a v 11 instise news lort credit c i if moore itur dtmdajt j m moore herald georgetown v w whlu cluunpton milton f n iuavimi enurprlse lloltong c attkins itecortl oakvllle w j plouty oakvllle a h niraler utar oakvilu o a dllli lree presa acton u a nlcliolikm edlur prlnur and imbuslier iho gatherhig wom welcomed to oak vllle by miayor moat mid at noon were nuoli ut u lellghtful lunch at the murray house ui the guesita f tho mayor und council jiut f hewson jeputy lteeve and couiicluoni j v markle qtm h jacobn and geo very were present to miabt in weloomlng the guetits at tlie haiwiuet table with mayor moat in rluirgo tlie toast to the king wu heartily given mr a h ionter of tho oakvllle tliuif xpnftaod the pletuiurc it gave the oakville uowtpiliermeu to luive uilii flrht meeting there he upokn in v ry fiiellng and praiseworthy termi of tlie nplendld effortn in newspaper circles the inflilenro the lite h p moore for many yearn editor of tnic acton puk pnrui luid bwm mr a w martih or amhortttbunr expretuied tho plwuiure of tho vlnltom nt being prciamt at tills meeting tlie murray houre provided nil cxrel- ltnt mi nu and mr and mn duigle proved delightful liot and lumudi mm dingle favored the gathering with n d llghtrul tut a mid iui elocutionary num- im r both of wliich wt re well rendered kli tor c a hnrrlii of uurlington pu ided at itoni and addrewui were given by e hoy sayles miuiaglr or the c w n a editor or tho renfrew mercury a w marili icclitor or mhentburg ueho hugh tetnplln ai- iclate editor of lvrgui nowiheeorl in the afternoon it wan decided form a dttrlct organ latlon known thn wentwnrth haluin peel nuwipnptr anclauoii olflars were elected as follows preiiidt nt 1 a hiurru hiirllngton plnrt vloopre ddeniv p n leavens llolton becond vlcepreildent c ii mooro dundiui becretnrytitviiurer a a dllln acton mr i n ijavtu of uolton lxunded mi bivlutlon to- hold the next met ting in ijoton preferably in the tiummi inontlu ihli mutter wiu left for flnil loci ion by the luxucutlve a cordial vote of thanki uiu tendered kdltor a 8 ivirster of oukvillc jiul the mayor and council for their bplendld nirtuigementi for the convention there iho nowtpapr men mcuini charteni of ilrwmpton and horrli of litirltiucwin ulio hod hen btntrumental in arranging the meeting wero tendered tlie appre ciation of the representatives aiuunnbled ivilkvwlng tho buiiniei8 tuvttilonn a drive nbout oakvllle mid a vbilt to ievcral if iti leoulifvil honitfl anil euite matle a puimmt ijiolal fiiiture to rllmux in teres ting and instructive outing among the placwi of intercut minted out in the drive about osikvllle which fojjowixl tlie buine mtuiloiui of the meeting were tlie teiiult and llmtinlnton club- premues lukevtcw- park jilld tlia mw iuparato school otutlfill honieu and ettntei thit hiive ulvenljitijtjtvllle iti title of oakvllle theileaitirn includ ed tho or mi ft john chi holm mr m j hut r mr oliver formerly manager of the c n ii klectrlc hutlwaya mir w 0 duvl mr w o jail rny prxrld- tiit of the toronto olotw mri timothy uiton coliliock mx w d gregoiy i mr hirry aiddlng t majoi girdlnei col w g mrkendrick mr iloi pre- aldtnt wilgley chewing gum cm bir jo ilaelle und mi iliriy uyrle in tin kriniiuk or co w v uiton the party rtrolctl iilwuit and liwed thu iwautuul pnmlt and at co ii a cox tttutc a ililt of the ratuid ttahu and their uondeifni tulpmuit and jfinn for training tl horia i wm made here too a visit uai mude to the edge or the t hjte vhetv the big puvjert or con- iltruotllig a r tiilnlng wall jin ben completid alonu a mllii or to of tho lake frontage the hoys conference heya rrum halum county met in mluojt m halurday and wunday hfty uivgaun wiite lreatmt hoyk from 1 1 varuuui r i ntn i of holton county put in oimfiyiiirv in ht pauls unlut cliureii milton oil flitur- dy luid uuuday novemlnj jl iuid 2jl for i june time tin re lui beii th nei d for cihuiljy orguilaailiui in oonin etlou wltli boys work tliat the various nrgvin- lnatloiut f boyi in tlie iliuuiay b lioola lltlit be luikeii up mom uotn ly through out the ct mity ihi foilwlng ploxts e nirnthl miltin llitillngum oakvllle georgetown acton hornby hnmte about lltty dilegaus gailtered and u very fine conference on the lnur- wtlng points of nilcj ewrul boys work vi re trxhtly 1u usaed ilhe lieindoiis of the conference were presided over by the ltiv u w itumhv tii georgitowu itiuldint kf the coiuny luwird tlie conhniil wiui onenei ly evotknuil scrvlrw led by gordon lupp ivp resell tatlve of tlw ontario hoy work hoard after 0 dovotlnnil stivhe uu natter of retfutiatinn was ejnphajilz d mut all registered and uu n tht matu r of orgiitilxatum wiui unduud by im uucluuum limtd r or the opposition or the tenth old f iwiyit parliament fur onturu llu election renulud in jwk uiuji of milton ih big elected iui grand riuiur for the ciuity after dim election wiui completed the conference wom dlvldinl into two grouki fox tlie ikirikwmt of dbxuiiloil on thu lnurroiiting foatiirut of itoth trail ilmger and ihixbi iiquaro work anumg boyii tliojwt two groupti were led by gordon ijipp former i vernier of the older hoy parliament of ontaru mid don himh- tuun alw a ciipabw boy leader itwji dljf u jloii groups proved to ixi very hi nting and when they came tiigetlier lr ooiiferciue cryiilnlld into many iiie- lul uuugeittlonfi mid leilutloiui during uie afternoon luiailon wnm me wui taken hp hi coniildejliig wayn and meajii or unking up the tuxlii groupi throitgliout the county more closely an athli tic committee tor uie coilnty wo fonned and the iiiimifitlon of a hockey iigilf among the liquored would te very lntiixiting und hulprnl rt nulling in uie committee imilng iu- i trurted u try mid form tuch a league during tlie afternoon a recreational hour wiui conducted hy mr geo mckelvey a fonner gecretary in county v m c a work the r i jiion took tho form of i banquet all urn boyn of the conference re pr ulit ut tho ublea and enjoyad n jplendld nupiier prepared by the ladle ol ot paulh church the main feature of thin ioclai period of the conference wure an llliuitratetl iuldrcft by oordon ijipp on the work or the iloyi work board including camp life the tiquire of at paul church put on an iturttra- ton of u weeknight mwting or their tuxl gquare a very intcrliitlng part war the uddn ui f mr t a hutchltuion uie returning officer for the county ol hattou hi the cuetlon of u repru-cnta- tlve for the county in the older iloyii parliament of ontario ati uie od- divwen of tuo or the three oiplrlng rumlldatei jack iluh ofmjluin and morley weaver or burlington the uiiiumi church or acton wiu rcpmwnted by two carloiult of boyii girl guides concert splendid irneramnie provided by the luhlel 1 iunuelve ivekriltalltin of lto4lcvti for prollc ifticy in many activitirtj the girl guide concert in the town hull lot eveiilnif drew a good crowd and the mulli nee unii trented to a pro- rrumnie glv n entirely by the troop which wiui thoroughly enjoyable and very versatile and entertaining the programme wait ably prulded over b hev p a sawyer 1 th and opned with the filniilng of the national ah tin m and o can ad i the welcome wiu extendetl in true guide fiuhlon by signal ling with tho ilugn a ing by three outdo and a piano duett by mtieu beth and margiirt t harrison were iti m of minloftl lntereit to the gulden porhip the blggeut item wiui the nivietitalum of tho iiroflficnry biulgi i that have been u on thi year the jonor of presenting hilmt awards was ably carried out by mn c ii ilurrl- nn captain of the troop mm d a j nutlvnan ml ji i- m gray mn mccu try and dr ij j nelvm tin tetji thut uoie neet ury for procuring tivm hudgiii were explnlnid and jt was lencllly pctceivid that they were n t ea ily uuu the other number an tlie prnfrrainme hv he guldeji give a good concuptl i of their work and training und inehidi d the folnwjng number t ciioni keep nu hiping play dml in ilidgeland double vocul tilo a gllmp ft of camp llfe mound the camp lire by the orchid poppy illucbiid and chuiflnch ipatrnlu and the emip fhe tong capt mrs hairlim exprejied the uratttude of i the tro ip foi the iiljtanee uf all who had made their programme pottlble and thi- gutdei pie en ted mm m h mooie laud mm di buchanan with plctureii in expressing their ipprnclntlon tlie final snlmber ia liw sung thy the guides varictj ol subjects iranjl hy oilncil tux iuuircrnenu4 and ahhvhkmcni 1robiemh iikuranct company pointrt out street hiujirdn at oie coiyn 11 nuitlug oil tuesday iv ulug c4uii lllor i huiirfn and harri- on wire pn snt luid itievo mami iwe- tiidnl i tie tweiitytiurd rujort of uie pin- iif e oomuiltte i ctnmikiuled pjiynu nt f the following ddouilt- l if ultihhi uuirilng 9 110 plod cooiier n ntal of dumping ground yi 00 at ion 1 mki pmkiij printing and advertl dug 2l 0 a km iublli u till tin coihinu- ulop utrei t light i lift ultcliie m agar roak for ihalty ml cumujloii lglon wniui for mi moriih tl 00 1111 1w phone co mrvlun u 10 acton nill puir wnuit 1mj00 j4h so 1 he n ixirt wai udopud movid by c h harrluiil ucoiuhd by lliuun that uie annual rjnt to the at lou lall 1ilr b lnrrojwl to h0 per mm on uie tindi mtiuullng how v r it mi long as tlut nuld grant of tlfio iihall uj piid the vail pair nhall iiy to tlie corjwirutlnn of acttm u n ntal for the nt prwwrt park of 10lj iw r yar frtmi and bicludlng the year 1 ujl in the t vent howevef of the mild grant not being luild ifor any yearn the ilitl rental hall not be cliargi d for iuch ycai carrit tl li iter from mr ulh oicretarv of rellrf puntl point d out unit the dm ct hi r wiui on the groundi of u third from thi provincial und 1 viler il govern- nu uu junntwd by the council ktter from the t hi rotary or tlie id gloii cxirtiii tl their appret lutitui of the tooixriatloil of the count 11 and municipal off it lau in their carryingon of the htnw mlirmce day service another letter from the plaxton hue- ton co who rfiirry the corjionitions iiibillty himirunce jwlnted out tlu- dan der of several water wrvlce shutoff n nbout the rtrcet mtl retmeiiung that the council rectify thene thmgennu ijotu 1 he matter was forwarded for the n untion or the public utllltiei commls- tlon and the cauncll recommend d unit tlum bo lepalnul a piice r brokin piivlinent on jllver qtrett wiui given tor the attention of thu munlrlikil ofyicen mr j p flcanow jipmtind bt fore the council and felt that the nt nlty tor nonpayment for the fir t liiitulmeiit of tax j shouldl not lie enroicetl if the v hole timaunt wi met when tlie necond lirtalmi nt wan tine he felt uili wan uifiir under pre tnt condition of ntrtvi the council minted out thut the hxi an duo in st pit mber with uie fir t in tulment and une i the fimt amount i i iild the right to pay in two in- itahm ut wa foi feltetl mr bcarrow al a milntcd out that ut a nuetlng of the legion it win felt that the toxti on uie club roomii owmd by the beurdmore co iihoutd not lie charg ed t ince uio building wiui ilut only for mi etlng of vurloii t local orgmi bullion und no revenue derived mr bcarrow had been appointed by the legion to intirvlew the cmiicll on this nubjict the council felt tint some udjirtmont lioiid he miido and pronvlietl to give tlie matter theh con ideration a rt pn entatlv for mr thou glblwai pointed out that ho wan iuiejnetl for live while hi deed only colled for four lots he hadulo been oa jed water- work frontager on thtw lot- accortlhur to the nicordn and map tho chirgen uere correct and the uvcsmeut sheet tihould hhow fourflftlui of nu acre rather than a ful acic he had however only iwen chaiged on four lot and no overcharge had been made it wiui alio icnctrtained that no toadwuy uni off thi property a wiui understood by mr glhhi i the roniov 1 1 of a couple of tl ees an lycderlck ottet was dhciuted and left ror a rep nt from councillor hansen and cliltf mophenton the clerk wiui intnirti d tj ndvertl o for a becrtlary foi uu arena loi ihln yiur the matter of painting the arcn i mclo ure wa left over until the officers invti tlipitt tl si ural mcthodii or doing the vioik and mattilnln the west appreciated the eanlrlbatlen kent by the fst letter rrotn the outrirt where car from united churrh hrnt i tie following letutf wiui rt ad at the rvu- of the uiiiuki cliurt li hire m lundily it maidfimts v ry forelluy that tlitf this period the wt it uppret iutt i help uiat has iweii hiijt from mm kaiit to title over otlu r rltlwnn of ton h e rt t ivt dlitti r from fru ntl ulu itxt a will h expn tlie tune spirit of thiuikfulm tint muive uoult all lujt nov lsth 11jl hi v c 1 pthile ii d doii otvurlii ar mr 1mau i llavo jllt ctime frtmil uie thunu nt rf our hall wikmh tlero re jisnt tiret hi l- of turulpi left tuid 1 ujteu to srkilowletuitt with inuoli gratitude your genroud eirkwitl of mlxetl fiurm prtkllint iui well as tuime uiufill cloullng allow nie to give you a ferw tit talln iui u tlui dbiwuhuin tif the lur oil reet ipt if woid ttuit a mr was to le sliippt d i irgiui j tl a gtd strong imumltue of u n to look urter tlui unloading tuul alto he giving of it out we also drew up i lt oi families in tlie town and dltrltit amounting to ufo pbiclng tlie more nimtly isi nnt whin uie car urrlvi d then as gn ut t xeltttiient it wan like gutting u olirtnttmut jktrcel iot kntwlng ixiutly all that it contained i luro wire sulfli lent uiun und nun t unlotid uiat bi t lirec houni we lud it all in tilt basement mext morning we tar led to make distribution 1 might uitti that we took an iuvt iittiry of th car u that we might have nn lib a jut how much to ulltvt to each family ai near iui we coultl approxlmatelv tell there w re lo0 burjieln of turnip u bunlubi of itatoei 40 biljieli of appltu 400 lbii cahboge 700 lbs tarrol uoo ibii beebi 30 thu beans ji luiiii or toiuauwi 41 five lbs lumey r ten lbii loney i live lbs syrup 11 tep ibi uyrup l1j pumpkinn citron nquaith 100 lhn sugar 14 jiini of preserved fruit 4li j as pit kh a il pails of jiuu r tbn coffu iiiic cakej of iiup catsup a tin of applet und or course uto baleti of clothing tlie following morning i look ortkni upitalni on n counter check book giving uie slip to tlie individual wlio went dowiiitiilr where hbi order wan made up bj it big staff of workoni and when completed he wan let out uie back door trailing his turnlpn jiotakkti fruit etc u itii him every ope of uu m with a sm on their fucen that could he wni ror a long uy wo have recelvid uim very cotnpll- mt ntary remiirkn on the way in which it wa dbtiiosed wo endeavored and i think ue succeeded too in givbig out all etpiltable ijuire to all into every home in town there went something irrespec tive of race color or creed i wlah you eon id luivo hetird the gt n- ume exprtiijiumn of appreciation from the ihopio wlio received from the cur did my licurt good and i know it would have done yours good loo our phono hai been buy with people thanking the good people of acton they are ruthrr anxjouji that your people shohld know of their appreciation flo pleai convey to them ulc gratitude of a people wlm in j tarn gone by have enjoyed much prtv iierlty but wlio for tho time being arc racing trying tuid difficult tlmeil thti tewn of ilouleau itnetl to lie a two million bu hel point that in y000000 bushelfl ol grain u ml to pusi through uie eleva- toui thli ytmir tlure will not bo one carload of grain taken in they have nothing else to turn to i trust you will lie uble to tell all who helped to load the ear how grateful wo all are klndet luid twit wlnjien itobt t young wtimenu kiimtltute meeting tin- monthly meeting of the womens institute will bo held at mrr wm halvy on thurtuiy decemlier 3 rrv p sawy mi liltrary hoanl appointed by schhl itonrd at meeting ijihi evening the principals to uefiwe agenth permission to call at school during hniirl at uie btliool htiard men ting last i vi luug triuiletn ut v p a tliiwyt r jos hudson w u norum j m mudunahl vre prt m nt uiul mrti havlll pr hided i lie tenth r iwrt of uui iliiain- com- inittni n ioimnt mled pyin nt of the fol lowing acoounti ibt oni m hendry co supplu n t 4 01 art in public tjtlllllin commltion light 4 rt at tom pmkk isruj printing hill 1 mocutnlietin freight and cartage hi 1 he educational iubusliing co 1ook r 11 lit j h wjitum mm nt ho a i brown mipplus for i1u0 4 j 74 v t brown supplies for lh0 10 10 t llrown iiipplit for ljl 10 71 clj hj i lie ik eretary rt ud a copy of a lett r tttwurtlil to mis harbour xprilng um imputhy of the hoard in lur nut it it avemt nt unci mis hatbour n r ply another 1 tkr from the lrte library hoard nipn ltd that the hoard apjioiut pn sentatlve from uie bu ird to the lrte library ikmly moved by mrs a v bavlll ueontltd by jiui hudion that hev p a bawyer 1h apptlntt tl a nu mler of the lrte ilbriry board carried i nutt e mcdonald report d that a hange in the power line to the scliool is being matle u hlch would be very lit n llclal he also rt pork d that a new metre was being install d on uie watt r ivice mrs havlll rt jiorted on the action of le board in the nuitlt r of uie w c u simaker termlisinu hod btcn lilvi n for addr ndng uie pupih from j jo mid at four oclock hhe ul re ported tho nuisance that ageuls were uking of tlutiiiolvis in rilling on uie ti nc hem it wail suggested uiat a h tter be wrlt- l n to the principals of the schools pointing out that they refuse to allow agt nli anl ouiem to interview the tenchi rs during chotl hours without rirmljilon a report wm received inm the mirilc- al vesuvil n pre entallve but was left to lie dealt wlui at a latt r meeting the secretary rend a rt port of the collection r feel from nonre iltent pupils tlie becretary was requested to write letters to uie delinquent enforc ing payment a letter from tho onfety iiogue ey presscd uielr appreciation of the tre ment accorded their renrcuntntlve while in acton iho board cxprcs etl their satisfaction of uio splendid lecture jul had been glvt n mr mcdonald felt uiat in view of tue cold weather and present conditlom wmo arrangements ijiould be made fur the puplln ot tlie public school to be allowed in hide the building on arrival in the morning various items of local interest acton and district the lome school concert will lu held on pitcmbct ir thu ohrlstnuot com crt of wiatd- slds school will be held on thurstl ly december 17 huimockburn sclmo chrlntmas concert will bo held on imdny decem- littr 18 tiik kvkninfl meal dlgestklt a nunihei tvf the bu wmien sketch- inr in limit a note wa hundedlo him f loin the judge who had il st use of humor it lend i ohmtw ou ale ikittlihig in court i mu it point out that unit is contrary to the nil i of this court the biirrlhr who also bail a seine of humm huultd up a clo jlyguault u rt plj it wiui uih my loul your note conurmn thwx v hit h i hu o ul ready mnpected th it you are not giving your attention to the arguiik ut of my learned leader tho christmas concert of m no li ntissiigawuya w held on decotn- john wildersp1n fatally injured suhvrrd head hbetilder and other injurku in 1ull frem tlilrty- vnu lnle mr john wildentphi of acton sulkr- ed a serious full from a uilrty foot kli- while at work for uie bell teephonu company mar aurora mr wilder iplu iiis it tht top or an old pole that uie hi fiig iniiaud when the let wire on the pole wan everd it broke und he jvi thrown to the ground the nccld- t nt happened on monday nionihig j in the fall mr wtlden pin sutfert d i he ul injurie whlrh nmlired him uii- ctuiu lous for a loup e t f tlay hu sinudir was alo urt and oao of iho i rib nu tuied plijtlng the bowels on wtiitu dii a iin 1 1 ltf ul openitioii wis pi rfoimed to skip the inroads of perl- i tonitls whlih had developed from ths lastmi ntltmed injury he uus in yirk county ho pi tal and hi i condition is i n garded as vevy critic u j later word was reolid here thls morning thut mr wllilempln sueciinilwd u jiit injuries at three oclock ulis morning he leiivtn a widow and one little daughter emm to both of thwte uie sympathy of the community goes out ut uils trying time won in kvmlteron clum ut steyal at the iloyul winter lalr thb week ltjlo biywi of acton oion firth plare on stallion fouled in 1031 wiui dictator mid fourth on ploin for brootl more fouled prevloiui to jiuniary 1 loan in the flpjclil rioy- iml gordon iletilln of acton won first wiui dlcuitor dance ut bahliuifa bill oliver and his lyipleo dance band of toronto nt bullhmrad tueidny december 1 old unio and modern music featuring imd uijng xylopliones for qiuile donoe murtr thtn b the only bmut in cniuitla using uie xyloplume in thin wiiy shorty iktlford floor manager and ralaf brutupteii contractor kuccumlts to injurloi joseph trimble 111 popular contmckir tu jiruinutan iwd auiy at the lv memorial hopltai or that place on iriday hi the early evening u tho reu t of n broken spinal column received when the tnick which ho was driving tuniitl over on him bn uu third lllio ilulton imir tho town of milton unit day harry pratley another pusengci j hi thu truck suffered head lacoratloun whllehis bmther gordon e cuped un injured tlie truck nliprtcd off tlie road into u sixroot tllteh a number of men from a nearby tltmd lud k lie culled to i lift the truckuond release ivimbu mr 1 trimble wsu iwirn near tho viuagw of i churchville ipid hiu npent all hw life in peel county he li survived by lib widow formerly cora mcohltock four children myrnu toddy joan ami betty hl hiouinr mrs joseph lylmble three bwjf hetis colin lirampum willatm para and oiulrlen ihi the homtwtoiul and live rislorsi mtrs henry pruuey hivminttm mm h brown toronto mrs gtorge mason mtmieo mr harry bur- i ton weskm und mrs ephriam lotty j churchville mr ivlmble attended uia ist pauls unhed chhrcli and was a i member of the orange order i i e meeting 1 lie duke rf itivtnth1re chapter of the i o d e will hold thtlr monuuy tint ting on iuehday evening is niibor 1 at ight ttuhik ut tlie liome of mrs p l wright mum ftrtt it capld h ihuh on huturtlay night a1 mr alt x mann agile lulut wo1 rttuilllng nun ouelph he tint hie tuliforttui to run into the tilt h on the hhchwuy ju 1 intulj of out ph iho tar tuplxi itul was som what badly daiiugitl kirttneit tre4 cut down john pturtys on hard wtui raid tl ou hiinday night ami someon- cut down ilxtmii of his lr- chi f mcpherson invtstlgutitl the ilfalr and an in d awn hkat li a nelghlior ami 1twli d him iil mllun jul whtie he is awaiting trial i i a eluilge kf tomiiilttlng th dipndu- tluii 1emllvai adjudiest4rm appoint lite executive oominitut of uie halum public bcliooli mil ileal ietival aicbi- tlou m i lust week u omtlnue uie puns for tho futh umual ftitlvul to ih held n may 1 103j lhe chief item or busl- nei wiui tlie s kctlcm of luljudleators for uie ailday oompt tltloiui in scjumii cliolr rliorusts boys and glru miiimi duetts double trliw and for the flrat time piano sovui tlui luljntlicutom will be messrs g lky vt nwirk miuic buper- vlsor in hamilton imbllc bchtwiln und p g mutdiall sluuxie bupervlir and also ttacher in the summer music rourse in iwonto normal the cllpwboyd wedding tile homo of mr und mr j boyd milton wem the scene of u pretty autumn wctldtng when tiudr daughter myrtlo elliyilwth wtui iiuirrjetl to alex ollhen wn of mr and mrs c gillies or c-tbir- vlllu hev j w alkens otmducted tlw- ceremony and mrs t a moclure played uie wedding march the bride wom given in marriage by her fatlur wnd ivore a- gown of blue crepe romabio oiltl curried a bouquet of pink roses after uie cere mony a buffet luncheon wuh servetl mr and mrs gillies loft by motor for a trip to quebec and montreal and oulbr points the bride travelling in a green eiuiemblo v 1th green hut and brown accessories lean into parked car in pug when mr and mnf it p johnston mln dork and billy and mrs w e ihonuon were motoring to acton from loiulnn on bunday they hart tho ml i- fortuiie tt run hiki a parked car without lights near hntltn the heavy fht made ivilbtuty very had and uie car which hud been left a couple of feet on tlie pave- nu nt luid apparently developed trouble nd was parketl in a ravine on uie ldgh- woy all tho occuiuuitft received a bud nlwikuig up and mbfi dorla received a head injury and pi in till brulncti as she vis on tho bldp on which tint imiaot occurred mr johnntonen car won badly wrecked with uie engine driven a foot or tui out of place knox church young pcuplov floelety a vciy i njoyable programme was put on by thu educutlonal coimnltlco of thu young pioplen guild on montlny oven- hig at knox chinch tho clialr was taken by mr jos hurst uie president lhe scripture lesson wus read by mla murjnrle near and after tho iliual busl- les of reading uie secretarys und tvon- urers reporls tho following progruiruno was prentetl plino boio harvey has- hflrtl hev mr bcnnlo gave a 13 minute tudy on the subjeet joint oalvln hev mr brotllo gave moving pictures of pic tures of mt loreiit and other intercit- ing toplcii miji lois atkinson rendered a copntiui uilo tlie meeting won well named tvuture night and what might have proved on interesting item was tho fact uiat uu pretjtkmt nearly forgot uio collection however as ho is on the scotch ijdo of uie outkj iw put uiltt mutter right miss hiilkuv knm ltrord kjiuues which swept uie bam on tho farm of mb miui hullett it u no 2 arton lliurstloy night last cttmpletely do troyetl thstrurturo a twumnia crop and u number of cutue and lvorsej tlui itiilgln of uio fire is unnxphilnml but thtie has biu no attemitt to attrlbuto it to iiccnduitlm thu bim wils a large one and li valued nt ttitwteii ftlooo and tflooo illt id ettimuk of the total amount of the loss has yet been made iho gnrure and chicken house were mv crt but nothing oou d be done u check the humeri which ravlsluxl the txirn and the pig pciu which wure under one end of l shaim d structure from which one hun dred hog were released and uuved but it v n horses tuul twentysix eow which weie slabled in the barn were burned to deaui a number of imple ments hi addition to uie animals and the seasons crop were destroyed a fowl supper wart in progress at oflpringe church a short distance up the road wheu uie rftre brolu out when the gathering learned of the blase consterna tion reigned for a few minutes and many of uioso in attendance hastened to fha scene ol uie fire to render assistance 4-