Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1931, p. 5

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twv thursday npvfcmbkr 311 1031 th acton free press paok tot the communitys social side of life v wtora to and from town darin the past week as gleaned by the free press mr ry gordon toronto spent sun day with friends here mr altrod bhop was home rrom tor onto over th weekend mr jos kentner and children visited bowmnvlue friends last week mm oraoe skllhng was home from toronto far over the weekend lr w o o kenney was home from newmarket for a vlait an sunday mlaa oraoe sbowart rf toronto vbdted acton friends over the weekend miss mraret macdunald fc a wus liosae irvm txotiio over sunday mr r vanncwmaii of ouolph vialtod acton relatives over the weekend miss lena ootlu of kitchener visit ed her sisters here over the weekend mr and mrs w kniwlstta of purgua apent bunday with mr mvd mrs j it iteed mr a coy of oalt spent the weak- end at the home of mr and mr o 1w lout mr and mrs m c overholt of tor onto spent the weekend at the parental home here miss alma oonvay of toronto apent the weekend with her father mr o a conway mr and mm kenneth ciirru of tor onto visited at tlio jumiui of her mother mrs oervais mestjii ilobcri oracle and william thorns visited with mr harold wllea on the work end mr and mm knient nim and llohert or toronto npit tlio weekoiul with acton relative j mrs ckroen and mr jred annul of ouolph visited with mr and mm j it iteed on sunday mr and mrs adam otowart or kltch- ener are vlnltlng ut the iwino or mr and mrs o w mason mr and mrs hugh mocutcheon itpeiit the weekend with mr and mm tliort llomahaw in toronto mu1 joan mcdonald iuhi mr anderut or woiditngton ontario spent the week end with ac ton frlendl mr and mm 11 j smltli of hamilton hpeiit tho weekend at tlio homo of mr- and mm it i johnston mr and mm j toy wamhrough toronto vbltod tiu mother and other friends over the weekend mr and mrs a a ilrown and mini margaret ilrown or toronto called on acton frleiiibi on tueiiday mrs ada hell and mesjim maxwell ujcl charles hell f toronto vlnlled acton frleiuui over the weekend mrs alex irving or gudbury and mrs uellle turner or little current vbiltctt ut tho liomo of mr and mm j ft kennedy on tuoaday mr ii j kerr district itopreiteiitatlvo of the ahfl ajuumh itun attended a meet ing nf the jlaard ut toronto at porlla nicnt hulldlngn on tuesday mm w j hall is attending the thlr- tloth annual convention of tho womenfl institute or central ontario thu week as u delegate at uuj itoyal york hotel toronto mr and mm e hurr and their little son removed from windham yester day and are vetting mottled in mr ft j kerrs house parkview on knox avenue mr and mm u it longstreet erin announce the engagement of their eldest daughter mary ksther to mr john fiomuel scott ouolph youngest wwi ot he late mr and mrs john scott mount- norrbt ireland the marriage to take place quietly early in xecember mrs m mcllahi lias tynted her house and dupotukl of hor furniture and left tliis week to make her homo with her fauierat komloopa 11 o mrs mouahva friendrf liere regret removal from aoton 1 but wish lurf much enjoyment hi uie now liome on uio pacific cotut mrn john nlcol was removed touio oenoral hospital ut oholpli on tuetday evening wliefe one underwent an opera- tion for upponulcltla hor friends will wwi for hor u upeedy recovery to good lioului itcporu from the hospital to- day indlciuo that jier condition is tail- fuctory prize canadian cattle emi- obate to hono kong tpe used for brewhnjf tmvomtm and to snpply hlcti grade muk for the anclobaun setoement bound for hong kong china 35 head of pure bred ayrshire milk cows left eastern canada on a journey of nearly 8000 mllea theao emigrant oattle were selected forni prize herds in the dundas area of ontario and the huntlngdon- liewlck district of quebec by mr david ifunier noldman tor the canadian ayr shire breedera association they apent eight days in two canadian national railways box cars bound for vancouver and during the transcanada journey were attended by two experienced herds men ar vancouver they will be trans ferred to the liner to complete tlio re maining 6600 miles of their journey at sea they will bo approximately 28 days on the water theoe cows are to bo haed for breeding purpose by tlio tdalfy ice and cold storage co of hong kong and to supply high grade milk for tl white settlement of that city according u mr r w wabih superintendent pfagrlculture for the oaiuutlan national tall ways and who arranged ttuur sropment tlwiy are above uw uveragw in lireedliup nd pro duction and are from itwu to alxyeais of awe lliey are amdii uu healthlent animals la canada for hi addition to tlio tuberculin tney have had to pans kuoocharujly soverey other bliuml teota for foot and triouirfulueano and other more obecui riiuletfiprneiit is in tlio nature of an experiment which if imooohnrul will probably load to furtlier expitroi of oan- udlan caulo to tlte orient in addition to tlie eastern ajerahires a furtler con signment of british columbia holatclns u also going forward to llnng kong this month neighborhood news crewhonb cobneks an old adago says there is always something to take tho joy put of life owing to thn late freezing and unusual growui the tall wheat is getting wimo farmera aro getting alannftd of uie con- fiequrnces to name loit siihday mr scarrow of acton was the speaker ut the church services here i lo made wtcno virry timely re mark taking the 12th chapuir f joluv and second verse as the text mliut soarrow was oruanlst she sang two solos entttu somubody cares and homethbtg for jesus wblcli all present appreciated mr searrow very kindly conartited to take charg next uuiulay thinoh which pakh khi lkttkits orandma subbliui lookwl down ot the little pile of lnttnrs beside hor plate with a atnlle as sho uald i am not going to read them until urtur breokfant so i can toko my tlmo and nnjoy them meverthulcss she could not resist the tiiiiptatlon to glancn at the potitmarks untl decide wliom each was from which do you think you will oujuy tho mostvhiqulrod mabel chrlously i cannot toll yt mijul nillrd grandnui though we notleud that annies bulky letter wan riiirrvod until the liutt iiw mad johnjf first and quickly ami laid it oiilde with a natljitlvd- ulr iui alio uald jolm frnyn tlioy are all well but ho lw very busy no i must excuse hli writing only a few words now arid thou but wanti ino to wrlto oftrn afuir roadlnif little hobbys letter she opcutxl lulus letter mid read down liib fhitt page thon iihc turncsd and twitted it with a puwlid air as iihe uald i thmikht thin wait a letter but i guna it in iiomo kind of a pusustu instead oh i uc what is tlui matlorl cx- cl ill mod mubcl lulu nlma to bo ntyltih and modern shu hon aturtcd ntratcht then taken a jump over onto tho third page then buck to the second ptige which ho has written partly diagonal and thn other part croiiwlrui orandma stebblns lali down lulun letter with a sigh or relief naylng apologetically lulu is a pretty writer and it lit a nice letter i gueli though old rollcn like me dont understand reading fiuihlonablu letters the next won nollea letter written in a bold coarse hand in a moiit bust nesjillko manner bnllo always sayu uiiat she thinks but she does not waste much time over it said orandmu with n laugh as iihe took hp annlos letter and carefully broke the seal a look of genuine pleasure stole over her face as she read and ut tho close she exclaimed its a beauthul letter it may not be stylish an lulus or busl- nessllko like hellos but alio always writes about the things i like to hear all about homo and the people x know and what they are all about and how they aro 1 want you nil to rend it isnt hard work it is all plain nailing with no crosscuts it is real interesting and satisfying and us she handed it back to grandma who carefully slipped it in hor pocket so as to have it handy for a second perusal we all agreed with hor at tho regular meeting of tlu ifjtiiigh- ters of st ooorvus church lield uuit monday ovenbig tutv mr wane was prunotited with a beautiful wrbpt watch by the daughters prior to his removal to ouelpil mr and mm q hanson of markduie spent last thurndjiy with mr and mm j n oinelll mr j howell of toronto was a vliiltor bi town in thursday and mado tn herald wnleatiant call mr j d oodfrtiy unoerwaii aiv opira- ilon at ouolph oeneral luwpltal ijyit week his many nriends wlh be pleased to know that jie is improving nicely out of town visitors witeudlug the marahallballantlne woddlng lait wwl- nraduy were mr and mm jock bal- lonthu mus slilrley hauantlne mr ai4 mrs jbn uxuaikthui loiulon mus lule iiorry arthur mr and mm alx ulan qrtnn mm sliort mr and mm oraliom ikrln mr and mm w k maralluli humllum mrs e marshall llmetioiuce mr and mrs 11 hlockwell brampton mr and mrs k wilson hrompuni mb ada ijuio toronto mr and mm l 1wguwm ualltnafad mtis mary wheel er olenwlulanui lvlday nlglit iilm wait pujt miuters and veuirnnii night at onsllt ijulitn a v as a m tuul alin uie oceiutuvn of a fiu turnal visit from tlio wonjilpful miuiter olficem and memlmtrit or mt dumibi itdtfir toronto herald not a1x xjllklkh mlis icldprly ukhig politely prolfcred beat in crowd6d trjmcar thank you nvy man you have been tauuht to bji tmllte i am glad to sec did your mother tell yon to always give u your scat to ladles polite pny noni not all ladles only old writes no jtoh til unimiolttant some one lias wild that uiero is hticli uilng as an unimportant job tlw reason for tliot is that all work rtxicu on uve doer your job may not bring you into prominence there hiay not bo a largo salary atuichml hut tlio way you do tluit work holpit to diwldtt tlie ttort ofpr0iyou ar gohig u bo many a nonccount man was apolwl by trying to shirk a job ho thought hn hue renting iuid unimportant kvery job adequately undertaken helpn 1img your education you oan loam soniotlilng from every job tho dullest the moat commonplico will add to your nlore of information if you give it half a chance it- you learn nothing more than how lo do it in half tho time lb took yon to ktart with it lias been of real service to you no job is rtmdly important in posi tions uial looketl uuit wuy niariy a youtli lias learned the invaluable habits of concentration iuid industry many a one has forrneti uio reputation for doing things to a finish ami with mmui habits and such a reputation your fortune u made cottkkct again city vliltor which u correct to spouk of u sitting hen or a setting hutir farmer dnt know and dbntcare what id like to know is whun a hen caokloa has she laid or lied gfoim1etown famous qcicksilvek mine probably the majority of people have forgotten that uie united states and spain are the chief quicksilver producing countries or the world large quantities however are obtained from austiia- hungary hussla mexico and italy the history of the mining and the re fining of this metal u full of interesting ittorleji the proceesof refbllng in itself la a strange una for quicksilver s marketed in wrought iron flasks and tlio workers urn often afflicted with nervoua troubles exhibited by trembling and palsy one of tlie most ramous quicksilver mines in tho world is located in cali fornia a century ago tlie indiana ob tained uuilr war paint from this mine which is located bi santa clam county hear san jose lteonxitly tile almadil mbu ai it is called oulebrated its ceii- djimila blrtlidny it lias produced quick silver to a total vuhio of aeventyflve mil hyp dollars during tlie 100 years of lntevmhl4ut working lie mine became liliomatlonauy funuiun wiujii the formur kaliier of aer- tnany wail coiuni upon to settle auispute regarding ti title u tlie propertlee one of the moot picturesque spots about tile tntnii is the little tea house lvon u uie hnlne officials by uie xcmparor of china while lciitfllsli ftfflelaln lie id uio property tlki teaiuniso oont fifty thoiuuuul dollars mid wiut inkoid whii mouier of poarl milton mr meraul wliohos bewi visiting hw wm ll4iv j n mclaill is leaving for ireland todiiy mr wallace walem of queliec la vljlt lnc his linutfii mrs john jones find mm jos ooooli mm lltxs fiwackhnner of new ivjr- onto ninint guiujay inre at the home of lier iiarimts mr and mrs j ivjicock mr win mocroody went to oiielph hojilptal monday to undergo an opera- tuin wlnctor bradley of buffalo n y fpent sunday here with lib nmthor mrw miiry bnulley dr jos akinii v q wlio it inll for kngland a ihort tlmo ago har arrlvd there mifcv- mr e gyer bi showing a number of his fine barred uock noilltry at uio toronto wuitor lvlr ftcfoniier oconte irving ixconil hue kiqueslnif uho has lmmn nerlouiily hi in the aeneral hoipltal iuulon for seveml weeks woji brought homo on monday mr irvlngs miuiy friends will regret to hejir uiat lie iurforml u paravyttc stroke during hb ittay hi tho luwpltiu and his condition 1 crltleal the woodmen ot the world held a dance in milton on thursdny evening iaut which woj greatly enjoyed hrolliren weixi prejwnt from toronto and ihunllton irfklgcjl tho deer hunters- have returned homo from tho north tuul they all report a fine holiday but a scarcity or doer the wciiuier uas fine and warm and very few camps shot tholr quota of deer wlulain ollbert sr buiiuuiuxl a com pound fracture or tho thigh when ho met wlui a furious accident whllu towing a car for a neighbor he is now in the oenoral hospital hamilton where it la expected lie will liavo to remain for four luantlis ohamplon hxjulinoton tact j judgo oilaliorty havent you boon before mo before prisoner wo yr honor ol nlvor saw but wan fuco that looked lolko yours oh that was a photograph of an irish kbtg judge oplbiiorty discharged i cvi th nlxt case mr tuul mm w b damrord of noliuwi b c visited mrs t ii l bamford hager avenue during tho pout week ex oomp ftev o w teblxi won olcot ed flnt principal of hamilton chapter of ftoyal arch miumiiui ut the annual oloc tlou held in hamilton on monday night a lirgo hock of wild ducks was notloihl in tlie lake opposite bnuit street on monday afternoon it won- uie largout mock been around here this iawin work wai commcnreti on tho utonn sewers on pearl and princess streets on prlday last to relieve the unemployment ttltuatlon tho work ut uie disposal plant will be completed as early as possible mr iuid mrs chiui coatw lort on monday for wllibuniimrg whero mr coaton will undergo treatment for ths next couple of wceku mr ooates uumy rrleiulu will itope tlie treatment will prove beneficial and restore him to lib old sfjr work was coinmeuced repulrlng tho roof at tho skating rink on tneialay th shcotluu was ionic hi ikivctml plices and after tlio necessary r liavti immi made the ivmr will be palnuxt tciiden ulll bo opened tomorrow thursday evening for loiuiblg uie rink imd it is expected the hockey buys wii oonnuence getting into shape early next work o connolly iuid pred jknger prevented a serious tire on the ueach on saturday afternoon uul a park from the chim ney itarliml a buiwi on the roof of uui imimc of thos oxle and the ynuig men iktlligulshod the bluio wltlj water befove i he olty iiruituti arrived- tlio tuynago umuuntod to fsoo but tlu lire would have destroyed tlio liouse lkid h vtot been for uie splendid work or messrs connelly and hcnger ooxotte homv action ihe scottish wooer said to his lass jean would ye like to nee uomo movln picture tonight ay said the uirl i would very well tlun ma dear come round tae our street- almiut six oclock woro flitting to a new boose fashions for the smart woman paris decrees dots tluy season the olicclirtice of bright young pconlc is iirouipt and cheerful hecaiiiic they arc conforming to iarii rulej for summer chic parto aoya the bigger the dot the better the shorter the tilecvc the smarter and the young modern shown above in tlc- linitully docile she i aho comply ing with the paris white am principle which isnt very rioroui for it- may lie white and bluc white and green white and red white and hrown in tljin case its white and blue the dots are 1 bright skipper nluo and the white has a bluish tinge in other words chalk white fashions for the smart woman the contrasting knskmjim of course youre goinf to have a contrasting ensemble consisting of frock and jacket the fashion that wept the summer mode i one oi autumns favorites if you could sec this one with its frock made of a grayedycllow thin wool and inci dentally its diagonal lapped treatment nf the collar awl the hraming of the smartly nreil skirt und lis m- ntraiglit und nosimple jacket of clark- grecii velvet you would want to have u to wear under your topcoat it would lw grand to wear at fmittwill gamci ami later to tea or for any occasion in town in any of your favorite color comhimtton market reports daisy products quotation ta bhlppera creamery no 1 pastcurixed 31 to 0o do second 30 v t0 these are toronto quotations hotter- f above prices for goods delivered tor onto quotations lo retail trmo butter creamery no i pasteurized 23 to 2 do imiootid 32 tq 00 churning cream lob country points hpoclal ll to 22 no 1 i no u ib u 8 tkujltb and eflqs quotations to country ahlpper deliv ered fnsh extras 4o to it mo ftrnt to do aeoond 20 to 00 quotations to retail trd carton fretih extras 53 to do nmt 5 to 47 lllliet extras u t 00 pullet meoiid jr to 00 utorogo eittriiji 30 tit 30 qatatlon to shippers powurj- alive dreued elprlng clilekmis over 0 ihii 13 to 33 over vbi 13 to 21 over 2 lbs 13 to 17 hens over 5 lbs 1 to 10 do 4 to ibn 13 to 11 do s4 u 4 ibn 10 in 14 do 3 to 3 ibif 11 to ib lloosters ovur 4 lbs 0 to is duckling over 4 lbs 10 to id guinea fowl pair 100 to 00 quotatums above indicate the general arkcrt range ui value poultry on delivery basis wholkflalk vegetable vegetables at wholenale house are quoted dommlua ihhatnes new hog r 40 to 80 iufsrki mkath wluflisale dealers h dressed meats quote the following prices to the trade href rovequurttmt fl 00 to fl 00 carciujien choice 1001 to 1100 do medium 1100 u 1000 cawim choice veal 10 00 u 1300 hiiilvyjiogs rwt 4 00 to ft00 light hogs cwt 7li0 u iiro abattoir lings 1100 to ro mutton cwt rooto n00 tjimb 1200 to 1400 ifllkkh and wool toronto wliolfaala doalfirs in hides and wool aro quoting prices to country ship pers an follows city hides groen 3vjo nor lb bulls and brands 2c por lb country hides green avjo do cured 3 to avjo calf grimn fie cohntry calf cured 4c city viil kip 3c country void kip 3c do cured ju to dr country grasmr kip 3c to 4c hnnehule no 1 tl 35 no 2 uric no 3 50n horiuluilr 23c pound wool hat free of rejects 7c pound rejects fc tallow solid barrels no 1 1j to nic cakes 1 34 to 2c pound grain qcotationh grain dealers un ftio toronto board or trodo si making the following quota tions rlr iliyjvirt no 1 northern 73je no 2 northern 0c no 3 northern mc hay and tttitaw kxtra no 2 timothy in car loads 1350 to 0000 no 3 timothy 1050 to llb0 oat straw tl00 to 000 whoat ntravr fi00 to 000 all itruw must bo good lemtth iotatoeh ontario potatoes in bags 37c to 40c in bulk 3ftc prices are carlot delivered on track and via truck rripectlvoly tor onto coituent lkvk stock vkiceh choice heavy juers 7b 015 llutcher ateen 575 000 do ralr to good 525 550 llutcher heifers v 573 00 llutcher imlls light choice 325 400 hutcher bulls heavy 275 300 butcher bulls bolognas 175 225 cows good 50 cows eannoni and cutters 1 225 atockern ciiolco 500 calves good to choice 000 700 do medium 500 fl00 elpring lambs fl75 hogs liocon rob 40 iloga truck 0 hogs otf cam 10 baby beef good 000 50 do medimn 50 75o vettl choice 750 b00 gljelplf exhtnitfl certified potatoes only pregrcsrfi tn pouito growing in ontario lion reanluxl tlm point whore uio ourlph whiter plr liaa iound it advisable lo conrlno entrlh in the potato section to registered mmi only all exhlbltom must have their named appear on the lbtt fur- bihiyl by thn lvimlnlon department of ariru4ure and fflrlal qovemmmit tairs miut acoompttjiy all entries of need pota- uuit as all exillblu of fxitatoeh will be sold mt public auction ui tliunwlay deoimbet 10 all oxeollunt opportunity is aftordd runners of tteciirliig hlghcloks need at putln jirlcert it hi ixiouxl tllt uui heed exhibit at uie ouiph wlnur ltlr thin year will btjone t the heaviest exhibits on record j m savage m1lx stoebt new prices on finest quauty fish nd ualmon by piece lb la ltd ualmon klicod lb 17o luubut by piece or sliced lb 2zo finnan hoddln bul brand lb ise hnioked plllot or lladdlr lb bmoknd kippers importod 3 pair forrv klpprlihml iitripea per lb 10c ural haddock flllelji lb 22a hlg meaty ovbuts jmr pint 60 d auo italce cod trout mna tlrrrlnx wiy here get quality and save money n25c r gregory theatre friday novembek27 r worifftth eighlfa ubn world see 18000 ibfviffw people hear the supreme picture of all time 5000 iscenes j 3000 hoftsb spkciai matinee at 415 not running a ciianch booking clerk at icings cross london to traveller for inverness change it aberdeen travomor na na ill uk uv choongo now ive been in aberdeen saturday november 28 sidewalks of new york comedy driiinu sturrinj buster kenton und clilf udwurds comedy dont divorce him fox movietone news silver ware nijht table knives will be uivetuuwny this week monday november 30 this modern age sturriiii joan crawford and neil hamilton laurel hardy comedy our wife the lirst chapter of the vanish ing lejion mllllmlllwlllflll macdonalds 1 retiringfromrbusiness sale continues with startling new values every day fur coat time are you con sidering pur chasing a 1ur co at we will make one to your muium re the quiimty or our w4i r k m a imhlp and tlie mutr- lals uned nuar- anteeff you bet ter uervloo lvhahn furrier phone laii 113 wyndlmm street oueuh our entire stock of- womens appailkl miuxineky ciulditkns wear lingerie cohsetcs gloves hosiery linens staples silks woollens mens furnishings mens clothing i hoys wear curtains draperies rugs linoijeums lamis redding waluaver paints clearing at reactions of 20 to 50 per cent fridiiy sees the aturt of tho third week of this pieiiiitic cleannvce event new urrivuls of previously ordored mer- clinndiso lidd new- interest to every department i l lie among the tlikisands wlio will profit lo the fullest extent during this big sale d e macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario our motto quality and service w iui

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