thvrsday dboembsr 17 1031 the acton free press paok hip iffrpp jlrrhh gljort stari hello the north and startled them in s blind panic con trary to his expectations howevor thu animals stampeded in the opposite direc tion coming toward pearl tim glrr oaw her chance witmilng scoot nbout uhu rlrrlid behind thrm furious james muldoon gave pursuit causing tli cattle to plunge forward wildly again they took an unoxprotml turn and ran up on a narrow ledge along the aide of tho ravine whurp there was scarcely ntom for tlicin to stand ioarl urgud ucitot after thum cnotht an avalanche of know sli do behind hurl atones too followed untlpit mem- edthat half the hillside hod broken away the equilibrium of tlu rorks had brcii duturbed by the weight of the animal iotikbig fnarfully backward pearl saw that an lmpjiiuable barrlor of orks and imow srparatad hor from mul doon mhi on lit oofs buck wan pri 1 id agaliut the frightened hrlfcrif the sheer ree of the llltt lay uhiad with the want thing tn if or panic all would be precipitated into the tuiownued gulch below tlho prayid for the arrival of hor futlier but anmn one came to her aid ho was nonu other than her tor mentor janus muldoon we liteady ivarll he railed hold onl i can hum a youl ill try lo find a path into this gulch and up to your aide of the cmlf oho held her brrath as she u i w him prepare for the attempt uu horne bulked on the verge then under thu influence of the iipur took the leap immediately animal and rider iianlc out of tight in the fouthery whltoneiiu oh the joy of uelllg lit r futhei roiuwf no udmlltt d iniarl but a couple if the curve on liln utout horinl after hhjt week ago when the cuttle buyer wan came kindhearted john with u bag of around i hoard him ank mr cafiuubon if grain tilting nc roui hli pommel 11a plun- lils young atock won for uulo upd can 111- tied to feed the lulfeni leit they be loo bon told him no imteheru money could weuk to walk home buy them i mr mitchell carried 11 long rope which tiuch a mant exrlulmod peurla was thrown to jumui muldoon iui ioon mother lie golfi angry ut nothing ut iui hln aim nimo up through the mm alll i the boy 11 horite hud ruin d it head to tlie radio continued to ltour forth liu nlr and now urtt on ili havmchiii w item and thu older membeni of the i uniihln to extricate itself finally it family sat around the fire until nearly fiohntlorcd out und the men broke a midnight dlicuising the various pro- trail up the tilde of the gulch to the gramme they hud heard in ivaitu ledge where pourl wan trapped with mind however lingered tile thought of presence of mind iilie kept the frighten cwautxmu cattle i cd unlmalti from plunging to deutruc- after an uneuiiy nlonp she roiiu early tlon imtll ono after another wan taken and sought her father daddy would off with tho aid of tho rope lastly you mind if i took bcoot and rodo down pearl and scoot came to nifcty below to llprjng coulee to see about those aji earh starving creature received a hchijtjolm will go with mnpthlng portion of grain to glvr it ittrcnglli to can happen for the unowstorm is ovur walk homu juntct acknowledged hli and ittt going to be a line day wrong of courts the cuttle oolong to canaubon doesnt deserve any neigh- cojiaubon im glad you cume along borly consideration ut our hnndji replied when you did for i wiui horribly tempted mr mitchell thinking of certain de- it looked like quick mnnoy to drive them plcablo actf on the part of tho hullen away to the buyer frenchcanadian who had nettled in now the next difficulty li getting the their mldht animals home put in mr mitchell ruth or dut 1 cant help thinking that some- matteroffoctly iiilh tended to clear uilng han gone wrong up there worried tlie atmosphere and put all at ease ivarl x havent seen any btlr around wlioil go ahead and tell tho conau- tho place for three or four duyft last bonn ofiknd jumea oear1 mttcaikljj fingered the dula on her rmdlo until pre sently the words cunt dldtlnctly hollo the north homcsleadera in tha peace river dlsulct auiabjuik landing port vermillion listen in i th radio treat which rear enjoyed most of all was when tho broadcasting station at edmonton iushd al itlir bounds and sent out items of news to the acauered settlers or the immense north u qu isolated valley of the foothills of the kocklm and oven to tho fur posth up along the great ajlertt froaen mac- kenate ri ver tsiniswaytribpop1r learned uie movements of the tut run ners the acldcrv omenta of the mounted police and lost ntrayod or stolen cattle this evening pearl was jolted out of her complacency by hurlng her own aettlentent called hello uuj north peace illver landing take notice i five wellbred cattle ayrshire are lost in spring conine they have floundered into deep anow allvo whrn last 6cn but should rccolve immediate attenthm thny muht be l ojijiirfonn heifer si exclaimed tear1 how do you know asked her brouior jolin tvhy thnro arc no aymhlna around liero except thoiie mr oaaaubon brought in with him lie favors them and thtnkjt they should he intrtwlucitd into the ivtcu river country did he iiver open hu mouth to tell you ull that laughed mr mitchell looking up from a imwupupor which wan a week old i monday i kuw mr caitaubou go limping homo and x wondered if he hud hurt himself well go and look after tho cattle it not ii cried john nor it ahlvored peurl thoy keep a woliljh dog thatll part of their neighborly oulp- you want to mr mitchell coinentrd mnnt commented mr mitchell dryly more generously iteafly i cant undemtand canaubon i do it for marlea soke exclaimed for downright hpltefulnewi he beau any pearl ifii a ithome the way that nurly i nplglibar i ever lived benlde proiichmun keopu hln daughter at home i hivn itl exclaimed pearl kvery refusing to let her mingle with the ret lrlday aftenioon mario comei down to of us tho iitoro tor grocerleu ill meet her half an hour later ioarl luuldlod there and tell her iihe inipit help ua drive scoot the broncho and rode out of the tho cnttle home ill tell her none of um yard folowed by john on u nmalljr mount bprlhg coulee woji four miles away but the bracing air made nutdoor oxorclw a joy the only hindrance was tho depth of iinow on the trailii the rldern lghted tho helfem almojt as rooii iiu they rode to the ridge over looking the coulee the helpviis crea tures utood huddled together kiieedeop in snow it u going to be more tha a ve can manage to get them out pearl decided vou hud better go buck john to ask daddy to come to our help after a little pcfuuhion john reluc tantly turned back and pearl made her way down tho face of the ridge boon bho noticed a horseman approaching the cattle fiom tho oppoilte direction itoachlng them before olio dlujio tried to drive tho mlnto a trull that rffl direct- euro to face their dog acrordlngly uie cnttle were penned in mr mltrhumii barnyard and pearl met marie at tho ntoro an arranged oh i runt rume down crltd marie in dla- t reflii you mujit lniihited pearl wrt have done ourhet to nave your cuttle und ran you not ihow enough interest to drive them homo my father hai been no nick that it ban driven tint thought of the cuttle rom my head replied mario hltlng her llpii ho fell from a tree on monday i frarod a muchll exclaimed pearl hi ve you had tho doctor no he u getting ixttitr now ten mlnutoji later thft two glrlu were wa king down tho mud toward tho mitchell home pearl hud her way and ly away from homo closer lnnpectlon fjtrln looking very unhappy followed the hhowed her that tho fellow wiu jamei lead muldoon a ohirtlew young neighbor come in ami rest for half an hour whut are you do title with ciumubnnn j hviteil pearl when tho helfera have cattle khoutetv thu girl j tlulnhwj tiuir hay they will feel much what mtkii you think that theso belter for walking home cattle belong to cojuuibon i tim othem could ee that it put marie tiecuumt they are tho only ayrshire into 11 panic to crowi tho thretihnld mm up here and bottdcii i know the brund mitchell wui ut the radio althniinh nuppt b law o bar wai on the table the dlnnor tnunlc ho hoi laughed muldoon youre from the leudlng edmonton hotel route not very well informed if you think that floating into tho room murlo utood casaubou ha the only ayrshire in thlu temie int leelng the rhulr john olfned country what do jou intend to do wtth uteniv sell them to tho buyer oi course 1 pearl felt that a great lnjtihtlce again t caiutuhon wan about to lo committed bhe was ataunch hi her belief that aho know uio cuttle though jumei muldmm nald they wlongid to u homoateuder five rntlca uwuy who hud untrmtod him with the task of bringing tholn home hho knew that muldoon was a wild youtti who wanted enough money to taiiehutth ilfteeu hundred bushels a tour of adventure although lio w too laay to earn u you had bettor not drive them away jim muldimititji uont think that you can got away with audi a trick i my father will be here soon to help inel ptor reply tho boy struck tho heifers now hem come what we wantl ex claimed mrn mitchell the newti items itll wonderful isnt it luiked parl mittuf looked froen ltthor hays there li no privacy uuymore no mutter where you go you are hi the limelight a long llit of news ounu hi pre- mihly thla one itobert iltch of mpijkki ltolds tho record for tho beit vlold of outs in the peace hlver tlntrlct hurrah cried mr mitchell turn ing he saw mario oanaubou fall in hor chair hu ho dlrdl alio whbipoiad itobert pitch dledl indeed he didnt declared mr mit chell 3o is ono of tho prosperous farmers around molcod marie broke into weak nobbing pearl put her arm abouj her tell us marie she urged you llvo under some terrible strain it cantt go on like this any longer 1 no that is true admitted marie patlier always expected that the law would and him i think it will be a relief if it does law questioned roarl does ho think he haa done something for which he should bo punished liu doesnt think he knows ho la the man who in a quarrel struck itobert pitch in laniers mining camp 1 dont think that ilia pven received tho blow put in mr mitchell and there la no doubt that the liobert pitch i know is tho samo man he was once a faugti miner but has ilnco tnadn good on his quarter section up at mclood 1 tho girl fcbiiod on pearl for support tho good news was overwhelming my ratluu- wan in such a passion that he never really knw what happerud alio tonttuued how long ago is that my girl ask ed mr mitchell deeply and sorrowfully lmprcjised three yoars ah what he inuhtjiay hu oiik irilt n hi that tlmul no wonder he grew morose teu hun tliero is no one puraulntf him if ho will lnarn selfcontrol ho has nvcry rhance to make good hore dt you btlll dliduto radios pearl aiiknd marie and mmllod at her neigh bors vigorous diligent oh marie docs it mean that you will bo able to visit us now and to join in with tho other young people of tho nelghborluxml yes avnrrihl marie drying lior eyea t shall start rmm this day to try to gut evfii with you for your acts of uelgli- imtrly klndmas tho group tlimod to mcot john wlio came in from tho stablch tho heifers have flnuhod tutlng ho announced tlny haw- nlopped trembling no 1 gu im theyre all right mario cauinbon put her hand on the boys shoulder ah tho mitchell family jihe mild noftly i fpoke bouitlngiy whin i said that i nhould oomo out even with thtml a pviiunt inidlcliie for rhltdui mother oravi worm kxtuintnalor it li ixdlliut foi dilvlng ttoini- the yum iiu cinhjs ol tul lamp tho iiiltan of huhi und hli miltc woo nne uttertiihild at hiiwiuon an hoiru a united attttt 1 ttuuport none of the orlinlali had over been on boird a lurico vmlel herorr the vllt ww full or mir- prl10 imd exclument for tlvcm they looked the ihlp over at flnt with stolid lntertiit and itho uultan hbmwslf wit otf the ilxpmwler without flicking an eytiul at lut in the iiioon 10m one attempted to explain the iivntery of tho incandescent lumpi und thero tho liatlvii were nurprld out of their re- iicrve kven the iultiuiu face showed aniayc- ment when an army officer reached up and turned a lunp on and otf repeatedly hii hlghneii ordered one of hl milti to do it tlie followa jiue wtnt grecnlut for a moment bht n over thel ens ho reach ed up tremblingly and touched it or ho might liavo a hot brand when ho found that it did not hurt him and that dm light actually olteyed the impulse of hla fingertip ho wan tho moat excited moro in the archipelago hla excltmnont wail contaglotih nearly overdone in tho iuile jtarlcd for u lump on hli own account and the oabln waii a bowilderlng fliuih of lamp irerfnly od4nt1l cunning got uil itetter of amiutement and one or two of them tried to fool tho bimpi a follow ttould jiual rpiletly up to a bulb and reaching forward iuddimly turn it on evidently with tho intention of catching 11 napping or ho would turn it of und jump away appircnuy with tho mime intention the himpi n fti ed to be fooled and tho faclul cxpreiijon that followed each failure wic ludlcrout t behold of coure they wanted to know what made the light it win linpowmh to yho them a hltory of electrical develop ment but 1111 officer iireuent thought of giving them an object iiwh that would prove a ihnrt cut to knowli dge he directed four or live of them to jliind in line holding hand the man on the end of the line weie told each to grasp tho bnu part of a lump they did fo and instantly the elltho ihu intilned an twvtrlr ih ick thej weie too uitnnlihed to ipeuk and not knowing enough to let no they jut itood there with wonder and fear miiging trom face to face i he otfheishioke them apart at las and took hunt to liniche m but they mere ih inged men they had hud an txpeilenci that pus oil all oriental uiuontiuidluf the luncheon wnii a more or hw dlipil- itod alfalr varied by interpreted com- phinentu und the ugonlei of the fultini otllilul taster it wiu en iy tt tee that alhough tho taster was mi hitbltuiil iicrcfi dty to tho miltuni peace of mind n thli ocokilon at loan his function wan purely petfiihctory of wliut avail was tho protection of a poor human tiuiter agalnsu mutlclaui who could make luniiut to burn withnnt oil who could iend tho genii of nitre t to twlti h und turn in ones body uko tint fiver kai 1n motiiku kauiii a young mim foil hito u ntutn of coma but rccovoied befoio his frlendi hud burled him ono or them linked whut it felt 1lko to hi dead do id he oxcuihnod i wauit dtud and i know i wiunx leiut bocauno my feet wore oojd and i win hungry hut how did that make your sure well j knew that if t were hi heavon i shouldnt bo hungry and tf i were lit the other place my feet wouldnt bo cold slats diary by ross pahquhar prlday- are curat n clamr wuch bruug hlc wife here on a vlxit to ao house was a uhlng pa that alio likes julery very mutch and ho wod ike to smuttier her in immond and pa setl to him yet that wood be vvry very nice hut it wood be prltty x- pannlvn dont iu think hau rday ant kmmy unit hi i thr drug htore t nttn and tliey wi very busy and sb jt a rlrrk for corn plater and lie hutd okay mad den whut do you want on it mil tard or kitehlp holiday pa told ma today when it wan uniting hhu alxmt crumtui that txttter not gt him enny thing thl yei on aect of he wtlll han got j payntlnu to make on tlie bath hobo and pajtun- tna1 idie buwt him lait orlsmas munduy ake kurts itayi the elotk- hlmii wan nrooked twciiz ho paytd thn men tirront the nrlck to veto for iilm for town ship trunty ami oney got 1 vott hi that prekhik hn ll out of poibtlx for giod an all itusduy mm ailli m iays the dpro- nhun ti not as bud 111 uhe thot it wai hecuz her and mr olllenf ihiui needled a hut and she got thi 111 imiui for ten hern cost 7 and a mid she got 1 for her lni bond for a and a weniduy lb n hunch in in a serloi rinillahuu today biouuy ian tilte he main u mlituke and unit liitollie house not dole and the woman hit him with a iitovo poki r and layed him nut ihe explained it by tiiylng lie made a vrv very had mlsitake ljeeii itio ttiot it wis her husbem 10 nhe cvpologljd thlrnday ant inmiy li wglnntn h gt intruidl in itolutlx now and today ho ut pa if he wood i t her a few congn htiial 1 1 cordt so iihe cud play them and net well poited mi polutlx and ict yoiju ciioick ov wkaionm in one of f ilii d george- early rum- puign inme one threw u hi lck through the window or the hall where he was speaking and it fell on the platform at his feet picking it up he cried lie hold the only argument of our oppon- tntx that retort was justified for 1 limn who c in line logic la not likely to rcort to titones a good fact to remember thut when one muken use of unworthy weapons ha impreuu s others with the ideu thut lie hui nothing bitter to offer one mny lesont it chijimiteh popularity hot if he attempli to docroiuo it by telling tale lie li the one who will nutfer otlieru will tuke it for grunted that if ho had any belter way of advancing hli cause nny churm or grace or spirit he would luo u am not descend to knocking when one tries to get titi own way by making himself dl4urreeale when lm trlci to carry a point by iinecrmg wlicn he falls back on gossip or innuendo to prove thut n certain rand id a to in unfit to bo class preiident hbi uiteuent natur ally conclude that ho hi udng the lest woaponn ho has and hut choice of weaponn frequently results hi the failure of tho cause ho has at heart tho man who thrown a brick prejudices tho cuuie ho stundjt for without htoiwncl to think tlie people with whom correct grum- miir it mi recent tin ncquiilt inn that they are always hesitating trying tit decide upon ttfu fijnn or the verb to une in whehter to iny t or me do not imprcn any one iui educated what they need 1 to have tho rulei or gram mar mi enihfddnl hi their knowloilgo that they will uso ut right firm with out ever itlvlng the matter it thought homo joung peoive aro conscloiii or their muiinon 11s others aro coiiirlnui of their grititthtnr they always seem to he making an effort to do the proper tlijng und are not quite sure or what that is willie or cohrjie thlt li pre- ii ruble to that indifference to good munneik noieciiho in quite an element o the population it is fur from ideal pruclluo bqut correct speech und enrroot n unnen jo rulthhilly that it will not 1m 111 res ary to stop to think what form to use or whut to do in u given chjci all midi knowledgo itiould become 10 tn- iriilued in the consdoinnc j that you will instinctively ity and do the right tiling with thi ways ov a kponu lire holds no more certain truth for u 1 than thut giving and receiving uro wrapped up hi the same package uo- c 1 use wo huvo received we muit also give thu in 11 law of life thero are thom uphmty wluwe chler umbltlon si ems to bo to got something tor nothing how fow thmi compurattvely do thoy succeed at thl und when they appear to do f h is prohuhly true that they hive really worked hard riicceli in largo degrwt seldom hi be stowed upon 11 shirk or upon ono who li nlggurdly 01 selfish the world litis 1 way of wlthlioldltig its laurein from mich as are looking only for what thoy can get not whut they can give usually it docs not tako any girt of ieond night to single out u ponon who jtoasrsnci the ways of a ong hlti wllllngiiiw to lot oeorgo do it reveitlsvhbi bhortcomlngil aenerbslty iimiully in a trait of tho really suooettnful individual in tho business world tho truly big men um men who huvo gained a reputation for hiving big values good h pouting rlooi i if succeij fftrmulas worketl ua directly to ttio pilnt as mathniualtcaj ocmulas thu mucc4iss route would bo very soft it would hardly appeal to good sporting blokl at eighteen george huider bcaraedft- llvery boy or a furnwra coopcratlvo hutre ibtiiperllng tliat jol ho deter- nilinul on three viry practical ideas nanuly to ntu k regardlisv of hard knocki to nam nitic thiui his pay to rrly tor luilury inert at on rouxiiiltl n of m rtt one morning bo w nt h tlie store lit- jot daylight unloi king the gurugr burkod tils shins on a rftfte of chtcvinil thut homo one had carrlruily left ji the way crankid his trmk and oovrod tho twinty miles to inarkrt andswy waiting a uu wbolimllo luuibo tmfoir the whtitk 1 huiw fur uivcn o lock when tho oil he opt nut cleotge lijkl lravu t trlrphonr hli biwm hollo mr whlpplo this li cleorge hi uiwn ulnridy i t lough t id com turly ut that i ould git tnwk and pleiui our ruiuwnin with an muller montlng delivery you can give tile wholeialu ordi r to tne over thu phone what in town already iputurid the maniqr oh you blunkety bluuli d idiot t jvu you over the phono nothing lleitldon i wanted you to taki- that crito of ctilektin of mine ut tho hou 1 you just come right back hen- deliver yout morning orderu ami then take toy rhlckctui u town and get your load ut the wliolesalo house during the notin lionr poor george bewildered und dliuui- iiioni d followed orderi he felt like an idolt suru enough one hundred times that day ho resolved he would quit und ope hundred and one thm t he reuklved he would not to make it wone 1 o overluurd thi managi r tellug tlie story to hcvrrul ctuitomtrii as a gooil joke as time w nt on however his fellow clerks did quit milking the labor turn over rapid for all except him tin wis having u rough exiwrh nee for wmn he was the only olerk left who know much u bout the husliiis inside tho store or out his rcsponihllly wiu toirlilc uiw ills puy mild 1 o i up it ull the luuiiuitor hlnuult 11 igiied hiiddenly a din rtor of tin company iwliiit put in to mauige nom inally george took on the mw duty of tilling this munuhut to have the other hrks tin imagine hi pndlcuiucnt llndlng george so completely on the job the din ctor not reli hlng hi own poil tlon iwgan to sjiend ills time else where now aft r three year every thing wail on george shoulders iinully us a iort ot pre out on his twentyfirst lilrtltday the board of dirt ctors voted him the niiuiageri 1 alary 1 rem bottom to top in three years he wai amuvcd to find thut climbing had itcen no rapid and cuny joint d nialne shop for 1 the man 1 or boy mtf at jr 15 wyndmam stkket tiie clothier gueijii oftlt sleigh and wagon repairing wo oan promptly repair your slciglj or wilson wc do honeshocini gcncrul biuckbinithiiik uhtl woodworknif new sleighs and wagons for sale j n oneill son deal at oweillh geougetown ont j cadesky olrromktilluf wili viuit a01x3m on monday january 4th anyone buffering from icyestraln defective vision or haadmeh nhould not miss the opportunity ol consulting this eyesight specullst appointments may bo made with wr a t brown drugglsl conuolltatton ntkh omleo houtn b a m uu 4 t- sa due to twin power detection 9 tubes dotheworkof brentwood model jcoleati console with 9tubti super- hcterodyna cjuuia inclwlikig bftray- swolj multlslu ksul ivlkhc tubes twin ioww itoction gmnd opem swikr cmuphtfl vith mm 0tfk llogtim guradtod tulw jejkc9 now completely made in canada in the 1932 jfmeuc radio from tho perfect quality kecuivcr hi tlio science muhcmri at soulli kciibington london cornea tho principle of twinpower detection found in tlie 1932 majetttic superheterodynes duo to this principle nina tubes do the work of czctxwi in thene tiiimlels two of tliem aro the new 247 pentode tuhca each of which has tho power output of two ordinary 245 theao new majesticn have all the power und efficiency of an 11tube set with the low cent of a 9tuhe bet make this christmas memorable with a majestic see today w d talbot phone 76 mux and main fexs acton