hjhfbqbti btarii white gow by hoy j sneyy bba ijarhey jtheyear they had worked early and late shaggy brown pony came to investing their little an in that mine suohta suddenrtstonibubg ofthe day when the rich lode that tflkt rider ruth plumley barely i should be uncovered and long proces the slons of mule teams hauling their rich wen known firm bdievfcs thto out- standing principle newspaper a housewife remarked the other day advertising designated as that she would gladly planairodget if most flexible media she ever bad anything with- which to 1 start evidently she is one who lmmedi- lbndon ontario dec 31confldenceately checks out m this months salary for ni ouralbbltjr to break through the cycles last months bills her new years reso- or deflation and put business on the up- lution maywell be to work out some sort grade- ahtfnfldence jn each other in of spending schedule and try to follow itl our jmigealate business dealings were tuererjeyer was a budget so flim that urged tavday by w k e founder it would not midge to cover unforeseena and president of the kellogg company situations in fact most budgets are leading cereal manufacturers readjusted nearly every month in the this past year closes the kellogg year this is as it shouldbe so- dont companys jtwentyflfth anniversary with- fei that you havettalled if your iplan an unbroken record of progress regard- changes so often that it seems to lose its less of the several cycles of deflation original forin altogether one of the fcoughwhlchthe countryhas passed greatest values is fhatln plaunirig missed a headlong plunge rom the slons of mule teams hauling their rlghlsald br kellogg althoutdi we have budget you t thro all the sources saddle 6reto the station whra3ewbuiortjeot bur business to the changing ounbome and thechannels oi out go launched in 1932 e thenext instant she was ont f smel tjie day had arrived wherij the vein ptjpret lay to plain view before them -the- morning before the mountain climb her father had returned to the sittundfbtfpplng at her heart and fairly gasping for breath just before her there had come a sudden swirl of snowfree air this sudden opening toad revealed tonernot solid earth but extending from the city gray of face and j down jiowh down far as the whirling weary to announce that the ore would ac whiteness wiuldjjermlt her to jiee a yield but seventy dollars tp the tohrwhlle chasm of circling snowftakes it its i cost seventythree dollars toj like looking into a gigantic kettle of mine haul crush and smelt it boptogcoprshe exclaimed sffthat is the end of our hopes she you and ishe said in a steadier tp herself quite forgotting the cold in tone as she patted the ponys back h greater meijfal misery gohel jcame near beingtwo great big kernels of murmured vuugohe s pop corn four more steps would have done it buckskin- the other pony had sud denly thrust his nose over her shoulder on buckskins back rode a man a stoop- whats gonk please camefrom close beside her she jiad quite forgotten her compah- ton and had spoken out loud under the circumstances choosing rather to be- to be so plas- j overcommunlcating to a stranger than tared was mvwith clinging snow rude she told the gray little bant clerk were lost explained the girl briefly their story- lost on the mountain the man xnwstening to the story he too for- t got the cold they forgot until with a start the girl exclaimed its i clearing i we can find the trail now mumbled dazedly hhftyg to stay here awhile cant trayel how its hot safe might strike a snow- slide or we might slip and go- dowij there she nodded toward the chasjja the other a slender man with gray fq frip h shuddered and tugged vainly at buckskins reta its safe here he wont move he knows the mountains rutbrshbokthe mow from her hajr wrapped her jthln coat about her then began watching thef asclnatlng whirl of snownakes they might she thought in a dull sort of way a move farther from the edge of thejcldff vliut what was the good the man was ytia cant tell about that now sfc noughr tet him getalittle scare it might do him good lor he wanted to go tothd tophe had been tothetopr howthey were mostof the way down againand lost lost in theblizzard close to the jtlmber line he wont freeze at least 1 dont think he will the light coat of some soft stuff that so inadequately protected her was not her own it mas the manjs brtieavy sheepsklnllned coat was on his back three hours befpreruth had come to the green natural pasture lands above 7thetlmberllne in search of her ponies- that had strayed away off up the blazed trail she had sighted the ponies and adpaused for a moment to admire the gray and purple of dlstantskles when this lone- man had come up the trail seeihghertherethengaelngawayup twenty mtautea later in the midst of the silent more and they were by the miners thats beautifi ardmore as his eye fell upori ingp on the vindi take a bit of it with tne take it all thi plumleys tone was miied with a hote of sadness it is pretty but thats all its reially worthless cpndlubhswe areadherihg steadiiyto rndhave a faltrly clear picture of what thtljasic policies that have governed is going to happen barring fire flood or ouractlons ta times of both prosperity death and depression this fact ibelieye la j the item for housing isfairly statlon- largely responsible for the satisfactory ary so after it is decided on it should condition in which we find our business take care of itself the food allowance to-day- i is norfe dlfflcu3td keep uniform pood wealways have believed tt all of prtces choice variety andeven appetites thepeople wlth whom we dealvshauld are all uncertain- quantities- a house- knowpur policies of doing busiess so wife can plan her sunday roast with the that they might have completes confldt that there will beenougti jeft for erjee lnouf prices ami in biir methods ash but when she checks uponmonday- business dealings should be based upon she roay findonly bpnss and tte hash such confidence and adversities should- automatically becomes vegetable soup not toe permitted to destroy this con- j so it is with many other things n0 fldence ilor under existing conditions one is able to draw up a food budget there is even greater heed for it than which can be followed exactly no one ever before pan even make out menus which will be thereturn to prosperity undoubtedly followed without alterations but un- wpulddbegreauy hastened lfns vp p v seem itis better of the othar fellow could be buried- and no plan at all conmefuuy restore between manu- probably housekeepers are studying their food expenditures more carefully this year than ever before to the bare rocky peak he hid sighed its not far now- not far she echoed how large do j ijou think those rocks a the summit arc r mlghtjie a few feet across yes she said they might be butl they are not they arenas big as small houses youve been up there he had ap peared to doubt her word many times and- the distance she hod said quietly is three miles some of it almost stralghtup sighing the man had dropped upon a ropk to rest- fii his eyes there was a look of determination and longing 5s he had snld tts my first mountain i hadso wanted to reacbrthe top ive been three days getting this far and to morrow i must beback that statement that look of longing had turned the scale his first mounr tain the girl had tried ffc imagine life without a mountain in it a mountain to the very top tell you what she had said jto this mildmannercdrklndlyappearlng strang er who trusted herknowledge of the mountain rilsatch the ponies andwe11 ride over the lower levels they can carry us twonthlrdsofjthe way we can iollinb the rest the man had been profuse in his most astonishing flood of joyful teats thanks the two had scaled the mouht the3ecretor their great fortune was tain peaks it had been a glorious climb not disclosed until some days later ruth she had thought hr the beginning that was telling the kindly old postmaster at in accepting this hard task she was to the oap about it when he suddenlyilap ffive all nothlnor in rfttnm ino ia1fiotirf r vile imna rrt i i cant thank youehough said mr arrimore aahe shook ruths hand next morning as he was leaving ruth did hear from mr ardmore the letter she received from him two weeks later was the most astonishing message shehad received in all her life ion the day after tomorrow itread a man wlllcall upon you at your cabin he will offer you four hundred dollars a ton for your quartz dont accept it ask him eight hundred he will pay it that is all i can tell you ixourmountalntop friend vincent j ardmore for a fhli moment the girl sat staring at the letter then with a little gasp she hurried from the cabin and- down to thetmlne where her father and cousin robertwere husa sealing up the mine father father she exclaimed- ex- oltrdly dont seal it up read this both the men read the note then they sat and stared at each6ther be didnt look like a man who washout of his mind said robert at last he wasnt either agreed mr plum- ley tell you what exclaimed the boy thats npt silver ore its white gold two days later the stranger who by that time hod come to ruth tobe endowed wltjh almost a mythical origin came puffing up the trail short stout man who looked as though lie might have plenty of money he made his business known at once when the plumleys following written instruc tions refused to sell at his first figure be agreed to acontract calling for eight hundred dollars a ton for thequartz the contract was drawn up j now whatdoyqu make of that ex claimed robert as the stranger passed from sight down- the trail ttorlt make arthlngsaid mrpiuni- ley j only this exclaimed ruth suddenly throwing her arms about him and hug ging him hard were well off very well oft indeed and we are going to hayjf all the things we want and and need most at that she burst into a facturers the trade and consumers alike much ofthe crediffor the continuation of the keubgg companys unbroken record of a quarter century of steady advancests due to the judicious use of newspaper advertising said mr kellogg wo are taking full adiaatage of the flexibility permitted by tbls medium which may be used generally or concehr trated in pertain sections or wherever the need seems to be ihel greatest this method has proven profitable and will be continued even more aggressively in 1932 he added- at the same time the kellogg com pany has provided an outstanding ex- ampler of industrial adjustment to the new economijiohdltiens- the slxheur working daywtdopted by kelloggs slight ly more thana year agols an established success fjrom the standpoints of both in- creased employment and more economical production approximately fpurhundred newperr manent jobswere dreated by thekellogg plan and even with the increased wages it provided the system has been profit- able the kellogg company will start 1932 with a more aggressive advertising plan without any change in basic policies and is looking forward to a greater business than that we enjoyed during 1931 de clared mr kelloggr- authorities orv food budgets have given us the following suggestions t insure adequate nutrition ifthere are children in the family out of everydollar it is well to use for bread jflouf and cereals 15c to 20c muk and cheese i 25c vegetables and- fruits 7 25c fati and sweets 20ct6 15c meats fish and eggs 15c if the family consists entirely of grown ups out of every dollar it is well to use- for- t- bread flpurssd cereals- 15c to 20c milk and cheese 15c vegetables and fruits soc 25c fats and sweets 20c meats fish and eggs 20o dividing the food dollar in this way- jr wiare nowlandched into 1932 its anew year full of promise and opportun ity the oldyear has gone its errors can he best usedas experience in the new year to a great extent your measure of c happiness and prosperity for 1932 de pends on yourself its impossible to secure anarked degree of either- just by- wishingno njatter how sincere that wish maybe made every successful business man makes a study of his customiewnpeedsrstrives to anticipate their wants and s thenv promptly that taken ior granted in twavffle business jnari of he doesnt buy something he neyer expectsto be asked to supply or san create a demand iyr but v din you ever stop to think bj edson r waite shawnee okla know all guessed it give all nothing in return ipqd his hand on his knee mechanically the girl- turned to lead t about it he exclaimed the two ponies backa little dlstancefrom right first off the- edge of ulepreciplce crouching low i furnbllnglnbjsyfist pocketiic- drew against a great upended jboumer shefcrth u bit of shining quartz like gathered thethih coat aboht herto await i that achange -t- yes just about her thoughts were interrupted by the know what i paid for this fifty man the sughtrgrayhalred man who cents dont weigh howheres nigh an was as he had told her a bank clerk ounce -marvin- errholderness vicepresident of- theflrst national bank of st louis says that whistling is almost ar- lost- artr when you and i were kids everybody whlstledi2whlstlers were poor good better and best but it wasa useful art and everybody practiced it regardless of age sex color or locality there was the shrill whistle used for signaror call purposes the tuneful whistle that carried perfectly the notes of popular melodies the short or long exclamatory whistle denoting pleasure disappointment fear he was a siirprlsc a note for every sudden change in the gamut of human feeling josh billings once said he cpuld always go down ihto the dark cellar much more courageously if he whistled in thetork jimmyjones as the champion whistler of dallas countyr back in the 90s was just as famous as dick dally is today even if dick istoaptaln and quarterback on the fordyce high champions of the state a cqhege professor in recent months wrote a derogatory and decrylngedltpr- lal on the practice of whistling but it is doubtful whether anybody took seriously his outburst against the simple and manly art surely no redblood american would ever concede that whistling voices low mentality or evidences an admission of defeat we shall haye tor look further for the decline of the practice have the radio and the professional enter tainers made vis ashamed to pucker 0 are we so materialistic that we -are- getting far away from natures simple joyful and twofltable usages will bring the greatestreturn in nutritive values for the amount of money used the less money a family has to spend for food the more- important it is that it should be spent approximately in this fashion time has tested it dr thomas eclectric oil has been on the market upwards of fifty years and in that time it has proved a blessing to thousands it is in high favor throughout canada and its exceunce- has- carried its fame beyond the seas if it were double the price it would be a cheap liniment no matter how careful the buying no matter how big the stock oivhow court eous and prompt the service if you dont tell the buyers of t mings that make your storeoutstanding in your estiniaion- they will not become your customers its wlong wayound waiting for your friends to do your advertising 2 it takes all their help and all the other aid in these days of keen business competition v liquoe export with a daughter near her own age his name was ardmore but that told her nothing herihd6ttembwttetfendfts apparently struggling to remove her warm coat from his shaking shoulders instantly v having divined his niean- tag she was upon her feet- no no you must not she falrljirj3creamed you will be chilled to death y the man crouched down be- hind the rocks f released from the problems of the moment the girls mind went back to i the mountain cabin she called home and tp the grave problems that confronted them there her father joseph plumley was a mirier ihor cousin robert ah orphan who had always lived with them had learned to be a miner even her own hunds were hard calloused from wielding pick anit shovel for they hod discovered a mine a sliver quartz mine more than a but whats it for ruth gasped in astonishment iradio crystal set cant use em whlioutthbj bit of quartz with em you can hear a- dattc5tltitnjrty miles away millions of em states thats wherd jill your white gold is goln to and to think ruth told herself later i might have refused to take that little man to the top of the moun tain might have sent him with a great lopcj of disappointment hurrying away down- the- trail and if i had u i had he would never have heard our story never seen our cabin nor our quartz arid we would have been poorer than ever today barbers itch and ringworm are re lieved by the use of douglas egyptian unlment quick certain results re lieves the most obstinate cases what looks very much like inspired articles have been going the rounds of the press especially of thatjiortlon that favors a moist policy they lament the loss to the dominion treasury of 16- 000000 revenue and ridicule the prac tically unanimous action of parliament in passing the amendment to the liquor export act one of these journals states the only difference between shipping to st pierre and sending the stuff across the border direct is that canada loses an excise tkx of 9 per gallon irjvlew of this agitation two or threo thirtfjs are worthy of note the income from export of jlquor to the united states lost by thechange was according tomr euler former ministerof national revenue whenspeaking in the hpuse of commons against the proposal not 16- 000000 but 12000000 of course an increase of 4000001 or 25 is an eiisy pxaggeration for our wet friends liquor frequently makes men see double moreover if we arc to believe the re ports of the distillery firms appearing in the press the amendment to die act has had decisive effect the annual meeting of hiram walkers gooderham wortz was held recently at walkervllle the dividend to be paid for the- presentquarter is only naif that paid for the last quartert- collapse of mr the export market was given by hume president as the reason fop the decreasing profits he called on the 12000 canadian shareholders to use their influence to change legislation whlctlnow schlsviarjust one study ori the subjectlnterferes with the export of liquor of living happy lives the sooner we cease to strive for the artificial the sooner shall we be happy let us be our rftlrej over agailn whistling sing ing and dancing and leading the simple the ottawa correspondent for a3jr- ohtopaper recently called attention to the fa tha the official government re turns show that exports of alcoholic beverages from canada to all countries life it isnt necessary for all of us to have dropped from 28405719 in the get rich and we dont have to keep upltwelve months ending august 1931 with the joneses back yonder some of i whiskey shipments have dropped by 50 us didnt see any money but about once per cent in the last twilye months a year and not very much then buiwe of the liquor exported from canada in had three square meals a day and a ithe year ending march 31 1930 the year warm place to sleep too many people preceding the change in the export law expect too much nowadays and dont 65 was destined to the united states the unitedjreallze that they could be happy lth it is pretty clear that the export law much jess let us hark- back wluaijmg days to the good assisted in some measure by the pre old vailing depression has more than cut this export in half canadas gain has been in thedlrec- tlon of decency selfrespect and moral benefit she can congratulate herself not qus said bllpas he caught up with only thatshe has elected to play the gus on the way back to camp are allpart of ah honest neighbor in ceasing the rest of the boys out of the woods to bo an abettor of lawbreakers but also no other casualties yet yes said gus all slxof them and theyre all safe yep answered oris safe i that she has largelyclosed v herownl tiortiersand saved considerable sectlonfrofcf her people from a mightily corruptmg influence but evidently- if canada theyre allwhcs to preserve these gains she had 1 better stand on guard prom the office then said bill his f swelling or the bntario prohibition union de ive shot a deer comber 1931 you can address between 4000 and 5000 prospective customers allowing an taverage of three readers i for each paper i certainly they-dont- all hve inctonbut the free toess circulates in a wicfe- territory in the cquntry surrounding if ybu have an attraction dr these readers you can get acquainted with them real in timately by your message to them each j week prosperity in 1 932 will come to a great extent in just the proportion ypu- go after it among tjhe sages and spokesmen for big business in- terests better times are predicted in many quarters- what share will you play as an individual in having it come to bur com- munity and to you now i the time to make your plansfor 1932 we have mariy jfajcilities never was there a big field pre- sented to serve you in actons paper thh free press neverwere we able to present a better service to you wewill be glad to go into detail with you if you will call uaand arrange a suitable time may we assist you in your plans for 1932 i- the acton free press 76nsiajittyrstrtving to maintain leader ishpforjctpnwith a representative newspaper k v i lir mtezsiss- i v t t