rn- wrt lii5 fiflib tthe acton free press thdhsthay february 4 93i if the home of mcinbor canadian weekly nevtapaper association f member ontario quebec dlvisloa c w n a the acton free press is published every thursday evening at th free press building mrtl street j acton ontario the subscription price is 300 per year in advance posttfge is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates for small unclassi fied advertisements and in other columns the rates will be found at head of column dis- play advertising rates on application g a dills editor and proprietor telephones- editorial and business office residence a real example of sportsmanship a f ew weeks ago it was announced that bramp ton fair would this year be held oh september 20 and 21 these are the da the third tuesday and wednesday that acton has always held for the- fair i here when the- conflictihgdates wererioted secre tary akins wrote the secretary oibrarnpon fair calling attention to what was an apparent misunder standing there rtsno argurnent put forth the brampton faiir board held a special meeting and changed the dates and notified tije acton board of the change that was all it was a real example of good sportsmanship and the instant rectifying with of an error readily- realize that the- success of eachis dependent oa the other it is a commendible spirit and ave congfatujatei the brampton board op their exhimt of real sportsmanship j pointed j the financialpost which is generally accepted ps a voice of trje ultraconservative financial and- iindus trial interests has apparently got to the point where itjteelsjt should speak out- and it is here are its chronicles of finger farm r written sficclally for the free press bj gwendoline p clarke come f plcndv bive jne y6uir symcathv for i need it ever so badly i con benr up under the reduced price bt eggs the sifop in butter mollywith tfboilrpftt with a cold and myself with bronchitis such good feeling both fair3f tnewina nas eiown my way the last straw that breaks the words strong and pointed it is truefthecountry is t of mr ben g to 1 w may perform many import- ant functions in correcting acidity in improving tilth in promoting nltriflca tlon nevertheless they are not fertilr izers it is true they must serve a use courage to spiritual faith to loyalty to the old flag to unity and high purpose- these are so often the obvious appeals of the claptrap orator who is at- tempting to divert attention to his own failingsm6re informative speeches might be expected of the prime minister of a great dominion had a liberal snid this it would at oncejjecredited to rolitical partisan ship soreness meanness illwill or anything else that could be thoughtof in the same category r but cqin- jjnillivzgp surely it cannot be subject to discduntcollingwobd bui nothing gained the provincial loan which was sold out in just a few hours last week would seem to have ben a gift tqthoserwho were fortunate enough tosecure a share of these high interest bearing securities just why such a high rate of interest was offered is hard rtotjtceivetthe dominion loan at vererrcerrr7 was readily taken up and this ast- amount would surely have been likewise at that figure in december the united states issued a i300000000 loan for a short term and the highest rate offered was 37nfr cent surely canada is in just as sound financial condition as our neighbor even if our money isnt as good when we go avisiting municipalities who are forced to dispose of debentures at the present time will fitidlthemselves in a very unenviable position i the interest rates to be paid are to be gauged- by the latest issue of provincial bonds the highinterest will certainly not be a feature toward tax reduction whicn would be appreciatedby most everyone at the we tjope hes right roger w babson who is noted for hispredictions regarding- world business affairs seems quite con fident of the future in- a statement issued last week he says the depression is injretreat the babson chart which was the basis for my forecast of the market break in 1929 is now with equal positiveness indicatingfhat we have seen the trough of the de pression of 193032 and that the present year will show an irregular movement towards higher levels the chart is now turning upwards for the first time in more than two years except for the temporary railyof last spring for some years to come i do not expect to see the babson chart below the depth reached last november of course this does not mean any sharp rise bckto normal conditions but it does indicate the depression is in retreat the long j3ngeoutio0kjs that fundamentally better times are now definitely assured- camels- back when partner gets a cold in his vhead ips terrible just tenjiblb im not sure that tha cold is terrible he terrible partis sehig partner with itl soqri deafahiicted triartwfiatrlie suffers ho one knowsand yet if no one inbwsit is not foxwantof telling even it words are lackingvebcpression speaks vpjtjimes and the proverbial morhirig- after apearance ofa man who has im bibed top strongly must be mild compar ed with partners hquid optics so far her has been able to handle a pitch fork and use the stable fork arid shovel for the purpose fbr they tsm- nanger in using lime in discussing the use of lime in agfl culture dr pranjst shuttjm a d s p- 1 c observes fthat there is a use and a misuse it can be employed legitimately to increase crop production and it can alsobe so used tijat soil impoverishment must inevitably follow it has- been shown thatttmc and its duly qualified- magnate the man who marries my daughter will antia lot -of- money suitor hopefully well sir nobody wantsrit more than i do inside looking out thankful to say nothing of milking the cows but when he comes to the house his sufferings are obviously acute and it wood seem that i am a mighty poor housekeeper the tea is either too weak ortoo strong there is too much salt ful purpose in some soils by furnishing with the meat and not enough sugar j available lime but they do not add to in the pie one room is too hot and the the sofnfstbre of nitrogen phosphoric ot too cold even the haffdkerchtefs j acid and potash the essential elements are not right toe softones are too small and the big ones are too hard it is f really awful what men suffer when they get a cold the kind we women get is nothing in comparison as i said jto partner this mdrnlng i have neverin the whole course of m experience had present time a serious situation iactonfall fit society may well jeel elated over the success that attended their efforts in the 1931 fair when a comparison is made with many similar societies r acton fair did not clear a large amount on the years activities but it paid a found red cents on the dollar to everyone and wound up the year with a balance on hand of 177 in hanover afterpayf ce tttthe dollar a credit balance 6f-33- was shown durham paid only half the prize money and had a deficit of 70 while chesjey paid 90c on the dollar and had 1549 of a balance on hand these are but samples of what has happened to many fair societies the past year i if these organizations are to continue it is quite apparent that additional revenue must be pro cured from some place or else the prize list awards will have to be lowered and this wouid seem a real hardship for the agriculturist at the present time when other prices are at such a low figure this subject wil dpubtles come in for a good deal of discussi 911 at theannxral eing held in toronto this week a common senflfr tvtggirw v fr z i k w v-r- si l 0 jrt the recent message of the prince of wales to the people to cease looking for doubtful good times and fight on under present conditions carried more common sense than many of the hour or so orations of statesmen who have spoken recently if this wereanrjiiedtojgyeryone the conditions which are deplored would soon be forgotten in the activity of improving our surroundings and this couldiapply to rich and poor alike political bodies arid forms of government have been changed and altered in an attempt to accomplifithat which can only be ac complished by ourselves there is no magic way out-ef- thepresen t d ilem m attrrrreaxlf jmik night on and endeavor to solve the problems as rheyconfrcntt them the laying bacr and waiting for the breaks will not pull us through the prince of wales has the common sense solution the statesmen and politicians have applied the salve nd it has failed a cold anything like as bad as the cold he is suffering with right now- to see a man suffer50 and yet go aboufhis dally work makes one realize that the age of martyrs is not yet past but then what can yoiu expect if a man will nln outside in his pyjamas not that partner is in the habit of run ning around thus attired butitjiap- pened that one particular morning this week we got an- awful fright i opened my eyes to see the bedroom wall bathid in a soft pink glow through the window we eould see a red sky and oh dear suph a blaze there was when we looked atit properlyrr it was then that partner ran outside to get a better view be cause we though at first- it was a barn quite close but afterwards wei could see it was further away than it really looked in a very short while nearly every man along the line was away to the are which was really about two miles away from us but alas so quickly did the flames spread that even the first man there was too jate to be pf any assist ance during the afternoon partneroand i went up again to see if there was any thing we could do but what couw any- on dc whoro there had b a huge that must be constantly returned if the solis fertility is to be maintained or increased v ilime arid its compounds are to be regarded as amendments materials that may improve the soil chemicaliy phys- l an bi- and thusmalfr a bachelor- has nobody to share his troubles why should a baclielois have any troubles asked the married man knovvs heb job little girl tq playmate so long elsie mommas giving a party and i gotta ga home and make precoclpus re- marks t v-vr- yellowiadket season wild do you remember when a girl was proud of having wisp nm ought to wdmor x ought to remember that was when i got stung l ir ir lt- it more suitable for crop growth they are not toba considered orusedas sub stitutes for manure for drainage or for tillage the exclusive and excessive use of the more caustic forms quicklime- slaked lime must inevitably lead to ex haustion of fertility for as we have seen they act as stimulants setting free but not adding to the- soils stores of plant food the use of the milder forms marl ground limestone is not fraught wlh the same danger to the soils future but even with these lessactivematerialj fit is incumbent lielt llesotts humus content be maintained for better living at low cost tasty nourishing healthful made in canada with canadian wheat the canadian shredded wheat company ltd editorial notes well january gave real evidence in the last two days that it was actually a winter month guelph will hold a tax sale to realize on land -valued- a t 33000 these tafetimes when even taxes do not come without pressure bank barn was only smouldering ashes nothing saved except a team of horses cows- three horses- young cattle and pigs all perished in the raging inferno tractor car and every kind of lmple- ment twisted and warped beyond des cription nothing but a pile of scrap iron grain roots and straw reduced to smoul dering pulp the hens and henhouse were saved and there were the hens and geese pecklng about upon the edge of the debris the only sign of animal life where the day before there had been many head of cattl and horses the pity of it such an experience must add years to a mans life fire ijalalayjiejyijhulgrateldreadand theweekly newspaper the influence of the country weekly in relation to the metropolitan daily in the communities they serve is often a point of discussion it is worth reading the comment on this topiacontributed by arthur brisbane the brilliant american qqlumnist thc4 r smaller newspapers of the country are the most im- portant newspapers antfiicidentally in proportion to their circulation their advertising results are the biggest and their advertising rates thesmailesfih the country they are read through from end to fend every copy of circulation means an entire family not a family that lives in one room with a can opener but a family that owns its house and land around it at least ninety times out of a hundred a familv that buy everything from the roof on the house to the dement on the cellar- floor from the hat on mothers head to the shoes on the boys feet the service that their publishers render to the public is in my opinion the most important servicefendered by any class of citizens in canadji the country editors are distributors of information they reach 1 the minds of the boys that leave the farms and they i are the nations mental police force that humanity may not be plunged into another world warwould seem to be thedevout wish of all who have recollections of the last world conflict even the professions seem to be getting overrun unemployment among the nurseshas caused a halt to be urged in the output from the training schools to be expelled for life from all amateur sport is the punishment that has been handed out to two guelphites it is said one bf them is the sports writer of the guelph mercury guelph had throt- teams suspended last year in the interests of amateur sport in the- royal city it would seem that a rcleanup was overdue this experience in our own neighborhood fslmrcfly likely to lessen it today i got ah awful shock in the mail a blackedged envelope addressid bymy brothers wife in england i was almost too scjreij to open it was it my brother who was dead or one of his children i wondered when at last i screwed up enough courage to face the worst i opcndthe letter and found that my sister had lost her father of bourse i was very sorry for my sister- inlaw but as i only knewher father very slightly i could not pretend to fesl uny great personal loss but it did start rne wondering as to the advisability of using mourningstatlonery a shock like that might be quite dangerous to any one with a weak heart and what good can it do 0 the person who has passed on surely one would not bet thought lacking in respect- if one used plain white stationery which could not possibly alarm anyone previous to knowing the import of the letter people feci so dif ferently about these things and it may tie that some folk in their- sorrow for tho dead forget that consideration is also due to the living 1 there ara7 establishments in canada which manufacture rubber tires rubber footwear and other rubber goods these plants employ over 15000 persons in 1030 th value of the output of rubber products in canada was 73752673 of which rubber tires and tubes accounted for 36583309 or 50 per cent of the total x libber footwear for 23783024 or 32 per cent and other- rubber goods for the balance of 13386340 or 18 per cent v powerful medicine the healing pro perties in six essential oils are conccn- ttatedin every bottle of dr thomas eclectrlc oil forming cne of the most beneficial liniments ever offered to the use of man many can testify as to its power in allaying pain and many more can certify that the owe their health to it its wonderful power is not expressed by the small price at which it sells power to climb- quality first economy always carrolls week- end spcial uptons jjelicioiisl fruity 40roz jar strawberry jam 28 special r6r- pancake day aunt jetni crown or bcchtva com syrxlp pure clovr honey aylmcr pur orange marmalade no j tin 34c 39c 23c pancake flour t e carrolls pure quebec marsyrupr special harbor brand choice quality a big tins special eagle or beaver brand blue berries 10 no 2 tall tin c freeh dean rolbd qats 6 19cf 3minuto oatflakes x- 24c dr jackaoni romanmeal p- 29c aylmcr choice quality 1- c3s j tin bimbra swec whit no 2 tin corn 3 aylmcr pork and beans 2 no 2 line 27c 25c 17c special carrolls silver star pastry flour 49 24lb bag c special palm brand shrimps fancy pack tin 19 australian chofc quality peaches t lynn valley dessert rears 2 n 25c singapore sliced no pineapple 2 choice pitted dates 2 hliie ribbon seeded raisins 2 29c 3c i special carrousown creamery selected large table figs 2 si 15c butter 2 pounds chateau cheese jt cab1 special pound 24 l anything can roll down hill give ft slime a start and if the grade is stsep enough off it soes rolling until it gets to the bottom it takes power to climb hills and the power muscbeapplled as lohf as the climb coritinues be suspicious lot the easy way if you can do a task without half trying the chances are that it is better- not to do it no one ever falls lrito succsss llij i large navel oranges per dozen medium navel granges per dozen small navel oranges special per dozen 57c 37c 23c 25c lemons special per dozen head lettuce a per head ir- av bananas lbs for celery bunches for fresh spinach tbs-for- 25c 25c 17c mill street phone 158 v acjbpn pv m jsxgj -r-iv-