jssww wp i- fr i t page two the acton free press thuhsday september 27th 1934 0 pumished ivery tbondmy t actoo ontario subscription bates foo per year in advance united states 99c additional single copies sc both old and new addresses should be ivea when chance ot address is requested xancellationswe fina that ot of our sub scribers prefer not to have their subscription interrupted in case they call to remit before expiration while sub scription will not be carried in arrears over an extended period yet unless we are notified to cancel we assume the subscriber wishes the service contfasued remittance should be made by registered letter money order or cheque advertising rates legal notices isc per line or first insertion sc per line for each subsequent insertion readers 10c per line for each insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as com ing attractions such aa concerts entertainatenta church society or organization meetings etcv xoc per line mini- mam charge jgc reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memoriam notices 50c and 10c per line extra for poems birth marriage arid death notices free small advertisements ic per word minimum charge jgc cash if booked 35c also 10c extra when applications are addressed to this offit c display advertising rates vsry according to space contracted for although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not he liable for any jerror in any advertisement published hereunder unless s proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the free press its liability bhall not exceed such s proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement g arlof dills editor telephones- editorial and business office 174 residence 131 ikfibra a town and its citizens during the summer and autumn months acton like other centres has had its usual quota of home- comers many of them have not visited the home town for some years changeabout the town are therefore more noticeable to them than to those who live here and those who visit often invariably in conversation with these homecomers they mention quite often the feeling that acton has kept pace and its buildings and improvements show that the town is advancing naturally thisis gra1tfyingtothqse who reside here and have chosen to remain in the home town the progress of a community is strictly up to its individuals and to know that these in dividuals have done the duties ascribed as citizens gives an incentive for further effort the law wins again the measure of success that has apparently climaxed the efforts of the police in tracking down at least one of the principals inthe lindbergh babe kidnapping case is another example that sooner or later the criminal is captured no doubt after over two years the kidnapper was feeling a certain sense of security and that the crime would never be solved persistance and alertness has apparently won again the method of handling the criminal in the courts of the republic will now be watched with a great deal of interest on the final outcome of the matter will restntuch that will have to do with crime and its growth individuals with criminal minds will watch for the measure of punishment given out on the decision and handling of the case their minds will be made up if it is shown that the long arm of the law always wins out and that culprits are always brought to justice a big step will be made in the suppression of crime here is an opportunity for restoring a sense of security in the minds of the public and a fear in the minds of the lawbreakers just an incentive twentyone years ago acton fair started on its course with many misgivings but high ambitions through the years ifs upbuilding in the community by the citizens of town and country have made it an institution of which all are justly proud the suc cess attending the event last week was but another rung ascended in looking back over the files it is noted that the gate receipts oftwenty years ago were not quite half as large as those of today the receipts of the evening performance were fifteen times larger than those of twenty years ago but the fair never was and is not now run as an institution for financial gain the money collected in admis sions fees and much more is paid out in prizes and for attractions the success of twenty years ago spurred on the directors to provide bigger andbetter fall fairs at acton the sariie thing holds todav and the success of last weekwill enable the direc tors of next year to aim for a program of more merit and a fair of larger dimensions in 1935 it has never gotten into a rut and the success of this year can be nothing but an incentive for greater fairs in the years to come ontario business reporting business conditions in ontario the bank of montreal summary for the month just issued gives the following wholesale trade in august was seasonally dull v retail trade while quiet on the whole reports a satisfactory clearance of seasonal merchandise industrial activity has been well maintained while tljere is seasonal slack ness in the automobile industry employment is in excess of last years figures steel fabricators con tinue fairly busy mining machinery and die and tool manufacturers are well employed the domestic market for flour shows some improvement can- neries are busy but supplies are limited sales of electrical appliances continue to hold up well the furniture industry in staple lines is dull but the demand for radio cabinets and specialties continues steady tanneries report a slight improvement and boot and shoe factories are receiving a satisfactory volume of ordera an improvement is in evidence in the dress trade while manufacturers of cloaks and suits report business slow cotton textiles remain in good demand andseasofal improvement is moder ately evident for woollens and knitted goods binder twine manufacturers have an oversupply owing to the short crop in western canada falling off in supplies has caused somewhat reduced operations in the meat packing industry paint and varnish manu facturers report a continuance of satisfactory orders and the demand for flooring and building supplies principally for renovations remains steady in better volume than a year ago activity in the lumber and paper industries has been maintained breweries continue operating at capacity there is a good demand for cattle of export quality the sunday school lesson foe sunday sept 30th weather wells an important manufacturing centre editor hugh templin of the fergus news- record has a faculty for securing interesting edi torial matter from apparently uninteresting spots last week he found his subject in the canada year book and with thanks to him for the idea we went to the same book to take in the towns and make our comparisons a little more local in regard to acton and our readers the figures in this book are of 1930 but are the latest available and they show that acton is a manufacturing centre of jrme conse quence not as large as fergus but well up it is the largest manufacturing centre in halton county the gross value of its products was in the year taken 2804706 georgetown came next with 2545332 oakville had 1498378 milton 962390 and bur lington 940871 salaries and wages in these municipalities were acton 536214 georgetown 500569 oakville 434569 milton 353960 and burlington 209- 444 capital involved number of employees and cost of materials are other headings in this interesting comparative table and run in about the same com parative way wages paid in acton compare very favorably with those in other centres even larger and for purposes of comparison are given thusl toronto 1280 hamilton 1270 elora 1215 fergus 1130 waterloo 1090 kitchener 1060 preston 1025 acton 1020 georgetown 1000 guelph 980 hespeler 890 harriston 875 orangeville 835 palmerston 810 mount forest 800 actons importance as a manufacturing centre is quite easily seen by these figures and it can be con sidered well in the leaders apparently the north end of the county is the manufacturing part of halton review- godin hebrew history golden tcxtthy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom ps 145 13 study akohcb 11 3240 lesson i shows us the dire results following the arrogance and boasting ot rehoboam and the rebellious spirit ot jeroboam whicli divided the kingdom ot israel in twain and brought ruin upon both lesson ii asa king of judah relies on jehovah and as in every instance where human trust and reliance is sin cere his god did not fail htm lesson hi clods watchfulness over his own manifested in bis care ot the prophet elijah lesson iv god speaks to elijah in a still small voice which followed whirlwind and storm and the j prophet heard and was comforted lesson v amid a group sf time- servers fawning upon ahab one servant of the lord micaiah the son of imlan stood unflinchingly lor truth lesson vi in the strength of the lord he serve ellsha brings succor and comfort to a stricken woman lesson vii amos the propret pleads with israel to grant justice to the poor lesson vhl selfindulgence de nounced by amos his message is as pertinent today as in the day wherem it was uttered lesson dc gods abiding love pro claimed by hosea lesson x mlcah declares the anger of god against the oppressors of the poor lesson xi king hezekiah leads an errant and sinning people back to the god of their f lesson xh isaiah distinguishes be tween worship that is false and unaccept able unto the lord and that which is true and received of him lesson xttt hezekiah king of judah gives ear to the counsel tendered him by isaiah which f prophet has received from jehovah king of kings in the desertlike regions of oregon the cattlemen put their ears to the ground when they wish to find out ll rain is coming these arid lands have no surface water and the necessary liquid fc secured from artesian wells drilled through hundreds of feet of basaltic rock to the underlying gravel when the weather is settled these wells are quiet but on the approach of 6torms strong air currents are driven off from the underground openings in this way the wells provide accurate natural baro meters for the ranchers what feally happens is that the atmospheric pressure decreases in the region causing a low pressure area a term frequently used by the weather experts this is always associated with rainy conditions the atmospheric pressure in these deep oregon wells is ordinarily the same as that on the surface but when a low pressure appears at the surface the air in the well is then at a higher pressure the high pressure air of the well then rushes out into the upper air until the pressure is equalized anyone placing his ear close to one of these well open ings will hear a strong hissing noise and sometimes feel a distinct rush of air against the face at such times a piece of paper placed over the opening will be blown up to some height in the air the more pronounced this uprush of air the sooner and more severe will be the storai the ranchers in these parched regions love to hear the hissing of the wells for they know that this means rain and plenty of green grass to feed the cattle youre good for something in this world for service of some kind to your fellow men or youre good for nothing dr reisner the bees food supply for winter editorial notes the daylight saving nuisance ends on saturday until next april or may most folks will agree that is something for which to be thankful it scarcely seems possible that thanksgiving day is but a week from monday just another reminder that fall is here and winter just around the corner if the driver of horsedrawn vehicles would realize the danger they are in none of these vehicles would be on the road at night without lights this is especially true at this time of year when fogs are heavy the mail and empire makes rather a serious charge when it states that four of the five bye- elections were won with money and catch cries its lather an insult to the intelligence of the voters in these ridings the byeelections in the dominion field are over and it would seem that the liberals could claim the decision the popularity and victory of tommy church ir toronto fs also an endorsation of the upright stand that he has taken as an individual in spite of the dictates of party once again the honey gathering season is over and during that season the bee worked incessantly storing a good supoly of food to carry them through the non- gathering period of winter the bees instinct however does not allow them to cease work the moment a sufficient amount for winter needs is gathered for if the field supply is plentiful they will store far in excess of their requirements to this surplus the keeper of the bee has a legitimate claim but he has no right to that portion required by the bees for their own use unless he is pre pared to replace it with another kind of food that is equally as good for them unfortunately there is a tendancy to rob the bees too closely of then- supplier thus leaving them to face death through starvation bees require feed during the winter months m order to maintain life while in the early spring they require it for brood rearing also vtnen ready for tile winter every colony should have at least forty pounds of food stored in order that the bees may have sufficient to carry them through until new nectar is available the following spring always remembering that more is required to wards spring when brood rearing com mences than during the actual winter months when no brood is being produc ed in addition to an adequate supply the food left or given must be whole some although honey is the natural food for the bees all honey is not suit able for them during their winter con finement hi the hives only the best of clover or buckwheat honey should be left falling this any deficiency can be made up by feeding the bees the requir ed amount of pure cane sugar made into syrup at the rate of two parts ot sugar to one part of water when making the syrup see that all crystals of sugar are dissolved before giving the syrup to the bees all feeding should be done before the weather becomes cold enough to cause the bees to cluster tightly on their combs otherwise they will not take down sufficient for their needs at ottawa it has been found best to have all feeding done by the end of ithe first week in oc tober to relieve catarrhal deafness and head noises jf you have catarrhal deafness or are hard of hearing or have head noises go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of parmint double strength and add to it u pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar take one tablespoon four times a day this will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises clogged nostrils should open breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into i the throat it is easy to prepare costs little arid is pleasant to take anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial beehive golden corn syrup a great energy food j w jones red white grocery quality groceries fruit vegetables at this homeowned independent market yon will find quality variety and freshness it has and always will lie our aim to serve only the best quality foods at au times and our prices are in keeping with the times acton ont prompt deliveries phone 26 tylers transport local and long distance moving general trucking service to satisfy bonded and insured carriers service from acton to toronto and immediate points prompt careful economical gas oil tires acton ontario phone 133 j b mackenzie son lumber builders supplies coal and coke contracting financing every man who builds a home learnsi the lesson of first cof and upkeep theres no way to learn except by experience and it is noticed that the man who builds a second tirhe demands absolutely the beat materials available for every details this means that good materials ire the best and that cheap materials bought at a temporary saving of a few dollars are false economy yet good materials are not nec costly we have the best and the prices have never been more reascmable ss zirm s3 carrolls limited to natures bounty w afd cluster of rich bargains or th plcuutc and utlifaction ol our many customers quality first economy always fbffif easifirst shortening domestic 1ib p walkers new sugar cookies lb hellmanns blue ribbon mayonnaise or 8 brunswick sandwich sardines pac fancy sweet shelled walnuts tins 5 v4lb 10c 10c 19c 23c 15c a safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is mother graves iworm exterminator making tunnels safe the latest announcement that magistrate mc- ilveen of oakville is to bereinstated doesnt bear out the contention that the new government wielding the political axe very strongly in this district all magistrates retained have been the appointees of a conservative government and can therefore be con sidered to have been conservatives tunnel are of varying heights and widths but all of them pome within the scope of the standard guage of the vfart- ous railways which range from 13 feet to 13 feet 0 inches in height and from 0 feet to 9 feet 8 inches in width it is the business of the hedgehog train or template machine to see that tunnels are kept free of any obstacle which would jeopardize the safety of trains passing through the template machine is a curious looking vehicle with spikes radiating in all directions these spikes me connected electrically with the interior of the vehicle sovthat should any obstruction bc met with in passing through the tunnel the exact spot is indicated this vehicle also ensures that the necessary clearance is obtained between the vehicle and the track by means of protruding plates fixed- ito a frame and also electrically connected with the interior ot the van bordenjs nestles or carnation 3 is- tns 25 mclarens jelly rydanakl5c cocoa frys 1 i beohivc par corn syrup or crown brand 5lb pail 35 1 jars crown or corona doz 99c and j 13 vinegar xxx quality gal 38c pickling splc whole mij lb 19c peas frankford sieve 4 2 sjfe 21c salt 2 cartons 13c criscoib 23c certo bottle 29c aylmr natural flavor soups all varieties except chicken 3 23 clara fancy pink salmon 1lb tin 12c p g special prices chipso lg fkg small pkg 9c 18c gl calay 4cakio w1ap quality fibst i eco nomy always lis cartotli own rich old cheese lb 21 mmmm- vawws- bargains in fresh fruits and vegetables potatoes homegrown 13c peck i on ion solid wei1 dried i uniuno 10 tbs forkc grapefruit 3 for 23c cranberries other fruits and vegetables at attractive prices 19c id mil 1 street phone 1 58 acton y c