mw pjii page jooecr the acton free press thursday september 27th 1934 notice of blrthi hirrlmeei and deaths re inserted in thii column without cnwkc in memorimm notice soc and ioc per lino additional or poetry died mofofat at st josephs hospital guelph on sunday september 23rd 1934 thomas moflat f esqueslng township beloved husband of mar garet turnbull in his 71st year in memoriam r coxe in loving memory of a beloved husband and father dr h a coxe who passed away on september 27th 1933 wewho love yoti sadly miss you ss it dawna another year in lonely hours of t thinking thoughts of you are always near wipe and ewmttiy goudham in loving memory of a dear husband and lather who passed away september 27th 1933 we see the reason of our tears and know that some day we shall too share that eternity of years and the happy morn thati dawned lor you wife and famttjy jmore prize winners at acton fair continued from page one span of agricultural not over 3200 lbs d mcdougall best animal in class w o brown- rldge ht horses light horj iplarrlajo brood mare mark given n g lindsay w b reid spring colt n q jejndsay w b reld iw o moflat oneyeariold colttas mann donald mclean w o moffat twoyearold gelding or filly w o moffat w b bald elgin houston m thanksgiving day a week irom monday pastures are now the best that have been had thii season standard time will be the tune of all in the province alter sunday brampton fair on saturday was not favored with very good weather the baptist anniversary services been arranged for sunday november 4th the heavy fog of the evenings lias made night driving rather precarious outings mr thos watson won second prize in the bowling tournament at grand v this week r if the rains and warm weather con tinue the lawn mowers may still be quite useful this year the log on monday evening was extremely heavy and motorists had difficulty in travelling two of actons factories are wort hing overtime to meet the demand for orders for their products its time now to plan for the hockey season even if the weather may smack more of baseball temperature acton citizens band has been en gaged ito give the musical program at erin pair on thanksgiving day the american boat won the race again but the sportsmanship of our cousins didnt go a notch higher the teachers convention of this inspectorate will be held in burlington on thursday and friday october 4th and 5th mr g e easter of acton was the speaker at the opening meeting of the b v p tj in brampton on monday evening acton band participated in the event last friday in georgetown when the band there were presented with their awards from two contests little dorothy pallant observed her sixth birthday yesterday when she enter tained twentytwo of her little girl friends at a birthday party again we remind you that the free press christmas greeting cards will soon be ready mr e coles will again be representative for this line wait to sec them in just three weeks from the day excavations were started on the new y m c a building the entire founda tions were all completed and ready for the bricklayers the contractors and staffs made excellent time roadsters brood mare r r ford w b held w h allan spring colt dr hopkins w h allan j b devereaux oheyearrold dr hopkins a mc- meekln r r ford twoyearold a mcmeekin a b weber b devereaux best animal in class dr hopkins light horses in harness single roadster w h rutledge a b weber a mcmeekln single carriage mark given s e grintn5on a b weber spaa roaxlsjrs7w h rutledge a b weber saddle horse s m savage h ms- cague s m savage single carriage 3yearold archie kerr w o moffat span high steppers mark given robt kerr a b weber threeyearold roadster h dever eaux h black single roadster h black pony 14 hands and under b john ston horse specials best high stepping horse in harness mark given a b weber archie kerr best single turnout a b weber w h rutledge best colt sired by thoroughbred horse jt br devereaux shearling rain j d norrish ram lambj d norrish ewe two years and over j d x6r- rlsh shearling ewe j d norrish ewe lambj d norrish best ram in class j d norrish best ewln class j d norrish ijongwooued sheep any breed shearling ram james llbtle ram lamb james little ewe two years and over james little shearling ewe james little ewe lamb james little flock of long wool sheep james little peter richardson best ram in class james little best bwe to class james little sv s r ki a chinese sense of honor an extraordinary instance of chinese flllal piety involving half a century of hard labor and the savings of a life tune has just been officially recorded with admiring comment in the chronicles of thetschl district in 1883 a man named chang died penniless and owing a debt of 120 to his best friend a man named ylh chang left a will order ing his son then ten years old to repay the debt but mr ylh appeared atj the chang funeral and ceremoniously for- gave the debt last week the chang boy now a whitehaired man sixty years old appeared at the ylh homestead with 120 to discharge ithe debt the yih family refused to accept the money so on arbitrator was called in and finally the money was given to the local prim ary school up and down in an indiana college town a student called at a boardinghouse to inquire about rooms and what do you charge for your rooms he asked klve dollars up was the reply yes but im a student he said thinking the price a little high that bclngthe case the price is five dollarsdowrrfeplleiithe land lady who had had experience for a clear complexion take klpps unequalled herb tablets sold by browns drug store best span of agricultural od mc- dougall best team of general purpose not listed w o brownridge t m revell best light delivery horse w o brownridge t m revell high jumping horse bovaird j b devereaux cattle shorthorns bull 2 years or over robt elliott son j d norrish amos black bull 1 year and under 2 amos black j d norrish robt elliott to son bull calf amos black robt el liott son w g gerrie son cow any age w g gerrie son robt elliott son amos black twoyearold heifer w g gerrie z son amos black robt elliott son oneyearold heifer w g gerrie son amos black calf heifer robt elliott son w g gerrie son amos black herd 1 bull and 4 females w g gerrie son robt elliott son amos black pen of 3 calves robt elliott son w g gerrie son best baby beef any breed not over 850 lbs robt elliott son g mack w g gerrie son best male animal in class robt elliott son best female animal in class robt elliott son aberdeen angus bull any agedg mack a mckln- non nelles sc son cow any age a mcklnnon nelles son twoyearold heifer a mcklnnon g mack nelles son oneyearold heifer g mack a mc klnnon heifer calf g mack a mcklnnon nelles son pure bred holstcin bull 18 months or over t o dolson bull under 18 months t o dolson j d gale e c cation cow any age j d gale t o dol son twoyearold heifer t o dolson j d gale oneyearold heifer t o dolson j d gale e c cation heifer calf j d gale o dolson e c cation holstein herd j d gale t dolson best male animal in class t dolson best female animal in class j d gale j pure bred jerseys bull 18 months or over a j murray l g ella sons bull under is months w j alex ander l g ella sons cow any age w j alexander l g ella fc sons a j murray twoyearold heifer l g ella sons ia j murray w j alexander orleyearold heifer l g ella sons w j alexander a j murray heifer calf l g ella sons w j alexander a j murray jersey herd l g ella sons a j murray w jalexander best male animal in class -r- a j murray best female animal in class l g ella sons cattle specials best group of three dairy cows t o dolson sheep leicester sheep ram tmd years and over j d nor- rish v oxford downs ram two years and over j 0 cun ningham e barber sons shearling ram j c cunningham e barber sons ram lamb e barber sons j c cunningham ewe two years and over j c cun ningham e barber sons shearling ewe j c cunningham e barber sons ewe lamb e barber sons j c cunningham best ram in class j c cunning ham best ewe in class e barber sons downs any other breed ram two yars and over p c wil- mott r a mcenery shearling ram j s wilson ram lamb p c wllrnott j bow man ewe two years and over j bowman j s wilson shearling ewe j s wilson f c wllrnott ewe lamb r a mcenery f c wilmott flock of fine wool sheep f c wll rnott j bowman best ram in class j s wilson best ewe in class js wilson sheep specials best flock of sheep f c wtlmott j bowman best pairmarketable wether lambs r a mcenery j f robertson hogs v bacon hogs boar born previous to september 1st 1933 j k featherstone a j mur ray j f robertson boar born between september 1933 and march 1st- 1934 j f robertson j k featherstone boar born after march 1st 1934 j k feaitherstone j f robertson a j murray champion boar j f robertson sow born previous to september 1st 1933 j k featherstone j f robert son aj murray sow born between september 1st 1933 and march 1st 1934 j f robertson j k featherstone a j murray sow born after march 1st 1934 j k featherstone a j murray t j brownridge champion sow j k featherstone pen bacon hogs a j murray j f robertson t j brownridge champion bacon hog a j murray poultry rhode island red cock w j alex ander w h allan rhode island red hen w j alex ander w h mclaren rhode island red cockerel w j gouldlng w h allan rhode island red pullet w j alex ander w j goulding s c white leghorn cock w j alexander w h allan s c white leghorn hen w j alex ander w h allan s c white leghorn cockerel w j alexander w j goulding s c white leghorn pullet w j alexander w j goulding whitrf wyandotte cock w j gould ing w h mclaren white wyandotte heri w j gould ing 2nd white wyandotte cockerel w j goulding fred conn white wyandotte pulletw j gould ing fred conn barred plymouth rock cock w j goulding w j alexander barred plymouth rock hen w j goulding w j alexander barred plymouth rock cockerel w j goulding w j alexander barred plymouth rock pullet w j goulding w j alexander hj white rock cock w j goulding w h mclaren i white rock hen w j goulding w h mclaren white rock cockerel w j gould ing w h mclaren white rock pullet w h mclaren mann bros pen barred rocks bredtolay trg altken w j goulding bantam cock fred conn w j goulding bantam hen geo somcrville mann bros i j bantam cockerel fred conn arthur nightingale bantam pullet mann bros fred conn pen white wyandottesw h mc laren fred conn pen 3 c white leghorns duval paplllonw j gouldlng rouen ducks old male w j gould lng w h allan rouen ducks old female w h allan w j gouldlng rouen ducks young male w h allan w h mclaren roun ducks young female w h mclaren w h allan j pekln ducks old male w h mc laren ipekln ducks old femalerw h mc laren pekln ducks young male w h mc laren w h allan pekln ducks yous female w h mclaren geese mali a g clarrldge w j alexander geese female a g clarrldge w h allan turkey mate w h allan turkey females w h allan poultry specials best of 12 bredtolay pullets duval paplllon six brayhatched pullets w swack- hamer pair spring roosters w h mclaren pet stock pair of pigeons murray bauer eddie nealy pair of rabbits eddie nealy w j goulding pet animal joe massey francis paplllon matched pair of kittens lome mosaics leroy macarthur jersey calf club calf class harry murray howard graff newton ruddell john ruddell john mclean fred ruddell yearling class howard graff em- mett mcglbbon harry murray wm harold barber john ruddell newton ruddell fred ruddell garden and canning club marguerite shontill sigma webster marie blackall kathleen hyatt do not beoveblooked a business man gives thus advice to salesmen dont let them lose you it is just as good advice for a lot of young people who feel you are overlooked and slighted and are rather unhappy in consequence some of you are students and are envious of those 6f your class mates who seem so popular or those who always take the lead in any matter in which the class is interested you are to blame however if you are over looked do not allow anybody to look past you as though you were not there a young woman a member of a city church comdlained bitterly that she was a cipher in the shurch how long have you been a member there asked a sympathetic friend between two and three years goodness hasnt it had any new members in that time of course exclaimed the young woman taken off her guard a hun dred or more have joined since i did old stamps valuable old documents sometimes worth smfdl fortune to owners if you are planning to do a thorough hem ccleanlng and throw out the old pipcrs which seem to collect in the attic it mijht be well worth your while to go ovcrlricrn carefully before giving them to the ragman they might conceal a small fortune in the past four or five years several toronto people have cashed in by doing the same thing they found am6ng paper rare old stamps two stamps at least were worth 3000 each prank aretz stamp expert said at a meeting of the canadian philatelic society if old stamps are found the lucky anders are advised to leave them tuck to the envelope as they are worth more than if they are loose according to mr aretz any stamp posted before 1880 might net a substantial windfall if it is in good condition he said stamps bearing postmarks ter than 1880 usually are not worth very much just a few years ago a torontonian found a canada sixpenny stamp of hoary vintage which he sold to a collector for 3000 but old stamps are getting harder to find barbers ancient draft salt mushrooms at alexandria in egypt they have just started a new way of obtaining salt from the sea it is being grown on stalks the water is admitted from the sea into a large level tract near the coast in which sticks have been placed upright at intervals the inlet from the sea is then closed and the water is left to evaporate under the influence of the powerful mediterranean sun crystals of salt form round the sticks and when at last the water has oil gome a more or less mushroomshaped pillar of salt stands where each stick was planted in this form the salt is more easily handled than- when it was allowed to evaporate in large masses where rudeness is polite at one tune were incorporated with the surgeons barbering is the oldest of the profes sions and the youngest of the arts it has seen many vicissitudes it was indirectly controlled by church and state long before it fell into the hands of the more whimsi cal decree of fashion or conflicted in any way with the laws of sanitation says cal vin j ryan in the modern thinker it was an ancient craft before union shops were thought of and in some orien tal countries the barber still plies his ttede by the roadside or wherever it is conviw ient for his patrons to sit barbers were our first surgeons first dentists and the first to make a practical application of the science of oralogy combined with these dudes the barber was also a specialist in phlebotomy the operation of bloodletting and when under henry viii the company of bar bers was incorporated with the company of surgeons the barbers were still per mitted to draw teeth and to let blood while the surgeons were forbidden to do any barbery back irom a land where you greet a a friend by grasping your right ear with your right hand and put out your tongue at him rene chow flttlay young chinese traveller is telling the good folk of rangoon india oddities of his wan derings in tibet the smart beauty there he says is a mixture of honey and flour you can tell a rich man from a poor man by the sleeves of his sheepskin coat the rich mans favorite dish is fat pork and when he has finished with it he wipes his mouth on his sleeve the poor mans sleeves are clean because he cannot afford the expensive dish the poor put chestnut oil in their tea and the rich use butter machinery repairs we are propared to repolnt and grind 100 plow shares at 40c each act now work may- be left at our resid ence in rockwood or at the shop in eden mills a beard son eden mills phone shop eockwood 30r21 house rockwood 58w w margaret ley phone 156 acton hooked trout survive- the little fellows you put back quicjdy usually will live small trout which have been injured about the gills by the anglers hook will soon recover in many cases at least if they are promptly freed and put back into the water j that statement may be contrary to a belief which is perhaps quite widely hid but tests made by a canadian investigator as the older ones are i have indicated that it is true the invesd- tfaen thats your fault said the flatlon was carried out under the biologl- b announcing- the opening of a new dairy for acton niexloerdalejiijryl is now conducting a retail business for jersey milk and cream daily delivery in acton herd government tested for tuberculosis all jersey herd a j murray son phone 96rl2 acton friend it was your busines as an older member to meet them greet them and leave on their minds a definite im pression of your personality cal board of canada which is the federal fisheries research body and operates under the control of the minister of fisheries a number of trout with hook injuries in their gills several gill arches were under you may be undersized when you observation in the tests being placed in a would like to be six feet you may be tough where they could easily be watch- plain when you would like to be beauti- e thcir 1 them sluggish but after twentyfour hours most of them seem- fuli you may be slow in your studies j ed quite norma again qnly a small per- when you long to be brilliant but none j centage less than ten per cent failed to of these factors excuse you from being j survive insignificant do not let people ignore you do not let them lose you insist on having a personality that others must recognize and remember the difficuulty solved seek canadian husbands shipowner we must have govern ment aid the people must be made to realize the expenses of operating ships why barnacles alone cost our ships 100000000 a year effciency expertwell why dont you cut down that figure use a cheap er grade of barnacles or get along with fewer of them oh my poor feet not if you use cress corn salve sold by a t brown wt fttersoo0 ta1t optical co leading optometrists of ouelpb 110 wyndbam st phone 2198 quality accuracy service bulbs direct from holland bulbs for autumn planting for winter blooming in the house or for early spring flower ing in the garden these bulbs must be planted this autumn you cannot obtain them in the spring bvx them now at wood hall musselle phone 31rs acton when dizzy spells make you feel unsafe just try parkea liver tone it stimulates a lazy liver to healthy normal action and soon restores you to your usual nor- nralheajth it la a harmless corrective for constipation biliousness head aches and dlislness 50c 1 a t brown druggist plenty of english girls fooled by practical joker if anybody wants to marry an english girl all hes got to do is write the lord mayor of london about it plenty of eng lish girls are looking for canadian hus bands r b bastain manawagonlsh road fairville new brunswick can attest to that it so happens that mr bastain didnt write to the lord mayor of londonbut- somebody else did taking the liberty of signing mr bastains name to the letter unknown of course to mr bastain from the lord mayors office the letter was handed to reporters and several eng lish papers fiame out with a piece about the canadian who was looking for an english bride who had from 20000 to 30000 to invest in a chicken farm in which the communication stated the prospective groom was an expert the first mail to canada thereafter brought mr bastain a batch of answers pictures and so on from english girls desirous of becoming canadian brides and other proposals condnued to arrive by subsequent mails mr bastain figures that a friend must have made him the butt of a practical joke ice from tropica seas french engineer working on idea that seems paradoxical a project to make tropical seas produce cheap ice is under study by the french academy of sciences its author is georges claude engineer noted for his attempts to utilize differences in water temperatures between the oceans surface and depths to produce electrical energy for industrial purposes by means of an immense pipe sunk into the caribbean sea off cuba he sought several years ago to harness the force caused by the contact of warm and cold currents on the theory that it could be transmitted to a shore factory for distri bution the pipe buckled under pressure and further experiments were halted by the economic crisis m claude now proposes to fit up a 10000ton ship as a seagoing ice plant utilizing the same principles of french origin the air of god save the king which is the same as my country tis of thee i and hcil der im siegerkranz was com posed by lulli a mu ician of the court of louis xiv of france although handel presented it to george i of england as his i own composition the historians of rhuslofl in france all agree that lulli composed that music his trinational masterpieces on the occasion of the recovery from sick ness of louis xiv it was rst sung by the pupils of the school af st cyr who were all of ncble birth under the patron age of mme de maintcnon to honor the monarch on his first public appearance after his convalescence from the new york tlmei h alton county s exhibition sept 28 milton 29 trials of speed 217 purse 225 purse steeplechase purse 15000 15000 2500 midway baby show potato race special calf club prizes many special prizes in all classes of live stock firstclass amplifying system new special attractions adults 35c e syer president children 15c a l macnabb secretary meat specials ajt patterson 20c 22c pork cuts fresh hams whole i q oa or half per lb lif c uc shoulder roasts 1 a 9 a trimmed per lb afc iuc ioin roasts per lb hresh side pork na per lb 6vc smoked meats smoked cottage rolls oaj per lb fc pickled cottage rolls per lb 20c i side bacon by the piece per lb beef cuts porterhouse roasts q per lb 1 c sirloin roasts a per lb 19c wing roas11s per lb ioc choice rib roasts pe lb shoulder roasts per lb rib boil per lb 13c 32c 20c 20c 17c 15c 14c 10c habit is the keynote of health frank hobbs extra special p homemade sausage ytbs for 21 falcon brand catsup 4 oz bottles for 2 butter lbs for 25c 22c 46c pattersons meat shop phone 178 we deliver promptly notice to patrons of acton beauty parlor this shop will remain closed on the two days following thanks giving day october 9th and 10th open thursday friday and saturday malte appointments early for the thanksgiving holiday m