Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1937, p. 8

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mm the acton free press s m c aaa 10monow sahoola rpan n wadnmdaj jlua tut vaac olth iw wmmtr butr socjurt8 v ta imi thintkurswiu auray a faw dayof mliy with euvt da appiwlatad mr meat olka just bow t hon dunsan muiahall haa- again baanahoaan u tha literal wadkkta in mai county vrldaya tlmwul alorms ware the tbmt aaare that tun basn aiparlanoed in tha distarlst ihli w rhrihtnthr quite the tanaral thlar in tha fuming dutrlot now and aoma ablandld ytalda an reported brery indication polnta to acton iwr lull mar presenting tha heat program in it man of auceaaiful operation not only jnjaoton but throughout the dlatrlot tha action ooodwul olub la ereatlnt great daal of lntanat eaaaa of infantile paralysis have been reported in ontario with almost half of them in tha toronto ana tha wat waathar la giving some dlf- floulty in harvesting tha tximpar oropa hat have been produeedln thli district hie employeee of the fltony olove 00 hold an anjoyabls oorn rout and dense at the legion hall on friday even- to- than ta stall considerable train out in the fields but the fine weather of this- weak haa helped inunenuly in the har- vaat robert marks founder of the famoua ifarka broa tosatrleal oompany died on saturday in perth at the age of 84 yean tfalton baaeball haa been at a atahd- atlll on the diamond while milton and burlington aeuled difference via the committee room toev mr kanlwood of humbercreet united church waa tho ofllolatlng mlnls- tarat thefuneral here lost week of mra chaa s aklne and not rev mr dun can aa etated during- tho vacation or mr cuntoron lsliihman caretaker at the aovemment buudlng here air qeorge 71olds is carrying on the duties attendant to care of the building the appeal of martial music march ing men in brilliant uniforms and the great batterlee of powerful floodlights at the canadian national exhibition never wanes the inspiring military tattoo will be once only and that on the night of warriors day saturday august 38th atone commander j m mcdonald zone secretory w j oould branch secretary r l wright treasurer dr p w paaren and dr a t buchanan left tor tlmmlna on saturday morning to attend the convention of the provincial command of the canadian legion be 8l being held there this week e onward the pageant at the uuubmb national sthlbltlon this year will savor largely of coronation actlrluee txitas usual the glittering extravaganaa for which these productions aire famoua will be deftly woven inti the theme incidents portraying the coronatlonofneenvlct of revered memory and of the other monarch through the years to his majesty king george vi will be included hw john h cabby professor of jouraalejm oklahoma tjnl- verbty who waa one e the oueat apeakere at tha cwjja convention at halifax n ac tut wrong end in a oertain school it lathe oustiom whan a new boy arrtveetor the- master co ask hla name before the whole class so that this may serve aa an introduction to the rest of the scholars one day a new boy came to the school and aa uaualrhewaa asked his name john brown he replied 6lr sold t master severely john brown again replied the boy put a sir to your answer then roared the master air john brown came from the boy ithe rejlyaet the whole olow into laughteri hut aa it was so naturally and innocently said the maater forgave him and joined in the laughter and the pupil is now nicknamed sir john chronicles of ginger farm i wtas highest awabs what la the difference between a bottle of nreuolne and a rug a rug is taken up and shaken a bottle of medicine itshaken up luidl hi taken milton at the regular meeting of the towna counoll on tuesday evening miltons utx rate for 1037 waa struck at 309 mllla lost years rate was 43 mills rev ross cameron mrs cameron and eon donald of itoronlo called on friends in town on sunday mr and mra j 11 mills and chudren of strauofcd are spending their vacation at hla home here qeorge e kuiolt is acting crown av- torney during theabsencqt crown at torney w i dick icc who with mrs mot la holidaying in the hailburtou district mr and mra r s naming and chil- dnn of vtoretr are apendlng thelrvaca- tlon at the home- of her mother mra r m brown postmaster and mrs russell m ctementa and daughter miss eleanor are spe their vacation at honey- harbor on oeoriian bay was ruth macnabb who underwent an oparatlon for appendicitis in ouelph oenerol hospital on wednesday of last weak la we are pleased to say doing nteeiy mar many frtenda hope she wm isave a speedy rec champion royal guelph now piavinq wiltlam powell louise rainer the emperors candlesticks saturday aud 19 three doye jack benny dick arlen oah patrick artists and models revival monday at 1100 pjn dark angel aferle oberon pted march wednesday sept let 3 days robt montgomery marion davies in- ever since eve owsfmooum raiib la mf afe where did i leave off last week oh yavi remember we had just threshed and then tha machine mowddown iu road and two of our nelghbora managed tb get thfeshed too before the weather changed and when it did change what a storm we had it waa about noon on thursday when the storm broke in this district just aa thj men warecoming to dinner and then from noon until half post six there waa just one atom after another neither partner nor the ohlldren mind thunder- storms very much but they make me feel just dreadful there were times lost thursday when i felt as if i could hardly breathe not only during the storm but before it brokt i remember my mother used to say the same thing it isnt that i am frightened its just a queer feeling that i cannot possibly explain maybe some of you will know- what i mean the torrent r havo of course put a holt to oil harvesting activities our oats are still standing in the 9toik and a field of luoerno is hist about half outv but oh how thankful we are our barley is threshed and the wheat aafely stowed away in the barn but while re jololng on pur own aooount we are ao sorry that other farmera not bean equally fortunate particularly in our own dlstrlot not so long ago everyone was talking about the wonderful orops this yea good- will double vote specials for the balance of august a bare buy double votes canadian dry gale plur bottle deposit patersons cream filled fresh cookies double votes e devon brand quality peas dojjhjc votes j ecc peaches pears pineapple double votes i tin of each 345c woodburys facial soap double votes 325c old dutch cleanser 3 28c double votes ralcon brand jellv powders double votes barks quantity of gruin that u iproutlntr in the i took we heard of one man with twen tyfive acre of wheat atlll out and the aheavai aprouttod and grown together it hearthroaklnff thafa what it la one thine that worrlea ua u that aohooi will be atartlnff before we are through harveat and dear knows where we ahall find a man willing and able to help with the reat of the harveat in the meantime partner la touay ploughing and i have been permeatlnff the house with plekllns odora oeta chill aauce and muatard pickle with another batch or the latter atlll to do and how triad i ahall be to net it donethe amell of pickle rooklnff juat about turna me nick but one nood thins i have to thank a neighbor for ahcaftld if you pro your onions outnldc you will never weep so x did and i didnt i mean 1 did peel the onionn ouuude and i didnt weep another of my vctlwtlcs haa been to paper ihe spare room the paper came from england and had been lh the house about ten yearn the design wris rathir uncommon nmnjl flowers xmplelcly onvertng the background therf s no border to go with it no dakrhtrt ua j cut htrpn from a roll of papv with h nondrncrtpt mottlidmnrbl paturn thun with n dark blue crayon wc edged the strips with a quaruirlnch border on cither side ancl hey presto there wb our border and the effpct on the wall ta rather pleasing if you dont look too closely and find tho places where our marking was somewhat uneven and what else have we done oh yvs we went to see romeo ua juliet and enjoyed it as i read in one critic ism even fihakeapeare himself would have thought it good another night i went tb hear dick the amateur gardener his talk wa- interesting am using and instructive ap parently garden lore is not the mosrf popular topic for a ircture there wrrr very few people there anyway we did not have the lantern slides because tnere was no electricity available the chargr was twenty cents and i am quite surr those who went took home far more than twenty cento worth of information dink xeapondod willingly to all querlm the highest canadian prlae awarded by the dominion of canada rifle aaao- etatlon the oovernorchmerala oold afedal waa won by serffmuitmajor nor man kceleod above of toronto this award u comparable to the king prlae awarded at the buley meet in jcnvland each year moleod competed with over 900 markamen from all over canada the meet waa held in ottawa what vegetable la anything but agree able on board ship a leek leak thb puzziie tpotem x uw my flnt in the bread that i aley my aeeond wu mlxad up with tha plate uy third wat in the autar and aalt tty fourth i found in tha moat i bought uy fifth waa nart of tho rout of beef and my aixth in my jaw but not in my tmth m wwnlh w pwiewm that amall meal my eighth in the table made of deal my whole you will find byuilnt your reaaon we are learinfthe end- of its preaent usb coupon 8olnuon kame uravk vk1xowh brlna me a plate of haah aald uie diner the waiter walked over ur the kitchen elevator 3eht wartts to take a chance he called down the apcajtlng tube ill have aomr hash too aald another customer the waller ptdced up the tube again another aport heclled out w1iat ih aoriculturkt some members of a fanning commun ity were listening to a political aneaker what la agriculture he exclaimed what la agriculture that it should be be ignored thath should be scorned i he paused dramatically again i repeat what is agriculture well called out a voice from the rear of the room i always thought h waa just farmln dressed up a little trmttriirf iwpiwtyfo bring your children in pott an eyesi0ht tbst before school starts w wiu aa ii b aw waeeefl omsnuauati iw speul low phe for cwwrwi i e p head uaiitcrtn ofomsth 58 st qeohges squatb gublpu ontario chool rj supplies hpeelal valum for hehoal opening new headers for jr and sr fourth specials in scrihhlera loose leaf bo uchiib pey ink kulers rraeers seta etc mathematical shirt walata pnnta and cap of all kinds for the achaol hay hintons 5c to 1 store fob mkd values huy early and it was interesting to note he had an answer ready for every question j one thing i did not get to this month was our institute meeting nor lam month either for that matter th meetings of course were held in the i rternoon it wasnt exactly that l hadnt the time but the men were busy at the barn or expected to bc and dur- ing harvest there are so many things that can happen ismail ur big breaks trial hold up the work from ttmr totime i if i am at home i can always run into i u f ih u pnttswtmthe tblhoer op- whuuver it may be is bring i got ready for repair work thtoiinaln i am always afraid of accident it hni i while i am away from u and nu cnt- j twndy to attend to the injured ol course it is always when i am ftuy lor plrasurr that i think of thee tnns which all lead up u this query vnat do you institute ladies think of summer meetings dont you think it wuuvi be a grand idea if daring jujyarid autist the indtllute as a whole were glf en a holiday there is alwajs a inali at- tendance during luaamer montlu the ones who go often do ao more from duty i than anything else there is wry hue i pleasure sitting in a crowded room with i the temperature somewhere around 80 6r0 degrres individual brannhci can- not do much about iv because unless the w ijksa whole decides agalnt july and augusi metnc3 there is bound to be busiues from heauquarutj that has to be attended to what do you say w t menbrrs if i you agree how about a reaulutlun nt j j in u the proper authuritua whin has a boy four bandar s when he doubtea hla data honourable earl ro we states his partys stand on labor the national poljcy of the liberolconecrvative forty provincial and dominion for many years has been to create industry for the purpose of providing work and wages for labor and a profitable home market for the farmer the juinhcrniun arid other primary producers the partys sympathetic attitude toward labor is evi denced by the social leginlation on our statute books the liberalconservative parly believes that labor should receive a fair share of the fruits of industry and is entitled to organize in order to improve the lot of the worker as regards wajges hours security in old ugc and all other condition of industrial life the i jberolcoiihervutive parly reaffirms its traditional policy of in sisting upon the maintenance of law and order in all industrial dittpulch und pledges itself firmly and scrupulously to uphold the lawn of canada the lilmralconwrvative party in ontario ntandn for ttie following 1 the right of employees to iwguin collectively through llieir own renrrftrni stives rhorn wjihrjiji dictation coercion or intimidation 2 it is ami haa for many tfecaiies hern u fuel thai hoih capital ami labor are international in their organization tnccanlmgl the right of the worker to lieloiig to the irnhmtjl ins cliooiing canadian or international craft nc4mjjiaetairiiifuliy eiftahlihrij provided always that the unions must ohnerve anil thai capital must ohterve in- all their actions the lawn of canada 3 the jjbcralconaervative party is unalterably op poaed to the introduction into ontario of sitdown strikes sabotage ir other violations of our law and for the purpose of clarity hereby place itself on record aa being opposed to such illegalities whether lliev are intrcmluced into ontario by lalmir unions allilialed with the c io the a f of l or any other organization capital or labor 4 that representatives from other countries ixiib of capital and lalor shall le subject fin the name prjn chiles aa other eople lo our immigration lawn ami that iliey shall when admitted to this country strictly ohnerve the laws of the land 5 the primary function of the stale in all industrial dispute ia first to take no sides and to maintain law and order without the display of uihm ceary r provocative force and skconl to enact and impar tially administer adequate legislation for the conciliation of industrial dispute iti the right to work in canada is not drpeudent upon mcmlntship in any organicattott 7 thai no strike shall lake place until all reasonable methods of concilia iron are eihaunied and the worker should have the right of secret ballot free from imrojier influence or coercion in all derisions relatih to the dispute 8 tlie liberalconservative iarty will continue m lle future as in the past lo defend the principle of freedom of association within the law the party reaflirms its belief thai tlie essence of democracy ia trust in lite people and lo rely on freedom xapl not in dictatorship that public opinion ma ke led iiut not driven and that the greatest safeguard of orderly progress and reform ia the aound common tense of all clasne lle canadian people i have stated frankly and fearietudy nty partys policy toward labor and law enforce ment i stand now as always for law und order for all under allctrjpurnstancrs this policy is the democratic british method and i shall apply these principles in the administration of our provincial affairs leader of the liberalconservative party in ontario fltawfcjijisagggttgto mkw9

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