Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1937, p. 2

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ru j i jgvjr- riyyi vv a v i ir utlj artott xvtt rtaa milukvl iwr m aeua oataris la snh hewitt 3 adviatjslko at- susatlaai in vrlaui coluam aaadlnia a raqutitaaja rrdulv sail t to dtflltr d llk tk rtj pfii lu luhlllly lull ml memd ch vsl3 h7vl till il iwwiimmbi at j2hj hi aol mr hurl to th wholt pc kcam hj uch tdvtrtutmnit telknionks- ultorui buiiumi ob rtildmc g arlof dills hilar morja sx ttebeii halloween fun halloween comes this year on sunday but of course it will be observed on saturday and who would want to deprive the young folks of this even ing of pleasure it can be an evening of pleasure for all not so many years ago it was considered quitethe thing to commit acts of vandalism that the daylight hours would not permit nor the law coun tenance at any other time but folks have in a lot of instances found that pleasure can be had without displeasure to others if the weajther is suitable the band might add to the fun by parading on mill street that night wc liked the arrangement that was carried on for several years in the arena where all could join in the hal loween games in a community way it takes effort ind is perhaps a lot of trouble buit did serfm worth ihile have a good time on halloween but be sure that your good time does not spoil the comfort and pleasure of others in brief review in discussing business conditions of ontario the monthly business summary of the bank of montreal says retail trade after some recession is showing signs of improvement and in wholesale trade it is estimated there is a 10 increase over a year ago collections are fair to good manufacturing lum bering mining and agriculture are in a healthy con- difinn anrphile manufacturers expect to be in full production by the end of this month accessory manufacturers are well engaged heavy and light a flamum fflimiplmg with mualoipti nominations just month away that topic will to of next concern th work ol actoncounelithrtpteryaf can roe review twill a rent deal of utlafatlon improvement have been carried on and arown evidence in many places about town evidence la not lacking that the council hat been about ita business of looking after the malnten- anceof the municipality in the matter of collection of taxes also a arm hand has been taken and the finances will be revealed in the interim report to bo in good condition the continued illness of councillor mcmillan has placed an addod load on the other members of the council and hi thorough work through sovoral years has been appreciated by citizens generally who all sin cerely hope he may soon be restored to good health in view of all tho circumstances reeve mccut- cheon and his council of 1037 have a splendid year to review no one knows what may take place be- tweenjtpw and tho election day but whatever matters may intervene it would be well for citliens to keep in mind the stewardship that has boon giventtho past year 1 careless cyfjisu if cyclists would ponder for a moment the chances they are taking pji the highways there would be more care shown in the conduct of many of them in the hrst six months of this year twenty cyclists have been killed in ontario and hundreds have been in jured in one of every ten accidents an tho highways a cyclist was involved under modern traffic conditions and especially at this time of year there is a great hazard for children riding bicycles on busy highways pave ments ore slippery and darkness comes early only last week wc saw one lad go along mill street nnd get by with two narrow escapes in three blocks careful motorists saved him from accidents a slip of the wheel and another accident would have been recorded cylists sometimes travel along with the traffic two and three abreast with motor cars permitted a flftymileanhour rate it is often too late for the man at the wheel to stop or swing over in time bicycle reflectors cannot be seen at any great distance worst of all many of the cyclists display a hit-me-if-you- dare attitude which is often provoking to car driv ers it would be advisable for bicyclists to stay off main roads and heavily travelled streets after night fall they not only endanger themselves but ail other traffic by their presence they arc really in a very little better position than a pedestrian walking among rapidly moving vehicles kuitokjal notes the consumption of butter in canada during 1936 was 346553280 pounds or about 3l pounds per capita canadas exports of nickel had a value of 5914- 000 in august compared with 3089000 in the same month a year ago preparations and rumors of the next sport activity are quite current now hockey is just in the gossip stage but even that can be pretty lively engineering plants are operating at capactty agfp cultural implement manufacturers are seasonally quiet lumber camps are being opened with pros pects for a large cut of logs pulp and paper mills are operating at capacity a curtailment of opera tions is visible in the tanning industry shoe manu facturer are well occupied on staple lines produc tion of tires and rubber footwear is being well main tained textiles woollens and worsteds knitting and hosiery mills are generally operating full time fur niture manufacturers have the largest backlog of orders for some years gold production for august mounted to 7400247 compared with 6753125 for august 1936 ancxchangc reports that a man in its town paitt 70c for a small ad that sold 190 bags of potatoes at 85c each or total sales of 16150 axan advettisingia u iheaiicuinomxijteiliu iv thca litha a a u- pall i ktjja anwirlrbllv mnwnm a k- n thtf aoton prbb prbw awai wmmnmkitbcaooh lh80n tom iumbay octobu lit 1 tiob moral ib0otb in tub drink pnonvru intarnatlotuu temperance smutty golden tt- walk toy tlw spirit and ye hall not fulnl the just of lhs flash oal 6 18 lnuni 1t horn 1 ta14 i oor 8 01 1 aal 5 lfl24 time ao 55ab plaotw- owuitli and rpbeit bxitohlllnn if tho otmllmiofi 13 13- m the comliiu of our liinv tutor at hiuid u onr of tlie mluhtliwt tnotlvmfitr tfuo tamperaiuw practlnw ltike 31 34- 30 as uie nttfiit u no far pmit it u time to put off all the work of dark- nsm all pnuitlcra uutt have their orloln in this prewinl world tliat arl from moral and spiritual dartcnew and lead lb eternal dfwtructtnn theae are too numerous to apeclfy in their entirety hut a chief among them we my ufely put uie liquor traffic and 1u aooompanylna evlli ho who la looking forward ur the coming of christ and ills kingdom on earth will make no proulslon compro mise for the flesh these things liave no plare in clods xtnffdom l cor fl 10 rav 31 8 33 16 and in the true christian character will conform to pro fession god has given tut a plan of life and a wny of salvation which insure freedom from bondage to these sins u put n tlw urd jesus hut it is not enough casting on these works of darktima personally to walt passively for the coming of christ there is a battle to be fought against the malignant forces dominant in che world today so long as there la one soul to be saved for dod constant unremitting warfare is to be waged against the evils which are sopping and disintegrating the moral foundations of our civilization satan has no more effective weapon against holiness than drunkenness and the licen tiousness which almost universally ac companies it rarely are they separated strong drink is the greatest destroyer of toodleto minds and souls that the devil has ever found it stirs up all that is basest in men and women and this im purity spreads like a contagious pestil ence contaminating everything it touches no compromise is to be mde with this devils work in lighting liquor and its allied brood of iniquities a corrupting salacious theatre and motion picture in dustry a bribed and subservient press uie obscene literature that floods the land political corruption perverted jus tice a desecrated lords day we ore fighting against principalities powers rulers of darkness in this world spiritual wickedness in high plaes eph 6 12 against all the sinister forces and thetr instruments that threaten to drag our nation down to hell the issue is square ly joined who ib on the lords side ex 3 26 it the wages of sin 1 cor 6 li there were those in corinth who like the materialists today asserted that since the body was adapted for sensual gratification it was right and even necessary to indulge its appetites some of the psychoanalytic thought in vogue among us skirts dangerously close to this idea and through its perverted teaching has done incalculable harm paul stern ly repudiates this horrible idea and an nihilates it forever gods word is plain those who give thrmselvos ovwto these sins ore shut out of heaven forever to be carnally minded is death romans tiftd flf htit fhh flhh l tv4af lis tum ts rtm of il inn iii tad mmi ajttyt 1h sbu twhmwm ajajnift tha law of jowl oomtfusm mtil has 1u diwun mi men till mate idols of uwmsawas for on h is hit business lus profltk for anouiar hit politic for ominllsss llvnuanns it ti th fad of pleasure and sensual indut- genos all these are classsd together with murder and ssdluun crimes fiiv uhalile by death and indewl thenar ihinlslind with deatli- eternal death lutmaiui a 33 ihiu again reltvratea out warning truth mist all tliey whlnh do mtoh things shall imt inlnrtt the king dom of clod only as we yield miraelves u che pnmtngof luo liivlne liiulwtui- nmn will llirsn hltrr ktuumous fruits of tlut ftrwh be traiwformuitilo the miouwfrulu of the spirit beginning in l i vi nndlng in uunigtraiir vs 33 33ft surh is the privilege and rewurd of tlm chrlatlan llfni arehls asked the tnachrr of the new pupil d yu know your alplisbtt vmp mlsa answered archie well then continue the teacher fwiiat letter comes after a7 all of em was the reply not nkkhhary pal aaltl u mlko lm you and 1 build a fence around tlie cemetery mike says to pat why put a fence around it those wlio re in cant get out and tlioae who are out dont want tn homk hatlhfactictn 1 alwayn no to a nstturant for my lunch now rr marked thr meek little mim auunilng an air of bravado whyjis the food so much better asked hu frlnid oh no but i can give orders lhrrc was the touching reply bio r laying mash skcial hatching ration fattening mash weanling mo ration hog grower hog finishing ration fork producer t ca5 mtal oairv rations steer fattener ask your dealer for- momdat oo una nf in o k oohbitiow itla aaay far drlw l uaaw aoa dalamln hi car or an aaamtot oant ha mutod by umh lllnuy mow fifufm of lh arauant raoardlns olfwan at tha dapartmanrtk mfctiwayi ahaw that inism out of imu eanlnfcir4 in aonhtonu wtnrln appanmur food oondltlnn and bit or 3 oara invotrad in huiiua astmwk w h o k ttwu ututln ahow clmrlr thar tha defect u uajajly curatil liy uia apiillaulon of a llttlii driving hnnhi utm oiiitb kioiit tasino i vthouout a emintryman whll wuktaa alomr atrati myi a fcn haam rfaw baa mr tha eantakarti attar ntlttflnt tar taw mlnutaa hi walkad isj and polbd tha bell tha faarot tha dlittnfced la- dividual apittartd an jwi tha w- takar aikad tlw twllpullar j what do you want aaawuiatniiua so 1 rang tha ba and now i want to know vthy you oant ring it youmelf wcm exftainrd iflajntio i ionit underfliitnd how you ran do all your wbtk an quickly andao wiu ii ill yuh how tu bom i atleka de math r enthualaam to dv tuia ob rnnnryflikl jut natchurally explodaa l tltlth l i i ask your friends you be jurpriicd at the number of people who really want you to have a telephone many of them dont even know you but theyre in terested nevertheless because of what jour tele phone means to tbtir service too few tele phones curtails service and the value of each individual instrument as well the more tele phones in service the greater the value to each user from the viewpoints of both service cost and service scope every farmer is interested in seeing that every other farmer has a telephone new low rates for farm tslophon rvic aro new in affect i cost of 70c these little ads are being more and more widely used we are pleased indeed that our suggestion thai others write on community matters has been produc tive 61 a couple of letters this week on matters of general interest the column is yours to use each week for subjects of general interest sosncthlns oujrht to be done perhaps youve heard the words in the heading before they are used often in every community and acton is no different than others they belong to the individuals who are great on reform bur short on fulfilment if that is the summing up ol the argument ita really time to put a word alter i and question mark what there isnt a doubt that in every branch of com munity activity there are needed changes its gen erally admitted none are perfect there should be something done about them and improvements made but that is the negative way of helping it requires real practical suggestions backed by real practical ordinary everyday work to bring about the changes that reformers desire ita not the indefinite some thing but the very definite what that really brings improvements about something requires no thinking or exertion but what takes power and effort t development of the high falls power site is to be proceeded with by the ontario hydroelectric com mission it is evident that ontario plans to be more independent in thomattcr of power a production of 26000 horsepower is believed guaranteed from the development if acton halton ontario or canada are to be better places snd progress have your suggestions of the definite kind give them another torn oyer in your nind and dont turn them out while they are in the haltfinished something stage but have them ceap and in the definite what stage the brampton conservator points out that in many instances liberal majorities of members elect ed were greatly reduced such as in the simcocs and muskokaoritario then of course there is peels bordering county of halton where the liberal majority was increased yes there were many im pressive changes in son according to reports of the investigation hamilton of the john t byrnes estate the refused to answerwhen counsel asked if he had moved from ontario to the united states last may one million dollars worth of securities can it be that others beside the governrnent are taking money from the grave a letter from mr j e coombs 6ttawa editor ofbtrrsoour pnbtnwrwr ihi fee paess con- eludes with the fallowing aen the support you are gvng scouting is of real importance in that ttherand i greatly apprecia the fee pmss j wum ajd movement so worthy a the r j pleased to ind its jmuence to such novements horses machinery xw as plowmen turn the rood earth paul states speculcsuly some of the prac tices which if unrepetited of and per sisted in shut men and women out or ood kingdom regardless of whatever profession pf religion in christ they may make u ains of social impurity 3 sins growlntj out of greed for money s drunkenness and its allied evils the social evil would largely disappear were drink abolished it is liquor that stirs up the uncontrolled physical passions ut men and women prostitution could not flourish without it and the huge mnvy profits derived from various forms of traffic in vice would no longer be present to tempt men tb greed the pardoning blood of christ and the power of the holy spirit can praise ood save those who have fallen victim to these abomina tions v 11 but shall m not do our part towards bringing in the kingdom of righteousness by striking at the tapruoi which nourishes them alohollc liquor in all ita forms in unspotted from evil oal 1634 paul tells us here the simple but glori ous secret of keeping ourselves undrrurj from the luau of the flesh namely walk by the spirit made in the image and lhtrness of ood tocn i m j man lost uus tint state of perfeticn and the will with which ne was endara became pervertedt ttie fleah whvaw j natural tendency is downward usutptd primacy but the spirit of ood is etc ready to take complete control of every act and word of our life and if w will yield our will to kim we shall hav the power to live dally hourly without sin victory is not aohlrved once fo- all in some hour of high spiritual saaluuon it ts rougnwkit on the battlwgrxkuvt of nfes dally expert where the flesh unwiidarad by hsjn wind rata and tuateth agawt the splrtt- mc n thejt u wprul srt of arlwiilwut tna strength of the splrtt who hmhw international plowing samunat against the flaah the power ik ours tol etimnon moid taoiptatton to naltr vu and to plowman from canada and the unitad walk unspottsd from the ts-jtu- as 1 tt plftl thin cikimatajm kxnsof the gross forms of immorality in which ost society of hit ur tapsd tt to i stat competlrsj in ail claaam u tha mt of us anooa pavrli classic which aach yaar ntor and more ptowmso in action a noxious crop not a whit different in for several i pasc modern macb- sotsaft lat a ma 2- jarr ot m onaartn eaaaphni lsaai a tb amsw atubbi cktaa anapaaop nis eaaaa mam i auikaout bumxn oonoahuu aia par- auand oaa i the past of aaasa i hfrr txrijttk w

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