thb acton rubb prbss tbwmday opbomt mhfc-mw- 8fr pvr t w nam otr- vawmtr oe it ttmn ucr t fe an ite j llnli tbe of at seat bsntt bnaban at sourjtanm uumuink ertutjarel t ow ban at x ado piliuma to vwrrtoir ocals 1 mlililinllrai of tea m fol tbmannm wnrr h np frr mtbanlt fsetaphrs new boose on tb eweinp are of oodrae ton wtt that winter may b axpestei any tune m last bride anb baa bean or the tjtcjl and qtautere for the frmp uajwa remind yon me tin fan paaas win beew a aplaniba raraja of fwr- aoaal getrtateaas graatttar calda tbe llrac of an new nr oalverts oj standard flftyroot width was put in oa the ninaul line ha this wait- a new thmyfbot steal fla pole has bean araetad at the aaldiara monmant plot by acton branch of tdm cwnartttn w iwgest al aataaa debut btnt a to tpawar aaamenea whfcsn ea- r thwsnalr- 11 par of law driver tawatwd war to rn itmh tassel on the laid an oagf feu had h ulun n a iniaaiin nf itii nfflnli if m in webway arrtrtsnt it la tnr and 1 x nnaaeaama fndowinc ac be braotnt ahfjar under tha ontario blfuwawa art for ranrliaa drrrlaf or under tn criminal code of canada for bate- intwrlrafart walla in obarf of a oar tjnlaaa a man la abakwaly drank be la not ebarced under use criminal coda thareal affler on tn nathwas- ao tar a llqbor la osnearnad la not th drunken t oa jjqjhds madfaav bta laajy a ratw tamuycai old yea mr look at your bouae a job amproashad it and unwk it looked dhptrhad and dejb b how a aelal or a was win raise your own moral and let tn bona grant aoasrd intjy the t to boa may often ahana tn antu ohmraotar of to bnlldmc a sheltered anrranna fa a oon- venlsnoe in bad weather tor th onset who la waltlnc for tha door to be open ed and it atao prevent tb nun from in ntavklltmo pat was coins to qiyi for toe arst time and went sure aa to what to aay ssovk h3tpudbs prod orlfranham ormtt fitraat aaalph had a narrow aaaapa from aarloua lnlnry at m tsoma itonday whan a tb- aanloded in hla faear tn aew waa oomplataly wnoksd but orlffanham aasaned with only few minor facial burnt aa ha waa hurled attain tha wall of tha room it la believed that children in the bom bad opened one of the oaa lata before their father ettwnped to ucht tha atov of blm it happened to be a young uutg and whan aba atapped up to the wicket aba said to the hoist agent maryhin tole pat waa next tn line and be about out to tb ticket event patrick murphy married l driver not the drmknsi driver th man when buytna hi ticket so he thought who ha hd a tfaaa or two and faala be would llatan to what the parson said exhilarated r mu h la chanmdwjth raoklaa drlvlnc and the vast majority of aastdant nroeeontjons are tor raeklaa drtrlim mattbar the ohaqe nor tb verdtet mate any men- dan of llqnar tboacji the evidence often doe tn m aaaet of fatal aoeldenta re- oantly examined the evlnanoe ahowed the unaauoa of uauor in 7 par cent mora eaaa tnan the official record would indlest dr jiuea of tela atateajhat 38 to 40 per cant of tha m aba- panded or revoked are tor intoxication and 7 to ib per oenl of lalal icevubb are attclbutauebdrlnk tha value of tb department flsurea aa an index to the real facta tn th case may be indeed from tha statement of uadatrata uecayv of hamilton per cent of the reckless drlvlnc eases timt come before ma abow evidence of drinking not one of thee would be trirtr in the 11 per cant the 11 par cantw of oourse takes no coxnlaance of the drunken pedestrian and unfartxmataly ha la not a nwrtwrlhle moneycollected this u tha uqtt op06rttiik tfma to and in tour llat of ac- oounta a aw wvaks later may bo too lata iv for ranittb ratnaoibw our motto no oouaotton no ohaivfl for our aacvieas kelly a aiken thb wxtumt collbct6ks oflamobvlllk oktario tat im nittommn tua clarta who oorapile the an taut imiimmlaefji ltmn ara tn no mut to lilanw fov lta teanjty but tbe dapart- want and tha o are modern clenoa naa provldad a method that m- veala very exactly tha effect of uounr in highway aoeldenti it la the blood taat a lmpla harm ear and aoccnile jmtnod already to uaa in m ootmtrtea tim tnathtr haa batn caflad to the atteu- tlon of tha o hut ao far it haa recalled very allaht cnwejdrimtlon with out tneivenlenoe or harm to anyone thu mffthod if applied would reveal within very narrow limit the actual renilts of ttmior in hlffhway aoeldenta and to reveal the facta would he one of the itinngiat deterrenta to indulgeoce when drhlnfl will tha oowrnment have the courase to talte a aclentlflc and uptodate iimtthmt of ft thealaujjh- ter and ittf niui on our hichwaya a j irwin oeneraj secretary p tbe office of the ontario tempermnce lnleratlaa tor onto october 14th 1937 tchiivtmint in afkica the ubj set tor adult memtoer- abtp at the yjxcjl la 100 it win re quire only a few more mtnmen to reach the l5jecttve john byera father of deputy reeve john r bywrm and clerk aiarecca h byera of oakrtue died ac bflldmay on sunday hi ma mth year acton aerchante who have gpadal i aboppnlc newa of the txvrea teu of it in tbe adrertletos ffolunitim if wi would i purobaae to advantage ahop throuffh the a plan to wtablh a line of mlaalon ada atatlon from tafotntmea to lake chad the travaclnf bcoadoaatl studio advertmnf the royal winter fair at toronto rbdted acton an tuesday the pair datea this year are november 16th o 34th rv j u bfacclulvray b of aarnta will be the mtnlmftir at the nine- tyfirat anniversary se of knox wffiwbgife- wie kings utgltuhig safe- direct economical i leave acton to toronto to kitchener sestern standard time a asi ajn 3s7 pjn x 953 sun c 313 pjn xhoos pjn 911 uon 6j3 prat 1138 am a 513 pjn dllitf pjn 1311 pjn 857 pjn x 213 pjn x 706 pjn el 246 am to owkn soumd fl53 ajn a 513 pjn b 708 pjn x through to london dally except sun and hol b sun and hol only o sat only d dally except skl sun and hol ersat sun and hot only coach o0nnections at toronto for north bay ottawa montreal and intermediate prints tickets and information at harold wiles bdltor tn actom fata paata daar sir aa a mlwayiror the village of acton i oanoot understand the people of acton who are ao blind that they cannot see that they are helping to pay the taxa of other towns when they buy bread from outaldere who do not pay any taxes do aofaon the bakera of acbon are paytnc taxes to help to educate the children of acton why not natrqalae acton bak ers you cannot set better bread and pastry that what they make not a baker but aratbpaybb id a october 22th 1937 kdiwfgpfc passa dear s m response to your editorial invitation to write offerlna suasesuons or informa tion please allow me to follow up a recent experience of mine at fair time too many folk seem to think of com munity doings as too much trouble even their own children are estimated by the trouble they give their parents and nelsbbats the historical exhibit interested quite a large number who expressed them- w vwy tmwh pit nri tmijht halloween candies hailovrtevj jelly beans lb halloween gum druce tb halloween wrapped esuaaee tb ilh toy carta tilled candy each hajlowe en serviettes ptwket 15c 19c it was the finest idea and that it wa worth repcsuina st was surprising how many people said they could have shown something had they known something they hud made and used themselves or their parents or grandparenui seldom ts there heard as much praise of what mother or father used to do such as spinning or quilting and chopping or hewing to be of value eduotulonally and hb- torlcojly a specimen of work should be oemonstratcd and the story of its cus tomary use be told or explained such as carding wool and spinning or shriving or fraumg shingles and riving hoops for barrels and here is my suggestion could we have another exhibit somewhere this winter showing hobbies made by both men and women many of which are really clever work and worth seeing you can make something and m might l those showing an article would be admitted as a member and others pay their money if there is response to tills idea there might be a dote named and a place to meet arranged where unre could be deuiils agree 1 upon it is my humble opinion there ts suf ficient material in this community to start and pechup nnlsh a really tine museum before two more fairs are- piut wanted a docen charter members i am not the old man of the clock tower just one moore native r mens wear suits and overcoats made to your measure wo arw oftowng a large range of cloth- thttttvill make snappy suits tailored to ht tweeds worsteds tyjl d p serges wcrwtdv overcoats from allwool british made woollens in a wide variety of patterns and colors 2000 socks new patterns oauaoa and wool tooke shirts l always kit new u stslae ltt 200 pyjamas nice warm runneletls 165 unuekweak wq ure alluwlntf a lani raugu o underwear suiutble tor iuij tuwd combinations a fa aod up separate ourmenta 7c and ue boys wear we ore well stocked with bloom ers breeches uwg pants sweat ers ooll socas shirts caps un derwear etc in facu must uuut boys wear work socks ah wool all woihu 25c to 75c sweaters puuorara and ceat stjl- 150 to 450 overalls bclm large aaeortaaaat to 150 ladies wear we have a well assorted stook in all line of lsdsta wear cams in and sea our large assortment and black crepe paper 10c lloeveen cutout books favors cuidi 5c orange and black candles se ifc has been completed after fortytwo years wort the africa inland session in association with two other societies tn prench dquatorlal africa has tbe chief honor of the achievement missionary influence now permeates some 4000000 native peoples the society has 230 inlsatonai lahorinc on 53 stations in kenya zfshsanylt west nile uganda belglanalrarwtyv-and-in- arebch bu ysssum horn masks false faces hsto lantern etc headquarters for your uaudween needs hin tons 5c to 1 store nestjtilsii church on sunday inomqt and etentoe i afno c schools have been open- d in 100 centres and are served by customs receipts for the second i 3000 evaszellstteachers durtnc 1938 quarter of the final year at acton 30000 catechumens w under lnstruc- amo to t t l i tloh abd b00 wptt bapcised in order the jarseet quarters recetpia in the last to consolidate the churches and to plan five or six years while shmtlnc at ouelph last nlghi miss helen moonay hod the misfortune to tall and sustain a eevere cut on her rtffht lee that required several stitches to close the wound most every kind of same seems popular at the yj4ca now baoexeiie tercet shootlne taidee checkers and chess are in competition lor the shuttl board and volley ball tn securtnc mem bers attention a pen of ten rfcode island red hens owned by c j llenrtch of waterloo aon the isth oanadlan ite laytns contest producing 3085 eegs in 345 days and i compiling a jotl of 29150 points the dumlnkm department uf agrtculture an nounced this week production of 2695 eygs eslauished a csutadlan rrcvrd for development the society has sent it deputation secretary to confer with the mission siies- world dominion press kfamaulabu clock the astrurkvmic clock of strasbourg cathedral which has attracted- more than sjoooooo to the city during tu career will celebrate its 100th anniver sary next year started in ibm the tarnvmis clock tells the time of day indicates reagtous and civic feauvax the hours ax which the moon and sun rise and set ecupeea and the avecece revolution of each planet allegorical persona- figure in the action of the clock and at namvistton come to see the twelve apr lies appear and kneel at the feet of jasue christ while the cock crows three umea the present clock ts consktsred a i nisterpttce and la the third to be erected on tbe oathednu the yean and in the latter icth oencuryl oeeccmt astaorumic dock replace it re- svjluubt in uw for more than iso year royal gudphs modern thcmtn now until huday vouges of 1938 warner baxter joan wnnrtt al 11v aad bwss startink saturda for 3 days shirley temple la ihr siwlit slao el llcv carrrr heidi with jean heraholtarthur treacher cwatlliaeae skew saesraar rves 1 pm midnight show sunday at 1205 ajn kstter tsar habeweea rartjr ay s tac pa ef a raaataet rietare ii tears irene dunne cary grant m the awful truth jjmroeav burtnr tickeiajn sdsnee wis be aowttej wtihurttsjiiiu in he hnup 16 hours a day inside your shoesi fn inside faturs of your shoesjrhat make or break your foot health and comfort th inside of health spot shoe is shaped to fit every curve of your foot health spot sho control tn foot at the inner curve of the heel get the inside story of health spot shoe today b d rachlin clothing and pootwkab ontario for men women and children motoring in tub national paitsws motoring over the wellgraded stan dard highways of the national parks in i the canadian rockies affords splendid opportunities u become acquainted with nature in her most magnificent setting every effort has been made to maintain those parka in their natural betuity and in selecting the routes for the highways i the nevus ot the tourist and motorist tiiive been considered so as u eusure ewy grudleula aaiety and awvliisplruig views with the exception of osacler matlonal park on the uuuiut of the seutlrlt range in southeastern british columbia riithel oiilv bv rail all nitr- uonal parks in western canada are ac- oeasible- by motor car more than 800 uiues of motor higti- wys and mxxudax roads are in upura- irrthe naoorral parks ot which p- proxlniatvly 75 per cent are of suimlard slivwicnfr construe uon isuch year the system ot park highways is being i tended to new areas of accnlc grojuleur and with the ixmiipletlon uf tn- tlaultt- jaoixr tuichway mw uiklef coimtrucliun the world lajiknut rvaort- balill lukv lhii aiki jasper- a hi have dlrtxl coii- itwtlon b motor luhvy lihn t oom- rnuiucallon between waurloi lakt natkatiiu park in albert and clluclir nulknial iurk in miuiuiu mu proldcu b the opening ol tbe nov chief moun tain nternathaiial hlgtiway during lujti naltojtal purlu avitom of cuiimkv luikw twenty apaiu unlu m uig a lannbliuo rc of u3i aiquuix ilulla ikl lt allksllt the mkut lualh jsvtia t in ivinmion both from m rvoiioiuu and tithlv lcvioint ein- tiawm aiita ol ouuttitdlng titut n lniriiat ukh luir oven rvrriisl u xiiini4t lri iiagc the purnwe of uu- kirftikl ltuw uuaerc the cuiimiw maiitlain llu- rwni- pivmtw rtiei ui oul- toiitai uilcint rtiiil iiniui i n liic rn jim niftit ii iuukku 1 limrklliul v llatktlusl pu- lir aiv l protliuj ui be mf of tnr iliiil jlil 4lioiv in ihr tkvel inenl tl rna i tiurul trade dustr i4 uuirualtitf txuumiw tlkc elliott bros phone 38 we deliver acton ont iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiieiiiiiitihi jury claims horseman victim of slavers ii u au ui- i inrllkmk l ulllrl lntah ttw cacerrut oisp csfrlns lui uiui prrprtually in his prctue vl prrauii- sllty an lluluriuv liuu su upim utnr ss suinnirr ssrmlr on the ttokta and furrsts it wssea up and calls uut the tt that u in uiem it mases them atroaan braver and lupiitsr 8ucn nan nuues s uiile apul uf uus ald s lajhtsr brighter warmer place i other people lo live in his hearty hanl snake puis a iutll uf new tajor tn- yuur veins the ministry of such cheerful i nee alone ne rears waves bkuivi t every step j h miller i lluiught ui lutvr bren killed liu a hisse ui s etsbw stall lashed uut a nun llh iu luwt rvrcy link tabovei usxailu rkutt iiu4ruiur is said t have been slain ui a vwxttel returned by a ckahiafsist ontario ojtiaivr ury link ws found dyln in a wawmu uv h ildliuj school tatle with the stable dnv lucked it was reuisted a irs lure of the skull was similar lit shape to a revolver handle and wounds on the nsul arm mwhl havs besn csused by s pltcbjlurk aoounun to ilr rankish provincial msllculswal asuelt ala esanuned ibebodr sjter ii had been estiurned at ins request uf hruvuwul hullce 1ship xuwuble john rsuker imssll lold thsiury uf lakllm unk hums because he had been drlnkliu and that he was in sn usiy mood want to smllthen advert ite ffr