Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1937, p. 4

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bji1gabb3je8fiavh xime499b bspfigpwjrr tj paob6ta ft4rt- tr plvawtl the acton prbe press 35fc ttnmaday movntam th kit i i illlvirhmnnl neighborhood news t intentunc i cooecmlflfr othaf cwtrw and oawwunluc in wwdb many of ourltoadwi an intwwt hillsburg mr and mrs mbouuotuh and two children of oualph spar qpnday with ur and sirs wluon awrey quit a number trem uiu district at- tsndad a halloween party at th noma i of mr and mm bract uoklnnen on saturday evanlnjrjart ewyon anjoyina ihsmiafcraa immensely mr and mrs h h ohurehar and little datiihtar of oualph apant sunday at th home of the uttara parantt mr ad mrs wnrchayna- mr wn owns and am william ooorapaniad by mr and mm ohju sooth and daughters of oaladon spant saturday at the noma of mr and mra harry ohurchar oualph 1 campbellville the yountpaoplaa sooiety of st david praabylarlkn church hald their opening meeting- on monday evanliuj with a- email turnout but naverthelass the offlcere for the oomlnc aeaaon ware alscted and a abort program waa liven after which hinoh waa aarved mr crawford mahon of kitchener apent the weekend at hu home here mlia ttathlean bubbert u vtaltlm mra rnnk qulnlan in toronto for a few daya mlu wllma bell of toronto waj home for the weakend the funeral of mm peter campbell waa held from her late home on monday afternoon and waajanraly a aa aha had lived in the community all her lire the eervloe waa held at the home with interment jn evergreen cemetery milton the many friend of dr a bias who ha been practloloff in the village for 9 several year ara aorry indeed to know that he ha accepted a poil1on li umdon and on monday he left i take up hi work in that city everyone wuhe him good luck in hi new field mr p w ounaton la vlaltlng friend in nn york city for a few weeks mra ard of meneaer i vtatung at the home of mr w mopnall ballinafad mr oaorfe soper of artcn apant but saturday vlaltlng with hi brottiar mr j soper the funeral of the lata mr peter ooe waa held latt friday from hu rsaldenee lot 11 seventh una bujueslnr to rvlr- vlaw oemetery aoton mueh lympathy 1 extiended to the breaved family and friend mia mary oole is home from oualph mr jsoptvultdminid in oaorga- tawn during the week loaned to canada erin mr and mrs a k mcxtoutriul or tor onto ulud with hi brothers in the lllmav on monday mr j k hockley manager of the f t h1u store spent the weekend at his home in uarkdata xcuut mary oopeland of toronto spent tine weekend with her parents mr and mra h s oopeland mr and mra john robb have closed their summer home here and have re- turned to toronto for the inter months mrs nlool of toronto n turned p her name after spending thr aummcrwetti her sisters mrs stephens and mrs k mcdoufiall mrs f j anthoii mrs w a rsmra bottom gjjd mr j anthonj attended the fum nil of the latt charles anthony at toronto on tuesday un tit thr toronto oencrnt hospital on mhnda and at lost report ls dolus as well us could be expected ti erin couplra cllebmled tfielr mat eddlttf nnntv on h nnr -da- mr and mrs w hurd quietly celebrated at thetr honir with mat friondn caulne tluouffhout the day to pih them well mr and mrs oeorgr cook spent the day at their home receiving- friend ad vocatr ospringe mr and mrs r d burrows and family auent the weekend with mr and mrs oeorge cooper in toronto mlu e hailed ouelph a a week end visitor with her sister miss m hal- lett third line mr and ura robt mccuicheon visit ed on 8uda 1th mr aid mm j me calhun and fiunll preatm mrs mc- oauum man friends here a ill be pleas ed to know she la rapidly gaining strenjrth after her recent serious opera- uun mr and mr p urydon mr and mrs it aiinornun tatted on sunday with mr and mr dkksou at moorefield limehouse the airls ixok out club held hair regular meeting at the home ot mra a patterson aevtnth una on saturday afternoon last halloween haa again come and gone with the uaual prank and fun among the youngster the cooler weather haa made a big difference in the number if visiters in the neighborhood mr and mrs oamham and family vlilted with mr and mra fred shel- feourne on sunday master blllle campbell wsv taken to the slot children a hospital in toronto laat week to undergo an operation we understargl he 1 progressing avorably wa are aorry to report that mr c w oala ha boenoonflned to tho boue the put few weeks but hope wm that she will be up and about again rev chas jollute and family removed to olen william laat week where they have taken up residence lawaotncbal in charge of feature productions at the british broadcasting corporation head quarters for the past four years who haa bean loaned to the ca broadcast ing corporation for a period of a u months the loan waa made on an ex change basts mr ollllam arrived from london aboard the empress of britain the weeks puzzle pobm l i saw my first in a fen thumbed lift and i looked for my iwat in a welcomed uk for my third i studied the ulaa of the road and my fourth i found in the urge not the gosd y my fifth i discerned along every high way while my sixth waa in ndtdcupswhloh oame on a byway mr seventh was in the ear just behind my eighth in the dark la qultaaaay o find my ninth and the last waa in every as- aambly from john oaroat and right down through to wembly my whola will be heard tomorrow at night all over old england oood boy you are note tomorrow la ouy fawfces day mow solve the punle tjsb coupon rockwood the presbyterian women s missionary society held their october thank-ofter- lns meeting in the sunday school room of the church a 1th a good attendance the president mrs m t smith had charge of the meeting the bible les son was taken by mrs george laverty and mrs j d mcnabb led in prayer rev s johnson was che special speaker and gave a splendid address which was much appreciated at the conclusion of the meeting tea was served on monday evening the rockwood women s institute held an open night a halloween masquerade with fun and music in the town hall and as well attended to the casual observer it was difficult to make out who was who and concerning those a ho were dressed up for the occasion thej were deserving of credit for their makeup music was supplied b messrs gerald clemens ross carten and orattan barry mr o p mcarthur as chairman for a varied program followed bj guessing con- iesls conducted b mdamcs loren j oulld and richard hi at rei p h lauson also took part in conducting gnmes tin hall im decorated ttltk hall cn tmhluna and on the p burlington mrs j b mortimer and son jack left on tuesday evenlno for btlnd river to join her husband who is working in that district mr and mrs robert thomas and son have returned from che weal and are visiting his mother mrs a v thomas ontario street jack aibblns has been awarded the contracts for the erection dt two houses one on hager avenue and the other on northflhore boulevard a car driven by major harris and a truck owned by collins transport hamilton collided at the corner of brant and ontario streets on friday evening lost but no one was injured miss a kendall met with an unfor tunate accident at the residence of mrs e burns where she makes her home on tuesday evening miss kendall was preparing to take a bath and was run ning the hot water into the bath tub when she was seised with s spell and fell into the water she a as badly scalded harry brooker operator in the tower at the cnr crossing at freeman frus trated an attempted burglary at w j cannons general store and post office early friday morning last a car drove up to the store and two men quickly alighted and were in the act of cutting a hole in the door window when fright cned away try mr brooker at a meeting of the board of health last thursday evening permission was granted to have ashes dumped behind the revetment wall to art as a fill and the making of a roadua along the edge of the bank spencer smith to whom great vredlt is due for the fine beauty spot being mode behind the revetment wall made the request and it was grant ed by the board of health gazette couple of grousque forms could be seen reclining al com at the conclusion of the evenings fun refreshments were served coffee and doughnuts aht h were much enjoyed bj all present the many fricrida here ohd ttspwhrc of harold brulgman will be pit used to learn of his continued success in his studies since leaving rockwood con tin uution school as will as ouelph colleg lute vocational institute and now a tending victoria college toronto before leaving the ouelph school he was su ressful in securing a half share of 5ft0 milton mias marj rle dauim who has bt en ri iumj 111 uv ui arc plcacd to iaj doing nlctlj hir miui frltntu hope 1il will soon havt u cumpleu recover milton business men s wednesdaj half holiduj i nded jeu rdaj for 1837 it w ill no doubt be continued ru xt ear li uils mid week half holiday has be cotni quite popular in mlhun s wilson mana of thr milton branch of the bank of commerce who has been granted leave of absence for one year is moving his family into the remdncc opposite- jtoanden fc j irvings li tortu avenue mr and mrs j marsdei of wood atu k visited mr and mrs p leonard white and her sister miss ethil bren solution ktona scotts r i scon tfrajucu vfxlaad a l0m4 m rfi ate ai vmi waltuk4 imip e tbta mtao ajlp roby cbrwifm t4t aasmlvwaautn m combthatd ivwutui ah uaaao ofxmih ow comfteafff m dsah49m4 vssaia vfuknonmanpllc eoa georgetown mr oeo h leslie and son xrtc left on october 10th for oarberry manitoba to purchase cattle they report a pleasant trip mr oeorge ford was taken quite seri ously 111 on friday last and has since been confined to his bed with nurses in attendance his many friends hope for his speedy recovery mr a b wlllson of red deer alt who has spent the past three months st the home of his brother mr and mrs w h wlllson left on mmdny his home in the west mr and mrs o w davis annoum tlir engagement of their daughter edith mary to william claude only son of mr and mrs w h kentnrr the wed ding to take place lit november the ladles section of oeopgetown un bowling club brought the season to a dose with a fowl banquet at klns way inn over twenty members enjoyed the beautifully prepared dinner and then sojourned to the home of mrs john kaiser where the evening was spent playing bridge and euchre lt the meeting held last thursday evening for the purpose of organizing a ratepayers association it was decided to have a speaker familiar with the working or the association address a meeting st a date to be announced later when all those interested are requested to be present herald ith fr qui- ntly trur what do the three balls in front of a pawnshop mean two to one you don t get lt bock in the mcrae scholarship and 400 bj j nan for a few days last meek victoria college as a bursary for tutltlon fees for his high standing a few weekend visitors mr and mrs everett e u incite buffalo mr fred du of hamilton mr roy day or unlversttv of tor mi to misses edith royce and marlon divy of ouelph mrs wilson uf hamilton sxrlved uu1 week to spend the whiter with mr and mrs a beard and family hollow t en passed off falrl quiet sat urdav e piling tht youtu folio dressing up and going about from door u door on sunday morning thr window panes oood fkices paid for horses irjured cattle or anything suitable for fox meat with injured urumals phone very prom as meat must be secured immediately to be of use it will cost you nothing to ring ph 95 ring 31 station to st sing tlu luaivn rwwpos never resold under any condition varcnattkr fox farm 43 tf oeorgetown proclamation a community meeting is hkitkiiy called for thursday nov 11th kemembranfjvbay at i04s a m at till soldiers monument for two minutes silence ond of wreaths then proceeding to knox church for a memorial service all citizen- arc requested to loyally observe hcmcmbrunce dny and attend this service k j mcclitcheon keeve ultra qhjurtli at oxattaba aoton raatar mar at k alanhjl ij parson dowar avaflu bumdav novkmiihi 7th imt 1 1 00 am -iuv- w d clark tum mill 19 is p m oundsy bahsol ami aula dlsaara too pm pmi mlnlstar vblvpody wwloomal lrrabtrrtari knox earnest aoton uv ii l brkni m a mlalllst uansa willow fltrast 8urdav novcunjell nil 1017 1 1 00 a m what ar you waltlnc pvir aimuuir of lira a uuia problams i so p m tha fisbbatm bshool 7 00 p m 11m hair a w hlrtui n a or ilmpelrr nolo v p tvnllit on tuasnay mo- vimbrr pile at d pro in tha school kooni ftollnwihlp night educational convrnrr tile ttamrmbmncfl hflrvter in knox chun h novimhar 1 1 th at 1119 am lat wa foraru alwavb wavjooiar satitlal biurrl aoton wv lo bax raatar hundav novemnisl 7th 10j7 10 00 a m aunoay sahooi moo am mumlna worihlp lord 8mliwr mniutay s oo li y p u wwhjnulay 7 so pm mldwaak bar- vice annlvimury hcrvlrf im hunliay no- vumtx r ut jlrv john marshall at duftrrln filvfrl napiut church toronto will tm fimclal nfrolcrr a welcomo to all unolaifjiribd small advertisements ailvcrliirmrf ia unttrt hi h4ti enl jwr il uinlmum cfcirm jr p inrrtirn ftvjartue for l if pai cl oc lrliliami1 u rlatrv wbr iicana h to ba mm kxl i iioo miirpino rattnrsat call 07r3 for ho price ihu wask prank hoimcb mint hum if money wednesday sfrnoon itewnrd box iritdt ivuaai- fob hfnt comfortable nxjm in aoud home board included all convenience box oj piuse ptu9hs iiouhf wantril hoium r mm with modern conrcn lenrcn itelluble leminf ikx 03 pltee plixhif roll naif kurd couch mjde u 1032 4 cyl- indf rn jonas wafibey imke avenue w t pattbrsonro himcuufat tb bt rilallmhw orlhopua tituialto ninlf i til im wyamuuw bl naxt u litif wi ouelph puonx 310s qwulttt iuubiiy bamhsw hiuro hw been turned on in th pwencr of a rood u axing hllr vllkagr and all arr qulic pltal with th r nwan tunt rr noticed auch thia ddrd comfort tnr bo1 of un old tuck in the mr e n biirrorkmbid aiun and mlaa c baidlc apeni a 0 rtvrnuy with mr and ura jane ha- thixxwh they also uttvndrd lw funeral of mra marsdrn n aunt mra danaid a blair in acton on thuradaj afternoon mr and mra john wutrr for man yrar two of milton s respected cltlzena moved to toronto on monday a here thej will reside mlth their two oldrst daughtcra misses clarice and helen i walker their aon john jr and daughter mlaa maokl walker aent ith thrlr parents on oruuxr isth aeeraj of the em- i ploev of the milum brlct co galheredj tit lhe home of mr and mra ackland tlir renim was 8 in slnglnb and i duntjni ttfur which rrfreahnenta wtrtr atnrd the txs prcaerilcd mr and mra alcland ith a knel clixk and some mhermte j mr fa wilson mntwer of uie can u on tile hrldgrr wtthat people adlan bank of commerce was preaentt on their uv to chur h liad to cral h3 a rnonogranied brief ae by the rvwd cart and a delivery members of the staff and other bankers i kins rockrruod wacou wire pulcd into hortop s dam mr and mrs j vannorman and mlu rubbish left on thr roof and chlmne b vannorman ouelpk pnt sunday at top of mrs johnstons bungalow public th home of thetr parent here prof albert and mrw rtaertaon and continuation school property med- oj died aiiii tullct houses upset aa well of the town as a mark of esteem on the occasion of his retirement from set tler sundaj a as the laat opportunity the nembra of knox presbyterian church utcon called on relative here on sun- hlpotlopark sign damaged aoj muton had of hearing rev j n mcpaul before tua remoal from milton to take charge of st andrews raabyterun church in stratford mr mcpaul prmkchad powerful sermons to a crowded church both morning and evening champion r 1 alle road ix tha paraon rcsponsfbla itocenl vtsltora with satf and mrs o for such dolnt think it fun an tnetr tttewsrt wan mr j stewart and mrs part ahat are such dotofs to omar m davidson ouaaph mr and mrs qo cltlarna a ho detest such hooithimufflt henntcas and marlon of milton ater a fra yaara of rasldanoa bsra mr looker of stratford spent a fe mr and mrs oaonra a hare ra daya with his son and family mr and rawed to tbronuo tnsy will bo missed mrs o lskkar third una ln t johns o as well as other mrs r wnunaon or bu is vutuat circles r lth mrs archie sinclair and lanul mr and mra harry bolum anddaisrh- nun that ive set my heart on wue dear mr and mrs stuart jiyeie and ter miss rita hava ramovad to oualph rolls royce batty of acton spent sunday with mrs i also our local druaflst mr j hume has i hubby vast well dials the orjr sinclairs parenu mr and mrs albert left tor another section to carry on his prt of your anatomy thatll ever vet on mooutcheon nrst una xstssm w1 acton and mslruct legion remembrance services acton thursday november 1 1 th meet at the to n hall lb so to be at the cenotaph at 10 45 am promptl memorial service in kno church cars leae acton 1 30 p m and proceed to rockaood cenotaph for servl e at 2 00 p m memorial ser lcc in st johns church rockwood at 2 30 pm proceed to comrade a padourys home naaavagawea for hot refresh ments short service at 400 pm at nas- tagaweja war memorial fouowxd by memorial service at the presbyterian church naasagaweya saturday novmber 9th poppy d ixstruiitad by ch po of devonshire and tkaalde ctaiptrtr imperial daughters of th atapire weak a poppy specials every item in a special at pattersonn wholenale mfal market our 111001 tell the htory and why more ami more houiiermcii ore making savinga every week on meath nnd procunng the ifawt quality if you cant com- u to hhop just phone 1 ik our delivery service in prumpt pobk cuts logons 22c 24c beef cuts prime rib roams per it koastb rolled and boned ptr th porterhouse roasts per lt sirloin roasts per th 14c 18c 20c 20c round shoal r c dcr kousti lb lajc lul thilk shoul dcr hoaits lb rib boil per tb 14c 15c 10c butter 2 ms for 62c usalt mi 1 lbs is a coatoswr with mast or only sh uldcr roasts th fresh side 18c 20c rcsh side ni oo pork per lb silc llked meats sijl bacon by che oli piece per lb asdc smoked cottage 0t rolls per lb l ail c pickled cot oo- oad tagc rolls tbalfjc a5ic hamburg steak 2 lbafor 25c homemade sausage 2 lbs for 25c pattersons wrtfnwile meat market open evenings phoiie 118 mll strkct kill saik kakkwiafid u j5 mid olrli stutt club oruni oxford iuxnm apply ciokixjn 1jji ii- u it j kcum ust r hvld ij i jflil ui mlllutr imca in aclu lrttj v 44ui w wawh uv ird f ri turntwl natai ik jiahiiflt king hlrr ifrttf wn ijoht tir and itlm in hundiv ocuater 24d bmlx20 pnder plr- orwnmanl- ul vvlih itohkht keitll 11 n ir k ft no arwn wanted olrl a antd for dimmtic srrvlc x prrlcnfd oiir hlld in famhv m prr nifiith ijr in apply ijox 315 oi9uiu3e7txwn irhphmt 117 wantu pi r ihf purxp jf wdim in historical xhlbil mr f ramsr s boring machine and nnr r pr s ahaxiftir h tiwr 8 2 main birect notice will ijwr pirty who ux my ooas by miauajcc til tlw- vflllury bail on friday nils n thr tn hall pjme ntvn it hkijjh cook main lwft will m ujiuenrr t ir flit h ftc plrar lmvc rderi st m rmklrnrr saajn scrrrt r t paiiitnt hur and i whj deliver thrm after u u f am rrllevji j at storey i f v h rp for the prrenl 8 nioft oiuifokb tuabiso alctuij aalk farm parm stocjt implements roou oraln and household effect of dnd mcenrr st lx 31 fiuth une jboua- tng- un taieifday hovemtwt 9th at one o clock terms cash on chattel prn offered ubject u reserve bid fc j kerr auctlootkr for 8au slxtnch chi burner qtmbec ficora ail tpmplete 3 auon bottle and stand in perfect cund urn m auon tans wtih pump otlrtnsuiy cost w5 oo asuchur used price 30 oo apply j v- aav age main atrsjt men jy xu poaseaa lnltuuw thro jou should sell our lln of 300 tuarantejid hone n in a reserved terriiory w ilak caall u psj ul lw ehaopas- for suoceas indrawstno and a v ambtttoun man onlj mt apply for iprex particulars 7amzulx oo 70 at clement at monlnal

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