Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1937, p. 2

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umvwo the acton prbb prbss thwrbday koveuuhbl uttl ith takllebee brety tsareaay aataa oalarle izlfeee it reaaeitol sssjtfltoiitmv are notihed to oaacet wo i wnlw eaaumu advertising bate0 iilmlua awl lti la variants celum 4swrwrsijf will be latoa acctoti deertlalag thai li will n kamtat w atom aaloee pm lu llaeiiiir iin raaaoe the entire coat ol uk urvit lcci by ihr noled error ole p uch edvtftlaernant e g aklop dills ullt telkpiiones- edllorlal end lltlfclnaar onva uaitdeece the georgetown henud inereeatb size tho gwgetown herald was last week issued in greatly improved form our neighbor is now an eight pago six column newspaper the front page is devoted entirely to news and the advertisements all placed on the remaining seven pages the herald in irs now torm is similar to the present makeup adqpted by the free press seven years ago but of fewer columns and size we congratulate editor j m moore and hts staff on the very marked improve meot in the herald and the grenter service that the jiewer form will render to georgetown and the terri ory surrounding it is keeping well abreast of the times and no doubt reader will appreiate the new and more convenient form new7 atradyln 0lcvllletahad luoh undeilrable publicity in toronto afternoon paper that a meet ing of builneu men pasted a resolution condemning the portrayal of the new streetavlllo folks are not overjoyed over tho type of publlolty that community was given when a hody was taken from a grave and then the spotlight was turned on woodbrldgo with the same type it almost came to acton half a dozen telephone enquiries were mado on monday night about the grave that was robbed in ifairview cemetery the news hounds on the city press were sure such an act had been commlttod here but strange as it may seem the chief of police or none of the cemetery officials knew anything about the matter and no graves in fslrvlew cemotery have been disturbed we dont say that boaatingly because ghouls are very popular just now especially in cemeteries in the rural districts not too far removed from toronto lt8 queer that headlines have to be made from tho nasty things of ufa is it because the public like that sort of sensationalism editorial notes and this is remembrance day nineteen ydirh after the close of the grent war tbnl was in end wurs nominations in acton will hi held two weeks from tomorrow up to the present there has hun little heard of plans for rile uveni these are days for various kinds of slick rackets being worked by smooth strangers conflne your purchases to those places where you hnvc confidence beware of the peddler who calls nt your door an assurance of no general election bofon liu from prime minister mackenzie king will allow normal routine busincs to settle down but wl are also assured of the municipal affairs each year manufacturers of iron and steel and their pro ducts in canada had a gross production valiild at 441 244 33at fuitory prices during lllmi an increase of n per cent compared with the preceding year turn advances i r you can help faced with rising costs atcvery in newspaper subscriptions are being announced frequently now on november 1st the price of the globe and mail was increased to boo per year newsprint inks rollers type- metal and in fact every thing that enters into newspaper costs has risen dui ing the year they all have to be paid for as yet we have made no increase in the subscrip lion rate of till iru press wc hope to he able to retain the present rate and we can with the eo operation of our subscribers wc have at present a circulation of 1250 if all these subscribers pa their subscriptions promptl us the become due and we can save the- expense of collection we will net have to increase the subscription price bu wi must have the fullest co operation of all in main taming the present rote postage mailing of u counts all cost money ou can save and help won derfully if you will ust watcj- the label on youi paper and pn promptl when it is due an ears must be cleared nwa and collected in order in meet the rising cost ma we have your co operatic n j the production of crude petroleum and natural gasoline in canadn during the first seven months of 1937 amounted to ijihiih barrels compared with 823 oih in the corresponding period of u vein ago construction contracts awarded throughout can uda during the first ten months of 1137 totalled lm 570 800 compared with 142 128 800 in the cor responding period of 193b according to muclcan building reports limited wto sun school lesson ttm sundat novnauw i4u ka tot christian mbwnbt golden tt nulmt not the gill uua la in thw 1 hm uiton tortl tim tun s3 14 tlmovsix d and 1 laooa- mucadonla and rom satpoaltloii 1 proaahlns and doo- trlmi 011 timothy was in artann of a vary large church in tho rloh and worldly uy ot bphmiu all sort of paaan phllnaophlaa and uma eiioti u have in all aeea boon tho ixuio ot tho ohurch wro there pre valent anil had crept in amend uio christian convoru tho eamoilaaiui l with u today ohruuan i bolenoo kew thouiht thaophy and a thou- und other alllod eulta and crot don- trlnoa are profaulns to amanolpalo men from tho narrow outmoded vlewe of tho coopnl paul denounoaa roundly thrwii who dabble in all formn ot aplrll- uullam ve i j uumo who make rellulnn mutter or rornu ceremonial rltunu lemndn uiul tradltlniu and thou wlu loath that there u any aplrltilul vuluu in celibacy or otlwr ancotlil praellrcn v such prurllcea are iinwholeaoluii ujul colltmry ui scripture clou 1 j7 ja hob ii 4 icor 1 lu lionmn h n cul j hi 17 tkn ikldy ui lint to bu lloulrcuhl und lulllmd but an tin lniuu of thn crcnuir lucii 1 ju uiul tin umph i iii holy spirit 1 1 cor ii 111 17 11 111 to bi irpiltod willi risiirct nod rtivurtnru nillothy n vlijor niutly u comtmit thniu doctrliml iimirb and fuljw uiioliliibm and ui do it by thu only rlubt mttliod tilt preiuihlliu of thu fruth he in not ui tlckln ulo luhlnu rum of bin ooiujrcllutlon by prontlcao thomeii but u give ttiim ound doc raman tfumwn whtne he was so seen to forth to tw with mi lom sound urlflvluoewraljsl4wa1t nu thou wan dark days for the ohurch to be known as a ohrutuw was almoal tho same aa to t markad for death ttnuthy la to earry on fearuuly earanil to preurve the truth aa ha had received u from paul land aa eannmud by many other v 3 and to provide far lla oonunulty by aharlns it with each aa would hand it on unchanged and un impaired there la only ona ooepel thal whlsh tho apoatlae have praaolwd over alnoo tho aecanelon dnd to hold to thu feltli once dollvorod u our tint oonoorn no amiiuu- intoroeta ean olalm hi hoarte nret allairlanro ohrlite ooldlor miut tako hie eharo of hardehlpa in ohrleta aervlco of matt 10 34 uiuo ii 40 tiik moonh pohition wo aro eo a4vnuiuimod to eoolntf only ono aide of tho moon that row pooplo reaun that about ononrth of tho hlddon aldo of tlu lunar glnoo la actually vlalblo ut an obxorver with a toloacopo when pin moon moveo rraind tho icarui every montb there la u ourutln tovliurina forwurda or llbrutlon ua it la culled which tonda ut brlna tmirt or tlw fur aide of the mfhiu lnu tmlter view home or the lortleal mountain uri unur tlln aouthrril kilt lone to the rim or ttui dlae at tlmra un fibaurver emi aoe rruuirn and mounuiltuf tieur tlu odun but tllcae dlaupim ui na hit mimiu c luuiinm it ikmlllmi lu rt lutum ut tin otrtil it la reuaonuhlc to allipmw tlutt tin rcmitlnluk rournrilla ill lin auli v the mlkn whu h no until hun evei ai n allow tlu aiutll reiitiinn ua tin vlalbli aldi as t would that others should drive wward you drive ye even so to them suggested hy the rotary muguzinc us the years best safety slogan and for the runnel up this from the holyoke muss transcript the ear lu watch is tlu cm behind the car in hunt of you th jack minei says 1 h hope for the betterment ol s world is more love kindness and right kind of education and less bayonet point compulsion 11 you can get 11 child to build u bird house that child ut unci becomes a conservationist because he will noi i nl protect the birds himself hut will not ullov and a utile child shall uad them this incident happened only last week ittells itsltyh- t harm or destrn them own message sonn was put on the westbound late bus from toronto and pucked around with grips by it man whose breath recked of tiquor he was oik ol kahsun experts picdici- that canada is assured mumm would be there in a few minutes i in u p p while another hut muininy didn i conic and flic nine unr old american economist sees sign- ol another depression got anxious hi went in search of her and brought f which is nist oik iiiou indicaiion that the hiiiineiers her ill to the bus hci ticket was asked toi sh do nuitcmv ins nunc ahum whal is going to happen was sure she had bought oik but was unable in hnd than do the doctors about inluntilc paralysis sug it her breath also had an odor that was siroiil gesis tlu midland tree cress and cl not of onions 1 inallv the bus drtcei went and purchased another ticket for her and brought back her change befoic the bus was out of toronto milium was sound asleep bonin watched the road and the stops on his ourne it was late but the child had a task to perform the destination was leaqhcd and sonny shook the sleepy parent and argued until she was convinced that the home had been reach cd she had more difficulty in lindmg the tickets to hand to the driver when getting off but th search was finally rewarded tho brisk autumn air pf near midnight seemed to reviveher she stepped off in the direction in which sonny led and looked after the baggage tho bus drivers only audible benediction was a thank goodness she has the kid to look after her it happened last week between toronto and acton reports received from 10336 employers in canada show an aggregate payroll of 1174041 persons at tjatjlajnlist lat a gain of 3058i workers compared hm atltut 1st t itiieiis geoeralh uill oin in congratulations to exwaijcii a mason on ihe honor bestowed in re ceiving one ol the toionution medals no citizen has taken a more useful ind practical view ol citizen ship whether it be as bandmaster school trustee reeve warden councillor or president of the chil dren s aid society or whatever his hand found lo do ft has been in the bcst interest and welfare of the community and society the honor is well mentted it seems a riddle that most accidents occur when the driver is going straight ahead it isnt a riddle at all can you solve it theres a clue thats the only time when the driver can really step on the gas lastyear in 628 accidents in which people were killed 521 cars were going straight and so were 8002 of the cars involved in 10438 nonfatal ac cidents highway deaths can be eliminated if driv er will mix brains as well as air with their gasoline whjnrven the smiths jralu recordnews trim i j tim 4 j 3 that wua what they needed reffurdlraa of what they wanted und it la wliut wo need uduy polltlcul hanumuea sympoeluma on poetry rtvlewa of current boulta huve their place but that place la not the pulpit tile lovo of ood the juatlce of aod the mercy or ood ond eepeclully chrlat crucined who lirtod up will i draw all men tlleai are the texta for u i good mlnfcur or jcaua chrlatl chrlal hue brouabt ucluul aalvutton to aome men polenuul aalvatlon u all men v 10 but luiw ahull they believe ii they huve not beurd uomona 10 14 16 ii prolllubli exrrclat v 8 ii la our duty to moke of our ixidii itll beat poaatblt lllatrumenta tor ooil j fcervlct to tllla end bodily cxercll i within limits la u hood thins it pre aervea bcultb und lncrcuaea atrength but it b not an end in uaelr over done it may even brutalize juat aa ua- cetl lam wtuktii but ui the bene lib ami bliaaluus ol tlu aplrltuul cxetua in u truly clirlatbui lib icf 1 cor 13 hurt un no llmlta botli in tllla life uiul 111 lilt lilt u cume j peter 1 0 b li rortunuuly muny chrlatluna whllr tlu v reullzi tlml holuieaa la u good thiiuj u dli by do not aeem ao sun thut it it u hixxl thing to live b buj wherever tried it li a seircvldcnt fact that it puya u bt gkd all thlnga being cliul u giaid muu ls healthier und liuppler than le bud mull ill- mind la cleurer hl ulll ntrongcr hlh body more rugged li b tin mun who la furnild reform i and informed b oil txercuw i trui rellgloil who lues the trui llul rispfl i ot his nelgbborh und huv i i a el coiiacluuc hi- u at ue ic with i ircil all llleat blealngs uaendunl on tlu i practice ol tin preaenct ol qt d alt out n aliudow of tllul which 1 to t mt 1 john j jt iii admlnestrutlon or purlah eutca 1j 13 on llu extcullvt aide o hla fturk tlmuthy mould liuvt u cxerclat disci- plliuir control ovtr men who wert hla aenlora rrluliuttl it b not ulunjhi itulendui yeurs tlutt count man u louiig tutinl luci more maturlt of thoughi iild deeper sulrlluiil ulaucllt luiut uuvc ulls tldtrs ips 110 1001 und lit who tptulcs m hit tonaclous powt r of otxl h truth tojuiol lull it ciinimuod the res leet mid rtgurd of illi hturera tiler ls not mu h doubt ua u lutt paul vtould suy ot tlu modern tendency tt confuat tlu term otjd a ftllov with gtaxl rell iu icf 1 lt tht aermoli i prt ached rtini tin buildup pulpit ui th churth should ix undtritlidttl tllb tin at rniun of 3lmpllclt dlgnlt und lntcg rll preyahtstl frtjiu 111 pulpit ot dull3 uvlut rxumplt la iht luual perauualvt tcuchei aran ull tin word of ood ls ui bt read und expounded nth b 8 lukt 4 11 4 j7l ibls ta tlu foundu tlun ul tin tllluie ot all rtllgloua ttork at neglect tllla inatructvill in our nun daj w mitperll no less inaii in tlm- olbi a tnpes no presa ol udmlnla aurk un be ollooed to crowd it out nothing cun take the place of tin atud or oods word xv a call u cotuvecratton 1418 timothy had bad a very dlatlnct call to the mlnutf a apeclal preparation for ft at ha ordination ood had signally oboaed that he could uee him v 14 but even in tboae days when tbe glfu of the fiplnt were poured out ao abun- danuy it was neceoiary for bun to keep the aourcee ot his epbitual life contlnu- ally omulohed and refreaned through prayer and medltauon how much more to this needful in uvea dare of spiritual dryness if we aro u lad others to christ w must ouratlvaa live in ovor- tioopanliie ttrarrtonoe ott his p and knovlsdt of hu truth v a can to fidelity and oouroge 3 tim a 14 thaw words ot paul written tram tbe till itrahon t mun who wu rilnuluit for piddlt olflrt roiuul i in ural llulr ol ilia apeeell in the local pup r hi wi nl u tlu editor olid wanted to kruiw why llu y didn i print ull ilia aieet h tho editor replied wi run out of capital i a telephone talks in tub watson eamilv this i just like being iwmc illll wottiin ooraiionally gnu fl up ion that outoftown join work i oppraulvr hit pala aro u mf ala am taatrlraa dip tlook kncirully u liilioilra gooi old rualnoiifnl lionirairltnihas tliata what ii utally u and hill ima a twivrrcign rrftirriy onrn un ha ingnorl thn emmr a long ilimlunft ull liomn and it roatii o littln too ilmt lm ha tin idrl to for full attmka liy u rrular bcurtlulit of wrinkly ulla ihtv itlmai am tight in linm witii ihm rmti of th family thm wuuon lutt m mmm in apprmciatm futty titm cnmfartt cnnvnnni at and hnv rati of lang thtlaium to yiu rtrallm imw uittm it roifi to tmlefiltanm i aw nlglit haiti tifgjn rvrrr cvvnlnt irvrn nd apply all day auprdav royal prinrrsheb wnirl way ihinr from srotland htturnliik t buckliiklm plce irom olauii otuiuc in ascotland whert they hull been spending u holiday prlnclmi 1u1kux t huae lot jid prl ttt n euzoom ih next tn hi ot mttfvl n il liclrtlrd um htwjuil tn tilr if ul iii bluton flutlt n ljndori hijij of edmonton coiwrrdttd in kdinonton cathedral surrounded by lo membara of the rarhollc chu in canada blahop charlaa law nel- usan former vioemmneral of the edmonton tunn pormuud lakins of the obow picture hut baton he ni oonoeonuod blahop of imbrokc ontarw in bt jooephi cathedral at rlmonton ha la the mudje ofure in thl front row bains banked by archtouhop j o mootusbn of toronu toft and coadjutor arahbtahop j k 1aadonaid of ammonlon amocuj tboia in the picture an amhnihnp atnnot wlnnlpas archmanap duke vaneourrr afchbunop moo reftna blahop oomiole three wean ue buhoo- loiirray aa blahop oarrou oeanrr aroh- btehop h j oooarr airlmnnlnn u prelate blahop johnaon mebon bo blahop bia omj3 4htoekana1ayatiict blahop bunoa ojix aruioo bupart batbop our a blabop t n ojatx the iba aaabop jvllaln ojtx u dlatrlcr blabop ceabeult hadsons bar ebooaaa

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