hbmtut hovaun uth mh the acton free press man fciauaafiaaa ttmnmwm wiwmirtm i i i i i iswtf noblesse oblige by oborob h uaimbon uiiinu h ul utnt maulnud ur council ao x ntj you vhal to do ii kent not w plumuy 4s mil bfiit if i did slid into hi ptam u ubto vbottall x wppomf nat thu una did oh had prke lk too tout after that we had mmttnf or ihetrtb- well that football team of youra look ilk a trlha of indiana at tlmaa the tjia tha lettarman you know ko byt i donv it t kind of club of the fellow who hare won lhair letter for oompatltlon in port bacan had patiently than awing the twinkle in ur kanta ha atop- ped attaiptljr wall w had meeting mm maatlnt too what x mean taa and x know what it wu about r xoulmad alatar bath the mangar mlaerar rr bath intarpated bar mother theyre jaajoua that what i mean dot in the manger you aaa wo paw ed a aohool rula tht spring that letter ahould be given for participation in any school aotltlttaa that the letter should msan that the wearer was repraaenutivs- of the aohool they put it on a point baala so many point for aach achtcvc- ment whether it wa carrying a dirty old football past drltlar player and oer a mudsmeared line- some of the point winners ciuldnl carry a football acrou a tennis court with everybody playing marbles retort- ed ned kb tmeetly from beth and some of these famous athlete of yours couldn t carry couldnt carry a course in kinder garten if the coach didnt furnish a tutor for men player i think a good scholar is just as much credit to a school a a good athlete yeht jeered ned thais hj you hoar three loud cheer going up from the rooting asctlon every time sylvester tannyaon makes a in latin or whatever it is your hero stars at my hero i well believe me it wont be any frousy roughneck wbolooks as tf ha needs a bath and lint likely to get it and who star at gouglngout eyeball or ticking his knee in the other fellows wut when the referee isnt looking i think its high time we gave medals and latter for something beslda brute atrangth and if i must be personal i think im just as much a credit to dear old brockton as brother ned if he is captain of the football team hear i hear i exclaimed ur kent in mock admiration and what letter are they going to give you tv got two hundred points out of a thousand f or a b just like that one on nedw sweater and when x get it ril have earned iw and ill be just as proud of it aa he u as he was corected ned quietly when and if that day comes off comes my letter not because ynuw got one understand but because uw won i mean anything when anybody can in one thats why we had ih mctin andjye on strike i youre not going to reuae tc wear your tcuers asked mrs kent teasing ly ouit not going to refuse la plj football staled his dad you wouldnt dare to su vyjtrom classes exclaimed beth maybe all threel ned frowned dark ly were giving them just wrck to think things orer no thrrats bu if they donl come across there s plrnt o things we kno ho to do but nrsl r rewolng to give them a chance to come thnuigh like like gentlemen huhl sniffed brth i we olbbs behatlng like avntjeman she isnt the principal of the school maybe not but slw thr but i thought ou had student rule or somruurtg remarked mr kent it student council the re the ones who passrd the rule in the tint place- it up wt them its up to principal worden loo theyll do what he teuj them jki he 11 dp what me tell him or his nkl scbotil muni haw single ft thirty awl vml that licxlr vui ulbbsl howlrd urth shr dullkrn athlete and athlrucs rw ul football if had brr aai wed al or rntrrvd in lhckilunf marathon rinlah up the last click of the nredlra tn the old ladles home but it till the new leaks out tomor row there a meeung of the student council at ihree oclok and i ve been elected to break the sad tiding to them the ne- had leaked out long brfor three o rlockj for evrwhere in cor- rtdon study rooms and laborstoruw csted little knot of boy and girls were noisily or stealthily discussing the tribes decision the new did not com ex actly use thunderbolt to the student owii though there as considerable scratching of heads and more than one anitmis frown as ned flnuhed i think said luella marks president of the council thar this it too bag a nusauoti to be settled without discussion and thought will some on make a notion that the decsuon be held over tui the next regular mesringt lassy i take the floor again long enough to tad you that the tribe do not intend to be put off x doot bekmg to the what would you suggest if you did belongf oamanded philip oarodon who belonged to both tribe and oounoll id suggest that some one put a motion to appoint a eommlua to talk iv over with principal warden and to report back to a apeclal masting of the executive committee tomorrow night with full power to act this meeting unt going to be stam peded into any rash action began luella philip waa already on hu fml demanding to be recognised ha took luella pause for recognition and blurt ed i move that we accept ned kents suggastlonl second 1 second l tejne from ail dee very well agreed luella coldly all those tn favor of appointing eueh a com mittee please rise a great aorambllng followed bit down those opposed now rise luella appe to count it would seem that the motion u lost i demand a count exclaimed philip 111 call the roll agreed luella grim ly bhe proceeded to call each name lu turn at the last twelve for eighteen against she announced i trust and ned tried to keep his voice level that none of you mind u i take the matter up with mr worden now tight away the tribe is used to foot ball basket ball baseball where dectstorur hnc to be made instantly and right i rather think meailngly that there won t be any football practice until this thing u settled perhaps youd like to take the deci sion of the student council with you to mr woren remarked luella sharply all those in favor of retaining- the present rule for granting letters please rtse the eighteen who had risen be fore scrambled to their feet luella counted grimly and i think captain kent that the same power we had to pass that rule would enable us to retain it ned stalked wrathfully out of the room but im aura that you can make them ive haa ooaoh loyalty to im and into principal worden s office iff fellow is to make em think they ve found mr worden sympathetic but npt very helpful you see how it is kbov he pleaded we gave you student con trol and we cant very well step in the instant things don t go toitiltua i am inclined to agree with you olvlng of some apeclal recognition to athletes is traditional but tell you what you might do oct up a petition and if s majority of the students sign lt bur you think we re right well 11 yes and no of course a good student is just as truly representa tive but that isnt what the rest of the world thlnka mr worden when it sees a b on a sweater ic thinks the wearer has won it for athletic ability the united states government wont let a prhate wear a captains uniform even if he a the best private in the world i see your point agreed mr worden i i think youye right of course i m right exclaimed ned wh it just like like counterfeiting hm laughed mr worden bui hat started this ruction you made no objection a hen the rule a as passed last spring we dldn t see how it would work out last rail the coach kicked a man off the team and off the squad he wouwn t pu ball he broke training rules he piaed a dlrt game he hrrused to obey the coach he didnt know there as such a thing as teamwork so for the ghxi of the game the coach ditched him rstrrda hi came strutting out on the mu nm with letters as big as a house on ills fteatrr i n tht in bj the point ijalcm that aa bad agreed principal w oroen gravt h rll ou tell the fellow ui sit light and 111 see hnt can be done the fell i w ha e aln d orden otetl mr fltloknsy loyally and mora that team before every game urad of piwaehlngyaa and im tired of loyalty the kind we get from the fitundent council what do you propose to do nothing wave all turrfod in our letters to the coach were giving up football or whatever sport were inter- eated in xm sorry mr worden but thats how it is as for that petition- well weve been loyal to the school weve fought for it weue taken woks and bumps and bruises and been rolled in the mud now wa 11 see how loyal the school la to us ft ned expected that loyalty to be manifested in immediate action he was sorely disappointed for nothing happen ed true there waa plenty of discussion and uw students took sides but nothing happened the student council had voted so there waa nothing further for them to do the tribe had voted too and that aeemad to settle that the coach had quietly accepted the condition and had aet about organising a new team formed out or scrubs and new recruits meeting ned on friday morning he had suggested that he needed somatona to scrimmage his greenles oockm reclaimed ned were talk ing about reorganising as a towh team howd you like to be our coach wo could scrimmage your other team any night how about a practice game say tomorrow afternoon why fine agreed coach stick icy that goes for the coaching job the scrimmage and the game tomorrow tell you what we 11 announce at assembly this afternoon and make a small charge dime any for tickets that 11 help you to get jour uniforms 111 furnish you with suits for the game tomorrow that was a game worth going miles to see the tribe team for the first quar ter plnyed f thpioorownjr thlrt to no tiling arter that they pln cd everything but football they de liberately fumbled the ball muued punu got in the uaj of their own runners ran the bull the wrong direction in the liust minute of play howeicr they carried the ball the full length of the hold in six downs they cant send that scrub team to play went worth exclaimed a senior yeh grinned ned coming off the field monday he met coach stlclcmy scrimmage tonlglu really coach i dont think its fair to your team the best way to train got a chance tve coached football several years maybe youd better leave that to me you 11 bring the fellows out sure if you say so coach but you heard me said coach stlckney that night at the dinner table beth announced suddenly the family of kent has been greauy honored of latt first its beloved son becomes the captain of an outlaw football team and then its daughter becomes guess what the queen of sheoat retorted ned a member of the student council ruth kelsoc has resigned her people are moving to wentworth huh grunted ned one more vote for the letters for everybody party perhaps its just as welt but i have to laugh when i think of coach stlck ney a lectures about how loa the school had been to us and how we must justify their confidence and all thac rott where s your loyalty nou demand- beth with the wentnorth gome only a fea day awa and that bunch of dube will if that fact wont uake up the school and our precious student council hj should it aorry us but the school has a rights yoa and we e got a wrong to right maybe we cant right it but at least we ron quit bring boobs by the a we s rimmagad the team tonight with five men in the line and three in the back held i frel sorr for coach stlckney hats all rrtdaj night arter light practice coath stlckney called the tribe into his iltlce i m laing mj cords on th tabic mltwi i been srtmiriaglng u ayninst the scruba for our sake not th irx 1 wont u to plaj the game t m rraw m kmw in we it el i a h i know how id feel whl amounts to the aama thing but x know aome thing even mora important x know how youd feel tf you threw ma down and threw the utibol down because you know the aohool 1 more titan iu students even what do you oars about a letter on your sweater or what it stand for you know what it stands for x know what it stands for the finest bunch tf cleanplaying youngsters i ever knew youve tried to make the student council proud of you and foiled now lera try- making them ashamed of themselves lets go up tomorrow and lick want- worth and than- lets tell the council thata what the b stands for youve been figuring on our playing all week accused red ive been figuring that it you werent true to the ideals ive tried to give you that jimmy fitlckney waa as poor a man as he was football coach quietly you put us in i tight spot you put yourself there the knights of old had a saying noblesse oblige case exactly you just cant go back on nobleness compels me that fltk your past record no agreed ned after a glance at the other membera of the team im afraid we cant well play after all weve got to be loyal to you and to one another and the school too ned i oh all right the school too then but not the student council i well you can be loyal to one member of it anyway your sister whjr whots she nothing much only this afternoon she succeeded in winning the student council to a compromise hereafter only small b can be won by the point system j the blgb sewed on some emblem to represent the sport in which it una won a football for instance- will be reoerved far the major sports j but why dldn t you tell us before- becttutu wanted4oiictrthc kmd of stuff you wcremode of- just wanted you u be true u yoursolve anyway i wan t sure ou d stand for iho one ex ception i modo before accepting thi councils new deal what wtw that rhut llshouldnl go into effect until had awarded one big 13 hiat goes dcui kent shea tho most valuable player on my team don t worry coach we u give you one point for each member of the student council well that s thirty laughed tho coach but how about beth a whole touchdown for her i next day he made it ui the nrt ten seconds of play slats ttlaky ouytai n wannsh sunday i are a beginning tb think mabby are preacher are a good man this a m he took aa his test make a ft ball outen aln a then kick it i am in favor of maken a ft ball out of neetly evry thing ai all so lots of klcken and etc hooray for the rev- monday jake dossent think so wall of his preerher of a nother church the teacher ast us all what we thot of the sermoot sunday im a jake repllde x sad it wassent a serment at all where he were at but a endoorenoe contest i supose ills mlnnester talked for sum time tuesday x st pa was reeding the nooaepaper a they wu a advertusmlnt of sum thing for a bad stummlok pa sed i dlddent need none of same es that what i need is sum thing for a bad apeught like a ft a dos donuu ax the tame of cookeys strange to say x felt the same way as my pa onct wednesday the teacher ast blisters how much are a vad of 3 blisters fig- gered for a while a then sed he dunno but it lssent enough jo bother nobody x dlddent no neether but my aggers cum out just about like bluterses thursday are school ft ball teem matched a game with the slxt grade of the washenten school over acroat the it r tracks i feel aorrle for them washenten kids late saturday evnlng the vlctry is in the bag for us kids friday tho teecher was a teechlng are class meaty and etc to sed tb all- ways remember that nothing false never does noboddle no good now about tcath then sed that new kid in school i bleevo he are about smart i wood of never thot of that saturdn lati in the evnlng xperl cuts him tot mi a lot this p m the unxpccttd nflen happinn i hi m wosh- enfeil m hool ft ball kldn rambled all over an teem like wi wassent there st tht repei ted the done aevrat times i supua tin ai jakt at i11isitk wnasent filiilo hrnliiic iui llu skm i hupl nityn tin more wi n but ft ri it k dont miss the royal winter fair tl hol mop of asrisnltur in hurt dlapuv uvmloek poultry flomra gralil md far and mink oauundliur spcui attraction vnuwlti intmm ndtpruwl for all plan not to atund 8 ilorioua jay paeliad with aurtalbnwnt and inatnutlob nov 1 to 24 royal coliseum toronto fkcial chia railway rath not a robot just a fireeater nicely put wife mrs dreen haa unolher beautl- rul fall hat artful hubby so it a pity not aa independent of such aids to ap pearance aa you are my dear ear your s children crown brand corn syrup makes happy healthy chil dren no doubt about that for doctors say it creates energy and helps to build strong sturdy bodies chil dren love it and nver tire of its delicious flavor the famous energy pood h ix tiirm notii v one tvdiliiif ul dinner n bis game hunter told u iur w hlrh thouuli imthun llult i xukictrtiud wan duubl lean sulutt atitlally lrue a scotsman huwettr immediate enwxd it with an account or a usluntr adventure in which he jnndcd a cniwrx nt two hundred feet tons the hunter wan oftended and left the table now mr mctwvlth avd the host ou ve insulted n trlend f mine and ought to apologise weel fiald mctiivlih if iw 11 tak a wee bit all that tiger ah ii see what ah can do aboot m aerpent the re fldhter of the fuure mn1i hm l w n u rt mnutrauon i tiie philadelphia navy yard before a lorae throiui oartaed in an aabenu suit ihla ftrecatcr walks undaunted inut tli flamm wnrked wtlh chemical pump which qukkly subdues the fire th canada starcii companvlimlid lettuce 3 large bunches full of flavor tender 1 ic grapefruit 25c dcliciou marsh s sicdless nke size sweet potatoes 6 r 15c lettuce i grapes j i ms emperor v 1 1 crisp and sweet 131 iceberg firm head nice size for onions oranges tomatoes apples etc carrolls limited m000000000 frankforrj sieve 4 peas i h95 3 t 25 libbyi pork and beans c 95 3 2 25 aylmcr tomato or vegetable soup 3 25 lachinc cut golden waa beans c- i 95 3 coronation choice quality tomatoes 3 it 25 singapore sliced pineapple 3 j 25 salada tea hib pi 33c rowntlttl 6klfif chocolate wib cat 20c iho ot wixhof salt 3 shah pk 0c mclaxen 1 podd jellies 2 pii g dwfc caocojata col4 ttal piscuits 2 p 29c chicken haddlet salmon itii7 h o paaw4 ammonia p10c h o calariuma lime ckloridaasa ltaia ti 10c fa old dutch goa iwdwf m1 mtk mb wow wa a ltfr facial soap 3 c 25c lemon oil m 14c j 23c fakhaaka lumd soap 10 23c floor wax iib ti 23c al vaaabkla shortening t 13c corn syrup t 37c milk 3 t 25c taaliai waauaa mc rinso 9c 21c 7i26c 3 27 wtaa naaut p ag soap carrolls wv imhma umitfs 10 store closes satuhday night imp p m mill street free deliyery phone