Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1937, p. 4

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1 wiir tivvmii t t rri lll 3 p v r i tam9aa the acton free press twomviv wwaamtn nm an neighborhood news jlttunilfaiff itfthw coawhitotf ouurctfatm and cmuhuiiium in wkfel mny f oar ttaitas m inlcrat wins antics praisb 4 cmipbeliviue tne ujuh aid of fit davids ofcunh tial4 their regular monthly msetlng on tiijitir aftemomi when ftwu arrange ments van made for the buur and tee to toe neld late in kwrember ur tbo uuehell of nltr falls pent ho wwkn4 mi hi horn htm mr david uefhall or hamilton to homo for a few days atlas jean martin visited in puillnch for a few daya latt week a mr howard lush and mlsi myrtle early were quietly married in the vestry of et davids church toy rev prank law- eon on saturday afternoon mlu bemlce beattle of toronto spent the weekend at the home of lira o b oerbart mr and mri prank qulnlan of tor onto visited af her home here orer sunday the women institute held ttntr meet ing in brookrlue hall on wednesday mr and mrs j ktngahott are moving to acton this week rockwood the many friends of mrs m mutrle will regret cd learn of her mishap which befel her early last thursday morning when in some manner she fell and in jured her back and was unable to get up until mr richard harris who at tends her ore night and morning found her in her plight snd assisted her to a couc as well a secu a neighbor assistance to attend her mrs mutrle la under the doctor care snd u st present somewhat unproved mrs robert miller u looking aftei m m -eoroe- time mrs oeorge laverty held s quilting bee in the basement of the presbyterian church last week rirejiwa- were completed weekend visitors mr and mrs henr hosklng mr and mrs ben hooking klrklond lake dr fred hooking hillsdale mr wm hosklnc bathurst nb mr and mrs nell gordon and family toronto mt p prank miss veronica frank and friend toronto mr clarence lynch toronto miss els hamilton hamilton mr fred day hamilton misses bdlth royce and markm day ouelph atlas kathleen lynch and friend of ouelph mr and mrs max milne and master jimmle spent sunday at eden mill and rented anniversary services st the united church as a result of the fine weather on sunday a few were st hlpotlo park in the afternoon fh- the time of year highway traffic wa quite heav during the afternoon mrs annie harris left but week ui spend scene time in toronto where mem bers of her family are snd will sta with her inter mrs wilcox crewsons corners mlu mima crtppt u vlatunc at ota name of mn llanaen aston clara jackaon wai a sunday vlallor at uw honw of hit iutar lira root brown on sunday nliht an deatroyad th barn on d mjuiiwi farm ur uannen wu in brantford at tha umc of tha jin vlfltlng at uw homa of hla brotharj special acrvlcea ul tw hald in tha church on sunday with bfuradlar dal- alal and major clrinm of toronto ocm- duetlm bajligiafad mr and mrs robert english who have been spending the last monttntt u10 home of the latter brother mr m campbell left but week for their home tn toronto mcj w cushiue mrs perry and mrs wul crosken or toronto visited on saturday at the home or their cousin mr j saner the annual fowl supper of the united church was held on monday night snd was a decided success notwithstanding the inclement weather over five hun dred attended the event the supper was followed by s good- program consist ing of music readings duetts and quar tettes there were also splendid con gregations st both services on sunday the rev a b irwin of milton delivered two fine addresses which were enjoyed by the congregation erin tlie ulndmlll on the property of m r h hunter os blown down last friday evening mrs h c austin and daughters have leased mrs houston residence and hae mated tn mr edward brock was taken to the orthopedic hospital toronto where he 1 undergoing treatment we wish him speedy recovery mrs martha poster recently sold a lot north of her home on main staeci to mr h a sim who intends bulmlng a home in the near future 4j oeorge young who has been visit ing his sister miss young seventh line erin left but friday to return to his home st bdmonton alberta we are pleased to report that canon weaver who underwent an operation at the toronto general hospital lost meet u making satisfactory gain towards re covery mr d o johnston of acton has purchased mr wm mclaren dairy business and equipment he will carry on the business as from november 1st on wednesday of last week a car load of potatoes vegetable fruit etc wai loaded at orion hlusburg and erin and shipped to the drought stricken area of the weal advocate eden mills the november meeting of the womens missionary society of the presbyterian church was held in the home of met- dame w and j otlbertson wtth a good attendance after thr opening hymn the president mrs mlno led in prayer mrs w lovrtc gave the olad tidings prayer after the discussion of business the following program a given read ings by mrs l moore snd mr o hobcruon snd a solo b mr ourdon stevenson the lucky ticket was drawn for a beautiful butterfly quilt uule kls dauicrn thorn broke the seal snd announced the winning ticket a mrs otvdon stevenson refreshment wen ervrd by the hostesses assisted by mrs l moore and mr q robertson snd a social half hour enjojed by all annlversar service were observed in tlte united chunh on sunday re k m morrow of acton preached tn the morning snd rev chas murray of palslev memorial church ouelph 111 the evening bixh speakers delivered ipten- oid wrmotu u appreciative audiences on monda evening the fosl supper was held m the tuan hsll ahtch was pacted to capacity a tier alt had par taken of the bountiful repast prepared by the ladles of the church a vtt iplrri- dld prograna was given b talent from ouelph mlllgrove burlington ni kdcn muu rev mr clarke jntat veri amlsjbsr and genial way as ihstrmsn a for the evening the many friends of mrs mclean sr i will be sorry to know she has uffered a suoke i mr and mrs john ramsey anj mr carence ramsey spent sunday it nut- vsi i congrmtulauons to master oeorge lee i on hating won sru prise for boys at the halloween masquerade held at rock- 1 wood continuation school recenuy i mr and mrs harold taylor of but- j falo spent a weekend in the horn of mr and mrs robert borthwtck recently mr andmra ftoweulrar of meta were recent visitors tn the home of mt srfd mrs john ralnsey burlington mr and mrs w l rennle returned home on thursday last from a holiday trip to boston where they visited rela- uves mr w a emer is leaving this week fur lakeland florida to spend the win ter mr kenneth scott will motor mr emery to florida at the regular meeting of the town council on thursda evening the council was asked to pass a resolution asking the provincial government lo take back the lakeshore hlghwav through the tosn this action is the result of as surance thai the request might meet favor with the oovemment when the mayor and reeve and town solicitor sere in toronto on tueads afternoon bernard mccartney toronto escaped with a tea scratches and mr mccartne a sprained ankle when their car was- involved in s collision with the rear of a transport trailer on the middle road near freeman about one o clock sunda morning although 100 damage a done to the toronto car not a pane of glass mas broken as it turned over on it- ude on tueooay afternoon mayor o r harri reeve a allen and tsn solicit or clravrr were in toronto interviewing mr kuthaell of the hydro commission 11 regards uj ecurtng lower hydro rates tn the town and at the same time ascer tain a hat the commission mould ask for the burlmguh dlsulbulkm system should the town decide to purchase u a prornlncnttumber manufacturer of the province ana one of burlington 1 sally ryan former montreal school girt who has won high praise from art critics for her sculpture now being exhibited in a one man show st new york only 31 years of age miss ryans talent was discovered after only three months training site scored on instant success with her sculp ture and received very favorable reports in the nea york press milton succumbing to a hsart attack stuaa- bath low wire of allan low of the oaltlla ssuau lavesliore road wast died on sunday afternoon at har honw on tha estate the oakvllle baseball club flituhad the year with a debit balance of 110311 according to tha 10st financial statsmsnt preaented at a necent masting by d q btattgra aattrataiytrsasnirar lion dr l j simpson minister of education for ontario will be asked to conduct a thorough investigation into tha death of ruth taylor oakvllle high school pupil who shot herself on oc tober 30th applloatlon for a site in the town cemetery on which to erect a handsome juptodate mausoleum was made to the oakvllle town council at its regular meeting on monday evening by o m trarto on belts r of canada mausoleums toronto strong rtwentmnni of the manner in which the toronto dally star treated the recent unfortunate shooting of an oakvllle high school girl was expressed at a meeting of the oakvllle business mens association held following a ban quet at the oakvje hotel on thursday evening lost when the following resolu tion wss passed that this meeting go on record that cooperation of the news- papers in praumflryr a fair and unbiased report of local news be desired and that publicity detrimental to any community be not exaggerated recordstar donald a blair and mrs helen matt- ton of redlands california and mr and mrs w j hill or olen williams visited mr and mr p leonard white on sunday on account of the growing n urease in business a restive prop ctcr of i he st lawrence grocery his been forced lo enlarge the interior of ntd store last thursday the coiigregatljn of knox presbyterian church at a meeting called for tlu purpose of bidding fare well to the minister presented mr and mrs mcfnul with a lovelj upholstered arm chair and a motto and child onrdcn of verses to m rett mr and mrs w j stewart of kempt- ville ontario mlsh to announce the en gagement of their daughter eva mary to peoriie edunrd son of mr j w buck and the late mrs buck of milton the marriage ulll take place this month driving east slang the highway near oooksvluc adrian oconnor 37 south of milton on the mucon- palermo high way sustained a fractured collar bone and right hip mhen the car in which he was driving alone ran off the road and crashed into a pole clipping it off near the base at a large meeting of the rural mail carriers of halton county held here on monda evening last hughes cleaver m p of burlington heard the carriers grievances mr cleaver then addressed the men promising to assist them in any way he could in straightening out their trouble which he would take before the post office department tn ottawa two splendid services were held in knox church last suhdsy the corigtego tlon being addressed in the morning by rev r c mcdcrmld of st pauls church and in the evening by the rev james wilson dd of wychwood church both of toronto both minis ters mode stirring appeals for reconsecra- tlon during the coming ear champion oakville everton the everton young people soclet met on sundaj evening tn the school room of the church with malcolm mcleod as loader the subject was jesus lover of nature a poem aas read by the lrader i ltke to oo to school wltjp ood a solo was rendered by miss muriel hortop a number of scripture read ings were given by misses dorothy church ana jackson jean hall and mr wm ftirtor the leader gave s leading residents passed away last thursday night at hi residence 7 locust street in the person of oliver william rhynss founder of the firm of o w rhynss and son apparently en joying his usual good health deceased last monday suffered a heart attack and although specialist from ha and toronto were consulted no hope was held tor his recovery oasette short talk on the subject business wo then transacted plans mere made to get cars to take the young people to mimosa on wcdncsdav to the young people conference the roll call uos answered b giving a name of one of the prophets the meeting closed mtth singing mr frank hortop and son of toronto called at the home of mr w h hortop on saturda mt and mrs e m aurey and babe of ouelph visited till mr and mrs w i usherwood on sundaj rev amos tm ell of ouelph occupied i the pulpit here tunds morning rev j p m lod belns in winger miss ella will lama of toronto spent j the meek end with mrs r dampier mrs j p ben ham and family spent the weekend in ouelph with the form- er parent mr and mr w vanjlor- man j mr rachel everts has gone to tor onto for the winter with relatives mis margaret sunter mho has been laying at the home of her niece mrs stanley stewart has returned home mrs s orundy is staying with her mr and mrs o jestln have gone to georgetown w lih their daughter mrs bdna cole roe the winter mr and mrs oeorge young and mrs o o robertson visited mr and mrs lloyd robertson acton on sunday georgetown mr and mrs harold stanlland of sault sto marie culled on relatives in town on sunday mrs s lcfranols of montreal is visit ing at the home of her dnlftcr mrs w e nodwell tile firemen were called to a chimney hre nt john parmer s main street south inst thursday aboul one p m the fire was extinguished before any serious jlnmngr wu done- miss beatrice brill daughter if mr nnd mrs d brill georgetown lu was stricken with infantile paralysis some u celts ago was brought to her honr her from toronto hospital tost wcdnisday nnd is improving nicely the remains of the late robert k brady who died in toronto lost week were burled in oreenwood cemetery peorgetown lost monday mr brady was a brother- inlaw and rormer part ner of the late t j speight in george town some years ago st ocorgea beautiful church edifice mas the scene of large gatherings on sunday last when the members and ad herents celebrated the eightyfifth an niversary of che opening of the parish in oeorgetown the special speaker for the day was the venerable archdeacon fotherlngham of trinity college tor onto mr oordon alcotl left oeorgetown on october 31st for halleybury new on tario where he is attending the ontario government mining engineering school out of 300 applicants 60 were chosen and oordon was one of the fortunate ones he mas the popular organiser of the midget hockey in town and ma quite interested in boys work we all join in wishing him every success in his new work in the north country dr f r watson and j h bingham of the high school board addressed council regarding the building of two additional rooms for manual training and household science as requested by the department of education the gov ernment would pay so of the cost of construction the cost of the required addition to the school is 000 17000 to be paid bj oovemment and approx imately si 3 000 by count leaving 25 0o0 co be paid by town the gov ernment increase to the yearly grunt would be 700 0o a year council will submit the question to the vote of the ratepavers at the election this jur herald november sale tift weeklies hkbxditaky the teacher wrote on the margin of little bettys report card good mocker but talks too much bettys father wroie on the opposite margin mhen it was returned come up some time snd meet her mother on hck dignity oentleman visitor ito fiancees little sister your sister let me kiss her now wont you let me kiss you uule sister i loftily ko i don t allow all the gentlemen to kiss me as sister does theres a great difference in people you know just us politicians seek the support of mallumii and rural sentiment it is suggested that business particularly big business socalled should endeavor to vln the understanding of the people mho live outside the large cities business lsngrlj has negltsted an influential por tion of the population where the politic ians i ncludlng the dnmagogues ruij e betrn busv for generations if np were to inquire as to horn best lo reach the rural people mith the mes sages o explanation which are the prelude lo understanding the answer must be that the country weekly papers j are publications which are closely read by their sutacrlber their subscriber families and their subscribers neigh bor one mould not suggest that metropolitan opinion be neglected by omitting the messages from the daily i paper but it is believed thai the work i is not being eved half done if only the metropolitan papers ore used economic and other conditions which have led to the demise or the party organ and the reduction in the number of dally papers likewise have broqgnt about the death of a hundred or two of the rural weeklies of a generation ago but the 700odd weeklies which are left have survived because there 1 room for them and two- or three hundred of these pubucalkms ore serring ihelr oommun- itiea superlatively well an insuruuonal advertising campaign which overlooks these papers la a csunpalgn which is in complete therefore it i likely to be j ineffective in pert the printed word t y of ladies furtr immed coats coats of newest wool matcrmls luxuriously trimmed with beautiful furs nrcto bo cleared out substantially below regular prices most conts tire littttd with guaranteed satin and warmly interlined practically every tont chamois lined to the hips with real cryimois leather red fox black fox sable opossum manchunan wolf canadian wolf squirrel caracul french seal jiombay lamb pointed fox muskrat and persian lamb are some of the furs practically every coat is an individual style there ts- ttfettikood assurimciu and pricey lire as low as 895 for a real wolf trimmed coat this is an unusual opportunity which we urge you not t miss if you are not prepared to buy your coat at present a small deposit will lay it away until required b d rachlin mill street opposite ymca acton ont scotts scrap book j byluscott iiajii ln01 4tmam 5fxm ocalxas aac roraidpem 6buy hum feftj3mlr er mtw rlllm- aft 2amrflt ut0saajr g aj tax notice1937 municipality of acton second instalment november 18th an addition of four per cent will be made to every- tea rate or assessment remaining unpaid fourteen day sfter the said isle day of november for the second instalment snd it will be the duty of the collector immediately after the said several days appointed fas payment u collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provision of the ststutes in that behalf all such taxes or instalments of tares please taxe too tax notice wtth tol when mazing payment r j mcpherson collector xttttfll ojitttrrlf at fauaia sotom r m manor hul paraarnt ho r awi sunday hovruaen 14th itr mm am hv u bannau u af toronto 1ji p sunday jmhool u4 mm laaw 700 pm oapt daman chaplain af ontario flaformatorr ounlpn vbtvbodt wmoous prratigtf rlh nox cattmcal accom wev h l bknntb m a afjalamr uanaa wulow btram sunday novzubeh 14th 1m7 11 00 a hl lfomlng barrlaa 1 90 p ra tha sabbath flahoal 7 00 p m the mlnutor n always wwucxyur sapltat cljurrlj afttott mv k o baxtu raatar sunday november 14th 1m7 10 00 a m flunday sahool 1 1 00 a m morning service rev w r mcalplnr nrampum 7 00 p m evening sf rvlce rev w b mcajplnr wodnoaday 7 30 pjn mldveek ser vice annlvrraary servlrea- on sunday no vember 2iat rev john marbhall of dufterlrl street baptut cjhureh toronto will be apeclal apeaker a weleoma to ao unclauifito small advertisements advcrturmrntt unilrr ihla fesoeasic ot rrni pt verd mlnrarnar cfesrjss ssc pr inrril pi inwrtloas tsr io if paid rh ir safditiaasl is chspaed where iicota hav u bs brnlieti noo sntrpino satubdat csll 07r3 for hog prices this week prank ilotalig for rent ooodslsed oaxafre will accommo date large car oood entrance apply l staaxman amon for rent a sixroom house on young street apply mrs joiin rnasbia for sa1x apples macintosh baxten oreen- lngs snd spies st 75c per bushel lot is concession t esojueaing hotisekecper avajlah1x position wanted s housekeeper pujly xperlcnced and best of references apply post office box s3 wanted for the purpose of using in historical exhibit one framers boring i and one coopers shaving horse j n f moore 182 main attest notice an independent gasoline dta will rent er lease yaw service sutless er will eu direct to yew apply box 15 free press nursing wanted experienced practical nurse beet of references will go out of town price reasonable plume bet wren 8 am and 730 pm 193 phone 87 aotow j for rent i brick iluusc six rooms furnace snd lights also shop for rent ate possession i kerr 8 real estate phone m aeeon notice will my cusuicners for bleach awj- i please leave orders st my residence sgern street or st pallant s store and 1 will deliver them after six as i am reltevtrg nt storey s gloe shop far the p lflu tugs ozbbcfiel auction sale oeorge a hamllloti at mlmosm brtn 1 township v111 bold a clearing auction sale of high grade stock lmplemenu grain hay roots and douse hold c frosts on tuesday november 23rd at ii jo o clock terms cash lg2 it j kark auctoteswr w t patterson ro spaclalm ka kvo i onarua traataaaalaa 1m wrakaaa m maat a uamaan qamdlt iaraaaaj larri special fares bound tbjt to toronto royal agricultural winter fair i hxgu rabs rtb tb boot oowo rcov lsm tneloatva hbtcrm udtrrnov m im lakata mmd lataraaauam rraaa aar afaht canadian national

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