the actor free press paommiwrt if liltflc bttt uk ft lucht from feaven bow ttw tup by p my pllsrlmtva should atti lf the dmaht perils mn to mike sb path uttfloswbte that iwiit tbk y4 u the rrmr wind throuita raountalno im 1 tb y wfll optn wwlrxm hsull my heartsfor faithful jj thy alia dom ftd true and triad hi holy wod thmtmtb eofmy flood that roffelh a the f hfj utrowftm ukfl uppisffitpfm ahould t tkars ago lw imm of th ff freos tlwriday nswmber isut 117 a hlluburg merchant baa brought a oarer apol rn kovaseotta and u sellfe uwm at 580 per barrel mr vte landaborouffh his opanad a new meat shop at the corner of mill and main streets mlm nellie anderson has been award- ad the pint garter soholarthlp of one nundrad dollars at cfualph collegiate institute mis muriel nmiry ho been reen- ejaoad taochcr or the second book noom for the year 1010 at a salary of 15 bo mr campbell flteen of chlriguaoousy township has purchased the 100 aero farm in brln township belonging to ir b vannatter corp mlno llmehouse has been awarded the military medal for bravery on the field av vlmy ridge the acton tribunal for hearing and determining the applications for exemp tion froolinllltary service have dealt with nearly one hundred applicants since thursday morning last marbied flawttmlmutajjfj in artnn on wpci neaday 7th november 1017 by rev jo wilson da m a oampjcll of fitaranavllle to bessie only daughter of the lata donald mann mekkbryshortill at knox mania acton on monday 5th november 1017 nrj0wuao b archlcs mobnery to miss agnes j shurtiu both of baulnafad locally indispensable the funotkm of smalltown news- papot li to rjsford oarefuuy all of the local events personal and civic that are of interest to the people of that com munity if the local newspaper performs that function expertly as most of them do it does not need to fear the com petition of the metropolitan dally news paper no matter how close that news paper is to the district t and no matter how many copies of the big dally are circulated therein the readers of the local newspaper know of its indlapens- ability the advertisers are gradually learning some local newspapers attempt to give their readers the national and world- news on the theory that some of them get no other newspapers the danger in this policy li that readers who do read both the big dally and the country week ly will compare the weekly unfavorably as a matter of fact there is no basis of comparison between the good weekly and the good dally their functions are dif ferent and the weekly publisher who in any way attempts to imitate the dailys manner of presenting newi and allows the dolly to influence the selection or news is merely creating unnecessary problems for himself recently we have had on opportunity of making an intensive survey of the weekly publications of this country there has been vast improvement in the last five ten and twenty years in mech anical equipment and printing results the change has been spectacular in local news coverage most or the weeklies are doing very well indeed some of them nave excellent editorial columns where the editor evinces a capacity for intelligent expression of independent thought on matters of importance in his own neighborhood and to the nation one fancies that in the next decade the editorial opinion of the weekly will bc- come more important in the minds or the nations leaders the printed word lifts autumn im as young or even younger than i over wag x think it was about this urn that charlie eame home for a few days on a brief holiday be anet w mooorvin charlie hoi ii r- moore andtaacb moore wart together upicwn one drisftiy uwriatt morning when one of them charlie or bo augfeated a fishing trip up to the orand river near osprmge ft took only the rufgeatlon for any one of these ave a team and ajeniocrat was secured from the livery lhnk it was in ed matthews time and away they went they got to the river they got a fine lot or speckled beauties they got wet both in the river below and from the dripping heavens above but they had a jolly hme they made spectacle of themselves when they had tramped back to edward toltona barn where the team was left costa and pants end shirts were soaked off they came and like the boys they were in earlier days at the old swlm- min hole at the big pond they raced for who could the soonest wring out tht wet garments and get baefc into them again i think it was between charlie hill and charlie cook as to who won first place well they finally got hitched up and off for home a soon as they got into town charlie cook began crying the old fishermans call fresh herrings freeh feesh and ed mcoarvln would respond in his dulcet tones six rotten out or five and by the time they reach ed town this jolly load of fishermen were all bawling the couplets even the dig nified teacher moore entered into men- boys sport now youll wonder how i got all the details or this true yarn sovpat well i saw the bunch of chaps go off on their excursion myself and i was half mad that they didnt ask me then i was down at the post office when they came back and saw james matthews tand rev t b cameron the presbyterian minis ter look in amusement ut the unruly crowd of men who allowed themselves to become noisy boys again anj then after this they all talked for a week about the fun they had and boasted who hod caught the biggest fish and told on the sly how h p got in pretty nearly to the neck in the soft the cancer crmde mghttar the great beaarge with kvwukfa cajbpaldra wtiw oah igbaraaea rear and notice -by- j w 3 ueoullough ud dph but the boys about my age are getting gray though or energy and spirit i have still abundant store yet the boyc about my age are getting mud bt a p on the grey u river oh bless me half the town knew ihavcholmxbbjuoljjiildlaic come to the doctor too late and some of manhoods woes but i feel as glad im living as docs quack rbmbddb there la a legion or cancer cures borne are put forward by unscrupulous persona greedy for money others are exploited by thelgnorant who have been led to believe that they have a cure a cure for cancer may vary from the harmless kind such aa sorrel or violet leaves or molasses and a host of others to the highly injurious made of tartar emetic arsenic and sulphate of dnc some are taken by the mouth others are for external use they appear as fluids pills ointments pastes plasters and apeclsl appliances qualified medical men have been known to exploit this and that serum or other type of cure socalled electricali ap pliances are included in the armament of the cancercures faith healing christian science special diets com pression of the canceroue mass injec tions of various matters into tbe tumor have all promised a cure when thv writer was secretary of the ontario royal commission on cancer he had hundreds of these cures- brought to i him in every case the inventor was looking for money in no case was he or she willing to disclose the secret in order that the cure might scientifically bo tested the best that can be said of some of vhcso measures is that they do no harm to the patient beyond dispraising of false hopes and the delayy of rational treat ment of others it must be said that uicy cause much pain and discomfort and hasten the inevitable end or all of these quack remedies it is true that heyhwhwttmrnonyndfp whehsomi clous time a few weeks delay in the use of quack remedy may suffice to convert a curable cancer into one for which nothing can be done because it day came when charlie cook was billed anyone i know to preach in both the baptist and the all my life is still ahead of me ambition methodist churches but to ooy my age arc getting weu l bueiu1 tnat enou for grey i this week next week if things go right 1 ill tell you something more about charlie in my heart the songs of childhood ring cook and the old times as sweet as ere they rang but the boys about my age are getting grey im as lively ns a twoyearold and feel lifes oldtime tang but the boys about my age are getting grey i have wasted precious hours aye i am like to waste them yet i have caused and still urn causing those who love me best to fret i am counting futures only and the profits they shall net books that mattkr continued on pt seven and tgalnift war he answera about forty questions quite euggestlveiy and s wistfully but if we train our children against war and then war eomea despite our efforts what is to to the payehologle- al effect on the children will they simply accept the inevitable or will it be necessary to reeducate them for war perhaps with all such training for peace it may be well to remind them that in the christian teaching physical death l less important than aplritual death dr henry atkinson has worked vali antly through the churches for peace since the inception of the world alliance for international friendship in his prelude to peace he gives us a realistic study or the steps which must be taken before peace and justice can be estab lished together- with and perhaps in consequence of collective security he also deals with the role of sanctions access to raw materials educatloxand religion in the battle for peace this struggle can never be achieved he says until national sovereignity is at least in part surrendered but when will the united states wake up arid make collective security a reality qulncy howe head of the editorial de partment or simon arid sinister in england expects every american to do- his duty would harden the isolationist fibre against any next steps which pre sident roosevelt may take and especially warns the people of the great republic that all this angloamerican under standing talk is just a smokescreen behind which perfidious england seeks to gtt the united states to do its dirty work for it while it prepares to capture american trade thus cashing in on the profits canadians ought to read this book if only to understand one type of mentollty still common in the united states mr bake carter would- probably applaud heartily it is too bad that we britishers are so smart and tricky and that those anglosaxon traditions of blowing bubbles tissue paper they must only be about two inches long to get the ahaneof tula la one of the loveliest games ever the nghrearjuit lay pictures out of your thought of blowing bubbles comic or any other paperjgyer the tiaaua do you know how to make really and cut ftffure ani the tissue- out ak gigantic bubbles its easy- enough une time uae only the tissue figure instead of using ah ordinary clay pipe you uae a funnel it doesnt matter if it la quite amall just fill a saucer with the soapy water then dip the wide open end of the funnel tie a short length of fine silk to th tissue figure fasten the other end of the sllkkmly a short length mind you to a wee circle of paper r then blow the bubble and just aa la starts to form stick the wee circle of in it and blow just as you do the pipe m w apcw m and youu and it will make a perfectly t to wm lovely big bubble i j w urure flo away with the bubble when it leaves the when you are blowing bubbles you i might ike totrynttachlng little figures to them and seeing them float away with i the bubbles it can be done m become an actress one cannot- first cut but some little figures in find begin too early ulllan qlsh but the boys about my age arc getting grey hough i am forced to the conclusion it fills my heart with pain for the boys about my itgc arc getting grey that my boyhood dnys ore over and my lifetlde on the worn for the boys abouv my age un getting grey let my mirror tell its story crowfeet spectacles and all then with wet eyes i acknowledge that my yoilth is past recall i have had my spring and summer i must face the frosts of full for the boys about my age are getting grey tiik front door houses are sometimes judged by uie appearance of the front door if the door is cracked and the point peeling one does not expect to find anything better beyond it but if the dour is well kept the visitor expects to and the whole house ui good order ii the door la the regular type with a large plain or leaded window it can either be painted a solid color or groined a more mod solid wood door with a very amall window can be scraped and stained a knocker adds materially to the appearance of this type of door then of course the doors inside the house should be painted or stained from time to time to keep them in a good atate of preservation ught woodwork la eery mooh in faehkm now 1 a swinging door between the tocben and dlnlnejroom la a great contenjeore and isalpb to keep the aroma of cooking rem ejop through tbe rest of the rooms an eitnadttve open doorway between the uvtiaj and dining rooms of ft summer hestsa was of aaed atone end umber the ism took the paece of woo on either atde of the enttejseewhus a beam i the top of tbe each sew re of interest well i left charlie oook beg pardon the rev dr charles a cook as the popular pastor of parliament street bap tist churchy toronto he had a success ful pastorate there icr quite u number of years charlie preached the gospel then as he preaches it still and he be lieves in practising what he preaches too he has always been arreat be liever in stewardship and tithing both money sptlme while he was a min ister in toronto the late senator mac- donald offered a prise for 1100000 for he best essay on the subject of chris tian giving among others charlie- there i cant get away from his boy hoods name in acton wub one who essays were in uu- judges decided two of them were of equal merit the one by rev charles a cook and one by rev j c seymour a methodist minister who was stationed at the time at mark- ham i think as a result both were consldeted ptlsemen and the i 00000 offered by the godly old methodist whole saler and senator was divided equally bewteen charlie and mr seymour the essays were published in a neat little volume and although it is over fifty years since they were written the book is still in demand as a help to inculcating the principles of christian benenclenoe among the young folks v rfk9vz -jr- a bit awkward an aberdonlan had been invited to at tend the funeral of a neighbors third wife and as he hod attended the fun erals of the first two his own wife was somewhat surprised when he informed her that he had declined the invitation she continued to press for a reason so at last after a great deal of hesitation he told her wecl mary he said i feel a bit awkward tobe accepting browns civili ties when i never have anything or the sort to oak him book to buddhism profesaor my dear lady may i if you intend to hear my lecture buddhkwn lady certainly i shall attend know that i am very much interested in flowers ohk you sallys sallies rhktai yi i pemanp tiu woman who- u always talking about her rights may end by getting left it la not the ignorant alone who pursue the wlh-o- the wisp of the cancer cure its adherents are seen not only among the uneducated and unintelligent but among the welleducated and highly in telligent there la a motto among those who axe interested in the problem of cancer it is fight cancer with knowledge the more the public learn and know about c the sooner will fear of the malady disappear there wan scarcely a dent made in the armor ol tuberculosis until about 30 years ago an tl- tuberculosis societies began the education of the public in the control of the while plague knowledge of the magnificent results gained from the early treatment of can cer by means of surgery and irradiation will give the cancer victim courage in the fight against this deadly foe the cancer patient has nothing to gain by recourse to cancer cures on the con trary he has much to low by the waste of time involved in the trinl of such remedies making an attic room cottage furniture is particularly adapt able to an attic room and the home owner who modernizes might bear this in mind if she plans to convert a part of lhe attic into a useful ronn slanting ceilings and the dormer win dows frequently found in np top floor of a house can easily be made a caty setting for simple furniture in the absence of dormer windows a small-pan- ed window may replace one of the or dinary type to carry out the general trend this is one of the many im- iuruvuiucuts that can be made under the home improvement plan one attic which was mode into a room for the son of the family who was u high school student hod a dado of pine panelling the walls were covered with scenic wallpapor a composition covering whlrfa looked like red tiling used on the floor a nondescript window which rattled he winder winds and was stubborn about being raised was replaced with a leaded window a bookcase was built in one wall surrounded by a scalloped moulding electric light plugs were plac ed where they would be convenient to the main pieces of furniture bclde the d and over the desk old coach lanterns were used in place of regulation fixtures trestle table placed in the window alcove served as a dealt and the person sitting at tt could get the best possible light on tils work moot of the furniture maple but a chair and a tablr were painted a dull blue stilt needed in this crazy world are so slight that collaboration seems to be im possible however it is well for us to know what some of them think about us and we can only pray to our viking gods that they may- wake up sometime before tle end of end what price jackie watched the nurse while she weighed the new baby finally he could contain himself no longer do you mind telling me what my mother paid a pound for him he asked more needed the tree press says that means a big saving in money for you think whatthis wen derf ul offer will mean in enjoyment through out the whole year for yourcalf andyourfam- ily magazinct of your ewn choice and this newspaper packed with stories time ly articles helpful departments endcolor ful illustrations new is your chance tramp had been knocked dawn by motorcar when he opened his eyes he heard a stern voice say stand back and give him air lummc mister he protested have they got nothing else ive lived on that for a week croup mktas24lttuts lyr chttoww lyr nitioasl hons monthly 1 yr cinnfim mipzlm lyr rod ud gun lyr pictorial rtvlow cui wwi deflnutor lyr i amerlcu boy imo can hortleultin and home mipiim 1 yr parents mapzlot 6 mo silver strew lyr obhirmii for boys 16mo american frutt grower lyr croup z d nmwa8k26ltsunsau p trm story lyr parents maprjna lyr open road lor boys 2yrs american boy lyr lyr take your choice this 0er fuuy guar anteed ah renewals will be extended offer no 1 one magazine from griap 1 and one magazine from group 2 and this newspaper offer no s three magazines from grouplandthisnewspaper muggs and skeeter fbumc the 1v4am thet ivjartl m6v bbj mtfssiw rexa i psa d nviste aw sfwse veta vrss85ifc cousim the bujb av jodusij hid them thamqs ottmocftok toea hvar 7 f wau if va ask yera f twam ow tmats a i mauoous c-uip-er- mas mc qinmis cxamojd ram6 m it dcspped out o vr mootm ah spobe gousim the jav stov that h fewr 7lr mv win that r by wally bishop wmekj mv despicable coosim sav6 me that vestbreiav h tu me it wai a thiaaat l02emit fl raor depraved osusiki evamocttta j uim jiiw