iij himitii irii i rrl rf tatmttkv tjmtubi and iw i i i ii r i i i l i i m l i i i be bnoubii lnouaof a yollric man with plenty of dtuth wwa aroqqh sat the creek ru to high the rlrl aald oh mlh i think we had batter not gotigh but the young man replied with a couch 7ftat ha never waa often to akoticn and would awear that the barque waa tafe for a larque and he thought they had better be ough they the acton free press j pao sftvkh tbtm away through the water sloughed the girl teemed considerably coughed and aid that the motion was just llfcilihfiotlon bxmpt that the wotw werent so louahed thy mine tonbridge and went through when tney had a most beautiful vlough of the great water- tourer and they stayed there on hour it wan lute or they might have stayed tough ttrt at hut when theyd rowed quite enough tdey tied up the boat by the blough and ran up che road tv the lady obood with a haste which made both of them nought nts uuaksag twe1 the issne or the free press thursday december gth 1017 ike cancer crusade ftghuntf ibagnat sosbriawhb kttiiwlskra campaign wipe oat ignaroiim fear unit neglect by- s wj9 mcouuougn mj opm or mr wm moore lot 0 concession 4 esqueslng lost the barn and contents on his property by fire one night last week steps arc being taken for the organ isation of a horticultural sorlety for acton a meeting ts arranged for next week rev o k e smith the rector of st albans church has been transferred to the historic st marks at niagara-on- thexake the seventysecond anniversary ser vices of ebenecer church were held on friday and sunday and were the meat enjoyable functions ever held by the church mr and mrs j a smith and family have removed from crcemore and are now comfortably settled in thcr home he miss ella snjder deaconess uhi hns been a member of the staff of the rescue home at edmonton for tru past year has returned to the east for un extend d visit both milton town hull mil liu prin cess theatre wen filled to capacity when the electors of hulton galhrnd lo heui sir robcrl iiordt n hatiy markuiu u of sir william mnckenrjc died at the famllv leslcii in toronto on rimrsduv uid ma i zle wasthtrnohirr of mr w w hi mort and h d often visited lu rt to kl hi ciili si i iies1i in ttif iiomi thi qutmlon of storing cheist in tut homt is u particularly intonating out- tlon tlii majorlt of persons who live convealently near a grocery stort bil cheesijilhsy du other joods in rather small quavltlllts in such cases there is really no problem or staring cheese in the home it simply u matter of jew ping u pound or less for a short tlm if a wholi small chetsi or part of a large cheese js bought to bt stort d in the homi cm must be talcm to prevent di mugout oi development of mould a good plan is to tut a small portion tiom thi cheest and coer tin cut surfaces o tlu rcmuhuui with a touing of pariifln wax appljliik- i hi milted w l with a brush when stort d in a looi wtll- vrnttlalod dr plact cheest so mated will keep in ptrfecl condition foi sonu cunsiderabit tlnn tlu portion tut fur lm media tt ust should bt covered uul kpt in a cool dr plat i wlitn it la iviuunutl inotlur portion ina bi i ui from tin waved diet it again covtiint tju exposed surf a is of tlu rtiualnmi chei st w ii 11 ir ill in w u i hli sinipu mmtlon t in bt n peatnl until oiil oiu portion of the chei unutluf i lit nwson win clut m ihoulit bt let pi in a cool dn plact 1 that hlh tunptia turt will taiuit onu of tlu fal in tlu cheejw to melt and tita high teni peratun t lias tin edett of drltu- out tju cheese iartlcularl if it is left uucowretl the btat place in the hoim lor cheeur ls in the refrigerator or in a cr owl cupboard free from dampness the flavor and texturt of tlu- cheeat will be prcervd if it is kept in a cover ed container or ts wrapped in heavy waxed or parchment paper 1 prrven waste scraps of cheese may be grated and put a covered jar to be used as required in cooking process hcese should be stored hi trie refrigerator and may be left in the package in which it uas purchased the worlds biggest news story the stdry that millions long for and the headline that would overshadow everything el in the morning paper would be the announcement of a sure cure for eancer thls or any succeeding generation will be unlikely to read s a story if they do it will probably bea fake cancer is not a single disease jjke the fever of the lest century which included under that term typhus and typhoid fever scarlet fever pneumonia and many other affections having the common fcaturo of a rise of temperature cancer is acombinatlon of diseases for this reason it is improbable that any scrum vaccine or other universal cure for the malady will bo found eh- james swing an outstanding path ologist of new york when asked about the prospects for a enncer cure remark ed anything which encourages the public to look for a universal cure for all forms of advanced cancer is unintelligent one might just lis well indulge in the hope of a cure for all forms of infectious diseases cancer comprises a great group of diseases resulting from different causes and requiring many different forms of treatment which are successful only when the disease is recognized in a compara tively early stage the important fact that the public should know is that early cancer is curable in a high proportion of late cancer is rarely curable and therefore every one should become fam iliar with the early signs of the major forms of cancer the rec an nouncements of a cure for cancer have no news value whotever francis carter wood director of the crocker caneer research laboratories more optimistic sajs i am unwilling to sa that we will never have a curt for cancer but i do not expect to see it in my lifetime- iu can curt enncer in ifci carlj stafiea but n specltlc that will reich into tlu cuuv 1 mhiu thlnjt mllrt- 1 dllferinl di c c little jedttor of the cnncti ilulli tin om m ot thi anurltm faocli t foi thi contrt 1 or cam r stale all tin tviritnci p mts m tht dlnttim or u 1 nmltlpll it of rnibi foi tht liitllallun i f tun cpui growth in tkilnlit itklon 1 of un bodu on flu otht r hand i should thai tin prifljutt of inun or less sudtssful privtntloii of ml tx of t mtir wus improving no om con turned dr llttlt should harooi tin fi ai ot dlluli li lit ill lb hulllk to m i ulili l m soim nuiubtr o hi i univ oi hi niilttt dti is hud thi illsi iuii nntwlthst aiutlnt all this opllmlsls in tin iimiiul of cmn r will ontlnui u hit hopi that u turt in ij mutually bt found in th munition ttr om is udlsd to lot k for iht i arl ilni of tin dl las ami mtk iriutmtni a tlu t arlledf dati x slbli opportunity this i beheld or d renin ed it in a dream there- proad a clrraa of aitst along plain anc underneath thi cloud n i ugetl a furious bultli inn tw i ytllid inords sho kid lpou sworns mil shli ds s ill wavired ihm med b f a craicn hunir aloiu and thoukht hud 1 a itt el that bljn blndl mint tears but tlils i liluiit tliliik hi snapt fi om his hand and 1 nu rini t rt pi auu luu hun inn the sotting opart and purehaaw of the steel property for a cemetery tha hy- btwcame tovoto or the peopleut mr- warren strong opposition resulted in its defeat after a year or so had passed the bylaw was submitted again and a hen fhe vote was taken it was again defeated nothing daunted how ever mr storey and his friends feeling that the site proposed was honestly the best site rtvnllable hod the bylaw in troduced by the council the third time and then submitted to the electors for their third vote on the quesjlon om thi third vote the bylaw was carried by a large majority that was over flftytwa years ago and the in tervening years have shown the wisdom of the people in endorsing this site we have one of the finest cemeteries lnon- tarlo and many nonresidents have secur ed family plots in falrvleew asan instance of the irony of fate- it may be mentioned that two of the most prominent family plots in the cemetery are those of the late w h storey and the late john warrtn nnd both these combatants have tw many years been sleeping in the re onu- tery it seems quite appropriate thnt just now i should oc taking up the historical part of ralrvlew cemetery ive or six vcars ngo the council put the care of ihe cemetery in the handn of a com- mkiion tills has proven a vtry wise move nnd tht choice of the members of that ntw board was also wisely made the hillside nnd grove was first of ail improved a new roadway was made hrough tfil io v lund then the goo property was sixured the old residence was removed and the land levelled and made reody fpr ceme tery purposes the front lots jumalned an eyesore toward beautifying the entrance however but murraj mcdonald and his fellow board mem bers persisted and just lost week i notic ed that tht two front lots hiwc been secured and will be incorporun d in tht cemtury tht lntmncc tun now bt made direct i oil main strut old men iniiv dieum dn aim so wh nit drt mi f what mils mum lo rli view tlu niw highway iiioiib muh strut will llki l bt puved ion and a gradi will di ubiliss bt mult takln out a lot i l tin hills and boll us al hik oik litittl i tun in in urn ol u b tu tiful tnirinrt rutin main stmt pi i ha thi n will siiini da hi a irula wav and pt rhaps a i h ip i ulili luuiv win it bun il si i mi s un din ud hi tin b id u flu i ii wt i bids nia k- t in 1 1 uutst i pi t this li pin i k i un t i n imi for the vvbary iiotjsew1fe shake the mops round and round in the open nlr then lay them with their handles on a fence so that the mops project where the wind can reach them thorouflhly in the lather until they are looaeond clean rinse by shaking jjn housework is hard work said a pnub 0 hot water squeese out as much weary uttle wife of six months i never water as possible with the hands dreamt it was so hard and dirty and tiring the work of a house is all these things ond every housewife has found it more j or less of a nightmare until method libel oil duk6 meilts wlllimihg judgc hawt and time have eased the way i j o o let us start with tho brooms and brushes as these arc in constant use and are seldom cleaned as often as they need it brushes in dally uso must be washed earh week for dirty brushes make dirty floors make a nice lather of melted soap and hot water adding 0 small toblcspoonful of common soda mind you use enough water to cover the bristles take all the loose fluff and pieces from tlie brushes before washing then shake them up and down in the water chang ing it if necessary rinse thoroughly well by shakriig in warm waterj and then in cold to which salt has heen added foi the ordinary hand brushes stiff and floft use a deserts poonful of salt to a quart of water this done shake the brushes well in the open air nnd dry them outdoors if possible as quick ly as you can your floors will look much bright t and cltaner if the mops used fut dusting and polishing are regularly woshid tath week ust soft soop to make a hot lather nnd lhtn add a good tablespoon fill of household ammonia lo half a pall of tht mids fohake the mops om at a time gfoffrty dfnnis chim justici iimvr1 in lieu of what he hinted should have been a horn whipping lord chltt juitlte hewart administered a bllsltrlng uinjin inshliik to ottitr dennis because of foul and crml libel agntnit tin dukt of windsor contained in derms coronaoun coinnuntarv the iuili s outinixi tame nfter the duke s awarded a handsomt sum t stinuitt d at ubout 0 000 which authoritative sounts tlalm will be given ti eimenn charities slurs ond innucndon contnlnitl in the book wire brondid as falsti not only b the plnlntlll s attorntys hut nlso bv tlu defi in e ontario viivregal heiilimirr lo be sold say a u uiut si i of ivhlii has lukt u pi tt mil ls cl ilu ihina strvl i in tl i thibiutt l i ft at ht m s 11 n i hlbi ilu ekk 1 lips lullis f i hi s i v llkhl hu tho u n nun ituui wtlhh i nl as tln blhitl pn iboui tluti i hi setvii etl bj otto kn1- b working foi tuttirv i he st copv of a thiiiit i king of soxonv t i iii of italj when 1malust t1a siki1 h tin m ri loilk wai uiilk utti a hmai ui it melv i it pit hua an t u t min givtn bj tin king vlctth kmanutl hi asrtn ii of tht uded tlu thrum tht 13u pllcu of the set is preilau a leiuli of the sire of tht original et eur deulil luu been copied cornell including ivtn the handpalnted colon d oriiaimnu on ever dish cup and saucer a mugnlfyiiii glass must be used to identify these devornttoiu w hlch hod to be pointed with brushes of onlj unr to three hairs juut turn strong i pittksituui this tioup iv tired tin iurii- 1 ijtndv m urn s lam ui th f alton ciussroad and tin third un it ai pomitd out tha tht fatetl piopit was ai than u uirt r sec tion of tlu v ulan and as tht apruiga there led manj of tin w us and spec- lallj tin will on majn street which lud supplied su nianv fainilles lor eara would be ion ununated thi w it mr stouj council and at tlu heud of the wiu submutcd for picobac pipe tobacco for a mild cool smoke canada s flrt t lover leaf crossing dimgnrd to speed up traffic and cut down accidents lb shown above in gji ulr photograph short after it had been opened near port credit ontario the cloverkuf situated on the toronto- hanulton highway is constructed loncnte and ls expected to bandit the heaviest traffic in tht province no left hand turns are permitted and arrows drawn or the photograph show exactly the turns neicasary to go to the left or right deptndlng on the direction from which the uutomubul approaches th ttirti though motor is ls were confused for l hi first dii watchmen si lamed at vanugt polnu straightened out their prttltrns ulth little dlfflcuit you ant beat the slot mactllnfc the reader s digest tells how one mathematics teacher cured hi boys of ploying the slot machines he secured a machine that had been confiscated by the police and sgj it up in the cioss- roomf then the teacher preceded to demonstrate t the boys learned that a player hits the ackpotoncc in 4 000 tries h it mould cost about s300 to win as and the next highest pajoft was won once in j 000 tries or it took s100 to win 11 with that practical demonstration showing then ho you cant beat the slot maciilne the boys lost their pep for throwing jlr nicksls down the drain w u clarke in windsor aur muggs and skeeter id uie tc eorkcm j wut amd vtoor v4air tf tm wou by wally bishop 3o8m fcur tfeacher ou6mt tto purmisu a brusm witv4 a card uke