jab jatbtt the actbn free press nttnuumy tweminm am imt al btalfce 1 akafaa msuae xaoaw ameumtoh triureday hoterabar mth 1m t the yiarenoa ortttaooen ihapital fattwlt web to my and 5stt iwwbre as maria lauta the tin of aeon m doosoriat tte noma lot m eonsu- alon 4 fil vmnuwjpi on wd- aaattstxjwia balovad wife of anw tjobma tb faneral m be held on saturday afternoon whb a private aantm at uk bewwo otoest fehaa by ib orjurehin church at 3 jo inlemwnt in onutohlb cemetery in ittacoattlf aojutmow ta lovlncvumory of uaty ann marrow who djm daeanbar ira 10u ixyrlnaiy remembered by husband 60akrow in lovinf memory of dear mother who hd december srd mil brer nemembered by hbr ruatkwner and soiciimiaw dobs and bxllt kujjv wilajnisplnjn kwlng memory ot our dear hmband and father j wuder- apln who paaaed away auddenly no vember utii lesi in our heerta we bold him ever dear v1r and dattornh iocals december the uit month of 1037 bellow it or not ohrlttmu u just three weeks from saturday brampton will play their obla fame in muton since that town has no arena thb mud weath last week spoiled the ice surface that had been started in the arena erin agricultural society decided at a meeting last week to pay all prise money in full acton junior hockey club held a very successful bingo party in the legion hall last tursday evening quite a number from acton and dis trict have been attending the winter pslr at ouelph this week you 11 nnd the best christmas shop ping told about in the advertisements watch and shop the easy way with the mercury around 20 de grees above aero there s been a good taste of winter these past few days the announcement board on the lawn at the baptist church vas blown down with the high lnd on monday loos at the label on your pais pscas a number of subscription come due tnls month perhaps yours ts one of them the heavy fog on saturday made highway traffic dangerous and a number of accidents were due to the poor visi bility in our report last week of the fire at the nicjpeii farm the subject was twisted slightly the hre destroyed the bouse and not the barn on the property we regret the error in our report the fire brigade were called to a chimney fire on sunday afternoon at the home of mr j rowles main street the blase aas extinguished lth chem icals and damage a as only slight warren parkinson son of mr and mrs james parkinson eramosa town ship received severe lacerations to his hand this week when it became en tangled in some machinery in the burn at his farm home montreal mail perfects temper process in the near future canada may be the centre of the inpustrlal world because of ernest tremblay above montreal inventor who has discovered a special proceas for tempering steel copper aluminum and iron sceptics of the first hour are now reported raving about the invention which can temper steel all the way through but which hxs been found best when only tempered a hundredth of an inch thick tremblay is shown above carvhur an axle with a nail tempered with the new process the nail was aa sharp after the experiment as when u started several offers for the process are reported to have been turned downby the montreal man who la now iulfllllnsl several in contracts f1lmization of the good babth unprecedented feat ok engineering artistby somewhat in the lestndurj manner of mu hornet who went to uu mountain uiilii tlu mountain would not comt to him holljwootl has struck u compromise voth the ageless magnificence ot china they wanted a picture of china so uiej went to china to get it but china at liust partially citrrn to the studios in turn to film a plcturt that would bring to tin scrvtn the very character of the orient on expedition wu sent into the country of the orcat wall equipped with cameras and sound recording apparatus to record the visual and audible quad ties of the land and its people it required three and a half years to make the picture with the combined efforts pf genius and labor which have been classified as more or less aynonym- ous fog causes motor accidents on saturday heavy fog on saturday made driving difficult in this district and a number of minor accidents results saturday morning russell longstrcct erin crash ed into a tree on the huttonvtlle- bramp ton road his car was damaged but he and four passengers escaped injury later in the day a car owned by w p jtfls aldcrwood collided with a tru k owned by charles wilson ltd toronto at derry west on the centre road no one was hurt mrs j h king prince edward drive toronto suffered bruises and shock when the car driven by her husband collided with that of h dewhurst georgetown at britannia an the centre road dew hurst was charged with reckless driving by traffic officer ray hodgson of brampton who investigated social circle holds an evening of games the social circle met at the home of mr and mrs a j murray lost week a few items of business were transacted and then the evening was spent in progrcs slve euchre the prboes were won by mrs j williamson and mr a j murray the next meeting will be held at the home of mr and mrs j williamson no use at all little betty was dressed in a bathing suit and taken into the water or the first time soon her voice was heard mother is this thing supposed to be ket ping mt dry cause it tan t a bit the result is the oood earth based on the impressive novel by pearl 8 buik this la the picture which metro-oold- gf wynmayer now presents to the world w with the distinguished paul muni and the exotic lulae ralner in the costar ring roles pearl buck the author has- described her method of writing when she fashion ed the story in kanking where she waa an obscure teacher in the university she said that she found it necessary to think in chinese translating into eng lish as she wrote the making of the picture is comparable to her technique for the producers too have fortified the mm with actual chinese atmosphere and impassive oriental players the oood earth la the feature on monday and tuesday at the gregory theatre in acton j l st likl that june i wont mime insect powdtr cltrk do you wuni to take it with you june of course not i u send th bugs to you and you tun give ll to them alt r lodge elects officers for the year at the regular monthly meeting of the l t 13 lodtfe tin 3u0 uu follow fag cfll eis were eluded by 3stcr brala- by of georgetown doom for halton county w m sister s hoi mrer d m sister p babculk recording secretary sister e gamble financial secretary sister t- collier treasurer sister l w ids cliapiain sister m smith director of cer sister a simpson conductor sister a wlidrrlm i rylcrslsut a wuods o tyler sister p holmet after installation by sister brulsby uiid her uccnmpunylng ladies a delight fill luneh was served and all enjoyed i social evening ntf flection in jteltkirtyear oonumwd from pace one paled a lower tax rat owing to the re tirement of some debentures liabili ties had decreased by over 10000 the debenture retirement represented a year ly savins of four mulsv the county rate wag tower also by some 11700 un collected taxes werem0 leu than the figure last year mfc mason expressed appreciation of the work- of the cemetery board and briefly outlined the oonstrueuve policy they had pursued in steady improve ment at falrvlew re felt he had liven sufficient yean of service as reeve and councillor to the municipality and was prepared to step out if the cltlsens wanted him he was wining to serve as he felt it was the duty of every cluien to perform these citiienshlp duties and he took keen satisfaction in doing his part mr chalmers was not going to make any promises if he qualified for coun cillor he favored good sound govern ment for acton arid nothing else exreeve e thetford was undecided on his course if he contested the elec tion he would give of his brat as he had in the fourteen years or municipal service lie hod rendered in acton in the post he appreciated the support accorded him in all his municipal career up to the time iii health had farced his retirement mr j m mcdonald chairman of the school board appreciated the coopera tlon and sepport given by teachers and ratepayers in the conduct of board work he regretted that there were not more ratepayers at the meeting municipal affairs were freely discussed on the street corners but few attended the nomination meeting he had been a member of the school board for ten years the past six or seven years had been qufto a struggle in the curtailment of school expenditures buildings had deteriorated as a result of che savings attempted a program of beautifying the grounds hod hod to be abandoned with the change in curriculum the board was najf aced with a building expenditure as yet there was nothing official on the subject mr mcdonald expressed regret that no more school reports were to be published in tire fun press he felt this change was a mis urrtnfiox t brule garden toronto ontario november 33rd 1197 a allot dtd eta editor and publliher tirw pan pataa acton ontario near mr duia tni nun pttaa november lath has just reached me here in wlnnlpef and i write to thank the lakeside chapter of the iodje or the honor dona to my recently daeaaaad eon lieut barry n moore for uie ytelt to hie irate in palrvlew cemetery and plaelns thereon a union jack with moat appropriate ritual peraonauy wae in sourla ulan on hemerabrenee day where it waa mi privilege to deliver the memorial day addreea it gives comfort ts know that toy boy who aerved omraeaa throughout the war the nrit year aa canadian gov ernment war oorreapondent and there after aa an officer in the army service oorpe winning cordial commendation in both aervlcea the thoughtfulnew of the lakeelde chapter of the todb i greatly ap preciated by myaelf and family thla act lncreaaes my indebtedneaa co my birthplace for the innumerable kind nesses which have been so numerous through the pant almost four decades yours faithfully t albert moor o arlof dills editor tlu actoh far picas acton ontario dear slr recently i was given a subscription to your paper i enjoy it and although acton district is not at all familiar to me i read with interest all the events in neighborhood news one suggestion i would ltlce to make is why dont you run a woman s column 7 it could be called home ghats homelovers or a docen other good namea women who keep house love a oorner of their own in a papers not to exchange receipts in but to chat and exchange ideas and tell some of their own little experiences that may help some one else i know that s true for for years i have been writing to a morn ing paper and have so many good page take he felt every cluien owed the trldnds flhe one who mm me your details wantcd the teacher waa relating an encounter aha had with a tramp on the highway that morning with brenthleae interest the youngsters followed the narrative and the teacher reaching the climax of her story eonoluded and then i faint ed utuirjihirny3onea waa the first to break the alienee with yer left or with yer right ha and thatb tha the husband became irritable aa be listened to the talking or hi wifaa women visitors cant you get rid of some of them he aaked they chatter like a lot of magplcat no wonder women are caned birds well anyway remarked hi wif look at the worm some of u pleased up join our christmas club we have aa illaaaay many levery ghrlatau gift awtetiiem rar i twmhhar f the raatuy make year a while tile sleek la rii-i- anal avaai dlsaernlnwl nearer ckrarlaaaa a man depeajt wm beta t any arttela smin daasaabar mr cheese year gwa new and make saaah payments when esjmnlea and yea wb ham year christmas- girls pa far whheat ennui aaaattty strotatng year baaget join this popular club today hintons 5c to 1 store community in which he lived a part of his time in helping look after the lv w rest of the municipality if nccrs ory he was willing to carry on his ntlzcnshlp duties on the board mr c w is a page friend of several years so you sec how it htlps us ail along there are so many clever little sug gestions regarding such a column to at- tract and hold tru in it rest of readers mason a nominee tor tru llmt l m flure lf you lred u lhe iad school board appreciated being nom i would support the work and enjoy mated and if he decided to seek dec ieatljso hires hoping wc kit it lion v ould if madi a number of the board do his best mr c m hansen expressed his pit sure in doing the work on the public utilities commission the officers wen all giving good irlvce and the affairs wishing y toronto u continued sutcess your ilnctnly nurse elkram in connection with the water and light i victim hire that wasn t the tooth departments wire all in gjod condition i i wanted pulled out conacher appointed to athletic board appointment of lionel conocher m ja toronto- braoondole to the vlce-chair- manshlp of the ontario athletic com mission was announced wednesday by premier hepburn mr conocher it is understood utll take over his new duties immediately further reorganization of the commission is said to be pending cannibal mice found trlnchman s gain prtnchman sternly to fellow country man vho has bflomi nuturallsed british subject what hue ou galnrd by be coming naturallz the otlur well in the flnl place ou set- i villi the battle of waterloo mice which attack and eat each other hue just been found in soujlh africa they wire discovered living beneath stoma by government men employed to keep a belt of country near clanullllam free of rodinis and were sent to the jsouui africa museum ao capetown while on their way some of the stronger mice attacked and alt their utukci brothers so that only three reached their destination allvi another nnd was a dormouse which lives in trees it has a long bushy tall similar to that of a squlr- ret and sleeps and makes it nest in the i treeo in thi burnt wuy as the squirrel i these speclnuna found near worcester were stnt to the museum sallys sallies love la a beautiful story and some umaa marrlai is the talkie of it royal guelphs modern theatre thursday and friday marlene dietrich angel with herbert marshall malijn uouilu addria revival feature at ii pm thormday broadway bill starting saturday for i la8 grfta garbo charles boer conquest also oijr gang comedy ossttlssaesm shaw sauuday trass 1 bvjb improvements were part of each year s program in keeping the systems in good condition mr r j kerr gave interesting statis tics regarding the hydro department in acton the average peak loud in 19 jo was 1067 07 h p this year to date had shown a slight decrease there were 505 hydro accounts and fill waterworks accounts young and peel street hydro lines had been rebuilt this year at a co of 9633 three new transformers had been purchased at a cost of 661 there had been 262 street lamp re placements made a large number of hiscjiere broken by stones ind small t ivs an infere ting comparative statement of 1918 and 1936 was made which how ed the growth of the use of hjuro in acton consumers had increasiu from 289 to 595 1 til revenue grew from i 10 23125 to 42 499 74 lost year the cost per klllowatt in 1018 was 5 2c an compared with 1 7 hi 1936 the plant aluo had increased from 17 000 10 to 54 335 92 mr kerr paid tribute to the ofl leers and work of his fillow oonnuisaluiiira the enforced collection uf aa turns had been nccisary and uu amount out standing was at present dowuj to about 200 mr kerr also paid tribute to thi good uork done by the council mr j m mcdonald suggeaud that iltlztns would uu doubt be intireated in hearing of the v or of the cemetery board the secretary mr r m mc donald howeer expressed the feeling that the matter had already bern dealt with by preceding speakers in answer to an inquiry mr mcdonald explained the location of the street proposed to be closed and taken into tru cemetery property ransom street w us a street known apparently only on the surveyed maps of acton it had ntver been used nthay just south east urthrmcdonai tt 1 property reeve mcculcheon expressed regret uut councillor mcmillan had found it necessary to retire from the council and hoped that he would soon be fully re- cox ered dentist caim yours if i m comln weekend specials at lovell bros shortening 2 lbs for 25c shoulder or blade roasts of y o beef per trj 1 lc ioc rib or brisket boiling beef per lb boned rolled prime rib roast beef 21b ho fresh ground mburg stiak lie 23c 25c smoked cottagl rolls 7 per lb blc fresh trimmed butts pork per tb fresh shoul ders pork lb spare ribs per lb 2 fresh snusnge thi for pickled cottage rofls per lb 22c 17c 18c 17c 25c 23c side bacon in piece per lb phone 178 lovell bros quality and cleanliness our mouo prompt delivery somepractical suggestions scarfs silk wool cloves wool cham osete kid sweaters for girls and indict man styles blankets ivpoi woolcol flannelette spreads lasrgv ajamirtmeni hosiery silk sun at wool cashmere bath robes flannel saun fldenlown scarf and cap seu basque bernt towels all sisn 5sc u si 00 table linen t olored white lingerie all popular styles hankies separate snd uoxqd dress goods c otton wool suk pillow slips plain lmbroldrred lace goods novelties pyjamas broadcloth flannelette socks cotton wool all smart pattern sweaters pullover zipper button style si vrfs with lou at color wool or suk underwear all styles men boys hats new fall colors also cape gloves unnl l nllned kraceri belts art ere lit hundchlefs plain with initial t olored border windbreaurs plain at rancy patterns shirts by tooae always smart ties new brlht color also mortt conawnrrt uvr pal tern- ski part i h lloyn men navy bine ski caps for cold weather hoys mitts glove laalrier wool ltrie assortment just arrived f flowers suitable for priced from so to 49c lit not flowers ise to 4e shop early and often a small deposit will hold any goods you choose till christmas at the time for riling qu illtlcatlons on saturday cvtnlng- just sufttclent for all oitlcrs had filed the furms and there lll consequently be no lection the rollowlrur are rlrcted b acctunialton keeve p j mcclit neon council a mason st jones j b chalmers and john chipman school board j m mcdonald or p w pearen and or a j buchan an public vjtnjttjcs commission c hansen christmas baking needs kresb stock raisins curranu dates figs pee t- gtaced chemeh walnuut almonds molasses spices flodr lard shortening etc eerything you need for your christinas baking alsjaaevbmmmmrtm elliott bros phone 38 acton rwrwaasvtlfrhf 1i