rttuximuaiamiumtmmtsmsk ihiltiwhfapp wmmwna mmbw8sfegwblim saws i l i i 1 l i rc trvjv3hj i s l 7 s m m k v f hintons 5c to 1 store handkerchiefs q boxed ladlee handkercnlefa gen uine opal hand embroidered 15e tse ue 45e bulk ladles handkerchiefs pure white irish urien colorrd em broidery colored borders at 3 tor se sc 3 for lie loe xccna handkerchiefs white linen and colored borders so 10c isc childrens handkerchiefs 1 tor la and se for the children bora aplce wool suits an j 1 years for afoc aulas wool mitts ic s wool toques ttc infante wool bootees bonnets and mitts 33c lb xtt infanta wool coats me ne lie infanu flannelette slips and oowns htlnlm childs sleepers llot years 73s crib blankeu wocjcou each 43r childrens pure wool stockings tsc to iv for boys print blouses or shirts attractive patutms or 3e andstc ooll haaespure wool plain or lastex cuffs ik to 39a bracts lie bktb tr boxed tlea 30r jjc leather mitts or wool oloves ne to 3 pure wool sweaters an with tipper front for atoc combination underwear ma to tr lawtther helmet lined hc and fur trimmed fac pyjamas warm and roomy ttc ptoecellned pullover sweaters asc tovhand is packed with gift selection or all ages of children boys and girls santa has been extravagant this year but hastens to explain that early shopper jlhuays win dolls ah ihr famous names cuddles shirley trmple baby marilyn topiy bubbles etc and a boat of others at uprlces ranging iv j5c c 75e fl99 flz5 ii si 9s9s to 391 books story painting and cut outs boys girls and adult fic tion bibles etc baby rattle rubber dolls 1ddy bears woolly dogs horses blocks etc r train sets tie me 3100 3130 american flyer electric train set complete with transformer and long- lengths of tracks 10 ja etc 11500 value- for 1 ace roily pollys e jte gftc metal wagons jiii allmetal toys i for i3r lie 33c and its china tea seta sag special 1100 value fjr ioc tta sets lie 33a me ite mouh qrgans drums aero planes bakboards sleighs tobogg sails tops pianos poptrans telephones banks washing machines pastry sew etc steering sleighs j low sleighs jsc lv 25c 15o toiletries for men pi4bs tobacco pouchea rnsur sets 25c 50c smoker- seta ash truyi etc i5r to 100 williams shnvliik sets 80c d8c sms shavlntl sets 25c 50e 95c hlt hoiks boxed prrfume 15c 25c bath salts 15c 25c dusting powder 15c 25c 50c manicure kits 15c 25c sl00 3plece toiletware sets comb brush and mirror green yellow and rose q special for jfoc woodburys and jcrgens toilet sets sic 35c 50c guts for men shirts fine english broad- cloth fused collars smartly pat terned and tailored aa reg si 50 value for 91uu hosiery how a man will ap preciate the gift of trim attractive soks we have a large variety of cotton mixture heavy utiol work socks and fine wool dress socks lie 19 ur tiesso smart and attractive la our selection of ties they make a gift to be desired by anyone in dividually boxed 15c 50c leather dress olovea lined 1100 pure wool olovea 30c 49c scarfs silk or wool in plaids checks etc 33c to me pyjamas cleverly tailored sv for romrort and wear luu underwear warm serviceable gar menu for practical a a 1uu up cardigan sweaters fleecelined at 100 leather belts jj beawe and oarter sets boxed s8e to 7e boxed darters or arm bandi iv gifts for indies yuu will arid our selection of ladlgs ungcrle dainty and ex quisite with charming new style to choose rum mtn or lndy clerk available to help you slips satin lace trimmd rbc taflela slips 5a panties dainty and new tic to 45c bloomers rayon or silk fnncy trimmed i0e to 49c celusuede bloomers panties 49c pantle and brassiere sets aq christmas boxed for oc snuggle bloomers or vests op wartr and comfortable tfavc pure wool beret and scarf sets for silk or wool scarfs 2v 49c flannelette oowns 49c 19c fi ncy aprons organdy frilled etc for sweaters pure wool short aft and long sleevrs for 7cc 100 25c laftdles purses 49c 59c 9fte he or brown 100 capeakln leather a love plain and fancy cuffs smartly cut pcr pair ladlrv nnd misses neecellnrd or pure wool olovea 19c to 49c pair towel sets and pace cloths cello phane wrapped 25c 39c 49c 9c turkish and jaqyird towel ex ceptional value 17r to 45c pillow case sets b9c 5104 unen bridge sets 5- piece 9kc hosiery tu givi- ludy bith iltuso makeit ynir gift more desirable uvdy beth purr silk full fashioned hose chlflon or scrvlc weight polr lady beth pure silk crepe hose full fashlomd chuton per pair 69c w hoc 89c christmas wraipints tissue paper white red and green 12 sheet for 5c tinsel oord cellophane ribbon at 5c 19c seals tags assortments 5c 19c molly wrapping paper z for 15c and 19c christmas olli boxes help to make your sifts more attractive various slses 5c to 15c each boxed stationery a beautiful assortment u chowe worn real anappynboxei at 15c zfte s5r 39c 59c 75c 9199 pcuntaln pen and pencil sets 59c fountain pens eversharp pencila pencil boxes 25c 15c 15r 25c jewellery boxed necklaces 19c 15c 29c bracelet v brooches earrings rosartis etc 15- men tic clips pins cull unlti etc 19f i5e childs nijitlace scu 9c i5r decorations lllnokji wrrutha lr ttv i or up ftellh lr t fur 5r 5r glass tret- ornannnts 1cjx of i dozin 10c 15c 25c artlflclul flowcru 2 for 5r v ioi- illnoka roping red or a oien yurdn for 1uc foil ttlrlrs pocket 5c 10c polnsetta toblin centres 25r chrlttmiui candles 5c 2 for 15c i9 chris tmm ciuckcrs box oa of 12 for uc electrical gifts electric toasters 1139 electric irons fljl dtcsser snd riodlo imps etc 9139 to 9191 christmas tree light sets 59 91 outdoor tree lights j2v china glassware offers you a host of pretty and useful hems at amazingly i lo prices biscuit jars 29c salt and prpxm iv 29r egg timers le cake plate royal albert cup and saucers 49c fancy cipa and smra 19c 15c mid 29r alumimim ard enamelware a selection of prrtlcjl ou suggrskirui tn ludlnz bread boxes coffee drlpolaturs roasting pam waste paper baskets 4- piece canister ctets aluminum kettles tea pots etc frsmed pictures 19 la 39e irving trays 15c to 9199 pr ket witch- siw 9175 97c 91 99 9119 9sr up 25e 7sc- cohee poa- slimers idlrtn felt and imltatlin irtiihi 49c 45c pair mens siather hllpperi nr- boys inthit slipper pair six children i felt bllppern per pair 38c and 30c chiiiktmas cariw we offer for your selection mi attrsctlve vurtcty of chrlsunsa cards with envelopes to match 1c 1 for 5c i for 5c 5c 19c boxed auortments 10 cardji and envelope 19c 10 folders and envelope i5r 2 folder und envelope i- sprclsj prle qmout if k ntertaiubsrat f lb bix choeoutcs maruvrhlno cherrlrs 19 35c asp rtrd ciiocolate 29c 35r vutagtrkl fruit- 29c hulk candies chtistms mixture 2 ik isr tk cut rki ci for creams nd jellies 9 o 19c chocolate vsnllla drop ik tb chrltms jelly beans ik ib chomlale cost pwsvnuu 9 ul lc loj cabin bulk choco- hole special lb chrlsunas cuidy cane candy flocking arid chjcola clstuwv 5c each 20c santa m m js mm- lkiii j- i