Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1938, p. 6

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wsiiaiaeert cti wj- iytfrc aiak i wvwiiwlvjjirfm wmftinvm saxc rs3terz35fc l3s3e3s 39fe i34kn hoi eux the acton prbb prbsb twtmbay jamcahy arm uu a isu nm uvton a rate to the llrlnt it poor hub mhmuwu wiwtiu ta the dead in fulbw imw irtrlnlu autre a nm to hi hvtaf i mora if fiwomtaty ttvan batora tha hofimtliv aplrtt to flaa a rw lo in irving u wore than sumptuous wreaths to the alead wnrnmooldi by barbara arooxa if common eolda uld be aumliuued what a runwuotia world uua would be nearly erwryejody cornea in contact with this wp of inraeunn but whll on car- on u euawpume another u immune what ta the reason for the apparent bad luek of u man woman or ehlld who contract the anuilee or a eouthr the aiurarer la that hu resistance la too low to fhrow off the unfriendly onjar- uma how can auch realatanoe be built up plrat be aur that there la no fooua of inflation auch aa dueaaed tonsils baa teeth or alnua trouble aeeond eheok on your food hablta and be aure that you are ratlnr an adequate diet third eee that you are getting enough real tho doctor will advise you on the nrat 10 but for the third you neraonally are re- apnnslble a tired body la unable to wlthaund the attack of germa and a bad oold makaa it even more tired ao that the unpleasant siege may be long and difficult to conquer what la an adequate protective diet it la one which includea oalorlea lf- ficlent for the bodya actlvluea building malarial for growth and repair and mineral and vitamin for protection thla can easily be provided if the budgrl i ampl for a choice or food it may bo relnroreed by codliver or hallver oil ii the doctor advisee here la a menu for one da which u adequate breakfast orange juice whale wheat flakes baron toast top muk cocoa lunc1o0on tomato omelet bran muffins apple sauce oelery dinner swedish meat balls baked potatoes creamed onions qlased carrots lf uuce salad mocha mousse mocha mousse 1 cup evaporated milk cup coffee cup sugar teaspoon salt 1 cup cdobmalt 1 tableapoon gelatine 3 tableapoona oold water u teaspoon vanilla 3 cups whipping cream scald milk and coffee in double boiler combine sugar salt and cocomalt and add to milk stirring until smooth soften gelatine in cold water dissolve in first mixture oool add the flavoring end rold in the hipped cream pour into refrigerator tra and chill lekl b servings swedish meat ball 1 pound round strax i ground vcr nne 2 tablespoons rim is chopped onlun 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 cups milk j eggs ibralin ttllittuu 4 cups corn flakn i cup milk or tsra 1 ul meat in bol tind add mm salt ik w r milk and egtr koll com flakej liu trumbfi add mint mixture mix 111 roughl and form into balls sauu 1 ul m butter i chronicles of ginger farm j tu rw fmm awmroun r cuuuu making up it papn- to idnmi on tw klhhmttw this nwrntnt uui llttla ptm ruht my ymri ta bwur to apormut to tmnaa you htmnt ioi than not t apprfalato what you hv tot i woiuur what toyou think r it mmi to nu uw u ft uult iruh mined up with that auumenl haraum haw mn on appnwilat what m uuivt tot to know on would appraclata uiinn if ana liad thm u about tn near to it aa ona oan flat however there art a way llunga that varyona hat that art n appreciated for tha atrnpla fat that ramttaty hraaita not atly contempt but lack of ap preolatton we becoma ao aoctutomiml to the rood thlnis we poaiau that h ta not until our awarenaaa fleta a jolt that we aet a true value on them lr inatanoe tha majority of people hava food eye- alfht more or laaa and food hearing but let vlther of theae aenaea betxima defective and we reality their value in a hurry the siame wlih more niatorlal ihtnta llow havlni a happy liome realise their aod fortune until iu aerurit l jethmirdlaad the oroat war taiujht the people of that ceiutra- uon a rod many leaaona we got down lo bedrock and trot a bolter undemund- ini aa to what were the eaaentlau of life dut now a new generation la grow ing up who know nothing of the atarfc malltle of war who have no recollec tion of bomb nattered homea or the icktnlng dread with hlch one aoaiu thv oaaualty llata true there la plenty of war talk theae uy but talk doean t mean a thing to thla young generation and though they may not appreciate a country at peace we would rather have them lack that appreciation than be rudely awakened to ita value and in lighter vein hrn the going wm good the optlmut and i went careening in and out of tlte lane with out giving it a awcond thought but now i am beginning to appreciate the value of eaay travelling because we are atlll marooned behind a anowniled lane partner could acrape if out and makr a car track but he haa an idea that tho now geta aay ao much brttcr if en undisturbed so here e flrr nnd the opuimlat sun haa hrr coronation markers hver time tho radio reporters announce the number of motorist fined for driving with 1037 murkera my con s lrnce gltes me a bad time whnt n mer one cant br fined kith llir enr still in live garage i but that lanl the worst monliv nigh c vre listening to and ui roughly enjoj lng oeorgc arllss in ttaraell over the lux theatre when all of i udden there a as a click and then silence we nailed thinking something had gone wrong with the station but oh nol it aasnt the station it wu just our radio battery had given out rivcse batteries are queer things a mx volt car battery will fade out gradually but a proper radio battery goes out just aa quickly as that and a ere c mad the best theatre program there had been for eks and we had to miss it ever day the battery aould charge itself sufficiently thai ae could get the news and i thought that w on good enough until ae could get out to our radio service man a ho live invrruj mile aail from us bui on fiida purtn r begun to grt agitated lhought hi uoultl books that mattel waaldr ftaum ranlslmj a ik nnlihai wj oauuauav baaltaua an uu oaauullaii waaur hawa- atara aawsawaaawawaaawawswawswa mom novkm loonduaud by anion ballay ouua tha dai waaeart by latura ootid man malvaraon torontoi ryaraon praaa price 1m til balna oaamei by uralu llromftald tsrontn muavon book oo prlaa st kmhasttars nlghtiaaatai by ann urldta toronto maolalland and btewarti price hm a gawlkam lumati bdlted by nnben ivim warren toronto thomas allan price tl0 thla week mr flllcoa haa asked ma to conduct thla column in doing ao i shall quote from the bonk rtevlew oigeat nt lite a o b leading aillde the ot- tlcbu quarterly o the aaaoclatlon ol canadian ikxikmcn the our book treated here are outstanding among much excellent fiction thla season beading irelaa and baak fairs plrat however i should like to aasure the many roadera who have written to ua regarding the nrganlaatlon and conduct or heading circles that the a o b book inrormatlon nureati is prepared to assist them in every way possible it is our hope that many auch reading circles our column lumi at isuhlaular talaraal la wawaa in wtub waasaa mm al tba rtva mat kay niaauaa uak wafttt a mornino oloev for raoii day or n wuk tkaraaay jaiwary i7u only tha running watar oan grind tha hat vviiay jaauary till if wa had mora avnm a would prob ably hava mora allvar taturay january lllh ut was meant to carry iu full load tha man who nairtaa nothfhg loaaa muoh naibbuy laiuuut imh for aa many aa ara lad try tha flplrlt of ood they ara tlia aona of ood rtnmana 14 uatuuy janaary tlal in putting tha world right it u but to bac in at home tttasday rabruary 1st tha thorn touih la llttla use but the birds may alng in it wednesday kabniary tnd lliera la vastly mora sunlight than rain in most uvea yet not all realise it nuiu1b elakham fkitftuaby illrthstone the amethyst ilower primrose people born in thla month are vary will be undertaken in collaboration with clever and can if they dealrn acquire the association during 11hb and tlmt knowledge easily- but are rather lacking many book pairs may be organhtrd in self confidence in presenting their during 1037 auch book fairs were held in views and opinions to the public a great whitby 8t catharines pickering many inventors were born in fabuary and guelph barrle oodorlch toronto and aa a rule february people are fond of montreal these proved very popular homo life and very affectionate and we are ready to assist peterborough and other cltlea right across canada that home iiinth are planning auch treats for book lovers try cooking equal amounts of carrot durin th montha head drooghtsuffai i naad yew old noafcs and turnips together odd butter and maah its good add a little salt to water when wash the aaaoclatlon of canadian bookmen ing silks it helps set color and keeps also wishes to call attention to tlte drive material soft it la fostering for booka to stock the hun a drop f oitvo oll drods of amall lending libraries we are watcr w muu lathor eatabluhlng throughout the drough kpcp tw kjn fmm areas of the prairie provinces rough please help ua to bring hpc d happiness to those unfortunate r mow cltlscna by sending your old boosts to period is 1 00ft is transplanted from the headquarters of our association 20 england to act as governess in a titled dundas square toronto or din a to italian family of vast ramifications major ii o u strange grain exchange always in the background is the italian winnipeg manitoba 1et us who imve landscape a lovely setting against which so much hilp thus who hat nothing is hirply pnjected the reallnm that li so eharacti rlhit an asp rl of tlu itajliiu noru rmminended by th ii uraclouhih ss of living ihi villa alta tho dark weaver mrs salverson of clan an aggreg ttlon of family connec cnlgurj who has just publbhed what tlons nithfer than a single family is in in my opinion is the beat canadian summer quartern waiting to celibnu novel of 1037 is building an engll h the hundredth birthday of its b lovifl reputation while till under the ciirm it votchla mutchcsa and ha days pass in home of an original btsl tiller in th picnicking and visiting in judicium dark weaver she has written by far her studies for tlu young and injudlrb us beat book it h a full bodied many fllrtallons for tlu not no young push n sided story of euroix an immlgranu v 1 breaks into tlu happy tale of levari became manitoba pioneers in the 1 it hours and icuvls suffer lng wluic ig lftth ci ntury and their children who norouce and innocence were before but were of the rtglil age to participate in mlss bridge with the clear slghudnuis the great war one brief incld nt if and hard tcnilsm of her italian mut which li used for climax four distinct rtarch lays bare lh fleetingness of viii seta of people differing in race as will grief and brings to an end a story itiit as social status and outlook are p cited makes n conctsslon to sentimentality up in europe and the causes uf ttielr on a nou of vullancc which maturity transfer explained n usl accept as the actual xampl of thrown together in the wllderni-a- lift north of winnipeg with many olh ra eiu hanter s mghlshaji h not tnly these eight are followed n jiel i excellent t utertalnment but extrxnicly bonus vihere thty nmke neu friends and skillful art it has everything ilia i pick up new associates 1 1 cli i v light novel should have vividly and marriages and economic f irtunc uli aenjblllt and with it a harder ti ln of graphically related to form a clear story aammon sense that gives it scrloiism as pattern of dramatic intensity as a com- amy laoveman 5aturday review munlt novel of the canadian west it a southern ilarvrat robert pi tin f is tin best ytt published but mrs sal warren has made an exc i di ily g xd lake tlu rutur and get n batter but iu vi rsuii is too much the innate stor tejltr j b f tills collection of short stories b uauui he hud lo dru ater and tiudn t u mr her individual character in a southern w rttt m in the fist pluci a time- tlien he ud me t ph lie alitl niai picture each develops clturr sfiulhern marvutt is gt nerous in slw e if 1 couldn t gel u battt sent down idutlt page by uge containing some twenty two langlth ex i dldnl ask un qutsllutis but lonkt d llie dork weaver u not u mrmou n in pies fr m uu work of as muny urll through the radio program and nxm it u a pla a dem mstratl n a co t rs uigether with an introducllcn by f und the cause of tils suddt n anxl lurtnt piece of canadian life it is first mr warn n and bt graphical notes upon of course the boxing match jlmmj and last a stor and a g d tin tlu write rn npn suited all the won braddock and tamm parr i might william arthur drucon llobe md is of recent cop right so that almost any have guessed lit i dldn t su it bu 1 mail reiuh r mu b sure of hiding in it did think well alia would wjuit i the haviu c nve llie rlus rujne u sonufhlng worth while that hi has m kenutvr meat balls fnm pan add listen to that however j got a but the indian city of rattchlpur but thut etl liu se storlen ore meant to be des milk to the butter in which the meat ter sent out and partner was happv it was not all in addition to the t rren trlptle 1 soutliern lift or obviously lias been ookrd und pour it over the least he was until the judges decmonwos tlal downpour of the monsoon tlicre wrn rooted in southern tradition a mixed i announced and here is something an earthquake a flood and a fin which und stimulating bag of lalea fur quality j rather funny i had no intention combined to destroy a large part of the and variety almost any other section of listening to the fight in fuel i was half city and to wipe out some nine thou the country would find it hard to match meat balls mejd mall meal balls ser uvg tml rfcason uii u lait jour warm ven r asked uie liaclwr r rnuled the class and can tlie bear take his warm txwt off no miss replied the class why norr beeauar answered little uuc body know where the buttons arc asleep when it started but nfl r u bll 1 mind of its native population as well as listened in spite of mysetf and bt fore tlie it scattering of lla military uul mission bout was over i was getting qulu u kick or europeans these were followed b out of uuo wo im not really a the devasuitlitg outbreaks of epldi nilcs blood thirst prize fighting enthusiast of typhoid and cholera agulnst this but i guess there is just something in the background of eients liuls iin mm id crntur commentators descriptive broadcast that undertakes to maki a study it two lighted tlu niw y rk tuhes rarlv stiult lioiitinc an lulr us the flnt half of the 1 til the stteru of paris w t re un after the middle of the tentur gets one going on saturda night there problems the ttrsl which is t mclied the king rdered that candles protected is always the hixke match that has to upon hghtl is the effect of the ftuiul with gbtss should be hung on the first be listened to and dear help us if the attitude oj tile brltlh conquerors upon stre or certain houses one at each battery eer gltca out in the middle of their subjugated race tlie second is end of the street und one in the middle i that broadcast the possibility of a new india an indju poor as this system was it was luxuri other- joys and sorrows this week ha in which the ignorance fatalism intol ous compared with the illumination in been i a ilck horae that a as a sorrow eranct and tlie stuutflng complexity of the thoroughfare of utndon there of course a daughter trip to toronto her caste system have been ao modified llrvkbnya stood about with torches with the ishort course students and in and moulded by education that she la en lng dolefully gentlemen a light i structors that was a jo for her and a able to select from western civilization and passersby had to pay for the sorrow for me trying to get her awa the scientific knowledge which she need- privilege of having a smoking torch cor mr ttaaon came home one evening at fl 45 in the morning with the ther without losing her own national and rled bef jre ihrm over the uneen cross t find hia wife displeased lth him tnixnlt standing at five below aero 3 j psychological integrity hunter lewis inga m lh st p entre nous do you reallae james she asked partners trip to town for coal and no vancouver province icily that you have forgotten that thu cj when there that was a enchanters nlghuhade miss brldgr is my wrtilday i sorrow if you like 4 running water in has written a truly delightful noel of court rw forgotten he answer- the creek up the back lane and oh joy suave and sophisticated in the best sense a prenrlunau las relating hla experl- auuii vtrstm ntallv lint anvthlnat a a v kmm tomrtfu tiitmwh st- fly motof rouuu you rnn trnval tiny mm con lull your yg h jfl i jim un j moll ri whar uny tin jl oyonl f r fui jmx otliat litlonnol all coach travel information al harold wiles phona 98 business directory dr j a menivbn oolw tna miiin oefmar avagua aij mraa r e j nelson mremea ajai uatra tharadr or vm o cullbn lmcc offlae houra 14 ba 1 p ra initaira br aptwilntmut wilbur lratjujl herul t um 1m 4western canada special liaiiftim excursions frew all startimia to intara camuala qoinq daily feb 19 mar 8 ineluslva rabin umh 1 4m dmya tickets 000d in coaciiesatbres seprosisulalr 1 me per ssils tourist hleepina cars si isres epereslsuulr i h eer ssde standard slkep1no cars at tmnm spprosiatsuir mr par mile ebt or ccommoptio m tugemo cavg apdmowaj raooaoic checked sueevarsatpertartbur arasetroaa chleago aail vest wfamti jtaklaararnwrmwrjn nltlltnfrrrrinnfmttirnr ifff kk handbill canadian national imoal c p lfathpriand b a urruter aeiuiur natarr pauss acton 1 batatsts speedily wuurwl up omt witrk mumnaml t promptlir offlee li pkaasaa saehssiee iii mintmvuft kit if w parmer kenneth m lancoon bajrlatar sahatur malarf msfa ofileaa aaten aaasmgagajb orrrt sernueksoae issweslms par appoinunenu phona aetaa offlaa ffoure aatae thuradar i ii p m to m p am inga on request a j buchanan d d 8 daaalal leasjaaat omee la alitiian tvmk houra tarn until l a eaani by abpes oaa for tartraetlona olofajl eyadnaaday afumooe p w praren d d s l d 8 uored to our new quartera la taa srmrjrj block phone u vetcunabt b d young vs b v sc veterinary sai eej cxiloe urv1lle oiluiio phone mjjtoo 1t4 hints on fashions iiy lihbrni sprink shoeb teature draped turban sandal and fay colore general i wb speciaijzk hi life fire health and accident aotowaomla windstorm plata glaaa boiler fidelity bond farm iraniranee annoitira and all general lines f insurance ocean steamship tickets leadino cokpanus ex elunt pacturrxs bepreaentalrn preteetaee aaaeesav- lien ml caaaja fee mseseai omtr bred l wright office ceeper bleak time tables naoian natjonalfiailway at acton oetbg baa dally excrpt aundsy dally excrpt hundjy dally escepi sunday rundsv r hitman k jt dally except sundsy dally excepl auixlay dally except bunday dally ex ept sunday sunday only standard 700 am m ajn ul pm i i m pm i ta ajn 1 m 0m tt ejn ilia ajn ill pa a tactful fxlo pltnty of rntliatlon is noted in thr alll be most popuux calf and patent new shoes the may not have sucil iratbera are important snd in the high- oprn toes and tamps as lau seasun but cr priced shoes there a 111 be pleattngs in thry hae perforations mrsh trcaunenu the xldakln etc to make up for them irisai paeares thi draped sandal is the newest of tj o typr o u th f- the dress shoes and trie are fasclnat softies tlte are called thr weds irig enhancing tite beaut uf a pretty hr u tt novelty it is a deck shoe and foot see a pair in our picture these n p num of patterned red and veby dltjlctlut are called venus no lesssnd are ei en blur cheeked calf lth a solid color lng turban lies in blue and black silk oalfskln covered heel whlcri fills the l lr ov f toot tied around hollow in the ordinary shoe making a ed readily there really lent anything tn means no water for partner to draw of the word enlivened b sprightly in- ence in studying the english language an and alto open toes the aolld heel from tne back uf the shoe to about you to remind me that youre a jo few daya anyway last but not eldent and lifelike converaatlon her he said ultmt dressmaker discovery u sole day older than you were a year or even feast a very definite rise in temprature pretty young post- victorian heroine the when i first discovered that if i was color promises lo be the hkjhllght of a unung line in shoes in another new ten yaara ago aha laat few daya a ltttle more and 111 quick i was oat that if i das tied i the shoe adrld bright colored shoes called the asymmetric line it u he getting thawed out vaa of course i if ell the eaaa ware dried up what grand fun for skllne and akstlng and would- old moptune sayt tohogannlng but all the exercise i get 1 realty havwnt an ocean a notion out of it u chasing around making up know oold weather la healthy and ita fires heating water for nana and sick horea and keeping the family a lttle waa fast that if i spent too freely i aa o popular than ever it la i uaad in areas and boudoir shoes and one fast and that no to eat waa to fast ii indicated by the collection of new models a th latter or lounging type to of aaun x waa discouraged but when i came extra well fad with plenty of good nou a cross tha sentence the first one woo laiu4 hot dishes odessuar prlaa i gave up trying shown and contrast is also important tiith heel and a frill around tha cp in colored shoes it is said that all the following the asymmetric line of the range of bhlea and all the copper ehadea mule j gray coach lines coaches liavi acton eastseound a 0 il am 1 s7 pn w 1 1 am at p m 12 11 pm a 57 pm wkstbotxd t wshwaeaw i 53 am olllpm wogm 11 mam asojpjn d ii aj x3 1jpm x 7 11pm tlu4 atnroufo to london a aaoept aun and w hol hot t v r t t r iishai tisim

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