Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1938, p. 8

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in acto wiii nam wctout mv m mt p i mifrrain nnnitiiiiri itmm smwaillimmi hwttafhui bertie 5 jhrsrsef bhu tmeejfe b tdeedey owy mb un ta mr tad im orua htvaot- wday lat umw h aw a obtrreh lib btm ntophefteaa to mr john autahtrackvbeth of aewa on tario dud m60s id mutan en camdu ally year ik mmmiiii laujett bim tad knrtm memory oar daw on 1w uoed allan who peuad away julyuth iwe your mn we often with haarti both omuhad and aim tu1 through uu loam tha aweet come km loat but ob mora cr in our thought udu and dad juukb lovtnc memory of my dear brother uoyd who died ally tth ism a day of remembrance aad to recall the loai of my brother ben friend at all one of the beat clod could tend lovtnc brother and a faithful friend two lltue worda not hard to write but 111 remember them all my life my brother xver remembered by blwood babe aujm in loving memory of our dear grandeon uoyd who paued away july 8th ibm two year have pataed alnoc that ead day when one we loved bo well was called away ood took htm home it was hl will but to out hrarte he aure uveui eull ftadly mueed by orjimdpa and grandma ak1tt thebronoridge family meets at old homestead on friday july 1st doml day mm 116 umuuau of tha brownrtdfl fainuy utdd ota ecvanth family ra- 4cllton playa ban tn acton on aat unity huf eed dotnliilon day weather altered i a of plana for an outing etrawberrlea and green pea no meal needs coaxmg these days splendid crops of hay are betas bnriurttrt three daym and the weather ideal i the register of bloonubury reunion la published in full on i pate three of otis 1wuf all roada will lead to woodslde re- union on rt hs the fiftieth an niversary r and again we say more bouses arc l tn acton the aurptua vtu glajimmlm council will meet on wwd- mirtay july 13th instead of uonday aj tormerty aimounced we hope you ukr tlo fan paaaa to the new beading type adopted for axtscas throughout the paper afftti street la atlll imfmshad can it be that the tall 1 the only umc in which road work can be done a number of teacher of acton school and teachers whose home are in asijn m rhh slimmer oourses several of the old willow trees have been removed from the bathing beachr fairy ike and the place further lrn proved cuiumb receipt for the first quar ter at acton amounted to l353ja thi amount u aomewhat lower than for the aame period last year union held on tha farm of ur thoa j broanvtdfe tot tr t of fjuaatnc twrnahlp tn helta 00009 thaaa reuntons haw been held at three to five year interval for the last to yaan and have always bean hold a w this m on in farm whleh was leaded toy jft t1a broamrtda fmattrandfathar ol tha p owner hn he oama out to this country from yorkshire jmfuind tn 111 relative on thta oooaslon cauiarad tram uuton oeorfetown bimmptan oookavtue brtndw blmone battrava tbronto nlatara fall aroado and hut v n y and sixteen earn from stan- ton at uula and wvertale utah natn may havo dampened tat did not etlnfulih the enthuilaam of tha flathar tnt and a well tilannad rjracram of snorts under the dlraotkm of ur john outhrta of toronto was moat thoroughly enjoyed the timehonored barnyard oolf tournament noraaahoe pitching attracted a large entry list and tha anal nlayon took place between the trams of john outhrte and john o xrvln of toronto paired against dr qlen arthur and his son bob of niagara falls no youth on this occasion was no match for the superior skill and ex perience of the first named pair who emerged victorious to the tune of 31 to is points as usual the youngsters had their innings and some very spirited races resulted for which attractive prises were donated by the wm wrlge on and the canadian chewing oum co of toronto several novelty events for the groacnupa provided a great deal or good fun and merriment for ail two very evenly matched teams cap tained by mr fred arthurs of buffalo and mr albert spry of toronto met tn a aofthau game and after some air tight ball mixed with some not so air tight the first team won by the prover bial head dinner and supper arrangements were capably handled by the table commit tee under the chairmanship of mrs j r brownrldge of toronto tabic were attractively arranged under a large marquee erected on the lawn the reception and registration of guesta was taken care of b the secre tary mia emma brownrldge of tor onto assisted by ulas betty arthurs of buffalo the oxaulon furnished a splendid op portunity for the renewal of old friend ship among relative now separated by removal to different part or the pro- vlnoe many were the remliucenae ex changed of earlier days tn this part of the country and the younger generation were able to gain a better appreciation of the sturdy pioneer folk from whom they came thomas brownrldge the original head of this family in pin nils after starting clearing operations on the farm prepara tory to making a home married elhta ward whose family lived near islington about 1823 they had eeven sons and one daughter wnen ellxa died in h43 aged 37 years thomas brownrldge died in isfto at the age of 60 years and they are both burled in a small family oeme- east meets in the west at a picnic pmi ami hahon otfttlmcn have great hay w p brown u the itourtiw trwldant about ana hundred and eight niambara and visitors a the ninth annual basket picnic of the pas and hallon old timers asaoelaunn at tha gashtbtuan orounda tn bimiidon on jim larva 1ub the weathefbetni fine and crop condi tions in afanltoha being- real good every one was tn a hartny mood and enjoyed a visit with old friend and ach of many years ago w j oraeiman of brandon aitanded etvto welcome on behalf of tha city and mvttad the visitors to ouma to bran don with thetr picnics ovary year rev j b franou of umlo replied to the address of welcome and thanked ur craelman and the people of brandon for their kind hnanltallty vkdtora were present from winnipeg bourts brandon douglas kamnay mln- to haxtney hamtota oak river oran- dall uooonnell forrest etralholalr bereaford belmont and elkhnm among thoae unable to be present were a k bowles ko roy mophall dr j h ridddl and mrs c aiendenntng of winnipeg mrs w j clark telon j h clark a m shield oeorge carefoot and w lawrence of virden a dotg ex- mla and bid kennedy of oinnhoro c f bowles rusacll wm robeon ex ula of deleeu j e breaky ml a and mr c f reece sourl john shank of pettaplece hon j h iftiw- den ex jul a uf necpawa and s w taylor of carberry the com huskers orcheatra of oak river composed of robert and a urn hawthorne ray moreslde wesley rob- blna harvey stewart and roy sparrow were present and supplied ihr music and aong for the day wm perkins bull kc of toronto sent a letter saying he was unable to be present and also sent copies of two of hi latest book from ratuesnake runt tb hookej and from medicine man to medical man to be given aa special prise they were presented to john sparrow of oak river and n a mc dowell of brandon gordon oraydon mj or peel and hughe cleaver m p of halton sent greeting accompanied by generous cash prises these cash prises were given to the orchestra for their faithful service tn providing the music for the past five years the oldest man present was d h scott of brandon formerly of bramp ton and the oldest lady present mr klrby or brandon formerly of milton a short business meeting was held at a so pm with iheprealdent mr w p brown in charge the following- special prises were awarded j e welwood who came the greatssv dktance mr w p brown who was the youngest grandmother present miss r shanks of pettaptece the most popular unmarried lady present r j r shortlu who won second place in the horseshoe tournament roy sparrow oak river who had the largest load and who provided the treoisportatton far the lx- isttfirlox amuwund june gain i ola wltiw atmw fan paaaa dear sirs many realdenu nt aotnn and many other duutalat will be anidihu tn know how ultra are in saaaalohewan thu year after thetr wonderful atadnau in aandlni oar inada of prnvulona fur uialr frlanda in our droughtalrlcaan onuntry we are batter than laal year but liave not had onealaut ennmu rain up to date in moat porta the out worm and wire worm are had the graohnpriara are ao had that they have ear inula of aawduat ntitanned apead in plana where they are the wnrat to kill them before they fly aflbr they fly nothing oan be done to kill them a big farmer tnld me hu man worked all night putting out pnlaon if we had el time aa muah rain it would have alopped uuae paatb it la terrible u have to depend on the oovammant to feed about 100000 famllla and find aaad for them in the prlng and then the oovemment to have u help to feed thetr ataaihoppere tn cummer thouaanda of people would get out of the country if they oouui aell out but they could harcuy give their farma away some who had 311 000 ten or twelve year ego oannot feed their famllla now hun dred of young- people without money und no work cannot buy thenumdvo a job outimlsk nrar aaakaumjd kirbybonuh at btiklou llulrrli huuwtn ilosmai otiuroti was arluun- ally daanraurd wiiii fni rinlt and wlill naas and imnwlns on sauirtlay juns aftlh an ermimwu mmiit of dsililtiliiim was a ooliir twtl itartnitlitslng with lit 1rvsly bride laiira hfsiu who was given in nuurtaga by mr uurl dredge snriuiti llkmk ui mr luimrt klrtry of brlndata ttta oarefnnny was ierfhnied try itev b f andrew minister of hi congregalkin tit usltera ware mr to nredge and mr j v barker the hrlda wr an aline blue gnrgauls dnu with matching jacksl har plntura hst and accaaatiiisa vera white bha oanimt a oolonlal ikhiiusi of pink rosea um4 patay ferru riower- girl in orchid dress and yallow hat car ried tha ring in basket of roses mis barclay sang all joy he thlna during tha signing or the register mr brown organist of the church accomiianled the soloist and played the wedding manrhes the spectators formed an aisle outside the church for the recessliinsl of the bridal party my and mr dredge wtrti tiat and tujsleas to some mxty guest aflkr uwi eremnny and a acliriou wedrtiiig brrsk- fiit was served in a rmni oriimu- wltlt wedding bells and plifk and lllu- liu bona the brtde t itillnuile friend lirlp ed erve itvo couple left by nuiutr amid the usual lillarlty and rtiiltfrtttulbllon for their hoiirytjhmrti 1 hey will trlo u ktindale mrciilloiiffhfoiiter welding nt tin maiihi in guhph a ffiital wsddlfig urtok plac at thf mans ut paisley mmwrl ohumti hielph on july 3nd of mildred irens daughur of mr and mrs wm fotr 147 i to l war avwui toronto v mr allah hart moailkmlgh of chialptl son of mr and mrs wm mcoillough ut limaluius nrv mr mirray minister of lsly marrwaial owirrh officiated the brldj wora jown of pajg blo tana nw mua tafsu and carttod a usiduei of ptnfi roaai and babw bfmth wsarlrtg a hannasii nf pink nisat in hat heir ml vsma fostsr of toronsto nuter of tha btida was iwtdaajnald wav ing a griwn of psanh rhlffon and earrlad a lnioiiat or pink msaa and bamas toraaui the gnu was sumrud by hi hrouief mslvln mooiillaigti of aeton lit yming afmipl uft for a short limieymorm irlp ui bride waartng a whlta rraps drvas with white ccasitas a recefitlfe ws hrld at urn brides imrenu rollowlng tii oersmnny aftar wsrd ui young count molorsd to their naw home 46 krsmoaa road ouelph mis marie brunelle u to be con gratulated for obodning high honors in sent at the xvunlon was iter recent piano examination mairte la pupil of mrs l a worden vtcji the sault ste marie svenlng mews had a very utoreatlng article on the business auceeas of e j barry who spent hs boyhood days in acton he conduct in that city a large and modern dry cleaning plant the many friend of r h bridgman will be pleased to know he ha success fully paased hi first year at victoria college toronto with honors in mathe- matsca and physics he la an expupil of btoomabury s s nvx 9 nassagaweya havtng paased from that achool with honora ac the age of eleven tery plot on the farm which they carved piece corn huakera orchestra out of the forest and within one hundred yard of where their deacendanta met on this occasion the original homestead has passed down from one generation to another and baa been owned by some member of the brownrldge family far over 115 year there are now over 330 deacendanta of thomas brownrldge and his wife eliza including at least 30 in the sixth genera uon the oldest living descendant pre t mary brownrldge of milton who la 76 the oungeet uvtnc descendant la alan george white of toronto only dve week old the youngest descendant present st the reunion am carl oregory bruce plain of toronto wliu i ten month old toward the close of the afternoon the president mr fred arthur of buffalo read inessages from friends and relatives who were unable to be present he also extended hearty greetings to ail those present and particularly to mr garnet and mt norman brownrldge and mr- frcd thayer who had come all the way from central michigan with their fam- this morning when municipal offic ials went to the park they were quite surprised to see a full grown deer co down the centre of the grounda the animal wm startled and went back the and of the park and with one long leap went into fairy lake and swam i the farm propertlea on thx tat sale of the water lue to this their first reunion crfflcer elected to arrange for the next mcmurch rot p reunlon were lrl and cank rom in the horseshoe tournament playing for the wm perkins bull trophy a e berry of sourl defeated r j r shortlu of brandon in a very close game mr berry a 111 hold the trophj for one year among those present over seventy years of age were john bowles of sourl mr and mr j a camahan of kern nay mr d h scott and mn klrby of brandon mrs mary wumot of duuglu and mr robert pearson of humtota two mlnutm of alienor iu obttervtxl in memur of past prcstdvnt mr allen leahc of c hater alto died recently the follomtag officers wire elected honorary preeldrnt w p broan honorar vice president mrs john boalcs president cordon irwin brandon vicepresident mr wm mcpherson secretar treasurer jolui sparrow chaplain rev j b francis an uueresung feature or the picnic was the dlapla of a sample of rutre slstant aheat groan by mcmurchy bro ther of mcconnell man tike four dan a no came from east nf honorary president mr bruwnrklge the homeatead honorary secretaxy ml bioa nrtdge toronto ton tiioma tuouounril boy mother tat tew tommy your hands are atmply filthy tonuuy- ye miunmy i didul wash them so 1 11 be ready for gardening directly after tea bolton over fifty years ago and are suc cessful farmers at mooonnetl nav been working on a rust- resistant a heat tor emma tentflve year and not havt wheat that a ill not rust they brought along a president mr foster brownrldge i large box of bread and bun made nm milton 1 fiour milled from thl a heat and it was ice- president mr j c irvtn wea- i mt supper ume and enjoyed by all present the mcmurciij brothers are iverottaung with the dominion ooveru ment ut lutve uils a heat given a name frank brown dear pa ex psss in my lust ueek irtler l innnuiirityl a demon trillion ui te held at the gov ernment farm well when the day came i was privileged to attend and enjoyed a real pleasant afternoon the drmon- mtratlon was put on by the international harvester co and the ooodyear tire co mcoormackdeerlng tractor equip ped with pneumatic tiros were in use on the different lmplrment for cultiva tion and harvesting a real good crowd were in attendance and were privileged to go through the bidjdlnga and look over the ground see the pure bred tnck etc which was all very interesting about four o clock announcement wiu made of a twohour entertainment to be held in the theatre tn town free tlckrt uere distributed to everyone present and moat evrryonr availed themselves of ihr change and rest a number of interest ing moving picture were shown of the implement industry right from factory to actual use films also of the truck and their use two or the oftjhlc film and one particular goodone en titled a trip across canada wife mother and sister accompanied me so i was well taken care of interest tn the first of july holiday wo somewhat divided this year the firemen from the southern town went to noranda to apend the day the local baseball fan to elk lake for tournament thoae who cared for neither just enjoyed the day thetr own way a for me i felt one holiday was enough in the one week and spent my tune in the garden it too bad for growing thing to have all one kind of weather it seem lu way here thl year it continue very dry and crop o far are backward hay will be fair due to heavy clover crop which wintered through so well but spring crop of all kind are not nearly far on a lost year at this time wild struabrrrlea are on but tome ones ore a failure the children suy there will be blueberries but theyre still green yet and raspberrlet are loaded with bloaeom southern fruit is oominc in fairly plentiful by truck but u toads are so rough quality is not good i when it land here i prefer the train i even though u bit more expensive a decided improvement wan made to 14 miles of live highway between nea llskeard and jsarlton during the week b the application of a coat of calcium chloride which ha stopped the dust and wonderfully helped the surface i we don t travel very much nor very far having onl an indent mean but i even one of fords 12t models enjoy i any improvement made to the road a big fleet of truck and other mach inerj is going day and night so a i decided improvement will be notlieaole before long a new airport just a mllr north of ua is in course of construction a tract of land 240 acre in use ha been bought and u being le riled and prepared for two immense runways just what ute necessity is i haven t learned planes are iued a great deal ui the mining camps parlleulaii ui the rem te taction w lure distance are o gr a and roads impossible l so we mt plenty of them in lrmnsu uand from the oror a iiftkuminfil kkijovy an amerltun sivndlnu u holiday to pali wa endeavoring wrk off aome of hu french in a reaumranf hi garsong he snld after u irngthy uludy of the menu je avalr cotisoiinm royal et uii plete of punt t ourr iet hang it liulf tt nilnule l nr pire of bung the waller said helpfully 1 m m rry sir i don i im ok frcjich very well said the duier irrllably for heaven t suke eeiid me munr one who can july sale final wkn4 of hlrtimisi 5e to 100 8tor july 8tjc with addad hitccuk itofod bwio crb in on umm gjundld valuwa white thf atoek ifstta new ladles sweaters mimmst shadea a rraoipeclal at misses slack u 14 year reg 70c for ladies drtr 14 to 20 imlle fllfrvr coitoft lace i place si se 7o clear at while summer lleg 40c to cb in bright 39c 65c summer 89c 35c batiiino hiippueh ilttllilitg cmlm lie 2ac llauillw hlune reg 40c for wut llelu wetrr itlniu lar tu hand heu beach tr pall mix jar iuthct aiitjvraphcd ibiuvenlre of aiujil isc ui ftgc camp atwb verandah ohalra canva reg gl 00 la and me 89c wire screening ortd width bpecul tic u is yard a4jusubu wutdaw lleraesw to clear knoti 17c 10x38 3lc uras matt ut clear l juti5 uuc1 a feet for levnip shade 1 or for corn lirooma 30c fcjr j4x36 25c 59c 9c 29c waiijaiek unm imt at real havlngm hrinc your room meanurement summer ijnm of aniikh ifeliciuu and preah buy a has today luvular regular hintons 5c to 1 store you be the judge ctwtee trwaahac plenty hcaetabea maatarn atvunf sliding ahehwa dgctrlellcm leetray release atav ataw wtc all found in xmot any 3o00 nrjmigrjuttft and in hotyttjul 1 twurorffjtllwanontirt lenv perature because no timeout needed for de- rrostink dcfrosu ftadf witiiout attention 2 coittlfollxd humfomr pood do not dry out but stay fresher longer no harmful frost blanket the air in the refrigerator does not teal moisture from the funds t quict ofduttio4 its m quiet you can hardly hear it and it stays quiet for years 4 low 0watmg cost lowest current consumption that is possible with efficient pres ervation of foods all these 4 found only in hostess every good refrigerator has features lots of them hostess has them all but only hosnss has all 4 oj the really important features that count more than all the rest in actual use see the hostrss now easy payment terms and an allowance on your tee bdi symon hardware cmnawan etaetrtc appliance hardwar riot follow b eviction of vairtouvrr lnrmjiloyed t secreury mrs c e weslland waller avenue toronto table commute mrs georgetown sport committee mr jehu outhrtr toronto i and registered and recognized as a rust- reals ant wheat good shoes ro lotmo and old a d bachun acton w t patterson ro bpaetetsst ta bye exaasalssi ortksaal ti salsa is riimsjllisi lag wyaaaaaaa s4 not to labtaws ouaxph phonx 210g qaawy ae serrtea tlte 103 pknlc will be held in bran don man a bountiful lunch was served o tne ludlf ut six ocwei aitd ciljojrd j all present pom presadtnt john bwlrti moed the usual vote of than to the rellruag president uie secretary treasur er the orchestra and to the ladus fur the bountiful lunch ertd the picnic was over at 30 pm when alt left for their several homes we sausned with a pleasant and prontabst afternoon spent together th picture of the 90 lb troui on the front of but tk paper was indeed beaut when i rind something llve that 1 11 sun send it along tuc bins hate been bus tills week preponiui for ha iuc v e hue a sto k j jlk pule tiial ne drd rrpairing and get one suitable thr had to iro 4 miles tc u bush kit tor sjiruir 30 et t loiiic tlie hope to be all reod for a start next week from now on our das will be bu ona ao i guess our holtds are work da buc they are happ one when the weather 1 fine and everyone well and health and well fed cordially your r w johnson u r no 1 thornloe dainr rstunaud 0 000 was done during the hitght of tht rllk lht tn ued wtirnrcmp ufticrr rrlnforced b manber of the locaal police employed tear gk and baton u ev kt vancouvc r ioemilytxi fim uie post ofttend the city art galkr tut men had o cupud tru tuhdjig fo- leer week n an effort u tract public aitcntijn u thetr pllgnt a iorou pro est w lodg d agvnft the pedeisj oovern itiiii ccrivsocr j s woodaworth over action of the pllite cne f the evicted men tnhired during the n i i ahvw h- e with rjouos fleers standing by

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