thbgtow-prbb-prbss- 5 nnmsday auoubt iiui im hip actmt wrtt pbb laattsaea teataaej t asea oalatu i abvajmsdjg aatxsoa eaallesuea ul la mrleaa eelasma aftaaata lilv i itakaiu eaaiiaei exceed jktssiiii lb aotsd error bsts to lk waols space ectaewx ar txk satrtlssarat a arlo raixs uiw taxmtokis- kdttarlal ead busiett ofic the date haraiy quality one for the designation 6tf a pioneer its altogether too tarty an age to be placed in that class even if ones hair has become gray we know of many others who will say like wise but it will be interesting li see how many will apply for the rounders day invitation and its a nice gesture on behalf of the exhibition officials in recognizing those who have stood by the fair for many years edpok a help to saier driving it was rather gratifying to learn as a result of the safety lane in acton that the majority of motorists do desire to have their cars in good work ing condition while first tests revealed the fact that only a small percentage of cars were in good condition records also show that of the total cars tested 61 per cent received the final ok tor safe driving nj doubt many of the others will have the trouble rectified and know that their car is in safe driving condition as a result of the operation of the safety lane in the province driving ought to be much more com fortable the most of the trouble seemed to be in the adjustment of headlights and in nearly every instance here this was immediately rectified of course the yellow sticker is only a mark of safe driving condition for the machine too often the ok could not be attachd to the driver cigarette conaorbpuon steadily increases from the department of national revenue comes word that the consumption of cigarettes in canada reached the amazing total of 68 billions in the fiscal i year ended mafch31st an increase of one billion over the preceding year the tremendous expansion in the tobacco industry dates from the period of rhc great war in the year before hostilities commenced fewer than one billion cigarettes were smoked in canada by 1930 consumption exceeded rive billions annually only to slump to v7 billions in isuv when the depression was at its worst the marked increase in the ur of karcno is attributed by the trade to the superior sex more women are smoking thati ccr before and rhc all favor cigarettes moreover this i an aje of hurr and bustle the cigarette a shorty urmniint smoke and uhile the more leisure r- re still is popular readers ma not he surprised lo kjn thai the consumption ot pipe lohao about j2ihin0 pounds a vear did nut nutuate during the uat or the depression it s nniiit too thit itut ha been a decided drop in the use ot tir situe hefote th ar in tvl inidan smoked ji ih i cigars m hen limes uer hard in lao tht con sumption fell to 1 is mill km i and last ite the iota as lotvdihuhm a gain o lukhnnv c- k rtw- ous year when in one a immmw what prompted that quer aa the advertisement of the canadian national exhibition asking for in formation regarding descendants of those aho took part or attended the exhibition during its early years the early years arc given as i87s to 1907 there should be no difficulty in getting plenty of folks in this class we can readily recall attending a year or so prior to hx7 and we have always con sidered- ourselves fairly young why 1907 is just thirtyone years ago and rhese folks from 1879 until 1907 are to be considered as founders we cam readily recall a visit to the ex before 1907 strange as it may seem the most vivid part of the recollection is that it was the first time we had ever seen hot dogs perhaps that may be explained by the fact that we saw them twice at any rate they were served just at the entrance to the old grandstand a wooden structure painted rather a tan shade oh yes we have other recollections of other years as it seems that one attendance at the ex just sort of made the visits a habit but reallv we think noted author jivea drivlntr tip to son j p mcevoy notedfnsttnovelist and feature writer recenty wrote a book called father meets son published by j b lippincott co in which a modern father patterned after the famed lord chesterfield wrote a series of letter to his son who had just entered the business world after a rather hectic college career the letter discussed every aspect of the young mans future life qustions of employment marriage social responsibilities and so on on one occasion the lad who was working at the time as a private chauffeur took his employers car out one night without permission and wrapped it around a lamppost father mcevoy when he heard about the accid ent sat down and wrote his son a letter containing a great deal of food for thought which should be thoroughly digested by everyone who drives a car here is what he wrote dear sun you used up a lot ot paper explaining how tne accident was not your fault and 1 can believe you but you are going to continue to drive cara and a few worda on the supject wont do oil- harm in the 33 yrmra that 1 have been drrvlne autornoblles i have never met anyone who had an tuxtdent ihrouuh his own fault 11 waa alwayi the car the road or hie olhcr pvllow monty the other fellow this other fellow is worth some study there seems to be no escaping- him to look at him you would think he was harmless but last year he killed a areal many people and injured many many more i have seen the other fellow and certainly he doesnt look uke a killer sometimes he is a youna nice- looking kid like you someumes be is a mild looking middleaged fellow uke me someumea he is a genue sweet utile woman like your mother but lltat only goes to ahow you cant judge by appearances hes a killer and no mistake and sometnlne is going to be done about it or at it some ume ago the champion safety driver of one of the largest bus companies in the world was given a banquet and a medal he had completed half a million miles without an accident when they called on him for a speech he rose and said i aint much of a hand at making speeches i suppose you want to y know how i got away so long without an aorldent i just got one rule i drive like the other fellow was ctaay 6o that seems to explain it the other fellow is cxaay if you cut out of line an a twolane road dont expect him to let you push htm into the ditch ao you can out in again if you pass a car on a blind curve dont expect the fellow coming the other way to be senalble about it and go off the road and cut into the oektto let you by hea juat cruay enough to run right into you because you are on his side of the road if you speed through a main intersection you will meet a lot of people who are craay enough to think they have the right of way juat because thry axe on a through street and you are coming in oft a aide street if you like to pass on a hlll dont be surprised if a car comes over tne crest and the driver doesnt leap over you or run under you that would be the sane thing to do of course but you see hes crazy yea hea crazy but you are rude and thats what makes him crazy it doesnt matter so much lr you are walking down the street and you are rude enough to push someone aside but if 3tw are rude enough to push him aside with a threeton automobile going 60 mucs an hour youll kill him you can elbow your way uiroukh a crowd if you ana that impolite and do no damage at all but when you elbow your way through traffic with your bad manners stepped up lo a hundred hursepower youre bound to do a lot of damage to a lot of innocent people for even accident caused by high speeding there are a thousand caused by low breeding is it co- mcidencr that the continent which leads in fatalities lags in rormaiiues we may not be the rmt uncivil prmplr on to feet but e certainly are the prise urrors on tiair ahela my bo you may thmx ll is sissy lo be polite but u ioas on a warm cheek li aorlh two on a cold bivtu toduy we pu a premium on agility rulher tliau clvihiv ea h vrt- out manners becurne cruder aa our casviliia- became nnrv rhij wkte roads wont peert ati idrnlji lon i uiry continue u fill up lii naro peoir brakeo on cars are no protection tusiinat dud break- u behavior the iirum- mg prjelii f auuiai- islulmes will not be solved roukl uu- drafting bki1 tu around the faiiulv tub- then oui a mnr undrr in- hi because lrt m u- g in ii an a m- hcc aniumuicly kditok1al notes ro a una unc arcorrtliiff to iwtv atntliitlm pultluhad jw ftwlyvln ortwy uie txwt wtvy to in- fcur yourlwir t huvg liv to to bt born 6 girl in uw unllwl eutr by tlb 1035 naurm which rv uio utnit- btuuw whltb jrtrl thim in america im ufa xprctcy of 11473 ywr tlu to uu workfa npwvrd fivrmrrly hcw in nwr zamluvd and uwn u aiutnula hilt ktnwuliig orothrr htw tmpmnu u put uu united statca tu ilrmt plncr tlito hyihuhffuoul young indyii brulhiv lo ciu only jnk forward ti the unted stain to 6073 ytsuii men dont lnt m loinr tor vmiety of rctuonji tlito to the cnue in nil ntuntrlm exrept- 1ns indlk where boy cn count on uv- inckinovr un the nwntffr but xndb also htul the lowest record tn nmverial an infunt bam there htu iu expectanoy of onl 37 yean yir btj who want to live a ions time dennwrt to tne best plaoeto be born and uw the expectancy or boys there to 638 years more atvninoant to the fact that children born in the united states nowadays 1d3s run expect two more yean of life than they could if bom in 1030 depremlon has an odd way of pmlonsina lite it appears for the some increase tn lonsjvvlty to evident tn virtually all countries since the lush years of the 30s nowhere in the world doea tin infant liavo any rlrht to expect uw blbllcnl three score oik ten eam of life ieoord- uiff to the statistics but tmuk in 1d31 new zlnuand cunie clivw u malting this trodltlonol limit the averauc in thnt yr uie expectancy of boyn as 65 ear and yf glrli 6a years willi tlu praloniiatjotl ol hfr cxmtinutnff as it has for quite stum- years past the mntflcul future or 70 maj become the ivfrat lifetime in this country as well as in scandinavia and some british domin ions which are consistently at the top of the sciutvnnclruiotl enquirer be imtii i thin ot t fu nui tj yi t njahk halin u t h t h r urni lion spubor- h1k i ta ull suniriur laitin scirnis tu i t ruujs arc n larc rhc re seem to he j dilicrcruc of opinion on the location of actons outhcrl bounjar the oil aprlicd b the province and the calcium chloride applied b the municipality to alleviate the dust nuisance failed to meet by over a hundred feet i the traffic guide at the mill ami main street corners was found quite necessary painted lines on rhc pavement failed to keep motorists on their proper side of the street and several accidents were narrowly averted i dougub corrigan who new the atlantic without mishap or injury in a rather wonn aeroplane suffered a chest iniury when a new york crowd stormed his car to give him a welcome home which recalls also the recent fatality in toronto when two war veterans escaped the many dangers of ar only to have their lives snuffed out in celebrating a re- years after the close of the war s union twenty 3 days of thrills and fun in new york in washington 1000 so in boston 1175 in atlantic city 3 days 7 days 850 2305 imrjalnq total as arriacnvi hound tar fa new york i6 washington 18s boston into atjantic city ik 75 ticket and information at harold wilts puone ss gray coach lines making canada a better place in which to live and work a series of lttcrb from iuunffirtihd caniidlnnn on vital lrbtemn altecilnir the future welfare of cnnadn spveully wrilun far vanaduat waaaly nawtpapmi aamuuan ivr mr iv it or wlui rrfuvnro to ymir enquiry oaklna wtiat endeavor x would noonimpnd4o the aix nuulrri fhlluira or mrnl wrokly nrwi- papera prvod aorou oanada with thcrtr tx million reodmt to mtuu oauada a brtltor plw in whw to live and worjt i brllew that a oanpqlan to inculcate a plrlt of elfrrltunre would be mtiat of ornenolal character ducovrry and invention have brought about new economlo condition and even new moral eonocjtf more and more re- iponalblltty liaa been placed upon ow- ernments tn the early days of the depres sion many people dlallked nnceptaree of oownunent relief but relief like vice has come to be embraced i well remem ber the time and perhapa yyu do ab whiui peoio ttrrr anhiuitxl to apiieal ui uie oovemment for parimm1 awilntunee now it tn beromliiff u oovnrnmpnt duty are eer- ttirre u no doubt that there tain meamirea of helpful individual char ncter which can only be carried out by government audi for example aa old an ivsudona a meaatire of thin kind tumid not be looked upon aa a matter of eluuiiy but aa a matter of benefit for the atate an a whole on ue other ivand there l no doubt that many able bodied people have oome to rely upon government for nibautence oa well aa oaalnlanee in a great variety of wnyii i believe umt well directed and contlmiouji tampaign upon the autbjeet of nelf rellanoe wiuld be beneficial both to the individual and u uie atate wulibiff the weekly pretm every atiooeu i m to remain vir faltlifully youri j d patnjlxo iremier of niitlnh oolumbut scotts scrap book by r j scot i0hil ola orny mimkcr or ntt faiv ottlta fouh0d axiavto or nta ut dlmoauaf lixano o many muliom of rtaft aof livtd aa uom4 a5 500 year somi of rtitin daemoairrs flt allavatoa abm aiao lomvuvao r crasijaaay p you ajimioa red kuxmp ha o wav1ls 1hnepy iimaltd rltltah ikvin mtw poifal duiils ik a l0wmvrtjifkmt a cas wrfhln is mtom osfamap rlom ltquid mvortl ttirtvoiratva icrfmc curaoht rf i0f xt4 ah oraha couob iii ain cjlaafii ahd daai act m nuy 44si scotts scrap book by rj scott wmtre t rlalle 9 comtrf 7 tullcy comcf whlum camft plhtoy inito view durim4 v i9 h bcyohd jt orblf or tttt plall htptuka bvrt rtwili ba back iirfo oilr skie9 ey tjbli li comet will rtmajm nvlslblfti evtlm uarca fiirsixapts ftor row year5 m jizfa nihkkiw sar wa5fi purtlm mraaporx of kavt bttn bwikttl isf tmil flflhq mm amd rttart camctllanon u5rc om umf- tt 4ht1 mml ofajumuum early umlltd atts mai s1smhk firr swet vanrouvrrs wat rrf runt business directory htcnioai dr j a mcniven rhlalan an kurtasn oltlw and ilaililonco ooriur dovar avoitun and klffln fllraot dr e j nelson phyiltlan and rurimn xlaptrn tlirrapy duum dr wm c culiin l m c c rhyalalan and rnrfaw ottiro lloura 14 and 70 pm sundaya by anpolntmunt wilbur btrreu just north of mill strati ivprphnna 13a ueqai c p leatherland b a hattbltr rallcllar nstarr fnmls acton catatn spfntllj wound up oourt work atfondad to promptly ohim ii rases haamsnsa is1 auocraaor to ll n parmer kenneth m langdon barrlstar sausltar naury rublls oitirfa acton arargfltown over t seynuoks oa te wain atrast b for appolntmenta plione acton ah or oeorsetown as office hours acton turadaj and thuraday i1a p m to 490 p m bvaa- insa on request dental a j buchanan d d s denial soriaan office in irishman block houra 0 a m until fl p m bvarilriaa by appolntmrnt oaa for extractions xray csoaed wednesday afternoon phone 14a p w pearen dd s l d s dental soiavan office in the symon block phone as u1u sreet aetob roekwood office open bverxxhuridav aftctnoon and evening vetcsunabt b d young vs bvsc vatartaary luraaa offloe brookvllle ontario phone uuton 14r4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary sarfeen offloe and rcaldenoe knox avenue acton phone 130 general insurance we sraei alike in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate glass boiler fidelity bonds form insurance annuities and all general lines of insurance alsso ocean steamship tickets lkadino companies kxcellknt facilities f l wright office ooper hlock oftirtr us ihunr i us id 10sj i mk tabiks nationalflallways atjiavton tfiltik kjuit isiimhiv j 04 ajn i 11 v xti sntlditv u m am i i i rtri sumlliv 0 20 p m isuiihvi nih b 10 pm kht nt rii tnh li in on ryrunm at l 4 iii loin wwt imilly rrpt sliiklllv a 48 a do hlv j3rli nllikllt 3 4s pm i telly lrrlt sslkulllv 1 07 pjb sunday iih fllalt 1 11 33 pm htanllalu time ray coach ijnes coacrteb leave acton stauuurd ttbm raatboiind t ytkmnto ssi am 353 p m 8 41 mm ft bl pm 1 1 39 vm 8 s3 pm 301 pm txeppe sundaya vancouvrrs wairrfront aa turned into a raclriff flrc a brotrght undtr contrql the ftrr tujj nmnoouc inlproo by a fire which wlpd tuf one pin- injured ave 1 m hbun here vainly ttlunhpung to jtm the damrm ftirtnrn and did fl 300000 damasv all available hrr- with its nrrlinfa flyhunc equipment wu preavud into atmie tefore uw wtstbolnd to luulaabtw x 0 53 a ra 8 18 p nj 12 23 pm x808 pm x 3 ob pm dlbs3 pm nm23 pm el 153 pm k x thruutfh u iaondon a djuli except sun and iol b throukh to stratford ddivjiy except sl sun and ho c sat sun and hoi axmijimiktr9jht