utv rv- iyy xhtowm1fv mod 1mb v the actor free press paok p1vn un karaa altar- two mw vmt at mm mr ts bum l ban fmitt mi utamnhsttmonto tor chrlttaua was bam tram to bdnu 1mb i isnvvwi or tha ooarta owlph for tha inatoi sob uargamt arnold iwastarn ttorrwalty houday ur and un jh ftnlth an visiting thajr daughter lcr w cbehraae at xkefeawr avfltor prank irwin of u durham ohmnlala made twi hn ftraaa a ein on nsnisrfay last ur b kojr wanaborooa and uaamr nobble of itoraato tkltad te a mr daja wttli hla mother uraf h tt wan ik george wallace oxthes shop 123yongest toronto ommahe ifrrtebirka glasses for xmas why aw flt j ur and urn gordon uakar and ur and lira harold wanefeorough of tor onto apant banday wth mra r h wanaborouals mends hare are tuaaesd to team that ur olaranea bandaraon haa ao improved that he wee able to return home rrom the hraual in ouelph reading glasses bra sssaslaillm b fee u pree and their taflriani aaaeim at wry elirali east provincial official visits hailton county council concluded on page nght yon would protest tha taxpayer and help the peraon needlnt aaaletanea to retain bis independense and aeureapeol m retard to relief and i ought aay that in helton county it la not one of your major problem perhapa hue la because you bans been a little au if ao i admire you for it but yet we tawe to face tbe tact that rdlef la hare just hanging round vrb trie big news u that wmd and weather permitting uw hookey aehedule aeta under way on deeambar mill next on the hat la una fadeaway of the preston team and the faot that in- tead of a aixteam croup it only four teama cjutd of thanks tvan nknl appreelatee very muoh the irtnrnvaa ahown him by all during hla ulnea the visit of friend whlla in hoapttal and the many kindly act hava oheeered on the road to recovery au have been very halpfhl t oaato op thanks the member of aeaon tire brigade anpramate sreexty the kindness o mr a j buohanan and mlse laura wiles in providing hot coffee and sandwiches for them after fiabtbur the fire foreeveral houm on monday morning acton ptax brigade card of thanks john black wishes to thank all hi niende and netghnom ttlcaa who ao kindly aent htm flaarere boxes of fruit and carda and who vudtad in the hos pital and while at home during hi recent mnaaa theae little kindneaaee all helped along the road to recovery e p head baglsiere oalianllllli m st oiomn bqbaaw guelph ont wmpppww3pm bloomsbury christmas concert and santa visit the blnowmbury christmas entertain ment was held on monday evening mr ommyb oordon ably ailed the postton of chairman for the evening the ore number was chorus santa dabs u comtn to town sung by the pupils tc- oompanted by ub m near recitations songs drills and a dialogue made up the rest or the splendid program by the pupils an interesting number on the program was the presentation by mr wruusiock the agricultural representative for our county of the trophy and shield from the naasagavcsra school flr oordon darby iron the t eaton trophy for the highest individual standing and the school itself won the shield fr hlffheat standing mnong the school james hrnderson sang a cowboy iung and a local orchestra provided music humorous play in may wtthjunewas presented by the young people of the community under the capable direction of mr alex near santa claus came to distribute the present on tlte tree charlea hmder- aon the teacher thanked the people for their kind interest in the concert the concert ended with the singing of the national anthem everyone had an enjoyable evening rejoice when christmas brfls ring out they bring a clear wish a sincere wish a wish or a merry christ mas with great good happiness to you general acton to the aouth urn the aame only one a uuton never had an entry and to atay whether we like it or not and bolton ctenrcenwn and brampton make we have to make the beat of 1l ton p hear relief i a state problem even aranmlnc that to be correct it la itlll wnloh leave the ickon playera elu- up to every municipality to do what it tile for anton and we under land tbe can to relieve the attuttion although bruah brothcra and blmoo will cut in people cannot be left to etarva you muat their lot wwi the acton intention late be nim and devue way and i the ice maker are lullaplaahlna water around down at the arena and maring fair progreaa so much depend on the weather though one for adults one for children in puzzle corner by w coles there waa no iprl handed out- two week ago ao we are giving two puahea thl week an eav one for ttie young- ater a popular item at chrmma la to be found bare a word of fotartletter the letter are in determine ter rible and centre whereby employment may be given to employable peraon and thu foter their mdependenoe if relief lnereaae at the rata it haa done in the paat few year we aball agon have 40 of the people keeping the other s0 appointment of audltora la another important matter ton a member or clrcka in the dlatrtet la bringing on the council are the watchdog of the winning team in the uarltlme taxpayera money you are raaponalble for the care of it and the uae to which it i put and it 1 your reapoufbolty to appoint competent audltora for munici pal aocounta we find very few dwhonaet men in municipal affair it la not prom et john we learn that coach dicky carroll wellknown in hocke vkobtajux products manufacture vegetable producta form an important through dlaboneaty that leakage ooour j group in canadian industry according but through inefficiency and it la your to tbe lateit atatlitlci thu group ranked first tn the dominion in 1dm in groat value and cost of the material used third tn capital invested and fourth in the number of peraon employed and salaries and wage paid pxports from panada cover an phase f l wright insurance onurio eiemttfteseestctetctsie the meeting of dublin uterahy last friday thr dublin literary met tn the school on friday evening december teth fur another gathering with the prosiovnt mr steele in thr chair after opening exercises the following program was presented opening number by orchestra recitation lome frank vioun solo karl sayers tau dancing by kvelyn kenuier sung by charlea cutta radiation by ur burkholder guitar and mouth organ selection by melrin locker and ken bk- durlt by air webster ant mr wheeler irtecllou b the orant be- mrr ales wsidl lwbel brun n4 dorothy barber mere uncharge of the prugnun lunch ass served and a social time rueir tn cunraauun the acton beauty salon wishes to extend to everyone best wishes for a veucy merry oruubtmajs and a briobt and prosperous new year ww acton beauty salon duty to see that they do not occur in ftostrsj i would woe to touch on s subject that haa been much publicised of late j refer to the abolition of coun ty councils this is a very vital point tbe honorable erie cross haa said this as far as i am c there will of manufactured vssetable products but be no abottion of county oouncus tbe j m tn preaent review do not include work of the county council is incal- t chemicals obre and wood the culable einoe the last nftr j exports include frulunil i regefsblai presslon the nrmnclal irj of the p sauces intchupsrnilued prodtjcts provinop has been maintained to a great bmn snorts middling oatineal and extent by the county councils doing rom oau nour of wheat and other buatneas in an economic manner they n products biscuits cereal foods have a decidedly stabilising value and com st macaroni rnernuoelu apafl- the county council is the closest form hctl1 niait steenlnsk confectionery of aovernment to the people the coun- and chewlne pirn maple syrup and try as a whole is no more overgoverned lfu ynjpa susar of all than it was thirty years ao inmy klnd vlneiiar beverases rubber opinion the county council is here to and 1u producu belting shoes ures stay the talkwe hear of urn abolition hw rd inner tubes tobacco and ulnt peat ineasure due to the cjounty ccvrettes oil cake vesetable ou and councils themselves the municipal otl vesetable products the value of etowminrr bodies of yesterday used to producta crxorted from canada solve their own problems pioneer reeves to i03a wm la006 and deputy reeves came in their bussles or on foot and tackled the affairs of the i day tn the rfcjht spirit they did not f wouid natural- jump into iunouslnes and call on the central government to aotve their prob- ao irving was asked to take the letna the county councils as a gov erning body must accept their respon- atblllty and not be appealing to higher j moved by mr irving seconded by mr authorities except in cases of necessity byers that the thanks of this council if there la kws passing the buck there be tendered mr hewson for the court- will also be leu talk of county councils eoua and impartial manner tn which he being abolished if such a course were haa presided over the deliberations of taken it would mean our whole system this council during the past year of government would have to be re-or- ganlsed as regards halton county i would say carry an as you have done in usb coupon solution the ptiaaleaome fellow present the aeaaona greetlnga to the readera of tju pea nutaa to read it you muat dlacover the code you will and it quito easy once you get a atari try om 2 letter word flrat then the s letter word baah iatr la replaced by another the letter b starts the greeting thats help lent it there are only two l letter word r nd a b qthos npqqz wnbt bobs zpv nb3 i11mo tpkvsjtmt bmp odooc pmft hpq bkk zpvq oqpakpnt buo sobb oop dpnjmh z7bq kbs9 ofkc ofckbo bmo oboojm7tt bpq zpv buo zpvqt jt bop sqvf xjto pe zpvq ovyykp nbtbpq use separate sheet for answers what to do holidaydancene ws atryan auditorium buelph last minute arrangement for uw gayest anaprjleat hohday celehrauonsnave just been completed the atage la let for a menu of gaiety and tun that la a fitting climax to a aeaaon of many happy parties at ryan auditorium on ohrlebnaa narht at 13 mldnlte until ted parker and lua smart orchestra awing into magic rhythm for one of the merriest partlee of the year two gala parties not one night only two am aoheduded for ryan auduorfum a farewell 3 and hello ttr i aald on saturday december slat mew veara bve it i dancing from m to mldnlte with gallona of hats balloons etc with norm harris and ala oroheatra a the feature attraction only once in aeven years la there an opportunity for auoh new year celeorallon and very detail of arrangement for the ryan auditorium parties is in keeping with such rare opportunity and therefore we throw another big mew year parly oh the atroke of 13 mldnlte sunday january 1st 10 with ted parker and hi orchestra again swinging into action until 7 admission each party ladies 76c gents 100 ff it 7v fe fv i p1 l r illthnis pirat oiriim sure theres a man fol lowing un second olrl qashl what shall we do ptret olrl laofs match for him ly be imnractlcal ur irving wai chair when the following resolution was barsonal appreciation was also ex pressed by each of the members the paata more or lea pay a you foijif i tjt m policy would also sujgcat that a cjoun atm asaonlauon be formed within of val have made many good oouncu the county to include county council oslclala and the assessors of the mun- iclpalluea a vote of thanks was tendered mr ooombe for his fluent and helpful ad dress apart from the reading of minutes and correspocrdence the only business of any account waa the third reading of bylaw no 721 to authorise the bor rowing of ts60000 upon 3 debentures for highway improvement and construc tion work in the county bylaw was passed by the council the folloalng accounts were also pass- i puianct- 03730 county buildings l3973 10163ft 10310 good will i have made many good friends through my experience in the county council said mr hewson and the work haa been made surprisingly easy by your cooperation and with the help of our efficient treasurer there is none better in ontario council adjourned w t patterson ro specialist la bye atamlaalleai orthopia 11 wtndhaii st odaxph rasas tin completely eajulpped office below uaher bhoe store ho accounts printing district president visited bannockbitrn institute meeting womens institute met at the home of miss utura millar on dsrsmber 15th xrs harding presiding thr roll call was answered b sugges tions for christmas gift after the harness was dealt with the following program was given reports of the meal cookery school which waa heat at milton and was awrfnom by mrs p kerr and aoa akuth ttiaassll lnajruroental by mr p cole and a humoroua reading by mrs r mdcsown mra oamble okartot pisssiwiil gave a phmdld addraas on progreaa betterment and onetruealon tha msaung waa closed by singing aslant mkaht holy fhjht- ah jotnad m apodal naif hour whan a datnty hmoh waa aarvad by tha m n gregory theatre rnvidat okccmbebv lira mountain music costarring martha raye sod bob bums comedy beauty ahop cartoon devil of tbe deep chapter 9 of tud btu tockok satlauat daxatatltgaj tttai odt night mr moto takes a chance- myatary adventure with peter lorre comedy romance road miniature rttreamuned swing cartoon porky m vtbackyatod- pumlng big thrbav pox decuibsm mth at i the girl of the golden west maataiatiija rb jwnett umocaiald and hal- flksori hot on lee ft33m37 curraaxdcncf laid over although a letter from thr minister of llealtlv was dltniabed by the council the letter referred to a resolution endorsed by the council at their last meeting ahgaonst cimtpulsory ptuuurluauon of milk the irtter from the minister of health nui in part as follows i nduce that the councu has merely agreed to a form supuhed by a group who are interested m thr conuraiance of the sale of raw mlik but who did not supply council wtth both sides of the question mr oordocr x think tbe kdea in en dorsing the resolution was one of sym pathy with farmers having a few cows and who were thus deprived of celling their mute mr robinson letter say all fanners and the milk pr associa tion favor the act i am a farmer and i belong to the milk producers essocla- uoh but i am not to favor of the act and i donl knew of any farther who is the warden asked mr cbombe for hit opinion i i think said mr ooombe you have misunderstood the purpose of the act thickly populatea parts of the province are divided into aonsa where pasteurisa tion la enforced the minister of health has complete jurisdiction aa to where these sonss aball be but the act does not apply to fiusnera urltaj outasde a one a be can stui sail raw mist if bs wmnta to skitevscnani of tha act m edmund smith teacher of violin bpectsl attention glen to beginners individual instruction open for dance figagcnirnts apply mrs g ritchie church st local militia rginient names officers for year at a meeting held at acton armories tuesday december 6th the following officers and committees were appointed president opl h v dron vice- presidents pte 13 atmpscm secrcuuttreoaurer w marchment ocneral oommlttce opl v wheeler cpl r ooiarn cpl j a oollla pte j smith pte b ptvtrlck pte w mckee pte j smith was appointed manager of the army hockey team with pte p near as captain the lome rifle snipers proceeded to milton range for title final shoot of the year three new members w nlcolak mike nokotrocxny and bill turner com pleted their targets for bronar pins w mckec and sam simpson completed tar gets for their silver pins while j chls- holm only succeeded in completing one target 100 out uf 100 an his first sliver spoon m locker and h v dron each completed three targets an silver spoons locker on his aeeoiyctttnd dron on his fourth spoon an cunilnatlm ft hoot was htld ualng mtutla 22s to pick a team to meet the acton legion earn the four highest j scores chcaven from the best ten shots in the club were s simpson 48 out of so j chlsholm h v dron 4fl wm mcker 4fl w buchanan and j hoard tied wtth 45 paints each e varey got 42 points and m locker 41 the highest scored were made by the militia members the the club the others not bring used to military rifle the tlfth member has not been chosen yet but u will most likely be v wheeler vice president of he club also one of the best shot with s sporting rule and also the best shot in the lome scot regiment usually carrying off the bt rgt shot award in both military 903 rifle and lewis gun qur sincere hopes for your holiday may it be one of pleasure and satisfaction bringing joy to you and all of yours symon hardware j his christmas a lovelu cohtplckiom butterfly smartsideout rat the leas this rear jpvc the toe king that beaut i- fict the leg giving ibic powdered look s look of dull ibccracsi that 9s iery csnnoc be beaten i therell be extra joy for the friend who receive butterfly the smartsidcout stocking in iiu at tractive gift package ifrvrwvr yn hmy ymu jtmj betlfrflj awevr tbitrtr xajjfg mm 4 t sit tb ptpmur mmtj wtlk rttmftrxtj we take this opportunity of wishing one and ah a merry christmas mnufavctured under can put no 3072tti pallants mill st f outfittesr exposed as swindlers brother cteceregtctctctgteiaj rkv j word dralh si church k unbwokt11 vlcorls bc reached here gsturday of the victoria itnsworlh nunuicr bc of rrv josct h dd rrurrti umul h tr mcrly aervetl an oldfashioned greet ing in the good old- fashioned way a merry christmas and a holiday season pull of health happiness and a goodly store of good cheer to you and yours highway garagb alex mclsaac tn a number of ourmttrat tonal churrrc in ontario he preached hla first sermon at churchill rmynve xar ago he was asan of rv joseph unsworth the patr at csfauxchlh for twentytwo trs dr cnsworth was a contributor to arious religious puhhcatlons fur some years he bad been on the editor si staff j of the xjsjry colonist victoria and at i the time of hi devsch was editor t tho church page bom tn ocorsjetown cmtarlo he re- j ceired his early education in that town and in brampton graduating from meqtll university tn ism and fromthe cori- crvatlonai cbuogt of csnada inm7 he held pastorates at paris scotland and hamilton ontario wsstntount quebec wlnnlpos and vanoouter in 1916 ha jotned tbe lesbytsrlan church in can ads and was pastor of strtrtq j western curobsa prvflaus to churcb union he rsdrad from actira jrwachjngl to 1wt and jsiutad hlmsatf io wvltsag osdrisj vjnsn1 rtiibsfl1in mt oik who wsa seasuaisjlly idantinad as arthur ifbssxsw brotbsr of philip wbsks nas f donald oosler ta shown in ttia auloikabtis in wtiiob bs was tsjttn to the fsdwral buodtrsc tn jw tark attar hk ansa tn bis brooklyn beast hla brouwr tcbattr atoot hlmssu to death tn fats tost- neld oanil borne afts laaunsba he had r s-