tt jwion tfts sixtyfifth ycnr no 1g acton ontakio thursday october 10th 1030 uirht hoincprmt pnfjcs five cents l- three meetings esquesing council during the month saic of farm general mcolinfi and action on uability inhiinince matters coimidcrcd tho ksqueslng township council mot on wednesday morning september 27th at ten oclock with nil mumbcrn present reave robinson presided at the meeting after the reading of tlio minutes of the last mooting which were confirmed h wan moved toy w a wuson suoonded by kdwtn harrop that uils council accept th offer of james janwaon for tho dobble parm an tier ojrreomant and offer to purchase ginned by mr jame- nan and the ucovc and tho cleric ore hereby nulhorhwd to execute and accept laid offer to purchase on bohaf of uij munlclpul corporation th- township of eftjueslrui and to execute and dollver all deeds and nepcasary documents an behalf of said corporation to convoy wild property to james jamison and lo do ail otherrlbi3eiowr mc by c w m secon m you may still register for voluntary service the voluntary beg miration of can adian women that wan conducted jn acton by hie todk lost week met with a bond reaponne jiut it lit felt uiat there ntlll may be 7nkcrn who desire tq regtiier but neglected the matter on i the days orninged to give everyone on opportunity the date for sending in the returni has been advance until the end or the present month forms may be secured und reglstrn- i tion made au symonn hardware storu edwardr grocery stne and malnpriacn barber shop you have tendayn more to make your rcglntraunn perhaps wc should explain uguln that the registration in purely voluntary piihnn in one of the forms doch not mean you will be called on lor any particular war work it dors not obli gate you in any way but in moroly a matter of record you may never hear again from your registration but the record is avalloblr and when the need urlsea your registration may be used uj notify you of where yau can nerve beat to fill that need it may be distinctly i mr rj kerr prominent citizen dieil suddenly past president of ontario aiirs awocialion and prominent in every activity in church and community the intimation on wednesday morning wlat r j kerr had piuined away early lrnl morning tiitm os great itliock to thin community and uiroughoul the countryside ond provfncc mr icerr had been about oi uauul until thfjtndiiy he vtnlted with hln nister and other rclouvcn in forest but week and during ills visit there he officially opened the forest fair and enjoyed a little family reunlan when lie returned home during the weekend he was not reeling well and he was iicniuadcd by hln doctor to re main in led he grudiiully becume worse and in spiuof loving care and at tention he paused away early yeterda morning we doubt lfany man in liils commun ity will be more missed than u j kerr prominent actonian r j kerr qncof melons rrmst promlniiit cllieiis who pauiid iiwuv at his hontt here yes terday and v host f line nil mil tte held from the united church lomorrou afternoon i to your od vantage lo he tegtblbrea biltrrji w li buiiy life but iilwuyn he took- famiia atherin jvs fmwwfx1 to whatever the will 11 in voluntary 7vof teinstnrttmrhiowrtmtthrttc any particular work or leave your home or present employment every woman between 10 and 05 in asked to register volunteers of woman arc asked for renin t ration surely acton will have at leant five hundrod wlto will renin ter the tlmo in lo n large nlmrfe o conimun- mil j ii cuulbit medalstrojihy preseeiled band hy prof thiele splendid concert civen under itjuuinumur mendham coml attendance of citicnh tlie pkentntlon concert arranged tor sunday evening or at ton cltieni band lrew a nplendld crmid in the town hall the big fen t lit c of the evening uiib ihi preiicntotlon to the bund mem bers of gold mednlh and a beautiful mlver trophj which hod immii won this year by acton clunt bond at the waterloo bnnd festival tlie mtiols were struck to commemorate the rojal vult year ns well iu the ilind festlial acton nand liod comjieted in a ciiuji of six entries nod won flnl place they played durlrig the concert the test election xjpcratic minnie metlalh were prfent4d to ench of the jollowtng c w uinddlmmmgh r si telyogel doug mapltwien ted wheel- uii hliiniberl nomiiiujjrnl1ai turner r riddel 1 1 taylor nino jluilrin in i ilomes t- 11 mncdnnn kiucms thank onvrin last x knox woiim n i mishloiinrj sotii t held tiit u autumn thank olti ring in 4ou chuiih iisi tlmttdm aderuoon the ptvsideiii mrs hassiird wus in i liurre mih i i tic linunii n ud he iirt- tin e h jvion follow tl u 1th pniyer by mi i he llpmj vlsitori rioni ihe othr mbsloniry soli ills in town win ptfihit an we 1 tus tlu auxlliaius hiitn tin- pn hbteriuii cliuirlu at caniptuluille niijingawein rkw4l mid hi piuu clllelpli tlie ktieht hjieiikiia were the piesbj terlnl of- ltcrs mih oamble mid mhs dunbar oueli li mrs dunbur gnw n very guud talk on the work of the mission handii die olrls and younu women s iiiul tin into ihi ijeuloi auxiliary mr c luhmun sang u nolo in her umuii atceplable manner miss 1 ora wiu iicomiauist tra onmble gave a verj inspirlnn ui ik llki ning on i ikes to a rt la rite two thousand yeu auo the man of oalluc ttuirud the relay race and the nu id n of jehus christ lias encircliil iliccuitli ihruuuh jiiult i if i be lifted up sliall draw nil men unto me not allklng h nil lyrhumenu on klinpiwin b nlcol ucjolceklllurr earth logeuler can equal hie power or iffi n w ht ni tnmg kins c w mason ragncw q simp land remembor our motto rius world win n olhfion ii price i lor cln lit tlie silver trophy which remains the mi henule guve ihe detlualory pray- permanent proierty of ihe band wiui er a dainty lunch wus sei etl in the prenened to bandmahur mendham and class room tlnnlous wouls of unvtinu w ill liuve an honored place in band head- wue extended fioin die ihltlnu aukii- quarlcrt ulonir with uie troph won by urles the rfainl previously at the tompetllion in aurora jiidc lloskiiig addressed first inighl at j he y social time proidel for all lo lteiome acquainted with mr and mru henson autumn decorations throughout the building lent a warmth and gavt n wil- i-onii- to the hpniffltl crowd unending die lit si huge function at alium murray memorial ymca in open i lie present m iimin i he orcanloii lso made the oppoi i unit j for til new aitycrvlsor mi w ci lienwm uud mrn ilenson to be- oine in qunlnted wltli acttiu folk national count ii of the ymca has bii n wauhlng the linliy y ipille clonelv anil on this occasion ihe oi neral secre- lar jutige lfiwjting t umc out o my iintl gxt first hand itccpialntauceshlp with the at ton y during the evening he spoke lirlcfl it was enlightening to inaiiv to know hint at present the total ymca membership is 1 1 per cent wouiun and dial in nmnv centres com munity ym oa n with- both meit and women botu and girls participating are ttyuiw una wiui fliepiy irtiurewtwrtti acton and its welfare ills early days i were spent in krln townahlp on a farm and it win not until about twentytwo yearn ago wtien he removed to acton tlint we became intimately orqualnted i with r j kerr he resided for a while mi young street until hln fine new home maplehurst was com pic led on bower avenue he never retired as many who leave farm life the very active nature of the man forbade that while he never lost or forgot hln love for krln township and the friends or early years from lhc day r j kerr came to make ills home in acton this community hod htn unswerving loyalty i as an auctioneer lie was known through out the eoutryslde and his knowledge of i stock and marked ability ut this work nuitlt him irrcjilly in demand far and near that recognition of his ability renmlned rlidil until the end i no matter how hardsve may try we t in never put into print the nummary of liu usefulness of r j kerr in thls tommiinlly from the first year lie eaiiu to acton lie gave of his energy and abil ity in tin suites of acuin ililr his work here is so well known to all thul we need hardly mention it then wi- i rt all uie day s w lien money was being raised and the park entrance was twirm iiitpnivttl it was it kerr who was largely restonsible for this impnivemenl we roiill go on without end down through lhesc twentytwo years and the mtme tou id im wild of thls man in every phiuse foi good of community life in munlcliiil aflaln lie wius keenly lutercsled and at the tltm of hls death wils chairman of the illbllc utilities coinnilislon u post lie had held for some time in them later vears honors which he had won were bestowed upon him he wius mode president of uie on tario fain association and presldel at the big convention in toronto bust feb ruary he was presented at acton liii this year ith tlie certlllcau- for metl- tortoiih service it full fair work and very honov llit vvim grunted wils won ttv mi keir ills attention to duty and ills marked uhllltv made the ponl lion seek the man in tlw unlletl church he was a luciu- lci of tin board of steward and on auntliv in- uivuriitbly wius in lit piun lit the fiuiuu iew but again we rr- luiale thai tin task ot set ting down ali judge lloskliiif upoke erv roinnlinu v by o ii may that this council do now adjourn to meet on tuesday october 10th at 1 30 p m or at tile call of uie rmvevcarrled tlui ootober meeting of the bujuoslng township cobncll was hold on tuacdny afternoon october 10th deputyreeve w a wluon potincllloru o ii may i o w murray and edwin harrop were j preient reovo n a robinson presided i at the meeting after the reading of the communica tions tho accounts were passed i moved by wilson and harrop that j the treasurer pay the road sheeu an i presented by tlie road superintendent 51fl70co carried moved by may and murray that the treasurer pay the relief accounts at presented by tlu- relief officer 164 00 curried other accounts passed for payment were i a cargo jennings 1 lamb killed by dogs j o 00 meldrlm stark valuator 1 00 m campbell 1 sheep killed by i doas g 00 fred j short iii 1 snecp killed by i dogn a 00 mrs m j btarret j sheep illled and 1 injured 2500 k c ijudnuy valuator 4 trlpn 0 00 bell telephone co accounts 4 07 c e smith 1 cord wood for uie council chamber ooo 1 m bennett supplies 5 04 i mrs it stiuiduh to clean tlie j council chamber 00 ctnll olluholm weed insecuir for 10311 2j 40 hulton hit insurance co re newal policy on tomniship house at stcwarttown 0 00 i m bennett expeiia udviuictxl ui w allan 3 35 moved by wilson and harrop that thin council do now adjourn to meet on thursday ocutfjer lath lit 11 00 p 111 cun led the council met on thursday evening with ail im nt bcrn present reeve rub- lnstm presldeti at the meeting the minutes of the lust meeting were read and tombmod movetl in murmv and harrop that thb council return to a k wilson a comtiny ihe policy lvuiwl bv uuyds duletl may ibth 10ji und recelwtl on oelober 10th iintl not aceeped ri ue- ctuiiit of nor comply nut with contract price carried moved b mm wikou that die towmhip rtwd liability insurance be pluitnl wiui du- oenenil accfdent in- suiume co through c o biimu at 1 preinlum of au ill cumins a loao3 hublllty carrie hncti bv wluon and harrop that this council do now udjouni to meet on thunsdav novemb loth at 1 jl lakosidc hapt starts on the kuittin and work the uikenlde chapter ioj3e enjoy ed an evening of vurlous activities at the litime of miss velmu murray on tuesday a sljjiwer of umusvment ar ticles games note paper cards books and mogiilucs- was held these are for distribution among soldiers in bar racks yarn was given out for tmith sw eaters and stwltn for the boys and a hilarious evening wa spent winding ami knitting an excelleiii luneb w ns serveti by oroup ttine from a table with hal loween decorations cuulkks ettin ukady for action karly this kar tlie acton curling club will get under way thls year before any tee li available therv will be a gvtiogcther ontanl-ui- tlon meetlui heltl in the council cham ber on thursday october 2flth at 00 pni it ls homml unit everyone inler- citetl in curling willmake a point of attending thls tnevtlng a kriru of sotnr ol iht nt lilrar books ijust wtek the iirchaslng committee of the acton library board mudc the annual p111chase of books to 1m- added on the library shelves these will be available in the course of a muple of weelo but in the meantime itadeit will lie unci filed in what iniiv be e pec let i hi thls new lot and wi ghv a brlel mini mal w hk ii ha tfi arranged bv tlie chairman of tlu board h a k tlie home of mr and mrs howard kentner georgetown w a- the srene of it pleasant family gathering on sunday last w lien the descendants o the late william and isabel collier met to say farewell lo the eldest and only surviving son mr j h collier of medicine hat alberta who has been vlsitlng in lhlfl v li lulty the mist few wei ks and was leaving on monday to return to his home in die went mr m maw georgetown and mrs wm godfrey of ouelpli are the only i wo nlntern jylends wt re present from i oronto hamilton port dover glielph mlluili acton bnlllnafad and georgetown prof thlcli- who lh bandmaster the wiiurlno muslial society band 1 of nd hctul tt die watetlpo ivsthil took th tuialon u bring to the ntlinlln of die audience he value of a bi id in the community too ufhn he said we have so much spli nil id miuir all about us iconunufd pge llc lrainosa rnuh littard k4orts on lovnshii itintt fries heuldi of 111 ith recent ainend- leiy act the board ownatilp ol kiaiii uiidc tlu llrt ninetythird anniversary knox presbyterian church inspection jif ffiiiftci lei in the mlinle 4illly uiday octolx 1 mlh 1011 the ilourd plated ihi m met i in t uists a follows ud llrnt ttockwooti ii 11 join iii ulk od oi du- an tin mini mux mbit out ii n ik we pin or at the ried ill of the he cmr- first session ofjaruajment at- st amans yfs st alban ilrst iiwsiti of parliament for uw fill season wn held in the pjirish hall on tumihv night when esllut taylor tlie member fruni nortli main strwt and her colleague murie bruutfuctota minister of health and urnuty liifluilml in u heiutnl vibtte wnp tin leader of the opposition ihuce pai kfhm au chancellor of the echepier t und lut coilcugiie qaixion glbblns brotilrs us tlu speaker fiction o aboloiii bv howmti spring the lor or iwo lulu rs anil two son ballati in gmmor ly kthe llolllaw da setpial to tin nip lops ihe sa tim ft by hugh wnlpote fxhlblt to the tilll tin hwei ol thls niastei ol the ifhotoiittil iitnef auxmth walk poniorrom bv a a trvvt author of lirmer glory dea with allaits of the pivaeut da tin nutbrown maui bv philip und- uiv a hliruug rotiiaiue of mediaeval hut laud a once vim wire by 11 s m hut- 1uiiiuii autlun of if winter coms his ilrst tunel in five year jonathan north by j i hodgson one of the important novels of die year mlruclt ot brian d ktliest iltiy- rinaltng slorv tltrutford bv john i he noild a fas uentleman of brophv a historical uo el w hicui rv- treijei the shaktixttreu period m ui- orv salute to krfotloni b ifrtc lowe 11 ntu toiy about present day australia nonfiction uiuhuui or the suirs bv nora wal aiinouncetl to the hoiu1 ilic subject fori wlmt l m tlu jwarts of 80000 two ger debate uut women hae done more eood m1 for the world than men and called esther taylor as leader of the oov- eriihientiiaiplj4dtljftnlndatlviyd iusldeajibiby juliflauatliar dtv- of ihe argument both parties argued nrcly ajul with obvious convicuon but tlw oymnnt won hy a itandhuz vota fm uwr wr mor glrli tluin boys in the hou tlu- nile by emu lydw lg the stun of a great river in a great countr- cribefi the ctvtil and pereonalltli shap- liut tlie course of onethird of the globe wind sand and stars by antolne kxupory a broathless comblqation of loontlnued an jrtv knew mi ken inumaleu ttulleti djal du 1osn of ills be loi ed will ve 11 ii i tiuuu v was 1 blow iioni ftlmli he nevet inouivd tintt thai line ujuij hae noilcwl 1 hllit iilteiin 111 hi iiimlitv bin he carritl on buu mil mwi toiuplaiuuu right until ie end in his woik as an auctioimr and 111 li loiiiuiuuilv actnitlf the writer mnn lo know k kerr intlinatelj a the vtai pieil inn hitn tin v left no ik ir onh that of experience he never grew old in niintl or bixh ibs company w it as ctmttfnlil ot mrn many ytars hb juniot his keen miw of humor md latunil witnwdc jl ooviou to all uii he was of irlsh descent winch lu- often pioclauned we met him often and his wius the tvpe of fruntuhlp and loyilt which woar well we will always llkr 10 nuill thivse truw to fairs plowing nvvtihei iiiuiivcrsiirie and ntilei uutinga in tnjovvm and partumpnuxi in tij hi nam rii inks i li would seem tlril jonathan edwartb whip ined in the curly part of the eigh teenth century had in mind such a man as mr kerr when lie made uiat remark tnat ha been handed down through thtac hundred or more year a man cf rlulit xpirll l greauy interested und concerned for tlu- guod of uu commun ity to which he belongs and particularly of the c or villa in which tie ridcta and tar the true welfare t of the society of which lu is u member 1 two daughters mrs j c mattliews i aton and mrs lucv j w mcltod i t continued on paae ptour splendid svrmns l ke a ti rintoul ita and musical vvu- itirem in choir und luent solo- ihi anniehiir supjrr at tended lj over rh ood uricd fiokiafci of meril oh irckcnled the ninety thlld aimiit rsuiy of knox presby leriun church observed on sun day and monday wi an oct as ion of marked intertsl not only for the ton- giegiitlun hut fui tlu coininuuity m gen ual at both the inoruluit and cvculdk serues splendid ctingregutltius illlcd tin auditorium of the church the singing b the 1 liolr and die an thems and otliei si lection under uu dliecllon of mi i- salt urgunist and 1 holrmanter wert vciy iul ittpnau and well rendered the sm 1 uii iiunivcrsiiiy minister lor the ot liislon wn llev a u binloul ba of wythwthkl presby terian church toronto at the morning service two anlliems win- reudiiel b the choir iilll tlu guest milolsl mlw isobcl heine of tui onto sang pin uud is my slu pherd al tht run mug mtiiic be li ilin toul gni a lon llluslrallng tht thlld- uns inmn lhul had oicu mlii leu lot tht sirvi 1 n was a fairy dunu bused on dit thought dint a small pint tree 111 die bush witlr ullier inrs whllt being a jit aiming otht 1 tit eh for being so small obeved tht uige of a larger tree to grow strong- and iitnughl after many yearn the troo was cut down for a must in a mlhng visel nie itnim til d 10 in tlu tilt aim utei tin mut uut it dli not siuteed the nuust sated 1 boatload of people b lt lug htnmg fati it juvs t k t might so dial you will th tiong 1 the text of the senium b mr bin- ioul taken from job 111 6 for i 1 know thai my redeemer uveui and illilt he atull aland at uielatui day upon the earth job 1 one man who believed tjiat his- hedouner luid tln whtn he was in uowrse clicunuiaiue when die story opens job a a a well to do man who always did what was rights he was living a tranquil life in peace plenty and love then disaster overtook job he wo bereuvid and sutfereti but lu luwr ustjlui in his hetiet mer when the puoptf adlced him why he twdt to 1 hi bclkc he nher wavered but jab j was certain in his mind that lib re- deemcr lived and nothing would shako his faith if we look on god in tlie right way we shall see die shtnhlg light as god is a ood of love t1kv1s a 1 power ut work in die world thatll high- whom we commit oui iimh god dots 11 qi siaiid out and make a big show of helpini people but iillitr lit slandn lu tin shiidov t and untihis oi r and dlr et us hi own i at ihe evening htrvlce die congrtgii- don of die unluti chuich joined and die pastor bev g c gilford assisted in the jevvite the choir aiilhem was very uitltig and a quartette messrs a mann w burton 1- bull and a mus- s lie iiiidcred 1111 appropriate number ille selection by mis beare guest solo ist was the lords prayer itev mr itllltouls evening bubject w a overt tjimng a handicap he based his dieiue fm du- ten found in matt u iu and beliold uiere wau man which had his hand withered the same in tick nl is told in mark 3 1 and luke t t and lu and ihe speak 1 r read thtse ailing altention lo the varuitlons made in die lilllng of dm intldeill by diese aposlles it was luke diat drew uueutoln to l j it- act thai it was die right hand unit was withered beliik a physician it was ruiturul that he would be explicit in not ing which hand was withered the speaker dwell on what a change in con ditions lu hi life this widiered hand hud meant to this man ills inability to wotk had mt am sacrilice for tils wilt and faiilih no doubt w hi n tie went to the synagogue dial day he hud been aiked what wvus die use in believing in kl hut his belief in bod had bet 11 the intaius of eventually restoring his witlieied hand i hen i a mo tl 111 this niinutive im pitsiiu uv dioughi many who liavt imo every uhng 1 lse uie still cjlsmltls- hi tl jliht a 111 thut day su ttt preetil theie is no better place tluin tlie church said mr it in toul many today seek lu cheat qil they prefer to make lhi subbalh a holiday ratiier than a holy- day then are those today who aeclure thai the church lias fulled the tpcukcr challenged uy aklug wiiat coilstlluus the cliurch the church is an lnstltu- uon created by god and ulillc the church cannot save it mediates those whocua tlicre is no belter plncc for the aouluhul feels a need than tilt cliurch mr hinuul dipluted that too mecormltk l hockwitod mcdougall s t luhh miuiy churches loduy urc gtiust churche ones uiat are haunted by the im m- unei of belli r days when uuy were filled tliese days can come again if we only will it io the church the speaker declared cunnui fight a rearguard action today but nuui murch forward justice wftl prevail and god is still nguhutl evil he will see uiatuir forces of evil will not oillniunoeuvrct uie forces of rlghuous- nrsji cuhttl parkinson s mimosa everum 1 an oustit sl john poor ofiburn hurwot iattme church and lf lone gruvt iju 17 concession a tin three killeutie in die ilrst upm aietl beiiullful in their sctllnk 1 liies shrub and moweis while iht in the second class appean d lo be well cared for but not quite so well supplied uili sluidi die and sin ubs 1 1 die ilrst lass hi die case or parkinsons ceme tery the board commended die recent imitovcineiiu and respectfully suggested the further pn servation of the old tomb stone as historical recoids the ceme- uues iliissini a poor appeared to be midly neglivtihl containing broken and fallen tombsuuifji groundhog holes and uncut grass and weeds umtlflrtrii tractors to iiavk huilluay permit raimeis using rubbertitd iractttrs on die hmhways lo pull their wagons or nihil fitful i hlilt will nol in- penal 1ed 01 not lua iiik a lltriihe a permit 11 r irtliin issued fot the bnluiuc of die yesr lo iiuthoile the oixtiillons of due dattiiih bv funnels without fit this lilfiiimallon was given out by hon n i o hlpt provincial mlnisur of ijiur mi tllitel hu bein in nigollatlon wltii du ij parlmi nt of highways foi some months in siart li of a solution to du problem ianneis ttimpuilued to him dial day had been huvn iiiuble and du y asked dial sonu det lslon tw b- liilned u pei nut tht uu of li actors with pneumatic llres unrici sum- other clai- lkulloii ihun 11 tiuck or motor vehli le ihe ijeiuirtiueut of hlghwuy is jilauaiug to ircoite a sp ial lassiriia- don of suih veliulis mr hipel ijijtl and for die balance of uie year tlfjry pruihisr to issue penults o aitthorlj their oirrallon wlthnul fte 1 airangemenls have keen nuule ullh i the provincial police- u rrcognlf these j imtinlt and they will be lwuecj to those i makllig application in ttltlng lo j p i bickell registrar or motor vehicles i ivrmers making application must give a description of the tractor such as die trade mime and uie type of tires and tlu same information wltfitcfereuri- 10 die use of wagons or trailer to be used tui- of uie new supervisor and his train ing and assured acton v of the v iii- luifiiess of the national council u luistnt lu the lot al problems and render gilld- uute he lold of the stnlf that wan pie- paied lo give kcrvlce and assured acton v of 11 willingness to cocimtiiu next to the churtli he felt the y wiia oc- tompllshlnii the ur rales i gthwl it did nol take die plate of uie churt h in id hi- uikftl every member lo have 1 hurch af- llhtllon junn were enjoyed throuuhout the evening about the building and a dunce wils held lu ihe gymnasium dunog die c enum president w george mniil uvi- a hi lef outline of die plans foi hi- ytu und tin tale or fees mi urn mis llonson wen introduced and mr benson asked the i oopi ration of all in making die y a hiut ess 1 le w as w llliiui to give his in endeavor but rcqtiikd the ilssi i im of all to aiiompllsh the gtval- el gooil i roup sinning led by pn sldenl geo mason wa enihusiasiu ailv 1 njoywl and die uitlls aidtllluiy miiui dclkhlful uut lt ullfiil 1efieshinelius it was a splendid evening to start oil the years ui limits miss peile mcmillan pre-sld- etl at die plt on und x- warden mason assisted with his 1 oniet mr charli s kiiknes ws inasier of teremonies and die tipcihil itaturis coiiimlllee luitl charge ir lhi tietulb from decorations to llogtllll itiiusiasm rovs as you imckdsi this rook vrtuip you were dls4ipuinted when the aniuainieineiit wtut miule that jmiiiu- ealioii if ai ion s larly days had bein dilayitl but youll be delighted when mhi set are ihe book uiat in if you have made uie of kcttlmi one by placing your onlei it answers so many question ronciilllng die plui e we all know bti well lor instance it tells about the 1 iirly tiayn of all the clitinhes in acton ami traits ihtii hlstmy down through the years pi 1 haps von know wboiil die ilrst sihool building in acton and you 11 enjoy ton die reminiscences of fit hool tay tmitk tfrr half a century ago ier- liaiw too you know what industry once stood win re mr j ii heed a house now i- land 011 mam atret and uboul the old cahloinla house and die main tn et 1 uilw ays 111 cidi nls and a lot of 0u11 r dungs dint an- n latid in this book ou uiigtil mhi like to nail ol now men who hot drunk and beat llieir wives win tittltd in the old dayi tin- tik it lis alsiiit at ion gulf club too ami sunn- i du younger fobt iever nall4d dim ailon evir liul a golf club kuril stiuiis in the old lanneries are ielaud uhi antl the imok ells almut the first liii m it in ai urn we jliave had reul enjuyment jvnislna and indtxlng the three hundred iat or incident its a voluiiht that will johd reading imtfr tluin tint e its bwn fiui nading all die tnries before they were done iiifd ry member of the family will want lo read them after uuy art done detail instructions of how to knit sock a given in the hod cross booklet are printed on page klght of this issue clip it for hit ure reference and more powerful than any man or group of men might will not prevail in uu- long run but right will und we need a safe anchorage in ood ood is over all and uirouith alt ibs love to mr nintoul u a forceful speaker who presents his subject clcorly and with cusy understanding his sermons were ffreuuy m enjoyed by uie conbregauons contlnuikl on p mv j force eijxtrk team now in flkst puce porceselertrtc 5pin team defeated bartletfr 62 tiiwduy night in u commercial bowling league game at ouelpli this wiik puis the acton team in uitd bpated leadership of uie lnaipje for acton n morton had high thren games with c01 with j adairuon close second mb adainson had high single gome wiui a score of mv comin kvtuu c on hmlimi ri1 ua with minim im tlti- i ooodljy mr clilim at angary acton ootiiber jj mollnw and evening lunuoriml uy liikrjuo iodk ibvuuf nrtcm pntomdn ion wir work ibs